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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « landscape » در نشریات گروه « باغبانی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «landscape» در نشریات گروه «کشاورزی»
  • محمدرضا صالحی سلمی*، فاطمه صفری

    هدف از پژوهش حاضر، کاهش اثرهای منفی تنش خشکی بر گل همیشه‏بهار بوسیله جریان میدان مغناطیسی به عنوان روشی سازگار با محیط زیست بود. این آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل (2 فاکتور) در قالب طرح به طور کامل تصادفی با 11 تکرار در گلخانه انجام شد. فاکتورها شامل سطوح مختلف میدان مغناطیسی (صفر، 5/1 و 3 تسلا) و سطوح مختلف تنش خشکی (100، 80 و 60 درصد ظرفیت مزرعه ای) بود که در طول دوره ی رشد تا گل دهی اعمال شد. نتایج نشان داد که با کاهش میزان آبیاری ویژگی‏های مورفولوژیکی مانند وزن تر برگ، وزن تر و طول ریشه،  وزن تر، تعداد و قطر گل و همچنین ارتفاع بوته کاهش یافت. همچنین اثر جریان مغناطیسی بر ویژگی های بیان شده در سطح 1 درصد معنی دار بود؛ به گونه ای که تیمار میدان مغناطیسی توانست وزن تر برگ را در سطح آبیاری 60 درصد ظرفیت مزرعه افزایش دهد و وزن تر گل را در تمام سطوح آبیاری افزایش داد. میدان مغناطیسی 5/1 تسلا در برهم کنش با سطوح آبیاری سبب افزایش معنی دار کلروفیل کل، کربوهیدرات، پرولین و فنول کل نسبت به شاهد شد، اما تیمار مغناطیسی 3 تسلا اثر مثبتی بر ویژگی های گیاه نداشت. به طورکلی میدان مغناطیسی با ایجاد سازوکار‏های تحمل در شرایط تنش خشکی می‏تواند جایگزین روش‏های شیمیایی با اثرهای نامطلوب بر محیط زیست شود.

    کلید واژگان: اسمولیت, رنگدانه, غیرشیمیایی, فضای سبز, کم آبی}
    Mohamadreza Salehi Salmi*, Fatemeh Safari

    Despite of physiological and biochemical investigation on plants responses to drought stress, many plants, including calendula, can not cope with stress through internal mechanisms. Therefore, the aim of this study was to reduce the negative effects of drought stress on calendula using magnetic field as an environmentally friendly method. This experiment was performed as a factorial (2 factors) in a completely randomized design with 11 replications. Factors included tree levels of magnetic field (zero, 1.5 and 3 Tesla) and tree levels of drought stress (100, 80 and 60 perecentage of field capacity). The results showed that with decreasing irrigation, morphological characteristics such as leaf fresh weight, fresh weight and root length, fresh weight, number and diameter of flowers, height decreased. The magnetic field factor was also significant on the properties expressed at the 1% level. So that the magnetic field treatment was able to increase the fresh weight of leaves at the irrigation level of 60 % of field capacity and increased the fresh weight of flowers at all levels of irrigation. Treatment with 1.5 T magnetic field in interaction with irrigation levels caused a significant increase in total chlorophyll, carbohydrate, proline and total phenol compared to the control. However, 3 T magnetic treatment did not show a positive and significant effect on plant traits. In general, the treatment of magnetic fields by creating resistance mechanisms in drought stress conditions can replace chemical methods that have adverse effects on the environment.

    Keywords: Landscape, Non-Chemical, Osmolite, Pigment, Water deficient}
  • سلیم حیدری *، محسن کافی، سپیده کلاته جاری، مونا شفقتیان، نفیسه ملاکریمی
    Salim Heidari *, Mohsen Kafi, Sepideh Kalatejari, Mona Shafaghatian, Nafiseh Mollakarimi

    Plants are influenced inevitably by environmental stresses due to their immobility. Sound waves are one of these environmental factors affecting plants. This study was designed to understand the relationship between sound waves and plant responses that is still low knowledge. For this purpose, Salvia splendens, one of the common plants in urban green spaces, were influenced by sound waves with a frequency of 1000 Hz and at intensities of 90, 100 and 110 dB and control for an hour each day, during one month. Seedling were obtained from seeds of Salvia, cultivated in MS medium, in-vitro condition and were subculture every 20 days. Treatments started in 15 days after planting the seed. The results of growth and antioxidant enzyme activities showed that sound waves cause increment of plant growth as the sound waves intensity increases in frequency of 1000 Hz. Maximum root and shoot length, fresh and dry weight were observed at 110 dB. Sound waves cause increment of the protein content and catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) enzymes activity. Malondialdehyde content increased with the increment of intensity. Overall, Salvia splendens responded to sound wave stress by improving growth, physiological and biochemical parameters.

    Keywords: Environmental pollution, Floriculture, Landscape, Sound pollution, Stress}
  • زهرا کریمیان*، نسیم زرین

    در سال های اخیر کاشت گیاهان پیازی گل دار مانند لاله در ایام نوروز در بسیاری از شهرهای ایران متداول شده است. انتخاب و سفارش این پیازها غالبا بر اساس اولویت های زیباشناختی و عوامل مربوط به گلدهی صورت می گیرد. به منظور تخمین مهمترین صفات زینتی و همچنین مطالعه گلدهی چند رقم گل لاله کشت شده در فضای سبز شهر مشهد دو مطالعه صورت گرفت. در مطالعه اول اثر ابعاد پیاز در 6 رقم لاله وارداتی بر ویژگی های زینتی این گل و در آزمایش دوم زمان و طول دوره گلدهی 23 رقم لاله وارداتی در ایام نوروز سال 1397 مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. در مطالعه مربوط به پیش بینی صفات زینتی 6 کرت به ابعاد 5 مترمربع در محوطه باغ گل ها و در مطالعه گلدهی، 15 کرت با مساحت 20 مترمربع در نقاط مختلف شهر مشهد جهت داده برداری انتخاب شدند. در مطالعه پیش بینی صفات زینتی، صفات وزن و قطر پیازها قبل از کشت اندازه گیری شدند و سپس این ابعاد با صفات طول ساقه گلدهنده و طول و عرض گل از نظر میزان هبستگی مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. در مطالعه مربوط به گلدهی، صفات زمان گلدهی و طول مدت گلدهی داده برداری شدند. نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که میزان همبستگی بالایی بین وزن پیاز و طول ساقه گلدهنده در اکثر ارقام وجود داشت (R2=0.88) اما این همبستگی بین وزن و قطر پیازها و طول و عرض گل پایین بود. با توجه به زمان آغاز و طول دوره گلدهی در 23 رقم مورد مطالعه، مناسب ترین و قابل توصیه ترین ارقام جهت کشت طی تعطیلات نوروز شامل Appricot fox, Pretty lady, Happy generation و Yokohama می باشند.

    کلید واژگان: ارقام لاله, فضای سبز, مدت گلدهی, همبستگی صفات}
    Z. Karimian*, N. Zarrin
    Background and Objectives

    Tulip flower is one of the most popular flowers in the world. This bulbous flower has about 150 species with more than 6000 recorded cultivars. In the recent years, planting of ornamental bulbous plants such as tulip has been common in many cities of Iran during Nowruz. Selection and order of the bulbs often is done based on aesthetic and flowering factors. Feasibility of estimation of some aesthetic traits in tulip cultivars can be a management approach in the cities, so that if urban managers in the landscape field know the time and duration of flowering, they can have an exact plan for the tulip planting in the Nowruz. The study of ornamental traits, flowering date and duration of tulip flower have been studied in the different climatic and edaphic conditions. Tulip cultivars have prolong flowering periods that their flowering duration can match with Nowruz are an apocopate option to use in the urban landscape of Mashhad. One of the methods to estimate the vegetative and ornamental traits in the ornamental plants is prediction models using bulbous dimensions with other plant part dimensions or combinations of them. In the current paper the study of the date of flowering and its duration in the several cultivars was investigated. On the other hand an attempt has been made to establish a best method for estimation of some ornamental traits in the tulip flower.

    Materials and Methods

    In the first part of the examination, six plots including six cultivated cultivars of tulip with area of 5 m2 were prepared. Weight and diameter of bulbs were measured before planting and ornamental traits include height of flower stem, length and width of flower. Data from nearly 100 plants for each cultivar were recorded. Regression analyses of WB, DB, WB×DB, WB/DB, WB2×DB2 and WB2 /DB2 versus height of flower stem, length and width of flower were done. . Among tested models (linear, polynomial, power, logarithmic and exponential) the models with highest R2 values can be used for estimating of the mentioned ornamental traits. The correlation coefficients and also constants (a, b and c) were reported. In the other part of the examination, 23 cultivars of tulip in 15 plots with area of 20 m2 were planted in the various parts of Mashhad. Flowering date and also the duration of flowering from nearly 50 plants for each cultivar were recorded.


    Results showed that the highest correlation between dimensions of bulbs (weight and diameter) with height of flower stem (R2=0.88) was observed in weight of bulbs. Among of the tested models , the highest coefficient of correlation was obtained in polynomial equation. The calculated correlation between weight and diameter of bulbs with length and width of flower were low. In the Royal virgin cultivar, flower length with the bulb weight and also multiple of the bulb weight and diameter significantly showed a positive correlation (R2=0.88 and R2=0.81). In the other part of the current study, results indicated that the most of studied cultivars showed different flowering dates and durations. According to the results, the most early-flowering cultivars obtained from Copex, Yokohama, Happy generation and Apricot beauty. The most lately-flowering cultivar of tulip in the present study was observed in Spring green.


    In the first part of the study, the developed models including WB, WB×DB and WB2×DB2 that have the highest R2 levels in comparison with other models can be applied to estimate height of flower stem in most of tulip cultivars. In the second part of the study, among of the 23 cultivars, only Apricot fox, Pretty lady, Happy generation and Yokohama are advisable to plant in the urban landscape in Mashhad in order to have flower during the Nowruz.

    Keywords: Correlation of traits, Flowering duration, Landscape, Tulip cultivars}
  • سحر میرزایی*، مونا دستوری

    ایران یکی از کشورهای دارای اراضی خشک می باشد. خشکی خاک از جمله عوامل تنش زای محیطی می باشد که علاوه بر کاهش قابلیت جذب آب توسط ریشه ها، گیاهان را نیز از نظر تغذیه ای و فرایند های متابولیکی دچار مشکل می نماید. در بسیاری از موارد به دلیل کمبود آب یا خشکی خاک امکان ایجاد فضای سبز با گونه های رایج امکان پذیر نمی باشد. بنابراین، معرفی گیاهان کم توقع در فضای سبز، کمک شایانی به بهینه سازی مصرف آب خواهد کرد. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی ویژگی های مورفولوژیکی و فیزیولوژیکی دو گیاه پوششی Phyla nodiflora L. وFrankenia thymifolia Desf. تحت تاثیر تیمارهای مختلف آبیاری و شوری جهت تعیین آستانه تحمل گیاهان مورد بررسی به تنش شوری و خشکی انجام شد. آزمایش به صورت فاکتوربل در قالب طرح پایه کاملا تصادفی با 12 تیمار و 5 تکرار انجام گردید. تیمارها شامل 4 سطح شوری 5/0 (شاهد)، 3، 6 و 9 دسی زیمنس بر متر و 3 سطح آبیاری به ترتیب شامل 100% (شاهد)، 75% و 50% ظرفیت مزرعه بود. نتایج نشان داد که صفات کیفیت ظاهری، طول شاخساره، سطح برگ، وزن تر و خشک، میزان کلروفیل و فتوسنتز، تحت تاثیر تنش کم آبی و شوری کاهش یافتند. خصوصیات مورفولوژیکی مورد مطالعه در گیاهان پوششی فیلا و فرانکنیا تحت تاثیر تیمارهای مختلف مشابه هم عمل کردند. اگرچه کیفیت ظاهری هر دو گیاه پوششی در اثر تیمارهای مختلف تحت تاثیر قرار گرفته بود، اما گیاه پوششی فیلا نسبت به فرانکنیا تحمل بیش تری به تنش های شوری و کم آبی نشان داد. میزان کلروفیل و فتوسنتز با کاهش درصد آب ظرفیت مزرعه و افزایش میزان شوری، روند کاهشی داشت. بیشترین میزان کلروفیل و فتوسنتز در تیمار آبیاری 100% ظرفیت مزرعه و 5/0دسی زیمنس بر متر تنش شوری و کمترین میزان در تیمار آبیاری 50% ظرفیت مزرعه و 9 دسی زیمنس بر متر تنش شوری بود. نتایج بیانگر آن است که گیاهان پوششی فیلا و فرانکنیا تحمل چندانی در شرایط تنش شوری و خشکی شدید ندارند.

    کلید واژگان: نیاز آبی, درصد نمک, خشکسالی, فضای سبز}
    Sahar Mirzaei*, Mona Dastoory

    Iran is one of the countries which have dry lands. Soil dryness is one of the environmental stresses, which, decreases water absorption by roots, also causes problem in plants nutrition and metabolic process. In many cases, due to lack of water or soil moisture, it is not possible to create a landscape with common species. Therefore, the introduction of low-expected plants in the landscape will help to optimize the water useage. Therefor, the research was planed to investigate the morphological and physiological parameters of green covers (Phyla nodiflora L. and Frankenia thymifolia Desf.) under different treatments of irrigation and salt stress to determine their tolerance to drought and salt stress. The experiment was conducted in the form of factorial using completely randomized design, with 12 treatments in 5 replications. Treatments contained 4 salt levels (0.5 ds/m as control, 3, 6 & 9 dSm-1) and 3 irrigation levels (100% as control, 75% & 50% of field capacity). Results indicated that different characteristics, including visual quality, shoots length, leaf area, fresh and dry weights, amount of chlorophyll and photosynthesis, were decreased under water and salt stress. Morphological characteristics of Phyla and Frankenia were similar under different treatments of low irrigation and salt stress. Although visual quality of both green covers was affected under different salt and water stresses, but Phyla was more tolerant compared to Frankenia. Amount of chlorophyll and photosynthesis were decreased with reducing water percentage of field capacity and increasing salt stress. Highest amount of chlorophyll and photosynthesis were in 100% of field capacity and 0.5 dSm-1 of salt stress and lowest amounts were in 50% of field capacity and 9 dSm-1 of salt stress. Results showed that Phyla and Frankenia green covers are not high tolerant to sever drought and salt stress.

    Keywords: Drought, Landscape, Salt Percentage, Water Requirement}
  • عزیزاله خندان میرکوهی*، حدیثه فیاض، علیرضا مشرفی عراقی
    این تحقیق با هدف ارزیابی رشد گیاه رعنا زیبا (Gaillardia grandiflora) و مارگریت (Leucanthemum × superbum) در بستر کشت با نسبت های حجمی متفاوت از خاک مزرعه با بافت رسی لومی و پیت ماس (نسبت پیت ماس به خاک: 100درصد پیت، 80درصد پیت + 20درصد خاک، 60درصد پیت + 40درصد خاک، 20درصد پیت + 80درصد خاک و 100درصد خاک) در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در شرایط گلخانه ای در گروه علوم باغبانی دانشگاه تهران انجام گرفت. آبیاری بر پایه نیاز هر گیاه (به روش توزین) تا پایان آزمایش انجام شد و ارزیابی صفات با دو مرحله برداشت گیاه بین دو فاصله زمانی مشخص صورت گرفت. سرعت جذب آب، نیاز آبی، ویژگی های رویشی اندام های هوایی و ریشه ارزیابی شد. صفات ریشه در گیاه رعنا زیبا به طور معنی داری توسعه یافته تر از گیاه مارگریت بود و به همین ترتیب کارایی جذب آب آن نیز بیشتر بود. ترکیب 60-40درصد پیت با خاک مزرعه ضمن توسعه شبکه ریشه سبب افزایش معنی دار کارایی جذب آب و کاهش نیاز آبی گیاه شد. بنابراین، ترکیب پیت با خاک مزرعه به میزان دست کم 20درصد در تولید و پرورش نشاء گیاهان باغچه ای رعنا زیبا و مارگریت قابل توصیه است.
    کلید واژگان: خاک رسی, شبکه ریشه, فضای سبز, گیاهان باغچه ای}
    Azizollah Khandan-Mirkohi *, Hadiseh Fayyaz, Alireza Moshrefi Eraqi
    This study aimed to assess the water demand and growth traits of ornamental Gaillardia (Gaillardia grandiflora) and Marguerite (Leucanthemum × superbum) in peat-based substrates with different volume based ratios of field soil (Clay loam) and peat moss (100% peat, 80% peat 20% soil, 60% peat 40% soil, 20% peat 80% soil and 100% soil) in a randomized complete block design with three replications in a greenhouse at the horticulture Department, University of Tehran. Irrigation applied based on plant demand (by weight) up to the end of the experiment, but the evaluation of the harvest took place between two specified intervals. The amount of water consumed, growth characteristics, shoot and root dry weight and root development traits were evaluated. Overall study results showed the root system of Gaillardia was more developed than Marguerite, so it was also more efficient in water uptake. Combining 40-60% (v/v) of peat with field soil resulted in progress of the root system and significantly increased the efficiency of water absorption. Therefore, the combination of at least 20% of peat with field soil is recommended with in the production and cultivation of garden plants (Gaillardia and Marguerite).
    Keywords: Bedding plants, clay soil, landscape, root system}
  • ریحانه ستایش، محمد کافی، جعفر نباتی
    کاهش شدید منابع آبی، استفاده از گونه های متحمل به خشکی در فضای سبز شهری را ضروری می سازد. این مطالعه در ایستگاه تولیدات گیاهی شهرداری مشهد با هدف بررسی آستانه تحمل به خشکی زرشک زینتی با آزمایش فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در سال 1391-1392 اجرا شد. تیمارها شامل کاربرد 100، 80، 60، 40 و 20 درصد نیاز آبی گیاه بود که از هشتم اردیبهشت تا انتهای فصل رشد اعمال و نمونه برداری ها در 15 مرداد، اول شهریور، 15 شهریور و 15 مهر انجام گردید. نتایج نشان داد با افزایش شدت خشکی ارتفاع بوته کاهش یافت اما بین 100 و 80 درصد نیاز آبی اختلاف معنی داری مشاهده نشد. تعداد شاخه جانبی، وزن تر و خشک و ارتفاع بلندترین شاخه در 60 درصد نیاز آبی اختلاف معنی داری با 100 درصد نیاز آبی نداشت. بیشترین شاخص مصرف آب آبیاری در 100 درصد نیاز آبی بدست آمد، اما اختلاف معنی داری با 40، 60 و 80 درصد نیاز آبی نداشت. کمترین شاخص طراوت در 20 و 40 درصد نیاز آبی مشاهده شد، اما اختلاف بین شاخص طراوت در 60، 80 و 100 درصد نیاز آبی معنی دار نبود. بطور کلی نتایج نشان داد زرشک زینتی گیاهی نسبتا متحمل به خشکی است و می توان با حفظ شاخص های مهم فضای سبز مقدار مصرف آب را در این گیاه به 60 درصد نیاز آبی کاهش داد که در این آزمایش مقدار صرفه جویی آب در فاصله زمانی هشتم اردیبهشت تا 15مهر 4400 متر مکعب در هکتار بود.
    کلید واژگان: شاخص طراوت, شاخص مصرف آب, فضای سبز, نیاز آبی}
    Reyhane Setayesh, Mohammad Kafi, Jafar Nabati
    IntroductionThe population growth and water requirement for domestic consumption, industry, agriculture and urban development in Mashhad megacity, increase pressures on freshwater resources. Therefore, planning for water use optimization is necessary. The new allocation of water resources for landscape greenish, especially in arid and semi-arid is difficult. Therefore, water allocation to landscape is valuable and should be used efficiently. According to water resource limitation, using drought-tolerant plant species and determine treshhold of drought tolerance in landscape can improve water use management. Plants that naturally survive in your area are the ones best adapted to your soil, climate and rainfall. By selecting plants that either avoid or tolerate dry conditions, a beautiful, thriving landscape can be made possible. Drought-tolerant plants survive long periods of drought by storing water internally or by developing extensive root systems that sink deep into the soil. Many drought-tolerant plants have additional protection through a waxy coating that reduces evaporation or hairs on the leaf surface that reflect some of the light, insulating the plant. Most drought-tolerant plants use several of these features to survive on low amounts of precipitation. Japanese barberry is a compact woody deciduous shrub with arching branches. Leaf colors include green, bluish-green to dark red and purple. B. thunbergii's progress in the United States has, to date, been held in check to the south by, probably, its need for cold winter temperatures for stratification of the seeds, and to the west by, probably, drought conditions. Although very drought tolerant once established, a very dry terrain would tend to discourage its incursion. Rugged, adaptable, no serious problems or pests, easy to maintain, transplants readily, shade and drought tolerant, deer resistant is typical ad copy found at any site offering this shrub of colorful fall foliage. In this regard, drought stress tolerance thresholds of ornamental berberis plant in Mashhad landscape was evaluated.
    Materials and MethodsIn order to determine the qualitative and quantitative drought stress tolerance thresholds of ornamental Berberis (Berberis thunbergii) plant an experiment was conducted basis on randomized complete block design with three replications in Plant Production Complex of Mashhad Municipality. Treatments included; 100, 80, 60, 40, and 20% of culculated water requirements based on evaporation pan data. Similar size tow years old plants tranplanted from pots to field in 16 March 2012. Treatments were applied after establishment in 28 April and sampling was arranged in 6 August, 23 August, 6 September, and 7 October. During the growing season, the evaporation level was daily measured from pan Class A. In each sampling two plants sampled randomly from each plot for measuring the plant height, highest branche, number of branches, fresh and dry weight, dry mater precentage, irrigation water use index and freshness index.
    Results and DiscussionResults showed that with increasing severity of drought stress plant height of Berberis reduced significantly, but there were no significant difference observed between 100 and 80% of water requirement treatments. The highest branche reduced by reducing water application volume but there were no significant difference between 100, 80 and 60% of water requirement application. The maximum branches number was observed at 60 percent water requirement, however, there were no significant difference between 100 and 60% of water requirement treatments. The number of branches in 60% was 26 percent lower than 80% of water requirement . Therefore, application of 60% water requirement with 23 branches per plant produced highest branche number. The highest and lowest plant fresh weight was measured in 100% and 20% water requirement application, respectively. Application of 60% of water requirement produces statistically on the same biomass production of 100% of water requirement application. The lowest freshness index was observed in 20 and 40% of water requirement, but there were no significant difference among 60, 80 and 100% of water requirement application.
    ConclusionsGenerally, results showed that ornamental Berberis plant is a drought resistant plant and it can be alive by only 20% of its water requirement application, but for having freshness ornamental Berberis in urban landscape, then at least 60% of its water requirement should be applied. By application of results of this experiment water application of ornamental Berberis should be reduce to 60% of calculated water requirement. It can save water application of Berberis up to i4400 m-3.ha-1 in a growing season in Mashhad condition.
    Keywords: Freshness index, Irrigation water use intladex, Landscape, Water requirement}
  • طاهره بهرامی، وحید روحی، عبدالرحمان محمد خانی، سعید ریزی
    بام سبز یکی از پدیده های نو در معماری و شهرسازی و برخاسته از مفاهیم توسعه ی پایدار است که از آن می توان به منظور افزایش سرانه فضای سبز، ارتقای کیفیت محیط زیست و کاهش مصرف انرژی بهره برد. به منظور بررسی اثر برخی از بسترهای کشت بر میزان مصرف آب و ویژگی های رویشی و زایشی گیاه گازانیا (Gazania hybrida) در بام سبز از نوع گسترده آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در بستر کاشت پایه (کوکوپیت 15، پرلیت 15، خاک برگ 10، کود دامی پوسیده 10، خاک زراعی 50 درصد) و با استفاده از فاکتورهای ورمی کمپوست (صفر، پنج و 10 درصد) و پوست برنج (صفر، هفت و 14 درصد) در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با 9 تیمار و 3 تکرار در سال 1393 به اجرا در آمد. صفات مورد بررسی شامل تعداد گل، متوسط گلدهی در روز، قطر گل، قطر ساقه، ارتفاع ساقه، طول و عرض بوته، تعداد گیاهچه، حجم ریشه، میزان کلروفیل، میزان مصرف آب و وزن بسترهای کاشت بود. نتایج نشان داد که تیمار ورمی کمپوست تاثیر معنی داری بر تعداد گل، قطر گل و ارتفاع ساقه داشته است در حالی که این تاثیر بر قطر ساقه مشاهده نشد. هم چنین در بیش تر صفات مورد بررسی اختلاف معنی داری بین تیمارهای اعمال شده و تیمار شاهد وجود داشت. از آنجایی که ورمی کمپوست به همراه پوست برنج باعث افزایش گلدهی و کاهش میزان مصرف آب گردید، بنابراین کاربرد ورمی کمپوست و پوست برنج به عنوان بستر کشت در بام های سبز توصیه می شود.
    کلید واژگان: پوست برنج, پوشش گیاهی, فضای سبز, میزان مصرف آب, ورمی کمپوست}
    Tahereh Bahrami, Vahid Rouhi, Abdolrahman Mohamadkhani, Saeid Reezi
    Green roof is one of the newest phenomenons in architecture and urbanism that refers to the sustainable development concepts and it will be usable for increasing landscape design, improving quality of the environment and reduction in energy consumption. Ensure of existing adequate green landscape in urban areas and improving access to natural areas surrounding the cities can help to offset negative effects of urban life. The use of green roof technology in cities is one of advanced techniques of green landscape. A green or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium on top view of buildings. Green roof layers that considered for roof side consist of protection layer, drainage layer, growing medium and plant layer. Medium layer is the medium culture of green roof that plants are begins to grow in it. This space should enable to save enough minerals and water for conserve of green-roof plants. All kinds of plants can growth on the green roof, but there are some constraints in creative of design because of roots dimension, plant canopy, necessary volume of soil, suitable direction to light, good weather, weight of designed structures, budget of repairing and keeping.
    Materials And Methods
    To evaluate the effect of some culture medium on water consumption, vegetative and reproductive traits of Gazania (Gazania hybrida) in condition of green roof a factorial experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design with nine treatments and three replications in 2014. Treatments were three levels of vermicompost (zero, 5%, and 10%) and rice hull (zero, 7, and 14%). Seedlings of plants cultivated in the media mixture of coco peat 15%, perlite 15%, leaf 10%, manure 10%, and filed soil 50%. The container had 60 × 60 ×25 cm dimensions that placed on the roof of greenhouse building with four meters height. The measured traits was number, average, and diameter of flower, stem diameter, plant height and diameter, crown diameter, the number of produced seedlings, root volume and chlorophyll. The weight of different mediums measured for medium of green roof suitable texture. In addition, in the certain period (three months), water consumption calculated with considering of daily evaporate and transpiration for each of medium. Data analyzed using SAS and MSTAT-C statistical program and means compared using a Duncan test (p
    Results And Discussion
    The results showed that vermicompost treatments had significant effects on the number and diameter of flowers and stem height of the plant, but had no effect on plant's stem diameter. Based on the results, different amounts of vermicompost increased the flower number and average per day and also the plant length. The largest flower number (88.33) and average (6.3) per day and the plant length (14.52) were observed in 10% vermicompost treatment and the lowest observed in control treatment. In addition, rice hull treatments had significant effect on flower number and diameter. However, rich hull had not any significant effect on stem number and diameter. Mean comparisons showed the highest and lowest flower number (82.4 and 82.1), mean flower number per day (5.88 and 5.86) in 14% and 7% rice hull treatments, respectively. Also, the highest flower diameter was related to 14% rice hull treatments. Result of analysis variance table showed significant effect on flower crown weight, length and diameter and root volume. Rice hull treatments also had significant effect on flower crown number and diameter and root volume. In this study, combination of 10% vermicompost with %7 rice hull treatment, have the greatest impact on the latedmost traits and reducing water consumption on green roof. As results showed water consumption in the certain period (three months), the lowest consumption belonged to 14% rice hull without vermicompost that had lowest water consumption in comparison with reference. In addition, the heaviest weight of different mediums was related to control and the lightest medium was belonged to 5%, vermicompost in combination with 14% rice hull.
    The vermicompost and rice hull as bio-fertilizers not only increased structure, physical and chemical condition of medium but also increased nutrition and reduced water consumption. Vermicompost and rice hull both improved the most flower traits on green roof and reduced water consumption and weight of different mediums. Therefore, the vermicompost and rice hull (14% and 7%) combined with soil mixture can be used as a culture medium in green roofs.
    Keywords: Landscape, Rice Hull, Vegetation, Vermicompost, Water consumption}
  • H. Alipour, A. Nikbakh, N. Etemadi, F. Rejali, M.H. Ehtemam
    Plane tree is one of the major tree used in urban landscapes of Iran. One of its serious problem is chlorosis and leaf abscission in many parts of the country. The current investigation was conducted to evaluate the effect of inoculation of plane trees (Platanus orientalis L.) with mycorrhizal fungus on response of plane trees in two years (2011 and 2012). An open field experiment conducted based on a randomized complete block design with 4 treatments and 6 replicates in Isfahan University of Technology. Treatments were as follwoings: livestock manure¡ chemical complete fertilizer¡ manure fertilizer mycorrhiza fungi and control (no fertilizer). The results showed that inoculation of plane trees with mycorrhizal fungus caused singnificant increase in most growth and physiological indices such as growth of current season shoots¡ total soluble sugar content¡ chlorophyll content¡ photosythetic indices and stomatal pattern ( diameter and number of open stomata).¡ To sum up the results revealed that inocultion of plants with mycorrhizal fungus¡ improved plants growth accordingly through its positive influence on stomata behavior¡ chlorophyll content and subsequently increase in photosynthesis.
    Keywords: Plane, Growth, Stomata, Landscape, Chlorophyll, Mycorrhizal}
  • عزیزاله خندان میرکوهی، نکیسا بایی، ابراهیم هادوی
    در شرایط آب و هوایی گرم و خشک که در اکثر مناطق ایران حاکم است مدیریت مصرف آب و نیتروژن به عنوان دو عامل مهم در رشد چمن ضروری به نظر می رسد. در این تحقیق، اثر کاهش مصرف آب و نیتروژن با هدف کنترل رشد رویشی چمن های مرسوم در فضای سبز (چمن مخلوط با نام عمومی اسپرت)، با در نظر گرفتن تامین نیاز گیاه و حفظ کیفیت بصری آن، در آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح پایه بلوک های کامل تصادفی با 3 تکرار انجام شد. بذر تجاری چمن با تراکم40 گرم در متر مربع در جعبه های حاوی خاک لوم شنی در اواسط بهار کشت شد. تیمار نیتروژن با استفاده از منبع نیترات آمونیوم در 5 سطح (0، 5/0، 1، 5/1 و 2 میلی گرم در متر مربع در ماه، همراه آبیاری) و تیمار رژیم آبیاری در 4 سطح (100، 80، 60 و 40 درصد ظرفیت زراعی به صورت یک روز در میان) به مدت 5 ماه در طی فصل گرم سال1392 پس از اولین چمن زنی از خرداد ماه اعمال شد. نتایج نشان داد که محدودسازی کاربرد نیتروژن و میزان آبیاری بر صفات ارتفاع، وزن تر و خشک، کلروفیل و پرولین دارای اختلاف معنی دار بود، ولی بر شاخص تراکم، شاخص کیفیت و رنگ اثر معنی دار نداشت. بدون توجه به سطوح نیتروژن، شاخص کیفیت و رنگ فقط در سطح 40 درصد ظرفیت زراعی کمترین میزان را نشان داد. بنابراین، کاهش کاربرد کود نیتروژنی تا 1 میلی گرم بر مترمربع در ماه و رژیم آبیاری تا 60 درصد ظرفیت زراعی ضمن این که سبب کاهش رشد رویشی شد، بر دیگر صفات کیفی چمن تاثیر منفی نداشت.
    کلید واژگان: سرعت رشد, ظرفیت زراعی, فضای سبز, کیفیت چمن, نیترات آمونیوم}
    Azizollah Khandan, Mirkohi, Nakisa Baie, Ebrahim Hadavi
    Regular watering and application of nitrogenous fertilizers in turf-grasses is a conventional operation, especially in warm and dry or semi-dry climates, which arecommon in many parts of Iran. Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient in soil or substrates, especially in the form of nitrate. Nitrate leaching due to the regular watering has been reported in many sources. The managing nitrogen application can help to minimize the loss of this element regarding the ability of soil-plant system. Attempts have been made to control the growth of turf-grass using various types of chemicals, but similar to the concerns associated with the consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers, this is also concerned with environmental pollutions. Therefore, the growth of turf grasses can be controlled without using chemicals and by limiting the use of nitrogen and managing the irrigation.The purposes of this study were to limit the application of nitrogen in order to control vegetative growth of the turf grass and maintain its visual quality, and to manage irrigation in order to preserve this mobile element (nitrogen) near the root system and prevent its leaching.
    Materials And Methods
    The effects of reduced water and nitrogen supply on the control of vegetative growth of turf grasses, commonly named as sport turf,were evaluated.Therefore, an experiment was designed in a factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Mixed seeds of sport turf grass were planted with the density of 40 g m-2in boxes, which placed atthe depth of30 cm and leveled with sandy loam soil in mid-spring. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium nitrate via fertigation in five levels of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mg m-2 month-1, andirrigation treatments performed at four levels of 100%, 80%, 60 % and 40% of field capacity. Watering was done every two days for 5 months during the warm season of the year after the first mowing on June 2013. Some traits such as plant height, fresh and dry weight, density, color and quality, and chlorophyll and proline contents were evaluated during growth period or at the end of the experiment.The data were subjected toananalysis of variance (SAS, 1996),and differences among the treatments were compared using Duncan’s multiple range test at 95% probability level.
    Results And Discussion
    The results showed that decreasein nitrogen level up to 0.5 gdid not significantly change density index,,whilethe index showed a significant reduction in treatment containing zero nitrogen application and the lowest irrigation regime (40% of the field capacity).Quality and color of the turf grass had no significant correlation with nitrogen treatment, while the factor was significantly decreased when irrigation regime of 40% of the field capacity was applied. It was determined that although color of the turf grass was greener with lower levels of water,a good color was found with high level of non-organic fertilizer at the time that the amount of nitrogen leaching was also limited. Therefore, regardless of the different nitrogen levels applied, quality and color indiceswerethe lowest when irrigation at 40% of field capacity was applied. Limiting the level of nitrogen up to 0.5 gramand irrigation up to 60% of field capacity was desirable to control and reduce the height of turf grass. Reduction in water level up to 80% of field capacity caused no significant changes in fresh weight, but a significant decreasewas resulted with the reduction of water consumption up to 60% of field capacity. The maximum fresh weight was found with 1.5 grams nitrogen. However, reducing nitrogen level upto 0.5 gramdid not bring about significant changes in this trait. Dry weight also followed the same pattern as fresh weight. Although reduction in the level of applied nitrogen did not reduce the height, it caused a significant reduction in fresh and dry weight of the turf grass. The highest chlorophyll content was found when 2 grams of nitrogen and irrigation regime of 40% of field capacity were used. Regardless of the nitrogen level, the highest chlorophyll content was found in irrigation of 40% of field capacity,while the lowest amount was observed in the treatment containing irrigation at100 and 80% of field capacity. Plants were dark green in 40% of field capacity. Proline content showedincreasealong with the decrease inirrigation as well as nitrogen levels.
    Plant height, fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll and proline contents were significantly affected by limiting the use of nitrogen and water, but density and quality indices were not significantly influenced. Regardless of the nitrogen levels applied, quality and color traits were the lowest only in irrigation regime of 40% of field capacity. Therefore, it was concluded that reduction of nitrogen supply to 1 mg m-2 month-1and irrigation regime up to 60% of field capacity could result in thereduction ofvegetative growth of turf grass, while quality traits were not affected negatively.
    Keywords: Ammonium nitrate, Field capacity, Growth rate, Landscape, Quality}
  • همایون فرهمند*، نجمه مهدیخانی

    رنگدانه های گیاهی ترکیباتی شیمیایی هستند که نور را در طیف قابل دیدن دریافت و یا بازتاب می کنند. چهار گروه مهم رنگدانه های گیاهی کلروفیل ها، آنتوسیانین ها، کارتنوییدها و بتالایین ها هستند. تغییر رنگ برگ ها یکی از پدیده های شگفت انگیز روی کره زمین است که به ویژه در فصل پاییز مناطق سردسیر و معتدله، بسیار تماشایی است. تغییر رنگ برگ ها تنها محدود به گیاهان خزان دار نمی شود، بلکه در گیاهان همیشه سبز و برگ های نورسته گیاهان خزان دار و همیشه سبز نیز دیده می شود. تغییر رنگ، پیامد رخدادهایی بسیار پیچیده، هماهنگ و پویا است که با دریافت پیام هایی مانند کوتاه شدن طول روز، کاهش دما و افزایش طول موج های آبی و پرتو فرابنفش در پاییز آغاز می شود و با تغییرات گسترده در سطح سلولی، مولکولی و سرانجام تغییر در بیان ژن ها ادامه می یابد. بر همکنشی چندین عامل مانند ژنتیک، مرحله رشد و نمو گیاه، سن برگ، طول روز، دما، نور، پرتو فرابنفش، رطوبت نسبی، ارتفاع از سطح دریا، هورمون های گیاهی، کربوهیدرات ها، مواد معدنی، ترکیب رنگدانه ها، رنگدانه های کمکی، یون های فلزی، pH تغییرات رنگ برگ را تعیین می کنند. کاهش تولید اکسین، افزایش تولید اتیلن و آبسزیک اسید و نیز کاهش مقدار نیتروژن و فسفر از تغییرات درونی هستند که هنگام تغییر رنگ برگ ها به ویژه در پاییز دیده می شود. اگرچه تغییر رنگ برگ در گونه های گیاهی خزان دار در ارتباط با فرایند پیری است، اما این فرایند الزاما مربوط به پیری نیست. به طور کلی، پذیرفته شده است که تغییر رنگ برگ ها در گیاهان با ساز و کارهای سازگاری گیاهان در برابر تنش های گوناگون مانند تنش نوری، پرتو فرابنفش، دمای پایین و بالا، گیاهخواری در ارتباط است. گونه های گیاهی به ویژه درختان و درختچه های دارای برگ رنگی و یا خزان زیبا، از دیدگاه زیباشناختی بسیار ارزشمند هستند و به طور گسترده ای برای اهداف طراحی فضای سبز به کار می روند. بنابراین، تغییر رنگ برگ گونه های گیاهی از دیدگاه اقتصادی اهمیت فراوان دارد و در بخشی از مناطق معتدله جهان، درآمد زیادی به دلیل اهمیت گردشگری جنگل های خزان دار به دست می آید.

    کلید واژگان: پردیسه, رنگ برگ, رنگدانه های گیاهی}
    Farahmand Homayoun*, Mehdikhani Najmeh

    Plant pigments are chemical compounds that absorb or reflect light in visible spectrum. Four important plant pigments include chlorophylls, anthocyanins, carotenoids and betalains. Leaf color change is an amazing phenomenon on the earth which is spectacular especially during autumn in cool and temperate zones. Leaf color change is not merely restricted to deciduous species but also it occurs in evergreen species and new emerging shoots of both deciduous and evergreen ones. These changes are the consequence of very complex, harmonious and dynamic occurrences which are triggered by perception of some signals such as short days, low temperature and the increment of blue and violet wavelengths in autumn followed by extensive changes at cellular, molecular and ultimately gene expression. The interaction of some factors such as genetic base, growth and developmental stage, leaf life, day length, temperature, light intensity, UV, relative humidity, elevation, plant hormones, carbohydrates, minerals, pigment combination, co-pigments, metal ions, pH determine leaf color change. Reduction in auxin synthesis, the increase of ethylene and abscisic acid and the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus are among internal changes occurring during leaf color change especially in autumn. Although, leaf color change in deciduous species is associated with senescence but this process is not necessarily related to senescence. It is generally accepted that leaf color change is closely linked with adaptation mechanisms against various stresses including light stress, UV, low and high temperature, herbivory. Color is an important element in landscape design. Therefore, plant species particularly trees and shrubs with colored leaves or elegant autumn are very important from aesthetic perspective and are extensively used for landscape purposes worldwide. Furthermore, leaf color change is significant from economic viewpoint and in some regions of temperate zones, a considerable income is obtained due to tourism importance of deciduous forests.

    Keywords: Landscape, Leaf color, Plant pigments}
  • حامد عالی پور امرایی، علی نیکبخت، نعمت الله اعتمادی، فرشید نوربخش، فرهاد رجالی
    درخت چنار از جمله مهم ترین درختان مورد استفاده در فضای سبز شهری ایران می باشد. یکی از عوامل محدود کننده ی گسترش فضاهای سبز شهری، تامین آب برای گیاهان می باشد. کم آبیاری یک راهکار بهینه برای صرفه جویی در مصرف آب در شرایط کم آبی و در نهایت کاهش هزینه مورد نیاز جهت تامین آب برای گیاهان فضای سبز است. همچنین ممکن است تلقیح ریشه گیاهان با قارچ میکوریزا بتواند به عنوان راهکاری جهت کاهش نیاز آبی گیاهان به کار گرفته شود. این بررسی در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار و به منظور تعیین تاثیر تلقیح قارچ میکوریزا بر واکنش نهال های چنار به سطوح مختلف آب کاربردی (تامین 50 و 100 درصد نیاز آبی) انجام شد. نتایج آزمایش نشان داد که صرف نظر از سطح آبیاری تلقیح گیاهان توسط میکوریزا باعث افزایش معنی داری در اکثر شاخص های رشدی از قبیل سطح برگ، کلروفیل و وزن تر و خشک در نهال های چنار گردیده است. همچنین غلظت عنصر فسفر در گیاهان تلقیح شده نسبت به گیاهان تلقیح نشده به طور معنی داری افزایش یافت. در مجموع نتایج حاصل از این تحقیق نشان می دهد که تلقیح با قارچ های میکوریزا، رشد گیاهان تحت تنش را به واسطه اثر مثبت بر جذب عناصر غذایی، افزایش میزان کلروفیل و در نهایت افزایش فتوسنتز بهبود می بخشد. پیشنهاد می شود که در مناطق خشک و کم آب از روش مدیریتی کم آبیاری با کاربرد قارچ میکوریزا برای ذخیره آب مصرفی استفاده گردد.
    کلید واژگان: سطح آبیاری, درخت, فضای سبز, همزیستی}
    H. Alipour, A. Nikbakht, N. Etemadi, F. Nourbakhsh, F. Rejali
    Drought stress is one of the most important abiotic stresses which significantly reduce yield and growth of most of plants. Plane tree is one of the important trees planted in the urban landscapes of Iran. One of the major limiting factors of landscapes development is providing water for plants. Deficit irrigation is a desirable method for saving water use in water deficit conditions and ultimately reducing necessary cost of water securement to landscape plants. Moreover, inoculation of plant root with mycorrhizal fungi can be considered as a method to reduce water demand of plants. In addition, mycorrhiza can increase plant resistance against environmental stress, such as salinity, temperature stress, drought stress and etc. Mycorrhiza can improve drought stress through enhancing water uptake as result of extra radical hyphae and stomatal regulation or transpiration. Increasing P concentration by mycorrhiza inoculation can be another mechansim for drought resistance in plants. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate two Glomus species in combination together on plane tree under water deficit for growth characteristics and nutrients uptake such as P, Fe and Zn concentration.
    Materials And Methods
    This outdoor experiment was conducted at - Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, with average temperature 14.2 ºC and 27.9 ºC night/day, respectively and relative humidity 35-70% between Mar and Aug 2012 and repeated under the same condition in 2013. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of inoculation with mycorrhizal fungus on plane saplings response to different applicable water levels (50 and 100% of water needs) based on a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The treatments were control (without fertilizer), Germans peat fertilizer, Germans peat fertilizer mycorrhiza in 50% of field capacity and Germans peat fertilizer mycorrhizain 100% of field capacity. The Mycorrhiza fungi (mycorrhizal root, soil containing spore and extra radical mycelium) were obtained from Institute of Soil and Water Research (Tehran, Iran). There were inoculums treatments: two AM fungus inoculums (G. intraradices and G. mosseae) with combination of both. The inoculated dosage was approximately 80 spores g-1 for G. intraradices and 80 spores g-1 for G. mosseae, calculated by microscope before the experiment. Plants were irrigated daily base of 100% FC after the confidence of establishing plants about 2 months and then differential irrigations were applied. The amount of 100 and 50% ET was applied for full irrigation, moderate and serve deficit irrigation, respectively. To monitor the soil water content, tensiometry probe tubes were inserted into the soil in control pot around the root. Irrigation was performed whenever 40% of the available water was consumed. In order to calculate the amount of water necessary to bring each soil to FC, soil samples were collected and the water content determined by drying. Photosynthesis rate was measured with a LCI portable photosynthesis system. Soluble sugars measured according to Phenol–Sulfuric Acid method. Extraction of the Leaf chlorophyll pigments using with 100% acetone. The extraction of P, K, Fe, and Zn from the plant tissue material was performed by using dry ashing method. The mean data of two years were analyzed with SAS 9.1 software, the means were compared for significance by the least significant difference (LSD) test at P
    Results And Discussion
    Mycorrhiza inoculation significantly increased fresh and dry weight, chlorophyll content, total sugar, leaf area, photosynthesis rate and P and K concentration as compared to control. As compared to the 100 and 50% FC, total chlorophyll, fresh and dry weight and P concentration significantly was increased in 100% FC (Table 4 & 5). The results showed that inoculation of plants with mycorrhizal fungus significantly increased most growth parameters including leaf area, chlorophyll content and leaf fresh and dry weight of plane saplings. Phosphorus content significantly increased in inoculated plants as compared to non-inoculated plants. It is recommended that in dry regions and water shortage conditions, the deficit irrigation method accompanied with mycorrhizal fungus inoculation to save water.
    Our data showed that mycorrhiza inoculations increased most growth parameters including leaf area, chlorophyll content and leaf fresh and dry weight of plane saplings. In conclusion, mycorrhiza inoculations can increase plant tolerance against drought stress by increasing phosphorus concentration, chlorophyll content, and photosynthesis rate. Generally, results of this study revealed that inoculation of plane tress with mycorrhizal fungi, improved plant growth under stress conditions through its positive influence on nutrients uptake, chlorophyll content and other growth parameters.
    Keywords: Irrigation level, Landscape, Symbiosis, Tree}
  • حسن بیات *، مرتضی علیرضایی، حسین نعمتی، علی عبداللهی سعدآباد
    یک آزمایش گلدانی جهت تعیین اثر محلول پاشی سیلیسیم بر رشد و خصوصیات زینتی گل همیشه بهار در شرایط تنیش شوری و گلخانه انجام شد. آزمایش فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه سطح از سیلیسیم (0، 50 و 100 میلی گرم در لیتر) و سه سطح از کلرورسدیم (0، 100 و 200 میلی مول) در چهار تکرار انجام شد. در مرحله گلدهی، سیلیسیم در دو نوبت با توالی دو هفته به صورت محلول پاشی استفاده شد. نمک کلرورسدیم به مقدار 200 میلی لیتر به ازاء هر گدان در یک دوره دو روزه استفاده شد. نتایج نشان داد که شوری سبب کاهش رشد، مقدار SPAD (کلروفیل)، تعداد گل در گیاه و قطر گل شد. اما محلول پاشی سیلیسیم سبب رشد بیشتر ریشه و افزایش وزن خشک اندام هوایی و ریشه، ارتفاع گیاه و سطح برگ تحت تنش شوری شد. بیشترین مقدار SPAD (کلروفیل) در تیمار 100 میلی گرم در لیتر سیلیسیم در همه تیمارهای کلرورسدیم به دست آمد. شوری تعداد گل در گیاه و قطر گل را کاهش داد، اما سیلیسیم آنها را تحت تنش شوری افزایش داد. گیاهانی که با 100 میلی گرم در لیتر سیلیسیم تیمار شدند، بیشترین قطر گل را در 100 میلی مول کلروسدیم داشتند. شوری نشست الکترولیت را افزایش داد اما محلول پاشی سیلیسیم، آن را به طور معنی دار تحت تنش شوری کاهش داد. نتایج پیشنهاد می کند که اثر منفی شوری بر رشد و صفات زینتی همیشه بهار را می توان با سیلیسیم تعدیل نمود.
    کلید واژگان: اسید هیومیک, پراکسیداسیون لیپیدی, نانو ذرات نقره, پروتئین گل, گل مریم, عمر گلجایی}
    Hassan Bayat *, Morteza Alirezaie, Hossein Neamati, Ali Abdollahi Saadabad
    A pot experiment was carried out to determine the effect of foliage spraying of silicon (Si) on growth and ornamental characteristics of calendula grown under salt stress and greenhouse conditions. A factorial experiment based on completely randomized design was conducted with 3 levels of Si (0, 50 and 100 mg/l) and 3 levels of NaCl (0, 100 and 200 mM) with 4 replications. At flowering stage, Si was applied with spraying two times in two week intervals. NaCl was also applied as drench (200 ml per pot) in two days interval. The results showed that salinity decreased the growth, SPAD values, flower number per plant and flower diameter. However, foliar applications of Si resulted in greater root, shoot and total dry weight, plant height and leaf area of calendula plants under salt stress. The highest SPAD values were obtained under 100 mg/l Si application in all NaCl treatments. Salinity decreased number of flower per plant and flower diameter as ornamental characteristics; however Si increased them under salinity stress. Plants treated with 100 mg/l Si had the highest flower diameter at 100 mM of NaCl. Electrolyte leakage increased by salinity, however foliar application of Si significantly reduced electrolyte leakage under salt stress. These results suggest that the negative effects of salinity on the growth and ornamental characteristics of calendula plants can ameliorate by foliar application of Si treatments.
    Keywords: Electrolyte leakage, Foliar application, Landscape, Salinity, SPAD value}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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