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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Hydraulic Model » در نشریات گروه « عمران »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Hydraulic Model» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • امیرحسین اخوان، اصغر عزیزیان*، دیوید تاربوتون

    از آنجاییکه تعیین پهنه های سیلابی رودخانه از اهمیت بالایی به ویژه در مطالعات مهندسی رودخانه، هشدار سیل و مدیریت سیلاب برخوردار است، در پژوهش حاضر به ارزیابی کارایی مدل متکی بر توپوگرافی HAND و مدل هیدرولیکی HEC-RAS در برآورد پهنه های سیلاب رودخانه سیمره، پرداخته شده است. همچنین برای به چالش کشیدن عملکرد دو مدل مذکور از تصاویر ماهواره ای Sentinel-2 برای سیلاب مورخه 1/4/2019 رودخانه سیمره استفاده شد. نتایج بدست آمده از مدل واسنجی شده HAND در رودخانه سیمره، حاکی از عملکرد مناسب مدل مذکور در بدست آوردن پهنه سیلاب است. طبق نتایج بدست آمده از مدل HAND، میزان انطباق پهنه سیلاب در مقایسه با تصاویر ماهواره ای بالاتر از 92 درصد و این در حالیست که در صورت استفاده از مدل هیدرولیکی HEC-RAS این میزان انطباق به حدود 83 درصد محدود می گردد. همچنین متوسط اختلاف برآورد پهنه های سیلاب در طول بازه مطالعاتی بر اساس دو مدل HAND و HEC-RAS به ترتیب در حدود 5/8 و 13 درصد بدست آمد. همانطور که ملاحظه می گردد، مدل HAND علی رغم ساختار نسبتا ساده و تعداد کم پارامترهای ورودی از عملکرد به مراتب بهتری نسبت به مدل هیدرولیکی برخوردار می باشد و لذا از آن می توان برای استخراج پهنه های سیلگیر رودخانه در کمترین زمان ممکن بهره برد. این مساله در رودخانه های بزرگ و عریض که مدل هیدرولیکی نیازمند زمان محاسباتی قابل توجهی است، نمود بیشتری دارد. همچنین در سامانه های هشدار سیل که امکان اجرای مدلهای هیدرولیکی به صورت آنلاین با چالشهای زیادی روبرو است از مدل HAND برای این منظور استفاده نمود.

    کلید واژگان: پهنه سیلاب, منحنی دبی-اشل, مدل HAND, پیش بینی سیلاب, تصاویر ماهواره ای, مدل هیدرولیکی}
    Amirhossein Akhvan, Asghar Azizian *, David Tarboton

    Floods are a natural disaster that threatens the lives of millions of people every year. Obtaining the flood zone and consequently obtaining the flood zone map for current with a specific return period for a desired basin is one of the important results obtained from different models. Therefore, extraction of flood zone is one of the basic needs in the design of water structures, a basic step for management and planning to reduce economic and social flood damage, use to determine the amount of insurance for residential areas along the river and also identify high risk areas of the river In terms of flood status and flood control measures. Evaluating the performance of the HAND model, which relies solely on topographic features, is one of the objectives of the present project.


    In this study, the flood zone is determined using the HAND model with a calibrated coefficient of roughness. Seymareh River has been selected as a study area to challenge the performance of the model in relation to the observational data obtained from satellite images and also to evaluate it with the HEC-RAS hydraulic model. Also, the HAND model in low and high flows has been evaluated with a 1D and 2D hydraulic model to evaluate the performance of the model in different flow conditions.

    Results and Discussion

    In the first part, the HAND model was evaluated using satellite images, which show the very good performance of the model in determining the flood zone. Further sensitivity analysis of Manning roughness coefficient showed that increasing and decreasing it by 25% had no effect on improving the performance of the HAND model and the roughness coefficient was properly calibrated. Finally, the model was evaluated with 1D and 2D hydraulic model in low and high input flow conditions. The results showed that the HAND model still has a good capability in comparison with hydraulic models in different flow conditions.


    The most important results can be summarized as follows:• The results obtained from the HAND model based on the calibration coefficient calibrated in Seimareh river indicate the proper performance of the model in obtaining flood zone. According to calculations, the rate of flood zone adaptation is higher than 92% compared to satellite images. Also, the average difference between the HAND model and satellite images for estimating flood zones during the study period of the river was about 8.5%. The occurrence of turbulence and rotational flows due to improper angle of connection between the channel and the freeway bridges in the future will have a significant impact on the hydraulic flow and sediment of the river, especially in the area of the bridges.• The results in Seimareh River show that increasing and decreasing the inlet flow does not change the performance results of the HAND model and also the model has a good capability compared to hydraulic models. According to calculations, the rate of adaptation of the flood zone in comparison with the hydraulic model in different discharges is always higher than 83%. Also, the average difference between the HAND model and hydraulic models for estimating flood zones during the study period of the river will be less than 13%. • Despite the very good performance of the HAND model in estimating the flood zone, in some intervals there are differences between the HAND model with satellite images and the hydraulic model, which can be done by using topographic maps with high resolution and river path inter Extraction of Rating-curves for each substrate greatly enhances the performance of the HAND model.• Hydraulic model has more error in estimating flood zone than HAND model. The main reason for this can be related to important factors such as: distance between cross sections, computational cell dimensions, numerical parameters used in the 2D hydraulic model (such as θ parameter and currant number), boundary conditions used in the hydraulic model Calibrate the time step and determine the Manning roughness coefficient for each cross section. In general, relatively more factors affect the performance of the hydraulic model and affect its output, while the HAND model experiences relatively better conditions in this regard, so that only by considering a coefficient of roughness for the whole The study interval and extraction of the Rating- curve can be used to obtain the flood zone. while the HAND model experiences relatively better conditions in this regard, so that only by considering a coefficient of roughness for the whole The study interval and extraction of the Rating- curve can be used to obtain the flood zone.

    Keywords: Flood Zone, rating curve, HAND Model, Flood Prediction, Digital Elevation Models, Hydraulic Model}
  • عبدالله قاسمپور فرمی، محمدرضا کاویانپور*، شروین فقیهی راد

    سرریز پلکانی از جمله سازه های تخلیه کننده سیلاب ورودی به سد می باشد که جریان عبوری از آن با استهلاک انرژی نیز همراه می باشد. این سازه متشکل از پله هایی است که از نزدیکی تاج سرریز شروع و تا پاشنه ادامه یافته و در ثابت ماندن عمق آب و سرعت جریان در طول سرریز، برقراری استهلاک طولی انرژی و تاثیرگذاری بر مشخصات جریان و پایاب سرریز بسیار موثر می باشند. در سرریزهای پلکانی، جریان به سه نوع ریزشی، انتقالی و رویه ای قابل تفکیک است. تاکنون بر اساس روابط تحلیلی و آزمایشگاهی، مطالعات اندکی جهت بررسی شرایط و طبیعت پیچیده جریان ریزشی انجام شده و مطالعات آزمایشگاهی مبتنی بر مدل سازی فیزیکی نیز محدود می باشد. بنابراین روابط محدودی نیز در زمینه جریان ریزشی در این سرریزها ارایه شده است. در تحقیق حاضر آزمایش هایی بر روی سه مدل هیدرولیکی سرریز پلکانی بزرگ مقیاس سدهای سیاه بیشه بالا، سیاه بیشه پایین و سد ژاوه در شش شیب متفاوت انجام گرفت و به ازای 24 دبی جریان، اندازه گیری عمق آب، سرعت جریان و فشار استاتیکی بر روی 40 مقطع مختلف در طول سرریز انجام شد. تجزیه و تحلیل پارامترهای موثر بر استهلاک انرژی بر اساس این اطلاعات انجام و تاثیر شرایط هیدرولیکی و هندسی سرریز بر محدوده وقوع جریان ریزشی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت و رابطه ای برای محاسبه استهلاک نسبی انرژی در شرایط جریان ریزشی پیشنهاد شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که مهم ترین پارامتر تاثیرگذار در پیش بینی استهلاک انرژی، پارامتر بی بعد عمق بحرانی به ارتفاع سرریز می باشد که افزایش آن باعث کاهش استهلاک انرژی نسبی در رژیم ریزشی می شود.

    کلید واژگان: سرریز پلکانی, جریان ریزشی, مدل هیدرولیکی, استهلاک انرژی, هندسه سرریز}
    Abdollah Ghasempour Feremi, MohammadReza Kavianpour *, Shervin Faghihirad

    Stepped spillways are used to discharge excessing floods entering the reservoirs, through which the energy is exposed to highly dissipation rates. It consists of a series of steps along the spillway to ensure a uniform flow along the spillway. Steps improve the rate of energy dissipation along the spillway, which consequently affect the flow characteristics and energy dissipaters at the downstream. The flow over stepped spillways is divided into three regimes of nappe, transition and skimming flows. So far, limited number of studies have been performed on the basis of analytical and empirical information to check the features and nature of nappe flow. Limitations on physical model studies is also important to mention. As a result, few relationships have been suggested to describe nappe flow characteristics over stepped spillways. In this study, experiments were performed on three large-scales hydraulic spillway models of SiahBishe upper and lower dams and Zhaveh dam, which cover six spillway slopes and 24 flow rates. Measurements of depth, velocity, and static pressure were made at 40 different cross sections along the chutes. Major effective geometrical and hydraulic parameters on energy dissipation in nappe flow regime over spillways were analyzed, based on measurements made in this study. A relationship was then suggested to calculate the rate of energy dissipation in nappe flow regime. This study showed that the ratio of critical depth to height of spillway is the most important parameter in predicting energy dissipation, the increase of which reduces the relative energy dissipation in nappe flow.

    Keywords: Stepped chute, nappe flow, hydraulic model, energy dissipation, spillway geometry}
  • اکبر شیرزاد، مسعود تابش*، وحید عباسی مقدم

    یکی از مهم ترین کاربردهای مدل های هیدرولیکی شبکه های توزیع آب، شبیه سازی و درک شرایط غیرنرمال شبکه است. لذا وجود مدل های کالیبره شده برای ایجاد درک واقعی از رفتار شبکه ضروری است. انجام این فرایند نیازمند جمع آوری داده های میدانی از شبکه است تا با مقایسه رفتار پیش بینی شده به وسیله مدل با داده های واقعی، عملکرد مدل اصلاح شود. نمونه برداری از شبکه محدودیت های مختلفی دارد. بنابراین فرآیند طراحی نمونه‎برداری، جنبه های مختلف نمونه برداری نظیر مکان، تعداد و تناوب را به‎صورت بهینه تعیین می‎کند. در این مقاله به منظور طراحی نمونه‎برداری، تمرکز روی مکان های اندازه گیری فشار به منظور کالیبراسیون مدل هیدرولیکی است. برای اجرای طراحی نمونه‎برداری، ابتدا با انجام تحلیل حساسیت، عدم قطعیت در فشار هر گره میان پارامترهای ورودی مدل تقسیم می شود. در این مقاله از روش تحلیل حساسیت عمومی سوبول و الگوریتم ژنتیک چندهدفه عدد صحیح تحت عنوان الگوریتم MI-NSGA-II با دو معیار هزینه های نمونه برداری کمینه و آنتروپی بیشینه برای انتخاب نقاط نمونه برداری بهینه استفاده شده است. بررسی سناریوهای مختلف، بیانگر تاثیر نوع پارامتر بر موقعیت نقاط منتخب است. در این میان میزان مشابهت نتایج سناریوهای ترکیبی با سناریوهای مجزا از حالات شامل زبری، به حالات شامل تقاضا کاهش پیدا می کند که بیانگر نقش موثرتر زبری در انتخاب نقاط در سناریوهای ترکیبی است. هم چنین بررسی حالات ترکیبی پارامترها نشان داد که اندرکنش های میان پارامترها در انتخاب نقاط موثر است.

    کلید واژگان: شبکه توزیع آب, مدل هیدرولیکی, تحلیل هیدرولیکی مبتنی بر فشار, کالیبراسیون, طراحی نمونه‎برداری, تحلیل حساسیت}
    Akbar Shirzad, Massoud Tabesh *, Vahid Abbasi Moghaddam

    Simulating and understanding of abnormal conditions is one of the most important applications of hydraulic models of water distribution networks. Hence, existence of calibrated models is essential to network behavior realization. This process requires field data collection to improve model's performance by comparing predicted and actual data. Sampling from network has different constraints. Therefore the sampling design process is performed in order to optimize it, which includes different aspects of sampling, such as location, number and frequency. This paper focuses on pressure sampling nodes for hydraulic model calibration. To implement sampling design, first by sensitivity analysis, uncertainty of each nodal pressure is divided between model inputs.


    In this paper, a global sensitivity analysis method, Sobol, is used which divides the variance of model into model inputs and their interactions. Then, two criteria for selecting sampling points are defined. The first criterion maximizes the entropy and magnitude of sensitivity values of each parameter for the set of sampling design points. The second criterion, by replacing number of points with sampling costs, follows minimization of sampling costs. To solve the integer multi-objective optimization problem, the multi-objective integer genetic algorithm called MI-NSGA-II is employed.

    Results and Discussion

    Investigating different scenarios demonstrates effect of parameter type on the position of selected points. In the meantime, similarity between the results of combinatorial and individual scenarios decreases from cases including roughness to cases involving demand. This indicates effective role of roughness in selecting points in combinatorial scenarios. Also, analysis of combinatorial scenarios suggests that parameter interactions are effective in selecting points.


    The results showed that the developed approach offers good performance in selecting sampling points with different scenarios. The MI-NSGA-II algorithm has a good ability to find the solutions of the integer multi-objective optimization problem. The use of pressure driven simulation method is effective on the results of sensitivity analysis and sampling design.

    Keywords: Water Distribution Network, Hydraulic Model, Pressure Driven Simulation Method, Calibration, Sampling Design, Sensitivity analysis}
  • احسان پارسی*، معصومه زینعلی، کاظم الله دادی، محمد انصاری قوجقار

    سرریزهای زیگزاگی از جمله سازه های هیدرولیکی هستند که جهت تنظیم سطح آب وکنترل جریان در کانال ها، رودخانه ها و مخازن سدها احداث می شوند. این سازه، برای انتقال جریان های بزرگ در هدهای کم، با افزایش طول موثر تاج سرریز، طراحی می گردد. محور تاج این نوع سرریزها، به صورت غیر مستقیم بوده و در نمایش سطح افقی، سرریز از دیواره های متصل به هم تشکیل شده است. سرریزهای زیگزاگی با هندسه مثلثی، ذوزنقه ای، مستطیلی و قوسی با تناوب در عرض جریان تکرار می گردد. معیار اصلی در طراحی زیگزاگی سرریزها، افزایش ظرفیت انتقال جریان روی سرریز با تاج ثابت و به ازای ارتفاع معین سطح آب در بالادست سرریز بوده است. در این تحقیق از 145 داده آزمایشگاهی، شامل چهار تیپ سرریز زیگزاگی قوسی با شعاع قوس و طول تانژانت مختلف استفاده شد. ضریب دبی به صورت پارامتر بی بعد  با استفاده از آنالیز ابعادی معرفی گردید. روابط بین  و عمق بحرانی جریان () با استفاده از ترسیم نمودار مربوطه برای دو تیپ متفاوت و 983/0 R2= و 998/0 R2= بدست آمد. سپس با ترسیم نمودار مربوط به و رابطه ای برای محاسبه عمق بحرانی ارایه شد. نتایج نشان داد که مقدار دبی محاسباتی با استفاده از yc بدست آمده، با مقادیر آزمایشگاهی همخوانی دارد به طوری که رابطه بین آن ها دارای 982/0 R2= است.

    کلید واژگان: سرریز زیگزاگی, ضریب دبی, مدل هیدرولیکی, رگرسیون}
    Ehsan Parsi *, Masoumeh Zeinali, Kazem Allahdadi, Mohammad Ansari Ghojghar

    Labyrinth weirs are among the hydraulic structures that are constructed to regulate the water level and control the flow in canals, rivers and reservoirs of dams. This structure is designed to transmit large currents in low heads by increasing the effective length of the overflow crown. The crest axis of this type of weirs is indirect and in showing the horizontal surface, the overflow is composed of interconnected walls. Labyrinth weirs are repeated with triangular, trapezoidal, rectangular and arc geometries alternating in flow width. The main criterion in the labyrinth design of the weirs was to increase the flow transmission capacity on the overflow with a fixed canopy and for a certain height of the water level upstream of the weir. In this study, 145 laboratory data were used, including four types of arc labyrinth weirs with different arc radius and tangent lengths. The discharge efficiency was introduced as a dimensionless parameter  using dimensional analysis. The relationships between  and the critical depth of flow (y_C/P) were obtained using graphs for two different types, R2 = 0.983 and R2 = 0.998. Then a graph to y_(C_Lt )/P and H_t/P a relation to calculate the critical depth were presented. The results showed that the calculated flow rate obtained using yc is consistent with laboratory values so that the relationship between them is R2 = 0.982.Labyrinth weirs are among the hydraulic structures that are constructed to regulate the water level and control the flow in canals, rivers and reservoirs of dams. This structure is designed to transmit large currents in low heads by increasing the effective length of the overflow crown. The crest axis of this type of weirs is indirect and in showing the horizontal surface, the overflow is composed of interconnected walls. Labyrinth weirs are repeated with triangular, trapezoidal, rectangular and arc geometries alternating in flow width. The main criterion in the labyrinth design of the weirs was to increase the flow transmission capacity on the overflow with a fixed canopy and for a certain height of the water level upstream of the weir. In this study, 145 laboratory data were used, including four types of arc labyrinth weirs with different arc radius and tangent lengths. The discharge efficiency was introduced as a dimensionless parameter  using dimensional analysis. The relationships between  and the critical depth of flow (y_C/P) were obtained using graphs for two different types, R2 = 0.983 and R2 = 0.998. Then a graph to y_(C_Lt )/P and H_t/P a relation to calculate the critical depth were presented. The results showed that the calculated flow rate obtained using yc is consistent with laboratory values so that the relationship between them is R2 = 0.982.Labyrinth weirs are among the hydraulic structures that are constructed to regulate the water level and control the flow in canals, rivers and reservoirs of dams. This structure is designed to transmit large currents in low heads by increasing the effective length of the overflow crown. The crest axis of this type of weirs is indirect and in showing the horizontal surface, the overflow is composed of interconnected walls. Labyrinth weirs are repeated with triangular, trapezoidal, rectangular and arc geometries alternating in flow width. The main criterion in the labyrinth design of the weirs was to increase the flow transmission capacity on the overflow with a fixed canopy and for a certain height of the water level upstream of the weir. In this study, 145 laboratory data were used, including four types of arc labyrinth weirs with different arc radius and tangent lengths. The discharge efficiency was introduced as a dimensionless parameter  using dimensional analysis. The relationships between  and the critical depth of flow (y_C/P) were obtained using graphs for two different types, R2 = 0.983 and R2 = 0.998. Then a graph to y_(C_Lt )/P and H_t/P a relation to calculate the critical depth were presented. The results showed that the calculated flow rate obtained using yc is consistent with laboratory values so that the relationship between them is R2 = 0.982.Labyrinth weirs are among the hydraulic structures that are constructed to regulate the water level and control the flow in canals, rivers and reservoirs of dams. This structure is designed to transmit large currents in low heads by increasing the effective length of the overflow crown. The crest axis of this type of weirs is indirect and in showing the horizontal surface, the overflow is composed of interconnected walls. Labyrinth weirs are repeated with triangular, trapezoidal, rectangular and arc geometries alternating in flow width. The main criterion in the labyrinth design of the weirs was to increase the flow transmission capacity on the overflow with a fixed canopy and for a certain height of the water level upstream of the weir. In this study, 145 laboratory data were used, including four types of arc labyrinth weirs with different arc radius and tangent lengths. The discharge efficiency was introduced as a dimensionless parameter  using dimensional analysis. The relationships between  and the critical depth of flow (y_C/P) were obtained using graphs for two different types, R2 = 0.983 and R2 = 0.998. Then a graph to y_(C_Lt )/P and H_t/P a relation to calculate the critical depth were presented. The results showed that the calculated flow rate obtained using yc is consistent with laboratory values so that the relationship between them is R2 = 0.982.

    Keywords: labyrinth weirs, Discharge Efficiency, Hydraulic Model, Regression}
  • Madhuri Rahul Mulay *, Mahendra S. Kadu, Sanjay V. Dahasahasra
    Water is the most essential component for sustaining lives of humans and other living creatures. Supplying potable water with adequate residual pressure is a fundamental responsibility of city administration, which they do during normal conditions. But sometimes, abnormal conditions are formed resulting pressure deficient conditions during the daily operations of water distribution networks. These are caused due to common occurrences such as pump failure, pipe bursts, and isolation of major pipes from the system for planned maintenance work and excessive firefighting demands. Total water stop conditions may arise, when the major source supplying water to the city fails in natural disaster such as floods, Tsunami, earthquake or manmade disaster such as terrorist attack. Unlike the pipe failure, longer time is required for restoring water in case of source failure condition. In such situations, the quantity of water is generally decreased and the water distribution systems (WDS) may not be able to satisfy all consumers’ demands. In this context, the assumption that all demands are fully satisfied regardless of the pressure in the system becomes unreasonable. A realistic behavior of the network performance can only be attained by considering demands to be pressure dependent. This paper aims to describe how pressure dependent demand analysis is useful for the simulation of disaster scenario due to source failure of the Shirpur town. The simulation of failure scenario is carried out using WaterGEMs software. The paper also aims to prepare the action plans for the recovery of water supply in such crisis conditions.
    Keywords: Demand, Driven Analysis, Disaster, Disaster Management Plan, Hydraulic Model, Pressure Dependent Demand}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
درخواست پشتیبانی - گزارش اشکال