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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « IR » در نشریات گروه « کشاورزی »

  • Rasha M.A. EL-Saman *, Azza R. Emara, Nahed M.M. Selim, Hala M. Ibrahim

    This study investigated the degradation of two chlorothalonil formulations [Chlorcal 70% Wettable Powder (WP) and Open 72% Suspension Concentrate 72% (SC)]. The tested fungicides were stored at 54 ± 2°C for 14 days. During the different storage periods, samples were taken after 1, 3, 7, and 14 days to determine physical properties, evaluate the chemical stability of the active ingredient: Hexachlorobenzene as impurities by HPLC and fingerprint (GC/MS and IR), as well as the evaluation of their efficacy, by testing them against the mycelial growth of Fusarium solani and Botrytis cinerea under in vitro condition. The results indicated that Open 72% SC was the most effective fungicide against F. solani and B. cinerea it recorded the lowest EC50 value of 28.4 and 46.8 ppm respectively, followed by Chlorcal 70%WP with EC50 values of 42.9 and 59.4 ppm respectively. On the other hand, the effectiveness of tested fungicides deteriorated as the result of storage at 54 ± 2 ºC for 14 days with EC50 values increased from 28.4 to 130.9 and 46.8 to 278.1 in the case of Open 72% SC against F. solani and B. cinerea respectively, while the degradation efficiency of Chlorcal 70%WP was decreased at storage with EC50 values from 42.9 to 89.4 and 59.4 to 145.3 against these two fungi respectively. Chlorcal 70%WP was more stable at during storage and less effective against fungal pathogens and determination of chemical content (total soluble sugar; total protein; free amino acids) and some enzymes (amylase and catalase) activities of mycelium fungi. Potato dextrose (PD) media treated with chlorothalonil formulations induced a significant decrease in all components in each fungus except the catalase enzyme in the case of B. cinerea. The obtained results showed that active ingredients were 69.82%, 71.9% and reached 69.3%, and 70.75% after 14 days of storage at 54 ± 2 ºC for Chlorcal 70% WP, Open 72% SC, respectively. Also calculated half-life (T0.5) values for Chlorcal 70% WP, Open 72% SC were 1382.07 days and 614.035 days, respectively. This result refers that Chlorcal 70% WP is more stable than Open 72% SC after storage at 54 ± 2 oC for 14 days, whereas the amount of hexachlorobenzene was within the FAO limits for all sources before and after storage. Then the other tested GC / MS was used for the degradation of chlorothalonil fungicide, the two major degradation products in chlorothalonil were 2,5,6-trichloro- 4- hydroxyisophthalonitrile and 2,4,6-trichloroisophthalonitrile.

    Keywords: Fungi, Fungicides, Chlorothalonil, Hexachlorobenzene, IR, GC, MS, Chemical stability, Physical properties, Antifungal activity, Chemical composition, Enzyme}
  • محمد احمدی *، بیتا معزی پور، معراج شرری
    در این تحقیق ویژگی های الیاف بازیافت شده از پسماند ام دی اف که یکی ازمنابع بالقوه ی مهم قابل استفاده به عنوان ماده ی اولیه ی در ساخت ام دی اف می باشند، مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. به این منظور از دو روش حرارت دهی اهمیک (در دو زمان 2 و 4 دقیقه) و هیدروترمال (در دمای105 درجه سانتی گراد به مدت 150 دقیقه ) برای بازیافت پسماند ام دی اف استفاده شد واز الیاف بکر به عنوان نمونه ی شاهد استفاده شد.
    ترکیب شیمیایی الیاف (مقدار لیگنین، سلولز و همی سلولز) به عنوان عوامل موثر بر کیفیت الیاف اندازه گیری شد. از الیاف بکر و بازیافتی طیف FT-IR گرفته شد تا تغییرات شیمیایی سطح پس از بازیافت مشخص شود. هم چنین به منظور تعیین خاصیت تر شوندگی الیاف تصاویری از وضعیت قطره ی آب بر سطح الیاف تهیه شد و زاویه ی تماس بین قطره ی آب و سطح الیاف اندازه گیری شد. نتایج نشان داد که ترکیب شیمیایی الیاف در اثر بازیافت دستخوش تغییر می شود، بیشترین تغییر در مقدار همی سلولز و مواد استخراجی رخ داد. هم چنین در الیاف بازیافتی به روش هیدروترمال، کاهش چشم گیر در مقدار لیگنین مشاهده شد. نتایج FT-IR بیانگر وجود گروه های کربونیل بیشتر و هیدروکسی کمتر در الیاف بازیافتی نسبت به الیاف بکر بود که نشان دهنده ی فرایند استری شدن در الیاف بازیافتی می باشد. بررسی زاویه تماس قطره ی آب روی سطح الیاف نشان داد که ترشوندگی الیاف پس از بازیافت مخصوصا در روش هیدروترمال کاهش یافته است.
    کلید واژگان: بازیافت, پسماند تخته فیبر با دانسیته متوسط, ترشوندگی, طیف سنجی با مادون قرمز, ترکیب شیمیایی}
    Mohammad Ahmadi *, Bita Moezzipour, Mearaj Sharari
    In this study properties of fibers recycled from MDF wastes as one of the potential important resources as raw materials for MDF production were investigated.
    For this purpose, two different methods including ohmic heating (for 2 and 4 min) and hydrothermal method (at 105˚c for 150 min) were utilized for recycling the wastes of MDF and original fibers were studied as control sample.
    The chemical composition of fibers (lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose content), as effective variable on quality of fibers was measured. Also for probing the chemical characteristic of fiber surface, FT-IR test was utilized. In addition, the wettability of fibers also was determined by measuring the contact angels between fibers surface and water drop.
    The results showed that the chemical composition of fibers is changed within recycling process. Most changes were occurred in hemicellulose and extractives content. The results of FT-IR test revealed the existence of more carbonyl groups and furfural and lower amount of hydroxyl groups in recycled fibers compared to original fibers which caused by esterification process. The wettability of fibers was decreased after recycling process especially in hydrothermal method.
    Keywords: recycling, wastes of medium density fiber boards, wettability, FT, IR, chemical composition}
  • علیرضا یوسفی، سید محمد علی رضوی*، محبت محبی، عبدالرضا نوروزی، محمدرضا اکبرزاده توتونچی
    اصلاح شیمیایی نشاسته از متداولترین روش های مورد استفاده جهت بهبود خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی آن می باشد. دراین تحقیق نشاسته های فسفریله و هیدروکسی پروپیله با درصد های جایگزینی به ترتیب 096/0 و 106/2 درصد از نشاسته طبیعی گندم تولید شدند و برخی از خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی و رئولوژیکی آن ها در مقایسه با نشاسته طبیعی ارزیابی گردید. تغییرات شیمیایی ایجاد شده در نتیجه هیدروکسی پروپیله و فسفریله کردن نشاسته گندم به وسیله طیف سنجی FT-IR تایید شد. نتایج افتراق سنجی اشعه ایکس نمونه ها نشان داد که نشاسته طبیعی و فسفریله گندم با 34/17 و 14/16 درصد بیشترین و کمترین میزان کریستاله بودن را دارا بودند. نتایج بررسی تغییرات قدرت تورم در آب نشاسته ها با دما نشان داد که نشاسته طبیعی گندم دارای بیشترین (111/46Ea=) و نشاسته هیدروکسی پروپیله آن دارای کمترین (603/26Ea=) حساسیت دمایی می باشد. در بررسی مشابه مربوط به شاخص حلالیت، نشاسته های طبیعی و فسفریله گندم به ترتیب بیشترین (674/77Ea=) و کمترین (478/44Ea=) حساسیت دمایی را نشان دادند. نتایج بررسی تغییرات شفافیت خمیر نشاسته ها نشان داد که هیدروکسی پروپیله و فسفریله کردن نشاسته گندم سبب افزایش 65/2 و کاهش 58/17 برابری این مشخصه در مقایسه با نشاسته طبیعی می گردد (05/0p<). از بین مدل های رئولوژیکی مستق از زمان استفاده شده، مدل هرشل بالکلی بهترین نتیجه را جهت توصیف خصوصیات جریان نمونه های نشاسته دارا بود.
    کلید واژگان: نشاسته, طیف سنجی, قدرت تورم, شفافیت خمیر, رئولوژی}
    Ali Reza Yousefi, Seyed Mohammad Ali Razavi *, Mohabat Mohebi, Abdol Reza Norozi, Mohammad Reza Akbar Zadeh Totonchi
    Chemical modification of starch is of the prevalent used methods in order to improve its physicochemical attributes. In this study phosphorylated and hydroxypropylated wheat starches were produced with 0.096 and 2.106% degree of substitution, respectively; and then some of their physicochemical and rheological attributes were studied. The implemented chemical changes due to hydroxypropylation and phosphorylation on native wheat starch were exhibited by FT-IR. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the native and phosphorylated wheat starches had the most and least amount of crystallinity with 17.34 and 16.14%, respectively. The influence of temperature on swelling power revealed that the native (Ea=46.111) and hydroxypropylated (Ea=26.603) wheat starches had the most and least thermal sensitivity, respectively. Besides, in the case of solubility index, it was observed that native (Ea=77.674) and phosphorylated (Ea=44.478) starches had the most and least thermal sensitivity, in the order given. The high value of determination coefficient (0.895-0.979) attained from the modeling results of the solubility changes with temperature using two power law equations, demonstrated the high capability of these models in prediction. It was seen that hydroxypropylation and phosphorylation of wheat starch resulted in 2.65 times increase and 17.58 times decrease in paste clarity compared to native starch (p
    Keywords: Starch, FT, IR, Swelling power, Paste clarity, Rheology}
  • سپیده مقصودلوراد*، علیرضا شاکری

    در این تحقیق برای تهیه وانیلین از محصول جانبی کارخانه های تهیه کاغذ، در آغاز لیگنین از مایع پخت کرافت گونه سوزنی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. (FT-IR) برگ کاج الداریکا بهدست آمد. ویژگی های آن با طیفسنجی مادون قرمز تبدیل فوریه مقدار لیگنین رسوب داده شده، 27 % وزنی بر پایه وزن خشک چوب بود. سپس وانیل به روش اکسیداسیون لیگنین، تحت و (FT-IR) فشار اکسیژن تهیه شد. وانیل به دست آمده بعد از خالصسازی با دو روش طیفسنجی مادون قرمز 4 % وزنی بر پایه / شناسایی و میزان آن تعیین شد. مقدار وانیل بهدست آمده 2 (HPLC) کروماتوگرافی مایع با کارایی بالا وزن خشک لیگنین بود.

    کلید واژگان: لیگنین, وانیلین, کاج الدریکا, طیف سنجی مادون قرمز, کروماتوگرافی مایع با کارایی بالا}
    S. Maghsodlou Rad *, A. Shakeri

    In this research، For Vanillin preparation from lateral product of pulping factory، first، lignin was extracted from kraft cooking liquors of softwood (pinus eldarica) and the FT–IR spectrum of lignin was investigated and it was compared with standard. The amount of extracted lignin was 27% based on oven dry weight of wood. Then vanillin is prepared by oxidation of lignin under pressure. Finally the vanillin concentration in product solution was analyzed with FT–IR and HPLC. The yield obtained from this work was around 4. 2% (wt vanillin / wt lignin).

    Keywords: Lignin, Vanillin, pinus eldarica, Oxidation, FT, IR, HPLC}
  • M.H.Heidarzadeh, Z. Hesami
    Sustainable development means providing solutions to the transient patterns of physical, social and economic development that could prevent some Problems such as destruction of natural resources, destruction of biological systems, global climate change, pollution, uncontrolled population increase, injustice and low quality of human life and the next stop. Energy consumption is one of major problem in Iran that causes unstable environment. Energy consumption in transportation sector accounts for the most share of consumption after household and commercial consumption and has the first grade of financial value among other sectors. On the other hand, the sector of transportation plays a positive and necessary role in economic and social development and certainly, transportation requirements will increase in future. However, since the sector of transportation is one of the sources of air pollution, it is necessary to revise the current transportation systems and the effective management and design of transportation systems. In this paper, we have tried to review the trend of energy consumption in sector of transportation of Iran in a 5 year period. Then, the energy consumption in the sector was compared with the Middle East region and the whole world. The reviews show that Iran is the only country in the Middle East that uses natural gas in its transportation sector. Also, the share of natural gas consumption in sector of transportation of the country was 0.35% of the whole world in 2005. The average growth of final consumption of petroleum products in sector of transportation of the country (6.3%) in the examined 5 year period was more than the average growth of consumption of these products in the whole world (4.6%).For example, in 2005, the share of the final consumption of petroleum products in transportation sector of Iran in the world and in the Middle East is 1.7 and 32.6%, respectively. In recent years, the consumption of gasoline has reached 74 million liters per day with a growth about 10%in 2006. Finally, management procedures are presented for optimizing consumption of energy carriers in transportation sector.
    Keywords: transportation sector, consumption pattern, energy carriers, Ir}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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