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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « energy consumption » در نشریات گروه « برق »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «energy consumption» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • ایمان زنگنه، امیرمسعود بیدگلی*، اردشیر دولتی

    زلزله معمولا خسارات همراه است. لذا هر اقدامی در جهت پیش بینی آن ضروری است. در سیستم های مانیتورینگ داده, بلادرنگ بودن و صحت و دقت داده ها, نقشی کلیدی دارد. در این مقاله, یک سیستم مانیتورینگ مبتنی بر اینترنت اشیا, برای پیام رسانی داده های مربوط به لرزه نگاری پیشنهاد شد. در راهکار اول, پروتکل سبک وزن انتقال تله متری صف پیام (MQTT) برای پیام رسانی انتخاب و بررسی شد. در راهکار دوم, با استفاده از الگوریتم گرگ خاکستری, افزونگی در لایه حسگر اعمال شد و در راهکار سوم, افزونگی در لایه کنترلر نیز اعمال شد. نتایج شبیه سازی نشان داد که افزونگی در لایه حسگر و کنترلر تا بیش از سی درصد در مصرف انرژی, صرفه جویی ایجاد کرد. همچنین میانگین تاخیر انتها به انتها در راهکار دوم و سوم بصورت معناداری کاهش یافت. نهایتا در راهکار اول, نرخ تحویل موفق بسته ها برای تعداد مختلف بسته ها, مقدار ثابت 98/78 درصد بود. اما با اعمال افزونگی در حسگر و کنترلر, نرخ تحویل بسته ها به بالای 92 درصد افزایش یافت که این میتواند نتیجه افزایش تعداد حسگرها و کنترلرها و جایگذاری مناسب آنها باشد.

    کلید واژگان: زلزله, اینترنت اشیا, مصرف انرژی, نرخ تحویل بسته, خطای بیتی}
    Iman Zangeneh, Amirmassoud Bidgoli *, Ardeshir Dolati

    Earthquakes are usually associated with damage. Therefore, any action to predict it is necessary. In data monitoring systems, being real-time and accuracy of data play a key role. In this article, a monitoring system based on the Internet of Things was proposed for the messaging of seismic data. In the first solution, the lightweight protocol Message Queuing Telemetry Transfer (MQTT) was chosen for messaging. In the second solution, redundancy was applied in the sensor layer using the gray wolf algorithm, and in the third solution، redundancy was applied in the controller layer. The simulation results showed that the redundancy in the sensor and controller layer saved energy consumption by more than thirty percent. Also, the average end-to-end delay was significantly reduced in the second and third solutions. Finally، in the first solution, the rate of successful package delivery for different numbers of packages was a constant value of 78.98%. But by applying redundancy in the sensor and controller, the package delivery rate increased to over 92%, which can be the result of increasing the number of sensors and controllers and their proper placement.

    Keywords: Seismic, Internet Of Things, Energy Consumption, Packet Delivery Rate, Bit Error}
  • Sh. Ghourejili, S. Yaghoubi, F. Valizadeh Harzand, A. Babapoor *
    One of the cost-effective methods of water purification is reverse osmosis. In the present work, the effect of pressure vessels with different numbers of membranes in two types of reverse osmosis system design is investigated. Simulation results showed that pressure vessels with more membranes have lower energy consumption and higher efficiency in different simple and hybrid designs of reverse osmosis systems. Findings showed that the first design performs better in terms of energy consumption and efficiency than the second design. The study also showed that maximum efficiency was achieved using the first design of the hybrid two-stage brackish water reverse osmosis system. The least efficient system was the hybrid single-stage seawater reverse osmosis system.
    Keywords: Pressure Vessel, Reverse Osmosis, Energy Consumption, Efficiency}
  • X. Ma *, W. Wu, Y. Zhang
    The discrete grey modelling technique is a novel methodology of grey predictionmodels, which is effective to improve the effectiveness and applicability of greymodels. In order to build a more general and effective univariate grey predictionmodel, the discrete grey modelling technique is utilised in this paper to builda quadratic polynomial discrete grey model, abbreviated as the QPDGM. Theproperties of the QPDGM model have been discussed, which indicate that thenew model can be regarded as an extension of the conventional discrete greymodel and nonhomogeneous grey model, and it is also coincidence with threeclasses of exponential sequences. The QPDGM model is finally applied to predictthe energy consumption of China, including the electric power, crude oil andnatural gas consumptions. The results have been compared to some commonlyused univariate grey prediction models, which indicates the QPDGM model isgenerally more accurate than other models.
    Keywords: Grey system, Discrete grey model, QPDGM Model, Univariate time series, energy consumption}
  • مسعود مرادخانی*، فرزاد سلطانیان

    با انجام حسگری طیف همکارانه در یک شبکه رادیو شناختگر اگر چه با افزایش تعداد کاربران ثانویه گذردهی شبکه افزایش می یابد، اما در عین حال باعث افزایش مصرف انرژی نیز می گردد. این موضوع لزوم ارائه سیستمی که قادر به ایجاد موازنه بین گذردهی و انرژی مصرفی باشد را ضروری می سازد. برخلاف روش متعارف حسگری طیف مبتنی بر یک مقدار آستانه آشکارسازی، حسگری طیف با دو مقدار آستانه از گزارش داده های غیرقابل اعتماد به مرکز همجوشی جلوگیری می کند، بنابراین می تواند به طور بالقوه منجر به صرفه جویی بیشتر در انرژی مصرفی شود. در این مقاله یک شبکه رادیو شناختگر با حسگری طیف دو آستانه ای و با فرض کانال گزارش غیرایده ال بهینه سازی می گردد. مقادیر بهینه آستانه و زمان حسگری به صورت توام محاسبه می گردند تا گذردهی شبکه را حداکثر کرده مشروط بر اینکه انرژی مصرفی و میزان تداخل با کاربران اولیه محدود گردد. مساله بهینه سازی فرمول بندی شده و روشی عددی برای حل آن ارائه می گردد. نتایج شبیه سازی نشان دهنده یک سیستم انعطاف پذیر است که می تواند همزمان گذردهی بالاتر و انرژی مصرفی کمتری را نسبت به روش متعارف حسگری فراهم کند. این نتایج ضمن تایید تاب آوری بالاتر در برابر خطای کانال گزارش، صرفه جویی انرژی قابل توجهی تا سقف 70% را با تضمین کارایی گذردهی بیشتر از 1 نشان می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: حسگری طیف همکارانه, گذردهی, آشکارسازی انرژی, رادیو شناختگر, انرژی مصرفی}
    Masoud Moradkhani *, Farzad Soltanian

    By performing cooperative spectrum sensing in a cognitive radio network, although the network throughput increases with the increase in the number of secondary users, but at the same time, it also causes an increase in energy consumption. This makes it necessary to provide a system that is able to create a tradeoff between throughput and energy consumption. In contrast to the conventional method of spectrum sensing based on one detection threshold, spectrum sensing with double thresholds avoids reporting unreliable data to the fusion center, thus potentially leading to greater energy saving. In this paper, a double threshold spectrum sensing cognitive radio network with a non-ideal reporting channel is optimized. The values of the threshold and the sensing time are jointly optimized to maximize the throughput of the network, provided that the network energy consumption and the amount of interference with the primary users are limited. The optimization problem is formulated and a numerical method is presented to solve it. The simulation results show a flexible system that can simultaneously provide higher throughput and lower energy consumption than the conventional sensing method. These results, while confirming the higher tolerance against the error of the reporting channel, show a significant energy saving of up to 70% by guaranteeing the throughput efficiency greater than 1.

    Keywords: throughput, Energy Detection, energy consumption, Cognitive radio, Cooperative Spectrum Sensing}
  • Rasoul Moradimehr, Esmaeil Alibeiki*, SeyyedMostafa Ghadami

    Based on the study of the theoretical foundations of the research, it is determined that so far there is no detailed study on heating and cooling energy related to zero-energy buildings in the recent research based on energy waste in buildings. Therefore, in this article, by simulating commercial buildings and simulating the correct materials and strategies in the heating and cooling system, as well as investigating the insulation of buildings, we will study the effect of zero-energy building materials on energy wastage to model the temperature variations in building and control to achieve desire value.This article, taking into account the effects of heat transfer through building walls, the energy consumption model, and by genetic algorithm model predictive control (MPC) methodoptimizes the indoor temperature of the building. For this purpose, the genetic algorithm is used to determine the best control input in the form of building heating. The simulation of this process has been done in MATLAB software and the method of modeling heat loss and temperature change outputs shows that the proposed method has a good performance. The maximum of overshoot of the temperature is %4 and the cost function of GA algorithm is 165 based of minimum control effort and temperature error.

    Keywords: Building energy management, Energy consumption, Genetic method}
  • Mahsa Dehbozorgi, Pirooz Shamsinejadbabaki *, Elmira Ashoormahani

    Clustering is one of the most effective techniques for reducing energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. But selecting optimum cluster heads (CH) as relay nodes has remained as a very challenging task in clustering. All current state of the art methods in this era only focus on the individual characteristics of nodes like energy level and distance to the Base Station (BS). But when a CH dies it is necessary to find another CH for cluster and usually its neighbor will be selected. Despite existing methods, in this paper we proposed a method that considers node neighborhood fitness as a selection factor in addition to other typical factors. A Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm has been designed to find best CHs based on intra-cluster distance, distance of CHs to the BS, residual energy and neighborhood fitness. The proposed method compared with LEACH and PSO-ECHS algorithms and experimental results have shown that our proposed method succeeded to postpone death of first node by 5.79%, death of 30% of nodes by 25.50% and death of 70% of nodes by 58.67% compared to PSO-ECHS algorithm

    Keywords: Optimization, neighborhood fitness, Energy Consumption}
  • شاهرخ خاکی متنق، محمد احمدزاده طلاتپه*
    سیستم های تهویه مطبوع در ایران بخش قابل توجهی از مصرف برق در ساختمان‏ها را به خود اختصاص می دهند. بنابراین استفاده از فناوری های نوین برای کاهش مصرف برق به خصوص در مناطق گرمسیر جنوب کشور یک امر ضروری برای مهندسان و محققان است. در این تحقیق، ترکیب سیستم ذخیره یخ با سیستم تهویه مطبوع یک ساختمان به منظور کاهش مصرف انرژی الکتریکی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. به این منظور، یک ساختمان اداری در چابهار- ایران (منطقه ای با بار سرمایشی زیاد) برای تحقیق در نظر گرفته شده و در شرایط موجود و سیستم ذخیره یخ افزوده شده در محیط نرم افزار TRNSYS شبیه سازی و مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. مطالعه نشان می دهد که سیستم ذخیره یخ در عملکرد با استراتژی بار جزیی، کارآمدتر از سایر استراتژی‏های عملکردی است. همچنین مشخص شد که به کارگیری سیستم ذخیره یخ 89/37% از کل برق مصرفی سیستم تهویه مطبوع را کاهش داده و این سیستم توانایی انتقال 9/37% از انرژی مصرفی از ساعت های پیک بار به ساعت های کم بار و متوسط بار را دارد. از لحاظ اقتصادی نیز مطالعه نشان می دهد که با استفاده از سیستم ذخیره یخ در استراتژی بار جزیی، در حدود 62% به طور میانگین در هزینه های برق کاهش به عمل می آید.
    کلید واژگان: بارسرمایشی, مصرف انرژی, تهویه مطبوع, ذخیره یخ, TRNSYS}
    Shahrokh Khakimotnag, Mohammad Ahmadzadeh Talatapeh *
    Air conditioning systems account for a significant portion of electricity consumption in buildings. Therefore, the use of new technologies to reduce electricity consumption is essential for engineers and researchers. In this research, an ice storage system in combination with the air conditioning system of an office building has been investigated to reduce the electrical energy consumption of the air conditioning system. For this purpose, a building in Chabahar-Iran (as a region with a high cooling load required region) is considered. The building is simulated in TRNSYS software at the existing condition as well as with the added ice storage system to predict the performance of the systems. The study shows that ice storage system is more efficient in the partial load strategy than other examined strategies. It was also found that by using an ice storage system the total electricity consumption could be reduced about 37.89%, and the new system was able to transfer 37.9% of energy consumption from peak load hours to medium and low load hours. Economically, it is proved that by employing the ice storage system in the partial load strategy, a significant amount of reduction in electricity bill, about 62%, can be achieved.
    Keywords: cooling load, Energy consumption, Air conditioning, Ice Storage, TRNSYS software}
  • Rasoul Moradimehr, Esmaeil Alibeiki *, Seyyed Mostafa Ghadami
    Saving energy in various sections of the building and improving productivity in the face of energy crisis and environmental pollution can be one of the main challenges in the world and our country. In this paper, based on the necessity of controlling and minimizing energy consumption by considering the maximum optimal temperature conditions in different areas of the building, a control method based on the predictive controller is used, which takes into account the effects of the time of use for sources. The predictive controller predicts the optimal control input for future moments according to the definition of the cost function based on the ambient temperature error and the weighted expression of the control input. In this paper, the issue of optimization is thoroughly studied, evaluated, and simulated. The temperature change model in buildings and the proposed control scheme are implemented in MATLAB software and the system is simulated using the building environment. The simulation is performed under several different scenarios of time of use and conditions to show the performance of the proposed design. Based on the results of the proposed control method, the accuracy and performance of the model in different scenarios of building conditions are acceptable.
    Keywords: Building energy management, energy consumption, MPC method}
  • پگاه شفقی، هومان فرخانی، مهدی دولتشاهی، همایون مهدوی نسب

    پیاده سازی یک سیستم محاسباتی عصبی (NCS) با استفاده از مدارهای دیجیتال و آنالوگ در فناوری نیم رسانای اکسید فلز مکمل (CMOS)، فضا و توان زیادی مصرف می کند. با پیشرفت تحقیقات نانو فناوری، ترکیب مدارهای اتصال تونلی مغناطیسی (MTJ) و CMOS، پیاده سازی NCSهایی با چگالی بالا ومصرف توان پایین را امکان پذیر کرده است. با این وجود، هنوز بین کارایی مغز انسان و NCSها فاصله زیادی وجود دارد. برای کاهش این شکاف، لازم است تا مصرف انرژی و تاخیر در NCS کاهش پیدا کند. مصرف انرژی زیاد NCS، به دلیل جریان زیاد مورد نیاز برای تغییر وضعیت MTJ است. در گذشته محققان با تکنیک های ردیابی ولتاژ MTJ و قطع جریان آن بلافاصله پس از کلیدزنی MTJ، مصرف انرژی را کاهش دادند. اما به دلیل تغییرات کوچک ولتاژ پس از کلیدزنی، در این روش ها مصرف انرژی همچنان بالا است (به دلیل نیاز به تقویت کننده ها).در این مقاله روش جدیدی مبتنی بر ردیابی جریان MTJ (به جای ولتاژ آن) و قطع جریان MTJ بلافاصله پس از کلیدزنی MTJ پیشنهاد شده است. با توجه به تغییرات زیاد در جریان MTJ پس از کلیدزنی (حدود 40 درصد)، نیازی به استفاده از تقویت کننده در مدار ردیابی و قطع جریان MTJ نیست. بنابراین، مدار ردیابی ولتاژ با مدار پیشنهادی جایگزین می شود تا مصرف انرژی، سرعت و تاخیر NCS بهبود یابد. در تمام طراحی های گذشته، تغییرات ولتاژ در دو سر MTJ PL, FL) یا هر دو(برای تشخیص کلیدزنی MTJ استفاده شده است. در مدار پیشنهادی کلیدزنی MTJ با توجه به جریان MTJ تشخیص داده می شود و سپس جریان آن بلافاصله قطع می شود. بر اساس نتایج شبیه سازی در فناوری 65nm-CMOS مدار پیشنهادی می تواند، مصرف انرژی و سرعت یک NCS را به ترتیب 49 درصد و 1/2/ برابر در مقایسه با یک NCS نوعی بهبود بخشد.

    کلید واژگان: آینه جریان, مصرف انرژی, اتصال تونلی مغناطیسی, ممریستور, سیستم محاسباتی عصبی, اسپینترونیک}
    Pegah Shafaghi, Hooman Farkhani, Mehdi Dolatshahi, Homayoun Mahdavi-Nasab

    Implementation of neuromorphic computing systems (NCSs) using digital and analog circuits occup ies a high chip area and consumes high power. With the advancement of nanotechnology, the hybrid Magnetic tunnel junction/Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (MTJ/CMOS) circuits have made it possible to implement NCSs with higher density and lower power consumption. However, still there is a gap between the performance of the human brain and NCSs. To mitigate this gap, it is essential to further decrease the energy consumption and the delay of the NCS. The high energy consumption of the MTJ-based NCS is mostly related to the high current needed to switch the MTJ state. Hence, some previous methods tried to perform real-time tracking of the MTJ state by monitoring its voltage and cutting off its current immediately after switching. However, due to the small voltage changes after switching, these methods suffer from a high-power consumption (they need power-hungry amplifiers). In this paper, a new method based on the tracking of MTJ current (instead of voltage) and terminating the MTJ current after switching is proposed. Due to the large changes in the MTJ current after switching (about 40%), there is no need to use an amplifier in the proposed circuit. Therefore, the conventional voltage-mode sensing circuit is replaced with the proposed circuit, to improve the energy efficiency, speed and delay of the NCS. In all state-of-the-art designs, the voltage changes on nodes across the MTJ (PL, FL or both of them) have been used to detect the MTJ switching. However, the proposed circuit detects the MTJ switching by properly sensing the MTJ current and terminates its current immediately. The simulation results in 65-nm CMOS technology confirm that the proposed technique improves the energy consumption and speed of the NCS by 49% and 2.1X compared with the typical NCS.

    Keywords: current mirror, energy consumption, magnetic tunnel junction, memristor, neuromorphic computing system, spintronic}
  • Maryam Isvandi*

    Nowadays, the energy consumption of wireless sensor networks has increased dramatically due to the significant growth of these networks, especially their use in the Internet of Things. Also, reducing the energy consumption in these networks has been considered to protect the environment. Energy consumption in nodes is critical, and many research studies have been conducted to reduce it. Most methods are based on clustering and cluster selection, while this work presents a solution based on managin g nodes' activity. The nodes were scheduled so that almost all of them were active. The energy of all nodes should be consumed equally. The proposed solution was compared with the DSP-SR algorithm. The results demonstrated that the proposed method can work much better than DSP-SR. According to the evaluation, the proposed method had strengths such as optimal energy allocation and almost no dead nodes in the time periods.

    Keywords: internet of things, energy consumption, energy saving, activity level, sink node}
  • انتصار حسینی، محسن نیک رای، شمس الله قنبری

    محاسبات لبه سیار، تکنولوژی نوینی برای بهبود مشکل تاخیر، ظرفیت و منابع موجود در محیط محاسبات ابری سیار است. هدف اصلی در محاسبات لبه سیار، زمان‌بندی پویا و بارگذاری بهینه با کمترین هزینه در استفاده از منابع است. ما در این مقاله، از یک مدل سیستم سه‌سطحی دستگاه‌های سیار، لبه و ابر استاندارد، استفاده و دو الگوریتم بارگذاری و زمان‌بندی را پیشنهاد می‌کنیم. یک الگوریتم تصمیم‌گیری برای بارگذاری وظایف مبتنی بر الگوریتم کوله‌پشتی حریصانه در سمت دستگاه سیار است که وظایف با انرژی مصرفی بالا را برای بارگذاری انتخاب می‌کند و باعث صرفه‌جویی در انرژی مصرفی دستگاه می‌شود. همچنین در سمت MEC، یک الگوریتم زمان‌بندی پویا را با اولویت‌بندی وظایف مبتنی بر فازی جهت اولویت‌بندی و زمان‌بندی وظایف بر اساس دو معیار ارایه می‌کنیم. نتایج عددی نشان می‌دهند که کار ارایه‌شده در مقایسه با سایر روش‌ها باعث کاهش زمان انتظار وظایف برای اجرا، تاخیر و بار سیستم می‌شود و تعادل سیستم با کمترین تعداد منابع تامین می‌گردد و سیستم ارایه‌شده، مصرف باتری را در دستگاه هوشمند تا حدود 90% کاهش می‌دهد. نتایج نشان می‌دهند که بیش از 92% وظایف با موفقیت در محیط لبه اجرا می‌شوند.

    کلید واژگان: محاسبات لبه سیار, زمان بندی, حریصانه, فازی, انرژی مصرفی, زمان انتظار}
    Entesar Hosseini, Mohsen Nickray

    Mobile edge computing (MEC) are new issues to improve latency, capacity and available resources in Mobile cloud computing (MCC). Mobile resources, including battery and CPU, have limited capacity. So enabling computation-intensive and latency-critical applications are important issue in MEC. In this paper, we use a standard three-level system model of mobile devices, edge and cloud, and propose two offloading and scheduling algorithms. A decision-making algorithm for offloading tasks is based on the greedy Knapsack offloading algorithm (GKOA) on the mobile device side, which selects tasks with high power consumption for offloading and it saves energy consumption of the device. On the MEC side, we also present a dynamic scheduling algorithm with fuzzy-based priority task scheduling (FPTS) for prioritizing and scheduling tasks based on two criteria. Numerical results show that our proposed work compared to other methods and reduces the waiting time, latency and system overhead. Also, provides the balance of the system with the least number of resources. And the proposed system reduces battery consumption in the smart device by up to 90%. The results show that more than 92% of tasks are executed successfully in the edge environment.

    Keywords: Mobile edge calculations, scheduling, greedy, fuzzy, energy consumption, waiting time}
  • Abbas Ali Rezaee *, Seyedeh Mahnaz Raeisosadat
    One of the most critical challenges of wireless sensor networks is the limited energy of the nodes, which has tried to manage energy consumption in these networks by using more accurate clustering. So far, many methods have been proposed to increase the accuracy of clustering, which reduces the energy consumption of nodes and thus increases network throughput. In this paper, we propose a method for clustering wireless sensor networks using the whale optimization algorithm, which results in increased throughput in these networks. Although much work has been done in this area in terms of energy, some do not have good throughput. Therefore, in this paper, a clustering method based on the whale optimization algorithm is proposed. Features of this algorithm include easy implementation, providing high- quality solutions, quick convergence, and the ability to escape from local minima. Also, in terms of clustering, in addition to paying attention to energy consumption, has appropriate throughput. In the proposed method, the Euclidean distance is used to assign data to the cluster and determine the cluster centers by the whale optimization algorithm. In other words, concentrated clusters are created. Then, according to the two remaining energy parameters and the distance of the nodes to the centers of the cluster, two clusters are selected. To evaluate the research, we have used MATLAB software and compared the proposed method with one of the latest works. The results show an improvement in throughput and comparable in terms of energy
    Keywords: Clustering, Energy Consumption, throughput, Wireless Sensor Networks, whale optimization algorithm}
  • Maryam Amiri *, Hesam Askari
    Since the most critical constituent of the cost of cryptocurrency production is energy bills, the use of illegal electricity in cryptocurrency mining farms is very common. Illegal mining farms have popped up throughout Iran in recent years. They use large collections of computer servers to verify bitcoin transactions, a highly energy-intensive process that can sap hundreds of megawatts from the power grid, which might lead to several large cities facing daily power outages. Therefore, it is essential to detect illegal miners. Although illegal miner detection might seem like a common anomaly detection problem at first glance, the results reported by different power distribution companies in Iran show that the behavior of many normal customers might be very similar to the customers’ that have some illegal miners. In addition, power distribution companies prefer models that can recognize useful insights into the behavioral patterns of the customers. To the best of our knowledge, for the first time, this paper proposes a novel classIfier for miNer detection Based On patteRn miNing (INBORN) that considers the correlation between different attributes and extracts the behavioral patterns of costumers explicitly. INBORN consists of two steps: in the first step, the frequent patterns are extracted and the attributes separating miners and non-miners are determined. In the next step, a decision tree is learned based on the frequency of the patterns. Since the Power Distribution Company of Markazi province is a pioneer in the field of illegal miner detection in Iran, the performance of INBORN is evaluated based on real datasets provided by this company. The experimental results show that INBORN improves the classification accuracy compared to the common algorithms and systems used in the Power Distribution Company of Markazi province.
    Keywords: Miner Detection, Energy Consumption, Data Mining, Behavioral Pattern}
  • فاطمه شیبانی، مژگان ملاحسنی پور، هنگامه کشاورز

    در بستر سیستم‌های قدرت هوشمند، تعیین پتانسیل منابع پاسخگویی تقاضا به علت اثرگذاری بر تمامی سیاست‌های تصمیم‌گیری حوزه انرژی حایز اهمیت است. در مقاله حاضر، پتانسیل منابع پاسخگویی تقاضا در حضور تجهیزات سرمایشی و گرمایشی، با استفاده از روش الگوریتم طبقه‌بندی k-means به عنوان یک روش داده‌کاوی، تعیین می‌شود. ابتدا داده‌های انرژی مصرفی در ساعات پیک دوره‌های گرم (بهار و تابستان) و دوره‌های سرد (پاییز و زمستان)، با توجه به تغییرات قیمت و دما، با استفاده از الگوریتم k-means در خوشه‌های مختلفی گروه‌بندی می‌شوند. خوشه‌هایی با امکان حضور وسایل سرمایشی و گرمایشی، انتخاب می‌شوند. سپس نمودار بازه اطمینان داده‌های انرژی مصرفی در خوشه‌های منتخب با توجه به تغییرات قیمت انرژی ترسیم می‌گردد. با توجه به فاصله کمینه و بیشینه در میانگین داده‌های موجود در آستانه بالا و آستانه متوسط نمودار بازه اطمینان، پتانسیل نامی منابع پاسخگویی تقاضا (بار انعطاف‌پذیر) به دست می‌آید. اطلاعات انرژی مصرفی، دما و قیمت انرژی شبکه برق BOSTON در یک افق زمانی شش‌ساله به منظور ارزیابی مدل پیشنهادی استفاده می‌شود.

    کلید واژگان: انرژی مصرفی, پاسخگویی بار, داده کاوی, شبکه هوشمند, قیمت, تغییرات دمایی}
    fatemeh sheibani, M. Mollahassani-pour

    Under the smart power systems, determining the amount of Demand Response Resources(DRRs) potential is considered as a crucial issue due to affecting in all energy policy decisions. In this paper, the potential of DRRs in presence of cooling and heating equipment are identified using k-means clustering algorithm as a data mining technique. In this regard, the energy consumption dataset are categorized in different clusters by k-means algorithm based upon variations of energy price and ambient temperature during peak hours of hot (Spring and Summer) and cold (Autumn and Winter) periods. Then, the clusters with the possibility of cooling and heating equipment’s commitment are selected. After that, the confidence interval diagram of energy consumption in elected clusters is provided based upon energy price variations. The nominal potential of DRRs, i.e. flexible load, will be obtained regarding the maximum and minimum differences between the average of energy consumption in upper and middle thresholds of the confidence interval diagram. The energy consumption, ambient temperature and energy price related to BOSTON electricity network over a six-year horizon time is utilized to evaluate the proposed model.

    Keywords: Energy consumption, demand response, data mining, smart grid, energy price, temperature variations}
  • محمدرضا اخوت، محمدتقی خیرآبادی، علی نودهی، مرتضی اخوت
    M. R. Okhovvat, M. T. Kheirabadi *, A. Nodehi, M. Okhovvat

    Minimizing make-span and maximizing remaining energy are usually of chief importance in the applications of wireless sensor actor networks (WSANs). Current task assignment approaches are typically concerned with one of the timing or energy constraints. These approaches do not consider the types and various features of tasks WSANs may need to perform and thus may not be applicable to some types of real applications such as search and rescue missions. To this end, an optimized and type aware task assignment approach called TATA is proposed that considers the energy consumption as well as the make-span. TATA is an optimized task assignment approach and aware of the distribution necessities of WSANs with hybrid architecture. TATA comprises of two protocols, namely a Make-span Calculation Protocol (MaSC) and an Energy Consumption Calculation Protocol (ECal). Through considering both time and energy, TATA makes a tradeoff between minimizing make-span and maximizing the residual energies of actors. A series of extensive simulation results on typical scenarios show shorter make-span and larger remaining energy in comparison to when stochastic task assignment (STA), opportunistic load balancing (OLB), and task assignment algorithm based on quasi-Newton interior point (TA-QNIP) approaches is applied.

    Keywords: Energy Consumption, Make-span, Task Assignment, Wireless Sensor Actor Networks}
  • Yaser Mehregan, Keyvan Mohebbi

    The successful operation of a wireless sensor network depends on the proper coverage of the environment, which in turn is affected by the number and location of sensors. In general , when the sensors are deployed randomly , the initial coverage is not high . One of the major challenges for network design is to determine the placement strategy of the sensors so that the deployed nodes can cover as m any regions as possible. On the other hand, the power supply of each sensor node is a non - rechargeable battery. Th erefore, t he objective of this study is to solve th e coverage problem in such a way that the energy consumption of the nodes is minimal , too . The proposed approach uses division and detection of uncovered regions. Then a greedy method based on the topology and properties of the nodes and the network deployment region is presented to select the optimal nodes and cover the region. The proposed approach is simulated and the evaluation results show a decrease in the displacement of the sensors for more coverage and a reduction in energy consumption compared to similar works.

    Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Coverage, Energy Consumption, Nodes’ Displacement, Nodes’Neighborhood}
  • Omnia Mezghani, Mahmoud Mezghani

    Mobile Wireless Sensors Networks (MWSNs) are used in several applications presenting difficult/dangerous environment and/or requiring the movement of sensors after initial deployment. Optimizing the use of the limited energy resource in a MWSN is a key cha llenge for researchers to maintain longer network survival. This paper attempts to provide an energy - efficient data routing solution for large MWSNs. The aim of this work is to propose a cluster - based scheduling protocol for MWSN. The network is firstly d ivided into an optimal number of clusters according to sensors connectivity. Secondly, a sleep scheduling algorithm is proposed to save the energy consumption by turning off the overlapped nodes in the sensing field. This method is distributed among sensor nodes in each cluster. It is based on the perimeter coverage level of mobile sensor nodes to schedule their activities according to their weight s . The weight is used to balance the energy consumption for all sensor nodes in a cluster. The proposed approac h ranges from sensors deployment and their organization to their operational mode. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed cluster - b ased scheduling algorithm, based on the perimeter coverage of sensors, provides higher energy efficiency and long er lifetime coverage for MWSNs as compared to other protocols.

    Keywords: Mobile WSN, Energy Consumption, Clustering, Sleep-Scheduling, Perimeter Coverage}
  • مهدی رجب زاده، ابوالفضل طرقی حقیقت*، امیرمسعود رحمانی

    استفاده از راهکارهای آگاه از انرژی از موضوعات مهم تحقیقاتی در حوزه رایانش ابری است. با کاربرد موثر الگوریتم‌ها‌ی جایگذاری و تجمیع ماشین‌ها‌ی مجازی، تامین‌کنندگان ابر قادر خواهند بود مصرف انرژی را کاهش دهند. در این مقاله مدل جدیدی ارایه شده که با بهبود در الگوریتم‌ها و ارایه روش‌های مناسب، به دنبال رسیدن به نتایج مطلوب است. نظارت دوره‌ای بر وضعیت منابع، تحلیل مناسب داده‌های به دست آمده و پیش‌بینی وضعیت بحرانی سرورها به کمک مدل مارکوف پیشنهادی سبب شده است که تا حد امکان از تعداد مهاجرت‌های غیر ضروری کاسته شود. ترکیب الگوریتم‌های ژنتیک و شبیه‌سازی تبرید در بخش جایگزینی در کنار تعریف زنجیره مارکوف جاذب باعث عملکرد بهتر و سریع‌تر الگوریتم پیشنهادی گردیده است. شبیه‌سازی‌های انجام‌شده در سناریوهای مختلف در کلودسیم نشان می‌دهد که در مقایسه با بهترین الگوریتم مورد مقایسه قرار گرفته، در بار کم، متوسط و زیاد، مصرف انرژی کاهش قابل توجهی داشته و این در حالی است که نقض توافقات سطح سرویس‌دهی نیز به طور متوسط 17 درصد کاهش یافته است.

    کلید واژگان: الگوریتم های فرااکتشافی, رایانش ابری, زنجیره مارکوف جاذب, کاهش مصرف انرژی}
    mehdi rajabzadeh, Abolfazl Toroghi Haghighat *, Amir Masoud Rahmani

    The use of energy-conscious solutions is one of the important research topics in the field of cloud computing. By effectively using virtual machine placement and aggregation algorithms, cloud suppliers will be able to reduce energy consumption. In this paper, a new model is presented that seeks to achieve the desired results by improving the algorithms and providing appropriate methods. Periodic monitoring of resource status, proper analysis of the data obtained, and prediction of the critical state of the servers using the proposed Markov model have reduced the number of unnecessary migrations as much as possible. The combination of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing in the replacement section along with the definition of the adsorbent Markov chain has resulted in better and faster performance of the proposed algorithm. Simulations performed in different scenarios in CloudSim show that compared to the best algorithm compared, at low, medium and high load, energy consumption has decreased significantly. Violations of service level agreements also fell by an average of 17 percent.

    Keywords: Meta heuristic algorithms, cloud computing, absorbing Markov chain, energy consumption}
  • فاطمه اکبری*، علی ناظمی، سیاب ممی پور

    روند کنونی افزایش مصرف انرژی در جهان، بشر را با دو بحران بزرگ روبرو کرده است؛ نخست، آلودگی محیط زیست و دیگری شتاب فزاینده در جهت به پایان بردن منابع انرژی. ذخیره ی انرژی و کاهش آلاینده ها در سطح شهر نقش حیاتی در فرآیند حفظ انرژی موجود و کاهش انتشار آلاینده ها ایفا می کند. در این بین، بخش حمل ونقل به واسطه اهمیت و جایگاهی که در این موضوع دارد، توجه دوچندان را می طلبد و می تواند سالانه مقادیر قابل توجهی صرفه جویی اقتصادی برای مردم و دولت ها، بوسیله کاهش مصرف انرژی و اثرات نامطلوب زیست محیطی، کاهش زمان سفر و تاخیرهای ناخواسته به ارمغان آورد. به همین دلیل در پژوهش حاضر مهمترین پارامترهای موثر بر انتشار آلاینده های زیست محیطی در بخش حمل ونقل شهری تعیین و مدل سیستم دینامیک حمل ونقل شهری تهران ایجاد شد و براساس آن با استفاده از تحلیل های کمی، شش سناریوی حفظ وضعیت فعلی، بهبود حمل ونقل عمومی، پیشرفت فناوری، مدیریت قوانین و مقررات، مدیریت تقاضای سفر و سناریوی جامع ارایه گردید. از نتایج مشاهده شد سناریوی CP بهترین عملکرد را داشته و با اجرای همزمان سناریوها باعث می شود هر کدام از آن ها نقش خود را در بهبود وضعیت ایفا کرده و میزان مصرف انرژی و انتشار CO2 به میزان قابل توجهی کاهش یابد.

    کلید واژگان: حمل ونقل شهری, مصرف انرژی, کاهش انتشار CO2, سیستم دینامیک}
    Fatemeh Akbari*, Ali Nazemi, Siyab Mamipour

    The current trend of rising energy consumption in the world has hit mankind with two major crises: first, environmental pollution, and second, the acceleration of finishing energy supplies. Energy storage and reduction of pollutants in the city plays a crucial role in the process of maintaining existing energy. Meanwhile, the transportation sector needs attention due to its importance and position, and can annually bring significant amounts of economic savings to the people and governments by reducing energy consumption and adverse environmental effects, and reducing travel time and unwanted delays brought up. Therefore, in the present research, the most important parameters of environmental pollutant emissions in urban transport sector were determined and system dynamics model of Tehran's urban transport was developed. Based on quantitative analysis, six scenarios, Business As Usual, Priority to the Development of Public Transport, Technical Progress, Administrative Rules and Regulations Management, Travel Demand Management and comprehensive policy are evolved. According to the results, CP scenario has the best performance, and by simultaneously implementing the scenarios, each of them will play a role in improving the situation and significantly reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

    Keywords: Urban transport, energy consumption, CO2 emission, system dynamics}
  • Yazdan Daneshvar, Majid Sabzehparvar *, Seyed AmirHossein Hashemi

    In this article, to reduce energy consumption and manage its consumption in smart residential buildings, considering the convenience of people, a set of rules for determining intelligent temperature has been selected. For this purpose, expert rules and questionnaires have been prepared and used to make the indoor temperature intelligent based on individuals' emotional components, including clothing, outdoor temperature, age, body mass index, humidity, and the number of inhabitants. For this purpose, the ideal temperature under normal conditions of 22 degrees Celsius is considered by existing standards. The standard for determining the thermal indexes of PMV4 and PPD5 is used to validate the rules, and the result is acceptable compliance of these rules with the existing standard. According to the intervals set for the characteristics used, 1215 rules are defined for this system. A dashboard has been prepared in Excel software to adjust the temperature according to the existing rules, which is displayed as output by entering each available data based on qualitative and quantitative amounts of appropriate temperature. To evaluate the energy consumption, the two modes of temperature regulation with intelligent systems and manual temperature regulation have been compared. Results. For example, manually adjusting the temperature in 12 to 18 hours is a constant consumption pattern. By adjusting the temperature of the expert system per second, the consumption pattern changes based on residents’ satisfy.

    Keywords: energy consumption, intelligent temperature regulation, intelligent rules, Energy optimization}
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