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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « zero energy building » در نشریات گروه « عمران »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «zero energy building» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • Ghasem Azizi Daronkolaie *, Fatemeh Azizi Daronkolaee

    Challenges in recent decades for humans and the rapidly changing planet. The increase in pollution and difficult access to energy despite the problems of war and political and economic disputes between countries and the rapid decrease in the amount of energy in the world, which with this growth rate, is a tangible danger for the whole world. It prompted scientists to look for new methods of energy production and consumption. In this article, we are looking for a topic of such projects, which are called zero energy buildings. As it is understood from the name of this project, the result of all energy consumption and production in these buildings must be zero or the energy production of the building should be more than its consumption, which is the concept of energy related to all the energy in the building such as thermal, electrical and ... which should be considered in the initial calculations and construction. For this purpose, this research, which is a descriptive analytical research, was conducted using library resources and electronic books and articles. We will review the execution and performance of architecture in zero energy building and concepts related to passive energy and building orientation for energy production, architectural components and materials of zero energy building, review the economic approach and leading challenges, construction and operation in connection with zero energy building. The results obtained from this research, zero energy buildings are faced with upcoming challenges such as technical knowledge, efficient and trained staff, and existing laws and regulations. Accordingly, the need to reduce energy consumption and optimize it is felt more and more. Zero energy buildings are the best solution to moderate energy consumption in housing. But reaching this goal has basic and fundamental needs that must be met. © 2017 Journals-Researchers. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Architecture, zero energy building, energy}
  • مجتبی حکیمی، محمدجواد کاظمینی*، عباس تاج الدینی

    با توجه به اینکه بخش قابل توجهی از میزان سهم مصرف انرژی در بین بخشهای مصرف کننده، مربوط به بخش خانگی و تجاری می باشد و این سهم همچنان رو به افزایش بوده، لزوم تحقیق در مدیریت مصرف انرژی و بررسی شاخص های موثر در صنعت ساختمان سازی کشور در راستای بهینه سازی مصرف انرژی حیاتی به نظر می رسد. یکی از مناسب ترین روش ها، بهینه سازی مصرف سوخت در بخش ساختمان و مسکن، اجرای ساختمان های با مصرف انرژی صفر بوده که در دنیا به عنوان راهکار اصلی در این خصوص مد نظر قرار گرفته است. در این تحقیق پس از بررسی جامعه و نمونه آماری اقدام به جمع آوری داده ها جهت بررسی معیارهای موثر و گزینه های مرتبط با مدیریت مصرف انرژی پرداخته شده است، در ابتدا با روش دلفی فازی نسبت به بررسی زیرمعیارها وانتخاب گزینه های اصلی هر معیار در سطح ابتدایی پرداخته و در سطح دوم به تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات و مدل تحقیق از طریق بررسی مقایسات زوجی با استفاده از تکنیک تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی پرداخته شده است. در نهایت مهمترین شاخص ها و معیارها با استفاده از تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی حاصل می گردد. براساس یافته های تحقیق، در بین شاخصهای مدیریت بهینه سازی مصرف انرژی مورد بررسی به روش FAHP قابل مشاهده است که گزینه شاخص اقتصادی، عمرانی و تاسیساتی به ترتیب با ضرایب 333/0 ، 201/0 و 176/0 از بالاترین اولویت مدیریت بهینه سازی مصرف انرژی با رویکرد ساختمان انرژی صفر برخورداراست.

    کلید واژگان: ساختمان انرژی صفر, مدیریت انرژی, بهینه سازی, چرخه انرژی, مصرف انرژی, دلفی فازی, FAHP}
    Mojtaba Hakimi, MohammadJavad Kazemeini *, Abbas Tajaddini

    Considering that a significant portion of the share of energy consumption among consumer sectors is in the home and commercial sectors and this share is still increasing, there is a need for research in energy consumption management and evaluation of effective indicators in the building industry. Building the country is vital to optimizing energy consumption. One of the most appropriate ways to optimize fuel consumption in the building and housing sector is the implementation of zero energy buildings which is considered as the main solution in the world. In this research, after analyzing the population and statistical sample, data were collected to evaluate effective criteria and options related to energy consumption management. First, fuzzy Delphi method was used to evaluate the sub-criteria and select the main options of each. At first level the criterion is discussed and at the second level the data analysis and research model is analyzed through paired comparisons using fuzzy hierarchical analysis technique. Finally, the most important indicators and criteria are obtained using fuzzy hierarchical analysis. According to the research findings, among the energy consumption optimization management indices investigated by the FAHP method, the economic, construction and utilities indices with 0.333, 0. 201 and 0.176 have the highest management priority, respectively. Energy-efficient optimization has a zero-energy building approach.

    Keywords: zero energy building, Energy management, optimization, Energy Cycle, energy consumption, Fuzzy Delphi, FAHP}
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