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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Ficus carica » در نشریات گروه « کشاورزی »

  • S. Sedaghat, B. Gaaliche, M. Rahemi*

    Fig (Ficus carica L. cv. Sabz) fruit growth and development under rain-fed conditions differs from fig grown under irrigated conditions and responds differently to the growth regulators application. This study aimed to reveal how ethephon (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg L-1) and 2,4-D isopropyl ester (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 mg L-1) can accelerate fruit ripening in fig cv. ‘Sabz’. Fruits were sprayed three times by foliar application at 15-days intervals for two consecutive years. The highest fruit ripening percentage occurred with the second time that ethephon (200 mg L-1) was sprayed. Application of 100 mg L-1 ethephon increased the total soluble solids with the second and third foliar spraying. Ostiole cracking in dry fig fruits became most prevalent when applying 50 mg L-1 ethephon by the third foliar spraying. The highest carotenoid content was caused by 100 mg L-1 ethephon by the second foliar application. Furthermore, the highest sugar content occurred in response to the second foliar spraying of 50 mg L-1 ethephon. The second 2,4-D isopropyl ester (10 mg L-1) foliar spraying significantly increased fruit diameter. Since the crop has asynchronous nature of ripening, harvesting continued for several weeks. Ethephon (200 mg L-1) accelerated fig harvesting and made it occur about 7 days sooner under rain-fed conditions. Therefore, accelerating fig fruits ripening can reduce the likelihood that fruits will be exposed to drought near the end of the season. Also, ethephon treatment can help prevent loss of fruit quality.

    Keywords: Asynchronous ripening, Ficus carica, Hastening ripening, Foliar spraying, Ostiole cracking}
  • Olfa Saddoud Debbabi *, Emna Khanfir, MohamedAli Dridi, Massaoud Mars M

    Fig tree (Ficus carica L.) is characterized by a wide genetic diversity in Tunisia although it is considered as a secondary species. In Kerkennah islands, despite several biotic and abiotic stresses, local population has conserved the fig germplasm. This species is very well suited to the harsh environments. In order to enhance on farm conservation of fig genetic resources and to have inventory of related traditional knowledge (TK), a global survey was conducted among a wide range of stakeholders and local governmental agencies in Kerkennah archipelago. For this purpose, prospections were done during two successive years covering the totality of the islands. A total of 9 locations and 26 sub-locations were visited. Twenty four farmers were solicited. Surveys have taken into account sex, age of farmers, predominant agricultural activities of farmers, field area, fig cultivated varieties, land management, traditional knowledge, production and its use, source of incomes and marketing of production. Participatory Four Cell Analysis (FCA) allowed the classification of fig cultivars regarding the threat level of loss and the adequate manner of conservation. Results of this study showed that it is imperative to pay particular attention to threatened and rare cultivars. Hence, the importance to conserve such diversified germplasm. On farm conservation program is a suitable alternative for such region for preservation of traditional knowledge, cultivars rehabilitation and a sustainable agriculture.

    Keywords: ficus carica, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, On farm conservation}
  • علی حسن پور، مجتبی رضانژاد*

    در این پژوهش به بررسی خواص بیومتری الیاف، خواص فیزیکی و میکروسکوپی چوب انجیر پرداخته شد. از این رو، سه اصله درخت سالم انجیر واقع در استان مازندران انتخاب و قطع شده است. سه دیسک به ضخامت 5 سانتی متر در طول درخت(قطر برابر سینه، ارتفاع 9/1 متر و نزدیک تاج) تهیه شد. در جهت عرضی نمونه های آزمونی 2×2×2 از مغز به سمت پوست به صورت متوالی تهیه و مورد بررسی فیزیکی و بیومتری الیاف قرار گرفت. سپس خواص بیومتری الیاف شامل طول الیاف ، قطر حفره سلولی ، قطر کلی فیبر و ضخامت دیواره سلولی اندازه گیری شده است. ویژگی های فیزیکی شامل دانسیته بحرانی ، دانسیته خشک ، همکشیدگی طولی، شعاعی و مماسی محاسبه شدند. مقاطع میکروسکوپی از سه سطح (عرضی، مماسی و شعاعی) چوب انجیر تهیه و ویژگی های آناتومی چوب این گونه بطور دقیق و بر اساس فهرست (IAWA) تعیین شد.. مطالعات آناتومی در نزدیک مغز و پوست این چوب بیانگر تفاوت های بود. مهم ترین این اختلافات وجود تیل در حفرات آوندی چوب نزدیک مغز و عدم حضور آن در چوب نزدیک پوست، اشعه همگن در نزدیک پوست و اشعه ناهمگن در نزدیک مغز، میانگین قطر مماسی حفرات آوندی در نزدیک پوست بزرگتر(105 میکرون) از چوب نزدیک مغز(70 میکرون) و اشعه چوبی پهن تر در نزدیک پوست نسبت به چوب نزدیک مغز بوده است. همچنین چوب درخت انجیر جزء گونه پهن برگ پراکنده آوند ، حلقه رویش مشخص ، پارانشیم گرد آوندی و نواری ، دریچه آوندی ساده ، منافذ بین آوند متناوب و حاوی کریستال های منشوری در پارانشیم بود. نتایج نشان داد که هم درجهت عرضی و هم در جهت طولی درخت انجیر از لحاظ طول، قطر الیاف، قطر حفره سلولی و ضخامت دیواره سلولی اختلاف معنی داری وجود دارد. بطوریکه خواص بیومتری الیاف از مغز به سمت پوست روند صعودی داشتند.

    کلید واژگان: انجیر, دانسیته بحرانی, پراکنده آوند, متناوب}
    Mojtaba Rezanezhad *, Ali Hasanpoor

    In this study, biometrics, physical and microscopic properties of Ficus carica wood were investigated. Therefore, three healthy Ficus carica trees in Mazandaran province have been selected and cut. Three discs of 5 cm thickness were prepared along the tree (diameter at breast height, 1.9 m height and near the crown). In the transverse direction, 2 × 2 × 2 cm test specimens were sequentially taken from the pith to the bark and examined for physical and biometric properties of the fibers. Then the biometric properties of fibers including fiber length, fiber lumen diameter, fiber diameter and cell wall thickness were measured. Physical properties including basic density, oven dry density, longitudinal shrinkage, radial shrinkage and tangential shrinkage were calculated. Microscopic sections of three surfaces (transverse, tangential and radial) of Ficus carica tree was prepared and the anatomical characteristics of the wood of this species were determined precisely and indexed by IAWA. Anatomical studies near the pith and bark of this wood revealed differences. The most important of these differences are the presence of Tyloses in the vessel lumen near the pith and the absence of it in the near bark, homogeneous rays near the bark and heterogeneous rays in the near pith, the mean tangential vessel diameter near larger bark (105 μm) than near pith (70 μm) and wood rays were wider near the bark than near the pith. Also Ficus carica tree was diffuse porous hardwood species, distinct growth ring, Axial parenchyma vasicentric and Banded, Simple perforation plates Intervessel pits alternate and containing prismatic crystals in parenchyma. The results showed that there were significant differences in both the transverse and longitudinal directions of Ficus carica tree in terms of fiber length, fiber lumen diameter, fiber diameter and cell wall thickness. As biometric properties of fibers increased from pith to bark.

    Keywords: Ficus carica, basic density, diffuse porous, alternate}
  • مهوش زارعی، مجید عزیزی، مجید راحمی، علی تهرانی فر
    تنش شوری یکی از عامل های مهم محدود کننده تولید انجیر به ویژه در منطقه های خشک و نیمه خشک می باشد. به منظور بررسی تاثیر سطح های شوری 6/0، 4 و 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر بر 3 رقم انجیر ’سبز‘، ’پیوس‘ و ’شاه انجیر‘، آزمایشی به صورت فاکتوریل (3×3) در قالب طرح کامل تصادفی در چهار تکرار اجرا و برخی از ویژگی های رشدی و فیزیولوژیکی این سه رقم ارزیابی شد. شوری به طور معنی داری موجب کاهش طول و قطر شاخه، وزن خشک شاخه و ریشه و افزایش پرولین در برگ هر سه رقم شد. در دو رقم پیوس و شاه انجیر کلروفیل a و کلروفیل کل کاهش یافت، ولی کلروفیل b، نسبت a/b و کاروتنوئید تغییری نداشت. در رقم سبز مقدار کلروفیل b و کل افزایش یافت، ولی مقدارهای کلروفیل a و کارتنوئید تغییری نکرد. با این حال نسبت کلروفیل a/b در این رقم کاهش یافت. تنش شوری موجب افزایش فاکتور F0 و کاهش FM و Fv/FM شد و به فتوسیستم 2 آسیب رساند. غلظت یون های کلر و سدیم در ریشه هر سه رقم بیشتر از شاخه ها و برگ ها بود؛ اما در دو رقم پیوس و شاه انجیر در تیمار 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر غلظت سدیم در برگ ها از ریشه ها نیز بیشتر شد. موثر بودن ساز و کار برون داری سدیم و کلر در ریشه ها بین سه رقم متفاوت بود، به طوری که این ساز و کار در رقم سبز بیشتر موثر بود. غلظت پتاسیم در برگ و ریشه دو رقم پیوس و شاه انجیر با افزایش شوری کاهش یافت، اما در رقم سبز تغییری نکرد. نسبت K+/Na+ در هر سه رقم در شرایط تنش کاهش یافت. تحمل به شوری رقم ها با توجه به مقدار کاهش رشد و بهره گیری از ساز و کار برون رانی سدیم و کلر به ترتیب ’سبز‘> ’پیوس‘> ’شاه انجیر‘ قابل دسته بندی است.
    کلید واژگان: انجیر, پرولین, تحمل به شوری, کارایی فتوسیستم 2, کلروفیل}
    M. Zarei, M. Azizi, M. Rahemi, A. Tehranifar
    Salinity stress is an important limitation in fig production, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. To investigate the effect of salinity levels (0.6, 4 and 8 dS m-1) on 3 fig cultivars of ‘Sabz’, ‘Peyvas’ and ‘Shahanjir’, a factorial (3×3) experiment was done in a completely randomized design with four replications and some growth and physiological parameters were evaluated. Salinity reduced shoot length and diameter, dry weight of shoots and roots and increased proline in leaves of three cultivars, significantly. Total chlorophyll (Chl) and Chla decreased while no change in Chlb, Chla / Chlb ratio and carotenoids were observed in two Peyvas and Shahanjir cultivars. In cultivar Sabz, no changes in Chla and carotenoids were observed, but Chlb and total Chl increased and a/b ratio decreased.Salinity stress increased F0 and decreased FM and Fv/Fm and damaged photosystem II. The Na and Cl- ion contents were higher in roots than in shoots and leaves in all three cultivars. In ‘Peyvas’ and ‘Shahanjir’ cultivars at 8 dS/m salinity the Na concentration was higher in leaves than in shoots and roots.. Efficacy of Na and Cl- exclusion mechanisms in roots differed among cultivars and it was most effective in ‘Sabz’. K concentration in leaves and roots of Shahanjir and Peyvas cultivars decreased by increasing salinity, but did not change in ‘Sabz’. Kﳖ ratio reduced under salinity conditions in all studied cultivars. Salinity stress tolerance among fig cultivars on the basis of growth factors and Na and K exclusion mechanisms was in the following order: ‘Sabz’> ‘Peyvas’> ‘Shahanjir’.
    Keywords: Ficus carica, Proline, Salinity tolerance, PSII photochemical efficiency Chlorophyll}
  • Masumeh Moghaddam *, Hosien Faghih
    A total of 13 species of Coccomorpha (Hemiptera) from three scale insect families; Coccidae (3), Diaspididae (5) and Pseudococcidae (5) have been found on Ficus carica L. (Moraceae) in Iran. Diaspidiotus braunschvigi (Rungs) (Diaspididae) is recorded as new record in Iran, described and illustrated based on adult females. Species that have been previously recorded on F. carica, are listed, and the global distribution is given for each species.
    Keywords: Scale insect, Coccomorpha, Ficus carica, Diaspidiotus braunschvigi, Iran}
  • معصومه مقدم*، مهدی اسفندیاری
    گونه جدیدی از شپشک های آردآلود، Paracoccus ficus Moghaddam sp. n.، که از روی درخت انجیر، (Ficus carica (Moraceae، در ایران جمع آوری شده است، براساس حشره ماده کامل توصیف و ترسیم می شود. کلید شناسایی تشخیص این گونه جدید از سایر شپشک های آردآلود که روی گیاهان Ficus spp. در ایران فعالیت دارند، ارایه شده است.
    کلید واژگان: Paracoccus ficus, Coccomorpha, Pseudococcidae, کلید, Ficus carica, ایران, گونه جدید}
    Masumeh Moghaddam *, Mehdi Esfandiari
    The new mealybug species, Paracoccus ficus Moghaddam sp. n., collected on Ficus carica (Moraceae) in Iran, is described and illustrated based on the adult female. An identification key is presented to distinguish this new species from other mealybug species, reported on Ficus spp., in Iran.
    Keywords: Paracoccus ficus, Coccomorpha, Pseudococcidae, key, Ficus carica, Iran, new species}
  • Rohollah Abdoli Nejad, Akhtar Shekafandeh
    A major portion of the Iranian fig (Ficus carica) industry is located in high-salinity regions, and salinity is an important limiting factor in the production of this fruit. The present study was conducted to investigate the changes of leaf antioxidant-enzyme activity, proline and total protein content in two fig cultivars with two leaf shapes: ‘Anjir Sabz’ with lobate and palmate leaves, and ‘Shah Anjir’ with lobate and palmate leaves, under salt stress condition. The seedlings were exposed to different NaCl concentrations so that six different electrical conductivity levels of 0.6, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 dSm-1 were achieved in pots. This experiment was performed as factorial based 6×2(2) in a completely randomized design with four replications and two seedlings in each replicate. The results showed that as the soil salinity increased, the proline and protein contents of both cultivars were increased. However, palmate leaves of both cultivars accumulated more proline and protein than those of their lobate leaves. The activities of antioxidant enzymes increased in seedlings of both cultivars; however, superoxide desmutase and catalase showed more activity in palmate leaves than lobate leaves. There were no significant differences between the two leaf shapes in relation to peroxidase. The results seem to suggest that seedlings with palmate leaves are more salt tolerant than seedlings with lobate leaves.
    Keywords: electrical conductivity, ficus carica, Sodium Chloride}
  • قادر کیانی، محمد عبدالهی*
    در این آزمایش، اثر عصاره آبی گل گیاه کبر و برگ انجیر بر نماتد Meloidogyne incognita بررسی شد. آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با دو فاکتور (1- عصاره گیاهی مورد بررسی در دو سطح، گل کبر (Capparis spinosa) و برگ انجیر (Ficus carica) 2-غلظت عصاره در چهار سطح 1، 2، 6 و 10 درصد بر روی مرگ و میر لارو سن دوم و در 3 سطح 0/1،0/5/0 و 1 درصد بر روی تفریخ تخم) در 4 تکرار برای هر تیمار انجام شد. در حالی که در تیمار شاهد حدود 97 درصد تفریخ تخم صورت گرفت، عصاره 1% برگ انجیر و گل کبر به ترتیب موجب کاهش 99 درصدی و 5/96 درصدی تفریخ تخم شدند. در ایجاد مرگ و میر در لارو سن دوم، در شرایطی که میانگین مرگ و میر لارو سن دوم در تیمار شاهد 2/75 درصد بود، گل کبر در غلظت های بیش از 2% و برگ انجیر در غلظت بیش از 6%، با اثر کشندگی بیش از 95 درصد بر لارو سن دوم این نماتد، به عنوان بهترین تیمارهای آزمایش شناسایی شدند.
    کلید واژگان: عصاره گیاهی, Capparis spinosa, Ficus carica, اثر بازدارنده, نماتد ریشه گرهی}
    In this experiment، the nematicidal effects of the aqueous extracts of Capparis spinosa flower and of Ficus carica leaf on root knot nematode، Meloidogyne incognita، were evaluated. A 2x2 factorial experiment with two factors: 1- plant type (flower of Capparis spinosa and leaf of Ficus carica) 2- concentration of extracts (1%، 2%، 6% and 10% w/v for larval mortality test; 0. 1%، 0. 5% and 1% w/v for egg hatch test) in a completely randomized design، with four replicates was used. At the rate of 1%، leaf extract of F. carica and flower extract of C. spinosa caused respectively 99% and 96. 5% egg hatch reduction while the percentage of hatched eggs in control treatment was 97%. In case of lethal effect of the tested plants against nematode larvae، when the larval mortality in control treatment was 2. 75%، flower extract of C. spinosa at the rate of 2%، 6% and 10%، and the leaf extract of F. carica at the rate of 6% and 10%، caused more than 95% larval mortality.
    Keywords: Bio, nematicide, botanicals, control, Capparis spinosa, Ficus carica, inhibitory effect, Meloidogyne incognita, plant extract, root, knot nematode}
  • الهام فرجود، ضیاءالدین بنی هاشمی
    در طی سال های 1384-1387 نمونه هائی از خاک، برگ و میوه انجیر از انجیرکارهای استهبان در استان فارس و انجیرهای خشک از فروشگاه های شهرستان شیراز جمع آوری گردید. نود و چهار جدایه گونه های Aspergillus از نمونه های مذکور جداسازی شدند. براساس خصوصیات کشت، دمای رشد و مشخصات ریخت شناختی گونه های Aspergillus با درصد جداسازی به شرح زیر تشخیص داده شدند: (13/3) A. alliaceus (44/7) A. carbonarius (1/35) A. flavus، (38/6) A.fumigatus، (25/4) A. japonicus (6/39) A. niger var niger (13/2) A. ochraceus و (13/2) A. terreus. گونه های A. japonicus و A. ochraceus به ترتیب برای ایران و استان فارس فلور قارچی جدید هستند. تنوع ژنتیکی جمعیت A.flavus از بستره های مختلف با استفاده از جهش یافته های نیت و تولید زهرابه آنها تعیین گردد. هفت گروه های سازگاری رویشی (VCGs) در بین جهش یافته های نیت تشخیص داده شدند. قدرت تولید زهرابه به آفلاتوکسین در جدایه های A.flavus با استفاده از محیط کشت عصاره مخمر، ساکاروز آگار حاوی 2/0 درصد methylated-β-clodextrin در شیشه ارزیابی گردید. بین گروه های VCG و تولید زهرابه قارچی در جدایه ها رابطه وجود داشت.
    کلید واژگان: فارس, استهبان, آفلاتوکسین, تنوع ژنیکی}
    E. Farjood, Z. Banihashemi
    During 2005-2007, soil, leaf and fig fruit samples from fig plantation in Estahban in Fars Province and several samples of dried figs from markets in Shiraz city were collected. Ninety four isolates of Aspergillus species were recovered from soil, leaf and fig fruit samples. Based on cultural characteristic, temperature and morphological criteria the following Aspergillus species with their percentage frequencies were identified: A. alliaceus (3.13), A. carbonarius (7.44) A. flavus (35.1), A. fumigatus (6.38), A. japonicus (4.25), A. niger var niger (39.6), A. ochraceus (2.13), and A. terreus (2.13). A. japonicus and A. ochraceus are as a new report for Iran and Fars province mycoflora respectively. The genetic diversity of a population of A. flavus from various substrates using nit mutants and their aflatoxin production was determined. Seven vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) were identified among the nit mutants. The in vitro ability of A. flavus isolates in aflatoxin production was assessed using yeast extract sucrose agar medium supplemented with 0.2% methylated --cyclodextrin. There was a relationship between a VCG and the amount of mycotoxin produced by the isolate.
    Keywords: Ficus carica, Fars, Estahban, Aflatoxin, Genetic diversity}
  • M. Trad *, B. Gaaliche, C.M.G.C. Renard, M. Mars

    ‘Smyrna’ type figs (Zidi ‘ZD’: dark fruit and Thgagli ‘THG’; Bidhi ‘BD’ and Khedri ‘KHD’: white fruit) originated from two areas of fig production in Tunisia were subject to physico-chemical description and spectrophotometric analysis for their sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and organic acid (citric and malic) contents. Fruit weight ranged between 54 and 82 g, fruit width between 47 and 59 mm, ostiole width between 5.5 and 13.7 mm, total soluble solids (TSS) between 16.1 and 18.4% and titratable acidity (TA) between 2.0 and 4.7 mEq/kg of fresh weight (FW). Tunisian figs were characterized by the predominance of glucose (6.3 g/100g FW) and fructose (5.1 g/100g FW). Citric acid (0.38 g/100g FW) was the major organic acid in all cultivars and almost three times higher than malic acid (0.13 g/100g FW). Differences between cultivars were significant (p£0.05). Highly significance was recorded related to malate content contrary to citrate levels which were almost the same in the four cultivars. Purple black ‘ZD’ fruit was the richest on reducing sugars and malic acid and is more suitable for fresh consumption. ‘BD’ fig had the most interesting physico-chemical properties with round shape, light skin colour and highest concentrations on soluble solids and is better adapted to drying Compared to common fruits, figs are exceptionally rich on sugars responsible in major part of enhancing food ration and intake of people living in the Mediterranean region. Quality parameters described in the present work are fundamental to judge about the potential of local cultivars. Considering quality a prime target for plant breeders, present data could help for fig breeding and cultivars selection.

    Keywords: citric acid, Ficus Carica, glucose, Tss, Tunisian Climate, ‘Zidi’ Black Fruit}
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