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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « توانایی شغلی » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • فاطمه شقاقی، زهرا عابدیان*، نگار اصغری پور، سید رضا مظلوم، غلامرضا نیکراهان
    زمینه و هدف

    در سال های اخیر بیشتر روی توانایی انجام کار در ارتباط با سلامت فرد تاکید شده است. در این مدل توانایی شغلی تعادلی است بین توانایی کار در فرد و نیازهای کاری وی در شغل مورد نظر. در این مدل سلامت یکی از اجزای مهم توانایی شغلی است نه از فاکتورهای تعیین کننده آن .در این حالت توانایی شغلی می تواند تحت تاثیر عوامل مختلفی از جمله فاکتورهای فیزیکی و روانی -اجتماعی، شغلی، توانایی فیزیکی و ذهنی افراد و شیوه زندگی قرار بگیرد .عدم تعادل بین این فاکتورها و سلامت افراد می تواند با پیامدهای منفی همراه باشد. شغل مامایی از جمله مشاغلی است که در آن ماماها روزانه با استرس بالایی مواجه می شوند که این موضوع توانایی شغلی آنها را تحت تاثیر قرار میدهد. با توجه به یافته های پژوهشی توانایی شغلی ماماها در سطح متوسط است. براین اساس لازم است به منظور بهبود سلامت روان ماماها و در نتیجه افزایش توانایی شغلی آنها اقدام موثری صورت گیرد. در سالهای اخیر، رویکرد مثبت گرایی در سازمانها به عنوان یک رویکرد بهینه به منظور تحت تاثیر قرار دادن نتایج مختلف شغلی مورد توجه قرار گرفته و برخی اندیشمندان تلاش کرده اند مفاهیم آن را به اقدامات و مداخلات عملی تبدیل کنند که طی آن بتوانند نتایج مثبتی را بدست آورند. بر این اساس هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر آموزش گروهی مبتنی بر رواندرمانی مثبت گرا  بر توانایی شغلی ماماها در شهر مشهد بود.

    روش بررسی

    پژوهش حاضر یک کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی با طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون همراه با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه ماماهای شاغل در مراکز سلامت جامعه- شهر مشهد بود که ابتدا به روش خوشه ای از بین پنج مرکز سلامت جامعه سطح شهر، مراکز 1 و 3 انتخاب شدند. سپس کلیه مراکز و پایگاه های تابعه این دو مرکز لیست شدند و تقسیم مراکز و پایگاه ها به دو گروه مداخله و کنترل به روش تخصیص تصادفی ساده انجام شد. از بین آنها 60 نفر به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه مداخله و کنترل به نسبت یکسان گمارده و به پرسشنامه های " بهزیستی روانشناختی ریف " و " شاخص توانایی شغلی WAI)) "در دو مرحله پیش آزمون و پس آزمون پاسخ دادند. مداخلات رواندمانی مثبتگرا مبتنی بر نظریه بهزیستی سلیگمن درهشت جلسه 2 ساعته(هر هفته 2 جلسه) برای گروه مداخله اجرا شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های تی مستقل، تی زوجی، من ویت نی و ویلکاکسون و تحلیل کواریانس انجام شد.

    یافته ها

    میانگین نمره توانایی شغلی ماماها بین دو گروه کنترل و مداخله، قبل از مداخلات تفاوت آماری معنی داری نداشت (722/0=p) اما پس از مداخلات تفاوت آماری معنی داری داشت (001/0>p). همچنین براساس آزمون ویلکاکسیون، میانگین نمره توانایی شغلی ماماها در گروه مداخله، انتهای مطالعه نسبت به ابتدای مطالعه،  تفاوت آماری معنی داری داشت (004/0= p).

    نتیجه گیری

    یافته های پژوهش نشان داد که آموزشی مبتنی بر رواندرمانی مثبت گرا، باعث افزایش توانایی شغلی ماماها شده است. از اینرو پیشنهاد می شود به منظور ارتقای بهزیستی روان شناختی و در نتیجه توانایی شغلی ماماها می توان مداخلات رواندمانی مثبتگرا را در دوره های آموزشی ضمن خدمت کارکنان گنجاند. 

    کلید واژگان: رواندرمانی مثبتگرا, بهزیستی, توانایی شغلی}
    Fatemeh Shaghaghi, Zahra Abedian*, Negar Asgharpour, Seyed Reza Mazloum, Golam Reza Nikrahan
    Background and aims

    Job ability in the midwifery profession is highly important due to the critical role played by midwives as one of the effectual components of the health system for providing midwifery services to two vulnerable groups in society, i.e., mothers and children. Job ability denotes the balance between a person’s ability to work and the occupational demands of the job in question. Job ability is defined in this model as the degree to which a person is physically or mentally able to adapt to the job requirements based on his/her health condition. The most significant factor considered in this model is individual health. In fact, in this model, health is one of the crucial components of job ability, not one of its determinants. In this case, job ability can be affected by various factors such as physical and psycho-social factors, occupational factors, physical and mental abilities, and lifestyle. The imbalance between these factors and one’s health can lead to reduced production, sick leave, and eventually work-related disabilities. Midwifery is one of the jobs where midwives are exposed to high stress daily, which can affect their job ability. In Iran, according to research findings, midwives’ job ability is on an average level. Therefore, it is necessary to take effective measures to improve midwives’ mental health and thus increase their job ability. One way that may prevent these disorders is to consider midwives’ well-being. The PERMA model is one of the positive psychological interventions recently developed by Seligman (2011) to help increase the well-being of individuals. The model consists of the five components of positive emotion (P), engagement (E), positive relationships (R), meaning (M) and accomplishment (A), where each component can independently enhance well-being, and the power of each component can help individuals find a happy, satisfying, meaningful life. Therefore, among interventions that are likely to affect midwives’ job ability are those based on positive psychology – an approach in psychotherapy associated with the creation of positive abilities and emotions. It aims to alleviate and tranquilize psychological trauma and to enhance happiness and well-being by increasing meaning to individuals’ lives. In recent years, the positivist approach in organizations has been considered as an optimal approach to influence different job outcomes, and some scholars have tried to translate its concepts into practical actions and interventions through which they can produce positive results. Accordingly, this study aimed to investigate the effect of positive psychotherapy-based group education on midwives’ job ability in Mashhad.


    The present study was a randomized clinical trial with pretest-posttest design with control group that lasted from September 23, 2015 to March 20, 2016. The statistical population of the study included all midwives working in community health centers of Mashhad City, Iran. For sampling purposes, centers 1 and 3 were selected via cluster sampling method from among the five community health centers located in Mashhad city. Subsequently, all centers and subsidiaries affiliated with these centers were enlisted. Each of them was assigned a number from 0 to 113, and a small card with the corresponding number was issued. All the cards were put in a box. Each time, after shaking the box, one card was randomly taken out, and the number was recorded successively as either the intervention group or the control group. This process was reiterated until all the centers were allocated to the intervention or control groups. In this way, information dissemination between the two groups was prevented. Then, the researcher visited the intervention and control centers and invited all eligible midwives (who take care of mothers) to participate in the study. The sample size was obtained using the formula for comparing the means, and based on the results of the pilot study with 95% confidence and 80% power, the number of 17 subjects was obtained in each group, and taking into account the probability of drop of samples, sampling continued until the completion of each group as 30 subjects (total of 60 subjects). During the study, 13 midwives were excluded from the study in the intervention group due to irregular participation in the sessions. There was no drop of midwives in the control group. The most important criteria for selection of the respondents were at least an associate degree in midwifery and at least 1 year of work experience in community health centers, marriage, non-pregnancy, lack of referring to a psychiatrist during the past 6 months, or admission to a hospital due to mental illness, a history of using mentally affecting drugs, lack of a medical condition leading to a disability in performing occupational duties, and not receiving a severity score from the Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Scale (DASS 21). In addition, the most important exclusion criteria were the absence of more than one session in the training course, the occurrence of major stressful incidents during the study, and failure to do homework for three consecutive sessions. The data collection tool consisted of: Demographic information form of subjects (including three parts of the individual characteristics, occupational characteristics, and midwife’s lifestyle). The Persian versions of Ryffchr('39')s Scales Psychological Well-being (84 items) and The Persian versions of  Work Ability Index (WAI) was completed by midwives in the two intervention and control groups at pre-test and post-test stages. The educational interventions were conducted in groups based on Seligman’s 2011 PERMA model, along with homework assignments in eight 2-hour sessions held on a weekly basis. Each participant was required to complete the assignments between every two sessions and report back to the group at the next session. The control group received no intervention.After completing the intervention, the Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being scale and Work Ability Index (WAI)  was completed by midwives in the two intervention and control groups. In the present study, the statistical methods including independent t-test, paired t-test, Mann–Whitney test, Wilcoxon test, and the analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data using the SPSS software (version 19.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Moreover, p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.


    According to the results, the mean ± standard deviation (SD) of age of the midwives in the intervention and control groups was 36.89±9.73 and 31.76±5.12 years, respectively, which were significantly different based on the independent t-test (p=0.010). Mean ± SDs of work experience in the two groups were 165.96±86.86 and 66.97±43.79, respectively, which had a significant difference based on the results of the Mann–Whitney test (p<0.001).Mean scores of midwives’ psychological well-being and job ability were not significantly different at baseline (p=0.381 and p=0.722, respectively). However, after the intervention, they were significantly higher in the intervention group than the control group (p<0.001 and p=0.004, respectively). Also, according to the Wilcoxon test, the mean score of midwives’ job ability in the intervention group was statistically different at the end of the study compared to baseline (p<0.001).


    Findings showed that education based on positive psychotherapy could increase midwives’ job ability. Therefore, it is suggested that PERMA-based interventions be incorporated into in-service training courses of midwives in order to enhance their psychological well-being and thus improved job ability of midwives.(Clinical Trials Registry Number: IRCT20160102025813N3)

    Keywords: Positive psychotherapy, Well-being, Work ability}
  • مصطفی پویاکیان، سید ابوالفضل ذاکریان، علی آوخ، سهیلا خداکریم، فاروق محمدیان، مهدی کنگاوری*
    امروزه قرار گیری افراد در مشاغلی که با توانایی ها و محدودیت های آنها سازگار باشد، از اولویت های مهم بهداشت حرفه ای و مدیران شرکت ها می باشد. لذا این مطالعه با هدف تعیین شاخص توانایی کار و تعیین عوامل تاثیرگذار بر آن، در کارگران شاغل در غرفه های میوه و تره بار سازمان میادین شهر تهران در سال 1393 اجراء گردید.
    روش کار
    مطالعه حاضر توصیفی_تحلیلی از نوع مقطعی بود. افراد مورد مطالعه 268 نفر از کارگران غرفه های میوه و تره بار سازمان میادین مناطق 22 گانه شهر تهران بودند که به روش تصادفی ساده انتخاب شده بودند. جهت پیش بینی توانایی انجام کار، پرسشنامه مشخصات فردی، شغلی و پرسشنامه شاخص توانایی کار استفاده شد. بر اساس نمرات کسب شده افراد در چهار گروه جهت پیش بینی توانایی کار طبقه بندی شدند. تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای اسکویر، ضریب همبستگی و تی تست توسط نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 18 انجام شد.
    یافته ها
    میانگین شاخص توانایی کار 6/44±36/46 بدست آمد. نتایج ضرایب همبستگی ارتباط معنی دار اما معکوسی را بین سن (0/01>P) و سابقه کار (0/03>P) با شاخص توانایی کار نشان داد. همچنین اختلاف میانگین شاخص توانایی کار در گروه های شش گانه شغلی، از لحاظ آماری معنادار نبود (0/06=P). بین سطح تحصیلات و توانایی انجام کار نیز ارتباط معناداری وجود نداشت (0/12=P). از طرفی میانگین شاخص توانایی انجام کار در افراد مجرد به طور معنی داری از افراد متاهل بیشتر بود (0/03=P).
    نتیجه گیری
    با توجه به نتایج، شاخص توانایی کار در کارگران غرفه های میوه و تره بار متوسط بود. لذا پیشنهاد می شود برنامه های آموزشی، پوشش بیمه، حقوق و مزایا بر اساس قانون کار و اصلاح ایستگاه های کاری در اولویت اقدامات برنامه ریزان قرار گیرد.
    کلید واژگان: توانایی شغلی, شاخص توانایی کار, سازمان میادین میوه و تره بار}
    Mostafa Poyakian, Seyed Abolfazle Zakerian, Ali Avakh, Soheila Khoda Karim, Farogh Mohamadian, Mehdi Kangavari *
    Now a days being involved in the jobs that are consistent with the capabilities and limitations, is one of the most important priorities of occupational health and company executives. The aim of this study was to determine the work ability index and factors affecting it in the fruit and vegetable stands workers in the fields of Tehran in 2014.
    The present study was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. The studied group was 268 workers, chosen by simple random selection, in the fruit and vegetable stands of 22 different zones of Tehran’s fields. In order to predict the work ability, demographic and career information questionnaire and work ability index questionnaire was used. Based on obtained scores, individuals were classified into four groups for the prediction of work ability. Statistical methods such as chi-square, correlation coefficient and T-test were utilized to data analyze, by using SPSS version 18.
    Mean of work ability index was 36.46±6.44. All Correlation coefficients showed a significant inverse relationship between age (P<0.001) and job experience (P<0.03) with work ability index. Also difference of mean work ability in six job groups was not statistically significant (P=0.06). No significant relationship was seen between level of education and work ability (P=0.12). On the other hand, mean of work ability index for singles was significantly higher, compared with married ones (P=0.03).
    According to the results, the ability index of workers in fruit and vegetable stands was intermediate. Therefore, it is suggested that training programs, insurance coverage and pensions to be more considered based on labor law and modifying workstations, in the priorities of employers.
    Keywords: Job ability, Work ability index, Fields of fruit, vegetable}
  • سهیلا محمدی ریزی، معصومه کردی*، محمدتقی شاکری، جواد صالحی فدردی

    توانایی شغلی کارکنان تعامل بین عوامل شغلی و فردی است که بر روی زندگی کاری افراد شاغل موثر می باشد که عامل مهمی در کیفیت و امنیت شغلی به شمار می رود. هدف از این مطالعه تعیین میزان توانایی شغلی ماماها بود.

    روش بررسی

    این مطالعه از نوع توصیفی و بر روی 123 مامای شاغل در بیمارستان ها و مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهر مشهد که شرایط ورود به مطالعه را داشتند از طریق نمونه گیری دو مرحله ای انجام شد. واحدهای پژوهش پرسشنامه های مربوط به مشخصات فردی، مشخصات شغلی و شاخص توانایی شغلی(WAIQ) را تکمیل نمودند. تجزیه و تحلیل آماری با نرم افزار آماری SPSS نسخه 14 و آزمون های آماری از جمله تی تست، آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه و ضریب همبستگی انجام شد.

    یافته ها

    میانگین و انحراف معیار توانایی شغلی ماماها 05/0±81/38 بود. 8/0 درصد توانایی شغلی ضعیف، 73/31 درصد متوسط، 59/49 درصد خوب و 88/17 درصد توانایی شغلی عالی داشتند. همچنین مدت اشتغال با توانایی شغلی همبستگی منفی داشت(011/0=P، 431/0- =r).

    نتیجه گیری

    توانایی شغلی ماماها در مشهد به طور کلی پایین بود که با تمهیدات خاص از قبیل تقسیم کار بین افراد به منظور کاهش بار کاری و معاینات دوره ای توسط پزشک باید این میزان

    کلید واژگان: توانایی شغلی, ماما, بیمارستان, مرکز بهداشت}
    S. Mohamadi Rizi, M. Kordi, Mt Shakeri, J. Salehi Fadardi

    Work ability is an interaction between individual and occupational factors influencing the working life of employee and is an important factor in working quality and security. The aim of this study was to determine the work ability in midwives.


    This was a descriptive study on123 midwives employed in the public hospitals and health-care centers of Mashhad meeting the inclusion criteria. The subjects were selected by two- stage sampling method. Participants completed questionnaires about demographic information، work characteristics and Work Ability Index (WAIQ). Collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 14 and statistical tests such as independent t-test، one way ANOVA and Pearson،s correlation test were used.


    Results showed that mean ± SD of age and work ability of midwives was 32. 7± 1. 02 and 38. 81±0. 05 years، respectively. 0. 8% of midwives had poor، 31. 73% moderate، 49. 59% good، and 17. 88% excellent work ability. Also، there was a significant negative correlation between work ability and work experience (p=0. 011، r = -0. 431).


    Midwives work ability was generally low in Mashhad. It can be increased through such special ways as dividing tasks among the members for lowering workload and periodic examination by physicians.

    Keywords: work ability, midwife, hospital, health, care center}
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