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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « wave energy » در نشریات گروه « مهندسی دریا »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «wave energy» در نشریات گروه «فنی و مهندسی»
  • مریم راه بانی، زرافشان سالاری، رحیمه شمسایی، دانیال قادری*
    ناحیه ساحلی ماهیتی پویا و فعال دارد و دائما متاثر از شرایط محیطی دریاست، از طرفی نقش شگرفی در مباحث مدیریت اقتصادی- اجتماعی ایفا می کند. خط ساحلی نیز به عنوان بخشی از ناحیه ساحلی است که دائما متاثر از کشند، امواج، جریان و فعالیت های انسانی است. ازاین رو انتظار می رود این بخش همواره با تغییراتی همراه باشد. گام نخست هرگونه توسعه و ساخت وساز در ناحیه ساحلی، شناخت شرایط هیدرودینامیکی منطقه است. در این مطالعه تلاش شده است با در نظر گرفتن ارتفاع و انرژی امواج در ناحیه ساحلی، حساسیت نوار ساحلی شهرستان بندرلنگه بررسی شود. داده های ارتفاع و انرژی امواج با اجرای مدل عددی امواج طیفی MIKE 21 برای بازه زمانی 12 ماه برآورد شده است. نتایج با دقت مطلوبی نسبت به داده های ECMWF حاصل شده است. میزان ضریب همبستگی و جزر میانگین مربع خطاها به ترتیب برابر با 95/0 و 239/0 است. نتایج مدل سازی نشان می دهد بیشینه میانگین ارتفاع و انرژی امواج در نوار ساحلی به ترتیب 22/0 متر و 21/0 کیلووات بر متر، در ماه های پایانی بهار و ابتدایی تابستان است. با استفاده از منطق فازی-گاما و در نظر گرفتن ضریب گاما به میزان 9/0، حساسیت نوار ساحلی به دو تغییر برآورد شده است و درنهایت به سه کلاس؛ بالا، متوسط و پایین، دسته بندی ارائه شد. 20 درصد از نوار ساحلی در کلاس بالا و همچنین 23 و 57 درصد از نوار ساحلی به ترتیب در کلاس متوسط و پایین قرار گرفته است. بدین معنا که این بیش از نیمی از پهنه ساحلی بندرلنگه در مواجهه با موج و انرژی امواج مقاوم هستند.
    کلید واژگان: شهرستان بندرلنگه, ارتفاع موج, انرژی موج, منطق فازی-گاما, مدل عددی}
    Maryam Rahbani, Zarafshan Salari, Rahimeh Shamsaie, Danial Ghaderi *
    Nearshore is dynamic and constantly affected by the environmental conditions of the sea, on the other hand, it plays a great role in economic-social management issues. The shoreline is also a part of the nearshore that is constantly affected by tide, waves, currents and human activities. Therefore, it is expected that this section will always be accompanied by changes. The first step of any nearshore development and construction is to know the hydrodynamic conditions of the area. In this study, an attempt has been made to investigate the sensitivity of the shoreline of Bandar Lengeh County by considering the height and energy of nearshore waves. Wave height and energy data have been estimated by running the MIKE 21 spectral wave numerical model for a period of 12 months. The results have been obtained with good accuracy compared to ECMWF data. The correlation coefficient and the RMSE are equal to 0.95 and 0.239. The modeling results show that the maximum average height and energy of waves in the shoreline are 0.22 m and 0.21 kW/m, respectively, in the last months of spring and the beginning of summer. Using the fuzzy-gamma logic and considering the gamma coefficient as 0.9, shoreline sensitivity to variables has been estimated and finally divided into three classes High, moderate, and low. 20% of the shoreline is in the high class, and 23% and 57% of the shoreline are in the moderate and low class, respectively.
    Keywords: Bandar Lengeh County, wave height, Wave Energy, Fuzzy-Gamma Logic, Numerical Modeling}
  • Mahmoud Pourali, MohamadReza Kavianpour

    Electric energy consumption is growing almost all over the world. Similarly, using clean resources in coastal such as wave power is also growing. The coasts of Oman Gulf in southeast of Iran is one of the most potential areas for deriving energy from waves. The sea waves are mostly generated by wind and the climate change affect the wind field. Hence evaluating climate change effects on the wave power is essential for energy extraction. In this research, the variation of monthly average in Chabahar bay wave power under the middle scenario of future climate effect has been studied. For this, the CNRM-CM6-SSP2-45 dataset has been downscaled with the Weibull technique, and with a calibrated wave model, wave characteristic has been calculated. Based on the results, the average annual wave power will reach 10.4 kW/m by an increase of 3%. Total wave energy in Chabahar is about 91,000 kWh/m during the year. which will also increase by 3% compared to the same period previous century. In the July and August, the first high energetic months, the wave power increase by 1% on average compared to the previous period. The highest monthly increase occurs in October and with a 277% increase, it reaches 5535 kW/m. The highest monthly decrease of 25% occurs in June and the energy reaches from 13041 to 9513 kW/m.

    Keywords: Wave energy, Climate change, Weibull-based bias-correction, Gulf of Chabahar, Emission scenario}
  • Abbas Einali, MohammadHossein Nemati, Babak Banijamali, Hessam Hoseini

    The use of renewable energies is inevitable due to the limitations of fossil fuels, pollution, and the global increase in energy consumption. Renewable energies are various, so selection and investment in the best option in each region are complicated and depend on multiple parameters. For this reason, this study has used Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) to prioritize renewable energy sources in Iran's main ports (located in the Caspian Sea, Oman sea, and the Persian Gulf). The AHP is among the most widely used methods in multi-criteria decision-making in many fields and can include different and contradictory criteria. Renewable energies, including solar, wind, wave, and current, have been analyzed in the main ports' area (5 km radius in sea and port hinterland). The results show solar (photovoltaic) and wave energies are the first and second priorities in all southern ports except Imam Khomeini Port. Imam Khomeini Port is the only port where the current energy is unignorable. In the northern ports, wind energy is the primary option for investment. Wave energy can be exploited only in the Shahid Beheshti Port of Chabahar, located on the Oman Sea shores and directly connected to the open sea. In the ports of Khuzestan province, the photovoltaic power potential is lower than in other southern ports despite the very high solar direct normal irradiation.

    Keywords: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Wave Energy, Current Energy, Iranian main Ports}
  • Arinah Aminudin *, Hee Min Teh, Jonathan Pacaldo
    Wave energy harvesting, if viable, is a potential energy resource for remote islands like Dumaran Island, Philippines. However, absence of high-resolution wave energy resource information in Dumaran waters hinders the development of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) to overcome current unsustainable means of supplying power, prolonging energy insecurity among its locals.  The focus of this study is to assess wave energy densities for Dumaran Island using high-resolution and validated wave data for the selected sites in Sulu Sea within 100 km radius from the island by using statistical analysis. This was achieved by generating 3-hourly hindcast wave data for 40-year study period (1978 – 2018) in 6 selected sites, using MetOcean Solutions Ltd WW3 Tolman Chalikov (MSLWW3TC) numerical wave model. The wave model was then validated with MIKE 21 Spectral Wave Model FM (MIKE21SW), which generated 3-hourly wave energy data at 14 sites for 5-year study period. Subsequently, wave energy flux time-series was computed and statistically analysed. The validated wave model resulted in low RMSE and high CC results, which indicate good model performance. The study area has low wave energy content, with the average wave energy range less than 4.5 kW/m. High but unstable wave energy was observed during Northeast Monsoon across all sites, and reduction of wave energy near coastal areas due to sheltering effect of Palawan and offshore islands. The hotspot for wave energy is found in the northeast and southeast of Dumaran deep offshore waters, with average annual wave energy of 4.43 kW/m. As mean wave energy at the site is insufficient and grid connection is absent WEC implementation in Dumaran waters is not viable.
    Keywords: Dumaran, Palawan, MSLWW3TC, Wave Energy, Wave Height}
  • Milad Raoufi, Payam Zanganeh Ranjbar *, Abdolhamid Mehrdad
    In this research, objecting to the use of a lesser-known type of energy source, marine wave potential, the application of Sea-wave Slot-cone Generator (SSG) breakwater was investigated in the Caspian Sea. This study had two main objectives. 1) Investigation of the conditions of each of the selected waves in terms of speed factor in the face of this breakwater 2) Investigation of the scattering of different waves in the Bandar Anzali area on the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. About the first goal, eight waves with different characteristics were selected and applied. According to the simulation results, the wave with a height of 2.825 meters and speed of 6.56 m/s and waves with a height of 0.5 and 2.825 meters and speed of 13.02 m/s, with an efficiency of more than 50%, had the highest efficiency among the simulated waves. Nevertheless, in connection with the second goal, by examining the wave height diagram and the diagram of the specified wave period, most of the waves that occurred in the Bandar Anzali region in 100 days are close to the wave with a height of 0.5 meters and speed of 6.56 m/s with an efficiency of about 7%. It does not have an opinion, and the number of waves that occurred with favorable conditions is less than expected. Therefore, it was found that the use of SSG breakwater in Anzali port located on the southern shores of the Caspian Sea is not economically viable.
    Keywords: Caspian Sea, SSG Breakwater, Wave Energy, Marine Energy}
  • Behrad Alizadeh Kharkeshi, Rouzbeh Shafaghat*, Rezvan Alamian, Amirhossein Aghajani Afghan

    In this paper, the effect of the draft depth (as a dimensionless number) and characteristics of the incident wave on free surface oscillation, velocity, and the output power of an OWC has been analytically and experimentally investigated. Therefore, the governing equations of hydrodynamic performance inside the oscillating water column chamber were first presented by assuming a mathematical model based on the potential flow theory. Then, a 1:10 single chamber OWC has been experimentally investigated in a wave tank, by considering the Caspian Sea wave characteristics. Comparing the obtained results showed that there is a good agreement between the theoretical solution and experimental test data. According to the results, increasing the frequency of the incident wave increases the free surface oscillation outside the chamber, while the results inside the OWC are different. In other words, under these conditions, free-surface oscillations inside the OWC and subsequently, the velocity and flow rate of the orifice decrease. So, the power generated will decrease too. Also, the effects of draft depth have been theoretically and experimentally analyzed for three depths and turned out that increasing the depth of drafts from 5 to 25 cm and frequency from 32 to 42 rpm causes a decrease in power generation.

    Keywords: OWC Device, Wave Energy, Caspian Sea, Experimental Test, Wave Effect}
  • Milad Zabihi, Said Mazaheri *, Masoud Montazeri Namin
    Supplying world future energy is tied with renewable energies and wave energy is one of the biggest resources of renewable energy which is somehow untapped. Oscillating Water Column (OWC), one of the most familiar devices in harnessing wave energy, is still not being properly commercialized due to the complicated hydrodynamic behavior. Offshore OWCs are exposed to higher wave energy; however, the researches on this kind of OWCs is limited. Hence, in this paper, a fully nonlinear two phase flow model of a fixed offshore OWC is developed using Ansys Fluent. Unlike the previous studies, the developed numerical model has the merit of being validated against a relatively large scale physical model (1:15). The results of the model are compared by those obtained in experimental campaign conducted by the authors. Results of both free surface elevation and air pressure in the OWC chamber are compared. Generally, the results showed an admissible accordance between numerical and experimental model. Some discrepancies could be detected in the free surface elevation in the chamber especially for short wave period. This can be attributed to the increase of nonlinear effects in the chamber by increase of wave steepness. The developed model can be applied for further researches on OWCs such as optimization or improving OWC performance.
    Keywords: OWC, numerical simulation, wave energy, CFD, experimental}
  • مهدی نظری برنجکوب *، محمود غیاثی
    تکنولوژی های بسیاری برای جذب انرژی از امواج ارائه شده است و روش های گوناگونی برای بهینه سازی آن ها مطرح شده است. در تحقیق حاضر، آنالیز سیستم مهار و تاثیر آن بر دینامیک یک مبدل جاذب نقطه ای در موج مدنظر بوده است. جذب انرژی از امواج اقیانوسی توسط مبدل های جاذب نقطه ای دو بدنه وابسته به جابجایی نسبی بین بویه و بدنه مغروق آن ها در جهت هیو می باشد. برای این منظور، از یک صفحه هیو و یک سیستم مهار سه نقطه ای، به طور معمول، استفاده می گردد. در این مقاله، دو نوع سیستم مهار برای یک مبدل دو-بدنه جاذب نقطه ای در نظر گرفته شده است. سپس، دینامیک دو مدل، در اثر تحریک موج منظم آنالیز شده است. نیروها و ضرایب هیدرودینامیک با گسسته سازی معادلات انتگرال مرزی در مسئله موج تفرق و تشعشع محاسبه گردیده است. پاسخ بدنه مغروق مهار شده و نیز بویه مبدل، به تحریک موج به دست آمده است. نتایج با پژوهش گذشته معتبر سازی شده است. انرژی استحصالی حاصل از اختلاف بین جابجایی هیو دو بدنه مبدل محاسبه شده است. مجموع نتایج، بیانگر تاثیرات قابل توجه مهار کششی برافزایش جابجایی نسبی هیو بین دو بدنه مبدل و افزایش انرژی استحصالی از موج است.
    کلید واژگان: انرژی موج, دینامیک بویه, جاذب نقطه ای, سیستم مهار}
    M. Berenjkoob *, M. Ghiasi
    Many technologies to absorb wave energy is provided and there are different ways to optimize the efficiency of wave energy converters. In this study, the analysis of mooring system and its impact on the dynamics of a point absorber wave energy converter was considered.
    Energy absorption from ocean waves by two-body point absorber converters depends on the relative displacement between the buoy and submerged body of a point absorber converter in the direction of heave. For this purpose, in wave energy converter is used a three-point mooring system with heave plate, Conventionally. In this paper, two types of mooring systems for a point absorber converter are considered. Then, the dynamic of two models is analyzed in the regular wave. Hydrodynamic Forces and coefficients are calculated by the discretization of boundary integral equations in the wave scattering and radiation problem.
    The responses of the submerged body and buoy to regular wave were investigated. The results are validated with the available results. Extracted energy is calculated via the value difference between the relative displacement of the buoy and submerged body. The obtained results showed the significant contribution of the tension mooring system into enhanced the value of relative motion and the efficiency of the converter
    Keywords: Wave energy, dynamics of buoy, Point-absorber, Mooring system}
  • محمود غیاثی*، مهدی نطری برنجکوب
    نگرانی های زیست محیطی و تقاضای در حال رشد جهان به انرژی باعث افزایش علاقمندی به فن آوری های انرژی های تجدید پذیر شده است. تمرکز بر مطالعات تئوری جذب نقطه ای (متمرکز) انرژی موج اقیانوس از حدود چهار دهه پیش آغاز گردیده و کمتر از دو دهه تمرکز بر مطالعه و طراحی مبدل های شناور جاذب نقطه ای مورد توجه محققین بوده است. امروزه، پژوهش ها در بهینه سازی و اصلاح روش های کنونی، ابداع روش های جدید و پیش بینی راندمان در مبدل های جاذب نقطه ای مطرح است.
    در این مقاله؛ اثرات سیستم مهار پایه کششی بر عملکرد هیدرودینامیک یک مبدل جاذب نقطه ای دو بدنه مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. در مدل سازی مبدل شامل دو بدنه: بویه جاذب انرژی و بدنه مغروق است، اتصال این دو با یک سیستم فنر خطی مدل سازی شده است و انرژی استحصالی حاصل حرکت نسبی هیو بین دو بدنه است. تحلیل هیدرودینامیک در حوزه زمان انجام شده و نتایج، بیانگر تاثیرات مثبت اعمال لنگر پایه کششی بر افزایش حرکت نسبی هیو بین دو بدنه مبدل و افزایش 6.2 درصدی انرژی استحصالی از موج می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: انرژی امواج, تئوری جریان پتانسیل, لنگر پایه کششی, مبدل جاذب نقطه ای}
    Mahmood Ghiasi *
    Environmental concerns have increased the interest to renewable energy technologies. Theoretical Studies on the point absorber theory of ocean wave energy started about four decades ago and less than two decades, the studies are focused on the designing of the point absorber wave energy converters.
    Today, researches are in the optimization and modification of existing methods, the innovation of new approaches and the forecast of the efficiency of the point absorber converters.
    In this paper, the effects of tension leg system on the hydrodynamic performance of a two-body floating-point absorber wave energy system are studied. In modeling, the two-body converter consists of: the immersed body and buoy, which are connected through a linear mass–spring system to represent the power take-off (PTO) mechanism. The hydrodynamic analysis is performed in the time domain. The results show the positive effects of tension leg anchor on the increase of relative motion between the immersed body and buoy and the increase of converter efficiency up to 6.2 percent.
    Keywords: Wave energy, Potential flow theory, Tension leg anchor, Absorber point converter}
  • محمدرضا نگهداری*، حسین دلایلی، محمدحسن مقدس
    امروزه بیش از 80 درصد انرژی های تولیدی در جهان از سوخت های فسیلی بدست می آیند. بنابراین جستجو در استفاده از روش های نوین جهت بهره برداری از منابع انرژی نو مورد توجه می باشد. یکی از منابع مهم انرژی، آبها و دریاها می باشند. امواج دریا از منابع مهم تولید انرژی هستند که با استفاده از تکنولوژی و وسایل مدرن می توان آن را به انرژی مورد نیاز جهت مصارف مختلف تبدیل نمود. در این مقاله نیز با بهره گیری از این موضوع، به مدل سازی وسیله ای می پردازیم که بتوان از انرژی حاصل از امواج دریا و تبدیل آن به انرژی الکتریکی جهت مصارف مختلف استفاده نمود. این مبدل دارای دارای بویه استوانه ای شکل بوده و از حرکات هیو تولید انرژی می نماید. شبیه سازی معادلات ریاضی حاکم بر مبدل در محیط سیمولینک متلب انجام گرفته است و نتایج مدل سازی و تحلیل شامل جابجایی، سرعت، نیرو و توان مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است.
    کلید واژگان: انرژی امواج دریا, مبدل جاذب نقطه ای, حرکت هیو, توان PTO, سیمولینک Matlab}
    Mohammadreza Negahdari*, H. Dalayeli, M. Moghaddas
    Today, more than 80% of the produced energy in the world comes from fossil fuels. Therefore, the search of new methods is considered in order to use of new source energy. Sea is one of the most important sources of energy. The waves are the main sources of energy that by using technology and modern equipment, it can be converted into needed energy for different purposes. In this paper, according to this fact, the modeling of device is considered that can be used to model the energy of ocean waves into electrical energy for different goals. This device has a cylindrical buoy which uses heave motion in order to produce energy. The simulation of mathematic equations of the device has been done in Matlab Simulink and the results of modeling and analysis, including displacement, velocity, force and power has been considered.
    Keywords: wave energy, Point absorber, Heave Motion, PTO Power, Matlab Simulink}
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