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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Harmony Search » در نشریات گروه « فنی و مهندسی »

  • Arash Radman, Saeid Pourzeynali, Nima Faraji

    Multidirectional torsional hysteretic damper is a new type of damper that can be used to isolate and dissipate seismic effects on a structure. It can be designed to have a controllable post-elastic stiffness and exhibit high levels of damping as well as stable cyclic response. In this article, while offering a simplified numerical relationship for force-displacement response of the damper, the structure that is fitted with this innovative type of damper is optimized using the harmony search optimization procedure with discrete design variables. Numerical experiments show that the harmony search methodology can determine the damper parameters with high computational efficiency and outperform genetic algorithm and simulated annealing procedure in this regard.

    Keywords: Harmony Search, Structural optimization, Multidirectional torsional hysteretic damper, seismic isolation, GeneticAlgorithm, Simulated Annealing}
  • زهرا باقری، فاطمه وردی، علیرضا محجوب

    در پیاده سازی مبتنی بر شبکه روی تراشه، نگاشت را می توان گامی مهم در اجرای برنامه کاربردی دانست. وظایف یک کاربرد، اغلب در قالب یک گراف هسته نمایش داده می شود. هسته ها با استفاده از یک بستر ارتباطی و غالبا شبکه روی تراشه، بین خود پیوند برقرار می کنند و به این منظور، توسعه دهندگان الگوریتم های گوناگونی را پیشنهاد داده اند. در اغلب موارد به دلیل پیچیدگی از روش های جستجوی دقیق برای یافتن نگاشت استفاده می شود. با این حال این روش ها برای شبکه های با ابعاد کوچک مناسب هستند. با افزایش ابعاد شبکه، زمان جستجو نیز به طور نمایی افزایش می یابد. این مقاله از دیدگاه یک رویکرد فراابتکاری با استفاده از روش جستجوی هارمونی به تصمیم گیری زمانی برای اتصال هسته ها به روترها می پردازد. رویکرد ما نوعی بهبودیافته از الگوریتم جستجوی هارمونی را با تمرکز روی کاهش توان مصرفی و تاخیر به کار می گیرد. تحلیل پیچیدگی الگوریتم، آشکارکننده راه حل مناسب تر در مقایسه با الگوریتم های مشابه با توجه به الگوی ترافیکی برنامه کاربردی است. الگوریتم در مقایسه با روش های مشابه به 98/39% تاخیر کمتر و 11/61% صرفه جویی در توان مصرفی دست می یابد.

    کلید واژگان: شبکه های روی تراشه, نگاشت, جستجوی هارمونی, فراابتکاری}
    Zahra Bagheri, Fatemeh Vardi, Alireza Mahjoub

    In network-on-chip implementation, mapping can be considered as an important step in application implementation. The tasks of an application are often represented in the form of a core graph. The cores establish a link between themselves using a communication platform and often the network on the chip. For finding proper mapping for an application, developers have proposed various algorithms. In most cases, due to the complexity, exact search methods are used to find the mapping. However, these methods are suitable for networks with small dimensions. As the size of the network increases, the search time also increases exponentially. This article, from the perspective of a heuristic approach, uses the harmony search method to decide when to connect cores to routers. Our approach uses an improved version of the harmony search algorithm with a focus on reducing power consumption and delay. Algorithm complexity analysis reveals a more appropriate solution compared to similar algorithms with respect to application traffic pattern. Compared to similar methods, the algorithm achieves 39.98% less delay and 61.11% saving in power consumption.

    Keywords: Networks on chip, mapping, harmony search, heuristic}
  • Milad Shahvaroughi Farahani *, Hamed Farrokhi-Asl, Saeed Rahimian
    Investigating stock price trends and determining future stock prices have become focal points for researchers within the finance sector. However, predicting stock price trends is a complex task due to the multitude of influencing factors. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in developing more precise and heuristic models and methods for stock price prediction in recent years. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of technical indicators for stock price prediction, including closing price, lowest price, highest price, and the exponential moving average method. To thoroughly analyze the relationship between these technical indicators and stock prices over predefined time intervals, we employ an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This ANN is optimized using a combination of Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Harmony Search (HS) algorithms as meta-heuristic techniques for enhancing stock price prediction. The GA is employed for selecting the most suitable optimization indicators. In addition to indicator selection, PSO and HS are utilized to fine-tune the Neural Network (NN), minimizing network errors and optimizing weights and the number of hidden layers simultaneously. We employ eight estimation criteria for error assessment to evaluate the proposed model's performance and select the best model based on error criteria. An innovative aspect of this research involves testing market efficiency and identifying the most significant companies in Iran as the statistical population. The experimental results clearly indicate that a hybrid ANN-HS algorithm outperforms other algorithms regarding stock price prediction accuracy. Finally, we conduct run tests, a non-parametric test, to evaluate the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in its weak form.
    Keywords: Technical Indicators, Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, harmony search, Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, Efficient market hypothesis}
  • شکوه شیخ زاده، حامد وحدت نژاد*، رمضان هاونگی

    وجود دست انداز در سطح جاده ها معضل بزرگی در حمل و نقل جاده ای است و نادیده گرفتن آن منجر به افزایش تصادفات، افزایش مصرف سوخت خودرو و هدر رفت وقت و انرژی خواهد شد؛ از این رو حل مساله کشف دست انداز، مورد توجه پژوهش گران قرار گرفته و الگوریتم های مختلفی برای حل آن ارایه شده است. در این مقاله، برای افزایش دقت، یک روش پردازش داده مبتنی بر محاسبات نرم برای کشف دست انداز پیشنهاد شده است. در روش پیشنهادی، از ترکیب سیستم فازی و الگوریتم های تکاملی استفاده شده است. این روش، از الگوریتم های ژنتیک و جستجوی هارمونی برای تنظیم توابع عضویت سیستم فازی استفاده می کند. به منظور بررسی الگوریتم پیشنهادی،  عملکرد این روش برای کشف دست انداز های واقع در خیابان غفاری شهر بیرجند، مورد ارزیابی قرارگرفته است. نتایج حاصل حاکی از عملکرد  موفقیت آمیز روش پیشنهادی، در مقایسه با سایر روش ها، از نظر دقت است؛ به گونه ای که دقت  الگوریتم فازی ژنتیک 98 درصد و الگوریتم فازی هارمونی 99 درصد به دست می آید.

    کلید واژگان: محاسبات نرم, کشف دست انداز, سیستم فازی, الگوریتم ژنتیک, جستجوی هارمونی}
    Shokooh Sheikhzade, Hamed Vahdat-Nejad*, Ramazan Havangi

    Potholes on roads are regarded as serious problems in the transportation domain, and ignoring them lead to an increase in accidents, traffic, vehicle fuel consumption, and waste of time and energy. As a result, pothole detection has attracted researchers’ attention, and different methods have been presented for it up to now. Data analysis methods such as machine learning and soft computing have been widely used for detection purposes. They rely on a dataset and propose a system that can detect a special event in similar datasets. Their effectiveness can be measured by evaluating their accuracy in detecting the event. Image processing involves a wide range of analytics that are used to extract specific information from images. The majority of image processing programs require massive computational power. The major part of previous research is based on image processing. They utilize dedicated cameras which are embedded in vehicles to take images and analyze them through massive image processing programs. This scheme requires dedicated hardware that is not typically available on vehicles. In this paper, a new scheme is proposed, which uses accelerometer and GPS sensors. These types of sensors are available in today’s smartphones as well as modern vehicles. The data generated by these sensors is processed via soft computing to increase the accuracy of pothole detection. The proposed algorithm uses a combination of a fuzzy system and evolutionary algorithms. Fuzzy systems have been widely used to model the real-world problems that are described by uncertainty and ambiguity. Evolutionary algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms) try to imitate evolutionary science in solving hard problems. Genetic algorithm and harmony search are used to adjust membership functions of the proposed fuzzy system. For evaluation, a case study has been conducted with regard to detect potholes on Ghaffari Street in Birjand. To this end, a real dataset has been collected and used for implementing the proposed method. Experimental results show the high accuracy of the proposed algorithm in comparison to other solutions. They reveal that the accuracy of the proposed genetic fuzzy algorithm is 98 percent and for the proposed harmony fuzzy algorithm is 99 percent.

    Keywords: Soft computing, Pothole detection, Fuzzy system, Genetic algorithm, Harmony search}
  • Seyed Reza Nabavi *, Mehdi Najafi

    Wireless sensor networks have become extensively applied in various fields with their advance. They may be formed freely and simply in many areas with no infrastructure. Also, they gather information about environmental phenomena for decent efficiency and event analysis and send it to base stations. The absence of infrastructure in such networks, on the other hand, limits the sources; therefore, the nodes are powered by a battery with inadequate energy. As a result, preserving energy in such networks is a critical task. Clustering the nodes and picking the cluster head based on the available transmission factors is an intriguing way for reducing energy consumption in these networks, as the average energy consumption of the nodes is lowered and the network lifespan is increased. By combining the multi-objective grasshopper optimization algorithm and the harmony search, this study provides a novel optimization strategy for wireless sensor network clustering. The cluster head is chosen using the multi-objective grasshopper optimization algorithm, and information is communicated between the cluster head's nodes and the sink node using nearly optimum routing based on the harmony search. The simulation outcomes indicate that when the functionality of the multi-objective grasshopper optimization algorithm and the harmony search are taken into account, the suggested technique outperforms the previous methods in terms of data delivery rate, energy consumption, efficiency, and information packet transmission.

    Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, routing, grasshopper optimization algorithm, Harmony search}
  • Amir Fatehi Kivi, Esmaeil Mehdizadeh *, Reza Tavakkoli Moghaddam, Seyed Esmaeil Najafi

    The supply chain network design not only assists organizations production process (e.g.,plan, control and execute a product’s flow) but also ensure what is the growing need for companies in a longterm. This paper develops a three-echelon supply chain network problem including multiple plants, multiple distributors, and multiple retailers with amulti-mode demand satisfaction policy inside of production planning and maintenance. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model. Because of its NP-hardness, three meta-heuristic algorithms(i.e., tabu search, harmony search and genetic algorithm) are used to solve the given problem. Also, theTaguchi method is used to choose the best levels of the parameters of the proposedmeta-heuristic algorithms. The results show that HS has abetter solution quality than two other algorithms.

    Keywords: Supply chain network design, Multi-mode demand, Tabu search, Harmony search, Genetic Algorithm}
  • رضا زندی، جعفر یزدی*، محمد شاه سوندی

    شبکه آبرسانی مهم ترین زیر ساخت شهری برای تامین آب مصرفی است. با توجه به اینکه در حال حاضر هدررفت آب یک نگرانی جهانی است و از طرفی تقاضا برای آب در حال افزایش است؛ این مساله مدیریت تقاضا و اصلاح الگوی مصرف را ضروری ساخته است. از مهم ترین روش های مدیریت مصرف، کاهش آب بدون درآمد است. از زیرمجموعه های آب بدون درآمد می توان به نشت موجود در شبکه آبرسانی اشاره کرد. در این مقاله، یک روش شبیه سازی - بهینه سازی مبتنی بر الگوریتم جستجوی هارمونی توسعه داده شده است که در آن، حل گر هیدرولیکی EPANET در محیط متلب به الگوریتم فراکاوشی جستجوی هارمونی لینک شده است. سناریوهایی برای مکان یابی نشت و یافتن اندازه نشت در دو شبکه آبرسانی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. سناریوهای مکان یابی شامل یک نشت و سه نشت همزمان است. نیازهای گرهی در طول شبانه روز بصورت متغیر در نظر گرفته شده است و بدین ترتیب ضرایب الگوی مصرف در طول 24 ساعت به گره های هر دو شبکه در نرم افزار EPANET اختصاص داده شد. پس از آن بدنه اصلی الگوریتم جستجوی هارمونی در محیط متلب نوشته شد و متناسب با هر یک از سناریوهای مکان یابی و اندازه نشت، الگوریتم جستجوی هارمونی توسعه داده شد. پارامترهای الگوریتم نیز با توجه به نوع سناریو، اندازه شبکه مورد مطالعه (تعداد گره ها) و تعداد متغیرهای تصمیم برای تولید پاسخ های قابل قبول تنظیم شدند. مدل توسعه داده شده، 14 سناریو را مورد بررسی قرار داد. نتایج نشان می دهد مدل توسعه یافته به ترتیب در مکان یابی یک نشت، یافتن اندازه نشت و مکان یابی سه نشت موفق عمل نموده و به طور کلی مدل عملکرد قابل قبولی در مکان یابی و یافتن مقدار نشت در طول شبانه روز داشته است.

    کلید واژگان: نشت یابی, بهینه سازی, جستجوی هارمونی, شبکه توزیع آب}
    Reza Zandi, Jafar Yazdi*, Mohammad Shahsavandi

    Water distribution networks are of the most important urban infrastructure for water supply. Given that water loss is currently a global concern, and water demand s increasing; This has made it necessary to manage demand and improve consumption patterns. One of the most important ways to manage consumption is to reduce unaccounted-for water. Leakage is one of the components of unaccounted-for water in the water supply networks. Also, due to population growth and water crisis in a large part of the world, the issue of leakage in urban water supply networks has become very important. Leakage in water distribution networks wastes energy and water resources, increasing damage to infrastructure, and contaminating drinking water. Water leakage in the water distribution systems (WDSs) varies between 5 to 55% of the total water. Therefore, leakage has an important effect on system performance. The importance of leakage can be found in issues such as water scarcity, optimal use of available resources and high costs of water treatment and distribution. In other words, in the discussion of water transmission and use, we are observing obvious and hidden waste, which is important in dry and semi-arid countries like Iran, so this need to minimize the amount of waste so that resources can be used optimally. In recent years, various solutions have been considered to reduce leakage by researchers and managers of the water industry; This includes hardware methods (acoustic procedures, flow measurements, etc.) and software methods (neural network, genetic algorithm, WATERGEMS, etc.). In this paper, a software method is developed to facilitate leakage detection and eliminate uncertainty of hardware methods such as human and device errors. In other words, to reduce the cost and time of hardware methods, a simulation-modeling method is developed here based on harmonic search algorithm. For this purpose, EPANET hydraulic model and MATLAB environment have been used. Different scenarios for locating leaks and finding leakage sizes were investigated in two water supply networks. Scenarios include one leak and three simultaneous leaks in different parts of the networks. Also, the variability of nodal demands during the day and night was considered as an uncertainty parameter, and thus the coefficients of the consumption pattern during 24 hours were allocated to the nodes of both networks in EPANET software. After that, the main body of the Harmony Search Algorithm was written in MATLAB environment, and in accordance with each of the location and leakage scenarios, the Harmony Search Algorithm was developed. Algorithm parameters were also adjusted according to the type of scenario, the size of the studied network (number of nodes) and the number of variables to produce acceptable responses. The algorithm in MATLAB environment was linked to EPANET software. The developed model examined 14 different scenarios. The results show that the developed model has been successful in locating one leak, finding the size of the leak, and locating three leaks, respectively. In general, the model has had an acceptable performance in locating and finding the size of leakage during the day and night.

    Keywords: Leak detection, Optimization, Harmony search, Water Distribution Network}
  • S. Talatahari*, V. Goodarzimehr, S. Shojaee

    In this work, a new hybrid Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) algorithm introduced to design and optimize spatial and planar structures under structural constraints. The SOS algorithm is inspired by the interactive behavior between organisms to propagate in nature. But one of the disadvantages of the SOS algorithm is that due to its vast search space and a large number of organisms, it may trap in a local optimum. To fix this problem Harmony search (HS) algorithm, which has a high exploration and high exploitation, is applied as a complement to the SOS algorithm. The weight of the structureschr('39') elements is the objective function which minimized under displacement and stress constraints using finite element analysis. To prove the high capabilities of the new algorithm several spatial and planar benchmark truss structures, designed and optimized and the results have been compared with those of other researchers. The results show that the new algorithm has performed better in both exploitation and exploration than other meta-heuristic and mathematics methods.

    Keywords: discrete variables, symbiotic organisms search, harmony search, size optimization, structural optimization, truss structures, meta-heuristic algorithm}
  • Siamak Talatahari *, Vahid Goodarzimehr
    In this study, to enhance the optimization process, especially in the structural engineering field two well-known algorithms are merged together in order to achieve an improved hybrid algorithm. These two algorithms are Teaching-Learning Based Optimization (TLBO) and Harmony Search (HS) which have been used by most researchers in varied fields of science. The hybridized algorithm is called A Discrete Hybrid Teaching-Learning Based Optimization (DHTLBO) that is applied to optimization of truss structures with discrete variables. This new method is consisted of two parts: in the first part the TLBO algorithm applied as conventional TLBO for local optimization, in the second stage the HS algorithm is applied to global optimization and exploring all the unknown places in the search space. The new hybrid algorithm is employed to minimize the total weight of structures. Therefore, the objective function consists of member’s weight, which is depends on the form of stress and deflection limits. To demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of this new algorithm several truss structures which are optimized by most researchers are presented and then their results are compared to other meta-heuristic algorithm and TLBO and HS standard algorithms.
    Keywords: Discrete variables, Teaching-learning-based optimization, Harmony search, Size optimization, Truss structures, Structural optimization, Meta-heuristic algorithm}
  • Reza Abdollahi Sharbabaki *, Seyed Hamidreza Pasandideh
    In this paper a model is proposed for distribution centers location and joint replenishment of a distribution system that is responsible for orders and product delivery to distribution centers. This distribution centers are under limitedwarehouse space and this can determine amount of requirement product by considering proposed discount.The proposed model is develop to minimize total costs consists of location, ordering, purchaseunder All-units quantity discount condition and items maintenance by adjustment Frequency of replenishment in each distribution center. To solve this model, first we solve the model with genetic algorithm by confining the time between too replenishments then by use of the Quantity Discount RAND algorithm method the upper and lower limits of the time between two replenishments will be determined. After obtaining the optimal upper and lower limits, the model will be resolved by harmony search and genetic algorithms. The results show that the presented chromosome structure is so efficient so that the statistical experiments result indicates there isn’t much difference between solution means after finding the optimal upper and lower limits. We used response surface methodology for tune proposed algorithms parameters. Efficiency of proposed algorithms is examined by diverse examples in different dimensions. Results of these experiments are compared by using of ANOVA and TOPSIS with indexes of objective function value and algorithms runtime. In both comparisons harmony search algorithm has more efficiency than genetic algorithm.
    Keywords: Joint replenishment problem, Location, All Units discount, Genetic Algorithm, Harmony search}
  • Siamak Talatahari *, Vahid Goodarzimehr, Nasser Taghizadieh
    The Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm is a new meta-heuristic algorithm which recently received more attention in various fields of science. The TLBO algorithm divided into two phases: Teacher phase and student phase; In the first phase a teacher tries to teach the student to improve the class level, then in the second phase, students increase their level by interacting among themselves. But, due to the lack of additional parameter to calculate the distance between the teacher and the mean of students, it is easily trapped at the local optimum and make it unable to reach the best global for some difficult problems. Since the Harmony Search (HS) algorithm has a strong exploration and it can explore all unknown places in the search space, it is an appropriate complement to improve the optimization process. Thus, based on these algorithms, they are merged to improve TLBO disadvantages for solving the structural problems. The objective function of the problems is the total weight of whole members which depends on the strength and displacement limits. Indeed, to avoid violating the limits, the penalty function applied in the form of stress and displacement limits. To show the superiority of the new hybrid algorithm to previous well-known methods, several benchmark truss structures are presented. The results of the hybrid algorithm indicate that the new algorithm has shown good performance.
    Keywords: Teaching-learning-based optimization, Harmony search, Size optimization, Structural optimization, Continuous variables}
  • Mohammad Ramyar, Esmaeil Mehdizadeh *, Seyyed Mohammad Hadji Molana
    In this research, a bi-objective model is developed to deal with a supply chain including multiple suppliers, multiple manufacturers, and multiple customers, addressing a multi-site, multi-period, multi-product aggregate production planning (APP) problem. This bi-objective model aims to minimize the total cost of supply chain including inventory costs, manufacturing costs, work force costs, hiring, and firing costs, and maximize the minimum of suppliers' and producers' reliability by the considering probabilistic lead times, to improve the performance of the system and achieve a more reliable production plan. To solve the model in small sizes, a ε-constraint method is used. A numerical example utilizing the real data from a paper and wood industry is designed and the model performance is assessed. With regard to the fact that the proposed bi-objective model is NP-Hard, for large-scale problems one multi-objective harmony search algorithm is used and its results are compared with the NSGA-II algorithm. The results demonstrate the capability and efficiency of the proposed algorithm in finding Pareto solutions.
    Keywords: Multi-objective, Aggregate Production Planning, Supply Chain, reliability, Harmony search, NSGA-II}
  • Saeid Esmaeiloghli *, Seyed Hassan Tabatabaei, Ahmad Reza Mokhtari
    The classification of mineralized areas into different groups based on mineral grade and prospectivity is a practical problem in the area of optimal risk, time, and cost management of exploration projects. The purpose of this paper was to present a new approach for optimizing the grade classification model of an orebody. That is to say, through hybridizing machine learning with a metaheuristic algorithm called Harmony Search (HS), a proper model for the spatial distribution of the grade classes was obtained, while improving the computational cost of the traditional classification methods. The HS is an algorithm inspired by the simulation of the process where a composer tries to harmonize a piece of music. By interpolating the dataset of Cu and Mo concentrations in the surface rock samples taken from Kooh-Panj deposit district, the grid data of the two elements were extracted. To estimate the true number of groups in the dataset, five popular indices were used in this regard, which in turn determined two classes as the optimal number of groups. Harmony Search Learning (HSL) was used to classify the grid dataset of Cu and Mo. The comparison of the results of the proposed approach with the conventional k-means clustering suggested that the use of HSL method significantly reduced the cost function of the problem (up to 13%). The adaptation of the mineralization class derived from HSL and k-means clustering to borehole locations proved that the results of the HSL were more successful in the accurate estimation of the economic mineralization class identified by the exploratory excavations. In this respect, the HSL technique could significantly improve the k-means performance by 25%. Furthermore, the results of the HSL were more consistent with the lithological units and alteration zones involved in the ore-forming processes. The use of the HS-based learning rectified the disadvantages arising from the typical clustering methods regarding the entrapment in local optimums. It also led to the extraction of weak mineralization signals, numerically laid in boundary conditions. This approach can be extended to more than two geochemical variables and can be a valuable tool for the classification of the mineralized areas to design and optimally manage the mineral exploration projects.
    Keywords: Geochemical data, Grade classification, Harmony Search, Kooh-Panj Cu-Mo deposit, Machine learning}
  • Amir Fatehi Kivi, Esmaeil Mehdizadeh, Reza Tavakkoli Moghaddam *

    The supply chain network design (SCND) implicates decision-making at a strategic level and makes it possible to create an effective and helpful context for managing. The aim of the network is to minimize the total cost so that customer's demands should be met. Preventive maintenance is pre-determined work performed to a schedule with the aim of preventing the wear and tear or sudden failure of equipment components. Unfortunately, there is very little work on the issues of preventive maintenance in the SCND. At first, a mixed integer nonlinear programming model (MINLP) is formulated that maximaize the profit of the network. Since the SCND is an NP-hard problem, we use three meta-heuristic algorithms, namely tabu search, harmony search and genetic algorithm to solve the given problem. Taguchi method is also used to adjust the significant parameters of the forgoing meta-heuristics and select the optimal levels of the influential factors for the better algorithm performance. The results of different numerical experiments endorse the effectiveness of the HS algorithm.

    Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, harmony search, preventive maintenance, Production-distribution, Supply chain network design, Tabu Search}
  • مهندس کاظم عاملی، محمدرضا آقاابراهیمی، حمید فلقی
    تجدید ساختار و مقررات زدایی، برنامه ریزی سیستم قدرت را متحول کرده، اهداف و چالش های جدیدی را خصوصا در زمینه برنامه ریزی توسعه انتقال (TEP) ایجاد کرده است. از طرفی رشد تقاضا و کمبود منابع انرژی و سرمایه گذاری برای گسترش سیستم قدرت باعث شده است پاسخ گویی بار (DR) مورد توجه ویژه ای قرار گیرد. در این مقاله برنامه ریزی توسعه انتقال چند هدفه دینامیک تحت محدودیت های قابلیت اطمینان در محیط بازار با توجه به برنامه های فروش دیماند و پیشنهادهای وابسته به قیمت در بازار روز بعد انجام می شود. نوآوری های مقاله حاضر عبارت اند از: 1- مشارکت برنامه های فروش دیماند و پیشنهادهای وابسته به قیمت در برنامه ریزی توسعه انتقال، 2- مدل سازی جدید بازار عمده فروشی برق با مشارکت مستقیم برنامه های پاسخ گویی بار و 3- یافتن مقدار بهینه مورد نیاز فروش دیماند در هر سال برای تک تک باس ها که می تواند به عنوان سیگنال از جانب نهاد تنظیم بازار به تامین کنندگان DR ارسال شود تا در برنامه ریزی درازمدت آن ها لحاظ گردد. الگوریتم پیشنهادی بر روی شبکه 24 باسه IEEE اجرا و مزیت های آن از جمله کاهش هزینه سرمایه گذاری، کاهش تراکم و افزایش قابلیت اطمینان نشان داده شده است.
    کلید واژگان: بهینه سازی چند هدفه, برنامه ریزی توسعه انتقال (TEP), پاسخ گویی بار (DR), جستجوی هارمونd}
    Kazem Ameli, Mohammad R. Aghaebrahimi, Hamid Falaghi
    Restructuring and deregulation have changed the power system planning and have introduced new objectives and challenges, especially in the field of Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP). On the other hand, the growing demand and shortage of energy and investment resources have caused special attention to the Demand Response (DR) programs. In this paper, dynamic multi-objective transmission expansion planning is carried out under reliability constraints in the market environment and the presence of demand bidding programs and price responsive bids. The novelties of this paper include the participation of demand bidding (DB) programs and price responsive bids in transmission expansion planning, new wholesale electricity market modeling considering the direct participation of DB programs and price responsive bids and finding the optimum amount of DB programs in each year in individual buses. These data can be sent as a signal to the DR suppliers from the market regulated entity to be considered in their long term planning. The proposed algorithm is implemented on the IEEE 24-bus network and its advantages, including reducing the investment cost and congestion and increasing the reliability, are shown.
    Keywords: Multi, objective optimization, Transmission expansion planning, Demand Response, Harmony Search}
  • Bouldjella Houari, Laouer Mohamed, Bouzeboudja Hamid, Saad Abdallah
    In this paper, the Static Economic Dispatch (SELD) problem has been optimized by applied a novel approach named improved dynamic harmony search (IDHS) algorithm. The proposed method in this work uses a novel technique for generating a new solution, where the distance bandwidth (BW) is dynamically update to improve the exploration and exploitation characteristics of the original HS. The principle behind this idea is to use a large BW to search in the entire domain and dynamically adjust the BW towards the optimal solution. The IDHS algorithm is validate for a test system consisting of 13 thermal units with VPE. It is observed that IDHS has shown promising performance to solve the SELD problem with valve-point loading effects, the simulation results are compared with conventional HS and various other optimization algorithms published recently.
    Keywords: Economic dispatch, No smooth power system, Valve-point effects, Harmony search}
  • فریبا فرح بخش، رضا توکلی مقدم*، وحیدرضا قضاوتی
    مساله مسیریابی بهینه برای انتقال مجروحین و کمک رسانی امداد از مسائل مهم و اساسی به هنگام وقوع بحران می باشد در هنگام وقوع بحران اهمیت دو فاکتور زمان و هزینه برای کمک رسانی امداد و نجات مجروحین دو چندان می شود. در این مقاله هدف یافتن مسیر بهینه برای رسیدن از یک مرکز امداد و نجات تا یک مرکز بحران است. مدل ریاضی ارائه شده کمینه کردن زمان و هزینه را برای دسترسی به مراکز بحران هدف قرار داده است و همچنین مفروضاتی همچون چندانباره بودن، چندمسیره بودن، چندسناریو بودن، تحویل انشعابی، چندمحصولی، ناهمگنبودن وسایل نقلیه و پنجره زمانی را به صورت همزمان در نظرگرفته است. با توجه به اینکه در مواقع بحرانی مقادیر برخی از پارامترها از قبیل تقاضا و زمان سفر قطعی نیستند، در این مقاله با در نظرگرفتن مفروضات بیان شده و غیرقطعی در نظرگرفتن پارامترهای تقاضا و زمان سفر مساله مربوطه به مساله واقعی نزدیکتر شده است. در صورتیکه بیشتر مسائلی که در این زمینه مطرح شده است مفروضات بیان شده را به صورت همزمان مورد بررسی قرار نداده اند و پارامترهای ذکرشده (زمان و تقاضا) نیز به صورت قطعی در نظرگرفته شده است. در نهایت برای یافتن جواب های دقیق باتوجه به چندهدفه بودن مدل و فازی بودن پارامترهای تقاضا و زمان سفر از روش محدودیت اپسیلون در ابعاد کوچک بهره گرفته شده و در ادامه با توجه به NP-Hard بودن مساله برای حل آن در ابعاد بزرگ از الگوریتم های فراابتکاری NSGA-IIو MOHS استفاده شده که بر روی 15 مساله در اندازه های مختلف حل شده که نتایج بدست آمده از حل مسائل عددی نشان می دهد هر دو الگوریتم توانایی بالایی در تولید جواب های مناسب در زمان مناسب را دارند به طوری که برای حل بزرگترین و پیچیده ترین مساله زمانی کمتر از 480 ثانیه صرف شده است که با توجه به NP-Hard بودن، غیرقطعی بودن و چند هدفه بودن مدل بسیار مناسب است.
    کلید واژگان: مسیریابی وسایل نقلیه, بحران, لجستیک امدادی, الگوریتم جستجوی هارمونی}
    Fariba Farahbakhsh, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam *, Vahid Reza Ghezavati
    The optimal routing for transferring the wounded and relief assistance is a major problem in the event of a crisis. At this time the importance of two factors, namely time and money, in order to help and rescue the injured is doubled. This paper aims to find the most optimal route from a rescue center to the crisis center. The presented mathematical model aims to minimize the time and cost of accessing a crisis center. We also consider some assumptions, such as multiple storages, multiple paths, multiple scenarios, split delivery, multiple products, heterogeneity of the vehicles and time. Given that the values of some parameters, such as demand and time of the travel are uncertain, in which we state them in respect to the former mentioned assumptions. Considering these parameters uncertain makes them closer to the real problem. Most of the issues raised in this field have not considered all assumptions at the same time and they have considered the mentioned parameters (time and demand) as definitive. Finally, in order to find accurate answers regarding to multiple objectives of the model and different phases of parameters (i.e., time and demand), we use ε-constraint method in small-scale problems. Then because this problem is NP-hard, two meta-heuristic algorithms, namely MOHS and NSGA-II, are used to solve 15 issues large-scale problems. The results numerically show that both algorithms have high potential in producing good solutions at the right time and they are used to solve the largest and most complex issue in less than 480 seconds. This model is very suitable and uncertain with multiple objectives.
    Keywords: Vehicles routing, crisis, relief logistics, harmony search}
  • Hossin Alipour, Amir Fatehi Kivi, Amir Aydin Atashi Abkenar
    The aim of lot sizing problems is to determine the periods where production takes place and the quantities to be produced in order to satisfy the customer demand while minimizing the total cost. Due to its importance on the efficiency of the production and inventory systems, Lot sizing problems are one of the most challenging production planning problems and have been studied for many years with different modeling features. In this paper, we propose a fuzzy mathematical model for the single-item capacitated lot-sizing problem in closed-loop supply chain. The possibility approach is chosen to convert the fuzzy mathematical model to crisp mathematical model. The obtained crisp model is in the form of mixed integer linear programming (MILP), which can be solved by existing solver in crisp environment to find optimal solution. Due to the complexity of the problems harmony search (HS) algorithm and genetic algorithm (GA) have been used to solve the model for fifteen problem. To verify the performance of the algorithm, we computationally compared the results obtained by the algorithms with the results of the branch-and-bound method. Additionally, Taguchi method was used to calibrate the parameters of the meta-heuristic algorithms. The computational results show that, the objective values obtained by HS are better from GA results for large dimensions test problems, also CPU time obtained by HS are better than GA for Large dimensions.
    Keywords: Lot-sizing, Harmony search, Returned products}
  • Amir-Reza Abtahi *, Afsane Bijari

    In this paper, a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm, based on imperialistic competition algorithm (ICA), harmony search (HS), and simulated annealing (SA) is presented. The body of the proposed hybrid algorithm is based on ICA. The proposed hybrid algorithm inherits the advantages of the process of harmony creation in HS algorithm to improve the exploitation phase of the ICA algorithm. In addition, the proposed hybrid algorithm uses SA to make a balance between exploration and exploitation phases. The proposed hybrid algorithm is compared with several meta-heuristic methods, including genetic algorithm (GA), HS, and ICA on several well-known benchmark instances. The comprehensive experiments and statistical analysis on standard benchmark functions certify the superiority of the proposed method over the other algorithms. The efficacy of the proposed hybrid algorithm is promising and can be used in several real-life engineering and management problems.

    Keywords: Meta- heuristics, Imperialistic competition algorithm, Harmony search, Simulated annealing, Optimization}
  • Mohammad Sohrabi *, Parviz Fattahi, Amir Kheirkhah, Gholamreza Esmaeilian
    This paper, considers the supplier selection in three echelon supply chain with Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) strategy under price dependent demand condition. As there is a lack of study on the supplier selection in VMI literature, this paper presents a VMI model in supply chain including multi supplier, one distributer and multi retailer that distributer selects suppliers. Two class models (traditional vs. VMI) are presented and we compare them to study the impact of VMI on supply chain and supplier selection. As the proposed model is a NP-hard problem, a meta-heuristics namely Harmony Search is employed to optimize the proposed models. We show that how the VMI system can effect on supplier selection and can change the set of selected suppliers. Finally the conclusion and further studies are presented
    Keywords: Supplier Selection, Vendor managed inventory, Price Dependent Demand, Harmony search}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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