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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Lactose » در نشریات گروه « کشاورزی »

  • Wedad Yahfoufi, Mohsen Danesh Mesgaran *, Mohammad Hadi Sekhavati, Ali Reza Vakili, Mojtaba Tahmoorespur
    In vitro ruminal culture was carried out to assess the effect of the concentration of an antibiotic resistant transgenic bacterium (Lactococcus lactis, L. lactis) along with different dietary lactose/starch ratios on first order kinetic disappearance of nutrients using an exponential model. Dietary treatments were designed to include lactose (L), using whey powder which was substituted of corn grain, as zero (L0.0), 36 (L36) and 72 (L72) g/kg dry matter (DM), with different L. lactis count (CFU/mL) as 0.0 (Bact0.0), 1.25×108 (Bact1.25) and 2.5×108 (Bact2.50) in a 3×3 factorial arrangement. The DM and CP disappearance was significantly influenced by the dietary inclusion of L. lactis. Constant rate of crude protein (CP) disappearance significantly decreased in both L36 and L72 using bacteria as Bact2.50. Bact2.50 enhanced the constant rate of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) disappearance of the diets. DM disappearance was significantly increased in lactose containing diets, while crude protein disappearance was significantly enhanced in L36 only. NDF disappearance decreased significantly in L36 and L72 treatments, and the indigestible fraction of NDF was significantly higher for L72 compared with L0.0 or L36. NFC digestible fraction was significantly improved in L36 and L72.There was significant diet× bacteria interaction in most of the studied parameters. Ruminal L. lactis abundance measured using RT-PCR altered in all diets, and the highest values were recorded in L72 diet. Regarding the dietary inclusion of lactose, some alterations were detected, while the effect of the bacteria on nutrient disappearance was consider and related to the dietary lactose/starch ratios.
    Keywords: Antimicrobial Peptide, Disappearance Kinetics, Lactococcus Lactis, Lactose}
  • حیدر ناصری، عیسی حزباوی*، فیض الله شهبازی

    شیر بازساخته یک محصول جایگزین شیر است. اجزای شیر بازساخته به راحتی قابل تنظیم تر از شیر است. نسبت اجزای شیر به طور مستقیم بر کیفیت محصول تاثیر می گذارد. با استفاده از هدایت الکتریکی می توان اطلاعات ارزشمندی در مورد کیفیت مواد مختلف از جمله مواد غذایی به دست آورد و به وسیله این روش، به عنوان یک ابزار ساده و کاربردی، کیفیت بسیاری از مواد غذایی را کنترل نمود. هدف از انجام این تحقیق بررسی هدایت الکتریکی شیر بازساخته تحت تاثیر دما، درصد پروتئین و درصد لاکتوز است. برای بررسی اثر درصد پروتئین (1، 2 و 3 درصد)، درصد لاکتوز یا قند (4، 6 و 8 درصد) بر هدایت الکتریکی شیر از پودر شیر خشک که خالص و بدون مکمل غذایی می باشد، در این تحقیق استفاده شد. برای افزایش درصد لاکتوز پودر شیر خشک از پودر لاکتوز، برای افزایش پروتئین از پودر کازیینات سدیم و برای به حجم رساندن نمونه ها از آب مقطر استفاده شد. کل آزمایشات در 3 سطح دمایی (50، 55 و 60 درجه سلسیوس) صورت گرفت. نتایج نشان داد که متغیرهای دما، درصد پروتئین و درصد لاکتوز بر هدایت الکتریکی شیر بازساخته تاثیر معنی داری داشتند. با افزایش درصد پروتئین و دمای شیر بازساخته، هدایت الکتریکی آن به طور معنی دار افزایش یافت. با افزایش درصد لاکتوز، هدایت الکتریکی شیر بازساخته به طور معنی دار کاهش یافت. بیشترین و کمترین مقدار هدایت الکتریکی شیر بازساخته به ترتیب mS/cm 7/5 در دمای 60 درجه سلسیوس، لاکتوز 4 درصد و پروتئین 3 درصد و mS/cm 31/2 در دمای 50 درجه سلسیوس، لاکتوز 8 درصد و پروتئین 1 درصد حاصل شد.

    کلید واژگان: درصد پروتئین, درصد لاکتوز, شیر بازساخته, هدایت الکتریکی}
    Haidar Naseri, Isa Hazbavi*, Feizollah Shahbazi

    Among the foods consumed on a daily basis, milk has the most appropriate and balanced ingredients, that is the reason milk called whole food. Milk is the only known substance in nature that can provide the human body with complete and balanced nutrition. Recombined milk is a milk replacement product. Recombined milk components are more easily adjustable than milk components. The electrical conductivity is referred to as conductivity of specific material against the electric current, which is expressed in micro Siemens units per cm (mS/cm). Using electrical conductivity, valuable information is available about the quality of different materials, including food. In addition, by this method, as a simple and practical tool, the quality of many foods can be controlled. The aim of this study was to investigate the electrical conductivity of recombined milk affected by temperature, protein percentage, and lactose content.

    Materials and methods

    In order to investigate the effect of protein percentage (1, 2 and 3%) and percentage of lactose or sugar content (4, 6 and 8%) on the electrical conductivity of milk, pure dry milk powder without dietary supplementation was used. Lactose powder was used to increase the lactose content of dry milk powder. Sodium caseinate was used to increase the protein content of dry milk powder. Distilled water was used to increase the volume of samples. Total experiments were carried out at three temperature levels (50, 55 and 60 ºC). Data analysis was also done using SPSS 16 software.

    Results and discussion

    The results showed that temperature, protein percentage, and lactose percentage had a significant effect on the electrical conductivity of recombined milk. The electrical conductivity of the recombined milk ranged from 2.31 to 5.7 mS/cm at 50°C, 8% lactose, 1% protein, and 60°C, 4% lactose, 3% protein, respectively. The greatest and least effect on the electrical conductivity of recombined milk was related to the effect of protein percentage and lactose percentage, respectively. By increasing the temperature, the electrical conductivity of the reconstituted milk has increased significantly. The greatest changes in electrical conductivity (16%) of recombined milk occurred by the influence of temperature factor in protein 1% and lactose 4% and its value ranged from 2.44 to 2.83 mS/cm. In addition, the lowest changes in electrical conductivity (6%) of recombined milk were obtained by the temperature factor of 3% protein and 8% lactose, and it was increased from 4.68 to 4.95 mS/cm. By increasing protein content, the electrical conductivity of recombined milk has increased significantly. The most changes in electrical conductivity (107%) of recombined milk occurred by the influence of protein percentage at 55 °C and 6% lactose and its value ranged from 2.42 to 5.6 mS/cm. In addition, the lowest changes in the electrical conductivity (100%) of reconstituted milk occurred by the influence of protein percentage at 55 °C and 4% lactose, and its content increased from 2.5 to 5 mS/cm 5. These results indicate that the protein percentage factor has the most effect on the electrical conductivity of recombined milk (compared to two temperature factors and lactose percentage). By increasing lactose content, the electrical conductivity of recombined milk has decreased significantly. The greatest changes in electrical conductivity (13%) of recombined milk occurred by the influence of lactose percentage at 60 °C and protein 3% and its content decreased from 5.7 to 4.95 mS/cm. Also, the smallest changes in electrical conductivity (1.5%) of reconstituted milk occurred by the influence of lactose percentage at 55 °C and 2% protein, and its content decreased from 5.55 to 4.48 mS/cm. The maximum and minimum amount of electrical conductivity of reconstituted milk was 5.7 mS/cm at 60°C, 4% lactose and 3% protein, and 2.31 mS/cm at 50°C, 8% lactose and 1% protein, respectively.

    Keywords: Protein, Lactose, Reconstituted milk, Electrical conductivity}
  • رضا مبصرفر، سیدعلی مرتضوی*

    دوغ نوعی نوشیدنی تخمیری لبنی است که اساس تهیه آن، مخلوط کردن ماست با آب و نمک است. یکی از مشکلات اساسی دوغ، تغییرات کیفی آن در طی دوره نگهداری است که عمدتا به علت فعالیت میکروارگانیسم ها و در نتیجه کاهش pH رخ می دهد. در این پژوهش، تاثیر کاهش لاکتوز بر زمان ماندگاری، ویژگی های طعمی و حسی دوغ تولیدی در سه بازه زمانی روز اول، بیست و سوم و چهل و ششم پس از زمان تولید دوغ در مقایسه با دوغ های شاهد بررسی گردید. میزان استالدهید نیز به وسیله ی کروماتوگرافی گازی اندازه گیری شد. در این مطالعه شیر در سه روز متوالی از فیلترهایUltra filtration (UF)  عبور داده شد و میزان لاکتوز آن تا حدود 2% کاهش یافت. سپس مرحله تخمیر و استاندارد کردن دوغ ها از نظر چربی و ماده خشک بدون چربی انجام شد. کلیه آزمون ها با سه تکرار و با استفاده از آزمون LSD در سطح اطمینان 95% مقایسه میانگین ها انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد که در طول دوره نگهداری دوغ، میزان اسیدیته، pH و استالدهید دوغ تولیدی کمتر از دوغ شاهد شد؛ افزون بر این خواص حسی و طعمی آن نیز به میزان قابل توجهی بهبود یافت. هدف اصلی پژوهش افزایش زمان ماندگاری و بهبود خواص حسی و کیفیت دوغ بود؛ بر اساس یافته های این پژوهش به نظر می رسد که کاهش لاکتوز و به دنبال آن کاهش فعالیت باکتری های لاکتیکی می تواند نقش اساسی در افزایش زمان ماندگاری، ایفا کند.

    کلید واژگان: دوغ, کاهش لاکتوز, اولترافیلتراسیون, کروماتوگرافی گازی, استالدهید}
    Reza Mobasserfar, Seyed Ali Mortazavi*

    Doogh is one of the most important and most widely consuming fermented traditional Iranian milk products, which is being prepared from the healthy milk by using the activity of certain lactic acid bacteria and molds under the especial conditions. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are used as starter culture for milk fermentation. The fermented dairy products have long storage life and constitute an important part of the milk's per capita consumption. For this reason, studying the different methods in order to improve the quality of these products is crucial. By considering the fact that the strong thermal treatments damage some components of milk such as protein and vitamins, using the membrane filterations decrease the need to impose the intense thermal conditions which result into the relative loss of nutrients. On the other hand, using the membrane filters not only increase SNF (solid non-fat) and the percentage of protein but also lead into the production of less-lactose milk as well, the production of less-lactose products, in addition to their nutritional value for some people, have especial benefits for improving the quality. As follows, UF filters in 10-2-10-1 diameter separate the bacteria, fats and protein when milk is passing with a pressure about 1-10 bar but also they pass the minerals such as salts and water which are being removed as permeate and the concentrated milk is called “Retentate”.

    Materials and methods

    Materials provided in this study were including: Starter culture (No: 505 form Danisco, USA), Lactic acid (1.00366) with a degree of purity level more than 95%, NaH2PO4*2H2O (1.06345) plus the cultures' environment and the chemical substances from MERCK Company. HPLC system (Agilent, 1100 series, USA), Rheometer (Anton, MCR300, Austria), Milk analyzer bar (Azmalaban, MCC, Iran), pH meter (Knick,766, Germany), Digital scale 0.001 (AND,GF4000, Japan), Psychrometer (Sartorius, MA45, Germany), Oven (memmert, UM400, Germany), Centrifuge (Funke Gerber, Nova safety, Germany), Kjeldahl (Gerhardt, KB, Germany), Refrigerated incubator (WTW,TS606-6/2-i, Austria), Incubator (memmert, BM400, Germany),  Autoclave (RT-2, Reyhan Teb, Iran). In the present study the effect of a decrease in lactose percentage on the durability, flavor and sensory (organoleptic) properties of produced doogh on the 1st, 23rd and 46th day’s after production time in comparison to control ones, was  investigated. The changes of acetaldehyde levels were measured using Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy. In this study, milk was passed through UF filters in three consecutive days and its lactose level was decreased by about 2%. After that fermentation and standardization of doogh based on the amount of fat and solid-nonfat has been done. All tests were repeated 3 times and the comparison of averages has been done by using LSD test (p= 0.05 %). Results were expressed as mean ± SE. Values were the average of triplicate experiments. Significant differences between the results were calculated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the help of SPSS software version 20. Differences at P<0.05 were considered to be significant. Also the obtained data for the rheological experiments was processed using software such as Excel 2010 and SPSS software version 20 to determine an appropriate mathematical model. And in this case, the linear and nonlinear regressions were used.

    Results & discussion

    Results showed that by increasing the storage time, the acidity and pH changes and the acetaldehyde amount of produced doogh was less than those of the control samples. Additionally flavor and sensory properties improved considerably. Based on the findings of this research, it seems that the reduction of lactose and the decrease of lactic acid bacterial activity can play an important role in increasing the durability time, improving the sensory properties and enhancing the quality of doogh. It was determined that the decrease of lactose using ultrafiltration to the control sample not only indicates the significant changes in most considered variables but also there are these kinds of changes during the durability time. In addition, the significant and slow changes of pH to the control sample due to the decrease of lactic bacteria activities show the least qualitative and flavor changes over the durability time. And also it was specified that by increasing the activities of lactic bacteria, the amount of acetaldehyde will increase but by decreasing this activity, the level of acetaldehyde will decline. This issue has a direct relationship with the changes of lactose's amount. The post-filtration doogh due to its high amount of proteins shows high viscosity and concentration and for this reason, the attention of panelists in the sensory evaluation was directed toward choosing the post-filtration doogh instead of the pre-filtration one. Therefore, it can be concluded that the decrease of lactose using ultrafiltration has a main role in improving the quality of the product and also the tendency of the consumers.

    Keywords: Doogh, Lactose, Ultrafiltration, Gas chromatography, Acetaldehyde}
  • M. A. Hesarinejad, S. M. A. Razavi*, A. Koocheki, M. A. Mohammadifar

    Nowadays, demands for hydrocolloids which improve the rheological properties of foods as well as retain their properties under the influence of food additives have increased. In this study, dilute solution properties were employed to understand the molecular and conformational properties of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum (AHSG), in presence of sucrose and lactose. The model of Tanglertpaibul & Rao was selected as the best model for the estimation of the intrinsic viscosity. It was shown that except for water, the solutions of sucrose and lactose are poor solvents for AHSG as indicated by a decrease in intrinsic viscosity, swollen specific volume, shape function, and coil dimensions. As the sucrose and lactose concentrations increased, the coil radius decreased. The reduction in the shape and swollen volume parameters in the presence of sucrose and lactose as compared to the sugar-free solution indicated the negative effect of the opted sugars on the molecular volume of the gum. Evaluations of the dilute solution properties of the gum in sucrose and lactose solutions revealed that the existence of a conformation tending to ellipsoidal shape and the probability of the conformation of random coil with no molecular entanglements in AHSG solutions.

    Keywords: Alyssum homolocarpum, intrinsic viscosity, lactose, sucrose}
  • آزیتا نعمتی*، محمد علیزاده، زهرا قاسم پور
    پرمیت فرآورده ی فرعی عملیات اولترافیلتراسیون در نوعی فرآیند پنیرسازی است، که به شکل مایع از غشاء تراوش نموده و عمدتا حاوی 5/4 تا 8/4 درصد لاکتوز و 44/0 تا 47/0 درصد نمک های معدنی است. مشکل پرمیت مسئله ی دفع آن است. هدف این پژوهش شیوه ای نوین در تولید نوشیدنی پرتقال با استفاده از پرمیت شیر هیدرولیزشده است. به این منظور نمونه ی حرارت دیده ی پرمیت با استفاده از آنزیم بتاگالاکتوزیداز با غلظت آنزیمی 1/0 درصد در مدت 150 دقیقه در دمای ċ40 تهیه گردید. در مرحله ی بعدی مطالعه، نوشیدنی پرتقال با استفاده از کنسانتره ی پرتقال و مخلوط شکر و پرمیت که در کل 50 درصد بریکس نوشیدنی را تامین نمودند، آماده شد. نمونه ها پس از پاستوریزاسیون و بسته بندی در بطری های نوشیدنی به مدت 8 هفته در یخچال نگهداری شد. در طی دوره ی نگهداری آزمون های فیزیکوشیمیایی شامل: pH، میزان قند، اندیس فرمالین، دانسیته، TS، ویتامین ث و ارزیابی حسی بر روی نمونه ها صورت گرفت. نتایج تجزیه و تحلیل آماری برای pH و میزان قند احیا، روند افزایشی، و ویتامین ث، اندیس فرمالین،TS و دانسیته روند کاهشی را در طول زمان نگهداری نشان دادند. مقدار بهینه برای مصرف پرمیت 35 درصد و دوره ی نگهداری 41 روز محاسبه شد که در آن هر یک از مقادیر مربوط به ویتامین ث و آزمون حسی سطوح بالایی را دربرمی گرفتند. پذیرش کلی نوشیدنی نگهداری شده در دمای یخچال تا پایان هفته ی هشتم مطلوب بود.
    کلید واژگان: بتاگالاکتوزیداز, پرمیت, لاکتوز, نوشیدنی پرتقال}
    Nematia. *, Alizadehm., Ghasempour, Z
    Permeate is the by-product of ultrafiltration operation in a kind of cheese-making process that leakage from membrane in a liquid form and mainly it contains 4.5-4.8 % lactose and 0.44-0.47 % mineral salts.The problem with permeate is its disposal. The objective of this study was to prepare shelf stable orange beverage from hydrolyzed milk permeate.for this purpose heated milk permeate with o/1enzyme content during 150 minute and in 40 ċ incubated.In the next stage of the study orange drink was prepared with a mixture of sugar ( 10- 40) percent and hydrolyzed permeate (10-40) percent in a definite brix. After pasteurization and packaging in bottles, the samples were kept refrigerated for 8 weeks.During storage times, physic-chemical analyses were performed on sample for pH,reducing sugar content,TS, density,Formalin Index, Vitamin C and sensory evaluation. Statistical analysis results showed pH and reducing sugar content increment and vitamin C decrement trend over time.the optimum point was obtaint using of 35 % permeate ad storage time of 41 days in which the relevant amount of vitamin C and sensory evaluation of beverages, stored at refrigerator temperature, was desirable by the end of the eight weeks.
    Keywords: B-galactosidase, Permeate, Lactose, Orange beverage}
  • فخرالدین صالحی*، مهدی کاشانی نژاد، فاطمه عرب عامری، علی تدین
    هیدروکلوئیدها به عنوان ترکیباتی با وزن مولکولی بالا تعریف می شوند که می توانند در آب حل و ایجاد محلول های باویسکوزیته بالا و ژل می نمایند. دراین پژوهش اثر قندهای ساکاروز، فروکتوز، گلوکز و لاکتوز درغلظت های 0،1، 2، 3 و 4 درصد وزنی/وزنی برخصوصیات رئولوژیکی محلول صمغ دانه بالنگو (1%) مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. خصوصیات رئولوژیکی محلول ها توسطو یسکومتر چرخشی بروکفیلد، اندازه گیری گردید. نتایج نشان داد که در همه محلول ها با افزایش سرعت برشی، ویسکوزیته ظاهری کاهش می یابد، که نشان دهنده رفتار سودوپلاستیک صمغ دانه بالنگو می باشد. اثر سینرژیستی بین صمغ و قندها باعث افزایش ویسکوزیته محلول ها گشته و مقدار تغییر ویسکوزیته به نوع قند مصرفی بستگی دارد. با افزایش غلظت گلوکز از 0 به 4 درصد، ویسکوزیته ظاهری محلول صمغ از mPa.s 23/1 به mPa.s 35/1 افزایش یافت (سرعت برشی برابر S-1 61/2). مدل قانون توان به خوبی رفتار غیر نیوتنی صمغ دانه بالنگو در حضور قندها را توصیف نمود. برازش داده ها با مدل قانون توان نشان داد که نوع و مقدار قندها باعث تغییر ضریب قوام (k) و شاخص رفتار جریان (n) می شوند. افزودن قندهای ساکاروز، فروکتوز و لاکتوز باعث کاهش شاخص رفتار جریان و افزایش خاصیت سودوپلاستیک محلول ها می شوند. برهمکنش بین صمغ دانه بالنگو و گلوکز حداکثر بوده و این محلول بیشترین ویسکوزیته ظاهری را از خود نشان داد.
    کلید واژگان: ساکاروز, فروکتوز, گلوکز, لاکتوز, هیدروکلوئید}
    F. Salehi*, M. Kashaninejad, F. Arabameri, A. Tadayyon
    Hydrocolloids are defined as high weight macromolecules which could dissolve in water and give solutions with highviscosity or gels. In this study, the effect of sucrose, fructose, glucose and lactose at concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4% w/w on the rheological properties of Balangu seed gum solution (1%) were investigated. Rheological properties of solutions were measured by a Brookfield rotational viscometer. Results showed that at all solutions, with increasing shear rate, the apparent viscosity decreased, indicating the pseudoplastic behavior of Balangu seed gum. Synergistic interactions between gum and sugars improved the viscosity of solutions and the amount of viscosity change depends on type of sugar. Apparent viscosity clearly increased from 23.1 to 35.1 mPa.s with increasing glucose concentration from 0 to 4 % (shear rate=61.2 s-1). Power law model well described non-Newtonian behavior of Balangu seed gum in the presence of sugars. Fitting with power law model showed that the consistency coefficient (k) and flow behavior index (n) were influenced by the type and sugars content. Addition of sucrose, fructose and lactose led to decreases in flow behavior index and increases in pseudoplastic properties of solutions. Interaction between Balangu seed gum and glucose was maximum and this solution showed the highest apparent viscosity.
    Keywords: Fructose, Glucose, Hydrocolloid, Lactose, Sucrose}
  • مریم عین علی افجه، حمید عزت پناه، محمد امین محمدی فر، مهدی امین افشار
    درهنگام تولید ماست قالبی هر گونه تغییر در مقادیر ترکیباتی مانند لاکتوز و کازئین می تواند به کیفیت محصول از دیدگاه رئولوژیک و حسی لطمه وارد نماید. از سوی دیگر با توجه به کیفیت شیر خام مورد استفاده در صنعت افزودن ترکیبات ذکر شده می توانند راهکارهای عملی جبران نواقص ابتدای زنجیره تامین شیر خام محسوب شوند که در این تحقیق به بررسی عملی بودن چنین راهکارهایی پرداخته می شود. در این تحقیق تعیین تاثیر گذاری بیماری ورم پستان بر کیفیت ماست قالبی و نیز تاثیر اضافه کردن غلظت های مختلف لاکتوز، تغلیظ شده پروتئینی آب پنیر و شیر خشک بی چربی بر برخی ویژگی های رئولوژی و حسی ماست قالبی بررسی شد. پس از آن که تفاوت بین سطوح مختلف سلولهای سوماتیک در شیر خام از نظر مقدار لاکتوز، کازئین و پروتئین های محلول در سطح احتمال 05/0 سنجیده شد در چند مرحله بصورت جداگانه، با افزودن لاکتوز، کنستانتره پروتئینی آب پنیر و شیر خشک بی چربی به شیر دارای سلولهای سوماتیک در سطوح متوسط (200000 تا 800000 سلول در هر میلی لیتر از شیر خام) و بالا (بیش از 800000 سلول در هر میلی لیتر) از رویکرد تنظیم لاکتوز ماست قالبی تهیه شد. یک تیمار هم با افزودن شیر خشک بی چربی به شیر حاوی سطوح مختلف سلول های سوماتیک (سطح مخلوط) به منظور تنظیم کازئین بود.
    هم زمان با افزایش شمار سلولهای پیکری مقدار پارامتر a معرف قدرت ساختار نمونه های ماست قالبی از 5 به 1/4 کاهش یافت. نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که با استفاده از ترکیبات مختلف، نمی توان اثرات بیماری را در ویژگی های حسی محصول جبران و انتظار مصرف کننده را تامین نمود.
    کلید واژگان: سلولهای سوماتیک, ماست قالبی, ویژگی های ویسکو الاستیک, کنستانتره پروتئینی آب پنیر, لاکتوز}
    Maryam Ein Ali Afjeh, Hamid Ezzat Panah, Mohammad Amin Mohammadi Far, Mehdi Amin Afshar
    Low SCC (800 000cell/ml) and mix of these three levels of SCC were considered as four categories of raw milk samples in this research. yoghurt was produced by addition of lactose، WPC and skimmed milk powder in order to the amount adjustment of lactose and casein after determining significant difference in the content of lactose، casein and whey proteins in all four levels of SCC. Results showed that a little reduction of lactose can effect on yoghurt properties. In the present study، evaluated the effect of different somatic cell counts on some rheological and sensory properties of set yoghurt. Yoghurt samples were analysed on days 1، 15 and 28 after production. Frequency sweep test results revealed that for all samples elastic behaviour dominates the viscous one over the whole range of frequency but by increasing SCC، G¢ became more frequency dependent which means a weaker and also less gel structure، for samples with higher SCC. It was indicated that somatic cell count of milk is a critical factor which affects the quality of yoghurt.
    Keywords: Somatic cell count, Set yoghurt, W.P.C, Lactose}
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