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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « sodium hypochlorite » در نشریات گروه « محیط زیست »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «sodium hypochlorite» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • زهره امیرپور، عباسعلی حاجی بگلو*، محمد سوداگر، حامد پاکنژاد
    در این تحقیق اثرات سطوح مختلف هورمون رشد بر درصد تفریخ، جذب کیسه زرده و برخی فراسنجه  های خونی در سه مرحله تخم، آلوین و بچه  ماهی قزل  آلا رنگین  کمان مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. در این آزمایش 4 تیمار با غلظت های 0 (گروه شاهد)، 0/1، 0/5 و 1 میلی  گرم بر لیتر هورمون رشد در 3 گروه که هر گروه در سه مرحله تخم، آلوین و بچه ماهی با غلظت 0/005 درصد هیپوکلریت سدیم به مدت 15 ثانیه نفوذ پذیر شده و سپس در غلظت  های ذکر شده هورمون رشد به مدت 5 دقیقه حمام داده شدند. نتایج نشان داد که درصد و طول دوره تفریخ در کلیه تیمار ها با گروه شاهد اختلاف معنی  دار نداشت (0/05<p). طول دوره جذب کیسه زرده در غلظت 0/1، در زمان کوتاه  تری نسبت به غلظت 0/5 و 1 صورت گرفت و با شاهد اختلاف معنی  دار داشت (0/05>p). بیش  ترین میزان گلبول سفید و قرمز به ترتیب در غلظت 1 و 0/1 در مرحله تخم دیده شد (0/05>p). میزان هموگلوبین نیز در غلظت 1 مرحله تخم بیش  ترین مقدار را داشت. میزان هماتوکریت در همه غلظت  های هر سه گروه (به جز درغلظت 1 مرحله بچه  ماهی) به طور معنی داری بیش تر از گروه شاهد بود (0/05>p). بیش  ترین میزان گلوکز به ترتیب در مرحله بچه ماهی، آلوین و تخم مشاهده شد. بیش ترین میزان آلبومین و پروتئین کل در غلظت 1 مرحله تخم مشاهده شد که به طور معنی داری بالاتر از سایر گروه ها در مراحل مختلف بود (0/05>p). در مجموع نتایج نشان داد که بهترین عملکرد در مرحله تخم و در غلظت 1 میلی گرم بر لیتر هورمون مشاهده شد.
    کلید واژگان: هورمون رشد, کیسه زرده, قزل آلا رنگین کمان, پارامترهای خون شناسی, هیپوکلریت سدیم}
    Zohre Amirpur, Abasali Hajibeglou *, Mohamad Sudagar, Hamed Paknezhad
    This study investigated the effects of different levels of growth hormone on hatching rate, yolk sac absorption and some blood parameters in egg, Alvin and fry stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The experiment consisted of 4 treatments 0 (control) 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg/l of growth hormone in 3 groups, each group at 3 stages of fish life (egg, Alvin and fry) permeabeled with sodium hypochlorite (0.005%) for 15 seconds and then Immersed in the concentrations of growth hormone for 5 minutes. Results showed that the percentage and duration of hatching time in all treatments were not significantly different with control (p>0.05). The length of absorption period of yolk sac in 0.1 mg/l was lower than 0.5 and 1 mg/l. Moreover, it was significantly lower than control group (p < 0.05). The highest amount of white and red blood cells was in egg stage with 1 and 0.1 mg/l respectively, which was significantly different from control (p < 0.05). Hemoglobin levels were also highest in 1 mg/l in egg stage. Hematocrit levels were significantly higher in all experimental groups (except in 1 mg/l in fry stage) compared to control. The highest levels of glucose were respectively observed in the fry, Alvin and egg stage. The highest amount of albumin and total protein were observed in 1 mg/l in egg stage which significantly were higher than other experimental and control group in different stages (p < 0.05). in conclusion, in egg stage, 1 mg/l of growth hormone had the best performance compared to other stages
    Keywords: growth hormone, yolk sac, rainbow trout, Hematology Parameters, sodium hypochlorite}
  • سیدعلی اکبر هدایتی، سعید شهبازی ناصرآباد*، حامد غفاری فارسانی
    زمینه و هدف
    ورود شوینده ها از طریق فاضلاب خانگی به اکوسیستم های آبی می تواند اثرات نامطلوبی بر حیات آبزیان داشته باشد. در این تحقیق سمیت حاد هیپوکلریت سدیم (NaOCl)، بر روی ماهیان 1 ± 16 گرمی (میانگین ± SD) کپور معمولی (Cyprinus carpio) و 1 ± 5/3 گرمی سفید دریای خزر (Rutilus frisii Kutum) به منظور تعیین غلظت کشنده 50% از جمعیت ماهیان در 96 ساعت، مطالعه گردید.
    روش بررسی
    آزمایش به صورت ساکن (Static) و بر اساس روش استانداردO.E.C.D به مدت 4 شبانه روز (96 ساعت) انجام گرفت. پس از انجام آزمایش های ابتدایی به منظور یافتن محدوده کشندگی، آزمایش اصلی با انتخاب 5 تیمارهای نهایی (0، 15، 30، 60 و120 میلی گرم بر لیتر) برای کپور معمولی و 6 تیمار نهایی (0، 5، 10، 20، 40 و80 میلی گرم بر لیتر) برای ماهی سفید، هرکدام با 3 تکرار انجام پذیرفت و در نهایت براساس نتایج به دست آمده و با استفاده از آنالیز پروبیت، مقادیر LC1، LC10، LC30، LC50، LC70، LC90 و LC99 در 24، 48، 72 و 96 ساعت بر روی ماهیان اندازه گیری شد.
    یافته ها
    در مطالعه حاضر صد در صد مرگ و میر بچه ماهیان سفید در غلظت mg L-1 80 تنها ساعاتی پس از در معرض قرارگیری آلاینده اتفاق افتاد. ولی این فرایند در ماهی کپور معمولی در غلظت mg L-1120 پس از گذشت 30 ساعت از شروع آزمایش رخ داد. سمیت حاد (LC50 96-h) هیپوکلریت سدیم برای ماهی کپور معمولی و سفید به ترتیب برابر با 48/39 و 77/23 میلی گرم بر لیتر به دست آمد.
    بحث و نتیجه گیری
    پژوهش حاضر نشان داد که این شوینده برای ماهیان مورد آزمایش خطرناک بوده و ماهی سفید نیز در برابر هیپوکلریت سدیم بسیار آسیب پذیرتر از کپور معمولی می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: آلودگی, هیپوکلریت سدیم, کپور معمولی (Cyprinus carpio), سفید دریای خزر (Rutilus frisii Kutum), غلظت کشنده, مرگ و میر}
    Seyed Ali Akbar Hedayati, Saeid Shahbazi Naserabad *, Hamed Ghafari Farsani
    Background And Objective
    Release of detergents via urban sewages into aquatic ecosystems can have adverse effects on aquatic life. In this study, the acute toxicity of NaOCl on Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) with average weights of 16±1 g (mean ± SD) and 3.5±1 g, respectively, was investigated to determine 50% lethal concentration of the fish populations in 96 hours.
    Experiments were carried out in a static base according to O.E.C.D standard method in 4 days (96 hours). After primal experiments to explore the lethal range, the main research was performed by selection of 5 final treatments (0, 15, 30, 60, 120 mg L-1) for Cyprinus carpio and 6 final treatments (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 mg L-1) for Rutilus frisii kutum, each one with 3 repeats. Eventually according to the results obtained by probit analyses, amount of LC1, LC10, LC30, LC50, LC70, LC90 and LC99 were calculated in fishes during 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours.
    Findings: In the present study, 100% of mortality of Caspian kutum in concentration of 80 mg L-1, happened only within the first hours they exposed to pollution. However, this process in Common carp in concentration of 120 mg L-1, happened after 30 hours passed from starting the experiment. The acute toxicity of Common carp and Caspian kutum were 39.48 and 23.77 mg L-1 respectively.
    The present study showed that this washer is dangerous for fishes and also Rutilus frisii kutum is much more vulnerable to NaOCl in comparison with Cyprinus carpio.
    Keywords: Pollution, Sodium Hypochlorite, Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum), lethal concentration, Mortality}
  • راضیه عسگری، بیتا آیتی
    فرایند فتوکاتالیستی با استفاده از نانو ذرات نیمه رسانا با هدف تشکیل رادیکال های فعال شامل رادیکال غیر گزینشی هیدروکسیل برای تجزیه ساختار آلاینده مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. در این روش با تابش طول موج مناسب و فعال شدن سطح نانو ذرات، یک جفت الکترون-حفره تشکیل می گردد که برای حل مشکل کوتاه بودن عمر آن، کاربرد گیراندازها پیشنهاد شده است. گیر اندازها با گیر انداختن الکترون و یا حفره، ترکیب مجدد الکترون-حفره را به تعویق انداخته و واکنش اصلی را تسریع می کنند. همچنین با انجام مستقیم فرایند اکسیداسیون-احیا بر روی آلاینده و با از بین بردن اثر تداخلی گونه های فعال در محیط راندمان حذف را افزایش می دهند. در این تحقیق اثر دو گیر انداز الکترونی پراکسید هیدروژن و هیپوکلریت سدیم در تسریع رنگبری رنگزای آبی مستقیم 71 مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. طبق نتایج، غلظت mg/L 100 رنگزا با pH 8 توسط 006/0 مولار پراکسید هیدروژن بر روی بستری با غلظت gr/m2 40 از نانو ذرات TiO2 رنگبری شد که تحت تابش W 90 UV-C، به مدت 20 دقیقه به طول انجامید. همچنین 01/0 مولار هیپوکلریت سدیم باعث کاهش زمان رنگبری mg/L 100 رنگزا در pH 11 از 255 دقیقه به 15 دقیقه تحت UV-C 90 وات بر روی بستری مشابه شد.
    کلید واژگان: پراکسید هیدروژن, هیپوکلریت سدیم, فتوکاتالیست, حذف, شدت تابش}
    The presence of synthetic dyes in water and wastewater causes toxicity to aquatic life and bacteria and changes the brightness, color and clarity of the water. Common treatment methods for these compounds are not capable of complete mineralization. Therefore, new methods are needed to maximize the efficiency. Among them, Advanced Oxygen Processes (AOPs), especially Photocatalytic oxidation with nano particles such as TiO2 are efficient and appropriate. According to investigations, very reactive species such as hydroxyl radicals are produced while this process to oxidize organic dyes in wastewater efficiently. According to mechanism equations 1 to 6, anatase and rutile as two phases of TiO2 are activated with appropriate wavelength of 390 and 415 nm and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROSs) are made. Among them O2•-, HO2• and OH• are known as the most active radicals.
    (1) TiO2 hν→TiO2 (eCB-蕐)
    (2) OH-蕐→OH•
    (3) O2砠→O2•-
    (4) O2•-→HO2•
    (5) 2HO2•→O2ὣ
    (6) H2O2•-→OH-•
    This method has some problems such as long irradiation time required to decompose hard degradable compounds such as azoic dye structures and rehabilitation time and expense. To reduce these problems, some methods are proposed including scavenger application and stabilization of nano particles on an inert cementitious bed to simulate real wastewater treatment plant situation that these are mentioned in our investigation.
    Application of scavenger compounds are necessary to elongate the immediate recombination of electron-hole pairs which are exited on irradiated TiO2 surfaces with UV-C light. The scavengers are compounds that will scavenge the electron or hole to retard the recombination of electron-hole and or bulk medium radicals to reduce interferences to make reactions faster be done, if they be correctly chosen and with initiating the photocatalytic chain reactions will enhance the efficiency of dye removal. With direct participating in redox reactions of colored pollutant and with elimination of ROS interaction effects in medium will also enhance the removal efficiency.
    Therefore, in this research for enhancing the removal of Direct Blue 71 dye as a complex triazoic compound, the application of accelerating electron scavengers H2O2 and NaOCl in immobilized photocatalytic process was investigated. Immobilization of nano TiO2 particles slurry on inert cementations beds did also allow easy and more frequent use of them without the need of rehabilitation.
    Materials and Methods
    The procedure included of pilot preparation, making cementitious bed with Portland cement and water and immobilization of nano aqueous TiO2 dispersion on cementitious bed with epoxy concrete adhesive. The main material included Direct Blue 71 dye was obtained from Alvan Sabet Hamedan Co. and used without any purification, nano TiO2 powder (P25) as Photocatalyst (80:20 anatase to rutile, approximate diameter of 21 nm) was purchased from Degussa Co., Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) & Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) was obtained from Dr. Mojallali Chemical Labs with 35% & 10-14% purity respectively as electron scavengers, Portland cement and water to make cementitious beds, Epoxy concrete adhesive was obtained from chemistry concrete Best Co., Oil to make pilots greasy and deionized water to make solutions.
    Equipments included Spectrophotometer DR4000 Hach Co. to read absorption, ultrasonic cleaner UE-6SFD Fungilab to disperse agglomerated nano particles, digital pH meter metrohm 691 to measure pH, digital balance PLS360-3-Kern to weigh the materials, COD reactor DRB200 Hach Co. to measure chemical oxygen demand of wastewater, 30 W low pressure mercury lamps Lumiaction brand from Taiwan to excite nano particles, magnetic stirrer RH-B2 Ika to stir up nano particles mixture to make them uniform.
    To perform experiments, a 2 cm depth cementitious bed was made of 2:1 Portland cement to water in a 23*15*4 cm framework. Afterward it was fixed in the similar pilot to make a surface of nano TiO2 with SSP (Separated Sealer and Photocatalyst) method on it (density=40 gr/m2).
    Experiments were done in a UV-C case which was covered with thick aluminum sheets and a 250 cc sample solution of synthetic wastewater with approximate 2 cm depth on pilot surface was irradiated under UV-C radiation in it. Synthetic wastewater was made of dye powder and deionized water mixture and scavenger was injected simultaneously to reach objective concentration.
    In the first steps an absorption spectrum of 20 mg/L dye solution was plotted in the range of 200-900 nm of wavelength so that the maximum absorption was obtained in 586 nm as . Afterward a calibration curve was obtained for different dye concentrations in this wavelength with the calibration equation of Abs=0.0241*[C] and R2=0.99 in which Abs (Absorption) is a non-dimensional parameter and [C] is dye concentration based on mg/L.
    The experiments included main, blank and the supplementary tests. For this reason the impact of effective parameters on photocatalytic dye removal including scavenger concentration, pH, dye concentration and irradiation of UV-C intensity was investigated as main tests. Control tests were done in optimum conditions which were derived from main tests and included of Scavenger/Dye, TiO2/Dye, TiO2/UV-C/Dye, TiO2/Scavenger/Dye, Scavenger/UV-C/Dye systems. In the end, COD/COD0 trend, absorption curve of dye removal and kinetics of reactions were studied as supplementary tests.
    Discussion of
    The results showed that 100 mg/L dye in the presence of 0.006 M H2O2 at pH 6 under 90 W UV-C lamps irradiation in 20 minutes was decolorized. However the time required for bleaching without H2O2 under these conditions was 255 minutes. The concentration of 0.01 M NaOCl could also reduce the completely dye removal time of 100 mg/L dye at pH 11 and a light intensity of 90 W UV-C lamps from 255 to 15 minutes.Also, with an investigation of absorption spectrum while color removal, it was also proved that reduction in peaks of azoic bonds (586 nm) and benzene and naphthalene compounds (310 nm) was an approval of an appropriate decomposition process progress. The rates of color removal in presence of H2O2 and NaOCl via removal kinetics study of TiO2/scavenger/UV-C/dye system were respectively 15 and 35 times faster than kinetics of systems of dye removal without any scavengers which all these results were an approval of accelerating effect of used scavengers for dye removal.
    According to study of reaction kinetics, dye removal trend was based on first order reaction. Sodium Hypochlorite accelerate the reaction to 35 times faster than the same situation without NaOCl and Hydrogen Peroxide did it 15 times faster in comparison of reaction without H2O2.
    Although Sodium Hypochlorite was more effective to accelerate the photocatalytic removal of Direct Blue 71 Dye in the mentioned situation because of higher scavenger power of it compared with Hydrogen Peroxide, But application of Hydrogen Peroxide as an electron scavenger in Photocatalysis, made no by product but CO2 and water which they are safe for the environment. Sodium Hypochlorite combined with intermediate compounds of dye destruction to make some chlorinated products in the environment which need to be more treated.
    In industrial scale 1 M Sodium Hypochlorite is equivalent to 10 L and this amount for Hydrogen Peroxide is 6 L for each cubic meter of wastewater, So this amount is more feasible according to price and accelerating rate in comparison to Sodium Hypochlorite. Therefore, between these two scavengers, Hydrogen Peroxide was preferred with acceptable efficiency and good scavenger effect on Photocatalysis of Direct blue 71 as a model dye.
    Keywords: Hydrogen Peroxide, Sodium hypochlorite, hotocatalyst, removal, Irradiation}
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