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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « انگیزش نوسازی » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • علی اصغر منظمی تبار، سید علی هاشمیانفر*، رضا اسماعیلی
    زمینه و هدف

     رفتارهای پرخطر دانشجویان یکی از چالش‌های اساسی جامعه است که در پیشگیری از بروز آن و نیز تحول مثبت جوانی به سرمایه‌های تحولی و انگیزش نوسازی توجه ویژه‌ای می‌شود؛ ازاین‌رو، پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر متغیر تعدیل‌گر انگیزش نوسازی بر رابطه سرمایه‌های تحولی و رفتارهای پرخطر در دانشجویان مقطع کارشناسی دانشگاه‌های شهر همدان انجام شد.

    روش‌ بررسی:

     این پژوهش، مطالعه‌ای مقطعی از نوع همبستگی بود که با استفاده از روش مدل‌سازی معادلات ساختاری انجام شد. جمعیت آماری آن را دانشجویان 18تا24ساله مقطع کارشناسی مشغول به تحصیل در دانشگاه‌های (اعم‌از دولتی و غیردولتی) شهر همدان در سال تحصیلی 99-1398 تشکیل دادند و 486 نفر به‌روش نمونه‌گیری خوشه‌ای چندمرحله‌ای انتخاب شدند. ابزارهای گردآوری داده‌ها، مقیاس سنجش رفتارهای انحرافی دانشجویان (علی‌وردی‌نیا و یونسی، 1394)، پروفایل سرمایه‌های تحولی (انستیتو پژوهشی مینه‌سوتا، 2005) و مقیاس پیشرفت‌‌طلبی (انستیتو پژوهشی مینه‌سوتا، 2002) بود. داده‌ها با ‌استفاده ‌از نرم‌افزارهای SPSS نسخه 24 و SmartPLS نسخه 3 و روش مدل‌سازی معادلات ساختاری در سطح معناداری 0٫05 تحلیل شد.


    نتایج نشان داد سرمایه‌های تحولی تاثیر منفی و معناداری بر رفتارهای پرخطر داشت (0٫378-=بتا و  0٫001>p) و اثر تعدیلگری انگیزش نوسازی بر رابطه سرمایه‌های تحولی و رفتارهای پرخطر، مثبت و معنادار بود (0٫303=بتا، 0٫001>p). همچنین شاخص‌های نکویی برازش مدل در هر دو بخش مدل اندازه‌گیری و ساختاری از برازش خوبی برخوردار بودند (0٫067=SRMR، 0٫432=GOF).


    براساس یافته‌های این پژوهش، سرمایه‌های تحولی در کاهش رفتارهای پرخطر جوانان دانشجویی که دارای انگیزش نوسازی بیشتری هستند، تاثیر بیشتری دارد.

    کلید واژگان: سرمایه های تحولی, رفتارهای پرخطر, انگیزش نوسازی, پیشرفت طلبی}
    Aliasghar Monazamitabar, Ali Hashemianfar *, Reza Esmaili
    Background & Objectives

    High–risk behavior is the most important factor in endangering family health, and consequently, community health. High–risk behavior increases the likelihood of negative and destructive physical, psychological, and social consequences for a person in the future. Today, the emergence of high–risk behavior among young people and students is one of the most important issues and social problems. Despite many efforts made in recent decades to increase the awareness of celebrities about the consequences of their behavior, the trend for high–risk behavior has continued to increase. Developmental assets are important factors in preventing high–risk behavior among young people. Achievement motivation is an individual and social concept of positive change which is very important in the positive development of young people. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the moderating variable of achievement motivation on the relationship between developmental assets and high–risk behavior in undergraduate students of universities in Hamadan City, Iran.


    The present study was a cross–sectional and correlational study, conducted by structural equation modeling and partial least squares method. The statistical population included all 18 to 24 years old undergraduate students studying in universities (state and private) in Hamadan during the academic year of 2019–2020. The sample size was determined by Kline criterion. A total of 530 students were randomly selected among state universities of Bu Ali Sina University and Hamadan University of Medical Sciences and private Islamic Azad university of Hamadan using multi–stage cluster sampling method. Being a bachelor student, aged between 18 to 24 years and having consent to participate in the study were considered as inclusion criteria of the study. Data collection tools included Students’ Deviant Behavior Scale (Aliverdinia & Younesi, 2015), Developmental Assets Profile (Minnesota Research Institute, 2005), and Thriving Scale (Minnesota Research Institute, 2002). Questionnaires with incomplete information were excluded from the data. Finally, 486 questionnaires were considered for data analysis. Data were analyzed in SPSS–24 and SmartPLS–3 software by structural equation modeling with a variance–based approach at a significance level of 0.05.


    based on our results, developmental assets have a direct negative relationship on high–risk behavior (b=–0.378, p<0.001) and achievement motivation has a positive moderating effect on this relationship (b=0.303, p<0.001). In total, the variables in the structural equation model could explain 39.7% of changes in high–risk behavior. The measurement model of the research was reflective–reflective and had a suitable quality due to having Q2 values greater than zero. The AVE value for variables was more than 0.5 and all items of the questionnaire had a factor load higher than 0.4. Therefore, the convergent validity of the measurement model at the agent level (latent variable) and the representative level (items) was confirmed. Also, after examining the Fornell and Larcker criteria, the HTMT ratio and transverse load test, the discriminative validity of measurement model was confirmed at both agent and representative levels. The Cronbach alpha value for most variables was higher than 0.7 and the composite reliability value of all variables was more than 0.7. Thus, the measurement model had a fit. Stone–Geisser Q2 value was positive, R2 value was moderate to high, effect size index (f2) of developmental assets on high–risk behavior was moderate to high, and redundancy index was obtained at optimal level, indicating a good fit of the structural model. Also, the good fit indices of the whole model had a good fit (SRMR=0.067, GOF=0.432).


    Based on the results of this study, developmental assets are more effective in reducing the high–risk behavior of students, who have more achievement motivation.

    Keywords: Developmental assets, High–risk behavior, Achievement motivation, Thriving}
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