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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Photocatalyst » در نشریات گروه « علوم پایه »

  • پریساسادات نورالهی، امیرعلی مسعودی*، کوروش رحیمی، زهرا سادات حسینی

    در این تحقیق از روش هیدروترمال ساده و اصلاح شده برای سنتز نانوساختارهای اکسید روی دو بعدی استفاده شده است. سپس اثر زمان رشد گرمابی به عنوان یکی از پارامترهای اصلی پس از تصفیه بر سازه های رشد یافته بررسی شد. برای این منظور از پراش پرتو ایکس (XRD) و میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی گسیل میدانی (FESEM) برای تجزیه و تحلیل مورفولوژی و ساختار کریستالی نمونه ها استفاده شد. مشاهده شد که ساختارهای رشد یافته دارای مورفولوژی ورقه مانند هستند که با افزایش زمان حرارت دهی در دمای 80 درجه سانتی گراد از 9 تا 12 ساعت، ضخامت آنها کاهش می یابد. نتایج XRD نشان داد که ساختارها در فاز شش ضلعی با (101) به عنوان جهت گیری رشد مرجح بلوری شده اند. علاوه بر این، کاهش اندازه بلورک ها (محاسبه شده از آنالیز XRD) با افزایش زمان حرارت دهی نتیجه شد. در پایان فعالیت فوتوکاتالیستی نمونه ها مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و در نتیجه این بررسی، نمونه خشک شده به مدت 15 ساعت عملکرد بهتری در تجزیه متیلن بلو داشت.

    کلید واژگان: نانوصفحات اکسید روی, هیدروترمال, زمان خشک کردن, فوتوکاتالیست, متیلن بلو}
    Parisa Sadat Noorollahi, Amirali Masoudi *, Kourosh Rahimi, Zahra Sadat Hosseini

    In this research, a simple and modified hydrothermal method has been used to synthesize two-dimensional zinc oxide nanostructures. Then, the effect of hydrothermal growth time as one of the main post-treatment parameters on the grown structures was investigated. For this purpose, X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) were utilized to analyze the morphology and crystalline structure of the samples. It was observed that the grown structures have the sheet-like morphology which their thickness decreases with increasing dying time at 80 °C from 9 to 15 h. The XRD results showed that the structures have been crystalized into the hexagonal phase with (101) as the preferred growth orientation. In addition, decrease in the size of the crystallites (calculated from XRD) was concluded with increasing heating time. In the end, the photocatalytic activity of the samples was investigated, and as a result of this investigation, the sample that was heated for 15 h had a better performance in the degradation of methylene blue.

    Keywords: Zno Nanosheets, Hydrothermal, Drying Time, Photocatalyst, Methylene Blue}
  • مرصع صمدی*، یاسمن آلاوه
    در این تحقیق، نانومیله های اکسید روی (ZnO) با روش رسوب حمام شیمیایی (CBD) بر روی مش فولادی 400 برای تجزیه فوتوکاتالیستی دو آلاینده آلی رنگ متیلن بلو (MB) و آنتی بیوتیک تتراسایکلین (TC) سنتز شدند. پارامترهای مختلفی از جمله غلظت محلول هسته زایی، تعداد چرخه های رسوب گذاری و دمای رشد برای رسیدن به حالت بهینه رشد اکسید روی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. نمونه بهینه با زمان رشد 3 ساعت در دمای 95 درجه سانتیگراد و غلظت 5 میلی مولار روی استات به عنوان محلول هسته برای آزمایش های تخریب فوتوکاتالیستی استفاده شد. تجزیه و تحلیل طیف سنجی بازتابی منتشر (DRS) شکاف انرژی eV 3.2 را برای نانومیله های اکسید روی نشان داد. ثابت های سرعت تخریب نوری برای حذف MB و TC به ترتیب 0.0121 و 0.0043 بر دقیقه بود. همچنین، مکانیسم تخریب فوتوکاتالیستی برای پیشنهاد تولید بار و مسیر انتقال مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت.
    کلید واژگان: نیمه هادی, نانومیله های اکسید روی, فوتوکاتالیست, تتراسایکلین, متیلن بلو}
    Morasae Samadi *, Yasaman Alaveh
    In this research, zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorods were synthesized by the chemical bath deposition (CBD) method on steel mesh 400 for the photocatalytic decomposition of two organic pollutants: methylene blue (MB) dye and tetracycline (TC) antibiotic. Different parameters were studied, including the concentration of the nucleation solution, the number of deposition cycles, and the growth temperature to reach the optimal state of ZnO growth. The optimal sample with a growth time of 3 h at a temperature of 95 °C and a concentration of 5 mM zinc acetate as a nucleation solution was used for photocatalytic degradation tests. The diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) analysis showed an energy gap of 3.2 eV for ZnO nanorods. The photodegradation rate constants were 0.0121 and 0.0043 min-1 for MB and TC removal, respectively. Also, the mechanism for the photocatalytic degradation was studied to propose the charge generation and transfer pathway.
    Keywords: Semiconductor, Zinc Oxide Nanorods, Photocatalyst, Tetracycline, Methylene Blue}
  • N. Saikumari *
    The synthesis and structure of intelligent nanomaterials have been studied and documented in recent times, leading to the increasing development of important scientific concepts. It was specially designed for sustainable environmental applications because to its exceptional thermal, optical, and electrical qualities as well as its resistance to wear, oxidation, corrosion, and erosion. Here, the corrosion inhibitory effects of nanostructured Titanium dioxide catalyst (NTG) on brass alloy in acidic media, as well as its photocatalytic and antimicrobial applications, have been confirmed. NTG was synthesized from its precursor using a template (green tea extract) aided sol-gel process. XRD, FT-IR, UV-DRS, SEM, TEM, and BET analytical techniques were used to study the physico-chemical parameters of the synthesized nanomaterials. The results showed the impact of a template like GTE in tailoring a nano catalyst NTG with a size of about 14 nm and customized structural, optical, and morphological properties. The weight loss technique is used to verify the corrosion rate of a specimen like brass strips under acidic conditions (1M HCl), and the inhibitory efficiency increases as the concentration of the nano catalyst increases. The photodegradation of a trimer of cyanamide, a hazardous compound, is used to demonstrate the catalytic activity. By using the disc diffusion method, it was confirmed that the synthesized nano catalyst exhibited outstanding antibacterial characteristics against the development of Haemophilus influenza (H. influenza, H.) and Klebsiella pneumonia (K. pneumonia, K.p.).
    Keywords: Green Tea Extract, Sol-Gel, Antimicrobial, Photocatalyst, Corrosion Inhibitor}
  • مهسا سنجابی، نرجس کرامتی*
    در این پژوهش، نانوکاتالیزگر های نوری تیتانیا بر پایه زئولیت طبیعی کلینوپتیلولیت سمنان (TiO2/CP) با تثبیت نانوذرات TiO2 بر سطح زئولیت با روش سونوشیمی سنتز و عملکرد کاتالیزوری این نمونه برای تخریب رنگ متیلن آبی بررسی شد. مهم ترین عوامل موثر در طراحی نانوکاتالیزگر های نوری، مقدار زئولیت، مقدار تیتانیوم بوتوکسید به عنوان پیش ماده تیتانیا و زمان تابش امواج فراصوت با استفاده از یک روش سطح پاسخ بهینه شدند. بیشترین بازده تخریب متیلن آبی با استفاده از نمونه سنتزی در شرایط 33/0 گرم کلینوپتیلولیت، 5/0 میلی گرم تیتانیوم بوتوکسید و 22 دقیقه زمان تابش فراصوت بدست آمد. نمونه های سنتز شده توسط فنون پراش پرتو ایکس(XRD) ، میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM)، طیف سنجی پاشنده انرژی پرتو ایکس (EDX)، طیف سنجی فروسرخ تبدیل فوریه (FT-IR) و طیف سنجی فرابنفش - مرئی بازتاب انتشاری (UV-Vis DRS) مشخصه یابی شدند. متوسط اندازه بلورک نمونه بهینه سنتزی TiO2/CPopt حدود 64 نانومتر محاسبه شد.  نتایج EDX و FTIR سنتز موفقیت آمیز نانوکاتالیزگر نوری TiO2/CP را تایید کرد. نتایج مشخصه یابی SEM و XRD نشان داد که نانوذرات TiO2 با اندازه در حدود 80-65 نانومتر و در دو فاز بلوری روتیل و آناتاز به طور یکنواخت بر روی کلینوپتیلولیت توزیع شده است. باند گپ کاتالیزگر نوری TiO2/CPopt، eV9/3 تعیین شد. با استفاده از نمونه بهینه سنتزی TiO2/CPopt (g/L 3/0)، راندمان تخریب متیلن آبی (ppm 30) توسط کاتالیزگر نوری با تابش دو لامپ مولد نور فرابنفش (6 وات) در مدت زمان 60 دقیقه برابر با 50 درصد حاصل شد. سینتیک تخریب متیلن آبی با TiO2/CPopt از نظریه شبه درجه اول (ثابت ظاهری min-1 0069/0) پیروی می کند. نتایج آزمون پایداری با استفاده از بهترین نمونه سنتزی حاکی از پایداری مناسب آن در سه چرخه متوالی بود.
    کلید واژگان: نانوذرات تیتانیا, فراصوت, کاتالیزگر نوری, کلینوپتیلولایت, متیلن آبی}
    Mahsa Sanjabi, Narjes Keramati *
    In this study, Titania nanophotocatalysts based on natural zeolite of Semnan (TiO2/Clinoptilolite) were stabilized by fixing TiO2 nanoparticles on the zeolite surface by sonochemical method and the catalytic performance of this sample for degradation of methylene blue was investigated. The most important factors in the synthesis of nanophotocatalysts were the amount of zeolite, the amount of titanium butoxide as the titanium precursor and the irradiation time of ultrasonic waves were optimized using a response surface method. The highest degradation efficiency of aqueous methylene blue was obtained using a synthetic sample under the conditions of 0.33 g of clinoptilolite, 0.5 mg of titanium butoxide and 22 minutes of ultrasonic irradiation time. Samples synthesized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray scattering spectroscopy (EDX), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and ultraviolet spectroscopy Visible diffuse reflectance (UV-Vis DRS) were identified. The average crystal size of the optimal synthetic sample of TiO2/CPopt was calculated to be about 64 nm. EDX and FTIR results confirmed the successful synthesis of TiO2/CP nanophotocatalyst. The results of SEM and XRD characterization showed that TiO2 nanoparticles with a size of about 65-80 nm and in two crystalline phases of rutile and anatase were evenly distributed on clinoptilolite. The band gap of TiO2/CPopt photocatalyst was determined to be 3.9 eV. Using the optimal synthetic sample of TiO2/CPopt (0.3 g/L), the photocatalytic degradation efficiency of methylene blue (30 ppm) was obtained by irradiating two UV lamps (6 watts) in 60 minutes equal to 50%. The degradation kinetics of methylene blue with TiO2/CPopt follow quasi-first-order theory (apparent constant of 0.0069 min-1). The results of stability test using the best synthetic sample indicated its good stability in three consecutive cycles.
    Keywords: Titania Nanoparticles, Sonochemical, Photocatalyst, Clinoptilolite, Methylene Blue}
  • Mohammadreza Tahmasbi, Mehdi Mousavi-Kamazani *, Narjes Keramati

    Desulfurization of petroleum derivatives is a topic of interest to researchers because compounds containing sulfur are harmful in the oil refining process and cause problems such as deactivation of catalysts and corrosion in pipelines and refining equipment. In order to improve the efficiency of desulfurization of dibenzothiophene, copper bismuth oxide/reduced graphene oxide (Bi7.38Cu0.62O11.69/rGO) nanocomposite was synthesized by a simple sonochemical method for the first time. The synthesized nanocomposite was identified by FESEM, FT-IR, XRD, DRS, and EDS analyses. Based on XRD analysis, pure copper bismuth oxide is formed using hydrazine, while using sodium hydroxide does not lead to the desired product. FESEM images showed that the size of Bi7.38Cu0.62O11.69 particles decreases in the presence of rGO. The desulfurization results showed that the presence of rGO causes a significant increase in efficiency due to increased light absorption and reduced recombination rate, so that Bi7.38Cu0.62O11.69/rGO nanocomposite has an efficiency of 87%, while pure Bi7.38Cu0.62O11.69 has an efficiency of 68%. Also, it was found that the purity of the copper bismuth oxide has a great effect on the photocatalytic efficiency, so that by calcining the product and removing the impurities, the efficiency increases from 55% to 68%.

    Keywords: Bi7.38Cu0.62O11.69, Rgo, Desulfurization, Nanocomposite, Photocatalyst, Sonochemistry}
  • Hoda Mollabagher *, Seyed AmirHossein Seyed Mousavi, Salman Taheri

    2-Naphthol has undergone a specific oxidation process, leading to the formation of 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, a compound also recognized as Lawsone. In this research, NH2-MIL-125(Ti) was employed as a potent catalyst for photocatalytic reactions in conjunction with H2O2. The impact of NH2-MIL-125(Ti) on the reaction efficiency was prominently observed, leading to noticeable enhancements in the reaction yield.

    Keywords: Metal organic framework, photocatalyst, Lawsone, oxidation reaction}
  • Mahdieh Chegeni *, Mousa Soleymani, Noushin Eftekhari
    The V-doped starch/graphitic carbon nitride was synthesized for the degradation of organic pollutants. This novel photocatalyst was characterized by various techniques including Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis. Based on the Central Composite Designs-Response Surface Methodology (CCD-RSM) design, 50 full experiments were done including pH (7.8-9.8), adsorbent dose (0.01-0.1 g), MB concentration (2-12 ppm), time (30-240 min), and temperature (15-45 °C) for the methylene blue removal by V-doped starch/graphitic carbon nitride, and the best removal yield (90.8 %) was obtained at pH=8.33, 0.08 g adsorbent dose, 12 ppm of MB concentration, 215 min, and 15 °C. Further, the interaction of adsorption parameters was considered, and the Freundlich and pseudo-second-order were shown as the best adsorption models. After the adsorption process, the photocatalytic degradation of MB was conducted under UV irradiation with high yield (92 %), and the trapping experiments confirmed the photocatalytic degradation. As a result, the V-doped starch/graphitic carbon nitride can be employed for the adsorption and photocatalytic activities for the removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution.
    Keywords: Degradation, Graphitic carbon nitride, photocatalyst, Starch}
  • Amirhosein Zamani, Sakineh Asghari *, Mahmoud Tajbakhsh
    The surface of bio-synthesized TiO2 nanoparticles was modified with a silane agent to generate the chemical link to the preparation of TiO2/β-cyclodextrin and TiO2/Ag/β-cyclodextrin nanocomposites. The structure of synthesized nanocomposites was identified using different techniques, including FTIR, DRS, XRD, ICP, TGA, FESEM, and EDX MAPPING. The photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposites was investigated in the degradation of methylene blue dye in aqueous solution under sunlight irradiation (400-700 nm). The effective factors in the degradation of methylene blue dye including, nanocomposite dosage, initial methylene blue concentration, and irradiation time were studied. The results revealed that under optimum degradation conditions (0.01 g nanocomposite, initial methylene blue concentration of 10 ppm, and 120 min sunlight exposure time), TiO2/Ag/β-cyclodextrin exhibited the highest photocatalytic activity among the tested nanocomposites. The photocatalytic efficiency of nanocomposites showed the order: TiO2/Ag/β-cyclodextrin (99.38%)> TiO2/β-cyclodextrin (84.1%)> TiO2 nanoparticles (63.76 %). Photocatalytic activity of the synthesized nanocomposites revealed that these materials could be promising candidates for the degradation of various pollutants.
    Keywords: β -cyclodextrin, TiO2 nanocomposites, photocatalyst, Methylene blue, Visible light}
  • Zahra Abbasi, Elisa I. Garcia-Lopez, Giuseppe Marcì, Mehdi Ahmadi *
    Diesel fuel can be substituted with biodiesel fuel. Burning biodiesel results in less pollution because its source is vegetable or animal fat. Waste cooking oil (WCO) was utilized in this study as a raw source to produce biodiesel. In the WCO under study, the percentage of free fatty acids (FFAs) was 4.09%. The process of turning used cooking oil waste into biodiesel involved two steps. The initial phase was studying the photocatalytic esterification of methanol with FFAs in WCO under visible irradiation using Cr (x%)-TiO2. Triglycerides and methanol were transesterified in the second stage, which was catalyzed by NaOH. When TiO2 was present, efficiency was shown to increase by 10% when compared to the absence of a photocatalyst. Cr-TiO2 photo-esterification reaction has an equivalent order of one. The realisation of the reaction under mild conditions was confirmed by the activation energy of 31.36 kJ/mol needed for the Cr-TiO2 photocatalyst to photo-esterify WCO. Our hypothesis for the esterification process took into account the formation of H+, CH3OO·, and R-COOH on the photocatalyst surface. OH- was thought to be the active species in the transesterification reaction process. The density of the produced biodiesel was 0.89 g.cm-3, per the data that were obtained. For biodiesel, the results yield a falling point of -5 and a cloud point of 0, respectively. The biodiesel made from waste oil had a viscosity of 4.1 mm2.s−1, which was within the standard range. The biodiesel sample made from waste oil has an acid value of 0.38 mg KOH
    Keywords: Biodiesel, Two dimensional, photocatalyst, Waste oil, Kinetics, Esterification}
  • Md Komol Hassan, Md Tauhidul Karim, Prosenjeet Biswas, Debashis Howlader, Mohammad Harun-Ur-Rashid, Ajoy Kumer *
    In pursuit of advancing the field of photocatalysis, a comprehensive investigation was undertaken to elucidate the electronic structure, structural geometry, and optical characteristics of Zn(GaS2)2, Zn(GaSe2)2, and Zn(GaTe2)2, followed by a comparative analysis of these properties. Initial explorations involved the employment of four distinct Density Functional Theory (DFT) functionals, specifically the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) with Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE), GGA with Revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (RPBE), GGA with Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91), and GGA with Wu-Cohen (WC) functionals, to conduct a preliminary assessment of the electronic band structures and structural configurations of the crystalline materials. However, it was noted that the band gap values for Zn(GaS2)2 exhibited variations across the different DFT functionals, registering at 2.068 eV for GGA-PBE, 2.214 eV for GGA-RPBE, 2.033 eV for GGA-PW91, and 1.936 eV for GGA-WC, where the latter value of 1.936 eV closely approximated the reference value of 1.93 eV. Consequently, the GGA-WC method emerged as the most accurate and reliable functional among the evaluated options. Furthermore, the band gap values for Zn(GaSe2)2 and Zn(GaTe2)2 were determined to be 1.726 eV and 0.329 eV, respectively, utilizing the GGA-WC functional. The total electron density was meticulously examined to delineate potential electron localization sites within the crystals, particularly concerning their capacity to activate or bond with environmental pollutants, thereby serving as efficient photocatalysts. Conspicuously, Zn(GaTe2)2 has emerged as a distinguished contender, showcasing remarkable photocatalytic effectiveness in wastewater treatment, outperforming its fellow materials. This revelation harbors substantial potential for propelling advancements in the realm of photocatalysis and environmental remediation.
    Keywords: Photocatalyst, Dos, Band Gap, Optical Properties, DFT}
  • Mahdieh Chegeni *, Fereshteh Nasrollahi

    In this work, the ZnS/montmorillonite/graphitic carbon nitride (ZnS/MMT/g-C3N4) as a novel composite was synthesized through simple strategy. The addition of MMT showed positive impact for increasing the specific surface area of g-C3N4, and the photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4 was achieved higher by using ZnS as a semiconductor. Several techniques were applied to evidence the formation of the as-synthesized composite such as X-ray powder diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Ultraviolet-visible light diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The adsorption and photocatalytic activities of ZnS/MMT/g-C3N4 were evaluated for the removal of Rhodamine B (Rh. B). Response surface methodology was used to study the important parameters and their interaction in the adsorption process. The pH, adsorbent dose, and dye concentration were shown the effect on the adsorption process, and the adsorption process was corresponded to Freundlich isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic models. The photocatalytic activity of ZnS/MMT/g-C3N4 was studied under several condition, which the best results were obtained 93% yield under ultra violet irradiation. This study presents a novel adsorbent and photocatalyst composite with high yield for the removal of Rh. B dye.

    Keywords: Montmorillonite, Graphitic carbon nitride, photocatalyst, Adsorbent}
  • Wasan M. Mohamed, Zainab SH. Mohammed, Mulamahawsh Anfal Fadhil *
    C60-TiO2-ZnO, C60-ZnO, C60-TiO2 nanocomposites were synthesized using sol-gel method. Structural, chemical, and optical properties of nanocomposites were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), tunneling electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. In addition to the fullerene peak, structural results in C60-ZnO samples show the wurtzite hexagonal structure of zinc oxide. The peaks related to both anatase and rutile phases are observed in the sample of C60-TiO2 composite. All peaks related to fullerene (C), wurtzite phase of zinc oxide (W) and anatase (A) and rutile (R) phases of titanium dioxide are also exactly the same as C60-ZnO and C60-TiO2 single composites in XRD analysis results of C60-TiO2-ZnO nanocomposites. The results of TEM images show that fullerene nanoparticles are located outside the surface of the zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Titanium nanoparticles is less than 30nm and zinc oxide nanoparticles is less than 50nm in size. The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum measured for C60-TiO2-ZnO nanocomposites is much weaker than C60-ZnO and C60-TiO2 composites. According to TEM results, photocatalytic results show that C60-TiO2-ZnO nanocomposite have the highest percentage of dye degradation and the best photocatalytic properties due to having the best scattering.
    Keywords: Fullerene, Nanocomposites, Photocatalyst, Sol-Gel Method}
  • Parvin Gharbani *

    Ceftriaxone is a pharmaceutical compound that causes the pollution of water. In this research, g-C3N4 photocatalyst was synthesized and its efficiency in removal of ceftriaxone was studied. The synthesized g-C3N4 was analyzed using XRD, FTIR, FESEM, EDS, and dot mapping. The effect of the initial concentration of ceftriaxone, dosage of photocatalyst, irradiation time, and pH was studied, and based on these results, the highest removal efficiency of ceftriaxone from the water was obtained at about 83.4% at the concentration of 20 mg/L, pH=2, 0.25 g/500 mL of g-C3N4 photocatalyst at 50 min of irradiation time. This study confirmed that the g-C3N4 photocatalyst can be efficiently removed ceftriaxone from water.

    Keywords: Ceftriaxone, g- C3N4, Photocatalyst, Recovery, Removal}
  • Marwah Kadhim *, Mazin Mahdi, Jalal Hassan
    Chemical bath deposition (CBD) was used to prepare titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanocrystalline thin films on glass substrates. The TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films were created, and the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images showed that they developed as nanoflowers and tiny semi-nanoplate bundles that grew vertically onto the surface of the substrates with uniform distribution. The nanoplate ranges in length from 26 to 149 nm and the average thickness was between 13 and 228 nm. The prepared TiO2 nanoflower thin films have an energy band gap of 3.26 eV, according to optical characteristics. Using various pH values and UV light exposure durations, the photocatalytic activity of the produced TiO2 nanoflower thin films was examined against the methylene blue (MB) dye at room temperature. When irradiation duration and pH were increased, the photodegradation rate of MB dye also increased. After 240 minutes of exposure, the photodegradation rate of MB dye with pH values of 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11 was 51%, 64%, 79%, and 82%, respectively. The kinetic rate constant for photocatalytic degradation of MB dye was determined to be 0.0069, 0.0061, 0.0038, and 0.0028 min-1 for pH values of 11, 9, 8, and 6, respectively.
    Keywords: Photocatalyst, Nanostructures, TiO2, Thin films, UV irradiation}
  • پرهام حقیقی، امین بازیاری*، سمیه علی جانی
    از جمله روش های نویدبخش حذف آلاینده ها از پساب، تخریب آ ن ها به کمک کاتالیستی نوری های بر مبنای تیتانیا است. با این حال، محدودیت هایی همچون ظرفیت جذب پایین ترکیب های آلی بر روی سطح کاتالیستی نوری، سرعت بالای ترکیب مجدد الکترون و حفره و غیره مانع از کاربرد عملی آن در سطح وسیع شده است. در این پژوهش از کاتالیستی نوری تیتانیا بر پایه سیلیکا به منظور تخریب کاتالیستی نوری ماده رنگی رودامین ب (RhB) به عنوان آلاینده ی مدل تحت نور فرابنفش استفاده شد. برای رفع یکی از موانع پیش روی فرایند کاتالیستی نوری؛ یعنی جذب پایین ترکیب های آلی بر روی سطح کاتالیستی نوری، به عنوان مرحله ی پیش نیاز شروع واکنش های سطحی، از روش فلویوریناسیون برای اصلاح سطحی کاتالیست و تهیه کاتالیست-جاذب بهره گرفته شد. مواد سنتز شده با استفاده از آنالیزهای طیف سنجی فروسرخ، جذب و دفع نیتروژن و پتانسیل زتا مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. مشخص شد که فلویوریناسیون باعث جایگزینی گروه های هیدروکسیل سطحی توسط گروه فلوراید شده است، که افزایش آب گریزی سطح را در پی دارد. در نتیجه حذف کلی RhB روی سطح کاتالیستی نوری-جاذب طراحی شده نسبت به فوتوکاتالیست تیتانیا-سیلیکا از 67 درصد به 81 درصد افزایش یافت.
    کلید واژگان: کاتالیستی نوری, تصفیه پساب, تیتانیا-سیلیکا, رودامین ب, اصلاح سطح, فلوئوریناسیون}
    Parham Haghighi, Amin Bazyari *, Somayeh Alijani
    In recent years, the development of cities and the developement of industries have resulted in the release of a wide variety of organic pollutants such as dyes into the water resources which have posed major challenges for the mankind such as the reduction of drinking water and so on. Among the most effective methods for removing pollutants and wastewater treatment that have received much attention in recent years, is the photocatalytic degradation of pollutants using TiO2 photocatalyst which matters so much due to its high ability to remove a wide range of pollutants and being low cost and environmentally friendly. However, this process suffers from major obstacles and limitations such as inactivity under the visible light, the low adsorption capacity of organic compounds on the photocatalyst surface, and so on. In this study TiO2/SiO2 photocatalyst is used in order to remove RhB as a sample pollutant under UV-A light. In order to remove an obstacle to the photocatalytic process, which is the low adsorption capacity of organic compounds on the surface, a surface modification method called fluorination was used. FTIR and N2 adsorption- desorption were used to characterize the photocatalysts. It was found that flourination replaced the surface hydroxyl groups without altering the volume and diameter of the pores and maintaining the mesoporous structure of photocatalyst, by fluoride groups, which caused the surface to be hydrophobic. This increased the adsorption capacity of RhB by photocatalysts and consequently, it improves the RhB removal process. This was proved by photocatalytic degradation tests.
    Keywords: photocatalyst, Wastewater treatment, Titania-Silica, Rhodamine B, Surface modification, Flourination}
  • علیرضا اسماعیل زاده، فلورا حشمت پور*، مرضیه السادات عبدی خانی

    در این پژوهش، سنتز و شناسایی نانوکامپوزیت اصلاح شده Sr-Ce-ZnO/Hap  در تخریب آلاینده رودامین B تحت تابش مریی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. ساختار نانوکامپوزیت Sr-Ce-ZnO/HAp با استفاده از طیف سنجی تبدیل فوریه فروسرخ (FT-IR)، پراش پرتو ایکس (XRD)، میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM)، طیف سنجی پراش انرژی پرتو ایکس (EDX) ، دستگاه طیف سنجی مریی فرابنفش (UV-Vis)، طیف بازتاب پخشی (DRS) و اندازه گیری تخلخل سنجی جذب و واجذب با آنالیز BET تایید شد. ارزیابی ها نشان دادند که آلایش با کاتیون ‍های فلزی و حضور هیدروکسی آپاتیت منجر به کاهش شکاف انرژی، افزایش سطح، افزایش جذب و کاهش بازترکیب الکترون روزنه می شود. همچنین نتیجه ها نشان دادند که مقدار بیش از 91 درصد رودامین B طی مدت زمان 90 دقیقه پس از آغاز واکنش حذف شد. سنتیک واکنش مرتبه اول و ثابت سرعت min-1 023/0 به دست آمد.

    کلید واژگان: روی اکسید, Sr-Ce-ZnO, HAp, رودامین B, نانوکامپوزیت, کاتالیست نوری, آلاینده آلی}
    Alireza Esmailzadeh, Felora Heshmatpour *, Marzieh Sadat Abdikhani

    In this study, the synthesis and characterization of Sr-Ce-ZnO/HAp nanocomposite in the degradation of rhodamine B under visible light was investigated. Structure of Sr-Ce-ZnO/HAp nanocomposite identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy diffraction (EDX) spectroscopy (visible-spectrophotometer) UV-Vis and adsorption/desorption porosimetry were confirmed by BET analysis. Evaluations showed that adopted with metal cations and the presence of hydroxyapatite reduced energy gap, increased surface area, increased adsorption and decreased electron-hole recombination. As a result, it significantly increases the photocatalytic activity of Sr-Ce-ZnO/HAp nanocomposite compared to other prepared nanoparticles. The results also showed that more than 91% of rhodamine B was removed within 90 minutes after the start of the reaction. The first-order reaction constant and the rate constant of 0.023 min-1 were obtained.

    Keywords: Zinc oxide, Sr-Ce-ZnO, HAp, Rhodamine B, Nanocomposite, photocatalyst, Organic pollutants}
  • Saikumari N. *
    Several extensive research studies have explored the advantages of green templates in the synthesis of structure and morphology-controlled photocatalytic nanomaterials. This study compares the potential aspect of Zingiber rhizome Extract (ZE) and Tapioca Starch (TS) extract in modifying the surface and optical properties of Titania NanoParticles (TNP) synthesized by the sol-gel technique. The synthesized nanocatalysts were characterized using various physicochemical techniques. While zingiber extract promotes effectively favored the formation of dual anatase and rutile phases, tapioca extract ended with single anatase phase titania, which was examined for the degradation of Congo red in the presence of sunlight. The photo mineralization and recyclability of catalysts have been evaluated through Total Organic Content analysis. The easy recovery and reusability of biosynthesized nanocatalysts with good control over the grain size, enable them to be an implicit novel green template in the successful synthesis of photoactive mesoporous nano titania.
    Keywords: nano titania, Congo red, photocatalyst, Degussa-P25, Sol-gel technique}
  • Majid Ahmadlouydarab *, Sadaf Javadi, Farshad Adel Alijan Darab
    Nanotechnology is a promising and practical method for removing volatile organic materials from tile surfaces. Tiles are usually coated at temperatures above 1000 °C. At temperatures above 500 °C, TiO2 cannot maintain its photocatalytic properties due to the anatase to rutile phase transformation, making it difficult to perform the method. One of the main goals of this study is to explore the possibility of producing TiO2 nanostructures through a simple and cost-effective method without requiring any modifications to existing factory production lines. In this experimental study, the nanostructure of TiO2 was doped with nickel and nitrogen ions, prepared based on silica through the sol-gel method, and mixed with a glaze called nanoglaze. The resulting nanostructure was calcined at 1200 °C, where the molecular ratio of silica-based doped TiO2 was changed. The nanoglaze was coated on the blocks and placed under the CFL lamp. SEM, FTIR, XRD, and TGA techniques were used to analyze its nanostructure. The results showed the thermal stability of the nanostructure at 1200 °C. TiO2 shows a photocatalytic effect only in the ultraviolet region. The removal rate of Methylene Blue as a pollutant sample was tested. The removal rate of methylene blue was 44% in the presence of titanium dioxide photocatalyst. According to XRD analysis, the size of the photocatalyst crystal particles was 3.5 nm. Adding TiO2 removes pollutants from water and air. Also, self-cleaning properties appear in these materials. So, photocatalysts can be added to building structures, pavements, paints, cement and plaster.
    Keywords: photocatalyst, High thermal stability, TiO2, Ni-doping, N-doping, SiO2}
  • Haider Abdulelah *, Raed Dheyab, Fatima Malk, Ghufran Shabeeb, Ban Hamdan Almulla, Rafid AL-Asadi
    Many academic researchers have focused throughout the last decades on the decomposition of the organic contaminants in wastewaters aided by oxide semiconductor nanostructures, as well as the manufacture of these nanomaterials using simple, environmentally, rapid, and cost-effective procedures . ZnO nanowires (or nanorods) have received a great deal of attention due to their unusual material features and outstanding performance in electronics, optics, and photonics . ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) are prepared as a seed layer for growth nanorods (NRs) and used to remove synthetic dyes to reduce their environmental impact. Visible light (200W) was used as a source for degradation of 2-(2-pyridal azo) 1,8– dihy droxynapthalene dye with assisted ZnO NPs and NRs. In three hours, ZnO NRs removed 50.4% of Azo dye. Photolysis has been proven to be the most effective method for removing pigments. XRD and SEM were used to describe ZnO NPs and ZnO NRs .
    Keywords: Azo Dye, Photocatalyst, Visible Light, Zno (Nrs)}
  • فلورا حشمت پور*، فاطمه سادات سید آتشی
    در این پژوهش نانو ذرات NiFe2O4، Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 ، TiO2-Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 و TiO2-Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4-rGO به ترتیب به روش سل- ژل احتراقی، همرسوبی و دو نمونه نانو کامپوزیت به روش اختلاط فیزیکی سنتز شدند. برای مشخصه یابی نانوذرات از آنالیزهای تبدیل فوریه مادون قرمز (FT-IR)، الگوی پراش پرتو ایکس (XRD)، میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM)، مغناطیس سنج نمونه ارتعاشی (VSM)، طیف سنجی بازتابی (DRS) و اندازه گیری تخلخل سنجی جذب و واجذب با BET استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد که ذرات سنتز شده در مقیاس نانو می باشند و فرایند جذب در داخل حفرات صورت می گیرد. همچنین فرایند اکسیداسیون پیشرفته ((AOP با استفاده از فتوکاتالیست برای نانو ذرات مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت و بهترین عملکرد را نانو کامپوزیت TiO2-Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4-rGO با مغناطیس اشباع (emu/g) 65/88 با درصد تخریب 95 % نشان داد.
    کلید واژگان: نانو کامپوزیت, سل-ژل احتراقی, همرسوبی, فرایند اکسیداسیون پیشرفته, فتوکاتالیست}
    Felora Heshmatpour *, Fatemeh Sadat Seyed Atashi
    In this research, nanoparticles of NiFe2O4, Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4, TiO2-Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4 and TiO2-Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4-rGO were synthesized respectively by combustion sol-gel method, co-precipitation and two nanocomposite samples by physical mixing method. For the characterization of nanoparticles from Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis, X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) and porosimetry measurements. Adsorption and desorption have been used with BET. The results show that the synthesized particles are nanoscale ,and the absorption process takes place inside the holes. Also, the advanced oxidation process (AOP) was evaluated using photocatalyst for nanoparticles and the best performance was TiO2-Zn0.5Ni0.5Fe2O4-rGO nanocomposite with saturation magnetism (emu/g) of 65.88 with It showed a destruction of 95%.
    Keywords: nano composite, combustion sol-gel, co-precipitation, Advanced oxidation process, Photocatalyst}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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