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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "superparamagnetic" در نشریات گروه "مواد و متالورژی"

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «superparamagnetic» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
جستجوی superparamagnetic در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • Amit Bandekar*, Pravin Tirmali, Paresh Gaikar, Shriniwas Kulkarni, Nana Pradhan

    The Mn-Zn ferrite with a composition of Mn0.25Mg0.08Cu0.25Zn0.42Fe2O4 has been synthesized in this study using the chemical sol-gel technique at a pH of 7. The sample was prepared and subsequently annealed at a temperature of 700°C. The nanocrystalline ferrite samples were subjected to characterization using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Thermogravimetry (TG), and Differential thermal analysis (DTA). The findings of these observations are delineated and deliberated. The sample's phase composition was verified using X-ray diffraction examination. The crystalline size was determined using Scherrer's formula and was observed to be within the range of 20-75 nm. Two notable stretching bands were seen in the FTIR spectra within the range of 400-650 cm-1. The spinel structure of the produced nanoparticles was confirmed by these two bands. The magnetic characteristics of the powder were examined using a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). The presence of M-H hysteresis loops suggests that the produced nanoparticles have superparamagnetic properties, as evidenced by their low coercive force, remanent magnetization, and saturation magnetization values.

    Keywords: Ferrite, Sol-Gel Method, Nanocrystalline, Superparamagnetic
  • Kamran Heydaryan, Mohammad Almasi Kashi

    Magnetic hyperthermia is a promising cancer treatment approach in which magnetic nanoparticles are used, offering unique properties such as higher penetration depth and precise thermal control that make them effective for cancer treatment. In addition, the sensitivity of cancer cells to heat and the role of magnetic nanoparticles are very effective in combined treatments. Here, CoFe2O4 nanoparticles are synthesized using a co-precipitation method under gas atmosphere during the synthesis process. The characteristics and properties of the synthesized nanoparticles are investigated using XRD, FESEM, and VSM analyses. The XRD results confirm the formation of cobalt nanoparticles. FESEM investigations reveal that the nanoparticles have uniform surface morphology and spherical shape. The VSM results show that the CoFe2O4 nanoparticles possess superparamagnetic properties as confirmed by FORC analysis. Under the gas atmosphere, saturation magnetization (Ms) and coercivity (Hc) of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles are obtained to be 41.5 emu/g and 34.1 Oe, respectively, whereas the nanoparticles synthesized without the gas atmosphere show Ms=33.8 emu/g and Hc=42.3 Oe. The magnetic hyperthermia of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles is measured by preparing concentrations of 1, 3, and 5 mg/ml of the nanoparticles under a magnetic field of 400 Oe and a frequency of 400 kHz. The results show that the highest magnetic hyperthermia is achieved at a concentration of 3 mg/ml, and the SLP value is 190.3 W/g. Overall, these findings suggest that the co-precipitation method is an effective approach for synthesizing biocompatible CoFe2O4 nanoparticles as confirmed by MTT analysis, having desirable properties for various applications, especially for magnetic hyperthermia.

    Keywords: Magnetic nanoparticles, CoFe2O4, superparamagnetic, specific absorption rate, magnetic hyperthermia, gas atmosphere
  • Maryam Bahmanpour *, Hamid Ghayour
    In the present work, for the first time, a classical-quantum model is established for comparing the magnetization of ferromagnetic/ superparamagnetic nanoparticles under AC magnetic fields (during the magnetic hyperthermia process). For this purpose, the fundamental Brillouin function was used and the physical properties of ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic nanoparticles were separated using this function. In the following, using the presented model, the magnetization of magnetic nanoparticles was compared under AC magnetic field. The results showed that in both classical and quantum states, the magnetization of ferromagnetic nanoparticles under an AC magnetic field was higher than that of superparamagnetic ones. Also, to confirm the correctness of the presented model, the output of the model was adapted to the Curie law in the classical mode and the Curie-Weiss law in the quantum mode. The correspondence between the magnetization obtained from the proposed model and the magnetization obtained from the Weiss molecular field was also confirmed.
    Keywords: magnetic hyperthermia, ferromagnetic nanoparticles, Superparamagnetic
  • A. A. Taheri *, M. Taghilou
    In thermal protection of healthy tissues during hyperthermia with the phase-change micro/nano-materials, the impossibility of performing a similar experiment with the theoretical parameters is inevitable because of different errors such as modeling, measuring, particle deposition area, etc. These errors may affect the practical thermal protection from damaging the healthy tissue or not destroying the tumor tissue. To perform a numerical procedure, the electrical potential is obtained solving the Laplace equation and the Pennes Biothermal equation is used to find the temperature distribution in the tissue using the finite difference method. The Pennes equation is transiently resolved by considering intracellular conductance, blood perfusion, and metabolic heating. Consequently, the deviation and the uncertainty of each parameters in the thermal protection including the concentration of the phase change material, the radius of microcapsules, the latent heat, the melting point, the temperature range of phase change of micro/nanoparticles, and the concentration and the radius of the superparamagnetic materials are investigated. According to the results of the uncertainty analysis, the radius of the superparamagnetic materials is the most important parameter so that a 20% deviation from the numerical value changes the temperature of the tissue up to 4 °C.
    Keywords: Electromagnetic field, Hyperthermia, Phase-Change micro, nano Martials, Superparamagnetic, Micro, Nano Particles, Uncertainty analysis
  • فرناز مغازهء*، داوود قنبری

    نمونه های حاوی نانوذرات اکسیدآهن به روش هم رسوبی در مایکروویو با استفاده از آب و اتیلن گلیکول به عنوان حلال سنتز شدند. سنتز در حضور عوامل فعال‏کننده سطحی نشاسته، لاکتوز و سدیم دو دسیل سولفات (SDS) تکرار شد. تحلیل‏ با میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی(SEM)و پراش پرتو ایکس (XRD)جهت بررسی نانوساختار نمونه ها انجام شد. نتایج SEM نشان دادند که نوع حلال و عامل فعال‏کننده سطحی در خصوصیات نانوساختاری نمونه ها موثرند. در مرحله بعد با استفاده از نانوذرات اکسیدآهن تهیه شده و نیترات نقره، نانوکامپوزیت هسته-پوسته تهیه شد و نانوساختار آن با استفاده از تحلیل های SEM و میکروسکوپ الکترونی عبوری ((TEM مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. قطر میانگین نانوذرات در تمام نمونه ها توسط نرم افزار SEM در محدودهnm 40-55 و با دقت بیشتر به کمک نرم افزار Motic مابین nm 44-64 بدست آمد. طیف های تهیه شده توسط طیف سنج مادون قرمز تبدیل فوریه(FT-IR) برای نانوکامپوزیت و نمونه حاوی اکسیدآهن نیز نشان دادند که نمونه های تقریبا خالصی بدست آمده است. همچنین منحنی های هیسترزیس بدست آمده از مغناطیس سنج نمونه ارتعاشی (VSM) نشان دادند که هر دو نمونه دارای خاصیت سوپر پارامغناطیسی هستند. در نهایت برای تایید رفتار فتوکاتالیستی این نانوکامپوزیت، از دو محلول رنگی متیل اورنج و کنگورد حاوی نانوکامپوزیت تحت تابش پرتو فرابنفش استفاده شد و اثر مقدار ماده جاذب، pH محلول و مدت زمان پرتودهی روی درصد کاهش غلظت رنگ محلول ها مورد بررسی قرار گرفت که حدود 90٪ کاهش غلظت رنگ برای مقدار جاذب gr/lit 9/.، 2=pH و مدت زمان تابش 80 دقیقه بدست آمد.

    کلید واژگان: سوپرپارامغناطیس, نانوذرات اکسید آهن, نانو ساختار, نانو فتوکاتالیست, نانوکامپوزیت اکسید آهن, نقره
    Farnaz Maghazeii *, Davood Ghanbari

    We prepared samples including nanoparticles of Fe3O4 via co-precipitation method with microwave heating using water and ethylene glycol as solvent. The procedure was repeated with various natural surfactants. XRD and SEM analysis was performed to determine the nanostructural characteristics of nanoparticles. SEM analysis disclosed that the type of surfactant and solvent will affect the nanostructures. In the next stage, Fe3O4/Ag nanocomposite was prepared using magnetite nanoparticles and AgNO3 by microwave method and its nanostructure was defined by SEM and TEM analysis. The mean diameter was determined between 40-55 nm from SEM software and 44-64 nm by Motic software for particles of all samples. Likewise, the purity of Fe3O4 nanoparticles and prepared nanocomposite were documented by FT-IR spectrometry. All the products had pure nanoparticles of Ag and Fe3O4 which was agreed with XRD results. To evaluate the magnetic parameters of samples, VSM analysis were done. Hysteresis curves disclosed that all the products have superparamagnetic properties. We also assessed the photocatalytic potential of prepared nanocomposites using methyl orange and congo red solutions under UV radiation and the effect of concentration of absorbent, pH of solutions and the time of irradiation on the color removing was investigated. This study confirms that these Fe3O4/Ag nanocomposites can be used as recyclable photo-catalysts for water refinery in home and industries. The best result for color removing was for 0.9 gr/lit absorbent, pH=2 and t= 80 min for irradiation.

    Keywords: Fe3O4, Ag nanocomposite, Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Nano photo-catalyst, Nanostructure, Superparamagnetic
  • علیرضا میدانچی*، شیوا میرابی

    نانوکامپوزیت گرافن اکساید احیاشده با پوشش فریت روی (ZnFe2O4@rGO) با موفقیت بوسیله روش تک مرحله ای HT و روش دومرحله ای SG/HT برای اولین بار سنتز گردید. نتایج حاصل از تصاویر SEM و TEM نشان دادند صفحه های گرافن اکساید ناشی از سنتزهای HT و SG/HT به ترتیب ابعادی در بازه های µm 0.3-0.04 و µm 0.7-0.07 دارند و همچنین پوشش نانو ذرات ZnFe2O4 را روی این صفحه های گرافن اکسایدی نشان دادند. با توجه به این تصاویر اندازه نانو ذرات ZnFe2O4 روی صفحه های گرافن اکساید برای سنتزهای HT و SG/HT به ترتیب در بازه های nm 10-40 و nm 25-70 مشاهده گردید. . از مقایسه مقادیر بدست آمده برای شکاف انرژی نمونه ها مشخص می شود مقدار شکاف انرژی در سنتز SG/HT حدود 7 درصد کمتر از سنتز HT است. نسبت ID/IG با توجه به طیف رامان مقدار 0.88 بدست آمد که بیانگر سنتز باکیفیت گرافن اکساید است. نتایج حاصل از طیف FTIR، احیا موثر GO و همچنین شکل گیری کامپوزیت بین صفحه های rGO و نانوذرات ZnFe2O4 را برای هر دو روش سنتزSG/HT و HT اثبات کرد. نتایج بدست آمده از بررسی خاصیت مغناطیسی VSM و آهنربا با شدت T 1، خاصیت سوپرپارامغناطیسی هر دو نمونه را اثبات کرد. با توجه به نتایج بدست آمده از این تحقیق می توان گفت برای کاربردهای درمانی به روش فوتوترمال روش تک مرحله ای HT، و برای کاربردهای فوتوکاتالیستی و عامل کنتراست در MRI که خاصیت فوتوکاتالیستی و مغناطیسی بالاتر مدنظر باشد روش دو مرحله ای SG/HT می تواند انتخاب مناسبتری باشد.

    کلید واژگان: گرافن اکساید, نانوذرات فریت روی, سوپرپارامغناطیس, هیدروترمال, سل-ژل
    Alireza Meidanchi *, Shiva Mirabi

    Reduced graphene oxide coated with zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4@rGO) nanocomposite was successfully synthesized by the one-step hydrothermal (HT) and the two-step sol-gel/hydrothermal (SG/HT) methods. The results of SEM and TEM images showed that the graphene oxide sheets for HT and SG/HT syntheses had dimensions of 0.3-0.04 μm and 0.7-0.07 μm, respectively,. According to these images, the size of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles coted on graphene oxide sheets for HT and SG/HT syntheses were observed at 10-40 nm and 25-70 nm, respectively. Comparison of the optical absorption spectrum of ZnFe2O4@rGO nanocomposites synthesized by HT and SG/HT methods revealed that the amount of band gap energy in SG/HT synthesis was about 7% less than from SG/HT synthesis. According to the results obtained from the Raman spectrum for the synthesized graphene oxide sample, the ID/IG ratio was 0.88,. The results of FTIR spectra demonstrated effective reduction of GO as well as composite formation between rGO plates and ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles for both SG/HT and HT synthesis methods. The results of the magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4@rGO nanocomposites synthesized by HT and SG/HT methods by VSM and magnet with 1 T intensity, states that both methods of synthesis produced superparamagnetic materials,. Based on the results of this study, it can be said that for photothermal therapeutic applications which particle size and uniformity of ZnFe2O4@rGO nanocomposites are important, single-step HT method, and for photocatalytic applications and contrast agent in MRI, which need more photocatalytic and magnetic properties, the two-step SG/HT method can be better choice.

    Keywords: graphene oxide, zinc ferrite nanoparticles, superparamagnetic, hydrothermal, sol-gel
  • ریحانه فرازی، محمدرضا واعظی، محمدجعفر مولایی، مریم سعیدی فر
    در سال های اخیر حضور مواد بر پایه گرافن مانند اکسید گرافن به دلیل دارا بودن ویژگی های منحصر به فردی رشد چشم گیری در حوزه پزشکی داشته است. در این تحقیق نانوکامپوزیت اکسید گرافن- مگنتیت با قابلیت رهایش کنترل شده دارو به روش سنتز هم رسوبی روی لایه های اکسید گرافن تولید شد. مطالعات فازی، مورفولوژی ذرات، خواص مغناطیسی و بارگذاری و رهایش دارو به ترتیب به روش های XRD، FE-SERM، VSM و طیف سنجی ماوراء بنفش-مرئی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. طرح پراش اشعه ایکس شکل گیری مگنتیت و اکسید گرافن را در این کامپوزیت نشان داد. بررسی های میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی مشخص کرد اندازه متوسط ذرات مگنتیت سنتز شده 14 نانومتر است. مغناطش اشباع برای نانوکامپوزیت اکسید گرافن- مگنتیت emu/g 47 بود و این نانوکامپوزیت رفتار سوپر-پارامغناطیس از خود نشان داد. داروی دوکسوروبیسین هیدروکلراید روی این نانوکامپوزیت بارگذاری شد. بررسی های بارگذاری و رهایش دارو نشان داد که بازده کپسوله کردن و درصد بارگذاری دارو روی این سامانه به ترتیب 76/51% و 68/34% است. مدل رهایش این دارو مدل کورسمایر- پپاس تشخیص داده شد.
    کلید واژگان: اکسید گرافن, مگنتیت, سوپر پارامغناطیس, دارورسانی, دوکسوروبیسین هیدروکلراید
    Reyhaneh Farazi, Mohammad Reza Vaezi, Mohammad Jafar Molaei, Maryam Saeidifar
    Abstract Graphene based materials such as graphene oxide have been developed in the biomedical applications during recent years. In this research, graphene oxide/magnetite nanocomposite with drug controlled release ability was synthesized through coprecipitation on graphene oxide sheets. Phase analysis, particles morphology, magnetic properties, drug loading and release behavior of the synthesized nanocomposite was investigated using XRD, FESEM, VSM and UV-visible spectroscopy, respectively. XRD pattern showed formation of the graphene oxide/magnetite nanocomposite. FESEM images revealed that the mean particles size is 14 nm. The synthesized nanocomposite showed superparamagnetic characteristics while the saturation magnetization of the nanocomposite was 47 emu/g. Doxorubicin hydrochloride as an anti-cancer drug was loaded on the nanocomposite. Encapsulation efficiency and loading of the drug for the nanocomposite were 51.76% and 34.68%, respectively. The release model of the drug was best matched with Korsmeyer-Peppas model.
    Keywords: graphene oxide, magnetite, superparamagnetic, drug delivery, doxorubicin hydrochloride
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