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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « bound » در نشریات گروه « عمران »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «bound» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • Active earth pressure induced by strip loads on a backfill
    O. Farzaneh, F. Askari, J. Fatemi
    Presented is a method of two-dimensional analysis of the active earth pressure due to simultaneous effect of both soil weight and surcharge of strip foundation. The study’s aim is to provide a rigorous solution to the problem in the framework of upper-bound theorem of limit analysis method in order to produce some design charts for calculating the lateral active earth pressure of backfill when loaded by a strip foundation. A kinematically admissible collapse mechanism consisting of several rigid blocks with translational movement is considered in which energy dissipation takes place along planar velocity discontinuities. Comparing the lateral earth forces given by the present analysis with those of other researchers, it is shown that the results of present analysis are higher (better) than other researchers’ results. It was found that with the increase in ⁄, the proportion of the strip load (q) which is transmitted to the wall decreases. Moreover, Increasing the friction between soil and wall () will result in the increase of effective distance (). Finally, these results are presented in the form of dimensionless design charts relating the mechanical characteristics of the soil, strip load conditions and active earth pressure.
    Keywords: Retaining wall, Active lateral earth pressure, Limit analysis, Upper, bound, Strip load}
  • محمود صفارزاده*، محمد تمنایی، امین جمیلی، سید احسان سید ابریشمی
    هدف از این پژوهش، ارایه روش های دقیق و تقریبی جهت حل مسئله زمان بندی حرکت قطارها در مسیرهای دوخطه ریلی است. به منظور حل دقیق و یافتن جواب بهینه مسئله زمان بندی حرکت قطارها، از بسته نرم افزاری CPLEX11 و نیز الگوریتم شاخه وحد زمان بندی حرکت قطارها استفاده می شود. مدل ریاضی زمان بندی حرکت قطارها در مسیر دوخطه و نیز الگوریتم شاخه و حد پیشنهادی در نرم افزار جاوا پیاده سازی شدند و مسائلی با ابعاد مختلف در مسیرهای ریلی بافق-سیرجان و تهران-مشهد مورد آزمایش قرار گرفتند. مقایسه نتایج حاصل، نشان از برتری عملکرد الگوریتم شاخه و حد پیشنهادی نسبت به CPLEX بویژه در مواجهه با مسائل زمان بندی با ابعاد بزرگ دارد. نتایج نشان می دهند که CPLEX، مسائل بزرگ را در زمانهای بسیار طولانی حل می کند؛ در حالی که الگوریتم شاخه و حد می تواند جواب بهینه این گونه مسائل را در زمانهایی منطقی و بسیار کمتر از زمان حل CPLEX به دست آورد. همچنین در این پژوهش، از پنج روش تقریبی حل مبتنی بر الگوریتم جستجوی پرتو استفاده شد. نتایج بررسی روش های تقریبی برای مسائل با ابعاد مختلف در مسیر تهران-مشهد حاکی از عملکرد مناسب تر روش های ابداع شده پژوهش حاضر، در مقایسه با روش های قبلی، به ویژه در مواجهه با مسائل با ابعاد بزرگ است؛ به طوری که بسته به میزان اهمیت پارامتر دقت و سرعت در شرایط مختلف، روش های جستجوی پرتو جدید می توانند جداول زمان بندی نزدیک به بهینه را در زمانهای منطقی و با اشغال کنترل شده فضای حافظه ارایه کنند. با استفاده از نتایج این پژوهش، امکان تهیه جداول زمانی حرکت قطارها در زمانهای مناسب برای مسیرهای دوخطه به ویژه مسیرهای طولانی با تعداد زیاد قطار فراهم می شود.
    کلید واژگان: زمان بندی حرکت قطارها, روش های ابتکاری, الگوریتم شاخه و حد, الگوریتم جستجوی پرتو, جواب بهینه}
    The aim of this study is to develop the algorithms for solving train timetabling problems in the double-track railways. To find the optimal solution of the problems, the common software package CPLEX 11 was used in addition to a method based on branch and bound algorithm. Both the mathematical model and branch and bound algorithm were implemented in Java Software and some large-scale real problems were investigated. The problems are based on Bafgh-Sirjan and Tehran-Mashhad railways. Comparison of results show more efficient performance of the algorithm rather than CPLEX. The criterion to compare the performances was the solving time. Five methods were then used based on beam search algorithm to find near-optimal solutions in a rational amount of time. Three of these methods are considered as the innovations of the present research. The results of applying beam search methods demonstrate more impressive proficiency of the heuristic methods innovated compared to methods suggested in previous works especially when facing large-scale problems. Depending on the importance of accuracy and time in different conditions, the excogitated methods can generate the train timetable schedules. By using the results of the research, it is possible to prepare the optimal and near-optimal time-tables especially for the long railways with the large amount of trains.
    Keywords: Train time tabling, heuristic methods, branch, bound, beam search algorithm, optimal solution}
  • A. Totonchi, F. Askari, O. Farzaneh
    Presented is a method of three-dimensional stability analysis of slopes due to earthquake forces based on the Lower-bound theorem of the limit analysis approach. The method’s aim is to determine the factor of safety of such slopes using numerical linear finite element and lower bound limit analysis to produce seismic stability charts for three dimensional (3D) homogeneous slopes. The rigorous limit analysis results in this paper together with results of other researchers were found to bracket the slope stability number and therefore can be used to benchmark for solutions from other methods. It was found that using a two dimensional 2D) analysis to analyze a 3D problem will lead to a significant difference in the factors of safety depending on the slope geometries. Numerical 3D seismic results of the proposed algorithm are presented in the form of some dimensionless graphs which can be a convenient tool to be used by practicing engineers to estimate the initial stability for excavated or man-made slopes.
    Keywords: Three, dimensional slope, slope stability, limit analysis, Lower, bound, limit equilibrium 1. INTRODUCTION}
  • A. Totonchi, F. Askari, O. Farzaneh
    It is well known that the plan curvature of curved slopes has an influence on the stability of the slopes.This paper aims to present a method of three-dimensional stability analysis of concave slopes in plan view based on the Lower-bound theorem of the limit analysis approach. The method’s aim is to determine the factor of safety of such slopes using numerical linear finite element and lower bound limit analysis method to produce some stability charts for three dimensional (3D) homogeneous concave slopes. Although the conventional two and three dimension limit equilibrium method (LEM) is used more often in practice for evaluating slope stability, the accuracy of the method is often questioned due to the underlying assumptions that it makes. The rigorous limit analysis results in this paper were found to be closely conservative results to exact solutions and therefore can be used to benchmark for solutions from other methods. It was found that using a two dimensional (2D) analysis to analyze a 3D problem will lead to a significant difference in the factors of safety depending on the slope geometries. Numerical 3D results of the proposed algorithm are presented in the form of some dimensionless graphs, which can be a convenient tool for use by practicing engineers to esti­mate the initial stability for excavated or man-made slopes. The results obtained using this 3D method show that the stability of concave slopes in plan view increases as the relative curvature R/H and the relative width of slope decrease.
    Keywords: Three, dimensional slope, slope stability, limit analysis, lower, bound, limit equilibrium}
  • Dr. Farajolah Askari, Mr. Arash Totonchi, Dr. Orang Farzane
    Presented is a method of three-dimensional stability analysis of convex slopes in plan view based on the Lower-bound theorem of the limit analysis approach. The method’s aim is to determine the factor of safety of such slopes using numerical linear finite element and lower bound limit analysis method to produce some stability charts for three dimensional (3D) homogeneous convex slopes. Although the conventional two and three dimension limit equilibrium method (LEM) is used more often in practice for evaluating slope stability, the accuracy of the method is often questioned due to the underlying assumptions that it makes. The rigorous limit analysis results in this paper together with results of other researchers were found to bracket the slope stability number to within ±10% or better and therefore can be used to benchmark for solutions from other methods. It was found that using a two dimensional (2D) analysis to analyze a 3D problem will leads to a significant difference in the factors of safety depending on the slope geometries. Numerical 3D results of proposed algorithm are presented in the form of some dimensionless graphs which can be a convenient tool to be used by practicing engineers to esti‌mate the initial stability for excavated or man-made slopes.
    Keywords: three, dimensional slope, slope stability, limit analysis, Lower, bound, limit equilibrium}
  • S.H. Mirmohammadi, Sh. Shadrokh, K. Eshghi
    The purpose of this paper is to present a polynomial time algorithm which determines the lot sizes for purchase component in Material Requirement Planning (MRP) environments with deterministic time-phased demand with zero lead time. In this model, backlog is not permitted, the unit purchasing price is based on the all-units discount system and resale of the excess units is possible at the ordering time. The properties of an optimal order policy are argued and on the basis of them, a branch and bound algorithm is presented to construct an optimal sequence of order policies. In the proposed B&B algorithm, some useful fathoming rules have been proven to make the algorithm very efficient. By defining a rooted tree graph, it has been shown that the worst-case time complexity function of the presented algorithm is polynomial. Finally, some test problems which are randomly generated in various environments are solved to show the efficiency of the algorithm.
    Keywords: branch, bound, purchasing, all, units discount, resale, complexity theory, graph theory}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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