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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Mass transfer » در نشریات گروه « مهندسی شیمی، نفت و پلیمر »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Mass transfer» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • Sepideh Roshdi *, Norollah Kasiri

    Liquid-liquid extraction is one of the main separation processes which has many applications in different industries. Among different influencing parameters on Liquid-liquid performance, the surface tension effect was investigated in the present study. The mass transfer of a single droplet was simulated using the volume of fluid approach coupled with a single-field mass transfer approach.  Due to the high computational time, the moving reference frame approach was supplemented to computational codes in parallel processing mode assuming static droplet and moving zone. The results showed that with the reduction of surface tension coefficient, while the other parameters were kept constant, the regime change from spherical to oscillating occurred, the velocity decreased. In addition, along with an additional reduction in the surface tension coefficient, the droplet breakage happened. Despite a considerable reduction in terminal velocity, the reduction in mass transfer was not observed due to the interfacial area increase which enhanced mass transfer while velocity reduction negatively disturbed it. The concentration contour plots of droplets in various surface tension coefficients were reported in different droplet regimes starting from circulating to breakup.

    Keywords: Volume of fluid, mass transfer, Liquid-Liquid extraction, moving reference frame, surface tension}
  • Hassan Hassanzadeh *, Zahra Sajadyan
    The development of microelectronic devices has increased the need for a power supply with high power density for long-term operation. In this article, firstly, the microfluidic fuel cells (MFCs) have been introduced, secondly, due to the significant effect of mass transfer on their performance, mass transfer in these fuel cells has been investigated. MFCs have small dimensions and simple geometry, and usually, formic acid and oxygen dissolved in sulfuric acid are used as fuel and oxidizers, respectively. To model the MFC, the equations of continuity, momentum, and mass transfer have been solved in three-dimensional by Open-Foam open-source software and validated with the results available in the references. From Fick's equation has been used to calculate rate of diffusion and from the Butler-Volmer equation has been used to calculate rates of electrochemical reactions in catalyst layers. Preliminary results indicate that the performance of this fuel cell is greatly limited by poor fuel utilization, which is consistent with the experimental data. The flow is fully developed in this short distance from the inlet, and in the fully developed area, the ratio u_max⁄u ̅ is equal 2.1. The mixing zone located at the interface of fuel and oxidizer is in the shape of an hourglass in cross-section, and with increasing the inlet velocity, its thickness decreases along the channel. Also, as the flow moves along the channel, the thickness of the layer with a low concentration near the electrodes increases.
    Keywords: fuel cell, microfluidic, Mass transfer, Open-Foam}
  • Samira Amirzadeh, Jafarsadegh Moghaddas *

    Most industrial operating units are basically in contact with two gas and liquid phases. Bubble characteristics over the last years have been determined through different methods. In this project a mass transfer system has been designed for absorbing gas bubbles by liquid phase. The mass transfer and hydrodynamic behavior in the wake of single rising air bubbles were investigated by using an image analysis method and empirical relations. By considering these methods, the overall bubble properties including the size of single bubble, shape, path, rising velocity and mass transfer coefficient were studied and measured. The investigation was developed with 0.15×0.15×0.35 m3 bubble column and nozzle diameter (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 mm) in different liquids considering viscose changes. Moreover, from the results obtained, it can be concluded that the increase of nozzle diameter increases the bubble diameter which results in reduction of velocity and mass transfer coefficient. This is a fact that, by raising the viscosity of liquid phase the bubble diameter stands at the highest level and on the contrary velocity and mass transfer coefficient stand at the lowest level. So according to these outcomes we can conclude that, the diameter of bubble depends on physical properties of fluids and has a direct relation with nozzle diameter.

    Keywords: Bubble, Imaging, Mass Transfer, gas, liquid system}
  • Parissa Khadivparsi *, Morteza Rafiee-Tehrani, Farid Dorkoosh, Jabber Babaee Darabad, Hedayat Azizpour, Nariman Rezamandi, Nadia Larki
    Metoprolol has been widely used for controlling high blood pressure, preventing myocardial reinfarction, setting rate changes, setting heart rhythm, treatment of chronic angina and preventing excessive bleeding during surgery. The purpose of this research is formulation and manufacture of extended release tablets of metoprolol succinate that conform to all the in vitro physicochemical US Pharmacopoeia national formulary (USP32). For preparing the tablets, the hydrophilic HPMC(K100M) polymer was used in direct compression method. Release of metoprolol in phosphate buffer having pH=6.8 (USP32) was measured by HPLC. Also, using experimental correlation of diffusivity in buffer medium and Gurney-Lurie charts during tablet enlargement with time, diffusion coefficients of drug and partition coefficients were obtained at different time steps. The rate of drug release depends on the type, viscosity and polymer concentration. Drug release results over 20 hours for polymers of HPMC(K100M), HPMC(K4M), HPMC(K15M), polyethylene oxide, ethyl cellulose, Eudragit (RL100) were investigated and compared. The results demonstrated that HPMC(K100M) met the standards of USP32 very well and was superior over the other polymers tested.
    Keywords: Metoprolol, Extended-release tablets, HPMC polymer, Mass Transfer}
  • حسین علیخانی، مهدی ستاری نجف آبادی، مسعود حق شناس فرد*
    در این پژوهش، جریان سه فازی گاز-مایع-مایع در یک میکروکانال بررسی و نقش فاز گاز در فرآیند استخراج مایع-مایع مورد مطالعه آزمایشگاهی قرار گرفت. مواد مورد استفاده شامل محلول آبی سدیم هیدروکسید به عنوان فاز آبی، استیک اسید در نرمال هگزان به عنوان فاز آلی و نیتروژن به عنوان فاز گازی بودند. میکروکانال مورد استفاده از جنس شیشه به عرض و عمق به ترتیب µm 800 و µm 700 بوده و فرآیند استخراج در حالت دو فازی مایع-مایع و سه فازی گاز-مایع-مایع مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. در حالت دو فازی (بدون حضور گاز)، الگوی جریان تشکیل شده لخته ای و الگوی جریان در حالت سه فازی به صورت امولسیون دوگانه یا لخته سه فازی گاز در آلی در آبی بود. طبق نتایج حاصل مشخص شد که با افزایش نسبت دبی فاز آبی به آلی از 5/0 به 2، ضریب کلی-حجمی انتقال جرم در حدود 50% کاهش پیدا می کند. همچنین با افزایش دبی کلی مایعات از mL/s 005/0 به mL/s 020/0، ضریب کلی-حجمی انتقال جرم حدود 140% افزایش پیدا می کند. نتایج نشان داد که افزودن گاز همواره باعث بهبود انتقال جرم در میکروکانال نمی شود. به عنوان مثال در دبی ثابت دو مایع برابر با mL/s 005/0، با افزایش دبی گاز از 0 تا mL/s 1/0، ضریب انتقال جرم کاهش و سپس با افزایش دبی گاز تا mL/s 2/0، ضریب انتقال جرم افزایش می یابد.
    کلید واژگان: جریان سه فازی, استخراج مایع-مایع, میکروکانال, فاز گاز, انتقال جرم}
    Hosein Alikhani, Mehdi Sattari-Najafabadi, Masoud Haghshenasfard *
    In this study, solvent extraction during gas-liquid-liquid flow in a microchannel was investigated. Sodium hydroxide aqueous solution, acetic acid dissolved in n-hexane and nitrogen were employed as the aqueous, organic and gaseous phases, respectively. The microchannel was made of glass with a cross sectional dimension of 800×700 µm2. In the two-phase mode (without the gas phase), the flow regime was slug flow, while in the three-phase flow mode, the flow pattern was a double emulsion (gas in organic in water) flow. By increasing the total fluid flow from 0.005 to 0.020 mL/s, the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient enhanced on average by 140%. Using the gas phase did not always improve the mass transfer coefficient in the microchannel. For example, at a constant liquids flow rate of 0.005 mL/s, increasing the gas flow rate from 0 to 0.1 mL/s, deteriorated the mass transfer coefficient, however, increasing the gas flow rate up to 0.2 mL/s led to augmentation of the mass transfer coefficient.
    Keywords: Three-phase Flow, Liquid-Liquid Extraction, microchannel, Gas phase, Mass Transfer}
  • Hooman Ziaei-Halimejani, Morteza Sadeghnejad, Hedayat Azizpour *, Hossein Bahmanyar
    Achieving the rate and the amount of mass transfer is of paramount importance in selecting optimum conditions for drying and affects the development of the quality of drying. Note that, to obtain the amount of mass transfer, the conditions of mass transfer such as temperature, pressure, geometry, and diffusion coefficient should be completely determined. In this research, an experiment is conducted in atmospheric conditions and then the amount of mass flow in a spherical body is measured. Utilizing the Newman equation and the experimental results, the diffusion coefficient is found to be in the range of 10-11 m2/s. Additionally, the experimental data reveal the linear and exponential variation of diffusion coefficient with a constant coefficient of 1306.8 and exponent of 2.0883 which is against size and time. Results show that findings are in considerably high agreement with the experimental data.Keywords: Diffusivity, Mass transfer, Lemon, Drying.. . .
    Keywords: diffusivity, Drying, Lemon, Mass Transfer}
  • هانیه شکرکار*، امین کیقبادی

    ریزجلبک ها با داشتن ذخایر زیاد کربوهیدرات ها و سرعت بالای رشد، به عنوان یکی ازنوید بخش ترین منابع برای تولید بیواتانول معرفی شده اند. در این تحقیق، بعد از کشت گونه های مختلط ریزجلبک در فتوبیوراکتور، برای افزایش تجمع کربوهیدرات ها در ریزجلبک از راهبرد قحطی نیتروژن استفاده شد. سپس، استخراج قندهای موجود در زیست توده با استفاده از فرایند آبکافت آنزیمی به وسیله آنزیم سلولاز انجام شد. در این مقاله برای نخستین بار، فرایند آبکافت آنزیمی ریزجلبک با در نظرگرفتن شرایط هیدرودینامیکی سیال درون راکتور بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد که افزایش همزدگی سامانه بیش از غلظت آنزیم، بر بازده آبکافت تاثیر می گذارد. در دورهای بالاتر از rpm 250 که رژیم جریان از آرام به متلاطم تغییر می کند، میزان قند آزادشده بسیار بیشتر از مقادیر در دورهای پایین همزن است. هم چنین، افزودن بافل با جلوگیری از تشکیل گردابه میزان انتقال جرم را و به تبع آن بازده آبکافت را افزایش می دهد؛ اما تغییر نوع همزن تاثیر قابل ملاحظه ای بر فرایند آبکافت ندارد. هم چنین در این تحقیق، تاثیر همزدگی در طول فرایند آبکافت از راه ارزیابی نرخ انتقال جرم بررسی شد.

    کلید واژگان: انتقال جرم, بافل, ریزجلبک, شرایط هیدرودینامیکی سیال, همزن, آبکافت آنزیمی}
    H. Shokrkar *, A. Keighobadi

    Microalgae with reserves of carbohydrates, high growth rate have been introduced as one of the most promising sources for bioethanol production. In this study, after culturing mixed microalgae species in photobioreactors, a nitrogen starvation strategy was used to increase the accumulation of carbohydrates in microalgae. Then, the sugars in the biomass were extracted using enzymatic hydrolysis by cellulase enzyme. For the first time, the enzymatic hydrolysis of microalgae is investigated by considering the dynamic conditions of the fluid inside the reactor. The results showed that increasing the system agitation more than the enzyme concentration affects the hydrolysis efficiency. At high speeds of 250 rpm, where the flow regime changes from slow to turbulent, the amount of sugar released is much higher than the values at low speeds of the stirrer. Also, adding baffle increases the mass transfer rate by preventing the formation of vortices and consequently increases the hydrolysis efficiency. But changingthe type of stirrer does not have a significant effect onthe hydrolysis process. Also in this study, the effect of agitation during the hydrolysis process was investigated by evaluating the mass transfer rate.

    Keywords: Baffle, Mixed microalgae, Hydrodynamic Fluid Condition, stirrer, Enzymatic hydrolysis, Mass Transfer}
  • N. Mirhoseini Renani, N. EtesamI*

    Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying of Poly (vinyl acetate) latex films was investigated in a wind tunnel, experimentally. The influence of various conditions such as the air temperature, air velocity, and the concentration of latex solution, in the presence and the absence of a high electric field, was investigated. The effects of the applied voltage intensity, electrode gap, number of needle electrodes, and polarity of corona on the drying rate of polymer films were carried out. The drying behavior of films in a wind tunnel was obtained by the weighting method and analyzed based on heat and mass transfer. Results showed the role importance of EHD on the drying rate of the polymer film. Increasing the intensity of the electric field, number, and configuration of needle electrodes, and decreasing the electrode gap leads to a significant enhancement of the drying rate of a polymer film. Scanning electron microscope images (SEM) were used to analyze the effect of EHD on the morphology of dried films.

    Keywords: Electrohydrodynamic (EHD), Drying rate, Mass Transfer, Airflow, morphology, Needle electrode}
  • Razieh Ahmadizadeh, Soheila Shokrollahzadeh, Seyed Mehdi Latifi *
    Forward osmosis (FO) is an energy-saving separation process that can be used in desalination applications. This work investigated the effect of mass transfer phenomenon on the FO desalination process. For this purpose, the water flux was studied through a bench scale system using a flat sheet FO membrane and feeds with various salinity. Then, the mass transfer resistances, which appear in the form of concentration polarization (CP) for the FO process, were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively, using the collected experimental data and by employing a mathematical model. The results indicated that the increase in feed salinity led to a decrease in water flux due to the counteracted part of the draw solution osmotic pressure, thus leading to a lower effective osmotic pressure and driving force.  Also, according to the results, there was a significant difference between the theoretical and experimental fluxes, indicating the influence of the mass transfer effects on the osmotic pressure drop. The modeling results showed that the internal concentration polarization (ICP) still held more contribution to the osmotic pressure loss. Furthermore, it was observed that as the feed solution concentration increased, both the ICP and dilutive external concentration polarization (DECP) decreased, whereas the concentrative ECP (CECP) intensified. Therefore, increasing the CECP led to a significant reduction in the effective osmotic pressure. In addition, increasing the draw solution concentration was accompanied by a much more severe ICP that limited the enhancement of effective flux.
    Keywords: Forward Osmosis (FO), Brine wastewater, concentration polarization, Mass transfer}
  • امید احمدی، هدا جعفری زاده مالمیری*

    آویشن یکی از داروگیاهانی است که بیشتر به شکل اسانس استفاده می شود. اسانس روغنی آویشن از جمله مواد کاربردی و دارای خواصی بی همتا است. روش های گوناگونی برای استخراج اسانس از مواد گیاهی وجود دارد که در پژوهش پیش رو باتوجه به اهمیت و کاربرد بالای روش تقطیر با آب و بخار، اسانس گیری به وسیله دستگاه کلونجر، به مدت 2 ساعت انجام شد و بازده استخراج 32/2% (حجمی/ حجمی) بود. در پژوهش پیش رو از مدل ریاضی بر مبنای پدیده انتقال جرم برای پیش بینی استخراج اسانس آویشن با استفاده از قانون دوم فیک برای مدل سازی انتقال جرم و استخراج اسانس آویشن با استفاده از فرایند تقطیر با بخار استفاده شد. در این مدل از اختلاف غلظت بین دو نقطه مختلف و با ضریب نفوذ 11-10×54/4 متر مربع بر ثانیه برای مدل سازی استفاده شد. نتایج حاصل از مدل سازی ریاضی مطابقت و همپوشانی بسیار مناسب 98% با داده های آزمایشگاهی از خود نشان داد. از تجزیه GC-MS برای مشخص کردن مواد تشکیل دهنده اسانس و همچنین ترکیب درصد آنها استفاده شد که دو ماده کارواکرول و تیمول بیشترین ترکیب درصد موجود در اسانس بودند. با بررسی خاصیت آنتی اکسیدانی اسانس روغنی آویشن استخراج شده، نتایج نشان داد این ماده میزان 1/95% خاصیت آنتی اکسیدانی دارد.

    کلید واژگان: آنتی اکسیدان, اسانس آویشن, انتقال جرم, مدل سازی}
    O. Ahmadi, H. Jafarizadeh Malmiri*

    Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) is a medicinal plant which its essential oil has been widely used due to its unique properties. Different extraction methods have been utilized to extract plant essential oil and in the present study, hydro distillation glass-Clevenger apparatus was used for extraction of thyme essential oil for 2 h. Obtained result indicated that thyme essential oil extraction yield was 2.32% (v/v). Furthermore, a mathematical model to predict and model the thyme essential oil extraction curve by Fick’s second law was utilized. This model was established based on difference of the concentration of points and the diffusion coefficient of 4.54×10-11m2/s. The result of the curve obtained by the proposed mathematical model, fitted very well (98%) with the observed experimental results. Chemical composition assessment of the extracted thyme essential oil using GC-MS technique indicated that thymol and carvacrol are two main bioactive compounds of thyme essential oil. Antioxidant activity ofthe extracted thyme essential oil was also 95.1%

    Keywords: Antioxidant, Mass Transfer, Modeling, Thyme Essential Oil}
  • سپیده رشدی، نورالله کثیری *، احمد رهبر کلیشمی
    شبیه سازی هیدرودینامیکی و انتقال جرمی قطره تولوئن بالارونده در سیال ساکن آب مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. برای شبیه سازی هیدرودینامیکی از روش حجم سیال با مدل کشش سطحی CSS و روش PLIC استفاده شد. قطرات در سه رژیم کروی، چرخشی و نوسانی شبیه سازی شدند و همخوانی بسیار خوب با نتایج تجربی با میانگین خطای 63/3% به دست آمد. همچنین مدل هیدرودینامیکی تحقیق حاضر توانست رژیم نوسانی قطره را در قطر mm 4/4 و قطر قطره با سرعت بیشینه را در قطر mm 5/3 پیش بینی نماید که دارای همخوانی بسیار خوب با نتایج تجربی بود. در گام بعدی شبیه سازی، به منظور تاثیر انتقال جرم در سرعت قطرات تولوئن mm 2، معادلات انتقال جرمی به شبیه سازی ها اضافه شد. تمامی خواص سیال در شبیه سازی ها به غیر از کشش سطحی ثابت نظر گرفته شد. نتایج شبیه سازی نشان داد بدون در نظر گرفتن تابعیت کشش سطحی با غلظت، سرعت شبیه سازی شده با نتایج تجربی موجود در مقالات دارای میانگین خطای 83% بود که با درنظرگرفتن آن میزان خطا تا حدود 2% کاهش یافت. گزارش خطوط جریان، شکل قطرات، سرعت محوری و سرعت حدی از نتایج دیگر این تحقیق است.
    کلید واژگان: شبیه سازی عددی, مدل حجم سیال, استخراج مایع, مایع, انتقال جرم, هیدرودینامیک}
    Sepideh Roshdi, Norolah Kasiri *, Ahmad Rahbar-Kelishami
    Hydrodynamic and mass transfer simulations of toluene rising drops have been investigated. The VOF-PLIC method with surface tension model of CSS was applied. Drops have been simulated in the three regimes of spherical, circulating, and oscillating regimes. Simulation results agreed well with existing experimental data with the average relative error of 3.63 percent. The current hydrodynamic model predicted the oscillating regime for the drop diameter of 4.4 mm and 3.5 mm drops were identified as the drops with maximum velocity. These findings agreed well with existing experimental data. In the next step of simulations, mass transfer equation was supplemented into the simulations investigating mass transfer effect on the velocity of 2 mm toluene drops. All of the properties of drops were assumed constant except surface tension coefficient. Simulation results showed that, with the assumption of concentration dependent surface tension coefficient, terminal velocity relative error was about 2 percent, while without considering of that, relative error increased to 83 percent. Streamlines, drop shapes, axial velocity, and terminal velocity were also reported.
    Keywords: Keywords: Numerical Simulation, VOF Model, Liquid, Liquid Extraction, Mass Transfer, Hydrodynamics}
  • سحر نایبندی آتشی، سیدعلی مرتضوی، فریده طباطبایی، محبت محبی، محمد جواد وریدی
    گوشت شتر‏مرغ دارای مزیت‏های بسیاری نسبت به گوشت دام‏های دیگر می‏باشد، به طوری که به عنوان گوشت قرن بیست و یکم معرفی شده است. فرآیند آبگیری اسمزی یک فرآیند انتقال جرم چند مولفه‏ای است، به گونه‏ای که همزمان با خروج آب از ماده‏غذایی، عوامل اسمزی به درون بافت نفوذ می‏کنند که مقدار آن در مقایسه با آب خروجی اندک می‏باشد. از آنجایی که مواد غذایی در طی مدت نگهداری به علت فعالیت آبی بالا دچار تغییرات شیمیایی و میکروبیولوژی شده، که این تغییرات تاثیرات منفی بر ماده‏غذایی گذاشته و باعث فساد ماده‏غذایی می‏شود، بنابراین استفاده از آبگیری اسمزی که سبب کاهش آب بافتی و سهولت انتقال جرم در طی خشک‏کردن می‏شود، مفید خواهد بود. فرآیند آبگیری اسمزی گوشت شترمرغ در محلول اسمزی شامل کلرور سدیم با غلظت‏های (10، 20 و 30) درصد (وزنی- وزنی)، نسبت نمونه به محلول اسمزی (1:4، 1:6و 1:8) و مدت زمان غوطه وری در محلول اسمزی (30، 45 و 60) دقیقه بر میزان خروج آب، جذب مواد جامد و چروکیدگی با استفاده از روش سطح پاسخ محاسبه گردید، نمونه های آبگیری شده در شرایط بهینه، سپس با هوای داغ (65 و0C75) خشک شدند. محتوی رطوبتی طی سینتیک خشک‏کردن و مقایسه ده مدل ریاضی و انتخاب بهترین مدل جهت توصیف سینتیک انتقال جرم بدست آمد. در شرایط بهینه غلظت کلرورسدیم 30 درصد، نسبت نمونه به محلول اسمزی 1:6و مدت زمان غوطه وری 60 دقیقه، میزان خروج آب، جذب مواد جامد و چروکیدگی به ترتیب 5/50، 45/5 و 99/6 درصد بودند. مناسب‏ترین مدل جهت توصیف سینتیک انتقال جرم طی خشک کردن گوشت شترمرغ، مدل Two-term تعیین گردید.
    کلید واژگان: آبگیری اسمزی, بهینه سازی, انتقال جرم, مدلسازی, گوشت شترمرغ}
    Sahar Naybandi Atashi, S. Ali Mortazavi, Farideh Tabatabaee Yazdi, Mohebat Mohebbi, M. Javad Varidi
    Ostrich meat has much more benefits than other meat, it defined as 21th century meat. Osmotic dehydration is processing multi-component of mass transfer, in which synchronized water loss from foods, osmotic agent penetrate the texture that is low in comparison to water loss. Whereas high watery level activity during storage time causes chemical and microbiological changes, that have negative effect on food and lead to disadvantage decayed of foods. So using of osmotic dehydration and decrease in texture water and facility in mass transfer during drying is useful. Dehydration of the ostrich with the osmotic solutions containing (10, 20, 30 %) salt, the ratio of meat to osmotic solution (1:4, 1:6, 1:8) and immersion time (30, 45, 60 min) on the water loss, solid gain and shrinkage were calculated by response surface methodology and the optimum sample was obtained, dehydrated sample in optimum conditions then dried with hot air (65, 75 0C). were obtained the moisture content during drying kinetics and comparison of 10 mathematical models and select the best model to describe the kinetics of mass transfer. At the optimum point the concentration of salt 30%, the ratio of meat to osmotic solution 1:6 and immersion time 60 min water loss, solid gain and shrinkage were found to 50/5 (g/100 g initial sample), 5/45 (g/100 g initial sample) and 6/99 respectively. The most convenient model to describe the kinetics of mass transfer during drying meat, Two-term model were determined.
    Keywords: Osmotic dehydration, Optimization, Mass transfer, Modeling, Ostrich meat}
  • P.M. Goodarzi, V. Mohebbi *
    Understanding the kinetics of gas hydrate formation is essential to model and predict the hydrate formation (or dissociation) process. In the present paper, we investigated the formation of pure propane gas hydrate as a former gas. In this regard, several experiments were conducted to measure the rate of hydrate formation under various pressures (410 to 510 kPa) and temperatures (274 K to 277 K) in a controlled temperature stirred reactor. It was observed that propane consumption rate can be assumed constant with time. Mass transfer approach was used to estimate the mass transfer coefficient in the gas-liquid contact area as a function of pressure and temperature. Results indicated that mass transfer approach can predict the kinetics of propane hydrate formation. In other word, it is reasonable to assume that this process is a mass transfer limited phenomena and the mass transfer in the liquid side the gas-liquid contact area controls the hydrate growth.
    Keywords: Gas Hydrate, Propane, Mass Transfer, Kinetics, Agitated Reactor}
  • امین حسنوند*
    در تحقیق حاضر بر مبنای نتایج حاصل از شبیه سازی CFDرابطه ای برای ضریب انتقال جرم بین فازی در جریان تیلور ارائه شده است. جهت شبیه سازی هیدرودینامیک رژیم تیلور در یک سلول واحد از این جریان از روش VOF استفاده شده است. در ادامه انتقال جرم از حباب تیلور به لخته مایع شبیه سازی شده است. در شبیه سازی های انجام شده، حباب تیلور با استفاده از یک روش تکراری در یک هندسه متقارن محوری ساکن شده و جریان مایع از روی آن عبور داده شده است. در رابطه ارائه شده، تاثیر پارامترهای حاکم بر جریان تیلور نظیر عدد موئینه، سرعت حباب گاز، کسر حجمی، طول سلول واحد و قطر لوله موئین بر انتقال جرم بین فازی دیده شده است. مزیت اصلی این رابطه کارایی آن در تخمین میزان انتقال جرم بین فازی در محدوده وسیعی از اعداد موئینه است. همچنین رابطه ارائه شده، تاثیر تغییر شکل حباب بر انتقال جرم بین فازی را در نظر می گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: رژیم تیلور, انتقال جرم, شبیه سازی CFD, روش VOF}
    Amin Hassanvand *
    In the present study volume of fluid based (VOF) interface tracking method has been used for the simulation of hydrodynamics of Taylor bubble flow in one unit cell. In this case the stationary bubble is supposed in an axis symmetric domain and the liquid flows over it. Afterwards, the effects of different parameters such as capillary number, gas volume fraction, unit cell length and capillary diameter on interphase mass transfer in Taylor flow have been investigated. Finally based on CFD simulation results a correlation has been proposed for interphase mass transfer coefficient. The ability for prediction of mass transfer coefficient in wide range of capillary number is the great advantage of the proposed correlation. In this correlation the change of bubble shape with capillary number has been regarded.
    Keywords: Taylor regime, mass transfer, CFD simulation, VOF}
  • Mohammad Ali Salehi *, Nasrin Hakimghiasi
    A bioreactor refers to any manufactured or engineered device that supports a biologically active environment. These kinds of reactors are designed to treat wastewater treatment. Volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the effect of superficial gas velocity, as the most important operational factor on hydrodynamics, in three-phase airlift reactors are investigated in this study. The experiments for the external airlift reactor were carried out at a 0.14 downcomer to riser cross-sectional area ratio, and for the internal reactor at 0.36 and 1. Air and water were used as the gas and liquid phases, respectively, as well as activated carbon/sludge particles as the solid phase. Increasing the superficial gas velocity resulted in greater liquid circulation velocity, gas hold-up, and volumetric mass transfer coefficient; increasing the suspended activated carbon particles resulted in a decreased concentration of activated sludge, downcomer to riser cross sectional area ratio, liquid velocity, gas hold-up and volumetric mass transfer coefficient. The maximum gas hold-up was 0.178 which was attained in the external airlift reactor with a 1 Wt. % of activated sludge at a gas superficial velocity of 0.25 (m/s). The maximum volumetric mass transfer coefficient was 0.0485 (l/s) that was observed in the external airlift reactor containing activated carbon with a 0.00032 solid hold-up. A switch was observed in the activated sludge airlift reactor flow regime at gas velocities higher than 0.15 (m/s) and 0.18 (m/s) in the activated carbon airlift reactors.
    Keywords: Airlift Reactor, Activated Sludge, activated carbon, Mass transfer, Gas Superficial Velocity}
  • L. Omidvar Langroudi, H. Pahlavanzadeh*, S. Nanvakenari
    The current research aims at conducting an experimental and theoretical investigation on the performance of air dehumidification system using a nanofluid of γ-alumina nano-particles in LiBr/H2O, as a desiccant. Comparative experiments organized using a central composite design are carried out to evaluate the effects of six numerical indices (air velocity, desiccant flow rate, air humidity ratio, desiccant solution concentration, air temperature, desiccant temperature) and one categorical factor (adding nano-particles), on outlet air humidity ratio and outlet air temperature as responses. Reduced quadratic regression models are derived for each response. The obtained results revealed that LiBr/H2O solution concentration and air temperature have the most significant effect on outlet air humidity ratio and outlet air temperature, respectively. It was found that the average rates of mass transfer and heat transfer increased to 12.23 % and 13.22 %, respectively, when γ-alumina nano-particles (0.02 wt %) were added to the LiBr/H2O solution. The average rates of mass and heat transfer coefficients increased to 22.73 % and 26.51 %, respectively.
    Keywords: Liquid Desiccant, Dehumidification, RSM, Nano, Particles, Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer}
  • مهدی مرادی*
    در این تحقیق، ضریب انتشار رطوبتی دانه گیاه زیره سبز طی فرایند خشک شدن لایه نازک به صورت تابعی از محتوای رطوبت آن با دو فرض صفحه ی دو بعدی و استوانه ای برای شکل دانه تعیین شد. سپس مدل سازی ریاضی فرایند انتقال رطوبت دانه حین خشک شدن با استفاده از روش عددی عنصر محدود انجام گرفته و نتایج حاصل از آن با محتوای رطوبت آزمایشگاهی دانه در شرایط مشابه مقایسه شد. مقدار ضریب همبستگی بین نتایج حاصل از مدل صفحه ی دو بعدی و داده های آزمایشگاهی معادل 992/0، و میزان مربعات خطا معادل 0188/0 به دست آمد، در حالی که مقدار ضریب همبستگی بین نتایج مدل استوانه ای و داده های حاصل از آزمایش معادل 973/0 و میزان مربعات خطا معادل 11/0 به دست آورده شد. به این ترتیب، نتایج مطالعه حاضر بیانگر آن است که فرض صفحه ی دوبعدی برای دانه، همبستگی بیشتر و خطای کمتر نسبت به فرض شکل استوانه ای با داده های آزمایش را در پی دارد.
    کلید واژگان: انتقال جرم, خشک کردن, زیره سبز, ضریب انتشار رطوبتی}
    M. Moradi*
    In this research, moisture diffusion coefficient of Cuminum cyminum seed was determined as a function of its moisture content during thin layer drying process. This work was performed with two planar and cylindrical shape assumptions for the seed. Then the mathematical modeling of the mass transfer operation during the drying of the seed was developed using finite element method and its results compared with the experimental moisture content of the seed. Correlation coefficient and root mean square error in planar shape assumption were 0.992 and 0.0188 respectively whereas these two statistical criteria in cylindrical shape assumption were 0.973 and 0.11, respectively. Therefore this study revealed that higher correlation and lower error was found for the planar shape as compared to cylindrical shape assumption.
    Keywords: Mass Transfer, Drying, Cuminum Cyminum, Moisture Diffusion Coefficient}
  • میثم وحیدی فردوسی، امید صباغ کلات، محمد علی فنایی *

    در این تحقیق، اثر نوع آکنه بر نرخ انتقال جرم و میزان افت فشار در برج‌های شیرین سازی گاز طبیعی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است. بدین منظور از میان آکنه های مدرن، انواع Super Ring، Ralu Ring، Ralu Flow و همچنین از میان نسل دوم آکنه‌های موجود، نوع Pall Ring انتخاب شده و اثر جایگزینی هریک از آنها درون برجهای تماس، توسط نرم افزار Aspen Hysys بررسی شده است. لازم بذکر است که با توسعه یک برنامه محاسباتی در MATLAB و فراخوانی آن توسط نرم افزار مذکور، امکان پیش‌بینی پدیده طغیان فراهم شده است. به منظور اعتبار سنجی مدل‌های انتخابی نیز، نتایج شبیه سازی با اطلاعات استخراج شده از یک واحد واقعی مقایسه گردیده، با این تفاوت که اطلاعات تجربی موجود مربوط به واحدی است که از آکنه Pall Ring (نسل دوم) در برجهای تماس استفاده نموده است. نتایج نشان می‌دهد که استفاده از آکنه Super Ring منجر به کاهش افت فشار و همچنین استفاده از نوع Ralu Ring باعث افزایش نرخ انتقال جرم خواهد شد. این درحالی است که استفاده آکنه Ralu Flow، به تنهایی می تواند هر دو هدف را برآورده نموده و منجر به افزایش ظرفیت شیرین سازی گاز گردد.

    کلید واژگان: شیرین سازی گاز طبیعی, ستون جذب, پرکن, انتقال جرم, افت فشار}
    M. Vahidi Ferdowsi, O. Sabbagh, M. Fanaei*

    This investigation attempts to evaluate and compare the effect of packing type on the mass transfer and pressure drop along the gas sweetening absorption column. To this aim, modern packings such as Super Ring, Ralu Ring, Ralu Flow and the second-generation packing (Pall Ring), have been used in simulated columns by using of Aspen HYSYS modeling software. Flooding calculation is made possible by linking Aspen HYSYS with MATLAB programing. The selected models validity is checked by comparison to empirical data from a real gas plant. It should be noted that empirical data is available just for second-generation packing. Comparison of these packings performance shows that Super Rings provide low pressure drop, Ralu Rings lead to high mass transfer and Ralu Flow packings can provide high mass transfer and low pressure drop in absorption columns. According to results, the capacity of gas treatment units can be significantly increased by replacing Pall Ring with Ralu Flow.

    Keywords: Natural gas sweetening, absorption column, packing, mass transfer, pressure drop}
  • Hossein Khormaei, Hamid Reza Mortaheb*, Mohammad Hasan Amini, Babak Mokhtarani
    Liquid membrane processes have attracted many interests in recent years for removal of heavy metals such as cadmium from industrial wastewaters. In this study, a modified hybrid liquid membrane system is introduced. The setup is worked by applying the water-insoluble dioctyl phthalate as the organic solvent. N-octanol and tetra butyl ammonium bromide are added to the organic phase to increase the system efficiency. The effects of different parameters such as pHs of the feed and stripping phases, the complexing agent concentration, the organic film thickness, initial concentration of cadmium, and the carrier concentration on the cadmium removal are studied. The results demonstrate the increase in the removal rate and capacity comparing to those of previously studied hybrid liquid membrane system. An electrical potential is then applied to the hybrid liquid membrane system. The results show higher removal rate and capacity compared to the corresponded values in the system without applying electrical potential.
    Keywords: Hybrid liquid membrane, Mass transfer, Cadmium, Removal efficiency, Electro assisted process}
  • مریم تاکی، عاطفه عابدی، مهدی فرهودی*
    در واژه شناسی بسته بندی مواد غذایی، مهاجرت عمدتا، بنابر تعریف، عبارت است از انتقال مواد از بسته بندی به داخل ماده غذایی. از لحاظ ایمنی ماده بسته بندی، بررسی مهاجرت مواد بسته بندی که عموما از پلاستیک، کاغذ، مقوا و یا مواد لاکی تشکیل می شوند، از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار است. موادی که در نتیجه تماس یا بر هم کنش بسته بندی و محصول منتقل می شوند، مواد مهاجر نامیده می شوند. مهاجرت مواد از بسته بندی به مواد غذایی از قوانین کلی انتقال جرم پیروی می کنند و مهمترین فرایند در رخداد آن پدیده انتشار است که ممکن است به شدت تحت تاثیر واکنش درونی ترکیبات غذایی با ماده بسته بندی باشد. این واکنش ها ممکن است خصوصیات بسته بندی را تغییر دهد. نوع ماده شیمیایی که می تواند از ظرف بسته بندی غذا به داخل غذا مهاجرت کند، به نوع ماده وجنس ظروف بسته بندی بستگی زیادی دارد. مواد بسته بندی عموما مدت زمانی طولانی در تماس نزدیک با غذایی اند. به دلیل ایجاد چنین شرایط مساعدی برای انتقال مواد از بسته بندی به داخل غذا، بسیاری از کشورها قوانین خاصی را برای کنترل مواد بسته بندی وضع کرده اند که خطری برای سلامتی انسان نداشته باشند.
    کلید واژگان: مهاجرت, بسته بندی, انتشار, ماده غذیی, انتقال جرم}
    M. Taaki, A. Abedi, M. Farhoodi*
    In the terminology of food packaging, the term “migration” commonly describes the transfer of materials from package into food product. In terms of packaging materials safety, it is of paramount importance to investigate the migration of substances from plastics, papers, cardboards or lacquered materials. The materials called “migrants” transfer into food as a result of food and packaging interactions. Migration of substances from packaging material into foodstuffs obeys the general laws of mass transfer and occurs based on “diffusion” phenomenon. This phenomenon may strongly influenced by the intrinsic reactivity of food ingredients and packaging materials. These reactions may alter the properties of the package. The type of chemical migrated into food is strongly depend on the type of food container. Food packaging materials are generally in close contact with food products for a long time. Because of such favorable conditions leads to transfer of materials from packaging into food; many countries have enacted regulations for the control of packaging materials to decrease their risks for human health.
    Keywords: Migration, Packaging, Diffusion, Food Products, Mass Transfer}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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