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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Fresh yield » در نشریات گروه « باغبانی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Fresh yield» در نشریات گروه «کشاورزی»
  • کریم عرب سلمانی، امیرهوشنگ جلالی، پیمان جعفری
    به منظور بررسی عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد سه توده طالبی (سمسوری ورامین، تیل سبز مشهد و مگسی نیشابور) در سطوح مختلف شوری (2 و 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر) پژوهشی در سال 1391 در مرکز تحقیقات کشاورزی ورامین انجام شد. در این پژوهش طرح کرتهای خرد شده بر اساس طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار استفاده شد و دو سطح شوری کرت های اصلی و سه توده طالبی کرت های فرعی را تشکیل دادند. اثر برهمکنش شوری و ژنوتیپ بر صفت طول میوه (در سطح یک درصد) و بر صفات ضخامت حفره بذر، درصد مواد جامد محلول، قطر گوشت میوه، وزن میوه و عملکرد تازه از نظر آماری معنی دار (در سطح 5 درصد) بود. در شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر عملکرد تازه سمسوری ورامین، تیل سبز مشهد و مگسی نیشابور نسبت به شوری 2 دسی زیمنس بر متر به ترتیب 7/32، 6/45 و 80 درصد کاهش یافت. با افزایش شوری از 2 به 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر راندمان مصرف آب در سه توده سمسوری ورامین، تیل سبز مشهد و مگسی نیشابور به ترتیب 6/32، 48/45 و 7/80 درصد کاهش یافت. تیمار شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر نسبت به تیمار شاهد، درصد مواد جامد محلول میوه را در توده مگسی نیشابور، تیل سبز مشهد و سمسوری به ترتیب 8/5، 75/1 و 5/1 برابر افزایش داد. با توجه به افت عملکرد هر سه توده آزمایش شده در این پژوهش، استفاده از آب با شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر نمی تواند برای کشت این محصول در منطقه مناسب باشد.
    کلید واژگان: عملکرد تازه, مواد جامد محلول میوه, وزن میوه}
    K. Arabsalmani, A. H. Jalali, P. Jafari
    Cucumis melo L. is one of the most important horticultural products in Iran. According to some reports from the third millennium BC, it has been under cultivation in. High nutritional value and high vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron have made it to be a valuable fruit. According to the environmental conditions and cultivar, melon flowering began 30-60 days after planting and 30-70 days after pollination, the product can be harvested. Immature melon is tasteless and towards maturity, its sweetness increases. From the economic point of view, the minimum acceptable sweetness of melon's cultivars is 9% in terms of the total amount of fruit-soluble solids, but according to the vendors, this number should be 11% or more. The arid and semi-arid regions of the world are the main habitat for such products as melon and salinity stress as an integral part of these areas is an important factor for decreasing yield. The effect of salinity stress in melon's reproductive stage is somewhat more complex than other products, because some reports indicated a significant decrease in yield, number of fruit and weight of melon fruits in salinities greater than 2 dS m-1 and even some researchers determine the threshold of tolerance of 1 dS m-1. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of two salinity treatments on yield and yield components of three melon cultivars in Varamin province.
    Materials and Methods
    This research was carried out in 2013 using split plot design in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Varamin Agricultural Center located in 45 km Southeast East of Tehran (35 ° 35 ', 19', 51 ', 39') 1000 meters above sea level. Prior to the experiment, the first step was to prepare the soil including deep plowing and disc. The main plots consisted of irrigation water salinity treatments at 8 dS m-1 (prepared from the Ishraq area) and 2 dS m-1 (prepared from the Khaveh station). The subplots consisted of 3 Cantaloupe masses, including Semsoori Varamin, Green Tile of Mashhad and Magasie Neishabur. The soil of the place-tested sandy loam and the amounts of organic matter (in percent), acidity and salinity (in dS m-1) were 0.95, 7.5 and 2.1 respectively. Based on the soil test, 100 kg ha-1 phosphorus (triple superphosphate) and 150 kg ha-1 potassium (as potassium sulfate) and 150 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer (urea before and after flowering) were added to the ground the experiment. The cultivation date was selected May 5th. The length and diameter of the flesh with the ruler and the percentage of fruit-soluble solids were measured using a refractometer based on 10 fruits, and then the mean of the obtained numbers was taken as the final value. Before harvest, the average number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight were measured and recorded based on the performance of sub plots and the middle lines of each plot. All soil and vegetation tests were carried out in the laboratory of the Soil and Water Research Department of Varamin Agricultural Research Center. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software and the meanings were compared with Duncan's method (5%).
    Results and Discussion
    The effect of interaction of salinity and genotype on the length of the fruit (at 1% level) and on the traits of seed cavity thickness, percentage of soluble solids, fruit meal diameter, fruit weight and fresh yield (at 5% level) were statistically significant. In salinity 8 dS m-1 compared to 2 dS m-1, the fresh yield of Semsuri Varamin, Green Tile of Mashhad and Magase Neishabur decreased by 32.7, 45.6 and 80%, respectively. Salinity stress can increase the percentage of non-marketable fruits by reducing the weight of fruits, and it is reported in salinity of 8 dS m-1, which is a 56% decrease in marketable yield. The highest reduction in fruit weight and number of fruits per plant were related to the two mass of Magase Neishabur (average weight 540 g) and Green Tile of Mashhad (average number of 1.23 fruit per plant), respectively. Similarly, in a research with a salinity increase of 2.41 dS m-1 to 12.6 dS m-1, yields dropped from 37 t ha-1 to 28 t ha-1, mainly due to the reduction in the number of fruits. The length of fruits in three populations of Semsuri Varamin, Green Tile of Mashhad and Magase Neishabur in the salinity of 8 dS m-1 compared to 2 dS m-1 decreased by 25, 30 and 45%, respectively. Increasing salinity from 3 to 5 dS m-1 caused a significant decrease in fruit length in products such as cucumber (equivalent to 25%). Increasing the percentage of fruit solids in salinity of 8 dS m-1compared to 2 dS m-1 treatment, was 5.8, 1.75 and 1.5 times, respectively, in the Magase Neishabur, Green Tile of Mashhad and Semsuri masses. In a study in which the effect of different treatments on salinity was investigated on the percentage of soluble fruit solids, increasing salinity from 2 to 8 dS m-1 increased the percentage of soluble solids from 7.6 to 10.5 percent.

    Keywords: Fruit soluble solids, Fresh yield, Fruit weight}
  • راهله نقیبی، پرویز رضوانی مقدم*، احمد بالندری، رضا قربانی
    به منظور بررسی تاثیر کودهای آلی و تلقیح میکوریزایی بر عملکرد کمی و کیفی برداشت های مختلف گیاه دارویی کاسنی پاکوتاه (Cichorium pumilum Jacq.) آزمایشی در سال زراعی 92-91 در مزرعه تحقیقاتی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد به اجرا درآمد. آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی اجرا شد. در این مطالعه 12 تیمار؛ که شامل کود آلی در چهار سطح (کود گاوی، اسید هیومیک، فولویک اسید و شاهد) و تلقیح میکوریزایی درسه سطح (تلقیح با Glomus mosseaeو تلقیح با G. intraradices و عدم تلقیح) در نظر گرفته شدند. داده های آزمایش به دلیل تولید دو برداشت به صورت کرت های خرد شده در زمان در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی مورد تجزیه آماری قرار گرفتند. 12 تیمار کودی به عنوان عامل اصلی، دو برداشت به عنوان عامل فرعی در نظر گرفته شدند و صفاتی از جمله وزن برگ در بوته، وزن ساقه در بوته، نسبت برگ به ساقه، شاخص سطح برگ، عملکرد تر زیست توده، عملکرد خشک زیست توده و میزان پلی فنول برگ اندازه گیری شد. بیشترین وکمترین عملکرد خشک زیست توده گیاه کاسنی پاکوتاه در برداشت دوم و اول (به ترتیب 4544 و 1739 کیلوگرم در هکتار) حاصل شد. تلقیح گونه های میکوریزا باعث افزایش عملکرد خشک زیست توده و شاخص سطح برگ، وزن برگ در بوته، در مقایسه با شاهد گردید. با این وجود بین تیمارهای G. mosseae وG. intraradices تفاوت معنی داری در صفات ذکر شده مشاهد نشد. کاربرد کودهای آلی نیز باعث بهبود صفات مذکور در گیاه کاسنی پا کوتاه شد. به طوری که بیشترین میزان ماده خشک، شاخص سطح برگ و وزن برگ در بوته از کاربرد کود آلی اسید هیومیک حاصل گردید. کاربرد این تیمارهای تغذیه ای اثر معنی داری بر میزان پلی فنول برگ نداشت. به طور کلی بر اساس نتایج حاصله کاربرد کودهای زیستی و آلی صفات مورد مطالعه در آزمایش را در گیاه کاسنی پا کوتاه درعمده صفات مورد مطالعه باعث بهبود بخشید و تیمار mosseae G. + اسید هیومیک بهترین تیمار بود. همچنین کاربرد این منابع تغذیه ای می تواند منجر به کاهش مصرف کودهای شیمیایی در اکوسیستم های کشاورزی شود که گامی مهم در راستای به حداقل رسانیدن آلودگی محیط و کشاورزی پایدار است.
    کلید واژگان: اسید هیومیک, برداشت, عملکرد تر, گیاه دارویی}
    R. Naghibi P. Rezvani Moghaddam*, A. Balandari, R. Ghrbani
    In recent years many farmers in Iran interested in to cultivate and produce different medicinal plants which are so important in traditional agriculture in Iran. In order to reduce the environmental impacts of using chemical inputs and also to increase the quality of plant secondary metabolite components, the emphasis is on sustainable agriculture base on using of organic and biological fertilizer. Dwarf chicory (Cichorium pumilum Jacq.) is an annual plant from Asteraceae family. Dwarf chicory is classified by jacq as subspecies of the cultivated species Cichorium endeva which consumed for healing a variety of diseases such as bacterial infection, poisoning and rheumatism. The use of organic fertilizer in the form of humic acid and fulvic acid play an important role in sustainable agriculture. Humic substances can be added to the soil for improvement the crop yield. A benefit of humic acid due to its ability to complex metal ions and form aqueous complexes with micronutrients and also may form an enzymatically active complex, which can be carry on reactions that are usually assigned to the metabolic activity of living microorganisms. In additional of using organic fertilizers, the biological fertilizer like mycorrhiza fungi is a good approach in agriculture. Mycorrhizal fungi have been used to enhance the plant growth and yield of medicinal crops and to help maintain good soil health and fertility that contributes to a greater extent to a sustainable yield and good quality of the products. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of organic fertilizers and mycorrhizae inoculation on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of dwarf chicory (Cichorium pumilum Jacq.) in different cuttings.
    Materials And Methods
    The experiment was carried out in a factorial layout based on randomized complete block design with three replications at Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (59°28 E and 36°15 N) in 2012-2013 growing season. The experimental treatments were all combination of organic fertilizers in four levels (cow manure, humic acid, fulvic acid and control) and three levels of Mycorrhiza inoculation (Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices and no inoculation) and The collected data were analyzed as split- plot in time based on randomized complete block design (due to having two cuttings during growing season) compared. The 12 fertilizer treatments and two cuts were considered as main and sub plots, respectively. The plots were 2.5*5 m (12.5 m2). The soil of the experimental field was silty loam with pH 8.09, contains total N (0.08 %), available P (10.25 ppm), and available K (286 ppm) with an EC of 1.26 dsm−1. The parameters measured were such as: leaf weight per plant, stem weight per plant, leaf/stem ratio, the leaf area index, fresh yield, dry matter yield and the poly phenol content. The poly phenol content was determined based on Wojdylo et al. (2007) method. The results were analyzed using SAS statistical program and MSTAT-C. The mean comparisons were performed using least significant difference (LSD) test.
    Results And Discussion
    The results showed that the highest (4544 kg.ha-1) and the lowest dry matter (1739 kg.ha-1) yield were obtained in second and first cut, respectively. The results indicated that inoculation with mycorrhizal species increased the leaf area index, dry matter yield and leaf weight per plant compared with control treatment. However, there was no significant difference between G. mosseae and G. intraradices in terms of former mentioned criteria. The results showed that using organic fertilizers improved leaf area index, dry matter yield and leaf weight per plant. The highest dry matter yield (3470 kg/ha), leaf area index (1.01), stem weight per plant (11.50 g) and leaf weight per plant (0.72 g) were obtained in humic acid treatment. Studied treatments and also different cutting had no significant effect on poly phenols contents of leaves. In generally, our results showed that application of biological and organic fertilizers improved the most of studied traits of dwarf chicory and G.mosseae + humic acid treatment was the best.
    In this paper we have shown that yield contributing characters were significantly influenced by different treatment combinations of humic acid and mycorrhizal fungi and became maximum when humic acid and Glomus mossae were applied. In order to minimize contamination of the environment and sustainable agriculture, using biological and organic fertilizers can lead to reduction of chemical fertilizers application in agro ecosystems.
    Keywords: Cutting period, Fresh yield, Humic acid, Medicine plant}
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