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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "h∞" در نشریات گروه "برق"

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «h∞» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • Vijoy Kumar Peddiny *, Brajagopal Datta, Abhik Banerjee
    Changes in the electric supply can significantly affect electronic devices since they are very sensitive. Due to a nonlinear system with multiple interconnected and unpredictable demands in the smart grid, the electricity system is facing several issues, including power quality, reactive power management, and voltage drop. To address these problems, a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is frequently used to compensate and correct the voltage level at the power bus voltage. In this study, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and GWO based controlled STATCOM has been developed to replace the traditional PI based controller and enhance the overall STATCOM performance. The ANN controller is preferred due to its simplicity, adaptability, resilience, and ability to consider the non-linearities of the power grid. To train the classifier offline, data from the PI controller was utilized. The MATLAB/Simulink software was employed to assess the effectiveness of STATCOM on a 25 Km transmission line during increased load and three faults. The combined results of the PI and ANN controllers indicate that the ANN controller significantly improves STATCOM efficiency under different operating conditions. Moreover, the ANN controller outperforms the traditional PI controller in terms of results.
    Keywords: STATCOM, ANN, Smart Grid, Grey Wolf
  • Saeed Behzadi *, Nasrin Osali, Abdollah Younesi, Amir Bagheri
    Nowadays, with the detrimental impacts of air pollution on human health and its significant societal expenses, it has been imperative to utilize renewable energy sources (RESs) and energy storage systems (ESSs). This study introduces a new objective function aimed at achieving a long-term optimal plan where it contrasts the outcomes of meeting network load demand with and without the integration of renewable/non-renewable distributed energy resources (DERs). The analysis considers installation and operational costs, addressing uncertainties through Monte-Carlo and scenario-based methodologies. The proposed problem is structured as a convex optimization model. Simulations are conducted on the IEEE 33-bus system, showcasing the model’s efficacy through cost efficiency and reduced emission expenses. The study confirms that the investment in renewable energy resources and ESS units can be recouped in less than five years. It was observed that in the long-term, there is a cost reduction of 29.4\% when DER units are incorporated. Also, the emission cost for the horizon year is diminished by 43.2\% compared to the case where the DERs are absent.
    Keywords: Distribution System Planning, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Storage Systems, Uncertainty, Convex Optimization
  • Priyanshul Niranjan *, Niraj Kumar Choudhary, Nitin Singh, Ravindra Kumar Singh
    Conventional overcurrent protection schemes may not be sufficient to provide the complete protection of microgrids, especially in the islanded mode (ISM) of operation. Directional overcurrent relays (DOCRs) in microgrid may malfunction due to significant changes in fault current level and change in topology from grid-connected mode (GCM) to ISM. The novel contribution of this study is to determine the optimal settings of time-voltage-current-based dual-setting DOCRs with mixed inverse characteristics, valid in both GCM and ISM, without any miscoordination of relay pairs. The relay coordination problem is formulated as a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem and optimally solved using an improved environmental adaption method (IEAM). The proposed relay coordination scheme has been tested on a 7-bus microgrid, the low-voltage section of the modified IEEE-14 bus benchmark system. The performance of the proposed protection scheme has been compared with the existing schemes, considering conventional DOCRs, time-voltage-current-based DOCRs, and dual-setting DOCRs.
    Keywords: Microgrid, Distributed Generator, Dual-Setting Docrs, Protection Coordination, IEAM
  • Amir Ghaedi *, Mehrdad Mahmoudian, Reza Sedaghati
    In recent years, due to rising social welfare, the reliability has become one of most important topics of modern power network and electricity companies try to provide the electric power to the consumers with minimal interruptions. For this purpose, the electricity companies to improve the reliability of the power system can utilize different techniques. In this paper, new developments occurred in electricity industry including integration of large-scale renewable resources, integration of large capacity energy storage systems, integration of combined heat and electricity units into power network and demand side response plans are taken into account, and these events impact on power network reliability is assessed. Power networks are affected with integration of renewable resources. Multi-state reliability models for renewable generation plants are obtained, in the paper. Suitable number of states in the proposed reliability model is selected by calculating XB index. Besides, fuzzy c-means clustering approach is utilized for determining probability of states. For study impact of energy storage systems with large capacity on power network reliability, load model is modified. To investigate effect of combined heat and power plants on power network reliability, failure of composed elements and produced thermal power are considered in reliability model of these plants. To evaluate demand side response impact on reliability of power network, the load model is modified. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques on the reliability enhancement of power network is satisfied using numerical results performed on reliability test systems based on the suggested methods.
    Keywords: Reliability, Renewable Resources, Combined Heat, Power Plant, Energy Storage Systems, Demand Response Program
  • A.T. Alahmad, Alireza Saffarian *, Seyyed Ghodratollah Seifossadat, Seyed Saeedallah Mortazavi
    The widespread adoption of microgrids in electric power systems has brought numerous advantages such as decentralized control, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental benefits. However, one of the most critical challenges faced by islanded microgrids is ensuring frequency and voltage stability. This paper addresses these stability issues that arise when microgrids operate independently, disconnected from the main network through the point of common coupling (PCC). These microgrids rely on renewable resources like photovoltaic (PV) systems, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, which often require DC to AC conversion through inverters to simulate synchronous generators. To overcome the frequency and voltage stability challenges, this research utilizes the droop control technique to regulate the active and reactive power of distribution generators (DGs). The droop control technique is implemented and simulated using MATLAB software, specifically employing a multi-DC bus-based inverter. The simulation results demonstrate that the DGs successfully supply the required total power to meet load demands while maintaining frequency and voltage stability. Through the droop control technique, active and reactive power sharing is achieved, ensuring stability at nominal values. The DGs can effectively maintain a constant power profile at desired values, even in the presence of static and dynamic loads.
    Keywords: Droop Control Technique, Frequency, Voltage Stability, Microgrid, Multi-DC Bus-Based Inverter
  • Shirkooh Panjeie, Ahmad Fakharian *, Mostafa Sedighizadeh, Alireza Sheikhi Fini
    Microgrid operators (MGOs) try to restore as much demand as possible when they are faced with electrical power outages corre-sponding to extreme events. This work suggests an outage management strategy (OMS) to improve microgrid resilience by using two optimal actions that are distribution feeder reconfiguration (DFR) and scheduling of the distributed energy resources (DERs). Later happening a line fault, the radial network topology is determined by the proposed model using an evaluation of the inci-dence matrix. The presented work handles the uncertain behavior of non-dispatchable DERs and the electrical loads which model by the robust optimization approach. To expand the flexibility of the proposed model, the demand response program (DRP) is treated as the curtailed demand. The aim of optimization is the minimization of the total cost for dispatchable DER operation and electrical load decrease. The recommended robust linear problem (RLP) model is simulated by the CPLEX solver in GAMS software. Applying the suggested model in the 69-bus unbalanced test system demonstrate that the proposed model averagely decreases total operation cost and execution time by 10.62% and 22.23% on all scenarios in comparison with the de-terministic model.
    Keywords: Distributed Energy Resource, Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration, Resilience, Robust Optimization, Outage Management Strategy
  • Ekki Kurniawan *, Muhammad Darmawan, Anka Sidqi
    Controlling the speed and direction of DC motor rotation is vital in various industrial and educational applications. However, many college students do not understand the characteristics and control of DC motors. Therefore, this study aims to study the simulation of DC motors using the L298 motor driver and Arduino platform with the help of Proteus software. This study focuses on the simulation of controlling the speed and direction of DC motors using a potentiometer as a speed controller and a switch to change the direction of motor rotation (clock and anti-clock). The ACS712 current sensor and voltage sensor are used to monitor the current, voltage, and power displayed on the LCD screen. By using Arduino as a microcontroller, this system allows precise control and real-time monitoring of the motor's electrical parameters. The simulation results show that the designed system can control the speed and direction of DC motors well and provide important information about the operational characteristics of the motor. This study not only offers theoretical insights but also practical applications in the development of efficient and effective motor control systems. Thus, this study is expected to be an essential reference for students, researchers, and practitioners in understanding and developing better motor control systems.
    Keywords: DC Motor, Proteus Simulation, Arduino, Current, Voltage Sensors
  • Ahmadreza Abdollahi Chirani *
    The efficient operation of electrical distribution systems is critical in modern industry, as it directly impacts the reliability, stability, and cost-effectiveness of delivering electricity to consumers. Capacitors are included in radial distribution systems to improve voltage profile and minimize losses by providing reactive power. Consequently, losses are reduced as the reactive power flow component is compensated. Furthermore, re-configuration of the distribution network, which involves altering the open/closed status of switches, is a vital approach that affects the steady flow of electricity through the network. Network reconfiguration and optimal capacitor placement are essential techniques for enhancing the performance of the distribution networks. This study utilizes the Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA) to solve the problems of network reconfiguration and optimal capacitor placement. The primary objective is to minimize power losses while ensuring that the voltage profile and reliability of the distribution system satisfy industry-level standards. The proposed method was tested on the IEEE 33 bus network. Five different scenarios were considered. The simulations were conducted in MATLAB software. The acquired improvements in the power loss reduction and voltage profile corroborate the effectiveness of this novel approach. Compared to previously explored methods, the results of the proposed scheme for solving optimal capacitor placement and network reconfiguration individually were found to be more effective in terms of reducing power loss (3.12% and 4.02%, respectively).
    Keywords: Optimal Capacitor Placement, Sizing, Optimal Reconfiguration, Power Loss Reduction, Power Distribution Network, Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA)
  • Omid Golpayegani, Mostafa Jazaeri *, Naser Eskandarian
    Modeling of power electronic converters plays a significant role in examining the behaviour and designing control systems. Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converters, due to many advantages such as inherent soft-switching, bidirectional power transfer, and higher energy density, are used in various applications such as SST transformers, smart grids, and electric vehicle battery chargers. In this paper, a new reduced-order model for a DAB converter is introduced by modeling nonlinear elements such as semiconductor devices and transformers. By considering all power loss elements, and input/output filters, the modeling becomes more realistic. The performance and accuracy of the proposed model is improved compared to conventional reduced-order methods.  Small signal modeling for the DAB converter is curried out and control transfer functions of the system are investigated. Additionally, frequency response analysis of the proposed model under different conditions is compared with the detailed model of the DAB converter containing nonlinear elements implemented in PLECS software. Simulation results demonstrate a satisfactory accuracy of the proposed model in assessing the performance and dynamic behavior of the DAB converter under various operating conditions.
    Keywords: DAB, Reduced Order Model, Small Signal Modeling, Frequency Response Analysis
  • Amir Shokri, Farzin Yaghmaee *
    In today's digital age, we are bombarded with images from the internet, social media, and online magazines. It is fascinating how we can remember so many of these images and their details. However, not every image is equally memorable; some stay with us more than others. Scientists have explored why this is the case. In our research, we are particularly interested in how images that showcase Iranian life and culture stick in the memories of Iranian adults. To investigate this, we created a new collection called the SemMem dataset, which is full of culturally relevant images. We adapted a memory game from earlier studies to test how memorable these images are. To analyze memorability, we used two deep learning architectures, ResNet 50 and ResNet 101. These architectures helped us estimate which images are likely to be remembered. Our findings confirmed that images connected to Iranian culture are indeed more memorable to Iranians, highlighting the impact of familiar cultural elements on memory retention.
    Keywords: Visual Memory, Memorability, Image Memorability, Recognition Memory, Quantifying Image Memorability
  • مهرداد موحدپور*، علی دوست رستمی زاده

    در این مقاله تعیین اندازه بهینه سیستم تولید پراکنده توان ترکیبی خورشیدی/ باطری با الگوریتم PSO ارائه شده است. با توجه به اینکه تولید توان در صفحات خورشیدی به تابش خورشید وابسته می باشد، از ذخیره ساز انرژی باطری در حالت متصل به شبکه امکان ذخیره سازی توان تولیدی صفحه های فتوولتائیک و فروش توان به شبکه در ساعت اوج مصرف شبانه- که هزینه برق گران می باشد مدل سازی اقتصادی صفحه های فتوولتائیک، باتری و مبدل ارائه شده است. بر اساس بهینه سازی و آنالیز حساسیت صورت گرفته استفاده از صفحه های فتوولتائیک برای تبدیل توان و فروش برق به شبکه بسیار وابسته به قیمت صفحه های فتوولتائیک و قیمت برق شبکه بوده و قابل قبول می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: سیستم قدرت ترکیبی, آرایه خورشیدی, ذخیره ساز انرژی, بهینه سازی, جستجوی گروه(PSO)
    Mehrdad Movahedpoor *, Ali Doost Rostamizadeh

    In this paper, the optimal sizing of a distributed generation system with a combined solar/battery power is presented using the PSO algorithm. Given that the power generation in solar panels depends on solar radiation, the battery energy storage in the grid-connected state allows the storage of the generated power of photovoltaic panels and the sale of power to the grid during the night-time peak consumption hours - when electricity costs are high. Economic modeling of photovoltaic panels, batteries and converters is presented. Based on the optimization and sensitivity analysis, the use of photovoltaic panels for power conversion and electricity sale to the grid is highly dependent on the price of photovoltaic panels and the price of grid electricity and is acceptable.

    Keywords: Hybrid Power System, Solar Array, Energy Storage, Optimization, Ensemble Search (PSO)
  • مهرداد موحدپور*، علی دوست رستمی زاده

    در این مقاله ارزیابی مکان نصب ومحل بهینه نیروگاه های تولید پراکنده وخازن در سیستم های توزیع شعاعی به منظور کاهش تلفات وبهبود پروفیل ولتاژ مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. شبیه سازی به منظور کمینه نمودن اندیس تلفات توان های اکتیو، تلفات راکتیوو پروفیل ولتاژ و بهینه سازی چند هدفه به روش الگوریتم ژنتیک انجام شده است. در این مقاله ابتدا تاثیرات جایابی DG وخازن بصورت جداگانه و سپس به صورت همزمان انجام شده است.در حالت جایابی همزمان نیز 1- حالتیکه همه تجهیزات روی یک باس قرار بگیرند و 2- حالتی که تجهیزات روی باس های مختلفی قرار بگیرند بررسی شده است. پخش بار به روش نیوتن رافسون انجام شده وسپس شبیه سازی روی دو شبکه استاندارد 33و69 شینهIEEE تست شده است.نتایج نشان می دهد که کاهش چشمگیری در تلفات صورت گرفته و پروفیل ولتاژ نیز بهبود یافته است

    کلید واژگان: جایابی بهینه DG, خازن, الگوریتم ژنتیک, تلفات, پروفیل ولتاژ, نیوتن رافسون
    Mehrdad Movahedpoor *, Ali Doost Rostamizadeh

    In this paper, the evaluation of the installation location and optimal location of distributed generation plants and capacitors in radial distribution systems in order to reduce losses and improve voltage profile has been studied. Simulation has been performed to minimize the active power loss index, reactive power loss, and voltage profile and multi-objective optimization has been performed using the genetic algorithm method. In this paper, the effects of DG and capacitor placement have been first examined separately and then simultaneously. In the simultaneous placement mode, 1- the case where all equipment is placed on one bus and 2- the case where equipment is placed on different buses have been studied. Load distribution was performed using the Newton-Raphson method and then the simulation was tested on two standard IEEE 33 and 69 bus networks. The results show that there is a significant reduction in losses and the voltage profile is also improved.

    Keywords: Optimal DG Placement, Capacitor, Genetic Algorithm, Losses, Voltage Profile, Newton-Raphson
  • خدا دوست رستمی زاده*

    در سه دهه ی اخیر پس از افزایش عمده ی قیمت سوخت، اهمیت بحث سوخت جایگزین، افزایش کارآیی انرژی و کاهش آلودگی زیست محیطی، تمایل به استفاده از فن آوری های جدید از جمله تولید همزمان برق و حرارت افزایش یافته است .در روش های معمول برای تامین نیازهای الکتریکی و حرارتی، الکتریسته از شبکه ی توزیع سراسری و حرارت بوسیله ی سوزاندن سوخت در بویلرها و تجهیزات گرمازا به روش تولید جداگانه تامین می گردد. در این روش انرژی قابل توجهی به گونه ای متفاوت از طریق گازهای داغ خروجی دودکش، برج های خنک کن، کندانسورها، خنک کننده ها در موتورهای احتراق داخلی و همچنین تلفات توزیع و انتقال الکتریسیته در شبکه ی سراسری برق به هدر می رود که بیش تر این حرارت قابل بازیافت است و می تواند در تامین انرژی حرارتی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. از طرفی الکتریسیته تولیدی به این روش به صورت متمرکز (نیروگاهی) بوده و تلفات انرژی زیادی را در بردارد . در این مقاله به معرفی انواع سیستم های تولید همزمان خواهیم پرداخت، انواع مزایا و معایب و همچنین کاربردهای آنها را معرفی خواهیم نمود.

    کلید واژگان: تولید همزمان, زیست محیطی, الکتریسیته, گازهای داغ
    Khodadoost Rostamizadeh *

    In the last three decades, after the significant increase in fuel prices, the importance of alternative fuels, increasing energy efficiency, and reducing environmental pollution, the desire to use new technologies, including cogeneration of electricity and heat, has increased. In conventional methods for meeting electrical and thermal needs, electricity is supplied from the national distribution network and heat is supplied by burning fuel in boilers and heat- generating equipment in a separate production method. In this method, a significant amount of energy is wasted in various ways through hot exhaust gases from chimneys, cooling towers, condensers, coolers in internal combustion engines, and also through losses in the distribution and transmission of electricity in the national electricity grid. Most of this heat can be recovered and can be used to provide thermal energy. On the other hand, the electricity produced in this method is centralized (power plant) and involves a lot of energy losses. [1] In this article, we will introduce the types of cogeneration systems, introduce their advantages and disadvantages, and also introduce their applications.

    Keywords: Cogeneration, Environmental, Electricity, Hot Gases
  • Ali Bagheri, Sajad Mehrabi, Saeed Reza Ostadzadeh *

    In this paper, an adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based on the Takagi-Sugeno- Kang technique is used for predicting the effective length of vertical rods buried in two-layer soils. The rods are subjected to two typical lightning return stroke currents namely first and subsequent stroke currents. To train the ANFIS approach, a number of input-output pairs are computed from the multi-conductor transmission line method. The inputs are resistivity values of the upper and lower layers, upper layer thickness and the rise time of the lightning current. After the training process is converged, the prediction of effective length is efficiently carried out in such soils. Also, the comparative study with the horizontal electrode buried in two-layer soils shows that the effective length of vertical rods is considerably less than that of the horizontal electrodes which are financially and practically important, whereas in single-layer soil they are different.

    Keywords: Effective Length, ANFIS, Vertical Rods, Lightning Strokes, Two-Layer Soil
  • Mohsen Eftekharian, Ali Nodehi *

    Nowadays, medical intelligence detection systems have evolved significantly due to advancements in artificial intelligence, however, they face some challenges. Breast cancer diagnosis and classification is one of the medical intelligence systems. There are a variety of screening techniques available to detect breast cancer such as mammography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound. This research uses the MIAS mammography image dataset and tries to diagnose and classify benign and malignant masses based on image processing and machine learning techniques. Initially, we apply pre-processing for noise reduction and image enhancement using Quantum Inverse MFT, and then image segmentation with the Social Spider Algorithm. The type of mass is then diagnosed by the Convolutional neural network. The results show that the proposed approach has better performance in comparison to others based on some evaluation criteria such as accuracy of 99.57%, sensitivity of 91%, and specificity of 86%.

    Keywords: Breast Cancer, Diagnosis, Classification, Quantum Inverse MFT Algorithm, Social Spider Algorithm, Convolutional Neural Network
  • Somayeh Afzali, Mohammadkazem Moayyedi *, Faranak Fotouhi

    Due to the high computational cost of the direct numerical simulation methods of the governing equations of some natural phenomena, surrogate models based on machine learning methods such as deep learning algorithms have been commonly interested in modeling these phenomena. This paper proposes a reduced-order model based on a deep-learning algorithm to simulate temperature changes in a two-dimensional field. This model is developed using three different methods, including a framework based on convolutional neural networks, a physics-informed loss function of the phenomenon, and a reduced-order model using the autoencoder method. The model outcomes were compared with the results obtained from a high-resolution finite difference method. The results show that the reduced-order model (with an accuracy of 2.528×10-6 °C) has higher accuracy than the other two models. Meanwhile, the Model-based physics-informed loss is superior to the other two models in terms of steady-state temperature data consumption (only 400 data of size 8×8).

    Keywords: Steady-State Heat Transfer, Convolutional Neural Networks, Autoencoder, Reduced Order Model, Mean Squared Error
  • Saber Falahati Aliabadi, Seyed Abbas Taher *

    The increasing reliance on electric power and the environmental pollution caused by fossil fuels has created a need for new energy sources for electric power production. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar can be employed to produce electric power, however, their output powers are unpredictable due to stochastic environmental situations. These changes lead to frequency deviations in the power grid, potentially making it unstable. This issue can be more challenging in standalone microgrids since they have low inertia. To overcome this challenge, energy storage systems (ESSs) can be used, although they require significant investment and may not always be cost-effective. Electric vehicles (EVs) can help power systems balance generation and consumption and compensate for renewable energy output changes. This is achieved through the EV batteries, which can be charged when the grid frequency is high and discharged when it is low, a concept known as Vehicle to Grid (V2G). In this paper, we present a new method for controlling EVs in a microgrid in order to reduce frequency deviations. To this end, we introduce a fuzzy controller with optimized membership functions and rules. In the proposed method, the state of charge (SOC) of an EV battery can be controlled while regulating frequency. Simulations conducted in the MATLAB environment demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Keywords: Optimized Fuzzy Controller, Vehicle To Grid, Frequency Regulation, State Of Charge, Microgrid
  • ابوالفضل روشن پناه، پویا ترک زاده *، خسرو حاج صادقی، مسعود دوستی

    در این مقاله، یک مبدل دیجیتال به آنالوگ دلتا-سیگما درجه دوم (DSM-DAC) 16بیتی چند حالته با ساختار بهم ریخته زمانی (TI) در فرکانس مرکزی 4 گیگاهرتز و با پهنای باند 20 مگاهرتز به زبان توصیف سخت افزاری (VHDL) مبتنی بر FPGA پیاده سازی شده است. معماری پیشنهادی تنها از یک فرکانس کلاک برای تولید سیگنال های فرکانس رادیویی (RF) استفاده می کند. مدولاتور دلتا-سیگما (DSM) درجه دوم با توانایی تنظیم مجدد دارای سه حالت پایین گذر (LP)، میانگذر (BP) در فرکانس 4/Fs و بالاگذر (HP) برای سنتز سیگنال است. برای افزایش فرکانس نمونه برداری (Fs)، ساختار 4 کاناله TI پیشنهاد شده است که هر کدام از کانالها در فرکانس 4/Fs کار می کنند. از آنجایی که ضرایب ساده برای همه حالتها وجود دارد، عملیات ضرب را می توان با استفاده از یک بلوک شیفت دهنده انجام داد. یک چالش مهم در طراحی این نوع ساختارها، خطای چرخه وظیفه (DCE) است. برای غلبه بر اثر خطای DCE، با تنظیم مدار فیلتر و یکطرفه کردن باند فرکانسی عبور سیگنال بدون اضافه کردن سخت افزار اضافی و پیچیدگی مداری، راه حل جدیدی پیشنهاد شده است. در این روش با حذف اثر تصویر سیگنال مقادیر SNDR و SFDR حتی برای حالت BP به طور قابل توجهی افزایش می یابد. چالش دیگر خطای عدم تطابق سلول های DAC است. این خطا به دو روش میانگین گیری وزنی داده ها (DWA) و مرتب سازی تطبیق عناصر پویا (SDEM) جبران سازی شده است. نتایج شبیه سازی در ISE نشان می دهد که مقدار SNDR برای حالت های LP، BP و HP به ترتیب برابر با 10/106، 65/105 و 95/104 dB است.

    کلید واژگان: بهم ریختگی زمانی, خطای چرخه وظیفه, ساختارپس خور- خطا, عدم تطابق سلول ها, مدولاتور دلتا-سیگما, FPGA
    Abolfazl Roshanpanah, Pooya Torkzadeh*, Khosrow Hajsadeghi, Massoud Dousti

    In this research, a 16-bit multi-mode second-order Delta-Sigma Modulator-Digital-to-Analog Converter (DSM-DAC) with a time-interleaved (TI) structure operating at a center frequency of 4 GHz and a bandwidth of 20 MHz has been implemented using VHDL on an FPGA platform. The proposed architecture utilizes a single clock frequency for generating RF signals. The second-order DSM is reconfigurable, offering three filter modes: LP, BP at Fs/4, and HP for signal synthesis. Since the coefficients remain simple for all modes, multiplication operations can be achieved using a shifter block. To investigate the effect of duty-cycle-error (DCE) and its compensation, various error values are applied to the modulator and compensation is performed. A novel solution is proposed to overcome the DCE by adjusting the filter and unilaterally narrowing the signal passband without adding extra hardware complexity. This approach significantly enhances the SNDR and SFDR of the DSM output, even for the BP mode. Another challenge is the mismatch error in DAC cells. This error is simulated and compensated using two methods DWA and SDEM. Simulation results in ISE demonstrate that the SNDR values for LP, BP, and HP modes are 106.10, 105.65, and 104.95 dB, respectively.

    Keywords: Delta-Sigma Modulator, Duty-Cycle-Error, Error-Feedback, FPGA, Mismatch, Time-Interleaved
  • علیرضا پیراسته، منوچهر شمسینی غیاثوند*، مجید پولادیان

    تصور حرکتی یک فرآیند ذهنی به منظور آمادگی جهت حرکت است. سیستم رابط مغزی، ارتباط مستقیم بین مغز و رایانه را برای آگاهی از درخواست های یک فرد و استفاده از آنها به عنوان سیگنال کنترلی برای دستگاه های خارجی آماده مینماید. پیش پردازش، استخراج ویژگی ها و طبقه بندی سیگنال ها مراحل اصلی مطالعه هستند. رویدادهای تصور حرکتی در سه باند فرکانسی بتا، مو و گاما رخ می دهند. پس از پیش پردازش داده های  EEG  (Electroencephalogram)مرحله بعدی اعمال فیلترهایی به منظور کاهش نویز موجود در سیگنال است. در ادامه روش های مختلف استخراج ویژگی و طبقه بندی تصور حرکتی بر روی داده ها پیاده سازی می شود. مطالعات تصویربرداری عملکردی نشان داده است که تصور حرکتی از فعال شدن مدارهای عصبی درگیر در مراحل اولیه کنترل حرکتی ناشی می شود. مطالعات نشان داده است که الگوریتمCSP (Common Spatial Pattern)  بهتر از سایر الگوریتم ها در تصور ذهنی حرکتی عمل می کند. به دلیل عدم وجود باند فرکانسی مناسب، نتایج روش CSP وابسته به فرکانس رضایت بخش نیست، بنابراین CSSP  (Common Spatio-Spectral Pattern) مشابه فیلتر FIR (Finite Impulse Response) است، اما از آنجایی که این فیلتر تمام ضرایب یک فیلتر FIR را ندارد، وجود نویز در سیگنال EEG می تواند به تعریف نابهینه فیلتر فرکانس منجر شود. برای حل این مشکل از روشCSSSP (Common Sparse Spatio Spectral Pattern)  استفاده شده است. با بکارگیری روش پیشنهادی CSSSP با استفاده از انتخاب متوالی ویژگی برای استخراج ویژگی SFS (Sequential Feature Selection) عملکرد CSSSP در بیشتر موارد در مقایسه با CSP و CSSP بهتر بوده و میانگین دقت 55/92 درصد بوده است.

    کلید واژگان: پردازش سیگنال EEG, Motor Imagery, CSP, CSSP, CSSSP
    Alireza Pirasteh, Manouchehr Shamseini Ghiyasvand*, Majid Pouladian

    Motor Imagery is a mental process that includes preparation for movement. The brain interface system intends to prepare direct connectivity between the brain and the computer to be aware of the requests of an individual and use them as a control signal for external devices. Motion imaging events occur in the three main frequency bands: beta, mu, and gamma. After preprocessing the EEG data, the next step is to apply various types of filters in order to reduce any residual noise present in the signal. Numerous functional imaging studies showed that motion-imaging results from the specific activation of neural circuits involved in the early stages of motor control. Studies have shown that the CSP algorithm performs better than other algorithms. Due to the lack of a suitable frequency band, the results of the frequency-dependent CSP method are not satisfactory, so the CSSP is similar to the FIR filter, but since this filter does not have all the coefficients of an FIR filter, the presence of noise in the EEG signal can lead to suboptimal definition of the frequency filter. The CSSSP algorithm was used to solve this problem. With using sequential feature selection for feature extraction, it was revealed that CSSSP performance has been better compared to the CSP and CSSP in most cases and the average accuracy was 92.55%.

    Keywords: EEG Signal Processing, CSP, CSSP, CSSSP, SFS, Features Extraction, Motor Imagery
  • محمد طالبی، محمد مصلح*، محسن چکین

    یکی از چالش های اساسی در مدارات مجتمع پرتراکم، اتلاف توان مصرفی است که به واسطه وجود ترانزیستورها در مدارات ایجاد می شود و موجب می گردد دمای مدار افزایش یابد. طراحی مدارات دیجیتال به شیوه برگشت پذیر می تواند به عنوان یکی از رویکردهای کارآمد برای رفع این چالش به کار گرفته شود. علاوه بر این، طراحی مدارات برگشت پذیر با قابلیت حفظ توازن می تواند در تشخیص اشکالات در مدارات بسیار موثر باشد. تقسیم کننده ها به عنوان یکی از مدارات پرکاربرد در سیستم های محاسباتی دیجیتال مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. مدارات تقسیم کننده متشکل از واحد های پایه ای جمع کننده، مالتی پلکسر و دو مدار ترتیبی ثبات و ثبات شیفت به چپ با قابلیت بار شدن موازی هستند. این مقاله یک طراحی جدید و کارآمد از تقسیم-کننده غیربازیابی برگشت پذیر با قابلیت حفظ توازن ارائه می کند. برای این منظور در ابتدا یک نگهدارنده حالت نوع D برگشت پذیر با قابلیت حفظ توازن پیشنهاد شده است. سپس یک ثبات n بیتی برگشت پذیر با قابلیت حفظ توازن با استفاده از نگهدارنده حالت برگشت پذیر پیشنهادی ارائه گردیده است. در ادامه یک شیفت ثبات n+1 بیتی برگشت پذیر با قابلیت حفظ توازن با استفاده از نگهدارنده پیشنهادی و سایر دروازه های برگشت پذیر پیشنهاد شده است. در نهایت تقسیم کننده برگشت پذیر n بیتی با قابلیت حفظ توازن بر اساس الگوریتم غیربازیابی توسعه یافته است. نتایج حاصل از مقایسه ها نشان می دهند مدار پیشنهادی از لحاظ معیارهای ارزیابی مدارات برگشت پذیر همچون هزینه کوانتومی، تعداد ورودی های ثابت و تعداد خروجی-های زائد در مقایسه با کارهای پیشین برتری دارند.

    کلید واژگان: تقسیم کننده, الگوریتم با روش غیربازیابی, محاسبات کوانتومی, منطق برگشت پذیر, مدار برگشت پذیر با قابلیت حفظ توازن
    Mohammad Talebi, Mohammad Mosleh *, Mohsen Chekin

    One of the basic challenges in high-density integrated circuits is loss of power consumption, which is caused by presence of transistors in circuits and causes the temperature of the circuit to increase. The design of digital circuits in a reversible way can be used as one of efficient approaches to solve this challenge. In addition, the design of parity-preserving reversible circuits can be very effective in detecting faults in circuits. Dividers are used as one of the most widely used circuits in digital computing systems. Divider circuits include an adder, a multiplexer and two sequential register and parallel-in to parallel-out left shift register circuits. This paper is presented a new and efficient design of a parity-preserving reversible non-restoring divider. For this purpose, first, a parity-preserving reversible D-latch is proposed. second, a parity-preserving reversible n-bit register is presented using the proposed reversible D-latch. Third, a parity-preserving reversible (n+1) bit shift register using the proposed reversible D-latch and other reversible gates is proposed. Finally, a parity-preserving reversible n bit divider is developed based on the non-restoring algorithm. The results of comparisons show that the proposed circuit is superior in terms of evaluation criteria of reversible circuits such as quantum cost, number of constant inputs and number of garbage outputs compared to previous works.

    Keywords: Divider, Non-Restoring Algorithm, Parity-Preserving Reversible Circuit, Quantum Computing, Reversible Logic
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