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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Planning Process » در نشریات گروه « هنر و معماری »

  • Shahrzad Faryadi *
    The concept of sustainability inspired most urban development plans after Rio 1992, although many such plans have not been too successful. An important reason for this is the disjuncture of science from culture and traditional knowledge and planners’ inability to conceptualize the environmental values of societies.This research aims to explore storytelling’s ability to aid in identifying of environmental values of communities and the ways they are developed through their traditional knowledge. Furthermore, it integrates the subjective and normative nature of storytelling with the objective and rational procedure of the planning process. To achieve this aim, the cultural pathways of storytelling for practice on cities within a narrative context are investigated, along with critical naturalistic discourse analysis, which corresponds with the primary levels of a profound planning process. An analysis of the conceptual commonalities and contrasts found in these approaches suggests that the intrinsic social features of storytelling can fill the normative gaps in the rational planning procedure to create a storytelling planning process. This approach is suggested as a general framework to forge a common language among people and planners’ interventions into local environments based on community environmental values, especially in traditional cities.
    Keywords: Storytelling, Environmental values, Planning process, Social circle, Traditional knowledge}
  • Peyman Khodabakhsh, Hamid Fathi, Samira Mashayekhi
    Information and communication technology (ICT) has transformed how we live our lives and the way we interact in different contexts. Benefits of ICT and its upcoming efficiencies (i.e. energy efficiency) are becoming the heart of many public services’ reforms which have influenced the time, distance and space concepts. At present, not only there is a lack of clarity about what high-quality ICTbased urban services look like, and an urgent need to articulate a clear vision of ‘better’ services, but also the integration of this new transformations in spatial urban planning (e.g. service delivery planning) has not been comprehensively considered. Therefore, the main debate in this paper comprises of simplifying the e-services delivery process and architecture and its integration to the spatial planning process. Illustration of the resulted benefits of such integration is another outcome of the paper. This paper aims at developing a conceptual framework of e-services and its impact on urban public service delivery in line with developing an integrated process of e-services and spatial urban planning. The main outcomes of the research are comprised of an integrated conceptual service delivery process as well as strategies to achieve and optimize such integration.
    Keywords: Smart City, E, Services, Urban Services Planning, ICT, Planning Process}
  • محمد صالح شکوهی بیدهندی
    شهرداری تهران در سال های اخیر دست به اقدامات متنوع و متعددی در انجام پروژه های شهری و در راستای محورهای مختلف توسعه زده که چهره و مناظر جدیدی را برای شهر ایجاد کرده است. آسیب شناسی انجام گرفته نشان می دهد ویژگی های مثبت و منفی بسیاری در این پروژه ها قابل بحث و بررسی است که می توان در چهار گام تعریف پروژه، برنامه ریزی و طراحی، اجرای پروژه و ارزیابی و بازنگری به آنها پرداخت.
    عدم توجه به اولویت ها و ضرورت های پیش بینی شده در طرح های بالادست و «برنامه محور» نبودن روند تعریف پروژه از آسیب های موجود در طرح های تهران امروز است. همچنین عدم «نیازسنجی» در کنار امکان سنجی پروژه ها نیاز به لزوم یا ضرورت آنها را مشخص نمی کند. در برنامه ریزی و طراحی پروژه ها، آسیب هایی در روند انتخاب مشاوران برنامه ریزی و طراحی و همچنین نظارت بر عملکرد آنها وجود دارد. به علاوه، پیوست های مختلف اجتماعی، اقتصادی، و زیست محیطی در برخی موارد از استقلال و استحکام لازم برخوردار نیستند. روند تصویب پروژه های شهری و ضعف در مشارکت مردمی در فرایند تهیه و تصویب برنامه ها جزء نقاط ضعف پروژه های تهران است. در بخش اجرا، عدم تبیین نظام تحقق پذیری و شفافیت پروژه ها مورد تحلیل و نقد است. در نهایت نیز در مرحله بازنگری و ارزیابی عدم وجود شاخص های ارزیابی و نیز فقدان سازمان ناظر بر این بازنگری از دیگر مسائلی هستند که نقاط قوت و ضعف این پروژه ها را مشخص می کنند. در این میان نقد و تحلیلی ساختاری در این فرایند می تواند به راهکارهایی برای ارتقای کیفی پروژه ها کمک کند.
    کلید واژگان: پروژه, شهر, شهرداری, تهران, فرایند}
    Mohammad Saleh Shokouhi Bidhendi
    In recent years Tehran Municipality has undertaken several projects that have changed the landscape of the city. A pathology of these projects shows that there are positive and negative issues in the four steps of definition of the project، planning and design، project implementation and project evaluation and review. In the first step، neglecting the priorities and needs of the city which have been mentioned in the strategic plan of Tehran is a problem. In the planning process of the projects، there are restrictions in the selection of consultants of planning and design and supervision on their studies. In some cases، social، economic، environmental and cultural appendices of the study are not independent and strong. In addition، the procedure of approval of projects has problems because of lack of certain criteria. In addition، poor public participation in the process of preparing and approving projects can be considered as weaknesses in Tehran. In the implementation step، the lack of financial transparency of the projects is has been criticized. Finally، the lack of evaluation indicators and a monitoring institute are some other questions in these projects. The review and analysis of the process can help to improve the quality of projects.
    Keywords: Urban Projects, Tehran Municipality, Planning Process, Pathology, Evaluation}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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