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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "industry" در نشریات گروه "شیمی"

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «industry» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
جستجوی industry در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • Santosh Pandava, Manoj Praharaj *, Abhiram Satapathy

    Corrosion and tribology are surface processes that occur on the outer layer of materials. Modifying surfaces of materials without changing their internal properties is an efficient method for reducing corrosion, friction, and wear in engineering applications. The progress in nanotechnology allows for the easy development of surface protective coatings using nanoparticles to investigate their effectiveness in reducing chemical and physical damage to surfaces. Surface protection improves the performance and extends the operational lifespan of industrial machinery components. The automotive, aerospace, electrical, water electrolysis, seawater condensers and tubes, and energy generating industries are among the many areas where this coating finds tremendous use. This paper provides an analysis of different types of newly created nanostructured coatings, including their methods of manufacture, corrosion characteristics, and tribological performance. It presents information on the progress of nanostructured coatings, namely nanocomposite coatings with metal and polymer matrices. The present review is intended to report a series of works aimed to prevent corrosion by nano-composite coatings.

    Keywords: Nanocomposite Coating, Industry, Manufacturing, Nano-Particles
  • Abdullahi Abdullahi Muhammad *, Fai Yirankinyuki Frederick, Chiroma Bello Muhammad

    Epoxidized vegetable oils are promising candidates as raw material substitutes for industrial applications. The Chemical modification of epoxies appears to be a pathway towards achieving this goal of replacing raw materials with industrial products. In this study, oil was extracted from cottonseed using a Soxhlet extractor, yielding 35% cottonseed oil. The results obtained in the cottonseed oil characterization were determined as follows: an iodine value of 114.7gI2/100g, acid value of 0.66mgKOH/g, saponification value of 191.2mgKOH/g, specific gravity of 0.923g, peroxide value of 10.42mEq/kg, pH 4.1. The oil was epoxidized using 30% aqueous hydrogen peroxide as the oxygen donor and glacial acetic acid as the oxygen carrier in the presence of sulphuric acid as catalyst. The fresh oil and the products of the epoxidation reaction were characterized using FT-IR analysis, the results of which indicated the disappearance of the carbon-carbon double bond peak at 1655 cm-1 and the appearance of the epoxide peak at 785 cm-1. The analysis also showed the strength of the synthetic epoxy, cotton epoxy cured in 21 minutes versus commercial epoxy cured in 8 minutes. Vegetable oils that have undergone epoxidation are interesting alternatives to replace raw materials in industrial applications. Epoxies can potentially be chemically altered in order to replace raw materials with industrial goods. The following conclusions were drawn from the cottonseed oil characterisation results the specific gravity is 0.923g, peroxide content is 10.42mEq/kg, pH is 4.1, iodine value is 114.7gI2/100g, acid value is 0.66mgKOH/g, and saponification value is 191.2mgKOH/g. FT-IR analysis was employed to characterize the fresh oil and the epoxidation reaction’s products.

    Keywords: Cotton, Curing time, Epoxides, Acid Value, Industry, Raw materials
  • Seyedeh Shahrzad Moayeripour *, Maryam Adimi

    Soil pollution has increasing risks for human health and environment. Heavy elements are considered among the most important pollutants in the environment, which have been highly concerned in the last few decades. The accumulation of heavy elements in the soil, especially in agricultural fields, is gradual and the concentration of heavy elements can reach a level that threatens human food security. Every year, thousands of tons of these elements, which are caused by urban, industrial, and agricultural activities, enter the soil. The study of different researchers inside the country shows that the intensification of industrial activities, on one hand, and the non-compliance of environmental issues and standards by some of the industrial owners, on the other hand, has caused environmental pollution in some areas of the country. Soil is one of the important components of earth's bio-travel and plays an important role in the health of humans and animals. Soil not only plays an important role in the production of food and clothing, but also has a significant effect on maintaining the environmental quality. Therefore, soil contamination by chemicals is one of the most important biological issues. In the last few decades, with the progress of industry, the amount of toxic elements in the soil has been increased. Municipal and industrial effluents, solid wastes from various urban, industrial and agricultural activities, various fertilizers, and chemical poisons are important sources of soil pollution with toxic elements.

    Keywords: Soil pollution, Human, Environment, Industry, Urban, industrial activities
  • Mahlasadat Mousavian, Reza Keshavarzi *
    Due to the increase in fuel consumption in the world and the creation of a lot of pollution by fossil fuels, hydrogen has received much attention as a clean fuel. Extensive studies have been conducted on hydrogen production from small-scale to large-scale. Moreover, many studies have been done on the storage of this valuable gas. In this review, various methods of hydrogen production, especially the photoelectrochemical method, have been investigated on a laboratory and industrial scale, and references have been made to hydrogen storage.
    Keywords: Hydrogen production, Hydrogen storage, Industry
  • Amir Samimi *

    This study has examined risk management planning in the field of Information Technology in industrial companies. Today, information is considered a valuable factor along with other factors of production. With rapid technological change, globalization and the expansion of efficient domain are among the requirements for achieving competitive advantage. Information technology in the fields of hardware, software, volume and data type and telecommunication networks is rapidly evolving and changing. Most managers of organizations have become aware of the importance of using this technology in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations and greater customer satisfaction. In addition to failing to meet the projected benefits, it is likely that the failure of this IT will not be limited to the financial and economic disadvantages of managing the subtleties of project execution and may continue to IT as long as an organization fails. Regarding the process of risk management or information security risks, there are methods and methodologies which define steps to evaluation process and risk treatment according to the considered approach. But in most of these methods, some basic principles and concepts are considered the same.

    Keywords: Risk Management, organization, Industry, Information, Technology, Telecommunication Networks
  • صدیقه ناظمیان*
    ارتباط دانشگاه و صنعت یکی از شاخص ترین عوامل رسیدن به توسعه محسوب می شود به گونه ای که توسعه جوامع مختلف به میزان بسیار زیادی به ارتباط میان این دو بخش وابسته شده است.  به بیان دیگر، دستیابی به توسعه ملی، توجه به رابطه صنعت و دانشگاه را ایجاب می کند؛ برای دستیابی به اهداف آموزشی نیازمند نیروهای متخصص و کارآمد می باشد. بنابراین دانشگاه فرهنگیان که به تعلیم دانشجو معلمان می پردازد و در نهایت آموزش و پرورش که مسیول پرورش استعداد و خلاقیت دانش آموزان می باشند، باید با برنامه ریزی در بستر مناسب برای ارتباط بین آموزش شیمی و صنعت در برنامه های درسی همت گمارند. جامعه آماری این پژوهش را دانشجو معلمان آموزش شیمی دانشگاه فرهنگیان به تعداد 150 نفر تشکیل می دهند. حجم نمونه شامل 108 نفر می باشند. نمونه با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی خوشه ای یک مرحله ای انجام گرفت. ابزارهای اندازه گیری پرسشنامه بود که با استفاده از آمار توصیفی (فراوانی و درصد) ، آزمون استنباطی همبستگی پیرسون ، فریدمن و نرم افزارهای آماری متداول مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.  نتایج نشان داد برای ارتباط بین آموزش شیمی و صنعت بهتر است بستر مناسبی برای دانشجومعلمان دانشگاه فرهنگیان فراهم گردد تا ارتباط صنعت با آموزش و پرورش افزایش یابد.
    کلید واژگان: آموزش شیمی, صنعت, دانشجو معلمان, آموزش و پرورش, دانشگاه فرهنگیان
    Sedighe Nazemian *
    The relationship between university and industry is one of the most important factors for development. The development of various societies is highly dependent on the relationship between these two sectors. Therefore, the Farhangian University, which deals with the teaching of student teachers, and ultimately the educational system that is responsible to raise the students' talents and creativity. They must be committed to planning in the appropriate context for the relationship between chemistry and industry education in curriculum. The statistical population of this study consists of 150 student teachers of chemistry at Farhangian University. The samples were taken using a one-stage random cluster sampling (108 students). Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage), Pearson correlation, Friedman test and common statistical softwares were used to analyze the data obtained by questionnaire measurement tool. The results showed that for the link between chemistry education and industry, we should provide a suitable basis for the students of the university to increase the relation between industry and education.
    Keywords: Chemistry Education, Industry, student teachers, Education, Farhangian University
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