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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « فارغ التحصیلان معماری » در نشریات گروه « هنر و معماری »

  • سنجش دیدگاه شرکت های مهندسان مشاور درباره مهارت های سخت و نرم در استخدام تازه دانش آموختگان معماری
    پرستو عشرتی*، آناهیتا جم
    هدف مقاله حاضر تعیین مهارت های نرم و سخت و میزان اهمیت آن ها برای استخدام تازه دانش آموختگان معماری در شرکت های مهندسان مشاور است. برای دستیابی به این هدف سه پرسش طرح گردید: پرسش نخست در پی یافتن نسبت اهمیت مهارت سخت به نرم، پرسش دوم در پی تعیین مهم ترین و کم اهمیت ترین مهارت ها و پرسش سوم در پی تعیین رابطه بین سطح شرکت (کوچک، متوسط و بزرگ) و میزان اهمیت این مهارت ها است. بدین منظور در گام نخست، مروری بر مبانی و پیشینه موضوع انجام و گویه های دو دسته مهارت نرم و سخت استخراج گردید. در گام دوم، مبتنی بر این گویه ها پرسشنامه ای تدوین و در اختیار نمونه آماری پژوهش متشکل از مدیران شرکت های مهندسان مشاور قرار گرفت. نتایج تحلیل کمی داده ها با نرم افزار SPSS حاکی از آن است که از دید مدیران این شرکت ها برای استخدام تازه دانش آموختگان معماری اهمیت مهارت سخت 38/44% و مهارت نرم 62/55 % است. از بین مهارت های سخت، در شرکت های کوچک نرم افزار بیشترین و قوانین حقوقی کمترین، در شرکت های متوسط سابقه کاری و طراحی به ترتیب بیشترین و نوع مدرک کمترین و در شرکت های بزرگ نرم افزار بیشترین و نوع مدرک کمترین درجه اهمیت را دارد. از بین مهارت های نرم، در شرکت های کوچک اخلاق حرفه ای بیشترین و پژوهش، مدیریت پروژه و مهارت ارتباطی کمترین، در شرکت های متوسط اخلاق حرفه ای بیشترین و مدیریت پروژه کمترین و در شرکت های بزرگ اخلاق حرفه ای بیشترین و پژوهش کمترین اهمیت را دارا هستند. در کل فارغ از سطح شرکت ها و تقسیم بندی مهارت ها، مهم ترین مهارت اخلاق حرفه ای و کم اهمیت ترین نوع مدرک است. مبتنی بر نتایج آزمون کروسکال والیس بین سطح شرکت و میزان اهمیت مهارت های سخت و نرم ارتباطی وجود ندارد. همچنین تحلیل کیفی مصاحبه با مدیران شرکت ها تغییرات مورد نیاز آموزش دانشگاهی برای افزایش توانمندی دانشجویان برای ورود به بازار کار را آشکار و پیشنهاداتی برای دانشجویان ارایه نمود.
    کلید واژگان: مهارت نرم, مهارت سخت, آموزش معماری, مهارت های استخدامی, فارغ التحصیلان معماری}
    Assessing the viewpoints of consulting engineering companies on hard and soft skills for employing new architecture graduates employability
    Parastoo Eshrati *, Anahita Jam
    Extended Abstract
    Background and Objectives
    The demand for employment upon graduation has heightened the significance of essential job market skills more than before. The main skills for entering any profession include soft skills and hard skills. Hard skills include the technical and scientific knowledge. Both skills are necessary for the profession. The purpose of this paper is to determine hard and soft skills required for the employment of new architecture graduates and assess the significance of each skill.
    The research questions aim to ascertain the significance ratios of these skills, identify the most and least important skills, and establish a correlation between company size (small, medium, and large) and the importance of these skills. Initially, following a comprehensive literature review, soft skills were classified into seven distinct categories. Simultaneously, the requisite hard skills for architecture graduates were extracted from the Ministry of Science and Technology-approved bachelor’s and master’s degree curricula in architecture, resulting in the presentation of a seven-category list of hard skills. Subsequently, a questionnaire based on the identified soft and hard skills was developed and administered to the study’s sample group, comprising managers from small, medium, and large companies. Companies were categorized based on the number of full-time employees, with “small” companies having 7 or fewer employees, “medium” companies having 7 to 12 employees, and “large” companies having 13 to 50 employees. Non-parametric tests were used for hypothesis testing. Given the nature of the hypotheses, which involve the comparison of three independent groups (small, medium, and large companies), the “Kruskal-Wallis test” was chosen to analyze the data collected from the questionnaires. Based on results of papers in the field of statistical analysis of small populations, a minimum sample size of 9 individuals is required to conduct the Kruskal-Wallis test for three groups. However, in this study, data collection exceeded this minimum requirement to the greatest extent possible for the authors. Subsequently, the data was quantitatively analyzed using SPSS software.
    The quantitative analysis conducted using SPSS software reveals that, according to company managers, hard skills hold a 44.38% level of importance, while soft skills account for 55.62%. However, the results of the Kruskal-Wallis test indicate that there is no correlation between the company size and the level of importance of hard and soft skills. Regarding the research findings, the hard skills in order of importance are: software, design, work experience, theoretical knowledge, free-hand drawing, legal regulation, and type of degree. In contrast, the order of importance for soft skills is as follows: professional ethics, analysis and problem-solving, self-management, leadership, project management, communication skills, and research. Furthermore, the study’s results demonstrate a significant relationship between a company size and the specific type of soft and hard skills required by that company. 
    The findings of this study indicate that soft skills are more important than hard skills for hiring fresh architecture graduates but there is no correlation between the company size and the importance level of hard and soft skills in general. When considering hard skills, software is the most important in small companies, while regulation is the least significant. In medium-sized companies, work experience and design rank highest, whereas the type of degree is considered the least important. In larger companies, software stands out as the most crucial, while university rank is perceived as the least important. Among soft skills, in small companies, the most important skills are professional ethics and three skills including research, project management and communication are the least important ones; in medium size companies the most important skill is professional ethics and the least is project management; and in large companies the most important ones is professional ethics and the least is research. Regardless of the level of companies and the division of skills, the most important skill is professional ethics and the least important one is university rank. Analysis of interviews with company managers conducted in a qualitative manner also reveals the necessary changes required in the architecture education system to enhance students’ employability and offered suggestions for students. In light of the study findings, it is advisable to consider incorporating a course focused on developing soft skills into architecture curricula, particularly at the undergraduate level.
    Keywords: Soft skills, hard skills, architecture education, Employability Skills, Architecture Graduate}
  • آرش آبی نما، محسن کاملی*، سیروس باور
    دانشگاه به عنوان مرجع تولید علم می تواند نقش مهمی در توسعه جامعه در ابعاد اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و سیاسی داشته باشد. اگر دانشگاه ها و مراکز آموزشی در این امر موفق عمل نکنند، باعث به وجود آمدن شکاف بین آموخته های دانشجویان و نیازهای محیط کار و فضای حرفه ای می شوند. دانش آموختگان معماری دیدگاه مناسبی از آینده حرفه ای خود نداشته و با وجود دانش تیوریک با موانع متعددی در جامعه روبرو هستند. این مقاله سعی در شناخت آن موانع و زیر عوامل مهم مربوط به آن ها دارد. لذا با استفاده از روش تحقیق تحلیلی- اکتشافی، به این موضوع می پردازد. در ابتدا با استفاده از روش دلفی و تحلیل کیفی توسط MAXQDA پرسشنامه ای جهت نظرسنجی از فارغ التحصیلان و متخصصان تهیه گردید، سپس پاسخ ها به روش کمی با استفاده از تحلیل عاملی و تحلیل موازی بررسی شد. یافته ها مشخص می کند که موانع آموزشی، فردی، اجتماعی و زیر عوامل مربوط به آن ها از موانع پیش روی هستند.
    کلید واژگان: آموزش معماری, موانع اجتماعی, موانع فردی, فارغ التحصیلان معماری}
    Arash Abinama, Mohsen Kameli *, Cyrus Bavar
    University, a source of science production, can play an important role in the development of society in economic, social, cultural, and political dimensions. If universities and training centers do not succeed in this endeavor, a gap between what students learn and the needs of the professional environment will emerge. Also, playing the effective role of architects in society is an essential issue. However, architecture graduates do not have a proper perspective of their professional future, and despite their theoretical knowledge, they face many obstacles in society. We are now in an age where we are witnessing drastic changes in the labor market. This deprives the persons’ job security, assurance, and expands the range of skills that he needs to learn in order to enter the professional environment. To promote Iranian architecture education, efforts have been made by researchers in the form of histories and reviews of curriculum units, but it is not reviewed to know what are the barriers ahead graduates to play an effective, and professional role. Therefore, investigating, in this case, is very important and necessary for entrepreneurship, skills training, and the development of cooperation between universities, industry, and the promotion of architectural education. This article identifies the barriers and related important parameters. It tries to identify the educational problems, difficulties, and development of teachers’ education, more effective educational programs and promoting students' learning to adapt to the professional environment in society. In this research, a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods has been used. Therefore, using the method of analytical-exploratory research deals with this issue. First, using the Delphi method and qualitative analysis by MAXQDA, a questionnaire was prepared for surveying architecture graduates and specialists, and 384 people were selected as the sample of this study by Cochran test. Then the answers to the questionnaire were quantitatively analyzed using factor analysis by SPSS and parallel analysis. Findings show that after the final rotation of research indices by the Varimax method, correlated indices were placed in all three categories. The first category includes items Q5, Q18, and Q8 with a factor loading of 0.804, -0.736, 0.498, and the second category includes items Q12, Q4, and Q17 with a factor loading of 0.735, 0.732, 456. The third category includes items, Q3, Q11, Q9, and Q16 with a factor loading of 0.606, 0.602, -0.510, -0.444. The names of educational and skill barriers, social and cultural barriers, individual and psychological barriers, were selected for the factors, after interpreting the nature of the related indicators. Finally, it is found that these three barriers are ahead of architecture graduates and their important factors are: lack of practical training and soft skills, lack of proper business model, and credentialism. Research and presentation of various solutions in the field of all indicators of the three barriers, especially the final indicators, is very important and can be the issue of starting future research and can be used by major policymakers of higher education, architecture researchers, university professors, students, and Entrepreneurs.
    Keywords: Architecture training, social barriers, individual barriers, Architecture graduates}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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