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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « شهر ورزقان » در نشریات گروه « جغرافیا »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «شهر ورزقان» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • عذرا معصومی، بختیار فیضی زاده*، خلیل ولیزاده کامران

    دینامیک بودن یکی از ویژگی های مهم مناطق شهری است که به تبع آن نیازمندی به اطلاعات بروز و دقیق از تغییرات شهری برای مدیریت منابع شهری را مطرح می سازد. بنابراین تشخیص خودکار عوارض شهری در تصاویر هوایی و ماهواره ای در گستره وسیعی از جمله مدیریت بحران و برنامه ریزی شهری از اهمیت زیادی برخوردار است. در تحقیق حاضر سعی شد تا با استخراج ساختمان ها با روش شیءگرا و ارزیابی دقت حاصل از طبقه بندی به معرفی شاخص های بهینه برای ارایه چارچوبی نیمه اتوماتیک پرداخته شود که هم از دقت بالایی برخوارد باشد و استخراج عوارض شهری از تصاویر ماهواره ای را در کمترین زمان میسر سازد. فرآیند انجام تحقیق مبتنی بر روش پردازش شیء گرا عکس هوایی تهیه شده با پهباد در شهر ورزقان است. در این راستا، از قابلیت تکنیکهای پردازش شیء گرا در ارایه انواع الگوریتم ها و ایجاد الگوهای پردازش نیمه خودکار استفاده شده است. برای این منظور تصاویر با مقیاس 80، بخش بندی شده و سپس با الگوریتم تقسیم بندی چند متغیره مورد تجزیه تحلیل قرار گرفت. طبقه بندی کلاس ها با بررسی آستانه ها کارآمد برای 10 الگوریتم ژیومتری و مکانی انجام شده و دقت حاصله با استفاده از نقاط کنترل مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. درراستای سنجش کارآمدی روش های پردازش شیءگرا، نتایج نشان می دهد که شاخص شکل با دقت 97% ، ضریب کاپای 0.94 و ضریب روشنایی با دقت 98% ، ضریب کاپای 0.96 از قابلیت موثری برای استخراج ساختمانهای شهری برخوردار هستند. نتایج این تحقیق درارایه پارامترهای کارآمد برای استخراج انواع عوراض شهری از کاربردهای متعددی برخوردار بوده و علاوه بر متخصصین سنجش از دور، می تواند برای برنامه ریزان و تصمیم گیران شهری در راستای شناسایی ساخت و سازها و در کل بررسی تغییرات شهری از قابلیت بالایی برخوردار باشد.

    کلید واژگان: استخراج ساختمان های شهری, پردازش شیءگرا, ارزیابی صحت, شهر ورزقان}
    Azra Masumei, Bakhtiar Feizizadeh *, Khalil Valizadeh Kamran

    Public art has followed a new trend in urban spaces in recent years, so that cities invest highly in the design and implementing of public works of art and improving the visual quality of urban spaces, since it is effective in creating good urban spaces and making the city attractive and memorable. It also encourages people to communicate with works of art and each other. Although public art as an art integrated with the public space of cities is not a new concept, many changes have been created in public art and it caused the creation of various types of public art in most cases from a purely static art to a dynamic and interactive art. This article aims to investigate the effect of public art in urban spaces on promoting the perceived vitality of young people. Despite the importance and role of public art in the quality of urban public spaces, studies conducted in the area of public art have not paid much attention to the effect of different types of public arts in public spaces on vitality of people, especially young people. Thus, this study was conducted with the aim of answering the question of “which type of public art has a greater impact on promoting the perceived vitality of young people in urban spaces?”

    Data and Methods

    The present study is a qualitative-quantitative (mixed) study conducted as a survey. In the present study, visual approach and image reading were used to collect information.  Visual research is a term that includes methods based on data collection and analysis of them through designing, painting, photography, film, or video images.  In this article, public arts and interactive arts were divided into different types based on theoretical foundations and research literature and  an image was selected from each type of art and through an online questionnaire was submitted to the participants and they were asked to express their level of vitality from watching that work of art in urban spaces on a 5-point Likert scales. This questionnaire was designed and sent to the target population through cyberspace applications.  Since the target population of the present article was young people, the sample was selected among the students of Tabriz University and the students of Nabi Akram Institute of Higher Education in Tabriz in the second semester of 2020-2021. To determine the sample size, Cochran's formula with an error level of 5% was used. According to the number of students in these two universities (27000 people), the sample size of 379 was selected. After sending the questionnaire to nearly 380 people, 144 people completed the questionnaire. In this research, both art and architecture students and non-art and architecture students in both bachelor and master levels were surveyed.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    The research results revealed that among different types of public arts in urban spaces, sound and digital arts such as musical fountain, and the integrated art embedded in the elements available in space such as wall relief in the body of the building and the art appropriate to the site, such as plants formed in parks, regardless of the three criteria of gender, age, education and field of study, are accepted by all young people and increase vitality, but abstract static art is less welcomed by young people. Among the interactive arts, dynamic-passive interactive art and static interactive art obtained the highest score in terms of creating a sense of vitality among young people, and in contrast, dynamic-dynamic interactive art obtained the lowest score. Art related to public and local culture caused the highest vitality among male young people and young non-art and architecture master students, and digital art caused the highest vitality among females and bachelor art and architecture students. In addition, among non-art and architecture bachelor students, two-dimensional applied art obtained a relatively high score.


     The results show that creating static works of art is not effective in designing cities and using public art to create a sense of vitality in urban space and young people show higher tendency to dynamic work of arts. Also, interactive works of art are more acceptable than non-interactive types, and urban planners should pay attention to this issue in embedding works of art in urban spaces and take right decisions and actions to increase presence, interaction, and vitality among young people in urban spaces. Also, the use of modern technologies and creativity in the artistic design of cities is one of the requirements for adapting the urban space to spirits of young people.

    Keywords: Urban buildings extraction, Object-based image analysis, Accuracy assessment, Varzaghan city}
  • پریچهر مصری علمداری*، منصور خیری زاده آروق

    هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر ارایه یک چارچوب روش شناسی برای ارزیابی سریع و کارآمد آسیب پذیری فضاهای شهری نسبت به زلزله است. بسیاری از متغیرهای موثر بر آسیب پذیری لرزه ای شهرها از ماهیت مکانی برخوردار هستند؛ ازاین رو استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی در ترکیب و یکپارچه نمودن این متغیرها می تواند به نتایج مطلوبی منجر شود. با این حال، یکی از مهم ترین مسایل روی هم گذاری لایه های داده در سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی مربوط به عدم قطعیت های وزن دهی و تصمیم گیری است. در پژوهش حاضر سعی شد که با استفاده از توابع تیوری کاتاستروف این گونه عدم قطعیت ها تا حد زیادی تعدیل شوند. در تیوری کاتاستروف، اهمیت هر یک از متغیرها از طریق مکانیسم درونی سیستم محاسبه می شود. درواقع، استفاده از رویکرد مذکور باعث تکرارپذیری نتایج مدل می گردد که مزیتی قابل توجه به شمار می رود. ارزیابی آسیب پذیری لرزه ای شهر ورزقان با استفاده از توابع تیوری کاتاستروف نشان می دهد که بالغ بر 9 درصد از محدوده قانونی شهر در کلاس آسیب پذیری بسیار زیاد و 12 درصد آن در کلاس آسیب پذیری زیاد واقع شده است. در این رابطه، بخش عمده ای از مرکز شهر ورزقان در برابر زلزله از آسیب پذیری بالایی برخوردار است. تراکم بالای مسکونی و ساختمانی، کیفیت پایین ساختمان ها، قدمت بالا و مصالح نامطلوب بناها، محصورشدگی و کمبود فضاهای باز شهری، لیتولوژی و زیربنای سست، عدم دسترسی مطلوب به خدمات بیمارستانی و آتش نشانی و غیره منجر به افزایش آسیب پذیری این بخش از شهر شده است.

    کلید واژگان: آسیب پذیری, زلزله, تئوری کاتاستروف, GIS, شهر ورزقان}
    Parichehr Mesri Alamdari *, Mansour Kheirizadeh Arough

    The main purpose of the current study was to provide a methodological framework for quick and efficient assessment of the vulnerability of urban spaces to earthquake. Most of the variables affecting seismic vulnerability in cities are spatial in nature, so using a geographic information system for integration of these variables can lead to desirable results. However, one of the most important subjects in overlaying of layers in a geographic information system is the uncertainty in weighting and decision making. In this study, attempts were made to modify such uncertainties to a large extent using the functions of catastrophe theory. Using the mentioned approach makes the results of the model repeatable, which is a considerable advantage. Regarding the catastrophe theory, an attempt was made to present the basic equations of this model in a concise and simple way. Varzeqan city was selected for evaluating the seismic vulnerability based on the catastrophe theory. Approximately 21 percent of the total area of Varzeqan lies in the high and very high vulnerability classes. Given that the area of the city's built-up lands is about 32 percent, considerable percentage of these lands in the city is in high and very high vulnerability classes. Distribution of these zones is impressive, especially in the center of the city. These zones can be considered the most critical regions of Varzeqan. Unstable geological formations, high residential and population density, fine grained building, low quality buildings and lack of urban open spaces have caused this region to have severe vulnerability to earthquake.

    Keywords: Seismic Vulnerability, Catastrophe theory, Geographic Information System, Varzeqan}
  • منیژه لاله پور*

    آمادگی مردم و اجتماعات محلی به منظور مواجهه با چنین حوادثی از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار است. بر اساس این ضرورت؛ تحقیق حاضر سطح آمادگی خانوارهای شهر ورزقان را در برابر بلایای طبیعی مورد بررسی قرار داده است. شهر ورزقان از شهرهای آسیب پذیر در برابر بلایایی همچون زلزله، سیل و کولاک است. بدین منظور، بر اساس مطالعه ادبیات نظری و پیشینه ی پژوهش، مفهوم آمادگی در  قالب 4 مولفه، 10 شاخص و 43 گویه تعریف شده است. روش تحقیق این پژوهش توصیفی- تحلیلی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش کلیه ی خانوارهای شهر ورزقان هست که با استفاده از فرمول کوکران حجم آن 305 خانوار تعیین شد. شیوه جمع آوری داده ها و اطلاعات تحقیق به صورت کتابخانه ای-اسنادی و میدانی (پرسشنامه) بوده است. یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد که، آمادگی عملیاتی (0.088) و ذهنی- نگرشی (0.241) وضعیت نامطلوب دارند و آمادگی فیزیکی- کالبدی با بازه اطمینان (0.005)در وضعیت مناسبی قرار دارد. همچنین بر اساس نتایج تحلیل واریانس یک طرفه بین محلات (قدیم، میانی، جدید) ورزقان از نظر آمادگی خانوار در برابر بلایای طبیعی تفاوت معناداری وجود ندارد. ولی نتایج این آزمون برای تفاوت مولفه ها در بین خانوارها نشان داد که آمادگی کالبدی- فیزیکی با میانگین 3.100 در مقایسه با آمادگی عملیاتی با میانگین 2.947 دارای معناداری است.

    کلید واژگان: بلایای طبیعی, آمادگی, خانوارها, شهر ورزقان}
    Manijeh Lalehpour*

    Humans awareness of hazards and reaction to them, depends on the past experience and information and knowledge received from family, environment and society. Getting knowledge and experience about hazards is an educational process and need guidance in order to stay in the right way. Although the response is very important, the other way of reducing the impact of crises on societies is consideration the process of preparation in order to reduce vulnerability and improve flexibility. Elimination of hazards is impossible, but reduction of its damage is possible and society readiness is considered as part of decrease in damage and vulnerability program. More emphasis of readiness phase is empowerment and capacity building in the society which is at risk. Since every crisis is a local event, readiness begins from home with some simple steps in order to enhance the level of safety in life, protect life and property against events. Regarding importance of the subject, the present research has considered the level of readiness of Varzeqan city's households against natural hazards. Among 41 types of natural hazards in the world, 31 disasters occur in different regions of Iran. In Varzaghan based on its location, geological structure and existence of natural elements various disasters happen every year. One of the hazards that threatens Varzagan is flood, earthquake, snowfall, severe cold, blizzard and etc. Varzaghan is one of the most vulnerable areas which locating at the Alborz and Zagros Mountains encountering. Varzaghan is considered as one of the earthquake prone regions of the country. There is an earthquake hazard in the whole of the region, and the latest earthquake in the area occurred at 16:53, August 11, 2012, with a magnitude of 6.4 near the cities of Ahar and Varzaghan.  Considering the importance of investigation of this subject in the study area, the research hypotheses are as follows: The readiness of households against natural hazards in the Varzgan city is not appropriate. There is a significant difference among the urban neighborhoods of Varzaghan in readiness against natural hazards. There is a significant difference among the readiness components of Varzaghan city's households against natural disasters.


     The research method is descriptive-analytic, which is done using library-documentary and field study (questionnaire). The statistical population of the research is the households of Varzaghan city, which according to the statistic of 2015 were 1401 households. The sample size was estimated 305 households using Cochran formula. The analysis unit has been selected the households of old, middle and new textures of Varzaghan city. For sampling a cluster (neighborhoods), class (context) and simple random sampling (households) have been used. Validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the experts. Cronbach's alpha method was used to reliability evaluation of measure instrument, which indicates the data is reliable (0.935). In order to find answer to the first hypothesis and measure the level of desirability of household readiness, one sample T test was used. To answer the second hypothesis and study of significance difference in readiness level among the neighborhoods of Varzaghan city, one-way analysis of variance has been used. To answer the third hypothesis and study of significance difference among the components of Varzaghan household's readiness, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test has been used.

    Results and Discussion

     The results of t test for readiness of the Varzagan households against natural disasters indicate that the P-value (0.312) is greater than the alpha level (0.05); As a result, the state of readiness is not suitable and the first hypothesis of the research is confirmed. The neighborhoods difference has been studied in terms of readiness components among the old, middle and new textures. The results of one-way analysis of variance for differences in the level of readiness of households living in these neighborhoods indicate that there is no significant difference in the level of readiness among neighborhoods of Varzaghan city. The P-value obtained in this test is 0.743, which is greater than the alpha value of 0.05; Therefore, H0 is confirmed and the second hypothesis of the research is rejected. The reason for the lack of significant difference among neighborhoods is that of the homogeneity of the social and economic conditions of the people of the city, the lack of difference and discrimination among the city's textures and the equal consideration of them for the planning and implementation of programs, low population and small size of the city, which makes every program and training course to be considered for the whole city so that the entire population of the city is in a same state of readiness. The results of one-way ANOVA test showed the difference among the components. P-value in this test is 0.004, which is below the alpha level of 0.05; therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the third hypothesis of research is confirmed. The results of the Tukey test in determining the difference among the components show that group A contains physical readiness with an average of 3.1 and operational readiness with an average of 2.947 is in group B. Mental-attitude readiness with an average of 3.037 is in both groups. In the output of the second part of this test, there is only a difference between the operational readiness and physical readiness, and there is not significant difference between the other components.


    Households' readiness has been studied in terms of three components, namely operational, mental-attitude and physical. The society preparation goal is rapid response to reduce the damages and short-term and long-term problems caused by a hazard and, ultimately, to reduce the damage and prevent them. The present research considered the level of readiness of Varzeqan city's households against natural hazards. In Varzaghan based on its location, geological structure and existence of natural elements various disasters happen every year. In general, the results of this study indicate that this region need to take the risks resulted from natural hazards seriously and increase the readiness of citizens against it. This requires serious attention to the public education of all classes and households by institutions and organizations which are responsible for this field.

    Keywords: : Natural hazards, Household readiness, Varzeqan City}
  • گلزار عینالی، بختیار فیضی زاده*، محمدحسین رضایی مقدم

    فناوری سنجش از دور در مدیریت بحران به عنوان یک فناوری مهم برای جمع آوری اطلاعات در یک فاجعه در مقیاس بزرگ شناخته می شود در این زمینه، آشکارسازی میزان آسیب پذیری ساختمان های شهری پس از زلزله و برآورد سریع نسبت تخریب برای فراهم آوردن اطلاعات مورد نیاز تیم های امداد و نجات، از مهم ترین اصول مدیریت بحران محسوب می شود. در این تحقیق به بررسی کارایی روش های پردازش شیءگرا در شناسایی برآورد تاثیرات تخریبی زلزله با استفاده از عکس های هوایی رقومی پرداخته شد و کارایی این روش ها برای ارایه روش نیمه اتوماتیک به منظور استخراج سریع نسبت تخریب حادث شده در زلزله شهرستان ورزقان ارزیابی شد. برای این منظور از تصاویر رقومی تهیه شده توسط سازمان نقشه برداری پس از وقوع زلزله استفاده شد. پس از آماده سازی عکس های هوایی رقومی، به سگمنت سازی پرداخته شده و تصاویر با روش Multiresoletion سگمنت سازی شد. در ادامه با شناسایی روش های مناسب شیءپایه، 11 الگوریتم از روش های طیفی، هندسی، ژیومتری و محیطی استفاده شده و مناطق تخریب شده شناسایی شد. در مرحله بعد، نتایج الگوریتم ها مقایسه و صحت سنجی شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که در مقیاس بافر 5 متر، تمامی الگوریتم های استفاده شده صحت بیش از 90 درصد دارند و می توانند مناطق تخریب شده را شناسایی کنند. این در حالی است که در مقیاس بافر 10 متر الگوریتم های ضریب روشنایی و فشردگی با 03/93، اشکال منظم هندسی و ضریب گردشدگی با 07/96 درصد و ضریب بیضوی با 15/92 درصد بیشترین کارایی را دارند. نتایج این تحقیق در زمینه به کارگیری انواع الگوریتم های طیفی، مکانی و ژیومتری برای ارایه روشی نیمه اتوماتیک در شناسایی مناطق تخریب شده پس از وقوع زلزله و شناسایی کارامدترین آنها اهمیت زیادی دارد و می تواند راهگشای تحقیقات آتی در این زمینه باشد.

    کلید واژگان: برآورد اثرهای تخریبی زلزله, پردازش شیءپایه تصاویر ماهواره ای, شهر ورزقان}
    Golzar Einali, Bakhtiar Feizizadeh *, Mohamad Hossein Rezaei Moghdam

    Iran is known as one of the most susceptible countries in earthquakes hazard. Therefore, estimating of the damaged area, in context of earthquake hazard, provides valuable information for risk management. In this regard, the collapsed buildings and the degree of damage in the affected areas, and the type of damage caused by each building leads to assess the caused damage immediately. Technically speaking, this is part of the essential information for successful relief and rescue after an earthquake and reconstruction in disaster areas. In recent years, remote sensing technology has been used as a means of collecting information in crisis management in a large-scale disaster. Therefore, the remote sensing based damage assessment is an efficient technology for obtaining information from damaged buildings at short intervals, at a low cost, and with a vast field of view in urban areas. It has been widely using for assessing earthquake damage and monitoring the damaged buildings. The main objective of this research is to apply object based image analysis (OBIA) for damage detection and mapping in Varzaghan City.


    On August 21, 2012, two earthquakes with a low distance of 6.4 and 6.3 magnitudes occurred, in 60 kilometers northeast of Tabriz. That earthquake caused the loss of 327 inhabitants, severe destruction of more than 20 villages and many buildings in both cities of Ahar and Varzaghan. The present study presents a basic object pattern for identifying the damaging effects of the earthquake that has been exploited using digital aerial photography and OBIA techniques. In this research, various satellite image object-based processing techniques have been tested and used to introduce to the most important spatial, geometric and spectral indices in the identification of damaged areas. At first, segmentation in two scales of 60 and 100 is performed using multi-resolution segmentation technique. We also used equal weight for all bands. The coefficient of compression was 0.5, and the coefficient was about 1/0. In doing so, 11 algorithms were applied for destructive detection.


    The results of the algorithms were compared and verified. We compared the capability of 11 algorithms. The results with 5 meters buffer scale indicated that all algorithms covers the correctness of over 90%. In the scale buffer of 10 meters, the results indicate the accuracy of 93.93 percent. According to results, the geometric and rounded shapes with 96.07% and elliptic with 92.12% represent the highest efficiency. Depending on the destructive areas extracted, shown on separate maps for each indicator, buildings destroyed in the old city's texture on the edge of the river, the core of the town of Varzagan has been concentrated. Basically, it has residential, livestock and storage facilities for keeping livestock forage. New or almost new materials with industrial, residential and other uses are not damaged. Results of this research are important for risk management, and can be used for rapid monitoring of damaged area and zones after earthquake hazards.

    Keywords: Object Based Image Analysis, Damage Assessment, Earthquake hazard, Varzagan City}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
درخواست پشتیبانی - گزارش اشکال