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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Metal accumulation » در نشریات گروه « زیست شناسی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Metal accumulation» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • فرشته محمدحسنی جور، مهدی رحیمی*

    آلودگی فلزات سنگین در آب و خاک، جدی ترین مشکل ناشی از فرآیندهای صنعتی و معدنی و سایر فعالیت های انسانی است. قارچ پالایی یک روش بیوتکنولوژی است که از قارچ ها برای حذف آلاینده های سمی از محیط به روشی کارآمد و مقرون به صرفه استفاده می کند. قارچ های ماکرو یکی از مهم ترین میکروواسطه های طبیعت هستند. گونه های پلوروتوس به عنوان محبوب ترین و پر کشت ترین گونه در سراسر جهان در نظر گرفته می شوند و این ممکن است به دلیل هزینه تولید پایین و عملکرد بیشتر آن ها باشد. مطالعات نشان داده است که در خاک های آلوده به فلز، این قارچ ممکن است رشد گیاه را از طریق بهبود تغذیه معدنی و یا با کاهش سمیت فلزات بهبود ببخشد. به منظور ارزیابی میزان تحمل این قارچ نسبت به غلظت های متفاوت از فلزات سنگین، رشد قارچ در محیط جامد و مایع MMN، حاوی غلظت های متفاوت (15،0، 30، 45 و 60 میلی گرم در لیتر) فلزات سنگین روی، منگنز، کادمیوم، سرب و نیکل انجام و پارامترهای رشدی و میزان انباشت فلز در میسیلیوم اندازه گیری شد. نتایج نشان داد که تحمل این قارچ نسبت به فلزات دارای تنوع زیادی است به طوری که افزایش پارامترهای رشدی در مورد دو فلز روی و منگنز و مهار رشد حتی در غلظت های پایین فلزات نیکل، کادمیوم و سرب (15 میلی گرم در لیتر) مشاهده شد. میزان انباشت فلز در میسیلیوم قارچی نیز با افزایش غلظت فلز در محیط کشت افزایش یافت. در این تحقیق برای اولین بار پارامترهای رشدی و میزان انباشت فلزات سنگین در شرایط آکسنیک بررسی و توصیف شده است.

    کلید واژگان: انباشت فلز, قارچ پالایی, روی, منگنز, نیکل}
    Fereshteh Mohamadhasani Javar, Mehdi Rahimi*

    Heavy metal contamination (HMs) of water and soil is the most serious problem caused by industrial and mining processes and other human activities. Mycoremediation is a biotechnological method that employs fungi to remove toxic contaminants from the environment in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Pleurotus species are considered to be the most popular and widely cultivated species worldwide, and this may be due to their low production cost and high yield. It has been indicated that Pleurotus species may improve plant growth in metal-contaminated soils through enhancing nutrition uptake or by alleviating toxicity of the metals. In this experiment, the fungus was grown in vitro in liquid and solid media for 3 weeks on five different concentrations (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 ppm) of five heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Ni, Pb, Mn) as sulphate and the effect of these metal on radial growth, biomass production and metal content of fungal biomass were determined. Based on the results, this fungus showed a great variety of tolerance against the metals, as that growth parameters were increased in the case of two metals contamination (Zn and Mn) and inhibition of growth was observed even at the low concentrations of nickel, cadmium and lead (15 mg/liter). The amount of metal accumulation in the fungal mycelium also increased with the increase of the metal concentration in the culture medium. In this research, for the first time, the growth parameters and the amount of accumulation of heavy metals in axenic conditions have been investigated and described.

    Keywords: metal accumulation, mycoremediation, nickel, manganese, zinc}
  • ساره ابراهیمی نوکنده، سید مهدی رضوی*، منصور افشار محمدیان
    یکی از معضلات محیط زیستی، آلودگی خاک به فلزات سنگین موجود در پساب های شهری و صنعتی است و پالایش این آلودگی ها توسط گیاهان، روشی مقرون به صرفه و دوست دار محیط زیست است. در این تحقیق، آزمایشی جهت بررسی میزان پالایش گیاه آلویه ورا (صبر زرد) از نظر شاخص انباشت فلزات (روی، کروم، سرب، مس، منگنز، نیکل، منیزیم، کادمیم، جیوه) و خصوصیات مورفولوژیک آن تحت دو نوع تیمار پساب شهری و صنعتی در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار اجرا شد. نتایج نشان داد که تیمار های پساب شهری و صنعتی باعث ایجاد تغییرات معنی داری (05/0P ≤) در تمام شاخص های مورد بررسی (وزن تر برگ، وزن خشک برگ، محتوی نسبی آب برگ، طول برگ، وزن ژل برگ، نسبت ژل به برگ، وزن تر ریشه، وزن تر بوته، بیومس کل، طول ریشه، ارتفاع بوته، تعداد پاجوش، ارتفاع پاجوش، وزن پاجوش و شاخص بردباری ریشه) گیاه آلویه ورا شدند. بالاترین شاخص انباشت فلزات، در تیمار پساب شهری مشاهده شد و تمامی شاخص های ذکر شده، تحت تیمار پساب شهری کاهش بیشتری نسبت به پساب صنعتی داشتند. در تیمار پساب صنعتی نیز تمامی شاخص ها کاهش داشت، ولی میانگین تعداد پاجوش ها نسبت به شاهد افزایش نشان داد. در مجموع براساس نتایج به دست آمده از این تحقیق، می توان گفت که گیاه آلویه ورا در خاک حاوی پساب صنعتی نسبت به خاک حاوی پساب شهری عملکرد بهتری داشت.
    کلید واژگان: انباشت فلزات, پساب شهری, پساب صنعتی, صبر زرد, گیاه پالایی}
    Sareh Ebrahimi Nokande, Seyed Mehdi Razavi *, Mansour Afshar Mohammadian
    One of the environmental problems is soil pollution with heavy metals from urban and industrial wastewater, and the treatment of these pollutants by plants is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method. In this study, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the phytoremediation rate of Aloe vera in terms of metal accumulation index (zinc, chromium, lead, copper, manganese, nickel, magnesium, cadmium, mercury) and its morphological characteristics under two types of urban and industrial wastewater treatment. The design was completely randomized with three replications. The results showed that urban and industrial wastewater treatments caused significant changes (P≤0.05) in all examined parameters including leaf fresh weight, leaf dry weight, relative leaf water content, leaf length, leaf gel weight, the ratio of gel to leaf, root fresh weight, fresh plant weight, total biomass, root length, plant height, number of ramets, ramets height, ramets weight and root tolerance index in Aloe vera. The highest index of metal accumulation was observed in plants treated by urban wastewater and all the mentioned parameters showed a more significant decrease by treatment of urban wastewater than industrial wastewater. In the industrial wastewater treatment, all parameters decreased, but the average number of ramets increased compared to the control. In general, based on the parameters studied in this study, it can be said that the Aloe vera plant had better performance in soils containing industrial wastewater than in soils containing urban wastewater. IntroductionOne of the environmental problems is soil pollution with heavy metals from urban and industrial wastewater. Human activities such as the disposal of household waste and industrial activities mainly import heavy metals into the soil (European Commission, 2013; USEPA, 2021). Heavy metal pollution of soil can harm human life and the ecosystem through direct intake or entering the food chain (soil-plant-human or soil-plant-animal-human) (European Commission, 2013). Phytoremediation is a biological and cost-effective method to remove or reduce environmental pollutants. Some plants can remove, stabilize or transfer contaminants of soil or groundwater (Gajic and Pavlovic, 2018). Therefore, choosing a suitable plant for phytoremediation can be a crucial step in eliminating pollution based on region and type of pollution and expansion of urban wastewater.The province of Guilan, located in the north of Iran, has a humid subtropical climate and is a fertile province in terms of agriculture. The increased urban population in this province can cause pollution transfer into the river or land fields. This problem threatens the agricultural products of Guilan and causes a critical challenge. It seems that the cultivation of plants with high phytoremediation ability and the creation of a green belt in the landfill site of urban and industrial wastewaters is the most feasible and low-cost method to decrease the risk of soil and water pollution. In this study, we examined the ability of Aloe vera for phytoremediation of urban and industrial wastewater (UWW and IWW) and the possible alterations of, its morphological and physiological characteristics under wastewater pollution. Materials and Methods For this study, Aloe vera plants gathered from the local nursery were planted in the pots containing 11 kilos of soil suitable for A. vera cultivation. After a month of transferring the plants to the pots and adapting them to the new conditions, they were divided into three groups. Each group was irrigated for 14 months (every twice a week) with 300 mL of one type of solutions consideredas treatments for this experiment, including urban water (drinking water), UWW collected from the landfill site of Saravan, and IWW collected from the paper factory. Moreover, pots without plants were irrigated like pots with plants to determine the amounts of heavy metals (zinc, chromium, lead, copper, manganese, nickel and magnesium) after wastewater addition to the soil and compare it with maximum standard levels, pots with plants.Soil samples were homogenized and dried in an oven at 30°C for 24h and the concentration of heavy metals was determined. The relative water content (RWC) of leaves was measured before harvesting plants (Barrs and Weatherley, 1962). After harvesting the whole plants, leaf fresh weight, leaf length, leaf gel weight, ratio gel to leaf, root fresh weight, plant fresh weight, root length, plant height, number of ramets, ramets height, ramets weight, and tolerance index were measured. Leaf dry weight and total biomass were determined after drying plant tissues (oven 50 ºC for 72 hours). All dried plant tissues were turned into powder. Then the concentration of metal elements in plant samples was determined using ICP-OES based on the method of Salt et al. (1998) and Al-Oud Saud (2003).Metal Accumulation Index (MAI) was calculated using the following formula to determine the amount of metals accumulated in plants. (Liu et al., 2007):  Results and discussionComparison of means showed that urban and industrial wastewater treatments caused significant changes in all examined parameters, including the fresh weight of leaf, root, whole plant, and ramets, dry weight of leaf, length of leaf and roots, the height of plants and ramets, relative leaf water content, leaf gel weight, ratio gel to leaf, total biomass, number of ramets and root TI. The highest index of MAI was observed in plants treated by UWW, and the reduction of all mentioned parameters was more under treatment with UWW than IWW. Under the IWW treatment, all parameters decreased, but the average number of ramets increased compared to the control.Considering that MAI shows the overall performance of plants for co-accumulation of metal elements (Liu et al., 2007), A. vera was successful in accumulating Zn, Cr, Pb, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Mg. Previous studies have reported that plant species with a high MAI value should be used as barriers between contaminated and vulnerable areas, such as parks and residential areas (Nadgorska–Socha et al., 2017). It has been reported that high levels of metals in the soil inhibit various metabolic functions of plants and cause a delay in growth. The toxicity of heavy metals in different plants varies according to factors such as the type of plant, the bioavailability of metals, and the amount of metal displacement in the plant organs (Wang et al., 2006; Usman et al., 2005).The results indicate that an increase in the concentration of heavy metals probably decreases the amount of plant production, the size of the cells, and the dry weight of the organs. (Sharma and Dubey, 2005; Yadollahi et al., 2016). ConclusionAccording to MAI, morphological and physiological characteristics of the A.vera under UWW and IWW treatments, A.vera can be a good refining plant for cultivating and creating a green belt in contaminated soils. Due to the remarkable purifying ability of A.vera in removing heavy metals from contaminated soils, it is recommended to cultivate A.vera in areas polluted with industrial and urban wastewater to prevent the spread of pollution to the surrounding lands.  AcknowledgementThis article is extracted from the results of Sareh Ebrahimi Nokande’s Ph.D. thesis from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. The authors would like to thank University of Guilan for the technical supports.
    Keywords: metal accumulation, urban wastewater, Industrial wastewater, Aloe vera, Phytoremediation}
  • راضیه سادات هاشمی نژاد کشکویی، مسعود مشهدی اکبر بوجار*، سپیده کلاته جاری
    گیاهان از طریق ریشه ها با حجم قابل توجهی از بستر زمین در تماس هستند تا منابع اولیه برای ساخت غذا را تامین کنند، در صورتیکه مقدار عناصر در محیط زندگیشان بیش از حد نیاز باشد وادار به پاسخ های سازشی شده یا از بین می روند. این عناصر سنگین همانند نیترات، فسفات، کروم، مس، آهن، منگنز، مولیبدن، روی، کادمیوم و کبالت تجزیه ناپذیر بوده، ولی از طریق تثبیت یا غیرفعال شدن در بافت های گیاهی قابل پالایش می باشند. در این تحقیق توجه ویژه ای به چهار گونه درختی زبان گنجشک (Fraxinus spp.)، چنار (Platanus spp)، اقاقیا (Robinia pseudo-acacia) و سرونقره ای (Cupressus arizonica) موجود در فضای سبز کارخانه مس و شهرک مسکونی سرچشمه در طی فصول بهار، تابستان و پاییز شده و شاخص های مورفولوژیکی، فیزیولوژیکی و مکانیسم های تحمل تنش محیطی و امکان بیش انباشتگری عنصر مس مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که سطح مس در خاک کارخانه و شهرک به چندین برابر سطح مجاز آن رسیده علاوه براین عنصر سایر عناصر در خاک اطراف کارخانه تغلیظ مس و شهرک مجاور بیشتر بوده ولی این افزایش در مقایسه با افزایش عنصر مس ناچیز است. در کل گیاهان استراتژی های متفاوتی را برعلیه سمیت فلزی بکار می برند. سطح کلروفیل a و b و وزن خشک اندام های هوائی در اکثر گونه های گیاهی محوطه کارخانه به نحو معنی دار و شاخصی نسبت به گونه های موجود در شهرک کاهش یافته بود. برعکس میزان انباشت عنصر مس در برگ ها و شاخه ها این گیاهان دارای افزایش معنی داری در فضای سبز کارخانه نسبت به شهرک داشت. براساس مطالعات انجام گرفته در این سه فصل رشد و تجمع مس در اندام های هوائی گونه های گیاهی مورد بررسی، درخت زبان گنجشک گونه ی اصلی انباشتگر، به منظور کاهش خطرات سمیت این عنصر سنگین در محیط زیست منطقه شناسایی شد.
    کلید واژگان: تجمع فلزی, گونه های گیاهی فضای سبز, سمیت عنصر مس, مکانیسم مقاومت و تحمل}
    Razieh Sadat Hashemi Nejad Kashkoee*, Masoud Mashhadi Akbar Boojar, Sepideh Kalatejari
    plants through the roots with a considerable amount of ground contact To provide basic resources for food preparation¡ whereas the amount of heavy elements in their environment than is required to induce the adaptive response or of the process. Inseparability of the elements¡ but the fixation or inactivation of plant tissue can be refined. Mineral contaminants that can be refined by flora containing nitrate¡ phosphate¡ chromium¡ copper¡ iron¡ manganese¡ molybdenum¡ zinc¡ cadmium and cobalt. In this study special attention to four trees Fraxinus spp.¡ Platanus spp.¡ Robinia pseudo-acacia and Cupressus arizonica in residential landscaping plant originated during the spring¡ summer and autumn¡ and Indicator mechanisms of physiological and environmental stress tolerance and the possibility accumulator of copper has been studied. The results showed that levels of copper in the soil¡ plant¡ and it has allowed the city several times. strategy analysis revealed that different plants against metal toxicity are used. Levels of chlorophyll a and b and the weight of dry air herbal plant species in the most meaningful way and the ratio was reduced in the town. Conversely¡ accumulation of Cu in leaves and branches. Do plants have a significant increase in the green zone of the plant. Based on studies in the three seasons of growth and accumulation of copper in organs of air species - plant studied¡ Ash (Fraxinus spp.) main way accumulator¡ in order to reduce the risks of toxic heavy metal was detected in the environment.
    Keywords: Copper toxicity, Green, space trees, Metal accumulation, Tolerance mechanism}
  • Parzhak Zoufan, Atefeh Saadatkhah, Saadat Rastegarzadeh
    In the present study, a field study was performed on some herbaceous plants growing in the southeast of Ahvaz, where some metal producing industries are active. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) accumulation in seven dominant herbaceous plants in this area. Plant samples were collected randomly. Associated soils were sampled from the same sites next to the root of individual plants. The metals concentration in the soil and the plant samples were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Highest Mn and Zn concentrations were observed in the shoots of Halocnemum strobilaceum, Taraxacum kotschyi, Malva parviflora, and Solanum nigrum. Moreover, elevated accumulation of Mn was found in the roots of Lolium temulentum, and Convolvulus arvensis. Regarding to defined standards for phytoremediation purposes, studied plants could not be classified as hyperaccumulators, at least under field conditions. Nevertheless, based on accounted bioconcentration and translocation factors, it seems that the majority of investigated plants have the metals accumulation capacity in shoot parts.
    Keywords: bioconcentration, metal accumulation, soil concentration, translocation factor}
  • Joseph Kayode Saliu, Bamidele Akinsanya, Uche David Ukwa, Joy Odeozie, Yussuf Ganiu
    This paper investigates host condition factor, parasite interaction and metal accumulation in Tilapia guineesis and Host-Parasite system in Iddo Area of Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria. Eighty specimens of T. guineensis from the Lagoon were caught and dissected for intestinal helminth parasites. Condition factors of all individuals were determined. Median condition (K2.62) were used in grouping the individuals. Sediment, water samples, livers and intestinal parasites were analyzed for heavy metals using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Metal concentrations in the water medium were below detectable limits, but those in sediments were; cadmium (Cd) (mg/l), 11.29±22.59, Manganese (Mn)(mg/l), 0.02±0.02, Iron (Fe) (mg/l), 141.09±15.09, P2.62) accumulated more metals than the low condition infested individuals (
    Keywords: Parasite interaction, Metal accumulation, Condition factors, Atomic absorption spectrophotometer}
  • Mahlagha Ghorbanli, Mozhgan Farzamisepehr, Nafiseh Sabohimogadam
    Heavy metal pollution is a worldwide problem. This study was conducted in a turquoise mine in Nyshabour (Iran) to find accumulator plant(s). Concentrations of metals were determined both in the soil and the plants growing in the mine. Concentrations of total K, Ca, Na, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu in the mine area were higher than the control soil. The results showed that four dominant vegetations namely Vincetoxicum scandens Sommier et Levier., Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl., Phlomis anisodonta Boiss. and Onosma bulbotrichum Dc.prod accumulated heavy metals. Based on the results, it was concluded that Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl. is the best accumulator for Fe, but the best Cu accumulator is Onosma bulbotrichum Dc.prod.
    Keywords: turquoise mine, metal accumulation, dominant plants, Fe, Cu}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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