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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « دوندگان نخبه » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • هادی عطارد، فرشاد غزالیان*، جواد مهربانی، حسین عابدنطنزی، ماندانا غلامی
    زمینه و هدف

    مکمل های غذایی مورد توجه بسیاری از ورزشکاران قرار گرفته است زیرا احتمالا باعث بهبود عملکرد بدنی شود. هدف این مطالعه بررسی میزان مکمل یاری کوتاه مدت کافیین و آب چغندر بر عوامل عروقی و عملکرد ورزشی در دونده های نخبه بود.

    روش کار

    مطالعه از نوع نیمه تجربی- میدانی آزمایشگاهی بود، 10 دونده نخبه مرد با میانگین ml.kg-1.min-15/52 VO2max= (سن= 8/3±5/27 سال، قد=7 ± 7/ 176سانتی متر، درصد توده چربی= 7/1±9/9) به صورت مقطعی، متقاطع، سه سوکور و تصادفی، به سه گروه: 1) دوز بالا (6/9 میلی مول نیترات و 400 میلی گرم کافیین)، 2) دوز پایین (8/4 و 200) و 3) گروه دارونما تفکیک شدند. آزمودنی ها از هفت روز قبل از آزمون، روزانه دو بارمکمل را به همراه 250 سی سی آب مصرف کردند. ضربان قلب، فشار خون، اندوتلین-1، کلاژن -18 و اکسید نیتریک اندازه گیری شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج این مطالعه تاثیر معنی داری بر روی عوامل عروقی و فشار خون نداشت (05/0>p)، اما بعد از مداخله کاهش معنی دار در ضربان قلب بود (03/0 =P). فعالیت بدنی بر همه عوامل تاثیر معنی داری داشت و بین گروه های مختلف مکمل، روز اول و روز هفتم ET-1، Col-18، BP سیستولیک تفاوت معنی داری نبود (001/0 = p).

    نتیجه گیری

    مطالعه نشان داد که آب چغندر و کافیین اثر مفیدی بر عوامل عروقی و فشار خون و ضربان قلب نداشته و علت اثر مخالف آب چغندر توسط کافیین است. اما، فعالیت بدنی سبب تغییر شد.

    کلید واژگان: آب چغندر, کافئین, گشاد شدن عروق, عملکرد ورزشی, دوندگان نخبه}
    Hadi Atarod, Farshad Ghazalian*, Javad Mehrabani, Hossein Abed Natanzi, Mandana Gholami
    Background & Aims

    Athletes are always looking for a way to improve their performance(1). Caffeine is one of the most common supplements which may increase mental and physical performance and acts as an ergogenic aid especially in repeated running (2-3). It has been shown that acute caffeine supplementation may affect endothelium and vascular smooth muscles which may be due to: caffeine acts as adenosine receptors antagonist, phosphodiesterase inhibition, increase in intracellular calcium concentration, nitric oxide synthase enzyme gene expression (4). At resting individuals, caffeine consumption can increasing intracellular calcium concentration, leading to nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme gene expression which stimulates nitric oxide (NO) production. Increase in NO level will ultimately cause vascular smooth muscles relaxation and vasodilation.(5-6)caffeine supplementation an hour before aerobic exercise, could reduce extracellular fluid and blood flow, despite it has showed beneficial effects for increased demand during exercise (7-10). Caffeine may increase systolic and diastolic blood pressure (11). Beetroot-juice is an antioxidant and nitric oxide source which may have anti-inflammatory effect against free radicals and beneficial effects for cardiovascular system and lead to better physical performance (12-18) nitrate consumption can produce nitric oxide from L-arginine amino acid and improve performance (19-20). Nitrate supplementation can increase nitric oxide level In in plasma and decrease blood pressure (21). Nitric oxide may regulate vasodilatory factors and vascular tone (22). Studies have suggested that nitrate supplementation may increase vasodilation in active tissues and increase vasoconstriction in inactive tissues via increasing endothelin-1 level (23), moreover, it has been suggested that Beetroot-juice supplement may decrease blood pressure and improve performance related factors (24). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of acute caffeine supplementation along with beetroot-juice on vasodilatory factors and physical performance in athletes.


    In this study, ten high performance runners were divided into three experimental trials as high dosage,low dosage supplementation and placebo. Participants drink the supplementations with 250 ml water two times per day during seven days before 5000 meter endurance performance. Rest heart rate, blood pressure, endothelin-1, collagen-18 and nitric oxide level were measured. Participants for this study were 18-30 years old male runners with at least 2 years of running experience which were randomly divided into the following 3 groups after introduction session. At the first day of experiment, participants were present fasted for (8-10 hours) and inactivity status for at least 48 hours. Heart rate and blood pressure were measured with digital pulse meter and rosmax sphygmomanometer. Blood samples were collected from antecubital vein. After 5 minutes warm up, participant started 5 km running. Participants were randomly divided in to three supplementation groups as following:1. 9.6 mmol Beetroot-juice and 400 mg caffeine 2. 4.8 mmol Beetroot-juice and 200 mg caffeine 3. Placebo (PLB) group= physical activity was considered as 5 km running tests. At the first day, heart rate and blood pressure were assessed before the running test. Venous blood samples were collected to assess vasodilatory factors including: coll-18, ET-1, NO and nitrite. Participants start the running test after 5 minutes warmup and at the end of the test, all the measurements were repeated. At the second day, participants completed 1500 running test after 5 minutes warm up and consumed supplement. From the third day until day 6, supplementation was continued and participant were fellow up via calls. At the seventh day, heart rate and blood pressure were measured, participants consume supplements according to their group tags 60 minutes prior to their running test, and completed 5 km test after 5 minutes warm up. At day eight, participants consumed supplements and completed 1500 running test. Wash out phase was started from day 9 to 14 and participants did not consume any supplements for a week. In this study, regression analysis with repeated measurements with generalized estimation equation approach.


    The results from the study showed no significant difference for endothelin-1 between the 3 groups before and after the intervention which means that Beetroot-juice  combined with caffeine supplementation had no effect on serum endothelin-1 level (p=0.52). The results from statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the groups for collagen-18 which means supplementation was not effective on collagen-18 level (p=0.87).The results suggest that supplementation could not affect NO level significantly (p=0.97) but physical activity increased NO level by 90.58 units (p=0.001). Systolic bp was not affected by the supplementation dosage (p=0.17). supplementation did not affect systolic BP significantly (p=0.09). systolic BP was affected by physical activity and systolic BP was increased by 2.58 mmHg. Supplementation dosage did not make any significant difference in experimental groups (p=0.28). Supplementation did not have any significant change in heart rate (p=0.25), despite physical activity effect (p=0.001) there was an increase in heart rate within 1500 meter running in comparison with start moment (p=0.001).


    This study suggests that the combination of caffeine and Beetroot-juice  supplementation may not have beneficial effects of vasodilatory factors and physical performance in elite male runners which may be due to NO effect reduction when consumed in combination with caffeine while exercise may influence vasodilatory and performance parameters.

    Keywords: Beetroot-juice, Caffeine, Vasodilation, Performance, Elite athlete}
  • عبدالصالح زر*، سیدعلی حسینی، حسن عسگری، محمد امین صفری
    سابقه و هدف

    بر اساس نظریات طب سنتی مزاج فرد می تواند تعیین کننده خصوصیات جسمانی، روانی و عاطفی او باشد. هدف اصلی در این پژوهش مقایسه وضعیت مزاج در سه گروه نخبه، غیرحرفه ای و غیرفعال دوندگان بود.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه پیمایشی؛ جامعه آماری شامل کلیه دوندگان نخبه و غیرحرفه ای هیئت دوومیدانی استان فارس بود که از بین دوندگان تعداد 40 نفر دوندگان به طور تصادفی به عنوان نمونه آماری انتخاب شد؛ که از این تعداد 20 نفر نخبه و 20 نفر غیرحرفه ای انتخاب شدند که تعداد 20 نفر دیگر از افراد غیرفعال جهت مقایسه و تحقیق موردبررسی قرار گرفت. وضعیت مزاجی با پرسشنامه خود اظهاری تعیین گردید داده ها توسط پرسشنامه جمع آوری گردید. از روش های آزمون فرض آماری در این داده ها استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    بین مزاج و سطح فعالیت بدنی ارتباط معنا داری وجود دارد(p <0/05). همچنین بین صفراوی و دموی بودن مزاج با سطح فعالیت بدنی در هر سه گروه دوندگان نخبه و غیرحرفه ای و افراد غیر فعال رابطه مستقیم وجود دارد. درصورتی که بین سوداوی و بلغمی بودن مزاج با سطح فعالیت بدنی رابطه معنا داری وجود ندارد(0/05 p >).

    نتیجه گیری

    می توان گفت که گرم بودن مزاج دوندگان می تواند عاملی مهم در جهت افزایش مشارکتشان در فعالیت های بدنی باشد.

    کلید واژگان: وضعیت مزاج, دوندگان نخبه, غیرحرفه ای, افراد غیرفعال}
    A. Zar *, S.A. Hossaini, H. Asgari, M. A. Safari
     Background and Purpose

    Based on the theories of traditional medicine, body temperament can determine physical, mental and emotional characteristics. The purpose of the present study was to survey and compare temperaments in elite, amateur and inactive runners.

    Methods and Materials

    In this descriptive survey statistical society consisted of all elite and amateur runners of the Fars Track and Field Commission. Forty runners (20 elite and 20 amateurs) were selected randomly as the sample. Twenty other inactive people were selected for comparison. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The statistical hypothesis testing methods were used.


    The findings of the study indicate that there is a significant relationship between temperament and physical activity level (p<0.05). There was also a direct relationship between the Choleric and Sanguine temperaments and level of physical activity in all three groups of elite and amateur runners and inactive people. There is no significant relationship between Melancholic and Phlegmatic temperaments and physical activity level (P>0.05).


    According to the present study, it can be concluded that hot temperament of runners can be an important factor in increasing their participation in physical activity.

    Keywords: Condition mizaj, elite Runners, amateur Runners, Inactive people}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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