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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « مدیریت و پیشگیری از جرم » در نشریات گروه « جغرافیا »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «مدیریت و پیشگیری از جرم» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • تقی حیدری*، شهرام محمدی
    از زمینه های ناپایداری توسعه شهری به ویژه در کشورهای در حال توسعه، سکونتگاه های غیررسمی می باشد که به علت عدم توانایی سیاست های شهری برای حل و فصل مشکلات مسکن اقشار آسیب پذیر جامعه و کنترل مهاجرت ها شکل گرفته است. سکونت گاه های غیررسمی با تجمعی از اقشار کم درآمد و غالبا با مشاغل غیررسمی و شیوه ای از شهرنشینی ناپایدار همراه اند و به دلیل برخورداری از شرایط انزوا زمینه ساز بسیاری از آسیب های اجتماعی به شمار می روند. هدف پژوهش حاضر شناسایی عوامل تاثیرگذار بر آسیب های اجتماعی ناشی از اسکان غیررسمی و وضعیت آن ها در محله غیررسمی اسلام آباد شهر زنجان می باشد. روش پژوهش اکتشافی- تحلیلی بوده و روش جمع آوری اطلاعات با استفاده از مطالعات کتابخانه ای و پرسشنامه بوده است. تعداد نمونه آماری مورد مطالعه جهت تکمیل پرسشنامه شامل 382 نفر از ساکنین محله غیررسمی اسلام آباد می باشد. شاخص های تحقیق در قالب ابعاد شش گانه آسیب های اجتماعی شامل ابعاد اقتصادی، محیطی، اجتماعی-فرهنگی، خانوادگی، فردی-روانی، مدیریتی به صورت محقق ساخته بوده و با مطالعه پیشینه تحقیق و نظریه ها و رویکردهای آسیب های اجتماعی تنظیم گردیده است. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آزمون تحلیل عاملی، آزمون تک نمونه ای t، آزمون رگرسیون خطی چندگانه و الگوی تحلیل یکپارچه ANP بهره گرفته شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که مهم ترین عوامل تقویت کننده آسیب های اجتماعی در محله غیررسمی اسلام آباد ناشی از بیکاری (با ضریب 0.980)، بی عدالتی (با ضریب 0.988)، و توزیع ناعادلانه ثروت (با ضریب 0.978) می باشد و بعد «اجتماعی- فرهنگی» (با ضریب 0.627=β) بیش ترین همبستگی را بر گسترش آسیب های اجتماعی دارد. یعنی با تضعیف شرایط اجتماعی-فرهنگی در جامعه، آسیب های اجتماعی نیز گسترش پیدا می کند.
    کلید واژگان: آسیب شناسی اجتماعی, حاشیه نشینی, مدیریت و پیشگیری از جرم, شهر زنجان}
    Taghi Heydari *, Shahram Mohammadi
    Unofficial settlements are one of the unsustainability backgrounds especially in developing countries, and have been formed due to the inability of urban policies to solve housing problems for vulnerable sections of society and migrations control. Informal settlements are associated with aggregation of low-income people and often with informal occupations and unstable urbanization, so that underlie many social pathos. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting social pathos caused by informal settlements and their status in informal neighborhood of Islamabad in Zanjan city. The research method is exploratory-analytical and the data were collected through library studies and questionnaire. The number of statistical sample consists of 382 people of Islamabad neighborhood settlers. The research indicators are structured in the form of six dimensions of social pathos including economic, environmental, socio-cultural, familial, individual-psychological and managerial as researcher-made, and have been adjusted by studying the research background and theories and social pathos approaches. Factor analysis, single sample t test, multiple linear regression test and ANP integrated analysis model were used for data analysis. The findings show that the most important reinforcementing factors to social pathos in Islamabad neighborhood are unemployment (with coefficient of 0.980), inequality (with coefficient of 0.988), and unequal distribution of wealth (with coefficient of 0.978). "Socio-cultural" (with the coefficient β = 0.627) have the highest correlation with the spread of social pathos. Means, as social-cultural conditions weaken in society, social pathos also spread.  Extended abstract
            Informal settlements as instability backgrounds of urban development, especially in developing countries, while creating a chaotic landscape in a particular part of the city, impose widespread social, economic and cultural damages on the whole city. So that there is a high percentage of illiteracy, unemployment, crime and mental disorders in these areas. Accordingly, informal housing is considered as one of the bases for social pathos and anomalies. The aforementioned pathos and anomalies can gradually disrupt the process of social life in the city, thus making urban management face with difficulty. In this regard, the present study is a scientific attempt to explain the interrelationships, mutual relationships and interactions between social structures and physical structures in the emergence of urban problems and pathos through understanding and analyzing the spatial patterns of human behavior and social pathos in Islamabad Neighborhood of Zanjan as one of the largest informal settlements in the city. Therefore, identifying the factors affecting the social pathos caused by the suburbs and their status in this area is the main issue of this study. Accordingly, the present study sought to answer these questions: What are the factors affecting the spread of social pathos in the informal neighborhood of Islamabad? What is the status of each of the factors affecting the spread of social pathos in the informal Neighborhood of Islamabad?   
              The present research is based on a retrospective strategy and it is an exploratory-analytical research. The statistical population of the study was the population of Islamabad neighborhood of Zanjan which was 35820 people in 1395. Then, using Morgan sampling method, 382 people were selected as the statistical sample for interviewing and distributing the questionnaire. The research indicators are research made and have been formulated in the form of six dimensions of social pathos including economic, socio-cultural, familial, environmental, individual-psychological and managerial and have been adjusted by background research and theories and approaches on social pathos. The required data and information were collected through library and field studies and questionnaire were used. Data analysis was performed through factor analysis test, single sample t test, multiple linear regression test and ANP integrated analysis model. SPSS and Expert Choice software were used to analyze the data.
    Results and discussion
             Survey of social pathos indicators based on factor analysis shows that most of the indicators and items of the research have higher than average factor score. As a result, the coefficients are of great importance in identifying social pathos from the statistical sample point of view. In this regard, economic indicators are the most important regenerator factors to social pathos in Islamabad neighborhood. According to the one-sample t-test, the average effect of indicators on the spread of social pathos in Islamabad neighborhood is 3.33. That is, on average, research indicators have a spreading impact on social pathos. A more detailed analysis of the indicators shows that each of these components does not have the same or similar effect on the neighborhood, the results of the single-sample T-test, and its generalization to the entire Islamabad neighborhood, show a significant impact of economic factors (t = 22.9) on the spreading of social pathos in the neighborhood. According to the results of multiple linear regression tests, the coefficient of R2 is 0.692 and R is 0.696. Therefore, it can be said that the relationship of economic, socio-cultural, familial, environmental, individual-psychological and managerial components with social pathos is high and acceptable. Since the significance level is less than 0.05, there is a significant relationship between the above indicators and the spread of social pathos, and the "socio-cultural" indicators with the coefficient (β = 0.627) had the highest correlation with social pathos. In addition, given the R value, it can be said that the six factors contributing to the spread of social pathos accounted for 69% of the social pathos variable in Zanjan in Islamabad neighborhood. Integrated analysis of social pathos status with ANP model shows that familial and economic components have a favorable status and high importance, managerial, environmental and social components have a poor status and high importance, the individual-psychological component has a favorable status but low importance.
             According to the results, economic indicators have gained the most score and from the statistical sample point of view, these indicators are the most effective component in spreading social pathos in Islamabad neighborhood. While the most researches on informal settlements emphasize the role of managerial factors, particularly physical management, some studies also emphasize the role of social and cultural factors, especially the familial, and its problems in the spread of social pathos. As such, it cannot be considered just a factor contributing to the spread of social pathos in society. Regarding the organized and pervasive relationships of urban phenomena and elements with each other, a variety of factors in relation to each other leads to the creation of a structural-functional urban space, which is subsequently influenced by the space. Also, given the moderate spread of social pathos, the current process shows that from the residents’ viewpoint, social pathos have the worse status and the statistical community is more concerned about these conditions. In addition, a more detailed analysis of the indicators affecting social vulnerability suggests that socio-cultural indicators have the highest correlation with social pathos. This trend shows that due to poor urban management and lack of social services in informal settlements, families with numerous economic and family problems and sometimes family members' illnesses, migrate to these neighborhoods. And because of the cheap land and housing, Poor people with limited ability to solve socio-economic problems reside in these neighborhoods. In addition, the integrated analysis based on the ANP model indicates that the familial and economic factors have the greatest impact on the spread of social pathos with the coefficient of importance and the type of relationship and the impact on the indicators.
    Keywords: Social Pathology, Marginalization, Management, Prevention of Crime, Zanjan City}
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