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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Christians of Iran » در نشریات گروه « علوم انسانی »

  • Mohammad Heidarzadeh

    Several researchers of the history of Sassanid era believe that when Christianity was accepted as the official religion by Roman Empire during the ruling period of Constantine I, Shapur II as well took Zoroastrianism as the official religion with the help of Adurbad-i Mahrspandan and suppressed the Christians of his empire and tried to persecute them. Since most of the historical documents that the researchers refer to, are Syriac sources, it is not clear that the suppression methods mentioned in these documents reflect the current martyrologis developed from the Roman “saint biography writing” tradition or the martyrologies of Shapur II era are authentic stories of killing Christians in that era. The Syriac sources that report the religious persecution in Shapur II era exaggerate. Their aim is not reporting the historical facts, so one cannot be sure of their content. Probably the persecution in the era had because of economic and political reasons, and had nothing to do with being Christian. Syriac Christians were mostly in west parts of the empire and their lands were important as the lands were fertile and close to the common borders with Roman Empire. The lands of Syriac people were among the greatest producers of agricultural productions in Sassanid Empire and the loyalty of the residents of the regions to Sassanid kings was so important. The study tried to explore the reasons of religious persecution of Christians by Shapur II and criticize the narratives of Syriac Christians of the era on the persecutions.

    Keywords: Syriac, Shapur II, Christians of Iran, Saint Biography Writing, Martyrology}
  • اعظم فولادی پناه*، محسن معصومی
    حمله عربها به ایران، واکنش های متفاوت گروه های قومی و دینی ساکن در قلمرو ساسانی را در پی داشت. یکی از اقلیت های مهم در ایران، مقارن با ورود عربها، مسیحیان بودند. این گروه نیز همانند پیروان سایر ادیان و نحله های رایج در ایران، تحت تاثیر فتوحات مسلمانان قرار گرفتند و واکنش هایی نسبت به آن داشتند. واکنش مسیحیان در برابر فتوحات، بسته به زمان و مکان فتوحات به دو شکل، تعامل و تقابل، ظهور و بروز کرد. مسیحیان در نواحی غربی ایران و کوره عراق به واسطه اشتراکات قومی و زبانی با فاتحان و رقابت با مسیحیان مناطق داخلی ایران، بیشتر به تعامل با فاتحان عرب روی آوردند. اما مسیحیان ساکن در مناطق شرقی به سبب قرار داشتن در اقلیت و نیز افتراق قومی و زبانی با فاتحان، به تقابل با آنان پرداختند. این مقاله واکنش تعاملی و تقابلی مسیحیان با عربها و علل و اسباب آن را در سده نخست هجری قمری بررسی کرده است.
    کلید واژگان: مسیحیان ایران, حکومت ساسانی, فاتحان مسلمان, فتوحات}
    Azam Fooladi, Panah *, Mohsen Masumi
    The arrival of the Arabs on the Sassanidʼs regality was confronted with the reaction of various groups of Iranian society. One of Iran's major minorities was Christians, who had a particular confrontation with the Arab conquerors. These reactions, which were often interactive and contradictory, occurred in different parts of Sassanid Iran. The interaction of Christians in the western regions of Iran and Iraq was due to their ethnicity and Arabic language and rivalry with the Christians in the inner regions of Iran. But the approach of Christians in the inner regions of Iran due to the existence of ethnic and linguistic differences with the conquerors, were often supported by Muslim protesters such as Khawarij to confront and oppose Arab conquerors. This article explains how Christians of Iran reacted to the arrival of Muslim conquerors in the first century AH.
    Keywords: Christians of Iran, Sassanid rule, The Arab conquerors, interactions, contradictions}
  • فیض الله بوشاسب گوشه
    مغولان در عین حال که مردمانی بدوی بوده واز ادیان و آیین های جهانشمول روزگار خود بهره مند و برخوردار نبودند، افرادی به تمامی بی دین و بی توجه به دیانت و اثر بخشی آن در عرصه های اجتماعی و سیاسی هم نبودند. شمنیزم، مجموعه آداب و عقایدی بود که جهان بینی و ایدئولوژی مغولان ملهم و متاثر از باور فلسفی و باورمندی های قومی و غیبی مبهم آن بود. رویارویی و مواجهه مغولان با انبوه سرزمین های نو گشوده و آراء و افکار و عقاید متفاوت مردمان آن، بعلاوه ضرورت نوعی سیاست ورزی و استراتژی در چگونگی تعامل و تقابل اجتماعی با آن مردمان، بویژه در امر دین و باورهای مذهبی آنها که در نبود نهادهای اجتماعی امروزین بخش بزرگی از ساختار و سازمان زندگی اجتماعی و فردی آدم ها را تحت الشعاع خود قرار داده بود ایجاب می نمود تا مغولان رویکرد جدید و مشخصی در مناسبات دینی از خود ارائه کنند. مسیحیت در این دوره ی تاریخی به پشتوانه حمایت حاکمیت سیاسی وقت و نوع تعامل دستگاه حاکم با بزرگان و بدنه ی جامعه ی مسیحی و حمایت و هدایت ساختار سیاسی و اقتصادی آن روزگار، شرایط ویژه یافته و متفاوت از تمام دوره های حیات خود در ایران گونه ی متفاوتی از حیات سیاسی و ایمانی خود را تجربه کرد. نگارندگان در این پژوهش بر آنند تا رویکرد امرای ایلخانی مغول در عهد نامسلمانی ایشان، از آغاز زمامداری هلاکوخان تا غازان خان را نسبت به مسیحیت و مسیحیان بررسی و تحولات و تاثیرات اجتماعی ناشی از این رویه و رویکرد را انتاج نمایند.
    کلید واژگان: ایلخانان, مسیحیت, مسیحیان, ایران}
    Feizollah Boushasb Gousheh Ali Bahadoree
    The Mongols at the same time that primitive people and religions and the doctrine of the universal benefit of time and enjoyed, who all of religion and not pay attention to religion and a part in social and political. Shamanism, a collection of manners and the opinions that the ideology and the Mongols believe inspired and affected by the philosophy and occult and obscure ethnic believes. Stand and encounter with the Mongols of the mass of land and opened the new opinions and ideas and different from the people of that, plus a kind of necessary policy and strategy in how social interaction and contrast with men, especially in religion and their religious beliefs in social institutions not separable a large part of the structure and the Organization of the social life and the individual are not overshadowed was required to the Mongols new approach and specific religious in his relations. On the other hand look at the horizon and the type of thought and understanding the Mongols of the world, the life and political life and social, Following the passage of the Tribal land in a limited and closed initial, developed and access to resources and power the possibility for them to especially in the days of his reign and rule in Iran, a new procedure to institutions of transition in the society especially religion and religious minorities. Christianity and Christians what if in all history of Iran before and after Islam than in the multiplicity of The and a part of the Iranian society to the other official religions this period-Zoroastrian and Islam-very weak less and less by The, but escapes in this historical political sovereignty support time and the type of interaction with the system of government and the body of the Christian community and guide and protect political structure and economic times that special conditions and different from all of his life in Iran as the different political life and to prove his faith experience. The research approach is to Mongol princes patriarch Non-muslem Testament in their rule from the beginning Anúshírván to Ghazan Khan to study Christianity and Christians and the changes and its effects social this procedure and the approach to the results.
    Keywords: Ilkhanan, Christianity, Christians, Iran}
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