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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « AQI Index » در نشریات گروه « محیط زیست »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «AQI Index» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • علی کاشانی صفار، حسین نوروزی*، نسرین چوبکار، لیا شوشتری کرمانشاهی

    مطالعه ی حاضر با هدف تعیین تاثیر گذاری گازهای خروجی از مجتمع بهره برداری نفت و گاز شماره 3 واقع در غرب اهواز در تابستان 1398 انجام شده است. در فصل تابستان گاز SO2 وضعیت بسیار ناسالم را تا فاصله 50 متری و گازهای NO2 و CO وضعیت ناسالم را تا فاصله 500 داشتند. CO در فواصل 2000 و 3000 متری در شرق و NO2 در فاصله 1000 متری شرق و جنوب نیز وضعیت بسیار ناسالم را داشت. گاز O3 به جز در فاصله 50 متری جنوب (مسیر گلباد) و با میزان ppm 098/0 و در فاصله 50 متری غرب با میزان ppm 09/0 و فاصله ی 100 متری شرق مجتمع با میزان pm 082/0 که وضعیت ناسالمی داشت در سایر جهات وضعیت پاک و سالمی داشت. ذرات PM2.5 وضعیت آلودگی ناسالم را در فاصله 50 متری در شمال و جنوب، در فاصله 2000 متری در جهات جنوب، شمال و شرق و در فاصله 3000 متری در چهار جهت داشتند. ذرات PM10 به جز در فاصله 50 متری در جنوب (ناسالم برای گروه های حساس)، فاصله 2000 متری در شرق، جنوب و شمال (ناسالم برای گروه های حساس) و غرب (بسیار ناسالم)، فاصله 3000 متری در شرق و شمال (ناسالم برای گروه های حساس) و غرب (خطرناک) در سایر جهات و فواصل وضعیت سالم را نشان دادند. گاز So2 فقط در فاصله 50 متر در محدوده ی بسیار ناسالم قرار داشت و با فاصله از منبع آلودگی روندی کاهشی پیدا کرده و به حالت وضعیت سالم درآمد. همچنین براساس شاخص AQI وضعیت آلودگی هوا در تابستان 1398 در غرب شهر اهواز و در فاصله 50 تا 3000 متری از مجتمع بهره برداری نفت و گاز شماره 3 به دلیل خروجی فلرهای مجتمع و نیز تشدید آلودگی ناشی از فعالیت های انسانی به ویژه تردد وسایل نقلیه در وضعیت ناسالم و بسیار ناسالم قرار داشت.

    کلید واژگان: بهره برداری نفت و گاز, شاخص AQI, آلودگی هوا, ذرات معلق}
    Ali Kashani Saffar, Hossein Norouzi *, Nasrin Choobkar, Lia Shoushtari Kermanshahi

    Considering that conducting studies on the emission and concentration of pollutants in the air is one of the key measures to maintain the quality of the environment and, of course, towards the goals of sustainable development, so it can be said that by studying air pollution in industry Oil, to be able to predict the situation of sensitive areas in the future and to deal with possible adverse events, to provide appropriate ways to prevent, deal with and mitigate the consequences. This complex is located in the main flower path of Ahvaz city and directs the exhaust gases directly from the flares of this complex to the western part of Ahvaz. This is a non-interventional and descriptive-analytical study that was conducted in the summer of 1398 in Ahvaz. Ahvaz city with a population of 1059461 people was located at 31.20 north latitude and 48.40 degrees east longitude. The province is arid and semi-arid in terms of weather conditions and is affected by winds from neighboring countries, especially Iraq, as well as winds originating in the Persian Gulf.


    After conducting comprehensive studies on the climatic and geographical situation of Ahvaz city and according to the map of Ahvaz flower garden, the exhaust gases from the flares of oil and gas exploitation complex No. 3 in the west of Ahvaz, were considered as a source of pollutants. This complex consists of an operation section with gas and diesel fuel consumption and 3 long burners, 3 short burners and 70 fuel pits, a desalination section with gas fuel and has 2 short burners and a gas pressure boosting station with gas and diesel fuel. It consists of 2 long burners, 1 cold burner and 1 fuel pit. Concentrations of NO2 and CO2, SO2, CO were measured by Enviro SA and Ecotec analyzes. Monitoring of gases and suspended particles was measured in summer and once a month (3 times in total) at intervals of 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 meters in four directions north, south, west and east of the complex. Figure 2 shows the location of the sampling location. In order to calculate the AQI index, the information obtained from the sampling points according to the table of national standards of open air quality and air quality index were converted into the standard mean time concentration. According to these standards, a maximum concentration of 8 hours was used for carbon monoxide, a maximum concentration of 1 hour for nitrogen dioxide, and a mean concentration of 24 hours for suspended particles and sulfur dioxide. The maximum concentration of CO gas was measured during 24 hours. A maximum concentration of 8 hours and a maximum concentration of 1 hour were used for ozone, an average concentration of 24 hours for suspended corn and sulfur dioxide, and a maximum concentration of 1 hour for nitrogen dioxide. The results of the values related to air hygienic quality indicators of O3, NO2, SO2, CO gases in summer along with changes in air hygienic quality are shown in Table 3. Accordingly, in summer, SO2 gas was very unhealthy up to a distance of 50 meters and NO2 and CO gases were unhealthy up to a distance of 500 meters. CO was very unhealthy at 2000 and 3000 meters in the east, NO2 at 1000 meters east and south and So2 at 3000 meters. O3 gas except at a distance of 50 meters south (Golbad route) with a rate of 0.098 ppm and at a distance of 50 meters west with a rate of 0.09 ppm and a distance of 100 meters east of the complex with a rate of 0.082 pm which was unhealthy In other respects, he was clean and healthy. The quality of PM2.5 particles was 50 meters north and south, 2000 meters south, north and east and 3000 meters in four directions of unhealthy pollution. Healthy condition was measured only in the east direction of Feller at distances of 500 and 1000 m and in the west direction at a distance of 1000 m. PM10 particles except at a distance of 50 m in the south (unhealthy for sensitive groups), 2000 m in the east, south and north (unhealthy for sensitive groups) and west (very unhealthy), 3000 m in the east and north (Unhealthy for sensitive groups) and west (dangerous) showed health in other directions and distances. The case of NO2 gas had Ip index in the distances of 50 and 100 areas to the west and south, a distance of 500 to the north and a distance of 1000 meters in the east at a distance of 2000 and 3000 meters in the west and north. O3 gas at the distances of 100, 50, 500 and 1000 meters had the highest value of Ip index in the south and at the distances of 2000 and 3000 meters in the west (Figure 4). So2 at distances of 50 and 1000 meters in the east and at distances of 100 and 500 meters in the south, at distances of 2000 and 3000 meters in the north and west (Figure 5) and CO at distances of 50 meters in the north, at distances of 100, 500 and 1000 Meters in the south and between 2000 and 3000 meters in the west had the highest Ip index. The Ip index was highest for PM2.5 particles at distances of 50, 100, 500 and 1000 m in the south and in the direction of west at 2000 and 3000 m (Figure 7). The Ip index for PM10 particles was highest in the west at distances of 50, 100, 500, 2000 and 3000 m and in the south at a distance of 1000 m (Figure 8). PM2.5 particles in the west direction and PM10 particles mainly in the east direction had the lowest amount of suspended particles, which is indicated by arrows.In terms of air quality index, PM2 .5 particles in healthy to very unhealthy condition and PM10 particles except at one point in the west at a distance of 2000 and 3000 meters, which showed very unhealthy and dangerous condition in most parts of the healthy condition. In the case of PM2 / 5 particles, which can be justified due to the location of Ahvaz in a dry area and the wind from the surrounding dry areas, which is also associated with light dust particles, also in the west direction, high vehicle traffic on the Ahvaz-Dezful road The access road to the industrial town is also the license plate exchange center, and in the south and southwest of Meyvan va Tarbar Square, as well as Al-Ghadir Stadium and the air defense residential areas, the cause of the high degree of air pollution is particles. The point that is determined by the overlapping of the values of the indicators with the sampling location map is the increase in the intensity of pollution according to the existing urban infrastructure at any point in a way that in the west of Feller by distance from Feller to Up to a radius of 1000 meters due to the lack of urban facilities, a decrease in air quality index gases and suspended particles was observed, but in the range of 2000 and 3000 meters with increasing urban activities and vehicle traffic centers such as fruit and vegetable center and highway. Ahvaz - Dezful and license plate replacement center, the level of pollution with CO and NO2 gases increased, and in fact, these infrastructures play the role of a flare with high CO gas emissions. While in the range of 1000 meters in all four directions of Feller and also 500 meters in the east of Feller and the north due to the existence of agricultural lands and limited rural populations, indicators of a better situation compared to points 50 and 100 Meters near the complex. Also, the situation of So2 gas at a distance of 2000 meters was clean and at a distance of 3000 meters, respectively, it became unhealthy twice. The city can reduce the concentration of this gas in the air and reduce its concentration due to the lack of natural barriers in the area and the lack of new sources of pollution, but at a distance of 3,000 meters of roads act as a new source and they increased the load of So2 contamination.


    According to the above findings, the presence of oil and gas exploitation complex No. 3, along with the high density of urban service centers such as stadiums, fruit square and central transport of Ahvaz, license plate replacement center, Modares highway and busy road Ahvaz - Dezful and with Paying attention to the direction of Golbad acts as an aggravating factor for the residents of western Ahvaz, which can lead to many health injuries for citizens, even in the short term, including the short-term and acute effects of PM2. 5.2, NO2 and CO were noted for respiratory disease and mortality as well as due to the presence of farms on food crops.

    Keywords: Oil, gas exploitation complex, AQI Index, Air pollution, suspended particles, Ahvaz city}
  • عبدالله درگاهی، رضا دهقان زاده، وحیده فهیمی نیا، یحیی جباری، فرناز عزیزی*
    زمینه و هدف
    ذرات از آلاینده های اصلی از دیدگاه مخاطرات بهداشت عمومی، سلامتی و همچنین زیست محیطی می باشد. هدف از انجام این پژوهش، بررسی روند ماهانه، فصلی، سالانه PM10 و تعیینمیزان تغییرات کیفیت هوای شهر تبریز با تکیه بر شاخص AQI و ارتباط آن با خشکی دریاچه ارومیه در سال های90-1387، به منظور تدوین برنامه ای دانش بنیان در جهت مدیریت کنترل ریزگرد می باشد.
    روش بررسی
    این مطالعه از نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی است. داده های مربوط به غلظت PM10 از سازمان محیط زیست شهر تبریز و داده های مربوط به تغییرات سطح دریاچه ارومیه از سازمان هواشناسی استان آذربایجان غربی جمع آوری شد. سپس داده ها براساس سال، فصل، ماه و شاخص کیفیت هوا بررسی و رابطه تغییرات سطح دریاچه ارومیه با غلظت آلاینده توسط نرم افزار ver.21 SPSS تحلیل شد.
    یافته ها
    تغییرات غلظت PM10 در این چهار سال اختلاف معناداری داشته ولی روند ثابتی نداشته است، به طوری که در سال 87 غلظت آن 70±13/86 و در سال های 88، 89 و90 به ترتیب به 73± 69/92، 42± 40/87 و87/60± 63/83 میکروگرم بر مترمکعب بوده است. فصول بهار و زمستان و ماه های اردیبهشت و اسفند به ترتیب با 57/95، 81/88، 01/98، 18/103میکروگرم بر مترمکعب بالاترین میزان ذرات را داشته اند.
    نتیجه گیری
    در طی سال های 1390-1387، در بین ماه های سال، اسفند و در بین فصول، بهار و زمستان بدترین کیفیت هوا را از نظر آلاینده PM10داشتند که به دلیل شرایط جوی در زمان های یاد شده از یک سو و شرایط ویژه دریاچه ارومیه از نظر خشکی و ورزش بادهای غالب از طرف دریاچه به شهر تبریز از سوی دیگر می باشد. لذا چندین عامل در افزایش میزان ریزگردها، به خصوص ذرات خطرناک نمک تاثیر دارند که نیاز به مدیریت یکپارچه در جهت کاهش این آلاینده وجود دارد.
    کلید واژگان: کیفیت هوا, PM10, شهر تبریز, شاخص AQI, دریاچه ارومیه}
    Abdollah Dargahi, Reza Dehghanzadeh, Vahideh Fahiminia, Yahya Jabbari, Farnaz Azizi *
    Background And Objective
    Particles are main pollutants from view point of general health and environmental issue. The aim of this research was to review the monthly, seasonal and annual trend of PM10 and to determine air quality using AQI and its relation with drop of water level in Uremia Lake during 2008-2011 in order to present a knowledge base plan to manage particles.
    This study is a cross-sectional typr. The data on PM10 were collected from Departement of Environment in Tabriz and Meteorological Organization of West Azerbaijan Provence. Then, the obtained data were analyzed considering air quality index using SPSS ver.21 software.
    During the four years (2008-2011), changes in concentration of PM10 were meaningful (P=0.001). The concentrations in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 were 86.13±70, 83.63±60.87, 87.40±42, and 92.69±73 microgram per cubic meter, respectively. Spring, winter, May and March had the highest amount of partcles as 103.18, 98.01, 88.81, 95.57 microgram per cubic meter, respectively.
    Among the studied months, March and among the studied seasons, spring and winter possessed the worst air quality in terms of PM10. The reasons are intensity of particles entrance and environmental conditions during that period in one hand, and the worsen condition of Uremia Lake on the other hand. Therefore, several factors increase the amount of hazardous particles and salt particles effect. It can be condluded that there is a need for an integrated management to reduce these emissions
    Keywords: weather quality, PM10, Tabriz, AQI Index, Uremia Lake}
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