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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "pectin extraction" در نشریات گروه "صنایع غذایی"

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «pectin extraction» در نشریات گروه «کشاورزی»
جستجوی pectin extraction در مقالات مجلات علمی
  • محمد نوشاد*، محمد امین مهرنیا، نسیم دهقان

    در این پژوهش از امواج فراصوت جهت استحصال پکتین از ضایعات بادمجان (پوست و کلاهک) استفاده شد. برای این منظور اثر مدت زمان فراصوت (80-40 دقیقه) و نسبت حلال به ماده جامد (1:30- 1:10 میلی لیتر بر گرم) بر میزان راندمان استخراج و درجه استری شدن پکتین استحصال شده مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. از آزمون طیف سنجی تبدیل فوریه مادون قرمز FTIR و بررسی رفتار رئولوژیکی، ویژگی های عملکردی پکتین استحصال شده ارزیابی گردید. بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده، در نسبت حلال به ماده خشک (1:10 میلی لیتر بر میلی گرم) و مدت زمان 60 دقیقه بالاترین راندمان استحصال پکتین از پسماند بادمجان به دست آمد. بالاترین درجه استری شدن، در نسبت حلال به ماده خشک (1:20 میلی لیتر بر میلی گرم) و مدت زمان 60 دقیقه (1/0% ± 18/84) حاصل شد. همچنین، درجه استری شدن پکتین های به دست آمده بین 0/02 ±67/69تا 1/0 ±84/18درصد متغیر بود که نشان از کیفیت بالای پکتین استخراج شده است. نمودار FTIR، تمام پیوندها و پیک های مشخصه پکتین را نشان داد هم چنین پیک های موجود در نمودار FTIR، حاکی از وفور گروه های متوکسی در پکتین های استحصالی بود. محلول های پکتینی استحصال شده در این پژوهش، رفتار شل شونده با درجه برش از خود نشان داد.

    کلید واژگان: امواج فراصوت, استخراج پکتین, درجه استریفیکاسیون, پسماند بادمجان
    Mohammad Noshad*

    Pectin is a type of water-soluble hetero-polysaccharide that is present in the primary cell wall of plant and is used as a jellying, thickening and stabilizing agent in various food products. The degree of esterification is the most important determinant of the use of pectin in the food products, according to pectin is divided into two groups: high-esterification pectin (50% degree of esterification) and pectin with degree low esterification (degree of esterification less than 50 %(. Considering the high use of pectin in the food products, researchers are now looking for new sources of pectin extraction, among which the use of food waste has been considered high, because the waste of food factories is a major challenge for food manufacturers. Eggplant (Solanum melongena) belongs to the Solanaceae family, which is used extensively in the world. The plan species is believed to have originated in India, where it continues to grow in southern and eastern Asia.  The skin and warhead of this product, which is discarded as waste, can be used as a valuable source for pectin extraction. The most commonly used methods for pectin extracting are the use of hot water, along with acids, which is a time-consuming process and the waste discard of this method is environmentally problematic. Therefore, the use of new methods such as ultrasound has been considered by researcher to minimize the limitations of the traditional method of pectin extracting. The purpose of this study was to extract pectin from eggplant waste using ultrasound and evaluate its physicochemical properties.

    Material and methods

    The waste of eggplant from restaurant of agricultural sciences and natural resources university of Khuzestan were prepared. The waste was dried in an oven at 60 ºC to reach constant weight. The dried waste was powdered using a grinder and passed through the sieve. The ultrasound was used to extract pectin from eggplant waste (skin and warhead). For this purpose, the effect of ultrasound time (40-80 min) and dry matter /solvent ratio (1:10 – 1:30 g/ml) on extraction efficiency degree of esterification of extracted pectin were investigated. The FTIR (wavelengths scanned 4000-400 cm−1) and rheological behavior were studied to evaluate the performance characteristics of the extracted pectin. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedure followed by Duncan’s test using SPSS 16 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software was applied to determine the significant difference (P < 0.05) between treatment means.

    Result & discussion

    Based on results, increasing the extraction time had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the pectin extraction, so that the increase in extraction time from 40 to 60 min increased the extraction efficiency from 14.05 ±0.21 to 29.35±0.21 (%), which is probably due to the fact that the cavitation causes the cell wall to break down and more solvent penetrates the cell matrix, which results in increased extraction of pectin. The highest efficiency of pectin was obtained in the dry matter /solvent ratio (1:10 g/ml) and 60 min. The highest degree of esterification (84.18 ± 0.1 %) was obtained in the dry matter /solvent ratio (1:20 g/ml) and 60 min. Also, the degree of esterification of the obtained pectin varied from 67.69 ± 0.02 to 84.14 ± 0.1 %), which indicated the high quality of pectin was extracted. Due to the fact that the steric bonds are more unstable than acidic hydrolysis in comparison with glycosidic bonds, the higher degree of esterification indicates less damage to the pectin structure during the extraction process. FTIR showed all of the pectin's specific spectra and abundance of methoxy groups in extracted pectin. The FT-IR spectra show the characteristic absorption of -CH at the ranges of 3000-2800 cm-1 and at 1421 cm-1, while the wide band at 3406 cm–1 was assigned to the -OH stretching vibration. The wide band at the ranges of 1700-1600 cm-1 can be due to the stretching vibrations of the C=O bonds in the backbone of crude polysaccharide because of presence of uronic acid. Existence of a peak at 1200-900 cm-1 indicates that pectin contained multiple vibrations of glycosidic (C–O-C) and pyranoid (C=O) linkages due to the characteristic of the pyranose form of glucosyl residues. The apparent viscosity of the extracted pectin solution decreased with increasing shear rate (0.5 to 10 s-1) while in the higher shear rate (10 to 100 s-1), the apparent viscosity of the pectin solution remained almost constant. This process shows that the produced pectin solution at low shear rate exhibits pseudo plastic behavior, while at highest shear rate exhibits Newtonian behavior. These results indicated that eggplant waste could be used as a good source of high-performance pectin.

    Keywords: Ultrasound, Pectin extraction, Degree of esterification, Eggplant waste
  • مهدی زاهدی، زهره حمیدی، حسن احمدی گاولیقی
    پکتین هتروپلی ساکارید ساختاری دیواره سلولی گیاهان است و پس از استخراج به عنوان عامل ژله کننده در محصولات غذایی استفاده می شود. این پژوهش با هدف بهینه سازی و ارزیابی کمی و کیفی استخراج پکتین از تفاله گوجه فرنگی به عنوان یکی از عمده ترین ضایعات صنایع تبدیلی کشور انجام گرفت. همچنین از امواج فراصوت به عنوان روشی نوین و کارآمد جهت استخراج پکتین استفاده شد. راندمان استخراج و درصد گالاکتورونیک اسید پکتین در دامنه pH (5/2-5/1)، دمای (C°90-60)، زمان استخراج (30-6 دقیقه) و چگالی توان فراصوت (W/ml3/0-15/0) با روش سطح پاسخ (RSM) بهینه سازی شد. همچنین درجه استری، ویسکوزیته ذاتی و خصوصیات امولسیفایری پکتین تفاله گوجه فرنگی در شرایط بهینه تعیین گردید. با توجه به نتایج حاصل، بیشترین راندمان (5/10 %) و درجه خلوص پکتین (65 %) در شرایط pH برابر 2، دمای C°86، زمان 30 دقیقه و چگالی توان فراصوت W/ml 3/0 به دست آمد. تحت شرایط بهینه استخراج، پکتین با درجه استری و ویسکوزیته ذاتی به ترتیب 76 % و dl/g 6/2 حاصل گردید. خصوصیات امولسیفایری پکتین استخراج شده در نقطه بهینه در سه سطح غلظت پکتین 25/0، 5/0 و 1 % مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. بیشترین فعالیت امولسیفایری (5/87%) در غلظت 1 درصد حاصل شد. با نگه داری امولسیون در دو دمای C°4 وC°23، میزان پایداری امولسیون قابل توجهی(99 %) در غلظت 25/0% در دوره زمانی سی روزه به دست آمد. نتایج نشان داد، تفاله گوجه فرنگی می تواند به عنوان منبع ارزان قیمتی از پکتین مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: استخراج پکتین, تفاله گوجه فرنگی, امواج فراصوت, فعالیت امولسیفایری
    Mahdi Zahedi, Zohreh Hamidi Esfahani, Hassan Ahmadi Gavlighi
    Pectin is a structural heteropolysaccharide in the cell wall of plants and after extraction it is used as a gelling agent in food products. The main sources of pectin are apple and citrus peel, but pectin from various sources, may have unique properties. Therefore, research is ongoing to find new sources of pectin and study their properties. The conventional extracting method is performed using a solution of mineral acids, this process is time-consuming and has some disadvantages in terms of quantity and quality of extracted pectin. It is very important to look for new methods or modifications to produce pectin with high efficiency and quality. One of the new methods is ultrasonic extraction, which has been studied extensively. The aim of this study was to optimize and quantitative and qualitative evaluation of pectin extraction from tomato pomace as one of the major wastes of industries in Iran. Also Ultrasound was used as a new and effective method for extraction of pectin. Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) of pectin from waste tomato pomace was investigated and optimized using Box–Behnken response surface design. The individual and interactive effect of process variables (pH, temperature, extraction time and power density) on the pectin yield and purity was studied. Also, the degree of esterification, intrinsic viscosity and emulsifying properties were determined on optimized conditions.
    Materials and methods
    Tomato pomace was supplied from ATA Company located in Tehran, Iran. It was dried at 60 °C for 36 hours. Then was milled and sieved by 60 mesh size screen. Fatty acids and pigments were removed from tomato pomace and again dried. The obtained powder stored at ambient condition for further uses. Ultrasonic device (Ultrasonic Technology Development Company, IRAN and 400 w, 20 KHz) with 12 mm probe and double-shell tank was used to carry out the extraction. Response surface methodology (RSM) was carried out to study the effect of pH (1.5-2.5), temperature (60-90℃), extraction time (6-30 minutes), and power density (0.15-0.3 W/ml) as input variables on the yield and galacturonic acid (GalA) content as the output (responses). GalA content was determined by colorimetric method (titration), using the 3, 5- dimethylphenol as reagent and D-galacturonic acid as standard. To determine the degree of esterification, titration method was used. The intrinsic viscosity of pectin was determined by applying a capillary viscosimeter (Cannon Instruments Co., No. 150, Cannon-Fenske, Germany; k = 0.04137 mm2/s2). Emulsifying properties of pectin extracted at the optimal point were investigated at three levels of pectin concentration %0.25,% 0.5 and %1.
    Results and discussion
    The experimental data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and second-order polynomial models were developed using multiple regression analysis both for pectin yield and GalA content. The models developed from the experimental design were predictive and good fit with the experimental data with high coefficient of determination (R2) value. Pectin yield and GalA content were more influenced by temperature. The highest extraction yield (10.5%) and galacturonic acid content (65%) was obtained at pH of 2, temperature of 86℃, time of 30 min, and power density of 0.3 W/ml, while in the conventional extraction method with the same extraction conditions, extraction yield of 4.5% and galactoronic acid content of 55% was obtained. According to results of this experiment, it can be concluded that main advantage of UAE is considerable shortening of extraction time with enhancement of pectin purity. Under optimal conditions, pectin with a degree of esterification 76% and intrinsic viscosity of 2.6 dl/g was obtained. The highest emulsifying activity (87.5%) was obtained at %1 concentration. By holding the emulsion at a temperature of 4°C and 23°C, the emulsion stability was significant (99%) at the concentration of %0.25 over a period of 30 days. These results showed that tomato pomace could be used as a good source of low cost pectin.
    Keywords: Pectin extraction, Tomato pomace, Ultrasound, Emulsifying activity
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