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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « load » در نشریات گروه « مکانیک »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «load» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • C. Cao, Y. Zhang *
    The paper presents the multiscale analysis for the hydrodynamic step bearing with ultra low surface clearances where only the physical adsorbed layer is present in the outlet zone and the continuum fluid flow mainly occurs in the inlet zone. This bearing can occur under heavy loads. The flow in the outlet zone is described by the nanoscale flow equation, while the flow in the inlet zone is described by the multiscale flow equation incorporating both the adsorbed layer flow and the intermediate continuum fluid flow. The pressure and carried load of the bearing were derived. Exemplary calculations show that the fluid-bearing surface interaction has the strongest influence on the pressure and carried load of this bearing when the bearing surface clearance is as small as possible, the bearing step size is close to the surface clearance in the outlet zone and the value of the geometrical parameter  is the optimum one, which depends on the fluid-bearing surface interaction. For the strong fluid-bearing surface interaction, the carried load of the bearing can be 10 times higher than that calculated from the classical hydrodynamic lubrication theory.
    Keywords: Bearing, Hydrodynamics, Load, model, Multiscale, Pressure}
  • M. Muruganandam *, P. C. Mukesh Kumar
    The implications of Internal Combustion (IC) Engines are complex now a day in a fast living technical field. Much work have been done on IC engines to enhance their performances with engine modification, alternate fuels, fuel supply system, combustion system and cooling systems. However every trial has its own merits and demerits. In particular, reaching the limit of conventional coolants. In this investigation, so called novel fluids MWCNT nanofluids at 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5%volume concentration are taken as IC engine coolant to study its performances and compare with the performances of water. The test is performed at five electrical loadings and by keeping flow rate of coolant 300 LPH as constant. It is found that the mechanical efficiency is enhanced by 13 to 24%, the Break thermal efficiency increases by 9-21%, the TFC reduces 9-19%, and the exhaust temperature of the engine decreases by 5-10% at 0.3% vol. concentration of nanofluids. The 0.3% nanofluids found to have better performance while compared with water at the same engine conditions.
    Keywords: Conventional fluid, Nanofluid, Stability, Load, Performance}
  • مصطفی امام پور، رضا پورزند، سعیده حشمتی
    اکثر کارتن های کنگره دار به وسیله پالت ها نگهداری و حمل می شوند. فاصله (شکاف) بین تخته روی کف پالت تاثیر نامطلوبی بر استحکام جعبه دارد و باعث کاهش مقاومت فشاری در جعبه می شود. از این رو؛ برای تنظیم مقاومت فشاری جعبه از عواملی به نام تنظیم و اصلاح استفاده می شود. و عامل تنظیم و اصلاح فقط در بررسی فاصله بین تخته کف، اندازه جعبه و جهت جعبه کاربرد دارد و این امر بیان کننده محدودیت در عامل تنظیم و اصلاح می باشد. علاوه بر این، هیچ یک از مدل های پیشنهادی نمی توانند بر اساس اندازه جعبه و شکاف، میزان کاهش مقاومت فشاری جعبه ها را برآورد کنند. هدف اصلی این مقاله؛ بررسی تاثیر فاصله (شکاف) بین تخته کف پالت بر کاهش مقاومت فشاری تولید شده که با استفاده از داده های تجربی به دست آمده از طریق بررسی دو جعبه با اندازه های متفاوت می باشد. نتایج به دست آمده از این مقاله، نشان داد؛ به علت افزایش فاصله بین تخته کف پالت ها، مقاومت فشاری کاهش می یابد. شکاف ها به مراتب تاثیر کمتری بر روی استحکام جعبه های بزرگ تر (به عرضی معادل mm305) نسبت به جعبه های کوچک تر می گذارند. با توجه به تحقیقاتی که در این مطالعه انجام شد؛ اگر mm10 از هر گوشه کارتن روی شکاف ها قرار گیرد و یا اینکه یک شکاف بزرگ را به دو شکاف کوچک تر و مساوی تقسیم کرد، استحکام جعبه کاهش می یابد. در این راستا، مک کی معادله ای مطرح کرد و با تجزیه و تحلیل های انجام شده؛ دریافت که این معادله، قادر به پیش بینی کاهش مقاومت فشاری تولید شده توسط شکاف بین تخته کف پالت می باشد. دقت پیش بینی در معادله مک کی توسط تغییرات ذاتی کارتن کنگره ای محدود می-شود.
    کلید واژگان: پالت, کارتن کنگره دار, جعبه, مقاومت فشاری, تخته کف, شکاف, بسته بندی, بار واحد}
    Mostafa Emampour, Reza Pourzand, Saeede Heshmati
    The majority of corrugated boxes are transported and stored on pallets where the reduced support area due to deckboard gaps has an adverse effect on the strength of the corrugated boxes. Therefore, an adjustment factor is used to adjust the box compression strength to account for the lack of support, but these factors were developed for a limited range of deckboard gaps, box sizes, and box orientations. In addition. There is no predictive model that can estimate the reduction in compression strength based on the size of the box and the size of the gap. The main objective of this study was to investigate and predict the loss in compression strength produced by top deckboards with a wide range of gaps between them using empirical data from two different corrugated box sizes. Results indicated that corrugated box compression strength decreased as the gap between the pallet deckboards increased. Larger boxes(305 mm wide) were far less susceptible to the effect of gaps than the smaller boxes. A decrease in strength was observed when the location of the gap was relocated within 10 mm of the box corner. Gaps were found to produce the same reduction in compression strength when subdivided found the equation to be capable of predicting the loss in compression strength produced by gaps. The predictive accuracy was similar to the original McKee equation, and thus equally limited by the inherently large variation in corrugated boxes.
    Keywords: Pallet, Corrugated, Box, Compression, Package, Unit, Load}
  • حسین فراهت، سیدیوسف احمدی بروغنی*
    در مقاله حاضر، ظرفیت جذب انرژی فوم آلومینیوم A356 تقویت شده با ذرات SiC تحت بار ضربه ای مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته و نتایج جدیدی حاصل گردید. ماده فومی با استفاده از روش ذوبی به کمک عامل فوم ساز CaCO3، ساخته شد. دستگاه آزمون ضربه سقوطی در مقیاس آزمایشگاهی طراحی و ساخته شد. مدار کامل نیروسنج دینامیکی (لودسل) طراحی و روی آن نصب گردید. آزمایش ضربه با استفاده از یک ضارب نیم کروی و با سرعت 6.70 m/s، بر روی نمونه های فوم انجام شد. نمودار تغییرات نیرو بر حسب زمان به دست آمد و نتایج حاصله، با نتایج به دست آمده از سنسور پیزوالکتریک مقایسه شد که مطابقت خوبی بین آن ها وجود دارد. پاسخ ضربه به دست آمده برای فوم-کامپوزیتی A356/SiCp، یک پاسخ کم نوسان (حداکثر با 5.8% نوسان) و پایدار است که بیانگر طراحی مناسب ماشین و خروجی قابل اعتماد آن می باشد. هم خوانی رفتار ماده با نتایج محققین دیگر نیز، بر این امر صحه می گذارد. پاسخ مذکور شامل سه ناحیه الاستیک، بار پلاتو و شکست می باشد؛ در ناحیه پلاتو، فوم می تواند تغییرشکل های پلاستیک را در یک بار تقریبا ثابت تحمل نماید. پایان ناحیه پلاتو و شروع ناحیه شکست ماده، در لحظه ای اتفاق می افتد که نرخ انرژی جذب شده توسط فوم کاهش می یابد. مقدار بار پلاتو و انرژی جذب شده که توسط لودسل برآورد شده است، بترتیب برابر با 1.62 kN و 22.04 J بوده که در مقایسه با سنسور پیزوالکتریک، دارای خطای نسبی 1.8 و 7.7 درصد می باشد. مقدار (و درصد) انرژی جذب شده در نواحی الاستیک، پلاتو و شکست بترتیب برابر با 6.07 J (27.5%)، 6.58 J (29.9%) و 9.39 J (42.6%) می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: فوم کامپوزیتیA356, SiCp, آزمون ضربه سقوطی, مدار لودسل, جذب انرژی}
    Hossein Farahat, Seyed Yousef Ahmadi, Brooghani *
    In this paper, the energy absorption capacity of A356 aluminum foam reinforced by SiC particles under impact loading was studied. The foam was manufactured by direct foaming of melts with blowing agent CaCO3. The drop-weight impact testing machine was designed and fabricated. The dynamic load-cell circuit was designed and mounted on the impactor. The impact test was carried out using a hemispherical indenter with a velocity of 6.70 m/s on the foam specimens, and the load-time history data was obtained. The results were compared with the results reported by a piezoelectric force sensor and validated. The obtained impact response of A356/SiCp composite foam is stable, which represents a suitable design of the machine and its reliable output. This is emphasized by comparison of material behavior with the results of other researchers. The response includes three stages: an initial linear behavior, a plateau of load and failure of the foam. In plateau region, the plastic deformations can be tolerated by the foam at nearly constant load. The end of plateau region and beginning of the failure region occur at the moment when the rate of energy absorbed by the foam is decreasing. The values of plateau load and absorbed energy estimated from load-cell are 1.62 kN and 22.04 J respectively, which has a relative error of 1.8% and 7.7% in comparison with piezoelectric sensor. The value and percent of absorbed energy were obtained as 6.07 J, 6.58 J, 9.39 J and 27.5%, 29.9%, 42.6% for elastic, plateau and failure regions respectively.
    Keywords: A356, SiCp composite foam, Drop, weight impact test, Load, cell circuit, Energy absorption}
  • J. Kaur, P. Thakur*, S.B. Singh
    Seth’s transition theory is applied to the problems of thickness variation parameterin a thin rotating disc by finite deformation. Neither the yield criterion nor the associated flow rule is assumed here. The results obtained here are applicable to compressible materials. If the additional condition of incompressibility is imposed, then the expression for stresses corresponds to those arising from Tresca yield condition. It has observed that for rotating disc made of compressible material required higher angular speed to yield at the internal surface as compare to disc made of incompressible material and a much higher angular speed is required to yield with the increase in radii ratio. With the introduction of thermal effects, lesser angular speed is required to yield at the internal surface. Thermal effect in the disc increase the value of circumferential stress at the internal surface and radial stresses at the external surface for compressible as compare to incompressible material.
    Keywords: Plastic, Transitional, Finitesimal, Stresses, Disc, Load, Temperature}
  • صالح اکبرزاده، مرتضی پارسا
    چرخ دنده ها معمولا به طور گسترده برای انتقال توان بین دو محورموازی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. تحلیل لایه روان کاری که در بین دندانه های چرخ دنده های درگیر تشکیل می شود از اهمیت بالایی در پیش بینی عملکرد سیستم انتقال قدرت و همچنین افت مجموعه و خرابی سطوح چرخ دنده می باشد. سطوح چرخ دنده نسبت به سطوح اجزایی مانند یاتاقان های غلتشی زبرتر است و این باعث می شود که اثرات زبری درتحلیل عملکرد چرخ دنده از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار باشد. در این پژوهش، به کمک روش تقسیم بار تحلیل چرخ دنده های ساده که در رژیم الاستوهیدرودینامیک مخلوط عمل می نمایند تحلیل شده است. در اثر تماس زبری های سطح چرخ دنده و پینیون، زبری ها دچار تغییر شکل های الاستیک، الاستوپلاستیک و پلاستیک کامل می شوند. درگیری پینیون و چرخ دنده برای هر نقطه در امتداد خط عمل با دو استوانه جایگزین شده است. شعاع استوانه ها و بار انتقالی در امتداد خط عمل محاسبه شده است. خروجی های این مدل، ضخامت لایه روان کار، ضریب اصطکاک و میزان بار تحمل شده توسط لایه روان کار و میزان بار تحمل شده توسط تماس زبری ها می باشد که به کمک روش تقسیم بار تعیین می گردد. صحت سنجی مدل پیشنهادی با مقایسه نتایج پیش بینی شده در این مدل با نتایج مدل های موجود در زمینه تحلیل چرخ دنده های ساده انجام شده است.
    کلید واژگان: چرخ دنده ساده, روش تقسیم بار, پارامتر فیلم روان کار, ضریب اصطکاک}
    Saleh Akbarzadeh, Morteza Parsa
    Gears are widely used to transmit power between two parallel shafts. Study on the lubricant film which is formed between the engaged teeth of pinion and gear is of high importance in predicting the performance of the power transmission system as well as surface failure and wear. Gear surfaces in comparison to rolling element bearings have a higher surface roughness and thus considering the surface roughness is important in gear analysis. In this research، the performance of a pinion-gear system operating under mixed-elastohydrodynamic lubrication is being investigated using load-sharing concept. The contacting asperities might experience elastic، elasto-plastic or fully plastic contact. The engagement of pinion and gear for each point along the line of action is replaced with contact of two cylinders. The radii of these cylinders as well as the exerted load vary along the line of action. Using load-sharing concept، the proposed model can predict the lubricant film thickness، friction coefficient، and portion of the total load that is carried by asperities as well as lubricant film. The predicted results are verified by comparison to other available methods which are published in the literature.
    Keywords: Spur gear, Load, sharing concept, Film parameter, Friction coefficient}
  • M. Mohammadi, A. Farajpour, M. Goodarzi, H. Mohammadi
    In this study, the vibration behavior of circular and annular graphene sheet embedded in a Visco-Pasternak foundation and coupled with temperature change and under in-plane pre-load is studied. The single-layered annular graphene sheet is coupled by an enclosing viscoelastic medium which is simulated as a Visco- Pasternak foundation. By using the nonlocal elasticity theory and classical plate theory, the governing equation is derived for single-layered graphene sheets (SLGSs). The closed-form solution for frequency vibration of circular graphene sheets has been obtained and nonlocal parameter, in-plane pre-load, the parameters of elastic medium and temperature change appears into arguments of Bessel functions. To verify the accuracy of the present results, the new version differential quadrature method (DQM) is also developed. Closed-form results are successfully verified with those of the DQM results. The results are subsequently compared with valid result reported in the literature. The effects of the small scale, pre-load, mode number, temperature change, elastic medium and boundary conditions on natural frequencies are investigated. The non-dimensional frequency decreases at high temperature case with increasing the temperature change for all boundary conditions. The effect of temperature change on the non-dimensional frequency vibration becomes the opposite at high temperature case in compression with the low temperature case. The present research work thus reveals that the nonlocal parameter, boundary conditions, temperature change and initial pre-load have significant effects on vibration response of the circular nanoplates. The present analysis results can be used for the design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the thermal vibration properties of the graphene.
    Keywords: Vibration, Annular graphene sheet, Temperature change, In, plane pre, load}
  • A.H. Ghorbanpour Arani, M.J. Maboudi, A. Ghorbanpour Arani, S. Amir
    In this study, thermo-nonlocal vibration of double bonded graphene sheet (DBGS) subjectedto 2D-magnetic field under biaxial in-plane pre-load are presented. The elastic forces between layers of graphene sheet (GS) are taken into account by Pasternak foundation and the classical plate theory (CLPT) and continuum orthotropic elastic plate are used. The nonlocal theory of Eringen and Maxwell’s relations are employed to incorporate the smallscale effect and magnetic field effects, respectively, into the governing equations of the GSs. The differential quadrature method (DQM) is used to solve the governing differential equations for simply supported edges. The detailed parametric study is conducted, focusing on the remarkable effects of the angle and magnitude of magnetic field, different type of loading condition for couple system, tensile and compressive in-plane pre-load, aspect ratio and nonlocal parameter on the vibration behavior of the GSs. The result of this study can be useful to design of micro electro mechanical systems and nano electro mechanical systems.
    Keywords: Nonlocal vibration, Thermo, nonlocal, Couple system, 2D, magnetic field, Biaxial in, plane pre, load}
  • صالح اکبرزاده
    ه علت ملاحظات مربوط به هزینه و انرژی، همواره این علاقمندی وجود دارد که قطعات مکانیکی تحت شرایط بهینه و با عمر زیاد عمل نمایند. بسیاری از قطعات مکانیکی که نیاز به روان کاری دارند مانند چرخدنده ها، یاتاقان ها، و پیرو و بادامک ها معمولا در رژیم روان کاری مخلوط عمل می نمایند. عمر کاری این قطعات به دو رژیم تقسیم می گردد: دوران گذار سایش و دوران پایا. در این تحقیق مدلی نسبتا سریع که توانایی پیش بینی تغییرات زبری سطح در دوران گذار سایش را داشته باشد ارائه شده است. نتایج پیش بینی شده در این مدل با نتایج تجربی حاصل از تماس دو غلتک روان کاری شده اعتبارسنجی شده است. اثرات پارامترهای مختلف مانند بار، سرعت، زبری اولیه، و سختی ماده بر تغییرات زبری در این دوران نشان داده شده است.
    کلید واژگان: روانکاری مخلوط, دوران گذار سایش, روش تقسیم بار, تماس مستطیلی}
    Due to the energy concerns, it is always desired to run the mechanical elements under optimized operating conditions. Many lubricated mechanical elements such as gears, rolling element bearings, cam and followers etc. usually operate under mixed-lubrication regime. In this regime, both the lubricant film as well as the asperities contribute in carrying the load. The life span of these elements is divided into two regimes: running-in and steady-state. In this research an efficient model has been presented to predict the variation in asperities height during running-in. The predicted results are verified with experimentally-obtained published data. A parametric study on the effect of operating conditions such as load and speed as well as initial surface roughness and material hardness on the roughness variation during running-in has been conducted.
    Keywords: Mixed, lubrication, running, in, load, sharing method, rectangular contact}
  • M. Mohammadi, M. Goodarzi, M. Ghayour, S. Alivand
    In this study, the free vibration behavior of orthotropic rectangular graphene sheet embedded in an elastic medium under biaxial pre-load is studied. Using the nonlocal elasticity theory, the governing equation is derived for single-layered graphene sheets (SLGS). Differential quadrature method (DQM) has been used to solve the governing equations for various boundary conditions. To verify the accuracy of the present results, a Navier’s approach is also developed. DQM results are successfully verified with those of the Navier’s approach. The results are subsequently compared with valid result reported in the literature. The effects of the small scale, pre-load, Winkler and Pasternak foundations and material properties on natural frequencies are investigated. The results are shown that with the decrease of in-plane pre-loads the curves isotropic and orthotropic non-dimensional frequency in approaches close to each other.
    Keywords: Nonlocal elasticity theory, Vibration, Biaxial in, plane pre, load, Orthotropic Nanoplates, Pasternak foundation}
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