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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « seed dormancy » در نشریات گروه « محیط زیست »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «seed dormancy» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • وحید کریمیان*، محسن فرزین

    جهت احیاء و توسعه پوشش گیاهی مراتع در راستای اهداف بیولوژیک مشکلاتی از جمله عدم جوانه زنی مناسب بذور گیاهان وجود دارد. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی روش های محرک جوانه زنی سه گونه شاخص مرتعی Zygophyllum eurypterum ، Sanguisorba minor و Salsola orientalis در حوزه آبخیز زهره واقع در جنوب استان کهگیلویه و بویراحمد انجام شد. پس از بررسی های میدانی رویشگاه های مهم گونه های هدف شناسایی و نمونه برداری بذور در زمان رسیدگی کامل آنها انجام گرفت. تست جوانه زنی با استفاده از تیمارهایی از جمله: شاهد، خراش دهی، اسید سولفوریک 98 درصد (به مدت 20 و 40 دقیقه)، نیترات پتاسیم 2/. درصد و تیمار خیساندن در آب داغ در آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با 4 تکرار انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد تیمارهای مختلف بکار رفته جهت شکست خواب در در هر سه گونه گیاهی بر تمامی صفات اندازه-گیری شده تفاوت معنی داری دارند (01/0p<). بیشترین درصد و سرعت جوانه زنی گونه های S. minor ، S. orientalis و Z. eurypterum به ترتیب در تیمار نیترات پتاسیم، نیترات پتاسیم و تیمار آب داغ، کمترین درصد و سرعت جوانه زنی هر سه گونه در تیمار اسیدسولفوریک 40 دقیقه اتفاق افتاد. بیشترین شاخص بنیه بذر گیاه Z. eurypterum بترتیب در تیمارهای آب داغ و نیترات پتاسیم و بیشترین شاخص بنیه بذر گونه های S. minor و S. orientalis در تیمار نیترات پتاسیم بدست آمد. بطور کلی در بین تیمارهای مورد بررسی، بهترین تیمار برای برای شکست خواب گونه های S. minor و S. orientalis نیترات پتایسم و بهترین تیمار شکست خواب گیاه Z. eurypterum تیمار آب داغ می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: خواب بذر, جوانه زنی, بیولوژیک, کهگیلویه و بویراحمد}
    Vahid Karimian *, Mohsen Farzin

    There are many problems for the restoration and development of rangeland vegetation in the field of biological purpose, including the lack of proper germination of plant seeds. The seeds of many plant species cannot germinate despite suitable environmental conditions. Seed dormancy, hard and impenetrable shell and the presence of immature embryo are the main factors of seed not germinating. Seed dormancy is a temporary stagnation in seed life that enables it to complete its germination under favorable conditions and causes the distribution of germination in space and time. In general, research related to seed germination is one of the key and primary tools for biological projects. Because the results of this research can be used in the implementation of management programs for the preservation and development of vegetation. Researchers are trying to find suitable methods to break dormancy and increase the percentage and speed of germination of key plants by investigating the causes of dormancy in seeds. Among the native plants and indicators of winter rangeland in the south of the country, including the tropical areas of Kohgiluyeh Va Boyer Ahmad provinces, which are located in the Zohreh watershed, Zygophyllum eurypterum Boiss & Buhse. from Zygophyllaceae family, Sanguisorba minor L. from Rosaceae family and Salsola orientalis S. G. Gmelin (=Salsola rigida) belong to Chenopodiaceae family. Due to the destructive process of rangeland in the south of the country, resuscitation and development of the vegetation of these areas with indigenous and indicator species in line with biological operations is a priority. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study is to investigate and compare the germination stimulation methods of three indicator range species in order to introduce the best methods.


    The present research was conducted to investigate the methods of dormancy of three index species of rangeland: Zygophyllum eurypterum, Sanguisorba minor, and Salsola orientalis in the rangeland of the Zahra watershed in the south of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad provinces. For this purpose, after field investigations of the important habitats of the studied species, seeds were identified and sampled when they were fully ripened. The preliminary investigations revealed that all three species have sleep. Therefore, the germination test and determination of the best treatment for the mobility and improvement of germination of the studied species include the following treatments: Germination test using treatments including; Control, scraping, sulfuric acid 98% (for 20 and 40 minutes), potassium nitrate 0.2% and hot water. The experiment was conducted as a factorial in a completely randomized design with 4 replications. The measured traits included germination percentage, germination speed, length of root, shoot, seedling and seed germination index. Mean comparisons were done using Duncan's test.


    The results showed that different dormancy treatments have a significant effect on the percentage of seed germination of the studied species (p<0.01). The highest percentage of S. minor germination was observed in potassium nitrate treatment (77.25%) and the lowest in sulfuric acid treatment for 40 minutes (27.5% ). The highest germination percentage of S. orientalis was observed in potassium nitrate treatment (67.50%) and the lowest in sulfuric acid treatment for 40 minutes (42.25%). The highest germination percentage of Z. eurypterum plant was observed in hot water treatment (70%) and the lowest germination percentage was observed in sulfuric acid treatment for 40 minutes (29.5%). Also, the results showed that different treatments have a significant effect on the germination rate of the studied species' seeds. The highest rate of germination of S. minor (3.05 seeds/day) and S. orientalis (1.85 seeds/day) in potassium nitrate treatment and the highest rate of germination of Z. eurypterum (2.3 seeds /day) was obtained in hot water treatment. The results of comparing the averages showed that the treatments used have different effects on the growth of the studied species. So that in S. minor plant, the highest effect on root length (5 cm) was the use of potassium nitrate treatments and scratching, and the highest length of shoot (5.62 cm) and seedling (10.6 cm) ) this plant was obtained in potassium nitrate treatment. In S. orientalis plant, the maximum length of root, shoot, and seedling was 1.8, 1.15, and 2.95 cm, respectively, in potassium nitrate treatment. Also, in Z. eurypterum plant, the maximum length of root, stem and seedling was 2.97, 2.85 and 5.82 cm respectively in hot water treatment. In all three species, the minimum length of root, shoot and seedling was observed in sulfuric acid treatment of 40 minutes. The results of the comparison of the averages show that there is a significant difference between the different sleep deprivation treatments on the seed germination index of the three species Z. eurypterum, S. orientalis and S. minor. The highest seed germination index of Z. eurypterum was obtained in hot water and potassium nitrate treatments, and the highest seed germination index of S. orientalis and S. minor species was obtained in potassium nitrate treatment.


    In general, in this research, it was found that the highest percentage and speed of germination of S. minor and S. orientalis in the potassium nitrate treatment and Z. eurypterum in the hot water treatment were among the treatments of sleep failure. The lowest percentage and germination rate of all three species were observed in sulfuric acid treatment for 40 minutes. In S. minor and S. orientalis plants, the greatest effect on the length of root, shoot and seedling was obtained in potassium nitrate treatment. In Z. eurypterum plant, the maximum length of root, shoot and seedling was obtained in hot water treatment. In all three studied species, the lowest length of root, shoot and seedling and seed germination index were observed in sulfuric acid treatment of 40 minutes. Therefore, among the studied treatments for sleep failure, the best treatment for S. minor and S. orientalis species is potassium nitrate, and the best treatment for Z. eurypterum plant sleep failure is hot water treatment, Therefore, it is suggested to use the results of this research for related works in the direction of biological restoration of the studied area and pastures of other areas with similar ecological conditions.

    Keywords: Seed dormancy, Germination, Biologic, Kohgiloyeh Va Boyerahmad}
  • علی اصغر معصومی*

    در میان 57 جنس بزرگ گیاهی، که بیش از 500 گونه دارند، جنس گون، دارای بیشترین تعداد گونه در جهان است و اولین جنس بزرگ در میان گیاهان گل دار به شمار می رود. گونه‎های این جنس متعلق به 150 بخش در دنیای قدیم و 94 بخش در دنیای جدید، با 3،500 گونه هستند. ازنظر تعداد گونه‎ها، گون‎های جهان به سه گروه کوچک، متوسط و بزرگ تقسیم شده اند که در قاره آسیا، اروپا و به طور پراکنده در آفریقا انتشار دارند. برای درک بهتر از تنوع و فراوانی زیاد، این جنس را باید در سیستم زادآوری، گرده‎افشانی، خواب بذر و بانک بذر خاک، شرایط رویشگاهی و گونه‎زایی جست وجو کرد. در این مقاله کوشش شد تا اندکی به بیولوژی و فیزیولوژی این جنس اشاره شود. در تشخیص و تفکیک گونه‎ها، کلیه صفات ارزشمند به صفات مرفولوژیک، آناتومیک، سیتولوژیک، فیزیولوژیک و شیمیایی تقسیم شدند.

    کلید واژگان: گون, زاد آوری, گرده افشانی, خواب بذر, گونه زایی}
    Ali Asghar Maassumi *

    Among 57 genera having more than 500 species, the genus Astragalus, with a large number of species worldwide, is the first big genus in flowering plants. The species belong to 150 sections in Old World and 93 sections in New World, with 3500 species. In the point of species numbers, the genus is divided into three big groups; Small size, medium size, and big size sections. In the Old World, the species are widely distributed in Asia, Europe, and sparsely in African continents. To understand better the high diversity of the genus, it is necessary to seek the main factors of reproduction system, pollination, seed dormancy, soil seed bank, habitat, and speciation mechanism. In this paper, the author tried to explain the biology of the genus briefly. All diagnostic characters are divided into Morphology, Anatomy, Cytology, Physiology, and Chemistry.

    Keywords: Astragalus, Reproduction, pollination, Seed dormancy, Speciation}
  • محسن نصیری
    بذرهایی که تحمل خشک شدن و کاهش رطوبت تا حدود 5 درصد را داشته و دارای قدرت ذخیره سازی به نسبت بلندمدت در سردخانه باشند، با عنوان بذرهای ارتدکس (Orthodox) طبقه بندی می شوند. بذر گونه های درختی و درختچه ای مناطق معتدله در این گروه قرار دارند. در این بررسی بذرهای جمع آوری شده از رویشگاه های طبیعی به آزمایشگاه تکنولوژی بذر بانک ژن منتقل شدند و پس از فرایند بوجاری، تحت آزمون های تعیین سلامتی بذر، جوانه زنی و تیمارهای خواب شکنی قرار گرفتند. تیمارها شامل سرمادهی در زمان های متفاوت، آب داغ، استفاده از عوامل شیمیایی و هورمون GA3 در غلظت ها و زمان های مختلف، خراش دهی مکانیکی و شیمیایی بودند که پس از اعمال آنها در دو بستر کاغذ صافی و گلدان های حاوی ماسه بادی کاشته شدند. روند کاهش قوه نامیه بین گونه ها متفاوت بود. بذرهای بادام کوهی و بسیاری از گونه های جنس کاج پس از 20 سال نگهداری دارای قوه نامیه بالایی (44 تا 82 درصد) بودند، ولی گونه های دارای بذر ریز نظیر توسکا، زبان گنجشک و تاغ از قوه نامیه کمتری برخوردار بودند. علت کاهش قوه نامیه بذرها به تفاوت در مواد ذخیره ای و ژنوتیپ آن ها ارتباط داشت. با توجه به نتایج این تحقیق، مشخص شد که اندازه و رفتار انبارداری بذر از عوامل مهم تعیین دوره احیای بذرها است.
    کلید واژگان: جوانه زنی, دوره نگهداری, خواب بذر, ارتدکس, بانک ژن}
    Mohsen Nasiri
    The seeds tolerating drying and moisture content as less as 5% are known as orthodox seeds. The seeds of tree and shrub species growing in temperate zones belong to this group. In this investigation, seeds of 32 species, collected from natural habitats, were evaluated. The seed samples were processed for cleaning and then seed health and breaking seed dormancy were tested. The dormancy treatments included: pre-germination cooling test with different times, chemical and hormonal (GA3) agents with different concentrations and duration, mechanical and chemical scarification with two germination beds (Petri dishes with paper filter and pots containing sands). The trend of seed viability reduction was different among the study species. The seeds of Amigdalus scoparia and many pine species had high seed viability (44 to 88%) after twenty years but the species with small seeds like Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus and Haloxylon had lower seed viability. The cause of decreased seed viability was related to the storage materials and their genotype. It was concluded that seed size and seed storage behavior would be useful as important factors to determine seed regeneration.
    Keywords: germination, Seed dormancy, orthodox, Gene bank}
  • Sanaz Kamali, Morad Shaban *
    Changes in seed dormancy were selected during the domestication of crop plants from wild-plant species, because some features of dormancy that provide ecological advantages presented agronomic disadvantages within a farmed system. Seed dormancy varies widely among seed batches, even for seeds of the same genotype, indicating large environmental influences. For genetic studies, it is essential to obtain such quantitative data on seed material without the effects of variation in environmental conditions, including the maternal growing and seed storage conditions. The genetics of seed dormancy is as predicted on Mather's theory of genetical architecture for a character that has been subject to strong directional selection. Many studies on the genetics of seed dormancy regulation have concluded that dormancy is a quantitative trait controlled by multiple loci that affect different seed tissues, and often different aspects of seed physiology. Therefore, in this study discos on some research on seed dormancy control by genetic.
    Keywords: Genetic, seed dormancy}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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