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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « cicer arietinum » در نشریات گروه « کشاورزی »

  • تهمینه نعیم آبادی، محمدعلی تاجیک قنبری، احمد عباسی مقدم، ولی الله بابایی زاد، مجید هاشمی
    T. Naeim Abadi, M.A. Tajick Ghanbary, A. Abbasi Moghadam *, V. Babaeizad, M .Hashemi

    Fusarium wilt, root and crown rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris, (FOC) is the highly significant soil-borne disease of chickpea in the Kurdistan province of Iran. The distribution of pathogenic races of FOC in Kurdistan province was determined during this research. Infected plant samples were collected from 42 fields in the chickpea production area of the Kurdistan province. The causative microorganism of the disease was isolated and purified from each sample, and then FOC isolates were identified by morphological characters. After the pathogenicity test and evaluation of pathogenic variability on the susceptible cultivar Kaka, the DNA extraction, the molecular identification of species, and races of pathogenic isolates were performed using FOC-specific linked primers. Among the collected isolates, 37 were identified as Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris. Molecular identification of races using SCAR-linked markers (1B/C, 0, 2,3,4,5, 6, and 1A) revealed that 28 out of 37 isolates belonged to race 0, and other isolates belonged to race 1B/C. There was no relationship between the prevalence of races and their geographical distribution. Identification of the races is crucial for the evaluation of resistance and the development of new commercial cultivars. The application of resistant cultivars is a fundamental approach for the integrated management of the Fusarium wilt, root, and crown rot for durable chickpea production

    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, diversity, pathogenicity, races}
  • Khalifa Meriem Wafa, Abed Hannane, Rouag Noureddine*

    Among the best ways to control chickpea wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris (Padwick) is the use of resistant genotypes. Accordingly, the resistance of forty-one different chickpea genotypes was evaluated, over two growing seasons, under natural field infection conditions. Follow-up experiments revealed that most chickpea genotypes exhibited typical yellowing and wilting symptoms associated with wilt disease. Quantifying disease incidence at different stages revealed considerable variation among chickpea genotypes ranging from 28.13% to 66.15%. Among the genotypes tested, five can be qualified as resistant and sixteen genotypes moderately resistant, while eighteen were susceptible and only two can be considered very susceptible to Fusarium wilt. The results show that disease severity increases over time, correlated with disease incidence, and vice versa. Furthermore, grain yield was negatively affected by disease incidence; however, the disease did not affect the hundred-grain weight. The genotypes characterized by resistance to wilt and combined with productive performance can be used as such or integrated into breeding programs to develop Fusarium wilt-resistant varieties.

    Keywords: chickpea, Cicer arietinum, Fusarium oxysporum, genotype resistance}
  • معصومه پوراسماعیل*، همایون کانونی، فاطمه سیفی، علاءالدین کردناییج، بهزاد سرخی، علی سجاد بکایی

    یکی از اثرات تغییرات اقلیم کاهش بیشتر بارندگی در نواحی خشک جهان است. بهره گیری از تنوع طبیعی موجود در ژرم پلاسم گیاهی به منظور دستیابی به نمونه های ژنتیکی با درجه تحمل بیشتر، یکی از رویکردهای پیش رو در برابر اثرات منفی تغییرات اقلیم بر تولید و جز ضروری برای کشاورزی پایدار به شمار می رود. این پروژه با هدف دستیابی به نمونه های ژنتیکی با پتانسیل عملکرد بالا در مواجهه با تنش خشکی انتهای فصل بر روی 70 نمونه ژنتیکی نخود تیپ کابلی بانک ژن گیاهی ملی ایران انجام پذیرفت. به این منظور نمونه های ژنتیکی در قالب طرح آگمنت در سال زراعی 95- 1394 در کرج و کردستان به صورت بهاره کشت شدند. در کردستان، نمونه ها در دو شرایط کشت دیم و کشت با اعمال دو آبیاری تکمیلی در مرحله غلاف بندی موردبررسی قرار گرفتند. در کرج نیز نمونه ها با اعمال دو تیمار آبیاری، آبیاری نرمال در تمام مراحل رشد گیاه و آبیاری تا زمان گلدهی و قطع آبیاری از زمان گلدهی به بعد، با یکدیگر مقایسه شدند. در طول فصل رشد، صفات زراعی یادداشت برداری شد. با برآورد شاخص های تحمل و حساسیت تنش و گروه بندی نمونه های ژنتیکی بر اساس صفات زراعی و شاخص های تحمل و حساسیت با بهره گیری از تجزیه به مولفه های اصلی و تجزیه خوشه ای در سنندج نمونه های KC215172، KC215286، KC215369 و KC216010 در کرج نمونه های KC215286، KC215727، KC215442، KC215443 و KC216023 با بالاترین مقادیر GMP و STI و پایین ترین مقادیر TOL و SSI نمونه های با پتانسیل عملکرد بالا و متحمل نسبت به تنش خشکی شناخته شدند. با جمع بندی نتایج نمونه های KC215286، KC215442 و KC215443 نمونه های ژنتیکی امیدبخش در هر دو سایت بودند.  نتایج این پژوهش توجه به نمونه های ژنتیکی بومی  به عنوان میراث باارزش ملی برای پیشبرد اهداف به نژادی را مشخص می سازد.

    کلید واژگان: پتانسیل تولید, تنش خشکی, تنوع ژنتیکی, ژرم پلاسم نخود, شاخص های تحمل, کشت دیم}
    Masoumeh Pouresmael *, Homayoun Kanouni, Fatemeh Seifi, Alaeedin Kordenaeej, Behzad Sorkhi, Ali Sajjad Bokaei

    Chickpea is mainly grown in the west and north west of Iran in dryland conditions, and in most areas, it is planted as post rainy season crop from March to late May. Due to irregular, untimely and insufficient rainfall in cultivated areas, this plant is usually suffering from drought during flowering and pod filling stages, which are the most susceptible stages of chickpea growth. Utilization of local genetic diversity that are useful sources of adaptation gene to environmental changes is a starting point and a functional approach to overcome this problem. Assuming the local chickpea accession conserved in National Plant Gene Bank of Iran (NPGBI) have appropriate diversity for terminal drought tolerance, a research was conducted with the aim of identify drought tolerant accessions and determining their yield potential under dryland condition.

    Materials and methods

    Seventy Kabuli chickpea landraces were identified as tolerant accessions in different previous projects were done in NPGBI entered to this study. The experiment was held in Sanandaj and Karaj research station both in two different treatments. Control and drought treatments, through cutting off irrigation at flowering stage till maturity, in Karaj and dryland and complementary irrigation treatments, using two additional irrigations during flowering and pod filling, in Sanandaj station. The accessions were planted in the second half of March in augmented design, during 2016-17 growing season. Different agronomical traits were recorded, quantitative drought tolerance and susceptibility indices, were calculated and based of them accessions were grouped using the principle component and cluster analysis.

    Results and discussion

     Based on the results, a significant decrease in day to maturity, flowering period, canopy height and width, plant weight, pods number and weight per plant, seeds number per plant, plant yield, biomass, yield and harvest index were observed in drought stress conditions. There was considerable variation in yield and yield components, biomass and harvest index, among understudied landraces. Seed production increased by 9.7 and 1.3 times under irrigation treatment in Karaj and Sanandaj, respectively.Principal component analysis across tolerant and susceptible indices and considering eigen values greater than or equal to 1.0 showed that in both locations, two components together accounted for 92.32 and 99.33 percent of variation. The first component contributed most of the variability 52.18% in Karaj and 83.62% in Sanandaj was explained by variation in HM, STI, GMP and MP indices. The second component was explained by the diversity among genotypes for TOL and SSI indices. Hence, accession number KC.215172, KC.215286, KC215369 and KC.216010 in Sanandaj station and accession number KC.215286, KC.215727, KC215442, KC.215443, and KC.216023 in Karaj with higher amount of GMP and STI indices and lower amount of TOL and SSI were among more drought tolerance accessions.Cluster analysis based on evaluated traits and calculated drought tolerance and susceptibility indices, were divided accessions in to 3 clusters in Karaj. The cluster number three that TOl and SSI indices and the percentage of unfilled pods had lower values than the total average and plant weight, seed and pod number per plant, seed and pod weight per plant, biomass, yield, harvest index and STI and GMP indices have higher values than the average was called drought tolerant cluster. Accessions number KC.215727, KC.215442, KC.215710, KC.216023 were this cluster member.  The cluster number 4 that had high yield potential and high STI and GMP indices and including 24 accessions was drought tolerant cluster in Sanandaj. Accession number KC215369 was in this group.


    Although it is possible to increase the yield of chickpea by changing the planting season from traditional spring planting to winter, but farmers still prefer spring planting. Therefore, it is necessary to produce suitable high-yielding cultivars for both seasons, because in this way, farmers have the opportunity to choose suitable cultivars for spring or winter planting, depending on their local environmental or climatic conditions. The mismatch between grouping of tolerant genetic accessions in two experimental locations was due to the lack of similarity of stress intensities between two locations. The intensity of stress was 0.89 in Karaj and 0.24 in Sanandaj and this issue affects the reaction of the accessions. Genotype × environment interaction is the most important challenge in breeding program. Therefore, description of interaction effects and finding out appropriate genotypes with specific or common adaptation for target environments is the most important aim for multi-year and multi-location assessments. Summarizing the results of both sites demonstrated accessions number KC.215286, KC.215442 and KC.215443 were superior genotypes at both locations.Totally, this study revealed the existence of desirable diversity in terms of agronomic traits and stress tolerance among local accessions of chickpea and highlighted the importance of paying attention to these accessions for advanced and complementary research to identify potentials of these valuable heritage.

    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, Drought stress, Genetic diversity, Kabuli type, Tolerance indices}
  • علیرضا اکبری، احمد اسماعیلی*، زهرا سادات شبر*، نازنین امیربختیار، معصومه پوراسماعیل

    نخود (Cicer arietinum) یکی از مهمترین حبوبات است که حساس به سرما بوده و هر ساله کاهش ناگهانی دما منجر به افت عملکرد قابل توجه آن می شود. ریزRNA ها، RNA های کوچک غیررمزکننده بسیار محافظت شده ای هستند که بیان ژن را با تخریب mRNA های هدف پس از رونویسی یا سرکوب ترجمه آنها تنظیم می کنند و نقش آن ها در پاسخ به سرما در گیاهان مختلف به اثبات رسیده است. در این مطالعه، به منظور شناسایی ریزRNA های پاسخ دهنده به سرما، پس از توالی یابی ترانسکریپتوم در یک رقم متحمل (سارال) و یک لاین حساس به تنش سرما (ILC533)، توالی ژن های پاسخ دهنده به تنش سرما در نخود با استفاده ازنرم افزار c-mii مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. سپس، ژن های هدف تعدادی از ریزRNA های مهم با استفاده از نرم افزار psRNA Target تعیین شدند. نتایج نشان داد که 30 ریزRNA در ژنوتیپ متحمل و 20 ریزRNA در ژنوتیپ حساس نخود به تنش سرما پاسخ دادند. با مقایسه پاسخ ریزRNA ها در دو ژنوتیپ مورد بررسی، ریزRNA هایmiR159 ،miR319 ، miR393 و  miR394 به عنوان ریزRNA های نامزد دخیل در تحمل سرما در نخود تعیین و نقش آنها مورد بررسی دقیق تر قرار گرفت. امید است نتایج به دست آمده در راستای ایجاد ارقام نخود متحمل به سرما مفید واقع شود.

    کلید واژگان: نخود زراعی, پاسخ دهنده به سرما, RNAهای کوچک غیررمزده, ژن های هدف}
    Alireza Akbari, Ahmad Ismaili, Zahra-Sadat Shobbar*, Nazanin Amirbakhtiar, Masoumeh Pouresmael

    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of the most important legumes, classified as a cold-sensitive species, and each year, the sudden drop in temperature leads to a significant loss of chickpea yield. miRNAs are highly conserved small noncoding RNAs that regulate expression of their target genes by degradation of their mRNAs or suppressing their translation, and their roles have been proved in cold stress response in various plants. In the current study, in order to identify cold stress responsive miRNAs in chickpeas, following transcriptome sequencing of a cold stress tolerant cultivar (Saral) and a cold stress sensitive line (ILC533) in response to cold stress, the sequences of the cold responsive genes were analyzed by c-mii software to identify possible miRNAs. Then, the target genes of a number of important miRNAs were identified using psRNA target software. The results showed that 30 and 20 miRNAs responded to cold stress in the tolerant and sensitive genotypes, respectively. Through comparative analysis of cold responsive miRNAs in the contrasting genotypes, miR319, miR393, miR394 and miR159 were demonstrated as candidate miRNAs involved in cold tolerance and their roles was further inspected. It is hoped that the obtained results will be useful for development of cold tolerant chickpea cultivars.

    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, small noncoding RNAs, Cold responsive, Target genes}
  • سید حسین صباغ پور*، ابوالفضل شریفی، داوود ارادتمند اصلی

    مصرف بی رویه کودهای شیمیایی به منظور افزایش تولیدات کشاورزی به ویژه در بخش زراعی، موجب بروز صدمات زیست محیطی و اختلال در حاصلخیزی خاک می شود. این تحقیق به منظور بررسی تاثیر کودهای بیولوژیک و شیمیایی نیتروژنه بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد ارقام اصلاح شده نخود در شرایط دیم در ایستگاه اکباتان مرکز تحقیقات، آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی همدان به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در چهار تکرار با پنج تیمار کودی (شاهد، سوپرنیتروپلاس، نیتروکسین، ریزوچک و کود شیمیایی نیتروژن با منشا اوره) و سه رقم اصلاح شده (آزاد، هاشم و آرمان) در سال زراعی92-1391 اجرا شد. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که تیمار کودی تاثیر معنی داری در سطح 1درصد بر شاخص برداشت و عملکرد دانه داشت. ارقام از نظر تعداد روز تا 50درصد گل دهی، شاخص سطح برگ، شاخص برداشت، تعداد دانه در غلاف و عملکرد دانه اختلاف معنی دار آماری داشتند. اثرات متقابل کود×رقم صفات مورد بررسی معنی دار نشد. بیشترین عملکرد دانه با تلقیح بذور نخود با کود زیستی ریزوچک حاصل گردید و استفاده از این کود زیستی به ترتیب موجب افزایش 39 و 26درصدی شاخص برداشت و عملکرد دانه نسبت به تیمار شاهد شد. رقم آزاد 58 و 116درصد از شاخص سطح برگ بیشتری نسبت به ارقام آرمان و هاشم برخوردار بود. همچنین نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که بیشترین عملکرد دانه مربوط به رقم آزاد بود که 44 و 133درصد به ترتیب بیش از ارقام آرمان و هاشم تولید داشت. لذا با استفاده از رقم آزاد و تلقیح بذور آن با کود زیستی ریزوچک، علاوه بر افزایش عملکرد، مصرف کودهای شیمیایی در نخود کاهش خواهد یافت.

    کلید واژگان: ریزوچک, سوپرنیتروپلاس, نیتروکسین, Cicer arietinum}
    S.H.Sabaghpour*, Abolfazl Sharifi, Davoud Eradatmand Asli

    Excessive use of chemical fertilizers for increasing agricultural production causing environmental damage and disturbance in the soil fertility. Currently, biological approaches for improving crop production are gaining strong status among agronomists and environmentalists following integrated plant nutrient management system. Chickpea is the most important pulse crop which is grown on 463,000 hectares in Iran. Major chickpea areas (98%) are planted under rainfed condition and are grown in rotation with cereals mainly wheat and barley. Mean productivity of chickpea 402 kg/ha in 2014-15 cropping season in Iran. One of the reason for low chickpea productivity in Iran, is unsuitable using nutrition in chickpea farms. Currently biologic fertilizers as an alternative option for chemical fertilizer to enhance to soil fertility in the stable agricultural production are considered. Rhizosphere beneficial bacteria are commonly called plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and have been under researchers focus for many years. PGPRs can stimulate plant growth through different mechanisms. Solubilization of inorganic phosphate is a characteristic has been frequently used for screening these bacteria. The objective of present study was to investigate the effect of biological and chemical nitrogen fertilizers on yield and yield components of improved chickpea varieties.

     Materials & Methods

    An experiment was carried out in factorial based on a randomized complete block design with four replications and five fertilizers treatments (control, Super Nitro Plus, Nitroxin, Rhizocheck and 30 kg nutrition fertilizer per hectare) and three chickpea varieties (Azad, Hashem and Arman) in Ekbatan Research Station of Hamedan under rain-fed condition during 2012-2013. Rhizocheck had 107 bacteries from Pseudomonas putida and 108 Mesorhizobium cicero and Super Nitro Plus included 108 Bacillus subtilis, pseudomonas fluorescens and different species of Azospirillum. Also Nitroxin covered 108 nitrogen fixing bacteries such as Azotobacter and Azospirillum. During vegetative and reproductive phases, weeds were controlled and data were recorded on days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, harvest index, number pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100-seed weight, and seed yield. Data were analyzed using the SAS. Ver. 9.1 and figures were drawn by EXCEL and means compared by using DMRT at the 5% probability level.

    Results & Discussion

    The results showed that fertilizer had significant effects on harvest index and seed yield at 1% level of probability. But fertilizer treatment had not significant effects on days to flowering, days to maturity, leaf area index, plant height, pods number per plant, seeds number per pod and 100-seed weight. Also the results showed that varieties showed significant difference for days to flowering, leaf area index, harvest index, seeds  number per pod, and seed yield. Varieties had not significance different on days to maturity, plant height, number of pod per plant and 100-seed weight. Interaction of fertilizer × variety on all characters was not significant. The result of mean comparison showed that the highest seed yield has been produced by Rhizochick consumption. The utilization of Rhizocheck had result in 39 and 26 percent higher harvest index and seed yield than control, respectively. Azad variety had the highest leaf area index, harvest index and seed yield. The lowest leaf area index, harvest index and seed yield was observed on Hashem variety. Stephan (2000) reported that 36 percent seed yield increased due to rhizobium inoculation on chickpea seed. Maximum seed yield was achieved in Azad variety with Mesorhizobium of SWRI-15 which produced 151 percent higher than check. Rhizobium inoculation in comparison with no inocultion on chickpea seed under drought stress condition increased seed yield. Most of scientists reported that using biological fertilizers have been effected on seed yield in comparison with check on lentil, sunflower, wheat, corn and pearl millet.


    One of the most important factors for soil fertility is microorganism ability for production and plant growth promoting. The result of present study showed the highest productivity obtained from Rhizochick consumption. Azad improved chickpea variety produced the highest seed yield. Rhizochick may cause photosynthesis intensive activity and enhancing availability elements. Therefore seed yield have been increased. Generally, PGPR promote plant growth directly by either facilitating resource acquisition (nitrogen, phosphorus, essential element) or modulating plant hormone level. The reduction chemical consumption will affect decreasing environment contamination which is one of the important factors for stability agriculture. Therefore Azad improved chickpea variety with Rhizochick inoculation in Hamaden province is recommended.

    Keywords: Chickpea, Cicer arietinum, Nitroxin, Rhizochick, Super Nitro Plus}
  • سهیلا افکار*، پیام پزشکپور

    نخود (Cicer arietinum) خود گرده افشان می باشد با تعداد کروموزم (16x=2n=2) که به عنوان مهمترین منبع پروتئین گیاهی در جهان شناخته شده است. پانزده ژنوتیپ نخود برای پارامترهای مختلف عملکرد در قالب طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در شرایط مزرعه ارزیابی شدند. در این تحقیق صفاتی مانند ارتفاع بوته، تعداد شاخه اولیه، تعداد شاخه ثانویه، تعداد کل غلاف در بوته، تعداد گره در ساقه، تعداد غلاف تک بذر، تعداد غلاف دو بذر، تعداد غلاف پوک، وزن دانه با پوسته غلاف، وزن دانه تک بوته، وزن صد دانه، وزن کل دانه با کاه، تعداد غلاف بارور، تعداد دانه در بوته، تعداد دانه در غلاف، وزن خشک ساقه تک بوته، عملکرد دانه، عملکرد بیولوژیکی، عملکرد کاه، شاخص برداشت و تلاش زاد آوری ارزیابی شدند. نتایج تجزیه واریانس تغییرات بسیار معنی داری بین ژنوتیپ ها برای صفات وزن دانه در هر بوته، وزن صد دانه و تعداد غلاف در هر بوته نشان دادند. بر اساس نتایج مقایسه میانگین مشخص شد که ژنوتیپ های 8 G،9G،1G و6G به ترتیب دارای بالاترین عملکرد دانه هستند. نتایج همبستگی ساده، رگرسیون گام به گام و تجزیه علیت نشان داد که وزن صد دانه، وزن غلاف (دانه + پوسته) و تعداد غلاف تک بذر بیشترین تاثیر را روی عملکرد بذر دارند. می توان نتیجه گیری کرد که ژنوتیپ های 8 Gو9G از نظر عملکرد دانه و بیولوژیکی بهترین هستند. همچنین وزن غلاف (بذر + پوسته) ، وزن صد دانه و تعداد غلاف تک بذر شاخص های مناسبی برای عملکرد دانه بهتر در نخود می باشند.

    کلید واژگان: تجزی علیت, تنوع ژنتیکی, صفات مورفولوژیکی, عملکرد دان, نخود}
    Afkar * S_& Pezeshkpour P

    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is a winter crop and mostly self-pollinated with chromosome number 2n=2x=16 that it is known as an important source of vegetable protein in the world. It is found that 70% of the total world’s Chickpea production belong to the Asian region. India, Turkey, Pakistan, and Iran are the major countries in Asia that produce chickpea. Iran is important center of chickpea diversity but the productivity of chickpea in Iran is variable and low, which may be related to limiting climatic factors, water availability, genotype and little breeding work in Iranian chickpea cultivars. Presence of genetic diversity among genotypes indicate the genotypes are a valuable resource to increase product quality and productivity. Analysis of genetic diversity can provide practical information for selection of parental material in plant breeding programs and gene-bank management. The objectives of this study were to evaluate genetic variation among chickpea genotypes and to determine the relationships among agronomic traits with seed yield using analysis of variance, comparison of means, correlation coefficient, step-wise regression and path analysis.

    Materials and Methods

    The experiment was conducted in the city of Khorramabad 2014-2015, in latitude 33 degrees 36 minutes north and longitude 47 degrees and 40 minutes east of the Greenwich meridian is located. Its height from sea level is 1200 meters. Fifteen chickpea genotypes were supplied from Dry land Agricultural Research Institute, Iran and studied for various yield parameters under field conditions in a randomized complete block design with three replications. in present study 21 morphological characteristics such as plant height, number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, number of total pod per plant, number of node per stem, number of one-seed pod, number of two-seed pod, number of empty pod per plant, pod weight (seed+shell), seed weight per plant, 100- seed weight, number of filled pod, seed yield, number of seed per pod, number of seed per plant, biological yield, straw yield, harvest index, total seed weight (seed+straw), dry weight of stem and productivity effort were evaluated.


    The analysis of variance showed highly significant variations

    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, Genetic variation, Morphological characterization, Path analysis, Seed yield}
  • روح الله قاسمی، عبدالرضا باقری، نسرین مشتاقی، فرهاد شکوهی فر
    سازگاری گیاهان به تنش یخ زدگی از طریق تنظیم فعالیت ژن ها و متابولیسم سلولی انجام می شود. در این پژوهش، تغییرات بیان ژن های P5CS و (DREB1)CBF در شرایط دمایی معمولی (23 درجه سانتی گراد)، خوسرمایی (10درجه سانتی گراد) و یخ زدگی (10- درجه سانتی گراد) در دو ژنوتیپ نخود زراعی مقاوم (MCC426) و حساس (MCC505) به سرما مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. نتایج آنالیز داده ها نشان داد که بیان این ژن ها در ژنوتیپ مقاوم در مقایسه با ژنوتیپ حساس به طور معنی داری بیشتر بود (P
    کلید واژگان: بیان ژن, تنش یخ زدگی, پرولین, نخود زراعی}
    Rohollah Ghasemi, Abdolreza Bagheri, Nasrin Moshtaghi, Farhad Shokouhi Far
    IntroductionCold and freezing stress is one of the most important environmental stresses that affect the growth and yield of crops. One of the important processes in plant resistance to cold stress is known to acclimatize. In this process, the internal mechanisms of plants causes higher resistance to freezing stress after exposure to temperatures close to zero. Low temperature stress induce or inhibit the expression of certain genes. P5CS protein and transcription factor DREB (CBF) play an important role in adaptation and cold tolerance in plants. P5CS activates the enzymes in proline synthesis pathway and cause accumulation of this substance in plant that protects membranes and proteins against different effects of high concentrations of inorganic ions and high and low temperatures. Also DREB proteins with a conserved sequence bind to specific DNA sequences upstream of responsible genes in resistance to cold stress and leads to their expression. In this study the expression of P5CS and (DREB1)CBF genes that have an important role in the face of many plants to freezing and cold stress were examined in chickpea in both resistant and susceptible genotypes and used of Real time PCR method to evaluate the expression of these genes under stress and non-stress.
    Materials & MethodsIn the first experiment, the expression pattern of P5CS and CBF (DREB1) genes were evaluated at normal (23°C), acclimation (10°C) and freezing (-10°C)temperatures in two resistant (MCC426) and susceptible (MCC505) genotypes of chickpea, in two organs (leaf and stem). Briefly pots containing plants of both genotypes stored at 23°C for two weeks. After this period, plants are divided into two parts, half remained in the normal conditions and the other half were transferred to 10°C for cold acclimation. After 10 days, seedlings of normal and acclimation conditions transferred to a thermogradient freezer and after 15 minutes at -10°C, sampling was carried out from the leaves and stems. The simultaneous sampling of the control plants (normal conditions) were also done. After RNA extracting from samples and determine the concentration and quality by nanodrop and treatment with DNase I enzyme, cDNA synthesis was performed. After designing appropriate primers, the PCR process was optimized and Real time PCR was performed under optimized process conditions and gene expression levels were calculated. In the Second experiment free proline changes of seedlings in the acclimation phase were evaluated. Briefly after transferring of plants in the acclimation conditions, amount of proline at them were measured at appropriate intervals after exposure in acclimation conditions.
    Results & DiscussionResults of analysis showed that the expression of these genes were significantly higher in resistant genotype than the susceptible one. Because of these genes are the important factors in plant resistance to stress especially cold and freezing stress, this can confirm that MCC426 genotype is resistant and MCC505 genotype is sensitive to cold. Also the interaction of genotype and organ sample in the control condition showed significant difference only for expression of P5CS gene. Since this gene is an important gene in freezing and cold stress, increased expression of this gene in MCC426 genotype that is resistant to cold not unexpected. But expression of CBF gene occurred only after cold stress induction and in the absence of stress is poor expression. In addition, it was revealed that the interaction of genotype and acclimation treatment on CBF genes in both genotypes had significant differences, but in P5CS gene only in MCC426, this trend was observed. However, changes of free proline as one of the mechanisms of cell protection in acclimation period in both genotypes showed that proline contents of MCC426 in response to acclimation treatment was gradually increased, but this increase in MCC505 genotype occurred during the early stages of acclimation, and proline has decreased over time.
    ConclusionAccording to the results, it generally seems, one of the main reason for tolerance to chilling is the high expression levels of the mentioned genes during chilling and freezing stress and therefore it can be used for inducing freezing tolerance into sensitive plants.
    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, Gene expression}
  • سولماز عظیمی *، شیما رحمانی، سیما مجیدیانی
    کرم غوزه پنبه، Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)، یکی از آفات همه چیز خوار مهم است که در سراسر دنیا شیوع دارد. امروزه به دلیل اثرات نامطلوب سموم شیمیایی، مطالعه مهارکننده های آنزیم آلفا-آمیلاز (E.C. در حشرات، به عنوان روش جایگزین برای برنامه های مدیریت آفات مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. در پژوهش پیش رو، لوله گوارش لاروهای سن چهارم کرم غوزه پنبه جداسازی و عصاره آنزیمی آن استخراج شد تا اثر 4 غلظت مختلف (42/0، 87/0، 2/1 و 48/1 میکروگرم) از عصاره پروتئینی بذر کهورک (Prosopis farcta) و نخود (Cicer arietinum) پس از استخراج توسط کلرید سدیم 0/1 مولار، روی فعالیت آلفا آمیلاز حشره بررسی شود. نتایج نشان داد که پروتئین مهارکننده استخراج شده از کهورک در مقایسه با نخود مهارکنندگی بالایی دارد. سنجش فعالیت آنزیم آمیلاز در حضور غلظت های مختلف از عصاره کهورک و نخود نشان داد بین افزایش غلظت پروتئین و درصد مهار آنزیم رابطه مستقیم وجود دارد. بالاترین مهارکنندگی آنزیم، تحت تاثیر هر دو مهار کننده، در pH برابر با 9، مشاهده شد. آنالیز زایموگرام در تایید سنجش کمی آنزیم، مهار آلفا-آمیلاز را در کاهش ضخامت باند نشان داد. بدین ترتیب، بذر نخود و کهورک می توانند به عنوان منابع موثر و مهمی از مهار کننده آنزیم آلفا-آمیلاز معرفی شوند و به عنوان جایگزین برای سموم شیمیایی در آینده ن مورد توجه قرار گیرند.
    کلید واژگان: کرم غوزه, آنزیم آلفا آمیلاز, کهورک, نخود}
    Solmaz Azimi *, Shima Rahmani, Sima Majidianii
    Cotton boll worm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is an important polyphagous pest throughout the world. Due to the adverse effects of chemical pesticides, alpha-amylase enzyme inhibitors in insects have been noticed as an alternative method for the pest management programs. In this project, whole gut of the fourth instar larva was dissected and the enzyme extract was pulled out. After removing seed protein extracts of Prosopis farcta and Cicer arietinum by sodium chloride 0.1 M, the effect of four different concentrations of both seed extracts (1.48, 1.2, 0.87 and 0.42 μg) were studied on alpha-amylase activity of boll worm. According to the data, the protein extract of P. farcta had greater ability to inhibit cotton boll worm amylase. Enzyme assays in the presence of different concentrations of C. arietinum and P. farcta extracts showed enzyme inhibition in a dose-dependent manner. The maximum enzyme inhibition was in pH 9. Zymogram analysis confirmed quantitative enzyme assay and showed a sharp reduction in the band thickness during the amylase inhibition. Consequently, the seeds of both P. farcta and C. arietinum, had the potential to be considered as effective and important sources of alpha-amylase inhibitors and noticed as substitutes for chemical pesticides in the near future.
    Keywords: Boll worm, alpha, amylase, Prosopis farcta, Cicer arietinum}
  • M. Kumar, J. S. Patel, G. Kumar, A. Sarkar, H. B. Singh, B. K. Sarma *
    Plant growth-promoting microbes are known for protection of plants against a number of phytopathogens. In the present study, we used Pseudomonas fluorescens OKC and Trichoderma asperellum T42 singly as well as in combination in chickpea (Cicer arietinum) under challenge of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris (Foc). Two cultivars of chickpea were used, viz., L550 susceptible to Foc and Avarodhi resistant to Foc. Root exudates obtained from the two cultivars of chickpea were analyzed and showed higher amount of Total Phenolic Content (TPC) accumulated in the microbe-treated plants compared to microbe un-treated control. Maximum phenolic content was observed in exudates of OKC treated plants in both cultivars. Interestingly, in OKC treated plants, TPC was higher in the exudates of the susceptible cultivar L550 compared to the resistant cultivar Avrodhi. Gallic acid content in the exudates also confirmed the pattern of TPC in the treatments. Wilting due to Foc was significantly reduced in the OKC and T42 treated plants compared to the untreated plants and thereby showed a positive correlation between TPC in exudates and reduction in Fusarium wilt. Higher TPC in the susceptible cultivar compared to the resistant cultivar clearly indicates the roles of OKC and T42 in reducing the wilt symptom whereas no wilting in the resistant cultivar may be explained due to genetic factor. High total chlorophyll content in the OKC and T42 treated plants of L550 also show the role of the microbes in maintaining a good health of the Foc challenged plants.
    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, Chlorophyll, Plant phenolics, Wilting}
  • M. Sohrabi, H. Mohammadi*, A. H. Mohammadi
    In the present study, the effect of two species of AMF, Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices, alone and in combination, was evaluated on the growth criteria, chlorophyll content, and root rot disease caused by Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi, on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under greenhouse conditions. Chickpea seeds were sown into pots containing 100 g of AMF inoculum (more than 1,000 propagules g-1) and, after four weeks, root of seedlings were inoculated with conidia suspension (106 conidia mL-1) of F. solani f. sp. pisi. Six weeks after pathogen inoculation, shoot and root dry weight, shoot height, chlorophyll content and mycorrhizal and Fusarium colonization were measured. Results showed that inoculation of G. mosseae was more effective than G. intraradices and dual inoculations (G. intraradices+G. mosseae) on the above criteria. Inoculation of F. solani f. sp. pisi without AMF treatments reduced shoot height, shoot and root dry weight, and chlorophyll content significantly compared with the control. In the presence of AMF, root colonization by F. solani f. sp. pisi and disease severity decreased and individual inoculation with G. mosseae was more effective than the other treatments. Inoculation of G. mosseae and G. intraradices caused a significant increase in plant height, shoot and root dry weight, and chlorophyll content of pathogen-inoculated plants compared with inoculated chickpea plants with F. solani f. sp. pisi. Based on the results, application of G. mosseae was found to be the best for reducing the root rot disease and improving plant growth parameters of chickpea, followed by G. intraradices and dual inoculations.
    Keywords: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Cicer arietinum, Plant growth parameters, Soil borne plant diseases}
  • یدالله فرایدی
    به منظور انتخاب ارقام پایدار و پرمحصول و متحمل به سرما، این پژوهش با 13 ژنوتیپ نخود همراه با شاهد محلی جم، در قالب طرح پایه بلوک های کامل تصادفی در4 تکرار و به مدت 3 سال زراعی (91-1388) درایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی دیم مراغه انجام شد. ژنوتیپ های مورد بررسی در طول زمستان 88، 89 و 90 به ترتیب تحت تاثیر سرمای طبیعی 5/8-، 11- و 12- درجه سانتی گراد بدون پوشش برف قرار گرفتند. نتایج تجزیه واریانس مرکب نشان داد که بین ژنوتیپ ها از نظرصفات عملکرد دانه و بیوماس، وزن صد دانه، ارتفاع بوته، تعداد روز تا گلدهی و رسیدگی، شاخص برداشت، درجه باردهی، تحمل سرما، درصد مقاومت به سرما و تعداد بوته زنده مانده پس از سرما اختلاف آماری معنی دار وجود داشت. مقایسه میانگین عملکرد دانه ژنوتیپ ها نشان داد که ژنوتیپ های شماره 6، 9 و 4 به ترتیب با 1017، 1013 و 977 کیلوگرم درهکتار، بیشترین عملکرد را به خود اختصاص دادند و نسبت به شاهد جم، برتر بودند. نتایج بررسی ژنوتیپ ها از نظر تحمل سرما نشان داد که تقریبا تمامی لاین ها سرمای 5/8- درجه سانتی گراد را به خوبی تحمل نمودند. لاین شماره 9 (FLIP 00-84C) بیشترین مقاومت را نسبت به سرما از خود نشان داد و بر اساس نتایج حاصل از تجزیه پایداری به روش غیرپارامتری رتبه بندی، کمترین میانگین رتبه (R) مربوط به همین لاین و برابر با 3/3 بود. کمترین انحراف معیار رتبه (SDR) را ژنوتیپ شماره 12 با مقدار عددی 57/0 به خود اختصاص داد. بررسی عملکرد ژنوتیپ ها با استفاده از پارامتر واریانس عملکرد بین سال ها (S2y) نشان داد که ژنوتیپ های 1، 2و 9 به ترتیب با مقادیر 155/0، 196/0 و 217/0 از کمترین واریانس و بیشترین پایداری برخوردار بودند. با توجه به کم بودن مقادیر عددی S2y و SDR، جمع بندی نتایج دلالت بر عملکرد بیشتر و نیز پایداری عملکرد لاین FLIP 00-84C در بین ژنوتیپ های مورد بررسی در این آزمایش داشت.
    کلید واژگان: کشت پاییزه, نخود, Cicer arietinum, تحمل سرما, اثر متقابل ژنوتیپ در محیط, پایداری}
    Yadollah Farayedi
    In order to study of environment × genotype interaction and selection of stable and high yielding and cold tolerant chickpea lines، this study carried out with 13 chickpea genotypes along with one local check (Jam) in a RCB design with four replications during three cropping seasons (2009-2012) in agricultural research station of Maragheh (DARI). The genotypes were exposed to cold temperatures of -8. 5، -11 and -12 ◦C without snow covering during 2009، 2010، 2011 winters. Combined analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences in grain and biomass yields and highly significant differences in other characteristics (100SW، PH، DF، DM، HI، PS، CT، CH% and PC2) between genotypes. Mean comparison of grain yield showed that FLIP 99-26C، FLIP 00-84C and FLIP 00-39C with 1017، 1013 and 977 Kg/ha had more grain yield than Jam check (973)، respectively. The results of this study showed that almost all of genotypes endured -8. 5 ◦C perfectly and FLIP 00-84C showed the highest tolerance to cold. Based on ranking method، FLIP 00-84C with 3. 3 had the lowest ranking. Genotype No. 12 had the lowest SDR (0. 57). Evaluation of yield stability of genotypes with using of among years variance (S2y) showed that genotypes No. 1، 2، 9 with 0. 155، 0. 196 and 0. 217 had low variance، respectively; and they were the most stable genotypes. The conclusion of results based on variance of among years، ranking and CV methods showed that FLIP 00-84C was the most stable genotype.
    Keywords: Autumn Sowing, Cicer arietinum, Cold Tolerance, Chickpea Genotypes, Stability}
  • روشنک قربانی، سیدکریم موسوی، محسن غیاثوند، جواد کریم زاده اصفهانی
    اثر تاریخ کاشت و تراکم کاشت نخود بر جمعیت و درصد خسارت کرم های پیله خوار نخود طی سال های 1387 و 1388 به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در منطقه نخودخیز گریت شهرستان خرم آباد بررسی شد. فاکتورهای آزمایش شامل تاریخ کاشت در سه سطح (23اسفند،10فروردین و اول اردیبهشت) و تراکم کاشت نیز در سه سطح (25،50 و 75بوته در مترمربع) بود. جمعیت لارو آفت، با شمارش روی بوته ها در طول فصل رشد تعیین و درصد غلاف های خسارت دیده، عملکرد نهایی و وزن 100دانه در زمان برداشت مشخص شد. کم بودن جمعیت آفت کرم پیله خوار نخود در سال اول آزمایش، به سرما و یخبندان بی سابقه زمستان 1386 (دمای 6/14درجه سانتی گراد زیرصفر) نسبت داده شد. نتایج سال دوم آزمایش نشان داد که با کاشت زودهنگام نخود، اگرچه جمعیت آفت 35/1برابر و درصد غلاف های آفت زده، پنج برابر شد، اما عملکرد محصول نیز 6/61درصد افزایش یافت. درصد غلاف های آفت زده برای تاریخ کاشت های 23اسفند و10فروردین، به ترتیب 5پنج برابر و چهاربرابر تاریخ کاشت اردیبهشت ماه بود. میانگین عملکرد دانه برای تاریخ کاشت های 23اسفند و10فروردین، به ترتیب 6/61درصد و 4/52درصد بیشتر از تاریخ کاشت اردیبهشت بود. افزایش تراکم کاشت، باعث افزایش درصد جمعیت و درصد خسارت کرم های پیله خوار شد. بیشترین عملکرد دانه از بالاترین تراکم کاشت، حاصل شد. با افزایش تراکم کاشت از 25 به 50 و 75بوته در مترمربع، عملکرد دانه نخود به ترتیب 3/13درصد و 7/37درصد افزایش یافت.
    کلید واژگان: تاریخ کاشت, تراکم کاشت, نخود (Cicer arietinum L, ), armigera Heliothis spp, _ Helicoverpa}
    Roshanak Ghorbani, Seyed Karim Mousavi, Mohsen Ghiasvand, Javad Karimzade Esfahani
    The effects of sowing date and crop density of chickpea on population and infestation of pod borers were studied in a randomized complete block design by factorial arrangement with three replications in the chickpea growing region of Greet, Khorramabad in 2007 until 2009. Experimental factors comprised of sowing dates (March 14, March 30, and April 21) and crop density (25, 50 and 75 plant.m-2). Population of larvae on plants during the growing season and final yield and 100 seeds weight at harvesting time were determined. Pod borers low population in first year was attributed to the extremely cold winter (occurrence of 14.6°C) during the growing season. The second year results showed that although pest population in early date of planting was 1.35 times higher than other dates and infestation percentage was more than 5 times, but the yield was 61.6% higher in early sowing treatment. Infestation percentage was 5 and 4 times higher in plots sowed on March 14 and 30, respectively than those plots sowed on April 21. The average chickpea yield in March 14 and 30 were 61.6 and 52.4% higher than April 21, respectively. Higher plant density increased population and pod borers damage in chickpea. The highest seed yield was obtained from the highest plant density. When plant density increased from 25 to 50 and 75 plant.m-2 chickpea grain yield increased 13.3% and 37.7%, respectively.
    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, Helicoverpa armigera, Heliothis spp., Plant density, Sowing date}
  • اسمعلی آزادمنش، منوچهر فربودی، علی فرامرزی، شهرام شاهرخی
    در این تحقیق، تاثیر تنش رطوبتی و مصرف کود سولفات پتاسیم بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد نخود رقم ILC482، در مزرعه ای در شمال غرب شهرستان میانه مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تکرار انجام شد. فاکتورهای آزمایشی شامل آبیاری در چهار سطح بدون آبیاری و آبیاری در 50، 75 و 100 درصد نیاز آبی نخود و کود سولفات پتاسیم در دو سطح مصرف 100 کیلوگرم کود در هکتار و عدم مصرف آن بودند. در این آزمایش، تعداد شاخه های فرعی در بوته، تعداد روز تا رسیدگی، تعداد غلاف در بوته، عملکرد بیولوژیک، وزن هزار دانه، عملکرد دانه و شاخص برداشت در واحد سطح اندازه گیری شد. تیمارهای مختلف آبیاری از نظر کارآیی مصرف کود در سطح احتمال 5% تفاوت معنی داری داشته و بیشترین کارایی مصرف پتاسیم در تیمارهای آبیاری کامل (شاهد) و 75 درصد نیاز آبی مشاهده شد. با کاهش میزان آبیاری به طور معنی دار از میزان صفات تعداد شاخه فرعی، تعداد غلاف در بوته، عملکرد بیولوژیک، عملکرد دانه و شاخص برداشت کاسته شد. تیمار آبیاری کامل همراه با مصرف کود پتاسیم بیشترین تعداد غلاف در بوته، عملکرد دانه و شاخص برداشت را داشته و کمترین مقادیر این صفات در تیمار بدون آبیاری و بدون مصرف کود مشاهده شد. بر اساس نتایج به‎دست آمده، عملکرد دانه و عملکرد بیولوژیک در تیمار کود پتاسیم با 100 درصد نیاز آبی به‎ترتیب 12/69 و 11/33 درصد بیشتر از تیمار بدون کود بدون آبیاری بود. هم‎چنین استفاده از کود پتاسیم اثر منفی ناشی از تنش رطوبتی را روی عملکرد دانه کاهش داد.
    کلید واژگان: نخود, Cicer arietinum, سولفات پتاسیم, کارآیی مصرف کود}
    Azadmanesh E., Farboodi M., Faramarzi A., Shahrokhi S
    The effects of drought stress and potassium application on yield and yield components of chickpea were studied in Northwest of Miyaneh city. The experiment was carried out as factorial based on a randomized complete block design. The experimental factors were irrigation at four levels (0, 50, 75, and 100% of chickpea plant water requirement) and potassium sulfate fertilizer application at two levels (0 and 100 kg.ha-1). The recorded characteristics were number of lateral branches, days to ripening, pod numbers per plant, biomass, thousand kernel weight, yield and harvest index. Irrigation treatments had significantly different effects on potassium fertilizer use efficiency. The highest fertilizer use efficiency was observed at 75 and 100% plant water requirement levels. The number of lateral branches, number of pods per plant, biomass, yield and harvest index were decreased by irrigation levels decrement. The most pod number per plant, grain yield and harvest index were obtained in 100% water consumption along with potassium fertilizer application. The lowest values of the mentioned characteristics were observed in non-irrigated and no potassium application. The yield and biomass in fertilizer application and 100% irrigation were 69.12 and 33.11% more than non potassium and non-irrigation treatments, respectively. The application of potassium slightly compensated the negative effect of drought stress on yield.
    Keywords: Cicer arietinum, potassium sulphate, fertilizer use efficiency}
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