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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Hermite-Hadamard inequality » در نشریات گروه « ریاضی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Hermite-Hadamard inequality» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • Juan Napoles Valdes, Bahtiyar Bayraktar *
    New variants of the Hermite - Hadamard inequality within the framework of generalized fractional integrals for $(h,m,s)$-convex modified second type functions have been obtained in this article. To achieve these results, we used the Holder inequality and another form of it - power means. Some of the known results described in the literature can be considered as particular cases of the results obtained in our study.
    Keywords: convex function, Hermite-Hadamard inequality, H, {o}lder inequality, Power mean inequality}
  • Mahir Kadakal *
    In this paper, we study the concept of exponential convex functions with respect to $s$ and prove Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for the newly introduced this class of functions. In addition, we get some refinements of    the Hermite-Hadamard (H-H) inequality for functions whose first derivative in absolute value, raised to a certain power which is greater than one, respectively at least one, is exponential convex with respect to $s$. Our results coincide with the results obtained previously in special cases.
    Keywords: convex function, Exponential convex functions with respect to s, Hermite-Hadamard inequality}
  • Sikander Mehmood *, Fiza Zafar
    In this paper, for generalised preinvex functions, new estimates of the Fej\'{e}r-Hermite-Hadamard inequality on fractional sets $\mathbb{R}^{\rho }$ are given in this study. We demonstrated a fractional  integral inequalities based on Fej\'{e}r-Hermite-Hadamard theory. We establish two new local fractional integral identities for differentiable functions. We construct several novel Fej\'{e}r-Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities for generalized convex function in local fractional calculuscontexts using these integral identities. We provide a few illustrations to highlight the uses of the obtained findings. Furthermore, we have also given a few examples of new inequalities in use.
    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard-inequality, Hermite-Hadamard-Fejér inequality, Local fractional integral, Generalized Preinvex function}
  • Nozar Safaei*

    In this paper we introduce a new sequence of mappings in connection to Hermite-Hadamard type inequality. Some bounds and refinements of Hermite-Hadamard inequality for convex functions via this  sequence  are given

    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, Jensen inequality, convex functions}
  • M. Davarpanah *, H. R. Moradi
    ‎We obtain some new Jensen-Mercer type inequalities for log-convex functions‎. ‎Indeed‎, ‎we establish refinement and reverse for the Jensen-Mercer inequality for log-convex functions‎. ‎Several new Hermite-Hadamard and Fej\'er types of inequalities are also presented‎.‎
    Keywords: Inequality, Jensen-Mercer, Fejer inequality, Hermite-Hadamard inequality, log-convex function}
  • Naser Abbasi*

    In this paper we introduce two new mapping in connection to Hermite-Hadamard type inequality. Some results concerning these mappings associated to the celebrated Hermite-Hadamard integral inequality for preinvex functions are given.

    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, invex sets, preinvex functions}
  • Yenny Carolina Rangel-Oliveros, Sabir Hussain, Muhammad Amer Amer Latif

    This paper is concerned to establish new variants of the well-known Hermite-Hadamard (HH) inequality for 3-times differentiable functions. Under the utility of these identities, we establish some new inequalities for the class of functions whose absolute value of the third derivative are MT-convex. The results presented here would provide generalizations of those given in earlier works. Finally, we present applications of our findings for means of real numbers and applications for particular functions are pointed out.

    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, MT-convex function, Holder inequality}
  • Miguel Vivas Cortez *, Sabir Hussain, Muhammad Amer Latif

    By use of definition of a generalized fractional integral operators, proposed by Raina and Agarwal et.al, we establish a fractional  Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for p−convex functions and an identity with a parameter. We derive several parameterized  integral inequalities associated with this identity, and provide two examples to illustrate the obtained results.

    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, Fractional integral operators, p−convex functions}
  • Huseyin Budak *, Candan Can Bilişik, Mehmet Sarikaya
    In this paper, we establish some inequalities for generalized fractional integrals by utilizing the assumption that the second derivative of $phi (x)=varpi left( frac{kappa _{1}kappa _{2}}{mathcal{varkappa }}right)  $ is bounded. We also prove again a Hermite-Hadamard type inequality obtained in [34] under the condition $phi ^{prime }left( kappa_{1}+kappa _{2}-mathcal{varkappa }right) geq phi ^{prime }(mathcal{varkappa })$ instead of harmonically convexity of $varpi $. Moreover, some new inequalities for $k$-fractional integrals are given as special cases of main results.
    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, convex function, Bounded function}
  • Sever Dragomir

    Let $f$ be a convex function on $I$ and $a,$ $bin I$ with $a<b.$ If $p:% left[ a,bright] rightarrow lbrack 0,infty )$ is Lebesgue integrable and symmetric, namely $pleft( b+a-tright) =pleft( tright) $ for all $tin % left[ a,bright] ,$ then we show in this paper that begin{align*} 0& leq frac{1}{2}int_{a}^{b}leftvert t-frac{a+b}{2}rightvert pleft( tright) dtleft[ f_{+}^{prime }left( frac{a+b}{2}right) -f_{-}^{prime }left( frac{a+b}{2}right) right]  \ & leq int_{a}^{b}pleft( tright) fleft( tright) dt-left( int_{a}^{b}pleft( tright) dtright) fleft( frac{a+b}{2}right)  \ & leq frac{1}{2}int_{a}^{b}leftvert t-frac{a+b}{2}rightvert pleft( tright) dtleft[ f_{-}^{prime }left( bright) -f_{+}^{prime }left( aright) right] end{align*} and begin{align*} 0& leq frac{1}{2}int_{a}^{b}left[ frac{1}{2}left( b-aright) -leftvert t-frac{a+b}{2}rightvert right] pleft( tright) dtleft[ f_{+}^{prime }left( frac{a+b}{2}right) -f_{-}^{prime }left( frac{a+b}{% 2}right) right]  \ & leq left( int_{a}^{b}pleft( tright) dtright) frac{fleft( aright) +fleft( bright) }{2}-int_{a}^{b}pleft( tright) fleft( tright) dt \ & leq frac{1}{2}int_{a}^{b}left[ frac{1}{2}left( b-aright) -leftvert t-frac{a+b}{2}rightvert right] pleft( tright) dtleft[ f_{-}^{prime }left( bright) -f_{+}^{prime }left( aright) right] . end{align*}.

    Keywords: Convex functions, Integral inequalities, Hermite-Hadamard inequality, Féjer's inequalities}
  • S. S. Dragomir *
    ‎Let $left( H;leftlangle cdot‎ ,‎cdot rightrangle right)$ be a complex‎ ‎Hilbert space‎. ‎Denote by $mathcal{B}left( Hright)$ the Banach $C^{ast }$-‎algebra of bounded linear operators on $H$‎. ‎For $Ain mathcal{B}left(‎Hright)$ we define the modulus of $A$ by $leftvert Arightvert‎ :‎=left(‎A^{ast }Aright) ^{1/2}$ and $func{Re}A:=frac{1}{2}left( A^{ast‎‎}+Aright)‎.‎$ In this paper we show among other that‎, ‎if $A,$ $Bin mathcal{‎‎B}left( Hright)$ with $0leq mleq leftvert left( 1-tright)‎‎A+tBrightvert ^{2}leq M$ for all $tin left[ 0,1right]‎,‎$ then begin{align*}‎ ‎0& leq int_{0}^{1}fleft( leftvert left( 1-tright) A+tBrightvert‎‎^{2}right) dt-fleft( frac{leftvert Arightvert ^{2}+func{Re}left(‎‎B^{ast }Aright)‎ +‎leftvert Brightvert ^{2}}{3}right) \‎ ‎& leq 2left[ frac{fleft( mright)‎ +‎fleft( Mright) }{2}-fleft( frac{‎m+M}{2}right) right] 1_{H}‎ ‎end{align*} ‎for operator convex functions $f:[0,infty )rightarrow mathbb{R}$‎. ‎Applications for power and logarithmic functions are also provided‎.
    Keywords: Operator convex functions‎, ‎Hermite-Hadamard inequality‎, ‎midpoint‎ ‎inequality‎, ‎operator power, logarithmic functions}
  • Huseyin Budak *, Hasan Kara, Rabia Kapucu
    In this paper, we first establish two new identities for differentiable function involving generalized fractional integrals. Then, by utilizing these equalities, we obtain some midpoint type inequalities involving generalized fractional integrals for mappings whose derivatives in absolute values are convex. We also give several results as special cases of our main results.
    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, generalized fractional integral, Convex function}
  • Naila Mehreen*, Matloob Anwar

    Here our aim is to prove the Hermite-Hadamard and Fejér inequalities for p-convex functions via Caputo fractional derivatives. We also establish some useful identities in order to find further Hadamard’s and Fejér type inequalities which are generalizations of the results given in the literature cited here.

    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, Hermite-Hadamard-Fejér inequality, p-convex function, Caputo fractional derivatives}
  • Gholamreza Zabandan

    In this paper we prove several sharp inequalities that are new versions and  extensions of Jensen and $H-H$ inequalities. Then we apply them on means.

    Keywords: Jensen’s inequality, Hermite-Hadamard inequality, Integral inequality, Identric mean, Logarithmic mean}
  • Mahmoud Hassani, Mehdi Eghbali Amlashi

    In this article, we introduce the notion of $(h,k)$-convex functions and their operator form. Moreover, we derive Hermite–Hadamard-type, and Fejer-type inequalities for this class.

    Keywords: convex functions, Hermite-Hadamard inequality, operator convex functions}
  • زهرا رحیمی چگنی، امیرقاسم غضنفری*، کمال فلاحی

    فرض کنید f یک تابع یکنوای عملگری روی (∞,0) و A یک عملگرمثبت وارون پذیر روی فضای هیلبرت H باشد.نشان می دهیم اگر |||.||| یک نرم یکانی پایا باشد، آن گاه برای هر عدد صحیح مثبت n، ثابت می کنیم تابع∥(.)f(n)∥روی مجموعه ی همه ی عملگرهای مثبت وارون پذیر درB(H) شبه محدب است. و همچنین نشان می دهیم : که این یک تظریف از نتیجه معروف زیر است: که در آن a یک عدد حقیقی مثبت و A,B≤a1H . ما در این مقاله برخی تقریب ها از طرف راست نامساویهای نوع هرمیت-هاداماردکه شامل توابع مشتق پذیرندونرم نگاشت های القاءشده توسط آن ها روی مجموعه تمام عملگرهای خودالحاق، محدب یا شبه محدب یاs- محدب هستند، به دست می آوریم.

    کلید واژگان: نامساوی ارمیت - ادامارد, توابع مشتق پذیر, نرم یکانی پایا, تابع یکنوای عملگری}
    Zahra Rahimi Chegeni, AmirGhasem Ghazanfari*, Kamal Falahi

     Given the important role convex and quasi-convex functions play in many areas of mathematics and especially in optimization, one of the inequalities that has attracted the attention of many mathematicians in recent decades is Hermit-Hadamard’s famous inequality. Significant generalizations and refinements have been obtained for this inequality in a diverse variety of convexity, including convex operator functions of self adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces, matrix functions, quasi-convex, s-convex and log-convex functions.In this paper, we generalize this inequality to differentiable functions whose norm of their derivatives are convex functions.

    Results and discussion

    In this paper, we consider differentiable mappings which norm of the induced maps by them on the set of self adjoint operators is convex, quasi convex or s-convex. We show that if  is an operator monotone function on ,  is a strictly positive operator and  a unitarily invariant norm, then  for all positive integers . We also prove that is a quasi-convex function on the set of all strictly positive operators in B(H). Examples and applications for particular cases of interest are also illustrated. Finally, an error estimate for the Simpson formula is addressed.


    The following conclusions were drawn from this research.As an important application of the results in this paper, we find bounds for in terms of , which is one of the central problems in perturbation theory.We establish some estimates of the right hand side of some Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities in which differentiable functions are involved, and norms of the maps induced by them on the set of self adjoint operators are convex, quasi-convex or s- convex.

    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, Differentiable functions, Unitarily invariant norms, Operator monotone functions}
  • Huseyin Budak *, Ebru Pehlivan, Pınar Kosem
    In this paper, we establish some Trapezoid and Midpoint type inequalities for generalized fractional integrals by utilizing the functions whose second derivatives are bounded . We also give some new inequalities for $k$-Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals as special cases of our main results. We also obtain some Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities by using the condition $f^{prime }(a+b-x)geq f^{prime }(x)$ for all $xin left[ a,frac{a+b}{2}right] $ instead of convexity.
    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, convex function, Bounded function}
  • Mehmet Zeki Sarikaya*, Sumeyye Sonmezoglu

    In this paper, we first prove a lemma for twice differentiable functions . Then we establish some inequalities for mapping whose second derivatives in absolute value are convex via Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals. These results generalize the midpoint and trapezoid inequalities involving Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals given in earlier studies.

    Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality, midpoint inequality, fractional integral operators, convex function}
  • Kubilay Özçelik, Huseyin Budak *, S. Sever Dragomir
    In this study, we first introduce the co-ordinated hyperbolic ρ-convex functions. Then we establish some Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for co-ordinated hyperbolic ρ-convex functions. The inequalities obtained in this study provide generalizations of some results given in earlier works.
    Keywords: Convex function, hyperbolic ρ-convex functions, Hermite-Hadamard inequality, integral inequality}
  • Artion Kashuri*, Rozana Liko, MuhammadAamir Ali, Huseyin Budak

    In this paper, authors discover two interesting identities regarding Gauss--Jacobi and trapezium type integral inequalities. By using the first lemma as an auxiliary result, some new bounds with respect to Gauss--Jacobi type integral inequalities for a new class of functions called strongly $(h_{1},h_{2})$--preinvex of order $sigma>0$ with modulus $mu>0$ via general fractional integrals are established. Also, using the second lemma, some new estimates with respect to trapezium type integral inequalities for strongly $(h_{1},h_{2})$--preinvex functions of order $sigma>0$ with modulus $mu>0$ via general fractional integrals are obtained. It is pointed out that some new special cases can be deduced from main results. Some applications to special means for different real numbers and new approximation error estimates for the trapezoidal are provided as well. These results give us the generalizations of some previous known results. The ideas and techniques of this paper may stimulate further research in the fascinating field of inequalities.

    Keywords: Hermite–Hadamard inequality, Gauss–Jacobi type quadrature formula, H¨olderinequality, power mean inequality, general fractional integrals}
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