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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Spiritual Space » در نشریات گروه « هنر و معماری »

  • بهرام احمدخانی ملکی *، فرزین حق پرست
    تاثیر نور در معماری اسلامی انکار ناشدنی است و از اهمیت وگستردگی معنایی زیادی برخوردار است و یکی از عوامل و مولفه های مهم در فضاسازی معنوی و روحانی مساجد می باشد. نور از عوامل موثر بر ارزش فضایی است که به عنوان غیرمادی ترین عنصر محسوس طبیعت همواره در معماری ایرانی اسلامی وجود داشته و همواره حسی عرفانی به فضا به ویژه به فضاهای مذهبی می بخشد. در معماری گذشته ایران به کارگیری نور همراه با ظرافت های خاصی بود که ارتقای کیفی فضای معماری را سبب می شد. امروزه نگرش کمیتی و نادیده گرفته شدن جنبه های معنایی در طراحی اغلب فضاها موجب گشته تا طراحی نور به تامین نور مورد نیاز برای فعالیت های فیزیکی تقلیل یابد. هدف از نگارش این مقاله، معرفی روش سنجش کیفی نور بر اساس اصول هفتگانه مستخرج از آیه نور می باشد. روش تحقیق حاضر به صورت توصیفی- تحلیلی بر مبنای استدلال منطقی بوده و بر اساس منابع کتابخانه ای و مشاهدات میدانی تهیه شده است. یافته های اصلی تحقیق عبارتند از: الف) معرفی اصول کیفی نور منطبق بر آیه نور؛ ب) معرفی نمودهای عینی اصول کیفی نور در کالبد معماری فضاهای عبادی؛ ج) معرفی معیارهای ارزیابی نمودهای عینی اصول کیفی نور در فضاهای عبادی؛ د) معرفی نحوه استخراج اطلاعات جهت بررسی و شناخت نقاط ضعف و قوت نور در آفرینش فضای معنوی.
    کلید واژگان: نور کیفی, فضای عبادی, فضای معنوی, مساجد قاجاریه تبریز}
    B. Ahmadkhanimaleki*, F. Haghparast
    The effect of light in Islamic architecture is very important. Its importance and spread is undeniable. It is an important factor in making mosque space spirituality heightened. Light is one of the affecting parameters on the value of space as the most non-material sensible element of nature which is always present in Iranian Islamic architecture. It always creates a mystical atmosphere in the place, especially religious places. In the past Iranian architecture, the application of light always comes with special elegance which improves the quality of the atmosphere of the architecture. Today, the attitude of the quantification and semantic aspects being ignored in the design of spaces often has caused to design light to provide the light needed for the reduction of physical activity. The purpose of writing this article is the introduction of quality assessment methods based on the seven principles of the light from the verse of light of the holy QURAN.
    The present research methods for logical argument based on analytical descriptive and based on the field observations and library resources; The main findings of the research are as follows: a) introduction of qualitative principles of the light based on the verse of light, b) introduction of qualitative principles of the light in architectural body of religious spaces, c) introduction of objective and qualitative principles of light in religious spaces, d) introduction of the information extraction method for investigation and understanding of strength and weaknesses of the light in creation of spiritual spaces.
    Keywords: Qualitative light, religious space, spiritual space, Tabriz mosque of QAJAR era}
  • منصوره طاهباز، مرضیه هومانی راد، حسنی تمله
    معماران تاریخی در طراحی فضا برای سهولت ایجاد رابطه بین خالق و مخلوق از ابزارهای مختلفی بهره گرفته اند؛ آنها با به کارگیری نور، نماد وحدت الهی، سعی داشتند تا جلوه ای از ذات الهی را در ذهن بیننده به تصویر بکشند. به سبب جایگاه ارزشمند نور در باور ایرانی و رابطه ی مستقیم آن با قلمروی حکمت و فلسفه کامل ترین بازخوانی می تواند بر روی فضاهای نیایشی انجام شود. درنتیجه بهترین گزینه برای بررسی نسبت نور و ایجاد فضای معنوی مساجد تاریخی هستند که در دوره ی صفویه با کیفیتی والا دیده می شود. به همین دلیل مساجد عصر صفویه در اصفهان، مسجد شیخ لطف الله و مسجد امام که ویژگی طراحی نور طبیعی در ایجاد فضای معنوی در آن ها شاخص بوده، انتخاب گردیده است. مقاله ی حاضر با معرفی روش عکاسی HDR و به کارگیری آن در بررسی شگردهای نور در معنوی تبخشی به فضا به بررسی جنبه های کیفی فضای مساجد مذکور از منظر نور طبیعی می پردازد. این روش و تحلیل آن توسط نرم افزار فتوسفیر می تواند چگونگی توزیع نور، جهت و زاویه نور، درخشندگی و خیرگی نور که از خصوصیات کیفی نور به شمار م یروند، مورد بررسی قرار دهد. هدف، بررسی فاکتور کیفی معنویت در فضای مسجد توسط جدیدترین روش سنجش کیفی روشنایی می باشد. این ابزار امکان تئوریزه کردن مفاهیم کیفی در قالب ساختاری مشخص و داده های کمی را فراهم می سازد. بررسی ویژگی کیفیت نور مورد نیاز برای ایجاد فضای معنوی مساجد و رابطه ی آن با کمیت نور روز از اهداف اختصاصی مقاله حاضر به شمار می رود. می توان از اهم نتایج تحقیق حاضر به نور و زمان: ابزار هماهنگی، رابطه ی محراب و فعالیت با نور طبیعی اشاره کرد. نتایج نهایی نشان می دهد هر دو مسجد با کاربری یکسان اما با دو رویکرد بر حسب نیازهای جداگانه از یک الگوی واحد به کارگیری نور طبیعی برای نشان دادن حقیقتی یکسان تبعیت می کنند.
    کلید واژگان: عکاسی HDR, فضای معنوی, کیفیت نور طبیعی, مسجد امام, مسجد شیخ لطف الله}
    Mansoureh Tahbaz, Marzieh Hoomanirad, Hosna Tamleh
    Architecture, like other forms of art, contains physical and spiritual aspects which has been designed and structured in response to spiritual and material needs. Historical architects have applied various tools in spatial design, in order to facilitate the relationship between creator and the creation. They have used light, as a symbol for divine unity, to illustrate a manifestation of divine substance in the mind of observer. Presence of light does not merely represent brightness but rather it contains attributes which has been performed in the sublime within Iranian historical architecture and a review of its techniques can certainly act as guide for designing. The method of applying these alternatives requires adaptation of new techniques which is possible with the advancement of software and light evaluation tools. The present article used the latest technique, HDR photography, to calculate and present the existing intensity of light within a structure and to discover light techniques in creating spiritualism in space. The method uses its own specialized software, Photosphere, to theorize qualitative issues and transform them into numerical data. To obtain accurate information regarding current brightness of the structure, a digital tool called the luminescence meter was used as well as a professional photographing camera. June 26 and 27, were selected for this research due to the intense sunlight and clear sky of summer. Photography and collection of information regarding the structure were performed three times daily at 9 in the morning, 12 noon, and 3 in the afternoon. Selection of the most popular visiting points were made according to the times that observers pondered in each site and spatial perception was based on the space between the entrance to the hallway and the dome area. These points included 4 in the Imam mosque and 6 in Sheikh Lotfollah mosque. Measurements of brightness were made using the luminescence tool in 140 centimeters height (the average sight range for a standing person) and 60 centimeters (average sight range for a person sitting while praying). Photography was performed within 5 stages in each point through manually adjusting the professional camera in total brightness until absolute darkness. Images have been transformed into smart HDR images using photosphere software. HDR images are able to offer actual spatial brightness and to evaluate qualitative characteristics of light (light dispersion, direction and angle, brightness and dazzlement). The present article has selected these historical mosques, which display the characteristics of natural light designs in creating a spiritual space. Combination of the dome area and altar is the foundation for creating a spiritual space due to its sanctity, thus considered as an appropriate place for evaluating the relationship of daylight and spatial spiritualism. Results indicate that architects have applied capabilities of light to act as a divine messenger in mosques: light representing divine manifestation, spatial diversity and continuity, transfer of divine emotions sense, guiding one through the path, emphasizing special places are among the objectives achieved by natural light. Presence of light in space, accordingly, is not merely on basis of lighting but rather its entrance into architecture defines its creation of quality. Thus to create a spiritual atmosphere, one must not suffice to quantitative factors, as qualitative aspects play a more determining role. Light, is a principle beyond time and space that by having different ideas, can be presented in various methods at any place. When designing the dome area in the mosque, the altar is the main objective and the sublime goal in designing the supervisory space at all hours is emphasized by light. The main criterion for quality of light in designing a spiritual space is through controlling direction and angle of light in order to emphasize space, direction or a specific point which, from the entrance, focuses the mind of the observer towards Kiblah and God. On the other hand, the brightness of space influences one’s needs and activities. The dimly lit space of the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque with brightness of less than 100 lux invites one to a private encounter with God, while the bright space of the dome in the Imam Mosque with a 900 lux brightness provides the grounds for group activities. Spatial variety based on light in Imam Mosque has prompted visitors to select their desired space based on their need for personal or group prayer. Space resiliency based on brightness is among other deliberated and wise points considered in architecture of Imam Mosque. In order to provide a better understanding of spiritual space within the mosque, factors such as light, time, and movement have come together with architecture to coordinate one’s perspective and cognition with space within the corridor. Both mosques provide the same function yet with two separate approaches based on different needs, in applying same model of natural light to reflect the same fact.
    Keywords: HDR Photography, Spiritual Space, Quality of Daylight, Imam Mosque, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque}
  • مرضیه هومانی راد، منصوره طاهباز
    تجلی رمزگونه نور طبیعی در فضاهای عبادی مساجد قدیمی، دگرگونی شگرفی در مکان ایجاد کرده و موجب افزایش کیفیت معنوی این فضاها شده است. در مساجد معاصر، استفاده از نور طبیعی صرفا به استفاده کمی از آن تنزل یافته و از به کارگیری جنبه های کیفی آن غفلت شده است. این امر موجب از بین رفتن آثار رو حبخش نور در فضای عبادی و نیاز به استفاده هر چه بیش تر از انرژی های الکتریکی شده است. به منظور کشف رابطه بین مشخصات معماری فضای عبادی و کیفیت روحانی آن، مقاله حاضر با بررسی نظریه های معتبر دانشمندان در دو عرصه متفاوت فیزیک نور و روانشناسی نور، به مطالعه فضای گنبدخانه مسجد قبا واقع در شهر تهران می پردازد. ویژگی طراحی روشنایی گنبدخانه مسجد قبا نمونه مناسبی برای تحلیل رابطه معماری فضا و فرم بازشو با حضور کیفی نور به شمار می رود. اهداف کاربردی این تحقیق ارائه راهکارهای کنترل نور طبیعی برای طراحی فضاهای عبادی و معرفی روش تحلیل کیفیت معنوی فضا از نظر روشنایی است. برای بررسی چگونگی حضور کمی و کیفی نور در گنبدخانه این مسجد از دستگاه های سنجش کمی نور در برداشت میدانی استفاده شده است. جهت دست یابی به الگوی توزیع نور و میزان روشنایی فضا در کل سال، داده ها پس از استخراج، از طریق نرم افزار ریدینس مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. چگونگی تاثیر فرم بازشوها و سایه بان بالای بازشو در کنترل حضور کیفی نور از اهم نتایج تحقیق حاضر می باشد. تفاوت این تحقیق با تحقیقات گذشته ایجاد رابطه بین رویکرد کمی (داده های میدانی) و کیفی (نور معنوی و شاعرانه) است.
    کلید واژگان: کمیت و کیفیت نور روز, فضای معنوی, مسجد قبا, نرم افزار ریدینس}
    Marzieh Hoomanirad, Mansoureh Tahbaz
    In traditional mosques, mystery of daylight presence has produced a wondrous alteration in the place and increased the spiritual quality of the space. In temporary mosques, usage of daylight is limited to the quantity of illumination and the quality properties of daylight are neglected. To discover the relationship between the architectural properties of praying space with its spiritual quality, this article has studied the cupola space of Ghoba mosque in Tehran credible theories according to two different fields of “physics of light” and “psychology of light”. Combined dome and altar, in which holiness is underlying spiritual atmosphere, is considered therefore the relationship between daylight and spiritual space in mosques is investigated. The lighting design of properties in the cupola space of Ghoba mosque is an appropriate case for assessing the relationship between architectural spaces and forms and opening regarding to the quality of daylight presence. The Style of dome skylight of Ghoba mosque (around the dome skylight) is considered as one of the two main methods of roof skylight for domed yard mosques which can be studied from two perspectives. In the first perspective, the light distribution pattern as the ceiling lighting system during the year is analysed and in the second view, the light distribution pattern associated with underlying space (the shabestan space of mosque and direction to Mecca) to assess the relationship between daylight and spiritual space is examined. Objectives of this research are to present the “daylight control strategies” for designing the prayer spaces, and “analysis method” for the spiritual quality of daylight. To examine the quality and quantity of light in the dome of mosque, specialized tools have been used to measure light such as simple lux meter (metering interior light), data logger lux meter (metering outdoor light) and luminance meter. To draw the illumination contours and daylight distribution pattern in a sample year, radiance software is used for simulation. Simulation results show that the minimum and maximum amount of light in dome space is the range of 150 to 300 lux which is appropriate for studying prayer books and Koran and. In general the brightness distribution is uniform although teh place has greater intensity in the morning than the afternoon. The results show that the openings influence the quality of light. Regarding to the forming roof design (karbandi) and network design, the entire roof is extensively a major factor in creating a uniform light distribution pattern in the building. There is a direct relationship between opening design factors and qualitative and quantitative aspects of light in space. Employing three factors of ceiling long height, the skylight and material surfaces to achieve uniform illumination in the dome design mosque is considered, but specific features of windows including the location, scale, form and proportion of the pillar glass influence on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of light. The canopies over windows impact on quality of light: To achieve soft light there are stylized wide area network openings in the roof which make it necessary to comparise between the glass and pillar. Openings of canopy prevent the direct rays of sunlight in vertical angles and break the light beams to achieve a stylized light. Due to the potential exposure bias, above skylight style, the ceiling for the spaces of worship practices is recommended. With in-depth look at the light of Ghoba mosque, we find the lack of attention to qualitative dimensions of light in contemporary architects. Most light designers, stage designers, photographers and cameramen take advantage from the ability to light for creating scenes and different feelings. Architects creatively aim to use qualitative and quantitative characteristics of natural light for artistic design of the form (opening form and all their relevant factors and also the interior form). On the other hand; today, architects for utilization of effective qualitative lighting use the artificial lighting regardless of the Iranian art and rich architectural history in using natural light. This study differs from previous studies; used measurement tools, spiritual space analysis of light, considering the relationship of quantity (field data gathering) and quality of light (fantasy and poetics of light) are the originality of this research.
    Keywords: Quality, Quantity of Daylight, Spiritual Space, Ghoba Mosque, Radiance Software}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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