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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « انتخاب و اولویت بندی » در نشریات گروه « هنر و معماری »

  • مجید پرچمی جلال*، اسفندیار زبردست، حمید فصیحی
    مدیریت سبد پروژه رویکردی نو و برگرفته از دانش مدیریت پروژه است که برای بهره وری هرچه بهتر و موثرتر مجموعه پروژه ها و طرح ها در سازمان های پروژه محور مورد تاکید است. از اجزای اصلی تشکیل دهنده مدیریت سبد پروژه می توان به چارچوب یا مدل فرآیندی، معیارهای تصمیم گیری و ابزارها و تکنیک های انتخاب سبد پروژه اشاره کرد. تصمیم گیری مناسب در مورد انتخاب این اجزا متناسب با ویژگی های هر سازمان از اقدامات اصلی و تاثیرگذار در مدیریت سبد پروژه به شمار می رود. این مقاله با ارائه چارچوب مدیریت سبد پروژه، به دنبال شناسایی ابعاد و معیارهای موثر در انتخاب سبد پروژه های معاونت شهرسازی و معماری شهرداری تهران و ارائه روش ترکیبی برای انتخاب آن است. این پژوهش از نظر هدف، یک پژوهش کاربردی است و از حیث گردآوری داده ها، یک تحقیق توصیفی- پیمایشی محسوب می شود. فرآیند مدیریت سبد پروژه از چهار گام انتخاب سبد، تصویب، اجرا و نظارت تشکیل می شود که برای انتخاب سبد پروژه های معاونت شهرسازی و معماری پیشنهاد می شود با لحاظ کردن معیارهای فنی، مالی، اجتماعی، زیست محیطی، اقتصادی، رقابتی و ریسک، از ترکیب روش های دلفی برای شناسایی این معیارها، از فرآیند تحلیل شبکه ای برای امتیازدهی آنها و از تکنیک تاپسیس برای رتبه بندی پروژه ها و انتخاب سبدی بهینه از آنها استفاده شود.
    کلید واژگان: مدیریت سبد پروژه, انتخاب و اولویت بندی, پروژه شهری, دلفی, فرآیند تحلیل شبکه ای, تاپسیس}
    Majid Parchami Jalal*, Esfandiar Zebardast, Hamid Fasihi

    Nowadays, most of the major municipalities are faced with many new projects up and running, sometimes their essential resources to start or finish them is several times more than the annual calculated budget. Most of the project-driven organizations use project portfolio management approach to deal with these types of problems and better productivity of their projects. The main constituent components include a process framework, decision criteria, methods and models of choosing the portfolio. The main objectives of this study is Identifying the most important aspects and criteria of projects selection and prioritization in the Department of Urban Development and Architecture, optimal portfolio selection and offering a mix of relative value models for the study's project portfolio selection. This study is an applied research in terms of objective and a descriptive - review one in terms of data collection. The instruments of data collection are reviews of documentation, interviews and questionnaires. According to the paper findings, the project portfolio management consists of a four-step process, portfolio selection, approval, implementation, monitoring and control. The project portfolio is defined and chosen as the first step through a five-step process, classification of projects, comprehensive evaluation of project, project selection, prioritization of projects and balancing the portfolios (in the case of more than one portfolio). The second step is making decisions of the approval and allocation of resources. Implementing the approved portfolio usually done at the third step and finally, the fourth step is consisted of a continuous and regular reporting and monitoring of all the undertaken works during the process of the running project portfolio. Classification methods and models of portfolio can be pointed out as other findings of this research. The project portfolio selection procedures can be classified into four groups, relative value models, economic value models, optimization models and artificial intelligence models. Unlike the economic value models, the relative value models assesse the projects based on a comparison against fixed scale or other projects and take advantages of qualitative and quantitative criteria for the projects selection simultaneously. The proposed model for Urban Development and Architecture Department of Tehran Municipality's project portfolio were offered as a combination of Delphi, Analytic Network Process and TOPSIS techniques. In the first phase of the proposed model, Delphi method was used to determine the dimensions and criteria of the projects selection and prioritization. In order to select and prioritize case study projects, decision criteria were separately recognized and classified through technical, financial, social, environmental and economic cases for the selection of new projects, and technical, financial, social, environmental, risks and economic cases for the prioritizing new running projects with low percent of physical progress. In the second stage, weights of the dimensions and criteria were determined through network analysis process, so that, social, environmental and financial criteria obtained more points than the other groups by reviewing its results in both the selection and prioritization. In the third stage, final grading of the projects was done by TOPSIS technique, and the projects portfolio orders and points were determined. The results of the first step can be used in the resource allocation in the second step process of portfolio management.
    Keywords: Portfolio management, selection, prioritization, urban projects, Delphi, network analysis process, TOPSIS}
  • مجید پرچمی جلال*، اسفندیار زبردست، حمید فصیحی
    شهرداری ها به عنوان مجری طرح های توسعه در سطح محلی، وظیفه ی مهمی در به سرانجام رساندن اهداف و استراتژی های آن دارند به طوری که یکی از مهم ترین وظایف آن ها، برنامه ریزی و اجرای طرح ها و پروژه هاست. مدیریت سبد پروژه رویکردی نو و برگرفته از دانش مدیریت پروژه است که برای بهره وری هرچه بهتر و موثرتر مجموعه پروژه ها و طرح ها در سازمان های پروژه محور مورد تاکید است. با توجه به اینکه از انتخاب و اولویت بندی پروژه ها به عنوان گام های اصلی انتخاب سبد پروژه یاد می شود، شناسایی ابعاد و معیارهای الزامی و ترجیحی موثر در این دو گام به عنوان مهم ترین مراحل مدیریت سبد پروژه و ارائه چارچوبی برای کاربست این معیارها لازم و ضروری به نظر می رسد. این پژوهش ازنظر هدف کاربردی و از حیث گردآوری داده ها، توصیفی – پیمایشی محسوب می شود. مطابق یافته های تحقیق، معیارهای موثر در انتخاب و مدیریت سبد پروژه های شهری را می توان در 8 بعد فنی، مالی، اجتماعی، اقتصادی، زیست محیطی، ریسک، سازمانی، رقابتی دسته بندی کرد که برای انتخاب و اولویت بندی پروژه های شهری تهران، معیارهای مالی، اجتماعی و زیست محیطی بیشترین امتیاز و اهمیت را دارند. همچنین برای انتخاب سبد پروژه های شهری، الگوریتمی دوبخشی متشکل از سه فیلتر با لحاظ معیارهای الزامی انتخاب پروژه و معیارهای ترجیحی انتخاب و اولویت بندی پروژه ها قابل ارائه است.
    کلید واژگان: سبد پروژه, مدیریت سبد پروژه, انتخاب و اولویت بندی, پروژه های شهری, مدل مفهومی}
    Majid Parchami Jalal *, Esfandyar Zebardast, Hanid Fasihi
    Municipalities play a crucial role in achieving strategic goals at the local levels. As a matter of fact one of their most important duties is to plan and implement urban programs and projects. Generally, it can be seen that the lack of integration management in projects leads to some problems such as overlapping of the projects, different conflicts, reselecting similar projects to the former unsuccessful ones, extending activity domain unconsciously, selecting further projects that cannot be afforded And etc. Portfolio management as a new approach, offers new opportunity to manage programs, projects and operations concentrated and integrally, for reaching strategic goals. Selecting and prioritizing are two main steps in portfolio projects management process. The goal of this research is to identify indexes and sub-indexes in urban projects in order to select and prioritize Tehran municipality’s urban projects through presenting a conceptual model and offers an optimum projects portfolio.
    This study, is practical in term of the goal, and descriptive - survey in terms of data collection. Reviewing documents, interview and questionnaire can be named as its data collection tool. We use snowball method in order to determine the sampling society. Targeted sampling were done in the questionnaire step and 30 experts and senior managers of municipalities were chosen to respond to the questionnaire. In order to analyze the interviews, we used coding method and non-parametric statistical method for questioner analysis. To analyze the questionnaires we used non parametric statistical methods. In order to prove the questioners reliability, Cronbach's alpha method were used.
    According to the results we could categorize indexes into eight groups which include technical, risk, financial, economic, social-cultural, environmental, organizational-political and competitiveness. Moreover we found 39 sub-indexes. Meanwhile technical, finance, social indexes are playing a crucial role in this research because they support 26 sub-indexes. Also, we suggest a conceptual model for Tehran portfolio project management which can optimize urban portfolio projects by 3 filters such as obligatory indexes, selecting indexes and prioritizing indexes. That obligatory index includes 1-support plans and visions 2-support city council policies and budget programs 3-cheacked other organizations projects in order to avoid redundant projects 4- endorse mega projects by urbanism and transportation division 5- the projects that should be supported by initial condition such as location, technical, cultural, social, passive defense, environmental and economic factors 6- technical report details.
    Second filter includes 31 sub-indexes but the most important sub-index induces 1-aligning with people needs and wills 2-protecting environment 3-cost of the project 4-facilitating financial project 5-mental and physical citizen health impact 6- spatial justice and distribution of projects location 7-expert experience, knowledge and skills in organization 8- up taking investment and creating employment 9- functional scale of project
    In the last filter, we found 34 sub-indexes among current and new project. we considered: 1- The required credit for project’s completion 2- aligning with citizens’ needs and wills 3- facilitating financial project 4-percetage of progress 5-risk (technical risk, management risk, legal risk, financial risk, external environment risk.
    Keywords: Project portfolio, portfolio management, selecting, prioritizing, urban project, Conceptual Model}
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