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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Distribution » در نشریات گروه « صنایع »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Distribution» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • علی خورشیدپور نوبندگانی، سلمان نظری شیرکوهی*، حمزه امین طهماسبی

    با توجه به بحران خشک سالی سالیان اخیر، پروژه های بنیادی در حوزه ی آب حایز اهمیت هستند. مشارکت دولتی خصوصی راهی است برای استفاده از سرمایه ی بخش خصوصی و جبران کمبود بودجه ی عمرانی دولت، برای ساخت و تکمیل پروژه های زیرساختی. در این پژوهش شناسایی و ارزیابی ریسک پروژه های مشارکت دولتی خصوصی انتقال و توزیع آب مد نظر است. لذا ابتدا با مرور پیشینه و استفاده از روش دلفی تعداد 30 عامل ریسک در شش حوزه به صورت جامع شناسایی شد. پرسش نامه ی عوامل ریسک با سه بعد «شدت اثر»، «احتمال وقوع» و «احتمال کشف» توزیع و جمع آوری شد. سپس با تبدیل متغیرهای زبانی به مقادیر فازی با استفاده از ماتریس ریسک سه بعدی، پایگاه داده تشکیل شد. در مرحله ی بعد، ریسک ها با استفاده از سیستم استنتاج عصبی فازی سازگار (A N F I S) مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. نتایج عددی میزان خطاها و همبستگی ریسک ها نشان داد که عملکرد روش A N F I S برای ارزیابی و پیش بینی ریسک این پروژه ها بسیار مناسب است.

    کلید واژگان: ارزیابی ریسک, مشارکت دولتی خصوصی, انتقال و توزیع آب, سیستم استنتاج عصبی فازی سازگار (ANFIS)}
    A. Khorshidpour-Nobandegani, S. Nazari-Shirkouhi *, H. Amin-Tahmasbi

    The drought crisis has highlighted the importance of basic projects in various water areas. However, the government budget is insucient to fund necessary infrastructure projects. To address this issue, public-private partnership (PPP) projects can be utilized to leverage private sector capital for infrastructure development. Given the high sensitivity of PPP projects, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive identi cation and accurate assessment of risks associated with water transmission and distribution PPP projects. The primary objective of this research paper is to present a structured methodology for assessing risks a ecting PPP projects in water transmission and distribution. To achieve this goal, 30 risk factors were identi ed through a thorough review of relevant literature and background information. The study involved distributing questionnaires to 80 experts, with three dimensions of e ect severity, probability of occurrence, and probability of detection. A total of 60 valid questionnaires were collected and evaluated using the intelligent method of adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The results indicate that ANFIS is an ecient method for assessing and predicting the risk of PPP projects. The developed framework can assist managers in understanding and preparing for the occurrence of these risks.

    Keywords: Risk assessment, public-private partnership, water transmission, distribution, adaptive neuralfuzzyinference system (ANFIS)}
  • Alireza Goli *, AmirMohammad Golmohammadi

    Development of supply chains is one of the practical concepts in the field of production and sales in competitive conditions. Accordingly, it is necessary to properly study the competitive conditions in which supply chain networks can be designed. In this regard, the present research contributes to the field by incorporating the market share and customer satisfaction to the competitive conditions of supply chains. For this purpose, a nonlinear mathematical model is presented in order to find locations and perform distributions in a closed-loop supply chain under competitive conditions. This model has two objectives including profit maximization and market share maximization. To solve the model, LP-metric and goal programming are implemented, and then the results of these two methods are discussed. Comparisons are also made in terms of the value of the objective functions as well as the solution time. Finally, the simple weighted sum method is used to select the superior method. The results show that the LP-metric method is worth performing to solve the mathematical model of the research.

    Keywords: Location, distribution, Market share, Closed-loop supply chain, LP-metric, Goal programming}
  • Mehdi Khadem, Abbas Toloie Eshlaghy *, Kiamars Fathi Hafshejani
    Logistics makes up one of the significant parts of humanitarian organizations. Regarding the natural disasters’ increasing growth, coordination and cooperation in the logistics sector get more and more critical in order to minimize costs and enhance relief effectiveness. Thus, the current study proposes a decentralized multi-commodity and multi-period mathematical model for disaster relief commodities’ location and distribution. The major players of the research are the relief warehouses and the third-party logistics (3PL) organizations. These two players interact through a coordination mechanism, which keeps going until the time no shortage pops up in the system. The involved innovations encompass considering the simultaneous location, inventory, and distribution of aid supplies and relief provision outsourcing and relief goods’ transportation services to 3PL companies. The proposed HACO-VNS hybrid approach-based model has been solved for a case study in Tehran. The results indicate that as the demand increases, the number of established distribution centers increases. Besides, the budget increase leads to the reduction of the relief commodities’ shortage. Moreover, consequently, the present study extracted results that have been made accessible for disaster management practices.
    Keywords: Decentralized Mathematical Model, Location, Distribution, HACO-NVS Hybrid Approach, Disaster Relief}
  • A. K. Garside *
    Food product has a characteristic of continuous quality deterioration until the food is consumed. Cold chain distribution can improve the sustainability of the product quality but requires a more significant investment for storage facilities and vehicles as well as higher operation cost to control the temperature. This research focuses on a distribution problem faced by an ice cream distributor. In this paper, we developed a mixed-integer non-linear programming model to minimize the total cost, which consists of fixed cost, transportation cost of the vehicles, energy cost to keep the cold storage temperature, and inventory cost. The model considers the vehicle characteristics and hard time-windows for the distributor and all the stores. The implementation of this model demonstrates that the proposed route is able to reduce the total cost.
    Keywords: Frozen food, cold chain, perishable, Distribution, Integer programming, Time-Windows}
  • سیدمحمدحسن حسینی*، علی اکبر حسنی

    مسئله ی مسیریابی وسایل نقلیه، یکی از مهم ترین مسائل مدیریت زنجیره ی تامین است. این اهمیت از آنجا ناشی می شود که تخصیص مطلوب وسایل به مسیرهای مختلف، تاثیر بسیار زیادی بر کاهش هزینه ها دارد. در تحقیق حاضر، این مسئله با درنظرگرفتن شرایط دنیای واقعی ازجمله محدودیت تردد وسایل بررسی می شود. پس از تشریح مسئله و تعریف متغیرها و پارامترهای آن، مدل ریاضی این مسئله توسعه داده می شود. باتوجه به N P-h a r d بودن مسئله، ابتدا جواب بهینه ی مسئله در ابعاد کوچک مشخص می شود. به منظور حل این مسئله در ابعاد متوسط و بزرگ، مدلی مبتنی بر الگوریتم کلونی مورچگان توسعه داده می شود. به منظور اطمینان از عملکرد مدل پیشنهادی، مسائل متنوعی برای آزمون آن طراحی می شود و نتایج مورد ارزیابی قرار می گیرد. همچنین عملکرد الگوریتم پیشنهادی با نتایج حاصل از دو الگوریتم جست وجوی ممنوع (T S) و ژنتیک (G A) نیز مقایسه می شود.

    کلید واژگان: مسیریابی وسایل نقلیه, سیستم زنجیره ی تامین, توزیع, الگوریتم کلونی مورچگان}
    S.M.H. Hosseini *, A.A. Hasani

    Since precise assignment of vehicles to the routs in supply chain network has a great e ect on the important results such as cost reduction, on time delivery of the products or services, and customer satisfaction indexes (CSI), the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is one of the most important problems in the supply chain management. For the complexity of this problem in real world, researchers usually ignore some real conditions and restriction in modelling and solving this problem. In this paper, the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) considering real conditions, such as vehicle capacity and restriction for vehicles with their movement in some routes, is studied. At rst, the literature review and past studies are presented. Then, the considered problem will be illustrated completely and its parameters and variables will be de ned. After that, the mathematical model of the problem is presented considering restriction for movement of the vehicles. This mathematical model will be codedinGAMSsoftware; becausethisproblemisknown as an NP-Hard problem, the mathematical model of the problem is solved just for the small-sized problems. A new model is also presented for the medium- and largesized problems based on ant colony (AC). The parameters of the ant colony are adjusted well in order to increase the eciency of the algorithm. Finally, some diversity test problems are designed considering the important and e ective parameters. These test problems are solved in order to evaluate the eciency of the proposed algorithm, and the result shows that the proposed algorithm has a good performance in solving the test problems. Performanceoftheproposedalgorithmisalso compared with two power algorithms tabou search (TA) and genetic algorithm (GA) in solving the test problems. Results show that the proposed algorithm has better performance both in optimality and running time comparison of two other algorithms.

    Keywords: Vehicle routhing problem, supply chain system, distribution, ant colony algorithm}
  • Dr. Morteza Rasti, Barzoki *, Ali Kourank Beheshti, Dr. Seyed Reza Hejazi
    This paper addresses a production and outbound distribution scheduling problem in which a set of jobs have to be process on a single machine for delivery to customers or to other machines for further processing. We assume that there is a sufficient number of vehicles and the delivery costs is independent of batch size but it is dependent on each trip. In this paper, we present an Artificial Immune System (AIS) for this problem. The objective is to minimize the sum of the total weighted number of tardy jobs and the batch delivery costs. A batch setup time has to be added before processing the first job in each batch. Using computational test, we compare our method with an existing method for the mentioned problem in literature namely Simulated Annealing (SA). Computational tests show the significant improvement of AIS over the SA.
    Keywords: Supply chain management, Scheduling, Distribution, Batching, Artificial immune system}
  • Fateme Marandi *
    This study is concerned with how the quality of perishable products can be improved by shortening the time interval between production and distribution. As special types of food such as dairy products decay fast, the integration of production and distribution scheduling (IPDS) is investigated. An integrated scheduling of both processes improves the performance and costs because the separated scheduling of these processes without considering mutual requirements leads to non-optimal solutions. An optimal solution to IPDS requires simultaneously solving of the production scheduling and vehicle routing problems. This article deals with a variation of IPDS that contains a short shelf-life product; hence, there is no inventory of the product in the process. Once an amount of products is produced, they must be transported with non-negligible transportation time directly to various customer locations. The objective is to determine the minimum cost of the makespan and number of vehicles required to complete the distribution of the products to satisfy the demand of a given set of customers over a wide geographic region. The overall problem consists of permutation flow shop scheduling with machines, jobs and vehicles with different speeds and transportation capacities which transport jobs from the manufacturing company to customers distributed in various zones by determining the vehicle routes and number of vehicles. After developing an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model of the problem, because it is NP-hard, a new graph-based heuristic method is proposed to efficiently solve the problem.
    Keywords: Production, distribution, Permutation flow ?shop scheduling, Vehicle routing problem, Integration, Graph-based scheduling}
  • Javad Rezaeian, Keyvan Shokoufi, Sepide Haghayegh, Iraj Mahdavi
    This paper aims to investigate the integrated production/distribution and inventory planning for perishable products with fixed life time in the constant condition of storage throughout a two-echelon supply chain by integrating producers and distributors. This problem arises from real environment in which multi-plant with multi-function lines produce multi-perishable products with fixed life time into a lot sizing to be shipped with multi-vehicle to multi-distribution-center to minimize multi-objective such as setup costs between products, holding costs, shortage costs, spoilage costs, transportation costs and production costs. There are many investigations which have been devoted on production/distribution planning area with different assumption. However, this research aims to extend this planning by integrating an inventory system with it in which for each distribution center, net inventory, shortage, FIFO system and spoilage of items are calculated. A mixed integer non-linear programming model (MINLP) is developed for the considered problem. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm (GA) and a simulated annealing (SA) algorithm are proposed to solve the model for real size applications. Also, Taguchi method is applied to optimize parameters of the algorithms. Computational characteristics of the proposed algorithms are examined and tested using t-tests at the 95% confidence level to identify the most effective meta-heuristic algorithm in term of relative percentage deviation (RPD). Finally, Computational results show that the GA outperforms SA although the computation time of SA is smaller than the GA.
    Keywords: Production, distribution, inventory planning, Perishable product, Multi, objective, Mixed integer non, linear programming, Genetic algorithm}
  • H. Mokhtari*
    In today’s competitive market place, companies seek an efficient structure of supply chain so as to provide customers with highest value and achieve competitive advantage. This requires a broader perspective than just the borders of an individual company during a supply chain. This paper investigates an aggregate production planning problem integrated with distribution issues in a supply chain so as to simultaneously optimize characteristics of these supply chain drivers. The main contribution of this paper is to consider the aggregate production-distribution planning (APDP) problem jointly with multiple stage, multiple product, and multiple vehicle. Moreover, we considered both routing and direct shipment as transportation system which is not considered in APDP literature so far. A mixed-integer linear programming formulation is suggested for two distinct Scenarios: (i) when we have direct shipment in which all shipments are transported directly from manufacturer to customers, and (ii) when we have routing option in which the vehicles can move through routes to deliver products to more than one customer at a trip. A numerical analysis is performed to compare performance of problem in two above Scenarios. Moreover, to assess applicability of problem, some computational experiments are implemented on small, medium and large sized problems.
    Keywords: Mixed, Integer Programming, Production Planning, Production, Distribution, Transportation, Vehicle Routing, Setup Times}
  • Seyed Habib A. Rahmati, Abbas Ahmadi, Behrooz Karimi
    A comprehensive and integrated study of any supply chain (SC) environment is a vital requirement that can create various advantages for the SC owners. This consideration causes productive managing of the SC through its whole wide components from upstream suppliers to downstream retailers and customers. On this issue, despite many valuable studies reported in the current literature, considerable gaps still prevail. These gaps include integration and insertion of basic concepts, such as queuing theory, facility location, inventory management, or even fuzzy theory, as well as other new concepts such as strategic planning, data mining, business intelligence, and information technology. This study seeks to address some of these gaps. To do so, it proposes an integrated four-echelon multi-period multi-objective SC model. To make the model closer to the real world problems, it is also composed of inventory and facility location planning, simultaneously. The proposed model has a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) structure. The objectives of the model are reducing cost and minimizing the non-fill rate of customer zones demand. The cost reduction part includes cost values of raw material shipping from suppliers to plants, plant location, inventory holding costs in plants, distribution cost from plants to warehouses or distribution centers (DCs), and shipping costs from DCs to customer zones. Finally, since the literature of SC lacks efficient Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs), a new multi-objective version of the biogeography-based optimization algorithm (MOBBO) is introduced to the literature of the SC. The efficiency of the algorithm is proved through its comparison with an existing algorithm called multi-objective harmony search (MOHS).
    Keywords: Integrated supply chain management, Production, distribution, Facility location problem, inventory balancing, Planning problem, MOBBO, MOHS}
  • محمد مهدی پایدار *، سعید صمدی دانا، جان محمد رجبی
    در بسیاری از بنگاه های اقتصادی تامین محصولات با کیفیت با کمترین هزینه از اهداف اصلی آنها به شمار می رود. تحقق این دو هدف هم زمان و با یکدیگر در بسیاری موارد امکان پذیر نیست. در این مقاله یک مدل ریاضی دو هدفه با رویکردی یکپارچه جهت تعیین جریان محصولات در طول زنجیره تامین پویا در سطوح تولید، توزیع و بازار ارائه شده است. هدف مدل پیشنهادی کمینه سازی هزینه-های خرید، حمل و نقل و نگهداری محصولات از یک طرف و بیشینه سازی خرید محصولات با کیفیت بالاتر از طرف دیگر می باشد. در نهایت، جهت ارزیابی مدل پیشنهادی، با به کارگیری روش محدودیت اپسیلن4 به عنوان یک نگرش بهینه سازی برای حل مسائل چند هدفه، یک مثال جامع برگرفته از مطالعه موردی یک سازمان نظامی حل شده است.
    کلید واژگان: زنجیره تامین پویا, تولید, توزیع, روش محدودیت اپسیلن}
    Mohammad Mahdi Paydar *, Saeid Samadi Dana, Jan Mohammad Rajabi
    In many financial firms, providing high-quality products at the lowest cost is one of their main objectives. Obtaining these two objectives simultaneously with each other in many cases are not possible. In this paper, an integrated bi-objective mathematical model to determine flow of products throughout dynamic supply chain in levels of production, distribution and market is presented. The goal of proposed model is to minimize purchasing, transformation and holding costs of products and to maximize purchasing high quality products. Finally, to evaluate the proposed model using ε-constraint method as an optimization approach for multi-objective problems, an example for an army organization is solved.
    Keywords: Dynamic Supply Chain, Production, Distribution, ? Constraint Method}
  • سعید ایران نژاد بی صفر، سهیل جلیلی بوالحسنی، حسن رضازاده
    یکی از مهمترین مسائل پیش روی شرکتهای توزیع طراحی و تحلیل شبکه توزیع است. در سالهای اخیر، دو مسئله اصلی در طراحی شبکه های توزیع یعنی مکان یابی مراکز توزیع یا تسهیلات و مسیریابی وسائل حمل و نقل یا توزیعکننده ها با یکدیگر در نظر گرفته شده و مسئله مکان یابی- مسیریابی را بهوجود آوردهاند. با توجه به اینکه مسئله مکان یابی- مسیریابی از تلفیق دو مسئله NP-hard بهدست آمده است خود آن نیز مسئلهای NP-hard میباشد. در این تحقیق بهمنظور واقعیترکردن مسئله، محدودیتهای بیشتری در نظر گرفته شده است، به اینصورت که چند نوع کالا در شبکه توزیع وجود داشته و وسیله نقلیه ظرفیتدار بوده و محدودیت زمانی دارد. مدل ریاضی مربوطه ارائهشده و سپس به دلیل بزرگی مسئله، فقط نمونه های کوچکی تولید و سپس توسط نرمافزارLINGO 8.0 آن مسئله حل شده است.
    کلید واژگان: شبکه توزیع, مسئله مکان یابی, مسیریابی ظرفیتدار, مدل چند کالایی, حل دقیق}
    Saeed Irannezhad Bisafar, Soheil Jalili Bolhassani *, Hassan Rezazadeh
    Distribution and transportation system design is one of the most important problems faced by distribution companies. In recent years, two major problems in distribution and transportation networks design i.e. distribution centers location and vehicle routing are considered simultaneously, so location-routing problem (LRP) has been created. Since LRP is composed of two NP-hard problems, it is NP-hard too. In this research, in order to actualize problem, more constraints have been considered, therefore there are multiple commodities in distribution network and vehicles are capacitated and time-constrained. The respected mathematical model is proposed and then due to problem’s magnitude, only small instances are generated and solved by LINGO 8.0.
    Keywords: Distribution, Transportation Network, Capacitated Location, routing Problem, Multi, commodity Model, Exact solution}
  • رضا زنجیرانی فراهانی، نسرین عسگری
    در این مقاله، برنامه ریزی تدارک اقلام در زنجیره تامین یک سیستم لجستیک نظامی مورد بررسی قرار می گیرد. این مقاله در پی تعیین این است که چه مقدار از هر قلم مورد نیاز سیستم لجستیک در هر ماه از هر تامین کننده، تامین گردد. برای این کار، یک مدل ریاضی با دو تابع هدف ارائه می گردد. از آنجا که در یک سیستم لجستیک نظامی، تحویل به موقع اقلام بسیار مهم است تابع هدف اول، هزینه های تحویل به موقع (شامل هزینه های کمبود و نگهداری) و خرید سیستم لجستیک را کمیته می کند. تابع هدف دوم، هزینه حمل و نقل تامین کنندگان سیستم لجستیک را به عنوان شریک دیگر زنجیره تامین، کمینه می کند. حل این مدل ریاضی با استفاده از روش های تصمیم گیری چندهدفه(MODM (3، در مورد سیاست تامین و حمل اقلام مورد نیاز لجستیک، تصمیم گیری خواهد نمود. در پایان، موارد مربوط به پیاده سازی مدل و مزایا و معایب آن ارائه خواهد گردید.
    کلید واژگان: حمل و نقل, توزیع, تصمیم گیری چندمعیاره, بهینه سازی}
    R. Zanjirani Farahani, N. Asgari
    In this paper, the planning of items supply in chain of supply in a military logistics system is investigated. We seek to determine the amount of each required item of logistics system of any supplier which should be provided in each month. For this purpose, a mathematical model is presented with two target functions. Since in a military logistics system, timely delivery of items is very important, first target function minimizes the timely delivery costs (including maintaining & deficit costs) and purchasing logistics system. Second target function minimizes the cost of transportation and logistics system suppliers as the other factors of supply chain. This mathematical model will be solved by MODM method and decides about the policy of supply and transport of required item for logistics. Finally, issues related to the implementation of model and its advantages and disadvantages will be presented.
    Keywords: transportation, distribution, multi, criteria decision, optimization}
  • مهندس احمد رضاجویی

    برای سالیان متمادی، محققین و صاحبنظران عمدتا فرآیندهای مختلف زنجیره های تامین / عرضه و ساخت را به صورت جدا از هم بررسی می کردند. اما اخیرا توجه روزافزونی به عملکرد، طراحی و تجزیه و تحلیل زنجیره های عرضه شده و به صورت یک کلیت درآمده است. بخش عظیمی از این توجه، نتیجه افزایش هزینه های ساخت، کاهش منابع ساخت، کوتاه شدن دوره عمر محصولات، هموار شدن زمینه کار در ساخت و جهانی شدن اقتصاد بازار است. در این مقاله ادبیات متمرکز در مدل سازی زنجیره های تامین /عرضه چند مرحله ای مرور شده و سپس یک برنامه تحقیقی برای تحقیقات آتی در این زمینه تعریف و ارائه شده است

    کلید واژگان: زنجیره تامین, تولید, توزیع, لجستیک}

    For many years, researchers and experts have mainly studied the different processes of supply and construction supply chains separately. But recently, more and more attention has been paid to the performance, design and analysis of supply chains and has become a whole. Much of this attention has been paid to increasing manufacturing costs, reducing manufacturing resources, shortening product life, smoothing construction, and globalizing the market economy. In this paper, the literature focused on multi-stage supply chain modeling is reviewed and then a research program for future research in this field is defined and presented.

    Keywords: Supply Chain, Production, Distribution, Logistics}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
درخواست پشتیبانی - گزارش اشکال