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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « foliar spray » در نشریات گروه « منابع طبیعی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «foliar spray» در نشریات گروه «کشاورزی»
  • مرتضی گلدانی، سید فاضل فاضلی کاخکی، ناصر بیک زاده*

    به منظور بررسی تاثیر نحوه مصرف و نوع کودهای زیستی بر صفات مورفوفیزیولوژیک و عملکردی گوجه فرنگی، آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی در گلخانه مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی خراسان رضوی در سال 1399 انجام شد. فاکتور اول شامل سه نحوه مصرف (تلقیح بذر به همراه تغذیه برگی، تغذیه برگی و مصرف خاکی) و فاکتور دوم نیز شامل کودهای زیستی (شاهد، نیتروکسین، بیوفسفر، پتاس بارور و مخلوط نیتروکسین+ بیوفسفر) بود. نتایج نشان داد که کاربرد مخلوط نیتروکسین+ بیوفسفر سبب افزایش ارتفاع بوته و وزن متوسط میوه در بوته به ترتیب حدود 44 و 80  درصد نسبت به شاهد شد. در روش مصرف خاکی با کاربرد تمامی کودهای زیستی، تعداد میوه در بوته بیش از 137 عدد مشاهده شد که بیشترین آن (145 عدد) از مخلوط نیتروکسین+ بیوفسفر به دست آمد، همین تیمار نیز بیشترین مقدار عملکرد گوجه فرنگی در بوته (449 گرم در بوته وزن میوه تر) را داشت. بیشترین مقدار فتوسنتز (2/18 میکرومول دی اکسید کربن در مترمربع در ثانیه) و هدایت روزنه ای (20 میکرومول دی اکسید کربن در مترمربع در ثانیه) از تاثیر کود تلفیقی نیتروکسین+ بیوفسفر تحت تلقیح بذری به همراه تغذیه برگی حاصل شد. استفاده از نحوه مصرف خاکی کود نیتروکسین بیشترین مقدار لیکوپن و ویتامین ث را داشت. به طور کلی نتایج نشان داد با توجه به توانایی رشد و متابولیسم بالا باکتری ها در خاک به علت وجود نسبت سطح به حجم بیشتر و افزایش قابلیت دسترسی عناصر غذایی، منجر به افزایش شاخص های مورفوفیزیولوژیک و عملکردی در گوجه فرنگی شده است.

    کلید واژگان: تغذیه برگی, تعداد میوه در بوته, فتوسنتز, لیکوپن, ویتامین ث}
    Morteza Goldani, Seyyed Fazel Fazeli Kakhki, Nasser Beikzadeh *

    Due to the increasing demand for organic products, the use of growth-promoting bacteria, which play an important role in the sustainability of agricultural ecosystems, has been considered for the last two decades, and there are limited studies to determine the best efficiency of their consumption method. Accordingly, this study was conducted to investigate the most effective method of application biofertilizers on morph physiological, biochemical and yield traits of Tomato plants in greenhouse conditions.

    Materials and Methods

    In order to investigate the effect of consumption method and type of biofertilizers on morphophysiological, biochemical and yield traits of Tomato, a factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in the Research Greenhouse Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education center in 2020. The first factor was three methods of application (seed inoculation with foliar feeding, foliar feeding and soil consumpation and the second factor was types of biofertilizer (control, nitroxin, biophosphate, fertile potassium and a mixture of nitroxin and biophosphorus (rate 1:1).

    Results and discussion

    Analysis of some physical and chemical properties of soil at the beginning and end of the experiment showed that the application of biofertilizers without the use of any chemical fertilizers improved soil fertility and high availability of macronutrient, which showed an improvement in soil health indices. The soil texture remained constant at the end of the experiment but the soil saturation percentage was increased which indicated an increase in the volume of water in the soil compared to the volume of pores during the test period. Almost all properties were better condition at the end of the experiment than at the beginning, including electrical conductivity and soil acidity, which decreased by about 0.5 and 0.3 units, respectively. The results showed that the maximum plant height (176 cm) was obtained by using a mixture of nitroxin and biophosphorus from soil application. The lowest dry plant weight (23.7 g) was recorded from non-use of biofertilizers and the use of a mixture of nitroxin and biophosphorus produced about 52% more dry weight of the plant in compare of control. The application of biofertilizers had a significant effect on increase dry weight of root, so that the root dry weight was increased about 53% in compare of control by using mixture of nitroxin and biophosphorus. In the soil application method with the application of all biofertilizers, the number of fruits per plant was more than 137, the highest of it (145) was obtained from a mixture of nitroxin and biophosphorus. The highest fruit weight per plant (449 g plant-1) was obtained from the application of a mixture of nitroxin and biophosphorus in soil application. The highest amount of photosynthesis (18.2 μmol CO2 m-2s-1) and stomatal conductance (20.0 mmol CO2 m-2s-1) were obtained from the effect of combined nitroxin and biophosphorus fertilizer on seed inoculation and foliar feeding. The highest amount of lycopene (7.69 mg 100-1g FW) and the amount of vitamin C (57.7 mg 100-1g FW) were obtained from the soil consumption of nitroxin biofertilizer.


    Increasing diversity in soil microorganisms leads to increased soil fertility. In soil application method, the metabolic activities of bacteria are improved due to the availability of suitable temperature, oxidation and reduction conditions, minerals, organic carbon as a source of energy and water, which leads to the release of nutrients from organic materials. The results showed that due to the high growth of bacteria in the presence of different substrates in the soil and the high surface-to-volume ratio in them, the use of biological fertilizers as soil application was increase morphological and physiological characteristics, yield traits of Tomato plant.

    Keywords: Foliar spray, Fruit number per plant, Lycopene, Photosynthesis, Vitamin C}
  • Bahareh Rahmani *, Mahmoud Ghasemnezhad, Reza Fotouhi Ghazvini, Akbar Forghani

    Boron deficiency can be a limiting factor for the flowering and fruit production of olive orchards. The appropriate time for foliar spray needs to be found in each environment. Research


    Effect of foliar spray (350 mg L-1 from boric acid) after fruit harvest (Stage 1), during flower bud differentiation (Stage 2), and the anthesis (Stage 3) alone or in combination, on fruit set percentage, leaf and inflorescence boron, zinc, and iron concentration, soluble carbohydrates content in leaves of three commercial olive cultivars was investigated.


    Results showed, the maximum fruit set percentage, the highest leaf and inflorescence boron content, was found in the Koroneiki cultivar when boron sprayed two times at stages 1+3 and stages 2+3. The highest leaf and inflorescence zinc content was found when boron sprayed two times at stages 2+3 on the Koroneiki cultivar. The highest leaf and inflorescence iron content was found in Baladi and Mission cultivars, respectively, when sprayed at stage 2 or two times at stages 1+3. Olive cultivar Baladi showed the highest leaf fructose, sucrose, and glucose content when boron sprayed at stage 2 alone or three times at stages 1+2+3. Research limitations: It can be useful to study different concentrations of foliar spray and other cultivars.


    The response of different olive cultivars was not the same. It seems that boron spray at the appropriate time increased fruit set percentage, especially in Koroneiki. Therefore, more research is needed to find the best fertilization program in olive orchards of Golestan province.

    Keywords: foliar spray, Fertilization, Iron, Soluble carbohydrate, Zinc}
  • Isam Al, Madhagi *
    Cucumber is a very sensitive plant even under standard conditions, and its fruit, reaches the harvest stage rapidly. In addition to, in Yemen a lot of fertilizer and fungicide chemical have used during the production. For this purpose, effect of exogenously applied of bio-stimulators (humic acid and yeast) was examined.
    Research method
    Cucumber HATEM F1 Cultivar was used as plant material. Plants were grown during the clean horticulture practices under polyethylene greenhouse condition. The experiment designed as completely randomized blocks design (RCBD). Humic acid at 0, 100 and 300 mg L-1, as well as yeast at 0, 2000 and 4000 mg L-1, sprayed once alone or in combination.
    As compared to control, humic at 100 mg L-1 alone increased the yield about 14.88%. Yeast at 4000 mg L-1 alone offered the significantly (P≤0.05) highest of the plant (88.2%) and higher yield (91.00%). Yeast at 2000 mg L-1 significantly increased leaves DM% (26.6%). Yeast significantly increases chlorophyll SPAD. The interaction of 100 humic × 4000 mg L-1 of yeast increased the yield by 168.26% than the control.
    Research limitations
    Further studies were needed to clarify the interaction effect of both substances by using the higher modern technique.
    The finding obtained from this study could probably use to manage and successfully applied to the production of organic cucumber. Moreover, it could be suggested that the combination between yeast at 4000 mg L-1 and humic at 100 mg L-1 is the best for the productivity of cucumber.
    Keywords: bio-stimulant, Cucumis sativus, foliar spray, Yield}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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