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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « meta-heuristic algorithm » در نشریات گروه « برق »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «meta-heuristic algorithm» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • Nguyen Cong Chinh*

    This paper presents an intelligent meta-heuristic algorithm, named improved equilibrium optimizer (IEO), for addressing the optimization problem of multi-objective simultaneous integration of distributed generators at unity and optimal power factor in a distribution system. The main objective of this research is to consider the multi-objective function for minimizing total power loss, improving voltage deviation, and reducing integrated system operating costs with strict technical constraints. An improved equilibrium optimizer is an enhanced version of the equilibrium optimizer that can provide better performance, stability, and convergence characteristics than the original algorithm. For evaluating the effectiveness of the suggested method, the IEEE 69-bus radial distribution system is chosen as a test system, and simulation results from this method are also compared fairly with many previously existing methods for the same targets and constraints. Thanks to its ability to intelligently expand the search space and avoid local traps, the suggested method has become a robust stochastic optimization method in tackling complex optimization tasks.

    Keywords: Meta-Heuristic Algorithm, Improved Equilibrium Optimizer, Voltage Deviation, Total Power Loss, Distributed Generator}
  • جلال رئیسی گهرویی، زهرا بهشتی*
    از آنجا که پیش بینی مصرف برق از موارد مهم مدیریت انرژی هر کشور محسوب می شود، در سال های اخیر روش های مختلفی براساس هوش مصنوعی برای آن ارایه شده است. یکی از این روش ها، استفاده از شبکه های عصبی مصنوعی است. برای آن که این شبکه ها عملکرد خوبی داشته باشند، باید به خوبی آموزش ببینند. یکی از متداول ترین الگوریتم های آموزش مورد استفاده در این شبکه ها، الگوریتم پس انتشار خطاست که براساس گرادیان نزولی است. از آنجا که الگوریتم های مبتنی برگرادیان نزولی ممکن است به نقاط بهینه محلی گرفتار شوند، در برخی از مسایل راه حل خوبی ارایه نمی دهند. از این رو برای آموزش این شبکه ها می توان از الگوریتم های بهینه سازی مانند الگوریتم های فراابتکاری که امکان فرار از بهینه های محلی را دارند، استفاده نمود. در این تحقیق، الگوریتم فراابتکاری جدیدی به نام الگوریتم بهینه سازی زغن معرفی می گردد که از زندگی اجتماعی زغن ها در طبیعت الهام گرفته شده است و دارای مزایایی مانند تعداد پارامترهای کم، قابلیت اکتشاف و سرعت همگرایی خوب، است. کارایی الگوریتم پیشنهادی، با چند الگوریتم جدید فراابتکاری روی توابع محک CEC2018 و برای آموزش شبکه عصبی در پیش بینی مصرف برق ایران در زمان های اوج مصرف بار، مقایسه گردیده است. نتایج حاصل، نشان می دهد الگوریتم پیشنهادی راه حل بهتری با خطای کمتری، در مقایسه با الگوریتم های رقیب به دست می آورد.
    کلید واژگان: الگوریتم های فراابتکاری, الگوریتم بهینه سازی زغن, پیش بینی مصرف برق, شبکه های عصبی پرسپترون چندلایه}
    Jalal Raeisi-Gahruei, Zahra Beheshti *
    Since the electricity consumption’s prediction is one of the most important aspects of energy manage ment in each country, various methods based on artificial intelligence have been proposed to manage it. One of these methods is Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). To improve the performance of ANNs, an efficient algorithm is necessary to train it. Back Propagation (BP) algorithm is the most common algorithm employed in training ANNs, which is based on gradient descent. Since BP may fall in local optima, it cannot provide a good solution in some problems. To overcome this shortcoming, optimiz ation algorithms like meta-heuristic algorithms can be applied to train ANNs. In this study, a new meta-heuristic algorithm called Red Kite Optimization Algorithm (ROA) is introduced, which is inspired by the social life of red kites in nature. The ROA has several advantages such as simplicity in structure and implementation, having few parameters and good convergence rate. The perfprmance of ROA is compared with some recent metaheuristic algorithms on benchmark functions of CEC2018. Also, it is employed to train Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) for the electricity consumption prediction at peak load times in Iran. The results show the good performance of proposed algorithm compared with competitor algorithms in terms of solution accuracy and convergence speed.
    Keywords: electricity consumption prediction, Meta-heuristic Algorithm, Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural network, red kite optimization algorithm}
  • E. Arabzadeh, S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi *, B. Karimi
    Home health care service has significant importance in modern societies. In most of the active institutions in this field, the traditional procedure is used for planning and managing health personnel and determining patient visit sequence. This procedure usually causes an increase in costs and reduces patients’ satisfaction. This paper, for the first time, groups the patients in a model according to the level of emergency and discriminating in their examination. Considering dependency and independence of patient visits to each other, assuming multi-depot and multi-period issues are attractive aspects of the proposed model. The model is solved with GAMS software for small scale and two variable neighborhood search algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm are used to solve large scale problems and their performances are compared. The results indicate minimizing total cost and also increasing patients` satisfaction by the proposed model.
    Keywords: routing, Scheduling, Home health cares, mathematical model, meta-heuristic algorithm}
  • لیث خضیر عباس هلای، محمد مهدی رضایی*
    انرژی خورشیدی منحصربه فردترین و مقرون به صرفه منبع انرژی تجدیدپذیر در جهان است و می تواند به اشکال دیگر انرژی تبدیل گردد. لذا در این مقاله قرار است تا به صورت کلان و در چشم انداز دراز مدت به امکان سنجی فنی و اقتصادی نصب یک واحد نیروگاه خورشیدی از نوع منفصل از شبکه با پشتیبانی باتری برای تامین بخشی از برق شهر بغداد در کشور عراق پرداخته شود. تابع هدف این مسیله شامل هزینه نصب و تعمیر و نگهداری صفحات خورشیدی، باتری ها و اینورتر است که با نرخ بهره مشخص در چشم انداز 20 ساله با استفاده از روش های فرا ابتکاری IPSO و ALPSOبرای حل شده است، همچنین فاکتور میزان بار از دست رفته، حد مجاز شارژ و دشار باتری ها از جمله قیود اصلی مسیله هستند. یکی از ویژگی هایی که این مقاله را از سایر مقالات متمایز می کند اجرای آن برای مورد عملی شهر بغداد است، همچنین بررسی سود احتمالی حاصل از فروش برق به شبکه بالادست و استفاده از الگوریتم جدید  ALPSOهم از دیگر ویژگی ها و نوآوری های این مقاله به شمار می روند. این الگوریتم از یک فرآیند جستجوی تطبیقی سه مرحله ای استفاده می کند و باعث می شود تا قیود مسیله به خوبی رعایت شوند. نتایج نشان می دهند که روش های پیشنهادی باعث کاهش قابل توجه بار از دست رفته (به خصوص در روش ALPSO)، کاهش هزینه تعمیر نگهداری و نصب می شوند و در کل باعث بهبود عملکرد سیستم می شوند.
    کلید واژگان: فتوولتائیک, بهینه سازی, الگوریتم فرا ابتکاری, اینورتر, باتری, انرژی خورشیدی}
    Layth Khudhair Abbas Halae, Mohamadmahdi Rezaei *
    Solar energy is the world's most unique and affordable renewable energy source and can be converted into many other forms. In this article, it will be discussed in a long-term perspective the technical and economic feasibility of installing stand-alone solar power plant units with battery support to supply part of Baghdad's electricity. The objective function of this problem includes the cost of installation and maintenance of solar panels, batteries and inverter, which is solved with a certain interest rate in a 20-year perspective using IPSO and ALPSO methods. Furthermore, the load loss supplied and the charging/discharging limit are among the constraints. This article is unique in that it is implemented in the context of Baghdad city, and it also investigates the possible profit from selling power to main grid. Other features and innovations include the implementation of the new ALPSO algorithm. In this algorithm, the constraints of the problem are respected through a three-step adaptive search process. The results show that the proposed methods significantly reduce the lost load (especially in the ALPSO method), reduce the cost of maintenance and installation, and generally improve the performance of the system.
    Keywords: photovoltaic, Optimization, Meta-heuristic Algorithm, Inverter, Battery, Solar Energy}
  • M. S. Hosseini Shirvani *
    There are several scientific workflow applications which need vast amount of processing so the cloud offerings give the sense of economic. Workflow scheduling has drastic impact on gaining desired quality of service (QoS). The main objective of workflow scheduling is to minimize the makespan. The workflow scheduling is formulated to a discrete optimization problem which is NP-Hard. This paper presents a novel discrete grey wolf optimizer (D-GWO) for scientific workflow scheduling problems in heterogeneous cloud computing platforms in the aim of minimizing makespan. Although the original GWO had great achievements in continuous optimization problems, it seems clear gap in utilizing GWO for combinatorial discrete optimization problems. It revolves around the fact that the continuous changes in search space during the course of discrete optimization lead inefficient or meaningless solutions. To this end, the proposed algorithm is customized in such a way to optimize discrete workflow scheduling problem by leveraging some new binary operators and Walking Around approaches to balance between exploration and exploitation in discrete search space. Scientific unstructured workflows were investigated in different circumstances to prove effectiveness of proposed novel meta-heuristic algorithm. The simulation results witnessed the superiority of proposed D-GWO against other state-of-the-arts in terms of scheduling metrics.
    Keywords: Cloud Computing, Task Scheduling, meta-heuristic algorithm, Grey Wolf Optimization}
  • لاله عجمی بختیاروند، زهرا بهشتی*

    امروزه، خوشه‌بندی داده‌ها به دلیل حجم و تنوع داده‎ها بسیار مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. مشکل اصلی روش‌های خوشه‌بندهای معمول این است که در دام بهینه محلی گرفتار می‌آیند. الگوریتم‌های فراابتکاری به دلیل داشتن توانایی فرار از بهینه‌های محلی، نتایج موفقی را در خوشه‌بندی داده‌ها نشان داده‌اند. الگوریتم بهینه‌سازی گرگ خاکستری از جمله این دسته الگوریتم‌ها است که قابلیت بهره‌برداری خوبی دارد و در برخی از مسایل راه حل مناسبی ارایه داده است، اما اکتشاف آن ضعیف است و در بعضی از مسایل به بهینه محلی همگرا می‌شود. در این تحقیق برای بهبود خوشه‌بندی داده‌ها، نسخه بهبودیافته‌ای از الگوریتم بهینه‌سازی گرگ خاکستری به نام الگوریتم بهینه‌سازی چهارگرگ خاکستری ارایه شده که با استفاده از بهترین موقعیت دسته چهارم گرگ‌ها به نام گرگ‌های امگای پیشرو در تغییر موقعیت هر گرگ، قابلیت اکتشاف بهبود می‌یابد. با محاسبه امتیاز هر گرگ نسبت به بهترین راه حل، نحوه حرکت آن مشخص می‌شود. نتایج الگوریتم پیشنهادی چهارگرگ خاکستری با الگوریتم‌های بهینه‌سازی گرگ خاکستری، بهینه‌سازی ازدحام ذرات، کلونی زنبور عسل مصنوعی، ارگانیسم‌های هم‌زیست و بهینه‌سازی ازدحام سالپ در مساله خوشه‌بندی روی چهارده مجموعه دادگان ارزیابی شده است. همچنین عملکرد الگوریتم پیشنهادی با چند نسخه بهبودیافته از الگوریتم گرگ خاکستری مقایسه شده است. نتایج به دست آمده عملکرد قابل توجه الگوریتم پیشنهادی را نسبت به سایر الگوریتم‌های فراابتکاری مورد مقایسه در مساله خوشه‌بندی نشان می‌دهد. بر اساس میانگین معیار F روی تمام مجموعه دادگان، روش پیشنهادی 82/172% و الگوریتم بهینه ذرات 78/284% را نشان می‌دهد و در مقایسه با نسخه‌های بهبودیافته الگوریتم گرگ، الگوریتم EGWO که در رتبه بعدی است دارای میانگین معیار F برابر 80/656% می‌باشد.

    کلید واژگان: الگوریتم های فراابتکاری, الگوریتم بهینه سازی گرگ خاکستری, الگوریتم بهینه سازی چهارگرگ, خوشه بندی}
    Laleh Ajami Bakhtiarvand, Zahra Beheshti *

    Nowadays, clustering methods have received much attention because the volume and variety of data are increasing considerably.The main problem of classical clustering methods is that they easily fall into local optima. Meta-heuristic algorithms have shown good results in data clustering. They can search the problem space to find appropriate cluster centers. One of these algorithms is gray optimization wolf (GWO) algorithm. The GWO algorithm shows a good exploitation and obtains good solutions in some problems, but its disadvantage is poor exploration. As a result, the algorithm converges to local optima in some problems. In this study, an improved version of gray optimization wolf (GWO) algorithm called 4-gray wolf optimization (4GWO) algorithm is proposed for data clustering. In 4GWO, the exploration capability of GWO is improved, using the best position of the fourth group of wolves called scout omega wolves. The movement of each wolf is calculated based on its score. The better score is closer to the best solution and vice versa. The performance of 4GWO algorithm for the data clustering (4GWO-C) is compared with GWO, particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bee colony (ABC), symbiotic organisms search (SOS) and salp swarm algorithm (SSA) on fourteen datasets. Also, the efficiency of 4GWO-C is compared with several various GWO algorithms on these datasets. The results show a significant improvement of the proposed algorithm compared with other algorithms. Also, EGWO as an Improved GWO has the second rank among the different versions of GWO algorithms. The average of F-measure obtained by 4GWO-C is 82.172%; while, PSO-C as the second best algorithm provides 78.284% on all datasets.

    Keywords: Data mining, data clustering, meta-heuristic algorithm, gray wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm, 4-gray wolf optimization (4GWO) algorithm, F-measure}
  • محمدرضا اسماعیلی، سید حمید ظهیری*، سید محمد رضوی

    امروزه مبدل های دیجیتال از مهم ترین ادوات یک سامانه پردازش سیگنال و داده به شمار رفته و به صورت گسترده در زمینه پردازش صوت، تصویر و سیگنال های حیاتی به کار گرفته می شوند. در طراحی مبدل های دیجیتال VLSI، سنتز سطح بالا (HLS) یکی از مراحل مهم و تاثیرگذار به شمار می رود. هدف اصلی از انجام این کار، کمینه کردن واحدهای پایه دیجیتالی مورد استفاده در پروژه مفروض جهت بهبود توان، تاخیر، و سطح مصرفی آن ها است. این کار عمدتا با تحلیل گراف مسیر داده (DFG) اتفاق می افتد. بهبود در این مرحله، علاوه بر بازدهی بیشتر باعث کاهش زمان طراحی در مراحل پایین تر می شود. ماهیت پیچیده، گسترده و گسسته مسایل سنتز سطح بالا، باعث شده است که آنها در زمره مسایل بسیار دشوار در مهندسی مدارات VLSI به شمار آیند؛ از این رو استفاده از روش های فراابتکاری و هوش جمعی جهت حل پروژه های مرتبط با سنتز سطح بالا، گزینه ای مطلوب به نظر می رسد. در این مقاله روشی مبتنی بر الگوریتم فراابتکاری "شعله و پروانه"(MFO) جهت یافتن بهترین طرح سخت افزاری برای انواع مبدل های دیجیتال ارایه شده است. نتایج مقایسه ای در کنار نتایج حاصل از روش مبتنی بر الگوریتم ژنتیک (GA) نشان داد که روش پیشنهادی از توانایی بالاتری در ارایه ساختار سخت افزاری مناسب و سنتز سطح بالای انواع مبدل ها برخوردار است. همچنین ویژگی دیگر روش پیشنهادی، سرعت بالای آن در یافتن پاسخ بهینه است (میانگین برتری بیش از 20% نسبت به GA).

    کلید واژگان: سنتز سطح بالا, مسیرداده, مبدل های دیجیتال, الگوریتم های فراابتکاری, الگوریتم بهینه سازی شعله و پروانه}
    MohammadReza Esmaeili, Seyed Hamid Zahiri*, Seyed Mohammad Razavi

    Digital transformers are considered as one of the digital circuits being widely used in signal and data processing systems, audio and video processing, medical signal processing as well as telecommunication systems. Transforms such as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) are among the ones being commonly used in this area. As an illustration, the DCT is employed in compressing the images. Moreover, the FFT can be utilized in separating the signal spectrum in signal processing systems as fast as possible. The DWT is used in separating the signal spectrum in a variety of applications from signal processing to telecommunication systems, as well. In order to build a VLSI circuit, several steps have to be taken from chip design to final construction. The first step in the synthesis of the integrated circuits is called high-level synthesis (HLS), in which a structural characteristic is obtained from a behavioral or algorithmic description. The resulting structural characteristic is equivalent to the one being considered in the behavioral description and it somehow represents the method for implementing the behavioral description as a result several structural descriptions could be implementable for each behavioral description. Therefore, depending on the intended use, the characteristic will be selected that outperforms the others. The main purpose of the HLS is to optimize the power consumption, the chip occupied area and delayed and is fulfilled by selecting the appropriate number of operating units and how they are implemented to the operators. This is generally accomplished through a graph analysis called the data flow graph (DFG) which is a graphical representation of the type and how the operators connect. In the DFG, each node is equivalent to an operator while the edges represent the relationship between these operators. Experience has proved that if the level of design optimization is high, in addition to higher efficiency, the design time will be lower, which is why the researchers are far more interested in optimization at higher levels of design than the lower levels. The complex, extensive, and discrete nature of the HLS problems have been ranked them among the most complex problems in VLSI circuits engineering. Bearing this mind, using meta-heuristic and Swarm intelligence methods to solve high-level synthesis projects seems to be a favored option. In this paper, a heuristic method called Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO) has been used to solve the HLS problem in the design of digital transformer to find the optimal response. The MFO is a population-based heuristic algorithm that optimizes the problems using the laws of nature. The leading notion behind the MFO algorithm inspired from the moths’ movements and their instinctive navigation during the night. In the MFO algorithm, the moths are like chromosomes in the GA and like the particles in the PSO algorithm. In order to compare and prove the efficiency of the proposed method, it was applied on the test data with the GA-based method separately but with the same initial conditions. The comparative results along with the results of the GA-based method demonstrated that the proposed method exhibits a higher ability to provide the appropriate hardware structure and high-level synthesis of various types of transformers. Another outstanding feature of the proposed method is its high speed of finding an optimal response with an average of more than 20% greater than the GA based method.

    Keywords: High-Level Synthesis, Datapath, Digital Transformers, Meta-heuristic Algorithm, MFO Algorithm}
  • Mirsaeid Hosseini Shirvani *, Amir Akbarifar

    Wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises various distributed nodes that are physically separated. Nodes are constantly applying for sensing their environment. If the information sensitivity coefficient is very high, data should be conveyed continually and also with confidentially. WSNs have many vulnerability features because of data transferring on the open air, self-organization without reformed structure, bounded range of sources and memory, and limited computing capabilities. Therefore, the implementation of security protocols in WSN is inescapable. According to the resemblance between WSN and biotic reaction to the real menace in nature, bio-inspired approaches have variant rules in computer network investigations. In this paper, we exploited an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm based on Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol for detection of black hole attacks. Finally, the Grover quantum metaheuristic algorithm is applied to optimize attack paths detection. The results gained from extensive simulations in WSN proved that the proposed approach is capable of improving some fundamental network parameters such as throughput, end-to-end delay, and packet delivery ratio in comparison with other approaches.

    Keywords: security, Meta-heuristic algorithm, Blackhole Attack, Ant Colony Optimization, Quantum Algorithm}
  • راضیه محمدی*، فرشید کی نیا

    در این تحقیق 12 رویکرد در ایجاد یک طبقه بندی کننده بهینه مبتنی بر ماشین بردار پشتیبان (SVM) و شبکه های عصبی (MLP و RBF) بر مبنای الگوریتم ژنتیک (GA)، فاخته (Cuckoo) و ازدحام ذرات (PSO) ارایه گردید. در این راستا سعی شده سیستمی طراحی شود که منجر به کاهش هزینه در جمع آوری داده ها شود. به این منظور در تحقیق حاضر از سه مجموعه داده با قابلیت سری زمانی از دادهای استاندارد UCI، استفاده گردید. نتایج حاصل از رویکردهای استفاده شده در این تحقیق بیانگر عملکرد خوب تمامی الگوریتم های استفاده شده دارد. با این حال، توانایی و عملکرد هر کدام از رویکردها با توجه به نوع و ماهیت داده ها متفاوت می باشد. همین امر باعث شده است که گاها رویکرد شبکه عصبی MLP و الگوریتم GA یا Cuckoo نتایج بهتری داشته باشد و در برخی موارد نیز رویکرد ماشین بردار پشتیبان با الگوریتم PSO نتایج بهتری داشته است. با توجه به نتایج حاصل می توان گفت که استفاده از انتخاب ویژگی بر اساس دسته-بندی نیمه نظارتی باعث کاهش خطای سیستم، افزایش دقت و افزایش سرعت تخمین سری های زمانی می گردد. از این رو با استفاده از طبقه بندی کننده ی کارا و قدرتمند شبکه عصبی MLP و ماشین بردار پشتیبان در کنار الگوریتم بهینه سازی و فرا ابتکاری، می توان یک سیستم طبقه بندی ترکیبی بهینه برای تخمین سری های زمانی طراحی نمود.

    کلید واژگان: انتخاب ویژگی, یادگیری ماشین, الگوریتم فرا ابتکاری, سری زمانی}
    Raziyeh Mohammadi *, Farshid Keynia

    In this research, 12 approaches were proposed to create an optimal vector based on supporting vector machine and neural networks based on genetic algorithm, cuckoo and particle swarm Optimization (PSO). In this regard, we have tried to design a system that reduces the cost of data collection. For this purpose, three data sets with time series capability of standard UCI data were used in this study. The results of the approaches used in this research show the good performance of all the used algorithms. However, the ability and performance of each approach vary according to the type and nature of the data. This has sometimes led to better results from the MLP neural network and the GA or Cuckoo algorithm, and in some cases, the PSO algorithm has better outcomes. Regarding the results, it can be said that the use of feature selection based on semi-regulatory classification reduces system error, increases the accuracy and increases the speed of time series estimation. Hence, by using the efficient and powerful MLP Neural Network and backup vector machine along with the optimization algorithm and metamorphic, an optimal combination classification system can be designed for time series estimation.

    Keywords: Feature selection, machine learning, meta-heuristic algorithm, time series}
  • Vahab Nekoukar
    Double-objective optimization is a wide class of multi-objective optimization problems in different scientific and industrial applications. This paper proposes a method for the problem of constrained double-objective optimization that is called gravitational charged particles optimization (GChPO). The presented algorithm is based on the movement dynamics of charged particles in the electric field. The mass and electric charge of particles vary according to the value of the first and second objective function, respectively. Usually, in multi-objective optimization algorithms, the dominant and non-dominant solutions should be determined in every iteration, which increases the computation cost of the algorithm. In the proposed method, there is no need of determining the dominant and non-dominant solutions in every iteration that decreases the computation time of the algorithm, significantly. Performance of GChPO is evaluated by seven double-objective and four single-objective benchmark problems. The obtained results are compared with the recent multi-objective and well-known single-objective optimization algorithms that indicate not only the presented algorithm can find the Pareto solutions in the double-objective functions but also it performs better than other algorithms, generally.
    Keywords: Double-objective optimization with constraints, electric force, gravitational force, meta-heuristic algorithm}
  • A. Kaveh *, S. Mahjoubi
    This paper presents a new non-gradient nature-inspired method, Lion Pride Optimization Algorithm (LPOA) for solving optimal design problems. This method is inspired by the natural collective behavior of lions in their social groups "lion prides". Comparative studies are carried out using fifteen mathematical examples, two benchmark structural design problems, in order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed technique. The LPOA algorithm is also compared with other algorithms for some mathematical and structural problems. The results have proven that the proposed algorithm provides desirable performance in terms of accuracy and convergence speed in all the considered problems.
    Keywords: Structural optimization, meta-heuristic algorithm, Lion pride optimization algorithm, Global optimization, truss structures}
  • Ali Mohammadi, Hossain Poorzahedy*
    Road alignment design is an important determinant of the development cost of road networks. On the one side, it affects road construction and maintenance costs, which constitute a significant part of country-wide infrastructure development, management and operation budget each year. On the other side, it affects road user-related costs of travel time and vehicle use, which comprise a significant portion of the total transportation cost. This study adapts the existing Electromagnetism-like meta-heuristic algorithm to solve a three-dimensional highway alignment problem, which explores and finds a good route between two given points on a terrain. It detects the potentials of the given initial routes, which are enhanced and shaped toward better positions by the help of the local and global search. The final good solution is, then, fine-tuned for a better alignment. Several example problems are designed to show the behavior of the algorithm. The results show that the algorithm satisfactorily maneuvers to by-pass obstacles, and build highway structures where necessary. The set of the example problems in this paper may also serve to found a basis for evaluation of the performance of alternative algorithms
    Keywords: routing, Three-dimensional alignment, meta-heuristic algorithm, Electromagnetism-like algorithm, earthwork-bridge-tunnel costs, User, operator costs, Reference examples}
  • R. Roustaei, F. Yousefi Fakhr *
    The human has always been to find the best in all things. This Perfectionism has led to the creation of optimization methods. The goal of optimization is to determine the variables and find the best acceptable answer Due to the limitations of the problem, So that the objective function is minimum or maximum. One of the ways inaccurate optimization is meta-heuristics so that Inspired by nature, usually are looking for the optimal solution. in recent years, much effort has been done to improve or create metaheuristic algorithms. One of the ways to make improvements in meta-heuristic methods is using of combination. In this paper, a hybrid optimization algorithm based on imperialist competitive algorithm is presented. The used ideas are: assimilation operation with a variable parameter and the war function that is based on mathematical model of war in the real world. These changes led to increase the speed find the global optimum and reduce the search steps is in contrast with other metaheuristic. So that the evaluations done more than 80% of the test cases, in comparison to Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, Social Based Algorithm , Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm, the proposed algorithm was superior.
    Keywords: Optimization Method, Imperialist Competitive Algorithm, Meta-heuristic Algorithm, Hybrid Algorithm}
  • M. R. Mosavi, M. Khishe, Y. Hatam Khani, M. Shabani
    Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBF NNs) are one of the most applicable NNs in the classification of real targets. Using of recursive methods and gradient descent for training RBF NNs, improper classification accuracy, failing to local minimum and low-convergence speed are defections of this type of network. To overcome defections, heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms have been popularized to training RBF networkRadial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBF NNs) are one of the most applicable NNs in the classification of real targets. Despite the use of recursive methods and gradient descent for training RBF NNs, classification improper accuracy, failing to local minimum and low-convergence speed are defects of this type of network. In order to overcome these defects, heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms have been conventional to training RBF network in the recent years. This study uses Stochastic Fractal Search Algorithm (SFSA) for training RBF NNs. The particles in the new algorithm explore the search space more efficiently by using the diffusion property, which is observed regularly in arbitrary fractals. To assess the performance of the proposed classifier, this network will be evaluated with the two benchmark datasets and a high-dimensional practical dataset (i.e., sonar). Results indicate that new classifier classifies sonar dataset six percent better than the best algorithm and its convergence speed is better than the other algorithms. Also has better performance than classic benchmark algorithms about all datasets. in the recent years. This study uses Stochastic Fractal Search Algorithm (SFSA) for training RBF NNs. The particles in the new algorithm explore the search space more efficiently by using the diffusion property, which is seen regularly in arbitrary fractals. To assess the performance of the proposed classifier, this network will be evaluated with the two benchmark datasets and a high-dimensional practical dataset (i.e., sonar). Results indicate that new classifier indicates better performance than classic benchmark algorithms and classifies sonar dataset six percent better than the best algorithm and its convergence speed is better than the other algorithms.
    Keywords: Classifier, RBF, Stochastic Fractal, Meta-heuristic Algorithm}
  • Reza Kamranrad, Mahdi Bashiri
    The main purpose of this paper is the optimization of multiple categorical correlated responses. So, a heuristic approach and log-linear model has been used to simultaneous estimation of responses surface parameters. Parameters estimation has been performed with the aim of maximizing the number of concordance. The concordance means that the joint probability for the occurrence of dependent responses in each treatment is more than the otherprobabilities ​​inthe same treatment. The second step of this research is the optimization of multi correlated responses for categorical data using some practical Meta heuristic algorithms such as Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm. Using each Meta heuristic algorithm, best controllable factors are selectedto maximizing the joint probability of success. Three simulated numerical examples with different sizes have been used to describe the proposed algorithms. Results show the superiority of the joint success probability values in the Tabu Search algorithm comparing to the other approaches.
    Keywords: Multi response optimization, Categorical data, Correlated responses, Parameter estimation, concordance, Meta heuristic algorithm}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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