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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Geo-philosophy » در نشریات گروه « میان رشته ای »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Geo-philosophy» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • حامد حبیبی*
    مقاله ی حاضر با هدف تبیین نقش تقیه به عنوان عامل بازدارنده از ایجاد بحران هویت تمدنی و دگردیسی فرهنگی و اعتقادی جامعه ‏اسلامی‏، درصدد روش‏شناسی «تقیه جهادی» و بازیابی نقش تقیه در «جهاد تبیین» است. مساله اصلی پژوهش، چگونگی صیانت از دین و هویت تمدنی شیعی در آموزه تقیه است. سوال اصلی نحوه مواجهه با پدیده سکولاریزاسیون و نرمالیزاسیون در مسیر ایجاد تمدن نوین اسلامی است؟ فرضیه اصلی مطالعه مبتنی بر ساختارشکنی در تقسیم‏بندی روشی تقیه به لحاظ کارکردی، ناظر به کنترل کیفیت رفتار تمدنی متقی و اجرای این حکم‏ ثانوی می‏باشد. غایت‏شناسی تقیه از سنخ عبودیت است، لذا اگر در گرداب سکوت و تغییر جغرافیای فلسفی جامعه، بی‏هویتی شکل بگیرد نامطلوب است. تقیه باید متضمن غایت توحیدی باشد تا رهیافتی به تمدن نوین اسلامی‏ مدنظر رهبر معظم انقلاب ‏اسلامی داشته باشد. در این هندسه معرفتی، برائت از سکولاریسم، لیبرالیسم و اندیشه‏های التقاطی مبنای دولت‏پژوهی است و برآیند آن، اسلامی شدن دولت، جامعه و گشودن دروازه‏های تمدن نوین اسلامی‏ به روی جوامع است. بنابراین تقیه می‏تواند کارویژه‏ای فراتر از فقه محض پیدا کند. این مقاله که در نوع خود پیشینه‏ای ندارد، با روش تحقیق مبتنی بر دستگاه مرکب «قیاس- استقراء» و ارائه ادله عقلی- نقلی به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، مطالعه‏ای بینارشته‏ای انجام داده است. «فلسفه‏عملی تقیه جهادی» به عنوان یکی از راهبردهای حفظ دین و تقابل با دشمن، شامل هرگونه تلاش، کوشش و کنش‏گرایی جامعه و فرد متقی در راستای عبودیت الهی و رسیدن به غایت توحیدی می‏باشد که در واقعیت عینی جامعه کارکرد جهاد برای قدسی نمودن بنیادهای تعاملی جامعه و سازوکار زیست اجتماعی و اقامه تمدن ‏اسلامی‏ داشته باشد
    کلید واژگان: فلسفه‏ عملی تقیه جهادی, تمدن نوین اسلامی‏, سکولاریسم, دولت پژوهی, مارپیچ سکوت, جغرافیای فلسفی, بحران هویتی}
    Hamed Habibi *
    The present article aims to explain the role of taqiyyah as a preventing factor the creation of a civilizational-identity crisis and the cultural and religious transformation of the Islamic society, and for this purpose, is looking for the methodology of "jihadi taqiyyah" and restoring the role of taqiyyah in "explanation jihad".The main problem of the research is how to protect religion and Shia civilizational-identity in the doctrine of taqiyyah.The main question is how to deal with the phenomenon of secularization and normalization in the path of creating a new Islamic civilization.The main hypothesis of the study is based on a deconstruction in the methodical division of taqiyyah in terms of functionality, looking at the quality control of mottaqa civilization behavior and the implementation of this secondary ruling.
    This article, which breaks new ground in its interdisciplinary approach, employs the research method based on a "Inductive-Deductive" system while presenting descriptive analytical evidence supported by both rational and narrative sources.Since the teleology of taqiyyah is type of worship, it must include the goal of monotheism in order to reach the new Islamic civilization desired by the great leader of the Islamic revolution. In this epistemological geometry, Baraa’t from secularism, liberalism and eclecticism thoughts is the basis of State-studies, and its result is the Islamization of the state and society and the opening of the gates of new Islamic civilization to societies.Several propositions require attention in this context;Jihad and its connection with taqiyyah and pragmatic methodology of jihadi taqiyyahMaintaining the boundaries of geo-philosophy and its connection with the civilizational mission of taqiyyahThe application of taqiyyah and its connection with the theory of the spiral of silence and the crisis of civilizational identityThe relationship between "Islam of teaching" and "Islam of culture" and "Islam of civilization" as a gradation matterThe relationship between "taqiyyah", "Baraa’t", and the "Society Education System" as an abstract matter.From this Direction, the relationship between "taqiyyah" and "new Islamic civilization" in the governance paradigm will be clearly visible.
    The civilization mission of taqiyyah should be concerned with the goals and function of taqiyyah in the epistemic geometry of Shia. The most important of these goals and functions are: "Protecting the religious system" and "protecting the social system" and "preventing corruption in religion" and these parameters will result in "preventing the identity, belief and civilization crisis”.Therefore, by clarifying the inadequacy of the existing division of taqiyyah in the epistemic geometry of religion, it should be that taqiyyah, if leads to statement against the truth (declarative taqiyyah) or silence (concealment taqiyyah), will have no result other than cognitive and narrative conflicts and isolation (spiral of silence) and help in the growth of the phenomenon of identity lessness.The expediency of the Ummah does not have a primary ruling on taqiyyah. when taqiyya becomes necessary due to the change of the title and following the rules of the subjects, Tavalla and Tabarra are not ruled out.Therefore, by functional revising the methodology of taqiyyah, and with regard to controlling the quality of mottaqa civilized behavior, taqiyyah is not merely passive and subterraneous. Because in Jihad, contrary to Ijtihad, there will be a serious conflict with an external force.Therefore, in the Shiite society, if taqiyyah finds an undesirable social function, a kind of spiral of silence is created, which causes isolation of individuals and avoidance of defending the religion. This can change the boundaries of the geo-philosophy of the society, which with the two process of deterritorialization and territorialization, will lead to nothing but an identity crisis.The pragmatism of taqiyyah is in direct correspondence with the mission of the Baraa’t system, while everyone thinks that they are in direct conflict. In this geometry, the Baraa’t from secularism and eclecticism thoughts is the basis of State-studies. In the epistemological geometry of religion, there is a direct conceptual connection between "Vilayati system" and "Biraa’ti system".If the Islamic teachings are formed in our mentality, it has become a culture, and if it crystallizes in the objectivity of the society, it has become a civilization.
    as long as Islamic teaching does not undergo narrative and cognitive conflicts in the undesirable cycle of taqiyyah, the emerging culture will be more Islamic and the identity of civilization will be more compatible with Islam.Therefore, taqiyyah can find a mission beyond pure jurisprudence. "pragmatism of taqiyya jihadi" as one of the strategies for preserving religion and confronting the enemy, includes any effort and activism of the society and the pious individual in the direction of divine worship and reaching the goal of monotheism, which in the objective reality of the society works as Jihad to sanctify the interactive foundations of society and bio-social mechanism and establish Islamic civilization.
    Keywords: Pragmatism of Jihadi Taqiyyah, New Islamic Civilization, Secularism, State Studies, Spiral of Silence, Geo-philosophy, Identity crisis}
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