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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « amino acid » در نشریات گروه « شیمی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «amino acid» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • صابر حسنی زاده، پیوند والهءشیدا*، مهسا اکبری
    ویسکوزیته نسبتا بالای مایع های یونی پروتیک، کاربردهای صنعتی آن ها را در فرایندهای جداسازی دی اکسیدکربن محدود می کند. بدین منظور، عملکرد جذب تعادلی دی اکسیدکربن در محلول آبی مایع یونی عامل دار شده با اسیدامینه گلایسین به نام مونواتانول آمین گلیسینات، [MEA][Gly]، در بازه دمایی 15/303-K 15/323 و فشارهای تعادلی گوناگون مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. نتیجه ها نشان داد که در دمای ثابت  K15/313، با افزایش حضور آب در محلول از80% به 95 % وزنی، ظرفیت جذب دی اکسیدکربن از (mol/mol) 36/1 به (mol/mol) 24/2 بهبود می یابد که معادل 64% افزایش در میزان بارگذاری است. همچنین، با استفاده از یک معادله درجه دوم، مقدارهای عددی بارگذاری دی اکسیدکربن برحسب فشار جزیی دی اکسیدکربن برای همه غلظت های حلال به دست آمد، به گونه ای که نتیجه های محاسبه شده تطابق خوبی با نتیجه های به دست آمده از آزمایش ها داشت. علاوه بر این، اندازه گیری چگالی و ویسکوزیته محلول [MEA][Gly]، دربازه دمایی 15/303-K 15/323 نشان داد که باکاهش حضور آب در محلول، مقدارهای آن ها به طور چشمگیری افزایش می یابد. سپس، با استفاده از معادله های تجربی و همبستگی داده های تجربی، مقدارهای چگالی و ویسکوزیته برحسب دما و کسر مولی مایع یونی تخمین زده شد. همچنین، با استفاده از معادله کلازیوس-کلاپیرون، مقدارهای گرمای جذب دی اکسیدکربن در محلول آبی مایع یونی مورد مطالعه، تعیین شد. سرانجام، مطابق نتیجه ها معلوم شد که اگر چه [MEA][Gly] به عنوان یک جاذب نوین در فرایندهای جداسازی دی اکسیدکربن معرفی می شود، لیکن، غلظت های بالای این حلال، به دلیل ویسکوزیته بالای آن، غلظت مناسبی برای جذب و جداسازی دی اکسیدکربن نیست.
    کلید واژگان: اسید آمینه, ویژگی های فیزیکی, دی اکسیدکربن, جذب, مایع یونی, مونواتانول آمین گلیسینات}
    Saber Hasanizadeh, Peyvand Valeh-E-Sheyda *, Mahsa Akbari
    Relatively high viscosity of protic ionic liquids limits their industrial applications in carbon dioxide separation processes. For this purpose, the performance of equilibrium absorption of CO2 in aqueous solution of ionic liquid functionalized with amino acid glycine named monoethanolamine glycinate, [MEA][Gly], was investigated in the temperature range of 303.15-15 323 K and various equilibrium pressures. The results demonstrated that at a constant temperature of 313.15 K, by increasing the presence of water in the solution from 80 to 95 wt%, the CO2 absorption capacity enhances from 1.36 to 2.24 (mol CO2 / mol IL), which is equivalent to 64 % augmentation in CO2 loading. Besides, utilizing a quadratic equation, numerical values of CO2 loading in terms of carbon dioxide partial pressure were developed for all the studied solvent concentrations, so that the calculated results were in good agreement with the values obtained from the experiments. The measurement of the density and viscosity of [MEA][Gly] solution, in the temperature range of 15.303 to 15.323 K, illustrated that as the amount of water in the solution declines, their corresponding values increase dramatically. Applying the empirical correlations, the values of density and viscosity were estimated in terms of temperature and mole fractions. Moreover, Clausius-Clapeyron equation was employed to compute the heat of CO2 absorption into the aqueous solution of [MEA][Gly]. Finally, although [MEA][Gly] is introduced as a novel absorbent in CO2 separation processes, high concentrations of this solvent is not suitable for carbon dioxide capture and separation, mainly due to its high viscosity.
    Keywords: Amino acid, Physical property, Carbon dioxide, Absorption, Ionic liquid, Monoethanolamine Glycinate}
  • علی اصل روستا، حسن حسنی*، علیرضا اکبری، نورالله فیضی

    در این تحقیق توانایی اگزروژل تترا اتوکسی اورتو سیلان (TEOS) به عنوان جاذبی ارزان، ایمن با ساختار قوی مکانیکی در جداسازی آمینو اسیدهای اسیدی (.Glu) و بازی (Arg.) در ستون کروماتوگرافی جذبی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت.ابتدا اثر pHو سپس تاثیر میزان آب گریزی سطح بستر جاذب و همچنین طول ستون کروماتوگرافی بر روی میزان وسرعت تخلیص مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت.با توجه به نتایج بدست آمده ،در pH خنثی (7) میزان تفکیک دو نمونه آمینو اسید مورد آزمایش بهتر صورت گرفت. در ادامه با تهیه مشتقات اورموسیل دار جاذب اگزروژل (TEOS + Me، TEOS + Et و TEOS + Pro) و آزمایش بر روی نمونه آمینو اسیدهای فوق الذکر ،مشخص گردید که تاثیر هیدروفوبیسیتی سطح بستر در مقایسه با تاثیر عامل pH قابل ملاحظه نیست .افزایش طول ستون کروماتوگرافی بر تفکیک و جداسازی بهتر نمونه های فوق موثر بود.

    کلید واژگان: اگزروژل تترااتوکسی اورتو سیلان (TEOS), اورموسیل, آمینو اسید, جذب}
    Ali Asl Rousta, Hassan Hassani *, Alireza Akbari, Noroallah Feizi

    In this research, the ability of tetraethoxyorthosilane (TEOS) exogel as a cheap, safe adsorbent with a strong mechanical structure was studied in the separation of acidic (.Glu) and basic (Arg.) amino acids in an absorption chromatography column. First, the effect of pH and then The effect of the length of the chromatography column as well as the hydrophobicity factor of the adsorbent surface on the amount and speed of purification was evaluated. According to the results, the separation rate of the two tested amino acid samples was better at neutral pH (7). In the following, by preparing ormucil derivatives of exogel absorbent (TEOS + Me, TEOS + Et and TEOS + Pro) and testing on the aforementioned amino acids sample, it was found that the effect of the hydrophobicity of the substrate surface is not significant compared to the effect of the pH factor. The length of the chromatography column was effective on the better separation of the above samples.

    Keywords: Tetraethoxyorthosilane exogel (TEOS), Ormusil, amino acid, Absorption}
  • سیده فاطمه موسوی، محمد علیمرادی، عباس شیرمردی*، وحید زارع شاه آبادی
    در این مطالعه یک الکترود خمیر کربن اصلاح شده با نانوکامپوزیت کبالت- زیولیت برای اندازه گیری متیونین در مقادیر زیر میکرومولار در نمونه های حقیقی تهیه گردید. ویژگی های پاسخ الکتروشیمیایی متیونین به الکترود اصلاح شده در بافر بریتون- رابینسون در  به وسیله تکنیک های ولتامتری چرخه ای و ولتامتری پالسی تفاضلی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد فرایند الکترواکسیداسیون کاتیونهای کبالت در سطح الکترود اصلاح شده تحت کنترل نفوذ است. نتایج ریخت شناسی سطح نانوکامپوزیت بوسیله تکنیک های پراش پرتو ایکس (XRD)، میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی نشر میدانی (FESEM) و طیف سنجی پراش انرژی پرتو ایکس(EDX) صورت پذیرفت.اندازه ذرات کبالت- زیولیت، nm64-31 بدست آمد. الکترود اصلاح شده منحنی کالیبراسیون خطی مناسبی در محدوده غظت 3.5×10-7 تا    5.5×10-6مولار نشان داد. حد تشخیص الکترود 9.1×10-8 مولار می باشد.اثر فاکتورهای موثر بر روی پاسخ الکترودی نظیر ، مقدار اصلاحگر، نوع الکترولیت و سرعت اسکن مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. این الکترود بصورت موفقیت آمیزی برای تعیین متیونین در نمونه های سرم بکار گرفته شد. از ویژگی های این سنسور می توان به مواردی همچون قیمت پایین، سادگی تهیه، پاسخ سریع، پایداری خوب و انتخابگری، محدوده خطی وسیع، حد تشخیص کم و تکثیرپذیری بالا اشاره کرد.
    کلید واژگان: الکترود خمیر کربن, نقره - زیولیت, ولتامتری پالسی تفاضلی, تریپتوفان}
    Seyedeh-Fatemeh Mousavi, Mohammad Alimoradi, Abbas Shirmardi *, Vahid Zare-Shahabadi
    A cobalt-zeolite (CoY) nanocomposite was prepared and used as a modifier for construction of a carbon paste electrode (CoY/CPE) and it was applied for the determination of Methionine (Met). The surface morphology of the nanocomposite was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM), Energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDX). Particle size of the prepared CoY was in the range between 31 nm and 64 nm. Electrochemical response characteristics of the modified electrode toward Met. were investigated by Cyclic Voltammetry(CV) and Differential Pulse Voltammetry(DP) in a 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 6.2. A possible mechanism was proposed for the electrochemical response of the electrode toward Met. The electrode showed a suitable linear calibration curve in the concentration range of 3.5×10-7 – 5.5×10-6 mol L-1. The detection limit of the electrode(LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were calculated 9.1×10-8 mol L-1 and 1.3×10-7 mol L-1. Effect of different factors on the response of the electrode such as pH, modifier, electrolyte and scan rate was also studied. It was successfully applied for the determination of Met in serum samples. also the amount of %RSD for evaluation of repeatability and reproducibility of the proposed sensor was obtained 0.13%.
    Keywords: Methionine, Co-Zeolite, amino acid, Deferential pulse, Voltammetry}
  • Shatha Jameel Alkhalidy *, Kifah Saed Dosh
    Casein is a biologically and physiologically complex fluid that contains proteins, water, fat, lactose, minerals, and vitamins as its principal constituents that might support the treatment of human body. Isolation of casein using urea and salts was used. Then, casein was partially purified using DEAE-Cellulose and Sephadex-G-75. The hydrolysis degree was estimated after incubation with pepsin, trypsin, and a mixture of them. αs-CN was partially purified with one peak after DEAE-cellulose ion exchange and there is also one peak that appeared after the Sephadex G-25 gel filtration technique. The maximum hydrolysis was gained after 8 hours of incubation with hydrolyzing enzymes. αH hydrolysates of αs-casein showed that the inhibition rate reached about 67% after 8 hours of incubation with a mixture of pepsin and trypsin with a hydrolysis concentration of 0.114 μmol. Results showed that casein extracted from sheep milk can be highly purified using both ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Hydrolysis of αs-CN produces low molecular weight protein using pepsin and trypsin and a mixture of them. The αs-CN has a high inhibition rate of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
    Keywords: Casein, Sheep milk, Amino acid, Hydrolysis, Ion Exchange, Gel filtration}
  • Hiba Modar Shihab *, Asmaa Mohammed Noori Khaleel
    Synthesis of a synthetic ligand (L) by mixing histidine and boric acid in molar ratios of 2:1. The complexes of transition metal were prepared by reacting CoCl2.6H2O, NiCl2.6H2O, and CuCl2.H2O with (L) in molar ratios of 2:1 (L:M). All produced compounds are investigated by using spectral methods UV-Vis, FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and AAS. In addition to the melting point, thermal analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurement, micro elemental analysis, and determination of chloride content. All complexes of transition metal were proposed to have octahedral geometries. Every component was an electrolyte as well as a paramagnetic one. All the complexes of transition metal produced were shown to be antibacterial and antifungal against the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumonia, and the fungus Candida. The anti-cancer activities of the ligand and copper complex were also studied.
    Keywords: Amino acid, Histidine, Boric acid}
  • Azam Shadloo, Kiana Peyvandi*

    Bringing up dissociation/ association equilibria, four new correlated equations are suggested for fixing the parameters of less investigated amino acid systems in a given value for two association models including PC-SAFT and CPA EOSs. Correlated parameters including co-volume parameter, association volumes, and the number of segments are dependent on the molecular weight of amino acids and have derived optimizing and fitting the parameters of the much-used aqueous amino acid solution. Moreover, to indicate the applicability of offered new equations, these formulas are utilized to reduce the number of optimized parameters from six to four for less investigated amino acid solutions. In the case of PC-SAFT EOS, the number of segments and association volume are fixed in a specified value and used to adjust four other parameters of PC-SAFT EOS including the segment of diameter, association energy, dispersion energy, and binary interaction parameter for less investigated amino acid solutions. In the case of CPA model, the correlated parameters are co-volume parameter and association volume, and these two parameters are applied to optimize four other parameters of CPA model such as temperature-dependent energy parameter containing a0 and c1, association energy, and binary interaction parameter. Also, the solubility of studied systems is predicted at different temperatures for aqueous binary solutions. Furthermore, osmotic coefficients and water activity of these less investigated systems are evaluated. In the case of PC-SAFT model, the calculated AADs for liquid density, activity coefficient, water activity, osmotic coefficient, and solubility are 0.0032, 0.0864, 0.0058, 0.051, and 4.46*10-4 , respectively. For CPA model, the AADs of these thermodynamic properties are 0.0117, 0.075, 0.0023, 0.16, and 2.79*10-4 , respectively. Both models can reproduce the literature data as well, and though the CPA model is a semi-empirical EOS, it doesn’t have irrelevant answers.

    Keywords: Amino acid, PC-SAFT, CPA, Optimized parameters, correlated equations}
  • Aysha Mezoughi *, Wanisa Mohammed, Z. O. Ettarhouni
    Thiohydantoins and their derivatives have attracted enormous attention from researchers worldwide. They represent an important class of compounds within pharmaceutical chemistry and exist in various pharmacologically active molecules that possess significant bioactivities and involved in therapeutic drugs. Additionally, they serve as important intermediates in organic synthesis for the preparation of biologically active compounds. Many compounds from this class were chemically synthesised and tested as potential treatments for various diseases. Herein, this review focuses on the chemical properties, synthesis, and reactions of thiohydantoins with an emphasis on their application in pharmaceutical drugs and in organic synthesis.
    Keywords: Aldehyde, Amino acid, Intermediate, Racemisation, 2-Thiohydantoins}
  • Banafsheh Gorji *, Reza Zadmard, Kian Tavakol, Fatemeh Shahkarami
    In  this  paper,  two  major  projects  have  been  successfully  accomplished: Firstly,  we  introduced a novel  and  highly  efficient  route which  was developed  for  the synthesis  of  Polyaniline  (PANI) nanoparticles by using Potassium persulfate. Structure of nano PANI was characterized by FourierTransform  Infrared  (FT-IR),  Proton  Nuclear  Magnetic Resonance  (1H-NMR) and  elemental analysis  and  the  surface  morphology  of  them was  studied  by scanning  electron  microscopy (SEM).Secondly,  new  nano-biosensors  have been synthesized  by  using  a  simple  and  efficient method, from the reaction of nano PANI with the biocompatible branches, such as alaninemethyl ester and N-(4-aminobenzyl)-9H-purin-6-amine as a nucleobase and succinic anhydride as a spacer. The  structures  of  6  and  7  were  confirmed  by  FT-IR  and 1H-NMR.  The  interaction  between alaninemethylester and nucleobase doped to nano PANI with short oligo phosphate chains of dsDNA (45 base pairs), was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. The results showed that existence of dopants in the structure of nano PANI increases the interactions with DNA and this caused the decrease in the fluorescence emission intensity.
    Keywords: Nano Polyaniline, amino acid, Nucleobase, N-(4-aminobenzyl)-9H-purin-6-amine, Fluorescence, Biosensor}
  • Mehmet Musa Özcan *, Şenay Şimşek, Mustafa Mete Özcan
    The chemical properties, fatty acid composition, and amino acid contents of the date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruit seeds (Barhi, Khulas, Monaif Rozaiz, Soukari, Soulag, and Soughi) were determined. While crude protein contents of date samples range from 5.70% (Soulag) to 7.59% (Bahri) (p <0.05), oil contents of seed samples changed between 3.66% (Khulas) and 7.87% (Soulag). Glucose contents ranged from 0.69% (Bahri) to 2.31% (Soughi). Glutamic acid contents of samples ranged from 0.81% (Rozaiz) to 1.20 %(Bahri)(p <0.05). Myristic acid contents of seed oils changed between 11.79% (Khulas) and 15.13% (Soughi). In addition, palmitic acid contents of oils ranged from 8.13% (Monaif) to 10.63% (Rozaiz). While oleic acid contents of date seed oils vary between 32.84% (Monaif) and 43.51% (Khulas) (p <0.05), lauric acid contents of oil samples ranged from 20,0 % (Rozaiz) to 32.83% (Monaif). Future studies will be conducted on phenolic and bioactive compounds of date seeds.
    Keywords: Date seeds, oil, compositions, sugars, Amino acid, Fatty acid}
  • F. Mirzajani*, M. Pooya

    Corona is a result of biological molecules and nanoparticles tend to each other and mainly refers to the case of proteins. The formation of the non-protein corona, i.e. carbohydrate and amino acids, and identifying the variations in their biological behavior were the purposes of this paper. The current study focused on silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), (20 and 120 nm), interaction with model small biomolecules, monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), and amino acids (histidine, cysteine, and tryptophan). The study considered the formation and composition of the corona as well as the characteristics and variations of carbohydrates/amino acids affected by AgNPs. Coronas were synthesized using the chemical reduction method, and their interactions with small biomolecules were monitored using response surface methodology (RSM). The results showed that treating glucose with smaller nanoparticles (20 nm) caused an increase in their size, agglomeration and aggregation, and a decrease in their homogeneity range. In the case of larger nanoparticles (120 nm), the glucose treatment caused the size to increase to ≥1 µm. Unlike glucose, fructose treatment had no influence on the size or stability of AgNPs.

    Keywords: Amino acid, Corona, DLS, Experimental design, HPLC, Monosaccharide, Silver nanoparticle}
  • Farideh Sedighi, Ali Sobhani, Nasab *, Mohsen Behpour, Mehdi Rahimi, Nasrabadi
    NiMn2O4 nanoparticles have been successfully prepared through sol-gel method. The effects of different factors such as the type of solvent, and amino acid temperature were investigated on the size and morphologies of products. The smallest particle size of NiMn2O4 nanoparticles was found to be 25 nm in diameter. The magnetic properties of the samples were also measured by an alternating gradient force magnetometer (AGFM). The optical property of the desired products was investigated by UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy , and the band gap of product was computed nearly 3 eV. The estimated band gap confirms that this product may be used as a photocatalyst, so the photocatalytic test was conducted by photooxidation of dyes under ultraviolet irradiation and in the presence of NiMn2O4 nanoparricles. The results demonstrated that rhodamine B degradation was about 98 % under ultraviolet light for 80 min. Therefore, the synthesized product can be employed as an effective photocatalyst.
    Keywords: Nanostructure, NiMn2O4, New approach, Amino acid, photocatalyst}
  • Sajjad Noshadi, Rahmat Sadeghi *

    This paper reports density and speed of sound data for solutions of the ionic liquids (ILs) [C4mim]Cl and [C4mim][CF3SO3] in aqueous solution of 0.05 w/w amino acids of alanine, serine and proline at T = (288.15, 298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K. From the experimental data measured, the apparent molar volume (Vϕ), isentropic compressibility ( ), and apparent molar isentropic compression ( ) have been calculated. The Vϕ values of [C4mim]Cl and [C4mim][CF3SO3] in the investigated aqueous amino acid solutions decreased by increasing the hydrophobicity of the amino acid and follow the order: serine alanine proline. The apparent molar volume and isentropic compressibility values at infinite dilution of the investigated ILs in the aqueous amino acid solutions and their variations with temperature have been determined. The infinite dilution apparent molar volume and adiabatic compressibility for transfer of the studied ILs from water to aqueous solutions of the amino acids have been calculated and the results were discussed in terms of different interactions existing in these solutions.

    Keywords: Ionic liquid, Amino acid, Volumetric, Compressibility, Aqueous solution}
  • Mohammad Hasanzadeh *, Ayub Karimzadeh, Nasrin Shadjou
    L-Tryptophan (L-Trp) is of great importance in the biochemical, pharmaceutical and dietetic fields as it is precursor molecule of some hormones, neurotransmitters and other relevant biomolecules. So, determination of this amino acid has important role in detection of some neuron based disease. The main purpose of this report was to develop application of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles/graphene quantum dots (Fe3O4 MNP-GQDs)) as a nanosensor towards electrooxidation and determination of L-Trp and also the evaluation its kinetic parameters. In continuation of our efforts to use Fe3O4 MNP-GQDs for amino acids detection, our objective in the present work was to expand application of this sensor for the determination of L-Trp which is very sensitive. Decrease in oxidation overpotential and enhancement in current proved the electrocatalytic activity of Fe3O4 MNPs-GQDs-GCE as a sensor. Importantly, by this simple method of fabrication a much lower detection limit was achieved without involving any pre-treatment or activation steps. The analytical applicability of the modified electrode has been evaluated by successfully employing it for the determination of L-Trp in the standard solution.
    Keywords: Amino acid, Graphene quantum dot, L-Tryptophan, Magnetic nanoparticle}
  • Mohsen Padervand *, Atefeh Rahmani, Sara Rahimnejad, Mohammad Reza Gholami
    CdS-coupled TiO2 nanocrystals were prepared by the microemulsion-mediated solvothermal method at pretty low temperatures. The semiconductor nanocrystals were modified with tyrosine, phenyl alanine, glysine and glutamate aminoacids and then were characterized by BET, SEM, EDX, XRD, UV–Vis spectroscopy, and FTIR analysis methods. The specific surface area and the average pore diameter were found to be about 470 m2 g−1 and 2.8 nm, respectively. Moreover, the average size of the CdS-TiO2 particles was evaluated to be 28 nm. The results showed that the modification process with the aminoacids improves the adsorption capability and photoactivity of the samples. Among them, tyrosine was determined to be the best choice. According to the results, modification of CdS-TiO2 heterojunction photocatalyst with electron-donating groups is an efficient strategy to increase the photoreduction of nitroaromatic compounds. Reusability experiments were also carried out and confirmed the high capacity of the prepared samples for the photoconversion of nitrobenzene after being repeated for four times.
    Keywords: Amino acid, CdS-TiO2, Microemulsion-mediated solvothermal method, Nitrobenzene}
  • Maulidiyah*, Diono Saputro Tribawono, Dwiprayogo Wibowo, Muhammad Nurdin*
    The new method of electrochemical degradation of Amino Acid by flow system using TiO2/Ti electrode had been carried out. The electrode was synthesized by anodic oxidation processes and analyzed its electrochemical profile degradation. The development of the flow system for determining the profile and photocurrent response of amino acid, i.e phenylalanine, glycine, and glutamine were performed by using Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV), Multi-Pulse Amperometry (MPA) and Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) techniques. The optimum pH measurement of phenylalanine, glycine, and glutamine were 8.54, 7.80 and 8.53, respectively. Data on photocurrent response showed the phenylalanine, glycine and glutamine were proportional to the increasing concentration. The photocurrent response with the addition of electrolyte on the analyte showed that the photocurrent response was higher than the Ceq value of each amino acid (196.9825 μA phenylalanine; 130.3333 μA glycine; 194.0193 μA glutamine) whereas without using electrolyte of each amino acid: 84.56667 μAphenylalanine; 60.55863 μA glycine; 91.79087 μA glutamine. This system design is potentially developed for chemical oxygen demand (COD) sensor.
    Keywords: Electrochemical, Amino acid, Photoelectrocatalytic, pH, TiO2, Ti}
  • Mohammad Hasanzadeh*, Ayub Karimzadeh, Ahad Mokhtarzadeh, Nasrin Shadjou
    As a laboratory technique, the analysis of amino acid plays an important role in biochemical, pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. There is, therefore, a need for the rapid and accurate analysis of amino acid. In this report, the Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles/graphene quantum dots (Fe3O4 MNP-GQDs) was used for the investigation of electroactive amino acids effect on the electrochemical signals of each other. This sensor used towards probing the interaction study of electroactive amino acids with each other at physiological pH (pH=7.4) by differential pulse voltammetry. The herein described approach is expected to promote the exploitation of electrochemically-based methods for the study of amino acids-amino acid interaction which is necessary in biochemical and biosensing studies. This report may open a new window to direct peptide analysis in the future.
    Keywords: Magnetic nanoparticles, Graphene quantum dot, Electrochemistry, Amino acid}
  • Masoumeh Piryaei

    In this research, investigation of the adsorption isotherms and the effect of solution conditions such as pH and concentration of complexation of some amino acids with cobalt(II) nitrate six-hydrate upon multi-wall type carbon nanotube (CNT) were done. The adsorption capacity of complexation of amino acids onto the surface of carbon nanotube increased with the pH from acidic to alkaline. At pH = 9 the affinity order of the complexation of amino acids towards carbon nanotube is L-arginine > L-phenylalanine > L-asparagine > L-methionine > L-cysteine > glycine > L-alanine > L-valine > L-histidine. The curves have an important role in the design and optimization of the unit operations such as preservation, drying storing packaging and mixing. The adsorption equilibrium isotherms were fitted by Freundlich, Langmuir and Temkin models, but the Freundlich model is better than other models because is does not assume the surface as homogeneous with respect to adsorption energies and also the r2 value indicates the goodness of fit between the data and the isotherm.

    Keywords: Isotherm, Adsorption, amino acid, Complexation, Co(II) ion, Carbon Nanotube}
  • A. Farajtabar, F. Gharib, K. Zare*, M. Faraji
    The interaction of p-sulphonatocalix [6] arene towards L-arginine and L-lysine has been studied inacidic aqueous solution (p1-1 2) using UV-Vis spectrophotometric titration technique. The psulphonatocalix[6] arene was found to be able to form 1:1 complexe with amino acids in water.The values of the association constant were determined at different temperatures to evaluate thethermodynamic functions of the complexation reaction. The thermodynamics values of complexeswere compared to each other.
    Keywords: p-sulphonatocalix [6] arene, Amino acid, Equilibrium constant, Thermodynamicparameters}
  • K. Zare *, F. Keshavarz Rezaie, F. Soleimani, H. Aghaie
    Using UV-VIS spectrophotometric method, the formation constant for interaction of Fe2+(aq) ion with L-Alaninewas experimentally studied at pH = 4.1 ± 0.01 (50mM of potassium hydrogen phthalate buffer), ionic strengthof 0.1M potassium nitrate and at 5 different temperatures 15,20, 25,30 and 35 T. The optical absorption spectraof mixtures containing considered cation and L-Alanine were analyzed by using SQUAD software, in order toobtain the formation constant and the stoichiometry of respect complex. The best fitting of our results showedthe 1:2 complex respect to the studied system (Fe2+00 + L-Alanine) is formed. Regarding the value of formationconstants at different temperatures and using Van' t Hoff equation, it is possible to calculate the respectivethermodynamic functions of formation such as AG', An' , AS', ... of the studied complex.
    Keywords: Amino acid, Metal ion complex, interaction, SQUAD}
  • H. Aghaie *, K. Zare, F. Keshavarz Rezaei
    Using UV-vis spectrophotometic method, the formation constants for interaction of Cd2+(aq) andCo2+(aq) ions with L-Alanine were experimentally studied at pH = 4.1 ± 0.01 (50mM of potassiumhydrogen phthalate buffer), ionic strength of 0.1M potassium nitrate and at 5 differenttemperatures 15,20, 25,30 and 35°C. The optical absorption spectra of mixtures containingconsidered cations and L-Alanine were analyzed by using SQUAD software, in order to obtainthe formation constants and the stoichiometry of respect complexes. The best fitting of our resultsshowed that the 2:1 complex respect to each studied system (Cd2+(aq) + L-Alanine) and (Co2+(aq) +L-Alanine) is formed. Regarding the values of formation constants at different temperatures andusing Van't Hoff equation, enable us to calculate the respect thermodynamic functions offormation such as ΔH , ΔS , ΔG , … of studied complexes.
    Keywords: Amino acid, Transition metal ions, interaction, SQUAD}
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