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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « alexnet » در نشریات گروه « برق »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «alexnet» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • M. M. Moradi, M. H. Fatehi *, H. Masoumi, M. Taghizadeh
    Sleep stages Classification is a useful way to diagnose sleep problems. This is based on the processing of bio-signals (ECG, EEG, EOG, PPG). The less complex this signal is, the better the detection and processing. Feature extraction methods using hand are tedious and long lasting. Extraction of features without hand intervention are deep features, which are usually extracted from images. Analysis of time-frequency characteristics of non-static bio-signals is very important and has useful information. In this study, time-frequency image was extracted using ECG signal spectrogram and deep features were extracted using convolutional neural network. After extracting deep features, sleep stages were classified using deep transfer learning method. Network training was performed using one of the ECG signal and testing was performed with the other ECG signal channel.The results show that it is possible to detect sleep stages with acceptable accuracy with different amplitudes of signals. Sleep stages were detected with 98.92% accuracy and 96.52% sensitivity.
    Keywords: ECG signal, sleep stages classification, deep transfer learning, AlexNet, spectrogram of signal}
  • اکبر مقیمیان، محرم منصوری زاده *، میرحسین دزفولیان

    بازیابی تصویر مبتنی بر محتوا استفاده از روش های بینایی ماشین برای بازیابی تصاویری از یک مجموعه است که به تصویر پرس وجو شبیه باشند. چالش اصلی این سیستم ها کاهش شکاف معنایی بین ویژگی های سطح پایین مستخرج از پیکسل و قطعه تصویر و مفاهیم سطح بالای موجود در آن است. یکی از روش های کاهش این فاصله استفاده از ویژگی های سطح بالای مستخرج از نواحی و اشیا برای بازیابی است. از طرفی ویژگی های سطح پایین نیز تمایز خوبی بین خود تصاویر اعمال می کنند. بر این اساس انتظار می رود استفاده از هر دو دسته ویژگی به نتایج بهتری منجر شود. در این پژوهش بازیابی تصویر در چهار سطح پیکسل، ناحیه، شیء و مفهوم انجام شده است و از همجوشی نتایج این سطوح به منظور کاهش شکاف معنایی استفاده شده است. در سطح پیکسل، از ویژگی های SIFT و LBP استفاده شده است. در سطح ناحیه، ابتدا تصویر به چند ناحیه افراز و سپس ویژگی های رنگ و بافت با استفاده از توصیفگر Hue و فیلتر گابور از هر یک از نواحی تصویر استخراج شده است. در سطح شیء از شبکه عصبی کانولوشنی AlexNet برای بازشناسی اشیاء و صحنه های درون تصویر و در سطح مفهوم از شبکه عصبی Word2vec برای سنجش شباهت معنایی تصاویر استفاده شده است. نتایج بازیابی روی دو پایگاه داده Wang و GHIM نشان دهنده بهبود دقت و فراخوانی در بازیابی تصویر است.

    کلید واژگان: بازیابی تصویر مبتنی بر محتوا, همجوشی اطلاعات, ترکیب طبقه بندها, AlexNet, Word2vec}
    A. Moghimian, M. Mansoorizadeh*, M. H. Dezfoulian

    Content based image retrieval (CBIR) applies machine vision techniques to extract similar images for a given query image. The main challenge of CBIR is the semantic gap between low level pixel and segment based features and high-level concepts in the image. An approach towards reducing this gaps is to use high level region and object based features. However, the low-level features describe image details and enforce between image discriminations. Accordingly, it is expected that the use of both feature types will lead to better results. This paper tries to reduce the mentioned gap by combining decision results at four granularities, namely pixel, region, object, and concept levels. Pixel level retrieval adopts SIFT features and local binary patterns. Region level subsystem partitions the image into a set of segments and extracts their color and texture features using hue descriptor and Gabor filters for subsequent processing. AlexNet convolutional neural network is employed for object based retrieval. Word2vec embedding is used for concept level retrieval that exploits conceptual relations between objects to enhance the retrieval results. Experiments over Wang and GHIM datasets confirm the feasibility of the proposed combination and conclude that it improves overall performance of the retrieval system.

    Keywords: Content based Image Retrieval, Information Fusion, Classifier Combination, AlexNet, Word2vec}
  • Sasan Karamizadeh, Abouzar Arabsorkhi
    Biometric-based techniques have emerged as the most promising option for individual recognition. This task is still a challenge for computer vision systems. Several approaches to adult image recognition, which include the deep neural network and traditional classifier, have been proposed. Different image condition factors such as expressions, occlusion, poses, and illuminations affect the facial recognition system. A reasonable amount of illumination variations between the gallery and probe images need to be taken into account in adult image recognition algorithms. In the context of adult image verification, illumination variation plays a vital role and this factor will most likely result in misclassification. Different architectures and different parameters have been tested in order to improve the classification’s accuracy. This proposed method contains four steps, which begin with Fuzzy Deep Neural Network Segmentation. This step is employed in order to segment an image based on illumination intensity. Histogram Truncation and Stretching is utilized in the second step for improving histogram distribution in the segmented area. The third step is Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE). This step is used to enhance the contrast of the segmented area. Finally, DCT-II is applied and low-frequency coefficients are selected in a zigzag pattern for illumination normalization. In the proposed method, AlexNet architecture is used, which consists of 5 convolutional layers, max-pooling layers, and fully connected layers. The image is passed through a stack of convolutional layers after fuzzy neural representation, where we used filter 8 × 8. The convolutional stride is fixed to 1 pixel. After every convolution, there is a subsampling layer, which consists of a 2×2 kernel to do max pooling. This can help to reduce the training time and compute complexity of the network. The proposed scheme will be analyzed and its performance in accuracy and effectiveness will be evaluated. In this research, we have used 80,400 images, which are imported from two datasets - the Compaq and Poesia datasets - and used images found on the Internet
    Keywords: adult image, illumination, fuzzy deep neural network segmentation, Histogram truncation, stretching, DCTII, AlexNet, Convolutional}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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