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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Shahoo » در نشریات گروه « جغرافیا »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Shahoo» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • مسعود صفری علی اکبری*، داود جمینی، زهرا اسمعیلی

    سیاست تبدیل روستا به شهر منجر به تغییر و تحولات متعددی در عرصه فضای جدید شهری می شود و گاها مسایل و مشکلات متعددی را به همراه دارد. هدف مطالعه کمی و کاربردی حاضر که با روش توصیفی - تحلیلی انجام گرفته است، بررسی و تحلیل اثرات سیاست تبدیل نقاط روستایی به شهر از دیدگاه ساکنان شهر شاهو است. جامعه آماری پژوهش را 1049 نفر از سرپرستان خانوار تشکیل می دهد که از میان آن ها 150 نفر به عنوان نمونه آماری در نظر گرفته شده اند. ابزار اصلی برای جمع آوری داده های میدانی پرسشنامه محقق ساخته است که روایی (صوری) و پایایی آن بررسی و تایید شده است. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد میزان رضایتمندی ساکنان از سیاست تبدیل روستا به شهر با میانگین 33/3 بالاتر از حد متوسط می باشد. با این وجود نتایج بررسی اثرات سیاست تبدیل روستا به شهر بر اساس ابعاد اصلی توسعه پایدار شهری با استفاده از آزمون ویلکاکسون نشان می دهد میانگین رتبه ای محاسبه شده برای ابعاد توسعه اجتماعی و فرهنگی، اقتصادی و زیست محیطی - کالبدی در مرحله قبل از شهر شدن به ترتیب 29/59، 82/48 و 13 بوده است که در مرحله بعد به ترتیب به 38/55، 83/42 و 18/55 تغییر یافته اند. در واقع نتایج نشانگر موفقیت سیاست تبدیل روستا به شهر در بعد زیست محیطی کالبدی و عدم موفقیت آن در ابعاد اجتماعی و فرهنگی و اقتصادی است. همچنین نتایج بررسی اثر کلی سیاست مذکور بر توسعه پایدار شهری نشان داد میانگین رتبه ای محاسبه شده در مرحله قبل 49/55 بوده که به 11/68 افزایش یافته است و این مهم نشانگر موفقیت کلی این سیاست در ارتقای توسعه پایدار شهری است.

    کلید واژگان: توسعه پایدار شهری, سیاست-گذاری, مدیریت شهری, شاهو}
    Mashood Safari Aliakbari *, Davood Jamini, Zahra Esmaili

    In order to establish order and balance in the hierarchy of the urban space system, as well as following the macro and regional policies for the development of human settlements, every year in our country, villages become cities. The policy of turning the village into a city leads to many changes and developments in the field of new urban space and sometimes brings with it many problems and issues. The inhabitants of these residential spaces are the most indigenous and local strata who are aware of the effects of this policy. Therefore, examining the effects of the policy of turning the village into a city from their point of view is an important step in criticizing and examining this macro policy in our country. The purpose of the present quantitative and applied study, which has been done by descriptive-analytical method, is to study and analyze the effects of the policy of converting rural areas to cities from the perspective of Shahoo Rurban residents (located in Ravansar Township and Kermanshah province). The statistical population of the study consists of 1049 heads of households, of which 150 are considered as a statistical sample. The main tool for collecting field data is a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity (formality) and reliability have been reviewed and confirmed. The results show that the level of residents' satisfaction with the policy of converting the village to the city with an average of 3.33 is above average. However, the results of the study of the effects of rural-urban transformation policy based on the main dimensions of sustainable urban development using the Wilcoxon test show the average rank calculated for the dimensions of social, cultural, economic and environmental-physical development in the pre-urbanization stage. 59.29, 48.82 and 13, respectively, which were changed to 55.38, 42.83 and 55.18, respectively. In fact, the results indicate the success of the policy of transforming the village into a city in the environmental-physical dimension and its failure in social, cultural and economic dimensions.

    Keywords: sustainable urban development, policy-making, Urban Management, Shahoo}
  • امجد ملکی، سارا محمدی، حاجی کریمی، علی اکبر زینتی زاده
    بررسی خصوصیات هیدروژئوشیمیایی چشمه ها در لندفرم های کارستی زاگرس می تواند راهنمای مناسبی برای تعیین میزان تکامل و توسعه ی کارست و مدیریت منابع آب این مناطق باشد. هدف این پژوهش مقایسه ی توسعه یافتگی کارست به کمک ویژگی های هیدروژئوشیمیایی چشمه های کارستی توده ی شاهو در زاگرس رورانده و آبخوان اسلام آباد در محدوده ی زاگرس چین خورده است. ابتدا با استفاده از نقشه های توپوگرافی، زمین شناسی، ژئومورفولوژی و مطالعات میدانی لندفرم های کارستی مناطق مورد مطالعه شناسایی شد. سپس 17 نمونه آب از چشمه های دائمی منطقه در فصل تر (اردیبهشت ماه 96) برداشت و در آزمایشگاه شیمی دانشگاه رازی تجزیه گردید. وضعیت هیدروژئوشیمیایی چشمه های فوق با استفاده از روش تحلیل مولفه های اصلی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. به منظور شناسایی فرآیندهای ژئوشیمیایی حاکم بر آبخوان ها، نمودارهای ترکیبی، نسبت های یونی و اندیس های اشباع کلسیت، دولومیت و ژیپس نمونه ها مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت و جهت صحت سنجی داده ها از نمودار MRDS استفاده شد. نتایج حاصل نشان داد که سیستم کارستی آبخوان شاهو نسبت به آبخوان اسلام آباد توسعه یافته تر است. رخساره ی کلسیتی، نسبت بالای Ca2+ به Mg2+ و پایین بودن شاخص اشباع دولومیت در شاهو که بیانگر خلوص بالای آهک است و بالا بودن نسبت دبی حداکثر به حداقل، که بیانگر تراکم بیشتر مجاری باز و وجود جریان مجرایی- انتشاری (آشفته- خطی) در آبخوان شاهو است نیز تایید کننده مطلب است. در مقابل، پایین بودن نسبت Ca2+ به Mg2+ در آبخوان اسلام آباد و بالا بودن شاخص اشباع دولومیت، مبین دولومیتی بودن کارست در این محدوده است. پایین بودن نسبت دبی حداکثر به حداقل در چشمه های محدوده ی اسلام آباد نیز نشان دهند ه ی وجود جریان انتشاری در آبخوان های این محدوده و عدم توسعه ی کامل کارست است.
    کلید واژگان: کارست, هیدروشیمیایی, چشمه ی کارستی, کرمانشاه}
    A. Malaki, S. Mohamadi, H. Karimi, Aa Zinati Zadeh
    Introduction Investigating the hydrogeochemical characteristics of springs in Zagros karstic landforms can be a useful guide to determine the extent of Karst development and management of water resources in these areas. The purpose of this research was to compare the development of karst with the help of hydro geochemical characteristics of Shahoo mass karstic springs having an area of 649 km2 in the thrust Zagros zone of the Kurdistan and Kermanshah Provinces, and Karstic aquifer of Islamabad with an area of 818 km2 in the simply folded zone of Zagros in Kermanshah Province. The most important carbonate formation in the Shahoo aquifer is Bisotun Limestone and in Islamabad aquifer is dolomitic limestone of Asmari and Telezang Formation. Therefore, due to the different dissolution capacities of various Zagros formations, this study investigates the dissolution of cations and anions, and in particular the rate of karstification of the two regions, by assessing the hydro geochemical characteristics of the karstic springs in the study areas.
    Methodology In order to evaluate the hydro geochemical characteristics of the karstic springs in the Shahoo and Islamabad aquifers, after field visits , the karst features and formations, faults and fractures were identified and their location was determined using GPS .Then, 17 water samples were taken from karst springs of the Shahoo and Islamabad aquifers in wet season (May 2017). Finally, using ionic ratios (calcium to magnesium ratio), combinational charts and Calcite and Dolomite saturation indices using R-software and PhreeQC software, different water characteristics of karstic aquifer and dissolution rate of anions, cations and karstification of the two regions were investigated.
    Results and discussion The results of quantitative water analysis helps to explain the karstic features of the areas. Generally speaking, the hydro chemical properties of water, along with geological formations, reflect the degree of dissolution of carbonate compounds and, in turn, the extent of karst development in the regions. Therefore, for the evaluation of hydro geochemical properties of karst springs, 17 water samples were collected from permanent springs in two Shahoo and Islamabad aquifers and the results were investigated by hydro geochemical methods. The results of the high calcium/magnesium ratio in Shahoo springs compared to the Islamabad aquifer clearly indicate the high purity of limestone and the presence of developed karst aquifers in the Shahoo area (Bisotun limestone) compared to the dolomite Karst of Islamabad aquifer (Asmari and Shahbazan Formations).This is confirmed by the high values ​​of the calcite saturation indices and the lower degree of dolomite saturation indices in the Shahoo compare to Islamabad aquifer. This indicates a large connection between groundwater and the lithology of the aquifer, impurities in the lime of the region, diffusion nature of Karst and a long residence time, all of which are indicative of lower Karst development in Islamabad area. The low discharge of the springs of this area along with low fluctuations in the discharge in dry and wet seasons as well as the high dissolved ions (water electrical conductivity and hardness) as well as the amount of bicarbonate and sulfate ions in the water confirm the lower karst development compare to Shahoo aquifer. Therefore, it can be concluded that the type of flow regime in the Shahoo aquifer is mainly conduit flow which the conduits are well developed, while the karst system in Islamabad aquifer is mainly diffuse.
    The results of the Ahmad Synthetic Chart (MRD) indicate that the type of water in most of the Shahoo massif is of bicarbonate calcium type (calcite bicarbonate) and water of most springs of the of the Islamabad aquifer is of the bicarbonate magnesium type. This diagram also confirms the lithology of Shahoo aquifer and Islamabad aquifers as limestone and dolomite respectively, and consequently indicating the greater dissolution potential and karst developmental within the Shahoo area (as calcite dissolves faster than dolomite) in contrast to the Islamabad aquifer.
    Conclusion The most important difference between the two Shahoo and the Islamabad aquifers are the difference in rainfall and temperature, the different effects of tectonics and different lithology, causing a difference in the solubility of the region which created springs with different discharges in the regions. High rainfall, snowiness, low temperature, which dissolves more carbon dioxide in water, and lithology and geomorphological features of Shahoo aquifer have led to the higher karst development in this area. Although Asmari lime in the Islamabad area is also susceptible to karstification, but it has youthfulness, purity and less thickness compared to the Bismuth lime, lower precipitation mainly in the rain form, higher temperature and the effect of geomorphologic factors such as aquifer shape, altitude and different effects of tectonic performance, have led to a lower degree of Karst development in Islamabad than Shahoo, which was examined and confirmed by hydro geochemical studies in this study. Considering the importance of the karstic territories of western Iran, and in particular the Kermanshah province and the vulnerability of karst aquifers, their vulnerability assessment is one of the most important management approaches to encounter potential risks, such as pollution, water supplies and the crisis of water resources. The study of karst development can provide a realistic view to investigate the karst system in such a way that with the help of these results, in addition to the accurate knowledge of the chemical and physical properties of these aquifers, we can better manage the amount and time of using of these aquifers that has to be taken into consideration by the relevant authorities.
    Keywords: karst development, Hydrogeochemical, Karstic spring, Shahoo, Islamabad aquifer}
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