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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Kervian » در نشریات گروه « مهندسی معدن »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Kervian» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • S. Najafi Ghoshebolagh, A. Kamkar Rouhani *, A.R. Arab Amiri, H. Bizhani

    As many gold deposits are associated with sulfide zones, and the direct exploration of gold deposits using the geophysical methods is very difficult due to its low amount in the sub-surface, the direct exploration of sulfide zones by the geophysical electrical resistivity and induced polarization (IP) methods may lead to the indirect exploration of gold deposits. The gold deposit in the Kervian area is located in the Kurdistan shear zone, and is directly related to the sulfide, silica, and carbonate alteration units. After acquiring the resistivity and IP data, 2D modeling of the data is made in order to indirectly identify the gold-bearing zones in the surveyed area. As some of the identified geophysical anomalies indicating the sulfide zones may not be associated with the economic amounts of gold, in order to obtain an exploration pattern for the gold deposit in the studied area, a combination of the geophysical data modeling and interpretation results with the geological information and other exploratory data is used to reduce the uncertainty in identifying the gold-bearing zones in the studied area. Thus, modeling and interpretation of the geophysical data lead to identify the sub-surface anomalies as the locations of possible gold mineralization in the area, and then the drilling points are suggested in the area. Considering the geological studies and chemical analysis of the samples taken from the drilled boreholes crossing some of the geophysical anomalies, we conclude that the geophysical anomalies occurring inside the phyllite and carbonate units in the area can contain an economic amount of gold, and thus are recommended as the top priority for further exploration.

    Keywords: Gold mineralization, Electrical resistivity, Induced polarization (IP), Modeling, interpretation of geophysical data, Kervian}
  • سیما گروسی نژآد، احمدرضا مختاری*، فریماه آیتی
    در این مطالعه داده های ژئوشیمیایی رسوبات آبراه های برگه 1:50000 میرده به روش حوضه آبریز نمونه بررسی شده است. 299 نمونه از رسوبات آبراه های در مساحتی حدود 617 کیلومترمربع از منطقه مورد مطالعه برداشت شده و تحت آنالیز شیمیایی قرار گرفته است. به دلیل وجود پتانسیل کانی‏سازی طلا در منطقه روش حوضه آبریز نمونه، بر روی غلظت‏های تک عنصری طلا اعمال شده است. پس از انجام محاسبات مربوط به روش حوضه آبریز نمونه، آنالیز PCA بر روی نتایج حاصل انجام شده و نقشه های توزیع فضایی آنومالی های طلا با استفاده از روش فرکتالی عیار- مساحت ترسیم شده است. هدف از این مطالعه، بررسی قابلیت روش حوضه آبریز نمونه در تعیین حوضه های آنومال و معرفی مناطق پر پتانسیل در منطقه مورد نظر است. بر این اساس، مناطق پر پتانسیل معرفی شده توسط روش حوضه آبریز نمونه در جنوب غربی منطقه قرار گرفته است که با کانی‏سازی شناخته شده در منطقه مطابقت دارد.
    کلید واژگان: مطالعات آماری, رسوبات آبراهه ای, حوضه آبریز, کرویان, سنندج, سیرجان}
    Sima Garousinejad, Ahmad Reza Mokhtari *, Farimah Ayati
    Summary In the present study the sample catchment basin approach has been used in addition to multivariate statistical analysis over geochemical dataset collected in Kervian area in Iran. Sample catchment basin has reasonably detected the favorable zones in the present study and the proven Au mineralization has validated the results.
    Introduction Stream sediment data application method has been widely used and accepted in exploration of different deposit types in mineral exploration industry and has shown its efficiency in this context. The sample catchment basin approach is a technique for processing of stream sediment data that is employed for removal of lithological impact from existing variation in chemical content of the samples.
    Methodology and Approaches The target area covers 617 km2 in which 299 stream sediment samples were collected for chemical analysis. In addition, digitized 1:100000 geological and 1:50000 topographical maps were used for creation of sample catchment basins considering the sampling point positions. In order to remove the impact of background contribution to geochemistry of stream sediment by this technique the following procedure has been taken into account: 1- estimation of uni-element background concentration of element of interest for every lithology and then estimation of uni-element background value for every sample catchment basin 2- removal of the background concentration from measured concentration of element for each sample 3- dilution correction of residual values by taking the catchment area size into account 4- analysis of dilution correction values and delineating the anomalous basins.
    Results and Conclusions The sample catchment basin method was employed and data processing was completed as mentioned above which resulted in delineation of anomalous Au values extended south-westerly. The results are compatible with known gold occurrences located in this part of the map. There are weak to moderate anomalous basins positioned south east and east of the known mineralization covered with the same sedimentary units as mineralization area that could be assumed promising. However, sample catchment basin has successfully highlighted the anomalous basins which were not detected through analysis of raw dataset. Employing this method has led to introduction of more areas for further prospecting, decreasing the chance of false negative anomaly. Comparison between processed dataset with the sample catchment basin approach and raw data set has demonstrated the superiority of the sample catchment basin approach.
    Keywords: Statistical Analysis, stream sediment, basin cachment, Kervian, Sanandaj-Sirjan}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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