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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Yield » در نشریات گروه « محیط زیست »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Yield» در نشریات گروه «علوم پایه»
  • Abdulahad Azimov, Jaloliddin Shavkiev, Shakhzod Saidjanov, Zafar Ziyaev, Lochin Valiyev

    Globally, increasing water and energy demand is expected to reach 6.9 trillion cubic meters by 2030, exceeding 40% of the available water supplies. Climate change and rising temperatures caused water deficit due to lesser and irregular rainfalls, leading to lower production of crops. The research to assess drought tolerance of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes in Uzbekistan revealed the cultivar, Ishonch as the most promising for drought environments. The research, in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replications with a factorial arrangement and two irrigation regimes (non-stress and water stress at the seedling stage), was conducted at the experimental field of the Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology, District Kibray, Tashkent Region, Uzbekistan. Ten Mungbean cultivars, i.e Durdona, Barqaror, Marjon, Andijon-1, Zilola, Ishonch, Baraka, L-59, L-88 and L-92 with diverse agronomic characteristics, were selected for their potential yield during 2022 and 2023 cropping seasons under two different environments (optimal and water deficit condition). In the Uzbekistan region, yield index, yield stability index, stress intensity, stress susceptibility percentage index, stress susceptibility index, stress tolerance index, drought intensity index, tolerance index, geometric mean productivity, relative drought index, mean relative performance, harmonic mean, mean productivity and sensitivity drought indices and their cluster analysis results were determined. The mungbean Durdona and T-59 genotypes were found to be prone to water deficit conditions. The Ishonch, Barqaror ва L-92 genotypes were found to be a positive donor in the selection for drought.

    Keywords: Vigna radiata L., Mung beans, cultivar, line, morphology, yield}
  • آرش کاکولاریمی*، رضا تمرتاش، محمدرضا طاطیان
    محدودیت منابع آب شیرین، ضرورت استفاده کامل یا تلفیقی از آب های نامتعارف را ایجاب می نماید. یکی از این منابع، آب های شور در دسترس می باشد. هدف این تحقیق، بررسی روش تلفیق آب دریای خزر با آب شیرین بر عملکرد گونه های، Agropyron elongatum و Festuca arundinacea می باشد. برای این منظور آزمایشی در قالب طرح اسپیلیت پلات و بلوک های تصادفی با سه تکرار و پنج سطح شوری (آب شیرین (شاهد) و نسبت های 10، 20، 30 و 50 درصد آب دریای خزر) بر پایه کشت در مزرعه انجام شد. در این بررسی پارامتر های درصد جوانه زنی، سرعت جوانه زنی، شاخص جوانه زنی، ضریب سرعت جوانه زنی، متوسط جوانه زنی روزانه، وزن تر و خشک اندام های هوایی و ریشه، تولید، درصد رطوبت نسبی، درصد عناصر سدیم، پتاسیم، نیتروژن و پروتیین دو گونه مرتعی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. داده های حاصل با استفاده از تجزیه واریانس و با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 25 و مقایسه میانگین حاصل از داده های آماری با استفاده از آزمون LSD مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد گونه های آگروپایرون و فستوکا تا سطح شوری 50 درصد جوانه زدند. مقدار تولید در واحد سطح در گونه آگروپایرون در تیمار 20 درصد و در گونه فستوکا در تیمار 10 درصد افزایش یافت و پس از آن روند کاهشی را نشان داده است. میزان درصد رطوبت نسبی، پتاسیم، نیتروژن و پروتیین در هر دو گونه با افزایش سطح شوری کاهش و درصد سدیم افزایش یافت. در مجموع گونه آگروپایرون در همه مراحل جوانه زنی و رشد، عملکرد مناسبتری از لحاظ تولید در واحد سطح و مقاومت به شوری نسبت به گونه فستوکا داشته و توانایی خوبی برای رشد در شرایط تنش شوری دارد و به عنوان یک گونه پایدار و مقاوم به شوری برای کشت توصیه می شود.
    کلید واژگان: جوانه زنی, عملکرد شوری, آب دریا, کشت در مزرعه}
    Arash Kakoolarimi *, Reza Tamartash, Mohamadreza Tatian
    Forage plants are of undeniable importance in grazing livestock and thus supply human needs for livestock products. Unfortunately, in Iran, the production and management of forage plants is less considered than other crops. As a result, on the one hand, the lack of attention to increase the quantity and quality of forage, has led to a shortage of meat and dairy products and reduce their quality, and on the other hand due to livestock pressure on natural pastures has led to the destruction of a large part of vegetation. Therefore, paying attention to the cultivation of forage plants with the scientific method in the country, which is faced with uncontrolled population growth and lack of rich rangelands, is of particular importance. Forage production is very important in the country. Examining different rangeland and forage species under different environmental stresses, especially salinity stress, recognizing the potential for species adaptation and introducing compatible species, can be a step towards eliminating forage shortages. Existence of huge resources of water and saline soil in the country has made the use of salinity-resistant plants as new sources in order to produce sustainable forage to meet the nutritional needs of livestock in the country inevitable. Creating new water sources for irrigation saves drinking water for human consumption. Haloculture is a method of using saline water and soil resources in agriculture and one of the salinity rings is the production of plants with saline water resources. Caspian Sea water with less electrical conductivity than the water of other open seas of the world with an average of 18.5 ds / m equivalent to 12000 ppm can be used as an unlimited water source for to be evaluated in rangeland crop cultivation. Also, due to the presence of many useful salts in the Caspian Sea water, including potassium, calcium and sodium, compared to drinking water, it can be used as a suitable water source for growing forage plants. The average salt in the Caspian Sea is about 13 grams per liter while in the high seas and oceans it is about 45-35 grams per liter. The Caspian Sea has the lowest amount of Cl- and Na+ and the highest amount of Ca2+ and so42- compared to other high seas, which in turn causes less damage to the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Therefore, the use of Caspian Sea water for agricultural purposes is considered as a viable option. In this regard, we studied the effect of seawater irrigation at five levels of zero (control), 10, 20, 30 and 50% mixed with fresh water cultivated in the spring of 1399 on two plants Agropyron elongatum and Festuca arundinacea.MethodologyThis research was conducted on arable land in Larim village in Mazandaran province in the spring of 1399. Larim in terms of geographical location with a longitude of 50 to 52 degrees and 56 minutes and a latitude of 36 degrees and 43 minutes to 45 degrees is located in the northern margin of the city of Joybar from the Gilkharan section (Figure 1). It is located at a negative height of 20 meters above the sea level. This village is connected to the Caspian Sea at a distance of 4 km from the north. (Rastegar et al., 2017). In order to evaluate germination rate, percentage and index, fresh and dry weight of aerial and underground organs, root and stem length and production, percentage of potassium, sodium, nitrogen, protein and percentage of relative relative humidity in the form of block design. Random complete in split plot with three replications and five salinity levels (fresh water and 10% ratio equal to 1200 ppm, 20% equivalent to 2400 ppm, 30% equivalent to 3600 ppm and 50% equivalent to 6000 ppm Caspian Sea water prepared from Larim coast) Was done by planting in a plot of land with 60 plots of one square meter in Larim area. The water quality characteristics of the Caspian Sea and the water used for dilution and soil properties of the region were studied in the soil and water laboratory of Joybar city (Tables 1 and 2).Also, having the data of dry weight and area of each plot, by multiplying the amount of calculated dry weight (grams per square meter) by 10, the amount of production in kilograms per hectare was calculated. Finally, the data were analyzed by analysis of variance and the comparison of mean traits in LSD treatments was performed in Spss software version 25. ConclusionThe results of analysis of variance showed that most of the studied parameters of both species under different salinity levels of Caspian Sea water in different proportions include: fresh water (control), 10% Caspian Sea water, 20% Caspian Sea water, 30% sea water Caspian and 50% of Caspian Sea water were examined, showing a significant difference at the level of 1% (P≥0.01) (Table 3). The two rangeland species studied were evaluated together at different salinity levels. The results of germination percentage of two species under different salinity levels showed that the highest germination percentage with 100% was for both species that did not show a significant difference with each other. The results of Maguire index germination rate showed that Festuca species under normal water treatment and 10% salinity of sea water with a value of 4.94 both had the highest germination rate which did not show a significant difference with each other but with Agropyron species. They showed significant differences at different salinity levels. The results of germination rate of Thomson index showed that Festuca species under normal water treatment with 12.38 had the highest germination rate that there was no significant difference between different species but with Agropyron species at different salinity levels. The results of germination rate coefficient showed that Festuca species under control treatment with 66.23 had the highest value, which showed a significant difference with different salinity levels in Agropyron species. The results of average daily germination showed that Festuca species under control treatment and 10% and 20% of sea water with the value of 10.74 had the highest value and with Agropyron species, showed a significant difference in all salinity levels. The results of germination index showed that Agropyron species under normal water treatment with the value of 10.44 had the highest value, which showed a significant difference with 30 and 50% levels of Agropyron and at different levels of salinity with Festuca species. The stem lengths of the two species under different salinity levels were also examined. Accordingly, the maximum stem length for Agropyron species under treatment was 10% with 67.23 cm, which except for the treatment of 20% seawater in Agropyron species with other levels of this species and also with different salinity levels in Festuca species showed a significant difference. The results showed that the maximum root length for 10% sea water treatment was 18.25 cm in Agropyron species, which showed a significant difference with other salinity levels in Agropyron species and different salinity levels of Festuca species. The highest fresh and dry weight of shoots for Agropyron species treated with 20% salinity of sea water with 1422.96 and 256.13 g, respectively, which was a significant difference with other different salinity levels in Agropyron species and with different salinity levels in Festuca species. The results of fresh and dry weight of roots showed that Agropyron under normal water treatment with 264.49 and 31.73 g, respectively, had the highest weight, which was a significant difference with other treatments in Agropyron and all different salinity levels in Festuca species. The production results showed that 20% treatment for Agropyron species with 2561.30 kg / ha had the highest value, which except for 30% treatment for Agropyron species with other salinity levels related to Agropyron and all salinity levels of Festuca showed a significant difference. Is. The lowest production for Festuca species was treated with 50% salinity of seawater. The results related to the amount of sodium in the plant showed that Festuca species under the treatment of 50% seawater with 0.63% had the highest value and showed a significant difference with other treatments of both species at all salinity levels. The results related to the amount of potassium showed that Agropyron species under normal water treatment had the highest value with 19.53% and showed a significant difference with other treatments of both species at all salinity levels. The results related to the amount of nitrogen and protein showed that Agropyron species under normal water treatment had the highest values with 2.70 and 16.87%, respectively, and in both species with 20, 30 and 50% salinity treatments showed a significant difference. The results related to the percentage of relative humidity showed that Agropyron species under ordinary water treatment had the highest value with 71.58% and showed a significant difference with the treatments of Festuca species in all salinity levels. The results of analysis of variance of the studied factors of the two species are shown in Table 3 and the average comparison of the studied parameters is shown in Figure 2.
    Keywords: seawater, Germination, Yield, Salinity, Field cultivation}
  • M. Barati *, S. Safarzadeh, D. Mowla, F. Bakhtiari
    Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) are one of the most dangerousorganic contaminants in the environment. Therefore, the remediation of the oilcontaminatedsoil is necessary. The growth of barley and oat plant was studied in thecontaminated soils (4, 6, 8% TPHs) during 5 months. Plant height, wet and dry weight ofshoots and roots of both plants were measured. Results showed that oat and barley height,wet and dry weight of shoots and roots decreased with increasing contamination levels.Regardless of the plants species, the highest rate of TPH reduction was observed in soilwith 4% contamination and decreased with increasing the contamination level. The TPHsconcentration in the rhizosphere of barley and oat decreased by 29.66 and 24.04% at the6% TPHs level and by 21.24 and 17.48% at the 8% TPHs level, respectively. Cultivationof barley and oat plants significantly accelerated the biodegradation of hydrocarbons andreduced TPHs content in soil as compared to unplanted soil.
    Keywords: Soil remediation, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, yield, Statistical analysis}
  • Marjan Diyanat *, Fereidoon Ghasemkhan Ghajar

    Field experiments were conducted during 2017 and 2018 to evaluate the efficacy of herbicides NICOSULFURON and EPTC alone or in combination with seed priming on weed control and corn yield. NICOSULFURON (80 g a.i. ha‒1) was applied at four- to six-leaf stage of corn as post-emergence and EPTC (4920 g a.i. ha‒1) applied as pre-plant incorporation (PPI). Among the herbicide treatments, the lowest total weed biomass was observed in plots treated with prime + EPTC PPI at ½ recommended dose followed by one hand weeding and NICOSULFURON applied at label recommended dose or 33% reduced dose integrated with seed priming, while the least performance was observed in plots treated with EPTC alone. Weed biomass reduction by seed priming alone was 32% (average of two years) compared with control. The highest grain and biological yield were observed in weed free plots and hand hoeing three times, followed by prime + EPTC followed one hand-hoeing and NICOSULFURON at recommended rate and at 33% reduced dose integrated with seed priming. The present study demonstrated that seed priming can improve the weed competitiveness of corn.

    Keywords: Density, hand weeding, weed biomass, Yield}
  • Narayan Khatri *
    A 3- years (2015, 2016 and 2017) field study was carried out at National Wheat Research Program, Bhirahawa, Rupandehi, Nepal to evaluate the influence of crop residues and nitrogen levels on rice. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with three replications. Main plots were two crop residue levels (with crop residues of 30 cm wheat stubble and without crop residues) and sub plots consisted of seven nitrogen levels (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 kg N ha-1). Combined analysis of three years data revealed that crop residue levels did not differ significantly in terms of grain yield; however crop residues incorporation increased the rice grain yield slightly. Significant difference was observed with application of different nitrogen levels in grain yield and yield attributing characters viz; tillers m-2, panicle length, number of filled grains per panicle and thousands grain weight. Rice grain yield was found at increasing rate with increased level of nitrogen @ 150 kg ha-1. Application of nitrogen @ 150 kg ha-1 gave highest grain yield of 4831kg ha-1 which was found at par with nitrogen @ 125 kg ha-1 with grain yield of 4722 kg ha-1. Crop residues with nitrogen @ 125 kg ha-1 resulted in 216 kg ha-1 higher rice grain yield than residues removed treatment. The overall conclusion is that an improved crop residue management with 125 kg N ha-1 increases the grain yield of rice in long run.
    Keywords: Crop residue, Nitrogen levels, Rice, Yield}
  • عظیم شیردلی، فرصت لطفی، ذبیح الله خانی تملیه *، پریسا فخیمی، مصطفی صالحی
    یکی از عوامل تاثیرگذار در رشد و عملکرد گیاهان، دما است. از اینرو، در این مطالعه روند دمایی آتی در منطقه ابهر تحت تاثیر تغییرات اقلیمی طی دوره های زمانی آینده تعیین و با دوره مشاهداتی مقایسه شد. سپس، با استفاده از شبیه سازی عملکرد گیاه به وسیله مدل AquaCrop، عملکرد گیاه در دوره های زمانی آتی و در زمان های کشت متفاوت شبیه سازی و برآورد گردید. در این مطالعه، بازه زمانی دوره مشاهداتی 2010-1986 میلادی، افق نزدیک 2045-2011، افق متوسط 2079-2046 و افق دور 2100-2080 در نظر گرفته شد. به منظور ریزمقیاس نمایی، نتایج مدل شبیه سازی گردش عمومی جو از نرم افزار LARS-WG طی مدل HadCM3 و سناریوی A2 استفاده شد. همچنین، تولید فایل سناریو نیز انجام گردید. طبق نتایج به دست آمده، بیشترین عملکرد در کشت 5 خرداد با t/ha 29/46 و کمترین عملکرد در کشت 15 خردادماه با t/ha 6/40 خواهد بود. با انتقال زمان کشت مرسوم از 25 اردیبهشت به 5 خرداد شاهد افزایش عملکرد t/ha 28/0 خواهد بود. در افق های آینده زمان کشت 5 اردیبهشت بیشترین عملکرد را خواهد داشت. در افق های آتی عملکرد ذرت علوفه ای کاهش خوهد یافت. می توان فروغ آمایی کمتر در طول دوره رشد کوتاه تر و همچنین سیستم فتوسنتزی C4 این محصول را در این کاهش عملکرد دخیل دانست.
    کلید واژگان: AquaCrop, تغییر اقلیم, دشت ابهر, دمای هوا, عملکرد}
    Azim Shirdeli, Forsat Lotfi, Zabihollah Khani Temeliyeh*, Parisa Fakhimi, Mostafa Salehi
    Temperature is one of the factors affecting plant growth. Hence, in this paper, future temperature trends in Abhar region affected by climate change during future periods was evaluated and compared with the period of observation. Plant yield in the future and different cultivation periods was later simulated and estimated through AquaCrop simulation model of plant yield. The study observation period was considered as 1986-2010 AD, near horizon 2011-2045, the average horizon 2046-2079 and 2080-2100 horizon in the current study. LARS-WG software was used in HadCM3 model and A2 scenario in order to downscale the results of general atmosphere circulation's simulation model. Furthermore, the scenario file was generated in this study. According to the results obtained, the highest yield wil be cultivated on May 26 with 46.29 tons per hectare and the lowest yield will be produced on June 5 with 40.6 tons per hectare. If we change the traditional cultivation time from May 15 to May 26, a growth of 0.28 tons per hectare will be expected. The highest yield will be on May 15 in the future. Moreover, the sorghum's yield will decrease. Lesser photosynthesis during the shorter growing season and C4 photosynthetic system of this product could be involved in this yield loss.
    Keywords: AquaCrop, Climate Change, Abhar Plain, Air Temperature, Yield}
  • خلیل کریم زاده*، میثم انصاری، محمدحسین لباسچی، محمد بختیاری رمضانی، بهلول عباس زاده
    افزایش جمعیت، توسعه صنعت، پایین بودن کارایی مصرف آب و کاهش نزولات جوی سبب برداشت بی رویه از آب های زیرزمینی گردیده است. برنامه ریزی برای تغییر الگوی مصرف آب در همه ابعاد خانگی، صنعت و کشاورزی اهمیت روزافزون پیدا نموده است. از راه های کاربردی مقابله در بخش کشاورزی، استفاده از گیاهان متحمل به خشکی، گیاهانی با نیاز آبی کم و با کارایی بالای مصرف آب می باشد. همچنین برای افزایش ذخیره نزولات جوی و جلوگیری از خروج نزولات از حوضه آبریز خود بصورت روان آب می توان از گیاهان چندساله استفاده نمود که از تخریب اراضی، فرسایش آبی، بادی و سیلاب نیز جلوگیری خواهد کرد. زعفران (Crocus sativus L.) با نیاز آبی بسیار کم، دوره خواب در زمان گرما (از اواخر بهار تا اوایل پاییز) و سازگاری با شرایط اقلیمی منطقه، گیاهی مناسب برای کشت در منطقه دماوند می باشد. در بررسی ها مشخص شد از کشت حدود 7/2 تن بنه در هکتار حدود 600 گرم کلاله خشک در سال اول و 870 گرم در سال دوم بدست می آید. بیشترین محصول زعفران از سال سوم به بعد حاصل می شود. با توجه به کمبود منابع آبی، دیم کاری و کاشت گیاهان با نیاز آبی کم می تواند به عنوان راهکاری مناسب جهت حفظ اراضی کشاورزی، جلوگیری از فرسایش خاک و کاهش مهاجرت زارعین به کار رود.
    کلید واژگان: زعفران, دیم, عملکرد, دماوند}
    Khalil Karim Zadeh, Meisam Ansari, Mohammad Hosein Lebaschi, Mohammad Bakhtiari Ramezani, Bohlool Abbas Zadeh
    Population growth, industrial development, low water use efficiency, and reduced precipitation have resulted in over-extraction of groundwater. Planning to change the patterns of water consumption in all aspects of household, industrial and agricultural uses has become increasingly important. The use of drought tolerant plants with a low water requirements and high water use efficiency is among the practical ways in the agriculture sector. The use of perennial species is recommended to increase rainfall storage, and prevent land degradation, water and wind erosion, and flood. Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) with a very low water requirement, a dormancy period from late spring to early fall, and ability to adaptation to the climatic conditions of the area, is a plant suitable for planting in the Damavand area. According to the results, 0.6 and 0.87 Kg ha-1 dry stigma was obtained from planting about 2.7 ton corms per hectare in the first and second year, respectively. The highest yield of saffron is obtained from the third year onwards. Due to the lack of water resources, dry farming and planting the species with low water requirements could be a good solution to preserve agricultural lands, prevent soil erosion, and reduce the migration of farmers.
    Keywords: Saffron, dry farming, yield, Damavand}
  • تیمور رضوی پور*، محمدرضا خالدیان، مجتبی رضایی
    به منظور بررسی تاثیر میزان و تقسیط کود نیتروژن بر عملکرد و جذب عناصر در برنج رقم هاشمی مطالعه ای در طول دو فصل زراعی در موسسه تحقیقات برنج کشور به صورت آزمایش فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار انجام شد. تیمارها عبارت بودند از مقادیر کود نیتروژن از منبع اوره در چهار سطح (30، 60، 90 و 120 کیلوگرم در هکتار) و تعداد تقسیط کود در سه سطح (یک، دو و سه تقسیط) در مراحل نشاکاری، ابتدای پنجه زنی و اواخر دوره پنجه زنی و قبل از گل‏دهی. نتایج نشان داد مقدار و همچنین تقسیط کود نیتروژن (به جز سال دوم) در طول دوره رشد بر عملکرد دانه اثر بسیار معنی داری داشت (P<0.01). میزان کاربرد نیتروژن تاثیری بر میزان درصد فسفر جذب شده در دانه نداشت. افزایش دفعات بکارگیری نیتروژن در سه تقسیط باعث افزایش درصد جذب نیتروژن در دانه شده است (سال اول P<0.01). نتایج همچنین نشان داد افزایش عملکرد ناشی از مصرف نیتروژن اضافی به میزان 30 کیلوگرم در هکتار، معادل افزایش یک مرحله در تعداد تقسیط می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: برنج, تقسیط کود نیتروژن, جذب نیتروژن, عملکرد}
    Taymour Razavipour *, Mohammadreza Khaledian, Mojtaba Rezaei
    In order to investigate the effects of nitrogen fertilizer amount and its spliting on rice (Hashemi variety) yield and nutrients uptake from urea source, was conducted in the National Rice Research Instituteduring during a two- year experiment. The study has been done based on a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Increasing amount of nitrogen fertilizers based on urea source in four categories was as the first factor, i.e. 30, 60, 90, and 120 kg nitrogen ha-1 and the time of its application was as the second factor i.e. basal application at transplanting, two splits i.e. at transplanting and at the beginning of tillering, and three splits i.e. at transplanting, at the beginning of tillering and just before flowering. Results showed that yield and nitrogen uptake by grain and straw increased significantly by applying of increased amount of urea fertilizer and when the fertilizer was used in two or three splits application (P
    Keywords: Rice, Nitrogen Splitting, Nitrogen uptake, Yield}
  • فرزانه بهادری*، امیر مداح، محمد امیرجان
    مریم گلی کبیر (Salvia sclarea L.) یکی از گیاهان معطر مهم است که به علت ارزش اسانس آن در صنایع غذایی و عطرسازی، در سطح جهانی کشت می شود. در آزمایشی که در طی سالهای 1384 تا 1388 در استان سمنان انجام شد. یک اکوتیپ بومی مریم گلی کبیر با هدف بررسی سازگاری آن در شرایط زراعی، در دو منطقه خشک و نیمه خشک کشت و ارزیابی شد. بذرهای مریم گلی کبیر از رویشگاه طبیعی آن در شمال سمنان جمع آوری گردید. بذرها در فصل بهار به صورت مستقیم در هر دو مزرعه کشت شدند. در سال دوم پس از کشت و در مرحله ی گلدهی کامل، گیاهان از نظر ویژگی های رشدی و میزان اسانس سرشاخه گلدار بررسی شدند. مقایسه صفات در دو مزرعه و رویشگاه طبیعی نشان داد که گیاهان کشت شده در مزرعه نیمه خشک، بیشترین ارتفاع گیاه، تعداد شاخه ی گلدهنده، سطح برگ، عملکرد تر گل در هکتار( 25/8 تن در هکتار) و بیشترین عملکرد اسانس (10 کیلوگرم در هکتار) را دارا بودند که نسبت به اکوسیستم های دیگر، افزایش معنی دار داشت. کشت و تولید اکوتیپ بومی مریم گلی کبیر با ارزش اقتصادی قابل توجهی که دارد به عنوان گیاهی نو در الگوی کشت مناطق نیمه خشک پیشنهاد شود.
    کلید واژگان: مریم گلی کبیر, رویشگاه طبیعی, اکوسیستم زراعی, اسانس, عملکرد}
    Farzaneh Bahadori *, Amir Maddah, Mohammad Amirjan
    Clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.) is one of the most important aromatic plants, cultivated worldwide, and is used in flavor and fragrance industries due to its valuable essential oils. In this experiment, carried out in Semnan province during 2005 to 2009, a native Salvia sclarea L. was evaluated for its suitability to be cultivated in arid and semi-arid areas. The seeds of S. sclarea were collected from its natural habitat in the north of Semnan. The seeds (6 kg/h) were sown directly in the fields during the spring. At full flowering stage (in the second year of cultivation), the plants were evaluated for growth parameters and the essential oil yield of inflorescences. The comparison between the natural and agro ecosystems showed that plants in the semi-arid agro ecosystem had the highest plant height, flowering branches, leaf area, total fresh flower yield (8.25 ton/h) and essential oil yield (10 kg/h). The yield of clary sage ecotype cultivated in semi-arid area of Semnan was extremely higher than that of natural habitat. As a whole, the native ecotype of S. sclarea could be an alternative crop with significant economic value to be cultivated in semi-arid conditions.
    Keywords: Salvia sclarea, natural habitat, agro ecosystem, essential oil, yield}
  • Mostafa Eidi Kohnaki *, Ghaffar Kiani, Ghorbanali Nematzade
    In order to evaluate the relationship between morphological characters in rice lines two populations at F3 generation were grown in research field of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource University, Sari, Iran, during 2012. Statistical analysis on important agronomic traits showed that maximum standard deviation belonged to total grain number followed by filled grains per panicle and grain yield. Result of correlation analysis revealed positive and significant relation of grain yield per plant with panicle length, panicle per plant, total grain number and filled grains per panicle. Path coefficient analysis indicated that filled grains per panicle had highest direct effect on yield followed by panicle length, plant height, and panicle per plant. Panicle per plant had highest indirect effect on grain yield. This study revealed that selection based on filled grains per panicle, panicle length and panicle per plant will be highly effective for yield improvement in rice breeding programs
    Keywords: Rice, Correlation, Path Analysis, Yield, Yield component, F3 generation}
  • نعیم امیری دوماری
    زمینه و هدف
    فلزات سنگین یکی از آلاینده های پایدار غیر قابل تجزیه بیولوژیکی است که می تواند در محیط زیست به آب و خاک وارد شود و از آن جا جذب گیاه و بدین ترتیب وارد زنجیره غذایی شود، بنابراین برای هر یک از فلزات سنگین حدی تعیین شده است که بالاتر از آن می تواند سمی و خطرناک باشد. آلودگی فلزات سنگین نه تنها به طور مستقیم بر خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک، کاهش فعالیت بیولوژیکی و کاهش دستیابی زیستی مواد مغذی خاک تاثیر می گذارد بلکه برای سلامتی انسان از طریق ورود در زنجیره غذایی و امنیت زیست محیطی از طریق نفوذ در آب های زیر زمینی خطر محسوب می شود. کادمیم یکی از عناصر سنگین و آلاینده محیط زیست است که از منابع مختلفی از قبیل کود های شیمیایی وارد خاک و چرخه غذایی انسان می شود. به منظور اصلاح خاک های الوده به عناصر سنگین، مصرف زئولیت توسط محققین مختلفی گزارش شده است.
    روش بررسی
    به همین منظور آزمایشی گلدانی با هدف بررسی اثر زئولیت بر جذب کادمیم و وزن ماده خشک در خیار درختی طراحی گردید. این بررسی در قالب آزمایش فاکتوریل و در طرح پایه بلوک کاملا تصادفی با 2 تیمار زئولیت (در چهار سطح صفر، 1، 2 و 3 تن در هکتار) و کادمیم (در پنج سطح صفر، 3، 6، 9 و 12 میلی گرم در کیلوگرم) با سه تکرار انجام شد.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج نشان داد با افزایش مصرف زئولیت از غلظت کادمیم در گیاه خیار درختی کاسته شده و بیش ترین کاهش در سطح 3 تن در هکتار بود، به طوری که در این سطح مصرف عملکرد ماده خشک گیاه نیز افزایش نشان داد.
    کلید واژگان: زئولیت, کادمیم, عملکرد, خیار درختی}
    Naeim Amiri Domari
    Background And Objective
    Toxic heavy metals from pollutants stable non-biodegradable, which can be in the environment, water and soil, and as plant absorption and thus enter the food chain, so for each of the heavy metals limit is set higher it can be toxic and dangerous. Heavy metal pollution not only directly affects the physical and chemical properties of the soil, reduce biological activity and declining access Zesty nutrients affect soil but also to human health from entering the food chain and environmental security through the influence of water underground it is dangerous. Cadmium is a heavy metal and environmental pollutants from various sources such as fertilizers and soil into the human food chain. In order to improve soils contaminated with heavy metals, the use of zeolites has been reported by several researchers.
    An experiment to investigate the effect of zeolite stands on cadmium uptake and dry matter weight of the cucumber tree was designed. This experiment factorial experiment design randomized complete block design with 2 treatments zeolite (four levels of zero, 1, 2 and 3 tonnes per hectare) and cadmium (five levels, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mg kg) with three replications.
    The results showed that with increasing zeolite application of cadmium concentration in cucumber tree fell, and the largest decline in the level of 3 tons per hectare, so that the level of consumption of dry matter yield also increased.
    Keywords: Zeolite, Cadmium, Yield, cucumber sativus}
  • Akram Moeinirad *, Ebrahim Zeinali, Afshin Soltani, Serollah Galeshi, Farhood Yeganehpoor

    Ceftiofur, a third-generation cephalosporin, is used as a usual antimicrobial drug in veterinary medicine. Positive efficiency of ceftiofur for treatment of retained fetal membrane (RFM) and acute puerperal metritis has been previously reported. Thus, this study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of ceftiofur hydrochloride (CH) in prevention of uterine postpartum infections and improvement the fertility parameters in Holstein dairy cows.


    After parturition, 300 dairy cows affected with dystocia and RFM, from a single dairy herd, were randomly assigned into 2 groups (n=150). Group1 (control) was not treated but other group (CH) was subcutaneously treated with 2.2 mg/kg CH for 5 days.


    CH could significantly reduce rate of uterine infections compared with control groups (P<0.01). Open days and first service rate were significantly lower in CH group compared with control group (P<0.01). It can be concluded that uterine infections and metritis are inevitable part of dairy cow transitional period. Injection of CH had beneficial effects on reduction the infections and
    thus it can be advised use of CH to reduce infections and increasing fertility rate in dairy cows affected with RFM and dystocia, before other control program.

    Keywords: Nitrogen, SSM-Wheat model, Wheat, Yield}
  • Farhood Yeganehpoor *, Saeid Zehtab Salmasi, Jalil Shafagh Kolvanagh, Kazem Ghassemi Golezani, Soheila Dastborhan
    Salicylic acid (SA) is a phyto-hormone that regulates physiological and biological processes in plants and can be used to improve plant growth under different environmental conditions, including water stress. Thus, a field experiment as split plot factorial based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications was conducted in 2014 to investigate the effects of fertilizer and salicylic acid on growth, chlorophyll content and grain yield of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) plants under drought stress. Treatments were three levels of water supply (irrigation after 60, 90 and 120 mm evaporation from class A pan) and four levels of fertilizer application (control, 100 kg ha-1 Urea, Nitrokara (biofertilizer) and 50% Urea + Nitrokara) and foliar spray of salicylic acid (0 and 1 mM). Results indicated that water deficit had a significant reduction effect on leaf area, chlorophyll content, fresh weight of root and leaf and grain yield. Salicylic acid and 50% Urea + Nitrokara resulted in a significant increase of all traits under stress and well watering conditions. Although highest amount of studied traits was observed in plants treated with SA or application of 50% Urea and Nitrokara under well watering, but the changes rate was higher under stress conditions. Therefore, salicylic acid and combination of urea and Nitrokara can be used to promote growth of coriander under different water availabilities, which ultimately can enhance field performance of this plant.
    Keywords: Fertilizer, Chlorophyll, Coriander, Salicylic acid, Water stress, Yield}
  • Aynalem Gebre *, Bizuayehu Tesfaye, Beemnet Mengesha Kassahun
    Taro (ColocasiaesculentaL. Schott) is a perennial root crop that belongs to Araceace family. It is widely cultivated as a staple food in Africa, Asia and pacific Islands. Despite its importance, there is limited information on many aspects of the crop. In order to obtain data that can support improved and sustainable taro production, a field trial was conducted to study the effects of corm size and plant population density on the growth and corm yield of taro (variety Boloso-1) was investigated during 2007cropping season. The experiment consisted of five-corm size (50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200 and 201-250g) and five levels of planting densities (15037, 29629, 45454, 60606 and 74074 plants/ha) arranged in a factorial randomized complete block design with three replications. The results indicated that corm size had a highly significant (p<0.001) influence  on  plant height, leaf number, shoot number , leaf area index, corm and cormels number/plant, corm and cormels yield/ha of taro. All the parameters were increased with increased in corm size. Plant population density exertsignificant influence (p<0.001) on all the studied parameter except on plant height and number of leaf/plant.The interaction effect of corm size and population density was none significant on all the studied parameters. The highest average corm yield/ha (44.07 t/ha) was achieved at a population of 60,606 plants/ hausing seed corms having 51-100g. These could be recommended for farmers in production area similar with the study site.
    Keywords: Corm size, Ethiopia, growth, Plant population density, Taro, Yield}
  • Aynalem Gebre *, Bizuayehu Tesfaye, Beemnet Mengesha Kassahun
    Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) is a perennial root crop that belongs to Araceace family.  It is widely cultivated as a staple food in Africa, Asia and pacific Islands. Despite its importance, there is limited information on many aspects of the crop. In order to obtain data that can support improved and sustainable taro production, a field trial was conducted to study the effects of corm size and plant population density on the growth and corm yield of taro (variety Boloso-1) was investigated during 2007 cropping season.
    The experiment consisted of five-corm size (50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200 and 201-250 g) and five levels of planting densities (15037, 29629, 45454, 60606 and 74074 plants/ha) arranged in a factorial randomized complete block design with three replications.
    The results indicated that corm size had a highly significant (p<0.001) influence  on  plant height, leaf number, shoot number , leaf area index, corm and cormels number/plant, corm and cormels yield/ ha of taro. All the parameters were increased with increased in corm size. Plant population density exert significant influence (p<0.001) on all the studied parameter except on plant height and number of leaf/plant. The interaction effect of corm size and population density was none significant on all the studied parameters. The highest average corm yield/ha (44.07 t/ha) was achieved at a population of 60,606 plants/ ha using seed corms having 51-100 g. These could be recommended for farmers in production area similar with the study site.
    Keywords: Corm size, Ethiopia. Growth, Plant population, Density, Taro, Yield}
  • Marjan Diyanat *
    Citrus (Citrus reticulata) is one of the most important horticultural plant in Iran and weed management throuth ecological methods such as cover crop is a proper option in orchard management practices.
    The experiment was designed as a split plot on the base of complete randomized block design with four replications in Mazandaran Province, Sari, Voushka county from 2010 to 2012. The main plots were methods of cover crop management (desiccated with glyphosate at 0.85 kg ai ha-1, mowed and incorporated with soil with rotivator that were done at the flowering stage), and the subplots were cover crop species [sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), winter barely (Hordeum vulgare), triticale (×Triticosecale), sainfoin + barely and sainfoin + triticale] and one control treatment which was without cover crop.
    An important reduction of seedling emergence and total weed dry weight were observed in the plots with cover crop dessicated compared with the plots mowed or incorporated with soil. The optimum cover crop species for weed control was sainfoin + barely mixes because it had the highest biomass and lowered the amount of light reaching the soil surface and reduced soil temperature fluctuations, resulting in a reduction in weed seedling emergence. In addition weed suppression by it has been attributed in part to allelopathy. In both years there were no differences among treatments in tree yield but to maximize and sustain the output of an orchard, weeds in the tree row have to be controlled efficiently.
    Keywords: Biomass, citrus, dry weight, weed, Yield}
  • Mona Kazemi Moghadam, Hossain Hassanpour Darvishi *, Mohsen Javaheri
    Investigating the microbes and interactions of the beneficial symbiotic relationships between the components of the system ecology in the food chains and life cycles is one of the modern sustainable agriculture topics. In this regard, to evaluate the effects of bacteria and vermicompost on morphological characteristics and yield of soybean an experiment was conducted as split plot in a completely randomized block design with three replications.
    Main plots of experiment were at two levels including the non-use and the use of bacteria and the subplots were at three levels including the non-use of vermicompost (control), the use of 5 tons of vermicompost per acre and the use of 10 tons of vermicompost per acre.
    The results of mean comparison showed that the treatment including 10 tons of vermicompost had the highest amount of oil content (11%) and the lowest amount was obtained from the treatment including use of 5 tons with the amount of 9.77%. Increasing the seed growing and filling period led to obtain the highest amount of seed yield with the amount of 1699 kg ha while the lowest amount of seed yield was obtained from the treatment including non-use of vermicompost with the amount of 1419 kg ha. The use of bacteria compared with non-use of it led to obtain the highest amount of seed yield with the amount of 1636 kg ha while non-use of bacteria had the lowest amount of seed yield with the amount of 1443 kg ha. Also, the results showed that the plants at the flowering stage had the highest amount of relative water content and chlorophyll of leaf by use of 10 tons of vermicompost while in the seed filling stage the treatment including the use of 5 tons of vermicompost had the highest amount of RWC.
    Keywords: Bacteria, Soybean, Yield, Chlorophyll, RWC, Vermicompost}
  • Mona Kazemi Moghadam, Hossain Hassanpour Darvishi *, Mohsen Javaheri
    To evaluate the effects of bacteria and vermicompost on phenology and growth of soybean trial an experiment was conducted as split plot in a completely randomized block design with three replications.
    Main plots of experiment at two levels included the non-use and the use of bacteria and the subplots at three levels included the non-use of vermicompost (control), the use of 5 tons of vermicompost per acre and the use of 10 tons of vermicompost per acre.
    The results showed that the treatment including 10 tons of vermicompost had the highest amount of the days to full maturity with the amount of 153 days and the treatment of non-use of vermicompost had the lowest amount of the days to full maturity. Also, the highest amount of SFP was obtained from the treatment including the use of vermicompost at the rate of 10 tons per acre that increasing the seed growing and filling period led to obtain the highest amount of seed yield with the amount of 1699 kg ha while the lowest amount of seed yield was obtained from the treatment including non-use of vermicompost with the amount of 1419 kg ha. The use of bacteria compared with non-use of it led to obtain the highest amount of seed yield with the amount of 1636 kg ha while non-use of bacteria had the lowest amount of seed yield with the amount of 1443 kg ha. Also, the results obtained from the analysis of variance showed that the effects of using vermicompost on the stem diameter, plant height, and days to pod at the level of 1% and on the days to flowering, days to full maturity and seed yield at the 5% level were significant.
    Keywords: Soybean, Vermicompost, Bacteria, Phonological Characteristics, Yield}
  • Farnoosh Jafari *
    An experiment was performed in Ardabil (2012) to investigate the effects of manure consumption in different amounts on reducing nitrogen fertilizer consumption in potato cv. Agria.
    This research was conducted in factorial design based on randomized completely blocks design in three replication  in which two manure factors in three levels (control, 30 and 60 tons/h) and nitrogen fertilizer in 4 levels (25%, 50%, 75% and 100% recommended) were investigated.
    Results showed that increased manure usage led to increased tuber yield, and the most yields were obtained from 60 tons/h manure usage. Manure causes increased tuber’s average weight per plant, number of tubers per plant, tubers average weight, plant’s wet and dry weight, plant height and tuber’s nitrate. Also, nitrogen fertilizer caused increased potato tuber yield in which the most yields were obtained from nitrogen fertilizer up to 100% recommended, and it also caused other properties increase. Significantly, increased nitrogen usage increased tubers nitrate and tubers nitrate obtained from nitrogen fertilizer up to 100% recommended. Results from variance analysis showed that manure-nitrogen fertilizer interaction in growth properties was not significant but, in 1% probability level it was statistically significant in tuber and nitrate yield components properties. Increased manure usage from recommended 30 to 60 tons/h and nitrogen from 50 to75 percent have had better effects on total properties, especially in terms of nitrate accumulation. So, the highest yields were obtained from manure usage up to 60 tons/h.
    Keywords: Manure, nitrate, Tuber, Weight, Yield}
  • Hassan Dehghanian, Safar Nasrollahzadeh *
    Field experiment was conducted in 2009 to investigate the effects of plant density and weed interference on morphological characteristics and yield of corn (Zea Mays, L.) at Research Station of University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
    The experiment was arranged as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Plant density (D1, D2, D3 and D4: 5, 7, 10 and 16 plant m-2, respectively) were assigned to main plots and three levels of weed interference ((W1, W2 and W3:  weed free, between row weed interference and full-season weed interference) were allocated to the sub plots.
    The Results showed that with increasing plant density, grain and biological yield increased, but cob weight, ear length, ear diameter and harvest index decreased. The highest amount of morphological traits and harvest index was obtained from 5 plant m-2.The weed interference treatments had significant effects on above traits so the highest morphological traits, grain yield, biological yield and harvest index was obtained from weed free treatment. These results indicated that high plant densities because of decreasing weed interference and increasing grain and biological yield, is the effective agronomic solution for increasing corn performance in the field and can be used to reduce consumption of chemical pesticides in sustainable agriculture systems.
    Keywords: corn, Plant density, interference, Weed, Yield}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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