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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « کانسلیم » در نشریات گروه « اقتصاد »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «کانسلیم» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • مهدی پدرام*، معصومه ترکمان احمدی، شادی لطفی

    اهمیت و جایگاه بورس اوراق بهادار به عنوان یکی از ارکان بازار سرمایه بر کسی پوشیده نیست. توفیق فعالین این بازار منوط به تسلط بر ساختار، فرصت ها و تهدیدهای آن و همچنین آگاهی از شیوه های تحلیل بازارهای مالی است. این پژوهش در این راستا سعی دارد در قلمرو زمانی پژوهش (ابتدای 1397 تا پایان 1398) و در چارچوب جامعه آماری پژوهش که کلیه ی شرکت های دو گروه نفتی و شیمیایی بورس تهران هستند، به بررسی مقایسه ای دو شیوه ی تحلیلی کانسلیم و ایچیموکو بپردازد. در این پژوهش ضمن شناسایی سهام برتر بر مبنای کانسلیم، به پس آزمایی استراتژی معاملاتی ایچیموکو و ارزیابی بازدهی آن پرداخته شده و در نهایت ضمن معرفی مدل کانسلیم تعدیل شده و متناسب با بورس تهران، به ارزیابی بازدهی استراتژی ترکیبی کانسلیم تعدیل شده و ایچیموکو پرداخته شده است. نتیجه کلی پژوهش به این شکل رقم خورد که بازدهی شیوه ی معامله گری ترکیبی کانسلیم تعدیل شده و ایچیموکو که نرخ معاملات موفق آن در این پژوهش دست کم 66 درصد بود، از شیوه سرمایه گذاری بر پایه کانسلیم، سودآورتر است. در این مطالعه معیارهای قیمت های بالاتر جدید، روند و جهت بازار و حمایت نهادهای پشتیبان که المان های تشکیل دهنده ی کانسلیم تعدیل شده هستند، به عنوان موثرترین شاخصه های شناسایی سهام برتر، شناخته شدند.

    کلید واژگان: بورس اوراق تهران, تحلیل فنی, تحلیل بنیادی, ایچیموکو, کانسلیم}
    Mahdi Pedram *, Masoumeh Tourkaman Ahmadi, Shadi Lotfi

    The success of capital market investors depends on their mastery of market structure, opportunities and threats, also knowledge of financial market analysis methods. This study, in the time domain of the research (2017 to 2018) and in the statistical population of the research, which is all the companies of the two petroleum and chemical groups of the Tehran Stock Exchange, tries to compare the two analytical methods of CANSLIM and Ichimoku. In this research, while identifying the top stocks based on CANSLIM, the back testing of the Ichimoku trading strategy and its profitability evaluation has been done, and finally, while introducing the adjusted CANSLIM model and appropriate to the Tehran Stock Exchange, the profitability of the combined strategy of adjusted CANSLIM and Ichimoku has been evaluated. The general result of the research was that the profitability of the combined trading method of adjusted CANSLIM and Ichimoku, whose win rate in this research was at least 66%, is more profitable than the investment method based on CANSLIM. In this study, the criteria of new higher prices, market direction, and the institutional sponsorship, which are the constituent elements of adjusted consensus, were recognized as the most effective indicators for identifying superior stocks.

    Keywords: Tehran Stock Exchange, Technical analysis, Fundamental analysis, Ichimoku, CANSLIM}
  • صادق بافنده ایمان دوست*، محمد لشکری، ملیحه یعقوب زاده

    نسبت قیمت به درآمد به نرخ رشد به عنوان یکی از مهمترین شاخص انتخاب سهام برای سرمایه گذار گارپ (روشی ترکیبی از سرمایه گذاری ارزشی و رشدی)، محسوب می شود. این نسبت ، تعادل و توازن بین پتانسیل رشد یک سهم و قیمت آن را ارزیابی می کند. در بخش اول این پژوهش ارتباط بین این نسبت به عنوان فاکتوری بنیادی که در ساختار آن نرخ رشد سود سهام به عنوان یک عامل اساسی لحاظ شده است با استراتژی کانسلیم به عنوان استراتژی ترکیبی از مدل بنیادی (با تفکر سرمایه گذاری رشدی و کیفی) و مدل تکنیکی، ارزیابی شده است. نمونه مورد مطالعه کلیه صنایع تولید کننده مواد پایه (صنایع شیمیایی، فلزات اساسی، کانی های فلزی) در بورس و فرابورس تهران در بازه زمانی (1396-1392) است که به روش همبستگی مبتنی بر تحلیل رگرسیون چند متغیره مبتنی بر داده های پانل و مقطعی صورت گرفته است. متغیرهای توضیحی این پژوهش عبارتند از رشد سود فصلی، متوسط رشد سود پنج ساله، نسبت بازده حقوق صاحبان سهام، نسبت بازده دارایی، قیمت بالای جدید، درصد سهام شناور، ضریب بتا، تعداد روزهای خرید حقوقی با حجم حداقل 70%. نتایج آزمون بر اساس متغیرهای ذکر شده معرف ارتباط مستقیم و معنی دار در سطح 5% بین رشد سود فصلی، افزایش بازده دارایی و قیمت بالای جدید با نسبت قیمت به درآمد به نرخ رشد است. در بخش دوم این پژوهش، سهام برتر بر اساس استراتژی کانسلیم گزینش و انتخاب شد و سپس زمان مناسب برای ورود و خروج به این سهام بر اساس سیستم معاملاتی ابر ایچیموکو مشخص شده است و در نهایت با استفاده از ضریب پیرسون، ارتباط بین قیمت سهام در زمان تشخیص، با بازده سهام تعیین گردید. نتیجه این بررسی معرف رابطه کامل و معکوس بین قیمت سهام در زمان ورود با بازده سهام است.

    کلید واژگان: کانسلیم, ابر ایچیموکو, سهام برتر, Top-Performing Stock}
    sadegh bafandeh imandoust*, m. lashkary, Malihe YaqubZadeh

    Capital market is a link between monetary market and financial market. One of the causes of backwardness of the country in economic growth and development discussion, is the weakness and immortality of the capital market, and economic instability, sensitive capital market, lack of financial knowledge and investor skill, constitute a bitter humor which will reveal a true view of the current market situation. An example of the other factors affecting economic growth is increased participation of specialized workforce. Acquiring knowledge and skill, specifically deep work, will be achieved by continuous and concentrated study together with gaining experience. Given high rate of unemployment in the country, especially, in the educated class who is not able to identify and create logic relationship between invisible circles of education, skill and specialty, and knowing the fact that in the information age, and in view of hard conditions of employment, there is no place for civil servant thinking, to get rid of this vortex of thought and to breed entrepreneurship and investment thinking, with the aim of motivating this class of the society, in this study, one of the comprehensive and successful scientific methods derived from two American and Japanese strategies with an applied aspect and in decision-making discussion, portfolio selection and management is efficient in the capital market, is presented and studied.

    Theoretical frame work

    Thinking that the audience of this method is the public with any amount of capital, O'Neill (inventor of CAN SLIM strategy); and thinking that this system is efficient in different intervals, Guichi Husuda (Ichimoku designer), have designed it. This comprehensive system will be problematic when it is used as an analytical device by those investors who lack the knowledge and skill required for correct analysis.Given the fact that O'Neill strategy like Warren Buffett (capital market prodigy), focuses on one or two preferred companies in a long-term period (focused investment), and knowing that fundamental way has a crucial role in Buffet strategy and O'Neill strategy, thought O'Neill thinking most tends to have a growth and quality approach, and in Buffet strategy, value and quality method is most observed, considering the thinking of these two scholars, the dependent variable is PEG.This ratio is among the main indices of investment of GARP (growth at reasonable price). This investment method is between value method and growth method (Warren Buffett and O'Neill thinking). In Garp's method, investor searches for the stock whose market value is slightly less than intrinsic value, as well as has a stable and sustainable growth potential. In fact, in this method, investor searches for the stock with both its price and future growth is in a more balanced state than value and growth methods.


    In Section 1 of the study, the relationship between CAN SLIM criteria and the ratio of price to earnings to growth rates (PEG) is studied.In this part, the relationship between this ratio as a fundamental factor that in its structure dividend growth rate is considered as an essential factor, and CAN SLIM strategy as a combination of fundamental model (with the idea of growth and qualitative investment) and technical model, is evaluated. The case study includes all base materials production industries (chemicals, basic metals, metal minerals) in Tehran Stock Exchange and OTC during 2013-2017, which is based on multivariable regression analysis-based correlation based on panel and cross-sectional data. Explanatory variables of this study include seasonal earnings growth, mean five-year earnings growth, return on equity ratio, return on asset ratio, new high price, percentage of floating stock, Beta coefficient, number of legal purchase days (min 70%).Eviews version 9 software was used to test the hypotheses.In Section 2 of this study, top-performing stock is selected based on CAN SLIM strategy and then, reasonable time for inclusion and exclusion of such stock is determined based on Ichimoku Clouds transaction system ( Tenkan Sen / Kijun Sen Crossover Strategy). Finally, using Pearson coefficient, the relationship between stock price at the time of determination (inclusion and exclusion) and return on stock is determined.As the purpose of investment is to earn profit, in this part seasonal and annual return on the selected stock are analyzed and evaluated with seasonal and annual return on stock of 3 well-known indices of the market (cap-weighted index, weighted price index, and index of 50 active companies).

    Results & Discussion

    According to the results of hypothesis testing in Section I of this study, the hypotheses 1 and 3 are confirmed.Hypothesis 1 of this study indicates that:There is a direct relationship between the growth of seasonal EPS more than 20% and PEG ratio.Given the fact that value of F statistic and probability value for the overall model is 104.239 and 0.0000, respectively, meaning that the model is significant overall (because the probability value of this statistic is less that significant level 0.05), the determination coefficient is 0.405. Therefore, this hypothesis is confirmed. Hypothesis 3 of this study indicates that:There is a direct relationship between the efficiency of management; and new high price and PEG ratio.In this hypothesis, the increased return on assets is used to evaluate efficiency of management in the operational section.Given the fact that value of F statistic and probability value for the overall model is 3.327 and 0.046, respectively, meaning that the model is significant overall (because the probability value of this statistic is less that significant level 0.05), the determination coefficient is 0.152. Therefore, this hypothesis is confirmed. In Section 2 of this study, Correlation coefficient -0.99, indicating that there is a complete and reverse relationship between stock price in the time of inclusion and return on stock. Finally, seasonal and annual return on the selected stock are analyzed and evaluated with seasonal and annual return on stock of 3 well-known indices of the market. The result indicates that return on the selected stocks, according to CAN SLIM strategy, is significantly more superior than return on stock of the three indices.Given the results from this applied study, it sounds that as capital market is raging in Iran especially the stock market, if the investment process is based on fully scientific and empirically validated models, by avoiding emotional behaviors and managing time and setting the appropriate loss limit, a remarkable long-term return will be achieved.

    Conclusions & SuggestionsIn

     Section 1 of this study, the relationship between CAN SLIM criteria and the ratio of price to earnings to growth rates (PEG) is studied. the results of the test represent a direct significant relationship (5% level) between seasonal earnings growth; increase return on asset; and new high price and PEG ratio.Considering the practical result of Section 2 of this study, O'Neill thinking, that is, selection of only one stock and design of CANSLIM model which results in section of leading stocks, is met. In the discussion of return on selected stocks, that is, a big return more than that of the stock market, comparing the seasonal and annual return of top stocks (Zagros Petrochemical) with the seasonal and annual return of 3 well-known stock market indices, this hypothesis is confirmed as well.Based on the result of Ichimoku cloud analysis, it is found that within a year (1396 corresponding to March 21, 2017 to March 20, 2018), Zagros shares have not issued a strong output signal. So, O'Neill time thinking indicating a long-term investment, is met according to this study.To promote the capital market, under the Principle 44, one of the strategies for structural modifications in the capital market which the Government can use in its executive policies plan, is to perform the policy of privatization with the aim of increasing efficiency and productivity of the firms in microeconomic level and to accelerate economic growth through decreasing financial and managerial load of the Government in macroeconomic level. In addition, performing the monetary policies through macroeconomic variables (bank interest rate, exchange rate, money supply etc.) as the variables affecting total stock index, capital mobility and the effect of releasing of the financial market on better performance of the capital market are examples of the other executive solutions of the Government towards promotion of capital market level.The first step a beginner investor should take for entering capital markets is to correctly know him/herself and capital market (financial and behavioral). In this course, training; planning; relying on his/her lessons; paying attention to the news and avoiding rents and rumors and its margins, and finally, continuous and concentrated movement in this respect, will create a healthy atmosphere and better tomorrow for the capital market and will be the basis for one's success.

    Keywords: CAN SLIM, Ichimoku Clouds}
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