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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « bi-objective optimization » در نشریات گروه « فنی و مهندسی »

  • محمد خوش سیرت سلیمی، محمد صالح پور*
    در مقاله حاضر تاثیر ورودی های مختلف جاده ای به شکل پروفایل تصادفی ترکیبی بر نتایج طراحی بهینه سیستم تعلیق فعال و غیرخطی یک چهارم خودرو با دو درجه آزادی بررسی شده است. فرایندهای بهینه یابی در فضای دو تابع هدف با بهره گیری از ترکیب الگوریتم تکامل تفاضلی با ضریب جهش فازی شده، الگوریتم جست وجوی نامغلوب و معیار فاصله ازدحامی (MODE-FM) انجام شده و نتایج به کمک جبهه پارتو نمایش داده شده اند. در این پژوهش از تلفیق راهکارهای کنترل مدلغزشی، اسکای هوک و کنترل تاخیری اینرسی دار برای مدل سازی سیستم تعلیق فعال دارای مولفه های غیرخطی و تحت تاثیر اغتشاشات جاده ای استفاده شده است. ضمنا، شتاب عمودی جرم معلق و جابه جایی نسبی جرم معلق و غیرمعلق به عنوان توابع هدف در نظر گرفته شده اند. مقایسه نتایج با تحقیقات انجام شده پیشین نشان دهنده برتری کار حاضر است، درواقع در تست های عملکردی در 75% موارد برتری از آن طراحی پیشنهادی این تحقیق است که نشان دهنده عملکرد مناسب طراحی مذکور است.
    کلید واژگان: بهینه یابی دوهدفی, پارتو, سیستم تعلیق غیرخطی و فعال, ورودی تصادفی جاده, الگوریتم MODE-FM}
    Mohammad Khoshsirat Salimi, Mohammad Salehpour *
    In this paper, effect of the different random road inputs in the form of combinatorial profile on the nonlinear and active quarter car model with two-degree of freedom has been analyzed. Bi-objective optimization processes using differential evolution algorithm with fuzzified mutation along with non-dominated sorting algorithm and crowding distance criterion have been carried out. Further, in current work, the hybrid usage of sliding mode control with skyhook and inertial delay control has been applied for modeling of the active suspension system with nonlinear parameters under the combination of three different random roads excitation, namely, class A, B and C. It is important to notice that the two objective functions which have been selected to be simultaneously optimized are, namely, vertical sprung mass acceleration and relative displacement between sprung mass and unsprung mass. The obtained results have been depicted in Pareto frontiers. Comparison of the results of this work with the ones in the literature has proved the superiority of methodology of this work. In fact, in 75% of outputs of application tests, the proposed design of this work has conquered the ones of previous works, and it shows the proper behavior of the suggested design of this work.
    Keywords: Active, nonlinear vehicle suspension system, Bi-objective optimization, MODE-FM algorithm, Pareto, Random road input}
  • امین هاشمی، محمدباقر دولتشاهی*، حسین نظام آبادی پور

    برای بهبود الگوریتم های انتخاب ویژگی، روش های شورایی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. در این رویکردها نتایج چندین روش انتخاب ویژگی با هم ترکیب می شوند تا مجموعه ویژگی نهایی حاصل شود. انتخاب ویژگی شورایی بر اساس این حقیقت است که تنوع روش های انتخاب ویژگی بهتر از تنها یک روش عمل می کند. هر الگوریتم انتخاب ویژگی ممکن است یک اپتیموم محلی را در فضای ویژگی ها در نظر بگیرد. در نتیجه روش های انتخاب ویژگی شورایی برای حل این مشکلات مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. در این مقاله ما یک الگوریتم انتخاب ویژگی شورایی بر اساس رتبه دهی مبتنی بر مفهوم غلبه پارتو برای بهبود دقت دسته بندی روش های انتخاب ویژگی شورایی حاضر و روش های پایه انتخاب ویژگی ارایه داده ایم. این روش با استفاده از یک فرآیند بهینه سازی دو هدفه و مفهوم فاصله ازدحام، ویژگی ها در این فضا و در نظر گرفتن میزان همبستگی با برچسب کلاس و نیز افزونگی هر ویژگی به رتبه دهی آنها می پردازد. ما این روش را با روش های انتخاب ویژگی شورایی جدید و الگوریتم های پایه انتخاب ویژگی مقایسه کرده ایم. نتایج نشان دهنده برتری روش در معیار دقت دسته بندی است و همچنین در زمان کوتاه تری نسبت به سایر روش ها اجرا می شود.

    کلید واژگان: انتخاب ویژگی شورایی, فاصله ازدحامی, بهینه سازی دو هدفه, رتبه دهی مبتنی بر مفهوم غلبه پارتو}
    Amin Hashemi, Mohammad Bagher Dowlatshahi *, Hossein Nezamabadi-Pour

    - Ensemble feature selection methods are used to improve the robustness of feature selection algorithms. These approaches are a combination of several feature selection methods to achieve the final ranking of features. The reason for using such approaches is derived from the fact that the variety of different methods is more effective than only one method. Each feature selection algorithm may find feature subsets that can be considered local optima in the feature subsets space. Ensemble feature selection is a solution to address this problem. In this paper, we have proposed a bi-objective feature selection algorithm based on Pareto-based ranking. The maximum relevancy and minimum redundancy are considered as our two objectives. Both of the objectives are obtained by the ensemble of three feature selection methods. The final evaluation of features is according to a bi-objective optimization process and the crowding distance of features in this space for ranking the features. The proposed method results are compared with recent ensemble feature selection algorithms and simple feature selection algorithms. The results show that our classification accuracy method is superior to other similar methods and performs in a short time.

    Keywords: Ensemble feature selection, Pareto-based Ranking, Bi-objective Optimization, Crowding distance}
  • فرانک امتحانی*، مرتضی رجب زاده، نسیم نهاوندی، فریماه مخاطب رفیعی

    هماهنگی در زنجیره‌ی تامین به عنوان ابزاری برای حفظ مزیت رقابتی و افزایش سودآوری شرکت‌ها به طور وسیعی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. با این حال، این راه حل نیز تا زمانی که مشکلات مالی شرکت‌ها در هنگام برنامه ریزی عملیاتی نادیده گرفته شوند ممکن است با شکست مواجه شود. برای حل این مشکل، در این پژوهش یک ساز و کار هماهنگی برای یک زنجیره‌ی تامین سه سطحی با استفاده از تامین مالی داخلی در شرایط وجود محدودیت‌های مالی توسعه داده شده است. این مساله به صورت یک مساله‌ی برنامه ریزی دوهدفه که همزمان هزینه‌های کل سیستم اعم از عملیاتی و مالی و سطح سرویس را بهینه می‌کند، مدل شده است. مدل پیشنهادی توسط روش ε-constraint حل شده است. نتایج حل مدل حاکی از آن است که ساز و کار هماهنگی پیشنهادی قادر به برقراری سطح سرویس کامل (100%) به مشتری نهایی می‌باشد، در حالی که در حالت غیر هماهنگ دستیابی به بیشتر از 50% سطح سرویس غیر ممکن است. علاوه بر آن، هزینه‌های عملیاتی و مالی زنجیره‌ی تامین مذکور با اعمال هماهنگی کاهش می‌یابند.

    کلید واژگان: هماهنگی زنجیره ی تامین, محدودیت مالی, اعتبار تجاری, پیش پرداخت, بهینه سازی دو هدفه}
    Faranak Emtehani*, Morteza Rajabzadeh, Nasim Nahavandi, Farimah Mokhatab Rafiei

    Supply chain coordination is extensively used as an effective tool for firms to stay competitive and improve their profitability. However, this solution may fail if the financial problems of the firms are ignored in the operations. To solve this challenge, we have proposed a coordination scheme using internal financing for a three-level supply chain facing some financial constraints. This case is modeled as a bi-objective optimization problem that optimizes both system’s costs and service level. We have solved the model using εconstraint method. The results show that the proposed coordination scheme can provide full service level (100%) to the customer, while the noncoordinated system cannot reach more than 50% of the service level. Furthermore, the system’s operational and financial costs are reduced by coordination.

    Keywords: Supply chain coordination, financial constraint, trade credit, advancedpayment, bi-objective optimization}
  • Tina Shahedi, Amir Aghsami, Masoud Rabani *
    The last decade has seen numerous studies focusing on the closed-loop supply chain. Accordingly, the uncertainty conditions as well as the environmental impacts of facilities are still open issues. This research proposes a new bi-objective mixed-integer linear programming model to design a closed-loop supply chain tire remanufacturing network considering environmental issues that improve performance in conditions of uncertainty associated with the tire industry. This model seeks to maximize the total profits of the network, including customer centers, collection centers, recycling centers, manufacturing/remanufacturing plants, distribution centers, and on the other hand, is looking to minimize environmental impact all over the supply chain network. Another novelty of the proposed model is in the solution methodology. By using an exact approach, the augmented ε‑constraint method, and meta-heuristic algorithm, a well-known Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA), optimal and Pareto solutions have been obtained for medium and large size sample problems. We analyze the effectiveness of these meta-heuristics through numerical experiments. Also, sensitivity analysis has been provided for some parameters of the model. Finally, the results and suggestions for future research are presented.
    Keywords: Closed-loop supply chain, Fuzzy mathematical programming, Bi-objective Optimization, grasshopper optimization algorithms, augmented epsilon constraint, tire industry}
  • A. Aazami, M. Saidi Mehrabad *, S.M. Seyed Hosseini

    This paper develops a bi-objective optimization model for the integrated production-distribution planning of perishable goods under uncertainty. The first objective seeks to maximize the profit in a specific supply chain with three levels: plants, distribution centers, and in the last level, customers. Since transportation is one of the major pollution sources in a distribution problem, the second objective is to minimize their emission. In the considered problem, the decisions of production, location, inventory, and transportation are made in an integrated structure. In developing the demand function, the effect of the product freshness and the price is formulated. Besides, to encourage customers, three strategies, including perished product return, discount, and credit policies, are proposed. Also, robust optimization is utilized to cope with the operational uncertainty of some cost parameters. To prove the applicability of this research and the feasibility of the environmental aspect, a case study is conducted. Finally, the numerical computations on the case study provide a trade-off between the environmental and economic goals and indicate a 37.5 percent increase in the profit using the developed model.

    Keywords: Integrated Production-Distribution Planning, Perishable Goods, Bi-objective Optimization, robust optimization, Environmental Considerations}
  • طاها کشاورز*

    بیماری سرطان به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین علل مرگ در جهان، روند رو به رشدی در سال های اخیر داشته است و پیش بینی می شود که این روند در سال های آتی همچنان ادامه یابد. بنابراین اهمیت تدوین برنامه کنترل سرطان و لزوم ارایه روش های موثر اهمیت بسزایی دارد. با توجه به اینکه پرتو درمانی روشی موثر برای درمان سرطان است، مطالعات بر روی این روش درمان مهم و قابل توجه است. هدف اصلی این مقاله، ارایه مدل ریاضی برای جدیدترین روش پرتو درمانی با نام پرتو درمانی با حجم تطبیق شده است. در اکثر مطالعات انجام شده در این زمینه به دلیل پیچیدگی مدل، هدف مساله را بیشینه سازی دوز دریافتی در ناحیه هدف و یا کمینه سازی دوز دریافتی در ناحیه ارگان های در معرض خطر قرار داده اند. در این مطالعه سعی شده هر دو هدف با هم در نظر گرفته شده و یک مدل دو هدفه ارایه شود. نتایج 8 نمونه مورد بررسی نشان می دهد میزان دوز دریافتی در ناحیه هدف به میزان قابل توجهی بیشتر از دوز دریافتی در ناحیه اطراف تومور است. علاوه بر افزایش دوز دریافتی در ناحیه هدف و کاهش دوز دریافتی در سلول های اطراف هدف، نحوه توزیع دوز در وکسل ها بسیار مهم است، از این رو دوز به دست آمده با شاخص ضریب تغییر مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان می دهد مدل ارایه شده با ضریب تغییر کمتر از 10% توزیع دوز منسجمی در تمام بافت ها (بافت سرطانی و بافت سالم) دارد.

    کلید واژگان: پرتو درمانی, سلول های سرطانی, روش حجم تطبیق شده, بهینه سازی دو هدفه, برنامه ریزی عدد صحیح}
    Taha Keshavarz *

    Cancer, one of the leading causes of death in the world, has been on the rise in recent years and is expected to continue in the coming years. Therefore, the importance of developing a cancer control program and the need to provide effective methods is very important. Given that radiation therapy is an effective way to treat cancer, studies on this method of treatment are important and significant. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a mathematical model for the latest method of radiotherapy called volumetric modulated arc therapy. In most studies in this field, due to the complexity of the model, the purpose of the problem is to maximize the dose received in the target area or to minimize the dose received in the area organs at risk. In this study, both objectives are considered together and a bi-objective model is presented. The results of the 8 studied instances show that the dose received in the target area is significantly higher than the dose received in the area around the tumor. In addition to increasing the dose received in the target area and decreasing the dose received in the cells around the target, the distribution of the dose in the voxels is very important, so the dose was examined with the coefficient of variation. The results show that the proposed model with a coefficient of variation of less than 10% has a conformal dose distribution in all tissues (cancerous tissue and healthy tissue).

    Keywords: Radiotherapy, Cancer cells, VMAT, Bi-objective optimization, Integer programming}
  • Masoud Rabbani *, Niloofar Akbarian Saravi, Mahdokht Ansari, Mirmohammad Musavi

    In this paper, we develop a multi-period mathematical model involving economic and environmental considerations. A vehicle-routing problem is considered an essential matter due to decreasing the routing cost, especially in the concerned bioenergy supply chain. A few of the optimization model recognized the vehicle routing to design the bioenergy supply chain. In this study, a bi-objective mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is presented.  The economic objective function minimizes the transportation, capacity expanding, fixed and variable costs, and the locating routing cost in this problem. The proposed bi-objective model is solved through a Non-Dominated Genetic Algorithm (NSGA- II).  Furthermore, the small-sized problem is solved by the CPLEX solver and augmented ɛ-constraint method.

    Keywords: Bi-objective optimization, Mixed-integer linear programming, Bioenergy supply chain, Non-dominated genetic algorithm (NSGA- II)}
  • Mehrdad Ghaznavi*, Mahboobe Abkhizi

    Here, scalarization techniques for multi-objective optimization problems are addressed. A new scalarization approach, called unified Pascoletti-Serafini approach, is utilized and a new algorithm to construct the Pareto front of a given bi-objective optimization problem is formulated. It is shown that we can restrict the parameters of the scalarized problem. The computed efficient points provide a nearly equidistant approximation of the whole Pareto front. The performance of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by various test problems and its effectiveness with respect to some existing methods is shown.

    Keywords: Bi-objective optimization, Pareto front, Scalarization, Unified Pascoletti-Serafini method, Proper efficiency}
  • Ahmadreza Rostami, MohammadMahdi Paydar *, Ebrahim Asadi Gangraj

    Nowadays, factories should be coordinated with changes in the dynamic environment due to the intense competition in the businesses. Different strategies and systems are existing to help factories in a dynamic situation. In this article, a new multi-objective mathematical model is presented by the implementation of dynamic virtual cellular manufacturing and also considering new product development which enables factories to be successful in their business. This paper contains three objectives including maximizing the total profits of the factory in all the periods, the grouping efficacy and also the number of the new product. After linearization of the proposed model, multi-choice goal programming with utility function is used to solve the model. In addition, a case study has been conducted in the real world to show the effectiveness of the proposed model and finally, the results show that the integration of virtual cellular manufacturing with new product development can be helpful for managers and companies and leads to more efficiency.

    Keywords: Dynamic virtual cell formation, Grouping efficacy, New Product Development, Goal Programming, bi-objective optimization}
  • Mansooreh Iravani, Reza Bashirzadeh *, M. J. Tarokh
    This paper introduces a Travel Demand Management (TDM) model in order to decrease the transportation externalities by affecting on passengers’travel choices. Thus, a bi-objective bi-modal optimization model for road pricing is developed aiming to enhance environmental and social sustainability by considering to minimize the air pollution and maximize the social welfare as its objectives. This model determines optimal prices (bus fare and car toll) and optimal bus frequency simultaneously in an integrated model. The model is based on discrete choice theory and consideres the modes’ utility functions in its formulation. The proposed model is solved by two meta-heuristic methods (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II), Multi-Objectives Harmony Search (MOHS)) and the numerical results of a case study in Tehran are presented. The main managerial insights resulted from this case study is that its results support the idea of “free public transportation” or subsidizing the public transport as an effective way to decrease the transport related air pollution
    Keywords: Bi-objective Optimization, public transportation pricing, Air pollution, NSGA-II, MOHS}
  • مهدی ادیب نیا، سید حمیدرضا پسندیده*

    بیشتر مسایل مکان یابی که مطرح شده اند، با در نظر گرفتن این پیش فرض بوده اند که فقط یک نوع تسهیل قرار است مکان یابی شود؛ در صورتی که در بیشتر مواقع مدیران قصد مکان یابی تسهیلات مختلفی را دارند که به یک یا چند طریق با هم مرتبط اند. در این مقاله از نظریه ی صف از نوع M/M/1/K برای خدمت دهندگان بهره گرفته می شود. از جمله فرضیات در نظر گرفته شده در مدل این مقاله، وجود محدودیت ظرفیت در مراکز خدمت دهی است. مدل پیشنهادی از دسته مسایل برنامه ریزی غیرخطی عدد صحیح است؛ حل این مدل با استفاده از الگوریتم فراابتکاری چندهدفه ژنتیک مرتب سازی نامغلوب و الگوریتم بهینه سازی چندهدفه ی ازدحام ذرات صورت گرفته و پارامترهای الگوریتم ها به کمک روش طراحی آزمایش های تاگوچی تنظیم شده است. در انتهای مقاله برای مقایسه ی عملکرد دو الگوریتم فراابتکاری از شاخص های مقایسه یی استفاده خواهد شد و با استفاده از آزمون فرض آماری نتایج با یکدیگر مقایسه شده اند.

    کلید واژگان: مکان یابی - تخصیص تسهیلات سلسله مراتبی, برنامه ریزی چندهدفه, نظریه ی صف, الگوریتم های فراابتکاری چندهدفه}
    M. Adibnia, seyed hamidreza pasandideh*

    The primary objective of a typical hierarchical facility location problem is to determine the location of facilities in a multi-level network in a way to serve the customers at the lowest level of hierarchy. Nowadays, hierarchical facility location models have been widely applied in public facility location problems. In most of such cases, a developed model may need to deal with the relocation of existing facilities along with the construction of new facilities. This further acknowledges the need to focus on solving relocation hierarchical facility location problem using innovative approaches such as dynamic time elements. A facility is an establishment providing services; its level is defined by the highest level of service it offers. Low level services can be supported by a relatively small population. Also, those facilities can be located relatively densely in space. High level services require a large supporting population; they can only be located sparsely in space. Successive inclusiveness means that facilities of each level offer the services available at all lower levels of facility as well as those that require at least that level of facility. Although, the systems of facilities usually exist as hierarchical systems, location problems have been mostly studied for single-level systems. Hierarchical systems have to decide about the locations of their interacting facilities within a multiple layer configuration. Systems with a hierarchical structure are common both in public and private sectors. In this paper, we present the hierarchical facility location-allocation with two layers, Because of demand congestion in service networks, an M/M/1/K queuing system is considered. We assume that the capacity of each facility is limited. Furthermore, servers of each level offer a different service and Users can go to the higher level server without a low-level server refers them to it. We formulate the problem as nonlinear integer-programming models and solve model with GAMS and Global Criteria's technique. The paper finally identifies the gaps for future modeling efforts.

    Keywords: Hierarchical facility location-allocation, queuing theory, bi-objective optimization}
  • فاطمه بیاتلو، علی بزرگی امیری*، ابوالقاسم یوسفی بابادی

    وقوع بحران های طبیعی سبب ایجاد حجم وسیعی از تقاضا برای اقلام اضطراری مختلف در مناطق بحران زده می شود. پس از وقوع بحران یکی از مسائل مهم امدادرسانی، سرعت و کاهش زمان انتظار افراد آسیب دیده برای دریافت اقلام ضروری است. خون یکی از این اقلام است که نقش مهمی در حفظ حیات و سلامتی افراد حادثه دیده دارد. بنابراین طراحی یک شبکه ی زنجیره ی تامین خون، که در کنار کاهش هزینه ها، به مسئله ی مهم کاهش زمان انتظار برای دریافت این کالای حیاتی بپردازد، لازم و ضروری به نظر می رسد. در این مقاله، یک مدل برنامه ریزی غیرخطی چنددوره یی ارائه می شود که در آن برای محاسبه ی دقیق زمان انتظار افراد آسیب دیده، از نظریه ی صف استفاده شده است. کارایی مدل پیشنهادی از طریق ارائه ی مثال کاربردی و تحلیل حساسیت پارامترهای موثر نشان داده شده است.

    کلید واژگان: زنجیره ی تامین خون, بهینه سازی دوهدفه, بحران, نظریه ی صف, تخصیص چندگانه}
    F. Bayatloo, A. Bozorgi Amiri *, A. Yousefi Babadi

    Natural disasters cause to make a vast amount of relief items demand in affected areas. Reducing the waiting time of injured people for emergency supplies is one of the main issues in post-disaster emergency response. Blood is one of these items, which has a vital role in preserving affected people's life. Therefore, in post-disaster situation, creating a queue of injured people in order to receive blood services in hospitals is expected. Thus, designing a supply chain network that considers waiting time for blood supply while minimizing total cost is a challenging problem. In this paper, a bi-objective mixed integer nonlinear-programming model is proposed, which uses queuing theory to incorporate more realistic waiting time. This supply chain consists of five echelons: donors, blood collection facilities (permanently and temporary), blood center, demand points (hospitals), and injured people. Location-allocation, inventory level, blood shortage in some echelons, flow of blood in the network and waiting time are related decisions that are optimized in this model. With respect to variation in some parameters such as demand, a multi-period context is more effective to cope with these variations. In order to better manage blood collection, temporary blood facilities can move in a set of candidate points at the beginning of each period. Moreover, multiple allocations of donors to capacitated blood collection facilities and blood center are allowed by considering the covering radius of facilities. Finally, the performance of the proposed model is investigated by a practical numerical example. Moreover, several sensitively analyses are conducted. According to the model results, optimized allocation of injured people to hospitals and servers leads to reduction of queue length as well as waiting time. This improvement will be considerable when the intensity of disaster is high and a large number of injured people are transported to hospitals. Furthermore, the effectiveness of shortage cost and service time on objective functions is explored in the sensitivity analysis section.

    Keywords: Blood supply chain, bi-objective optimization, disaster queuing theory, multiple allocations}
  • Bardia Behnia, Iraj Mahdavi *, Babak Shirazi, Mohammad Mahdi Paydar
    The present study aimed to design a bi-objective bi-level mathematical model for multi-dimensional cellular manufacturing system. Minimizing the total number of voids and balancing the assigned workloads to cells are regarded as two objectives of the upper level of the model. However, the lower level attempts to maximize the workers' interest to work together in a special cell. To this aim, two nested bi-level metaheuristics including particle swarm optimization (NBL-PSO) and a population-based simulated annealing algorithm (NBL-PBSA) were implemented to solve the model. In addition, the goal programming approach was utilized in the upper level procedure of these algorithms. Further, nine numerical examples were applied to verify the suggested framework and the TOPSIS method was used to find the better algorithm. Furthermore, the best weights for upper level objectives were tuned by using a weight sensitivity analysis. Based on computational results, all three objectives were different from their ideal goals when decisions about inter and intra-cell layouts, and cell formation to balance the assigned workloads by considering voids and workers' interest were simultaneously madeby considering a wide assumption-made problem closer to the real world. Finally, NBL-PBSA could perform better than NBL-PSO, which confirmed the efficiency of the proposed framework.
    Keywords: Cellular Manufacturing, Bi-level Programming, bi-objective optimization, Goal Programming, Evolutionary Algorithms, TOPSIS method}
  • سعید احمدی، علی دستفان، محسن اصیلی
    مصرف بالای انرژی الکتریکی در سامانه های قطار شهری، بسیاری از پژوهشگران را بر آن داشته است تا به دنبال راهکارهایی برای صرفه جویی انرژی باشند. از طرف دیگر سرویس دهی مناسب همراه با دقت و سرعت بالا از خواسته های اصلی مسافران به عنوان مشتریان این سامانه هاست. در این میان بهره برداری کارآمد قطارها به دلیل در نظر گرفتن هم زمان صرفه جویی انرژی و وقت شناسی، از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار است. در این مقاله ضمن ارائه راهکاری برای صرفه جویی انرژی با رعایت قید های مربوط به زمان سفر، تاثیر در نظر گرفتن نرخ متغیر میزان بازیابی انرژی بازتولیدی ترمزی، در بهبود کاهش انرژی مصرفی کل شبکه نشان داده شده است. این کار طی یک فرایند بهینه سازی دومرحله ای انجام شده است. ابتدا با در نظر گرفتن انرژی خالص قطار همراه با زمان سفر بین ایستگاهی به عنوان تابع هدف، با استفاده از الگوریتم مرتب سازی نا مغلوب، مشخصه های سرعت بهینه برای سیستم تک قطاره به دست آمده است، سپس با توزیع زمان سفر بین ایستگاه ها و استفاده از مشخصه های بهینه مرحله قبل انرژی کل دریافتی سیستم چندقطاره از شبکه بالادستی حداقل شده است. نتایج شبیه سازی در خط 1 قطار شهری مشهد کارایی روش مورد نظر را تایید می کند.
    کلید واژگان: صرفه جویی انرژی, قطار شهری, مشخصه سرعت بهینه, انرژی بازتولیدی ترمزی, مرتب سازی نا مغلوب, بهره برداری کارآمد قطار, بهینه سازی دو هدفه}
    Saeed Ahmadi, Ali Dastfan, Mohsen Assili
    High consumption of electric energy in urban railway systems have prompted many researchers to look for strategies of energy saving. Suitable service with high speed and accuracy is what passengers, as the main costumers of these systems, anticipate. In this regard, energy-efficient train operation due to its considering energy saving and punctuality simultaneously, is very important. In this paper, a solution for energy saving is proposed, so that the constraints related to traveling time are met. Meanwhile, the effect of employing variable regenerative energy recovery rate for each inter-station distance was shown in reducing total input energy of network. This work is conducted over a two-stage optimization process. First, considering the net energy of train and inter-station trip time as the objective functions, optimal speed profiles were provided for single train system. Then, by distributing traveling time over the inter-stations and using predetermined optimal speed profiles, the total input energy of the upstream network is minimized. The simulation results, based on actual operating data of line 1 Mashhad urban railway system confirm the effectiveness of proposed method.
    Keywords: Energy saving, Urban railway, Speed profile, Regenerative braking energy, Non-dominated sorting, Energy-efficient train operation, bi-objective optimization}
  • Mohammad Hussein Tahmasebi, Kaveh Khalili, Damghani, Vahid Reza Ghezavati
    One of the most important problems for distribution companies is to find the best locations for depots and to find proper routes for transportation vehicles and to optimize supply network. This study intends to develop a model for the problem of location-routing in post offices. So, a new Bi-Objective Location-Routing Problem for Locating Town Post Office and Routing Parcels is defined. This problem is modeled through mixed-integer mathematical programming. The aim of proposed model is to select potential post offices and to find optimal routes for transportation vehicles while time constraints are taken into account. The proposed model is applied in a real case study including eight main post area and 21 regional offices in Tehran, Iran. A goal programming approach is proposed to solve this bi-objective optimization model. The GAMS Software is used to code and solve the associated mathematical model. Some required parameters of the model such as demands are estimated using Geographical Information System (GIS) and simulation methods. The results of proposed model including the objective functions, decision variables, and proposed routing of vehicles have been compared with the existing practical solutions. Sensitivity analysis on main parameters of proposed models is accomplished and the results are analyzed. This comparison illustrate the efficacy and applicability of proposed approach.
    Keywords: Location-routing problem, Post Office Location-Routing, Bi-objective Optimization, Goal programming, Tehran Post Office}
  • H. Mohammadi Andargoli *, R. Tavakkoli Moghaddam, N. Shahsavari Pour, M.H. Abolhasani Ashkezari

    This paper addresses the permutation of a flexible job shop problem that minimizes the makespan and total idleness as a bi-objective problem. This optimization problem is an NP-hard one because a large solution space allocated to it. We use a duplicate genetic algorithm (DGA) to solve the problem, which is developed a genetic algorithm procedure. Since the proposed DGA is working based on the GA, it often offers a better solution than the standard GA because it includes the rational and appropriate justification. The proposed DGA is used the useful features and concepts of elitism and local search, simultaneously. It provides local search for the best solution in every generation with the neighborhood structure in several stages and stores them in an external list for reuse as a secondary population of the GA. The performance of the proposed GA is evaluated by a number of numerical experiments. By comparing the results of the DGA other algorithms, we realize that our proposed DGA is efficient and appropriate for solving the given problem.

    Keywords: Flexible job shop scheduling problem, Duplicate genetic algorithm, Bi-objective Optimization}
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