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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « electrolyte imbalance » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • رضا باغبانیان، محسن سوائی، فاطمه کریمی، فاطمه جهانگیری مهر، محبوبه رشیدی*
    زمینه و هدف

    عدم تعادل الکترولیت سرم در بیماران کووید- 19 بسیار شایع است. با این حال ارتباط آنها با ابتلا به کووید- 19 و شدت آنشواهد متناقضی وجود دارد و دارای ارزش پیش آگهی ناشناخته است. هدف ما از این مطالعه بررسی تغییرات الکترولیتی در بیماران کووید-19 بستری شده در بخش مراقبت های ویژه بیمارستان امام خمینی اهواز است.

    روش بررسی

    مطالعه حاضر مقطعی و از نوع ایپدمیولوژیک توصیفی- تحلیلی بوده که در سال 1400 انجام شد. جامعه هدف بیمارانکووید- 19 بستری در بخش مراقبتهای ویژه بیمارستان امام خمینی اهواز بودند. از کلیه بیماران بستری در بخش مراقبت ویژه آزمایشاتمورد نیاز انجام گرفت و تست های تشخیصی شامل Ca, K, Na, Cr, BUN, Mg, P جمع آوری گردید و اثر بر پیش آگهی بیماران شاملIntubation مورتالیتی و اکستوباسیون و ترخیص از بخش و بیمارستان ثبت گردید. سپس داده ها توسط نرم افزار SPSS 22 و آزمون هایآماری مناسب آنالیز شدند.

    یافته ها

    در نهایت 87 نفر وارد مطالعه شدند. هیپوناترمی، هیپوکالمی، هیپومنیزیمی و هیپوکلسمی، Cr, BUN بالا به ترتیب در 55 / 2 ، % 4 / 3 %، 27 / 6 ، % 59 / 8 ، % 82 / 8 ، % 57 / 5 % ، بیماران مبتلا به کووید- 19 مشاهده شد. میانگین پتاسیم بین دو گروه مردان و زنان تفاوت معنیداری داشت و در زنان بالاتر از مردان بود (P=0/041) . بین سایر الکترولیت ها و متغیرهای سن، جنسیت، سابقه بیماری، Intubation ترخیصو مرگ و میر هیچ ارتباط معناداری یافت نشده است) P>0.05 .)

    نتیجه گیری

    مطالعه حاضر نشان داد که عدم تعادل الکترولیتی از ناهنجاری های آزمایشگاهی شایع در بیماری کووید- 19 است.

    کلید واژگان: کووید- 19, الکترولیت, مراقبت های ویژه. عدم تعادل الکترولیت, منیزیم}
    Reza Baghbanian, Mohsen Savaie, Fateme Karimi, Fateme Jahangiri Mehr, Mahbobeh Rashidi *
    Background and Objectives

    Serum electrolyte imbalance is very common in COVID-19 patients. However, there is conflicting evidence regarding their relationship with COVID-19 and its severity, and their prognostic value is unknown. Our aim of this study is to investigate electrolyte changes in COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz.

    Subjects and Methods

    The present study is a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical epidemiological type that was conducted in 1400. The target population was the COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz. Required tests were performed on all patients admitted to the special care department and diagnostic tests including Ca, K, Na, Cr, BUN, Mg, and P were collected and the effect on the prognosis of patients including intubation, mortality and extubating and discharge from the ward and The hospital was registered. Then the data were analyzed by SPSS 22 software and appropriate statistical tests.


    Finally, 87 people were included in the study. Hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia and hypocalcemia, Cr, and high BUN respectively in 2.55%, 3.4%, 6.27%, 8.59%, 8.82%, 5.5%, patients with covid- 19 were observed. There was a significant difference between the two groups of men and women and the average potassium was higher in women than in men (P=0.041). No significant relationship was found between other electrolytes and the variables of age, gender, history of disease, intubation, discharge, and mortality (P>0.05).


    The present study showed that electrolyte imbalance is one of the common laboratory abnormalities in COVID-19 disease.

    Keywords: COVID-19, Electrolyte, intensive care, Electrolyte Imbalance, Magnesium}
  • Shiva Khanbabaie, Masoud Kiani*, Iraj Mohammadzadeh, Hadi Sorkhi, Mahmoud Hajiahmadi, Kiarash Saleki
    Background and Objective

    Despite the self-limiting nature of bronchiolitis, its severe forms require hospitalization. Electrolyte imbalance during bronchiolitis is common, however, the relationship between bronchiolitis severity and serum sodium (Na) levels has not been well studied. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between serum Na level and bronchiolitis severity.


    This cross-sectional study included hospitalized children with bronchiolitis at Amirkola Children’s Hospital, Babol, Iran, from May 2020 to May 2021. Diarrhea, underlying disease, glucocorticoid intake, and intravenous fluid therapy before admission were considered exclusion criteria. The Bierman-Pierson scale was used to evaluate the severity of the disease, and hyponatremia was divided into mild, moderate, and severe groups. Variables were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) 26. A value of P<0.05 was considered significant.


    Sixty-one children (55.7% male) with a mean age of 5.19 ± 4.36 months were enrolled in the study, with most (50.8%) belonging to the mild form of the disease. The mean serum Na levels based on the severity of bronchiolitis were 136.22 (SD: 2.99), 133.76 (SD: 3.88), and 130.50 (SD: 11.45) in the mild, moderate, and severe groups, respectively. There was a statistically significant relationship between serum sodium level and severity of bronchiolitis (P-value = 0.013).


    The results showed that higher severity of bronchiolitis was associated with an increased risk of hyponatremia. Therefore, periodic monitoring and correction of hyponatremia in children with bronchiolitis, especially at younger ages, is necessary to improve the outcome of the disease.

    Keywords: Bronchiolitis, Child, Electrolyte imbalance, Prognosis, Sodium}
  • علی اکبر مومن، شیده عصار، مریم حیدر آزاده، قاسم کریمی*

    زمینه و هدف گاستروانتریت حاد یک بیماری شایع در کودکان است. علل مختلفی باعث تشنج در زمینه اسهال میشود. پژوهش حاضر باهدف بررسی میزان فراوانی، مشخصات بالینی و علل تشنج در کودکان زیر پنج سال بستر یشده با گاستروانتریت حاد انجام شده است.روش بررسی این پژوهش به صورت توصیفی گذشت هنگر در بیمارستان گلستان اهواز روی 339 کودک زیر پنج سال بستر یشده با اسهال حاد و فاقد بیماری نورولوژیک زمین های، طی دو سال(1395 و 1396) انجام و اطلاعات لازم از پرونده بیماران دچار تشنج استخراج شد.یافته ها از 339 بیمار با گاستروانتریت حاد، 59 مورد(4/ 17 درصد) تشنج داشتند که در این موارد، بیشترین گروه سنی 13 تا 24 ماه(28/8 درصد)بودند. در 6/ 74 درصد بیماران نوع اسهال دیسانتری و 4/ 64 درصد میزان دهیدریشن خفیف بود. انسفالوپاتی 7/ 1 درصد،شیگلوز 8/ 6 درصد، هایپوناترمی 2/ 32 درصد و هایپرناترمی در 4/ 3 درصد موارد وجود داشت. در 5/ 52 درصد بیماران تشنج ت بخیز درنظر گرفته شد. بر اساس معیارهای تشخیصی، تشنج در 5 درصد بیماران، تشنج خو شخیم در زمینه گاستروانتریت خفیف محسوب شد.در 7/ 79 درصد موارد تشنج جنرالیزه بود. در مقایسه بین گروه تبدار و بدون تب فقط در متغیر نوع اسهال رابطه معنادار مشاهده شد.نتیج هگیری یافته ها نشان میدهد که تب و اختلالات الکترولیتی بین عوامل عفونی شیگلا از علل مهم بروز تشنج در بیماران مبتلا به گاستروانتریت هستند و در نوع دیسانتری اسهال، احتمال تشنج بیشتر است.

    کلید واژگان: گاستروانتریت, اسهال, تشنج}
    Ali Akbar Momen, Shideh Asar, Maryam Heydar Azadeh, Ghasem Karimi *
    Background and Objectives 

    Acute gastroenteritis is a highly prevalent disease in children. Various factorsmay causes seizure in children with gastroenteritis. This study was designed to determine the frequency,clinical characteristics and causes of seizure in children younger than 5 years with acute gastroenteritisadmitted to Ahvaz Golestan hospital.

    Subjects and Methods

    In a retrospective descriptive study based on hospital records , 339 children under5 years old who were admitted to Ahvaz Golestan hospital during 2016 - 2017 were assessed. Patientswith underlying neurological disorders were excluded and the recorded information of patients withseizure was reviewed.


    Out of 339 reviewed cases, 59 patients (17.4%) had seizures, most prevalent in13 to 24 monthsage group (28.8%). In 74.6% of cases, type of diarrhea were dysentery. 64.4% had mild dehydration.Encephalopathy was detected in 1.7%, shigellosis in 6.8%, hyponatremia in 32.2% and hypernatremiain 3.4%. Seizures in 52.5% of cases were considered as febrile Seizure. Diagnostic criteria of benign convulsionsassociated with mild gastroenteritis (CwG) were present in 5% of patients. 79.7% of cases hadgeneralized seizures. In comparison, a significant relationship was observed between the febrile andnon-febrile groups only in the variable of diarrhea type.


    The results show that fever and electrolyte imbalances and among infectious agents, Shigellaare important causes of seizures in patients with gastroenteritis. In patients with dysentery, seizures aremore likely.

    Keywords: Gastroenteritis, Seizure, Fever, Electrolyte Imbalance}
  • Mahsa Besharat *, Pooya Bahari Khorram

     After the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus 19 disease (COVID-19), pediatric involvement has been seen as case reports with various initial symptoms.

    Case Presentation

     Here, we report a 2-months old boy with severe dehydration, fever, and electrolyte imbalance with lung involvement compatible with COVID-19 in the Northeast of Iran (North Khorasan).


     Pediatric case reports in COVID-19 are limited, and it seems that the disease has a milder course compared to the adult patients, but the range of the clinical features is wide.

    Keywords: Iran, COVID-19, Electrolyte Imbalance}
  • Fatemeh Famouri, Forough Derakhshani, Yahya Madihi, Armindokht Shahsanai

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the common gastrointestinal diseases with various side effects. Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs are widely used for their treatment and long‑term ingestion, which results in an electrolyte imbalance. This study investigates the changes in serum magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium after long‑term use of omeprazole in children.

    Materials and Methods

    This cross‑sectional study was conducted in 2016–2017 on 97 children and adolescents, aged 1–15 years, with GERD, in Isfahan, Iran. Enrolled were patients visiting a referral pediatric gastroenterology clinic (Imam Hossein
    and Amin Hospitals) examined by an academic pediatric gastroenterologist. Before and 4 weeks after omeprazole administration, clinical manifestations including lethargy, muscle spasm, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, abnormal heartbeat and deep tendon reflexes, and Chvostek and Trousseau signs were recorded in a data‑gathering form. In addition, fasting serum magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium were measured.


    The McNemar test results showed that omeprazole can reduce sodium, calcium, and magnesium levels statistically significantly (P < 0.05), but potassium levels do not have a meaningful reduction (P > 0.05).


    Consumption  of omeprazole might cause asymptomatic hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, and hypernatremia in children. Such side effects should be considered in the follow‑up of children under treatment with this medication.

    Keywords: Electrolyte imbalance, omeprazole, proton pump inhibitors}
  • Omid Soltaninia*, Zohre Mousavie, Maryam Seyed Tabib, Seyed Masih Moosavi Seresht

    Electrolytes play a significant role in the regulation of various vital functions in the human body. Changes in electrolyte composition can be pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of electrolyte imbalances after a maxillofacial surgery and find possible relationship between imbalances and kind of surgery.


    In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 101 maxillofacial surgery patients admitted to Besat educational hospital were selected by convenience sampling method. Serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium) of each patient were measured a day before the operation and on the first and the third post-operative days. The demographic and medical information and also details of the surgery of each patient were documented in checklists, which were used when all the needed data were collected. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 23.0.


    Our results showed that, among electrolyte imbalances, hypocalcemia was the most frequent with 26.3%, followed by hyponatremia with 18.7%, and hypermagnesemia with 16.6%, while potassium demonstrated the least changes (6.3%) after a maxillofacial surgery. There was a significant correlation between the body mass index (BMI) and magnesium (P=0.032) and calcium (P=0.021) imbalances (hypo or hyper). Statistical analyses showed that magnesium abnormalities are more common in patients with jaw trauma on the third post-operative day in comparison with first postoperative day (P=0.037).


    Hypocalcemia, hyponatremia, and hypermagnesemia are relatively common after maxillofacial surgeries. The findings showed that some factors such as the BMI and etiology of maxillofacial surgeries could cause electrolyte abnormalities after maxillofacial surgery. Identifying these factors could be useful in planning strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and early treatment of possible complications, which, in turn, may result in an improvement in the quality of care.

    Keywords: Electrolytedisorders, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Electrolyte imbalance, Maxillofacial surgery}
  • Ramin Tolouian, Zuber D. Mulla, Jesus Diaz, Jorge Aguila, Luis Ramos, Duran
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence acquisition techniques for iron assessment have revolutionized the study of iron overload in different organs. We hypothesized that MRI can accurately and reliably assess possible iron deposition in the myocardium and liver by measurement of T2* value.
    Materials And Methods
    Seventeen patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis were enrolled. An electrocardiography-gated single breath hold fast multiecho T2* sequence was acquired in the short axis at basal and mid-ventricular levels. The same technique was utilized to estimate liver parenchyma iron content.
    Iron deposition in the liver was present in 50% of the hemodialysis patients. No iron deposition was found in the myocardium. A strong univariable inverse linear association was detected between serum albumin and T2* in the liver (r = -0.84, P
    Even though using intravenous iron infusion is a common practice in chronic dialysis patients, it seems the myocardium as opposed to the liver is resistant to or protected against iron deposition. There were no meaningful differences in the relationship between iron overload in the liver and the dialysis time vintage. A more aggressive trend of iron therapy and different formulations of iron infusion could be an explanation of iron deposition in the liver.
    Keywords: Ramadan fasting, hemodialysis, end, stage kidney disease, electrolyte imbalance, blood pressure}
  • Salman Imtiaz, Beena Salman, Murtaza Fakhruddin Dhrolia, Kiran Nasir, Hasan Nasir Abbas, Aasim Ahmad
    Month of Ramadan bring many changes in life style, especially the diet of Muslims all over the world among both fasting and nonfasting individuals. Hemodialysis patients are kept on restricted diet because of fluid and electrolytes imbalance. The aim of this study was to compare changes in the clinical and biochemical parameters in fasting and nonfasting hemodialysis patients during the Ramadan.
    Materials And Methods
    In a longitudinal study, we recruited 282 patients who were on maintenance dialysis for more than 3 months. Measurements included body weight, blood pressure, serum potassium, serum albumin, and serum phosphorus at the beginning and during the last week of Ramadan.
    There were 252 patients who were not fasted while 34 patients were those who fasted during the Ramadan. In the nonfasting hemodialysis patients, serum albumin significantly increased at the end of Ramadan (P
    Changes in dietary pattern and content during the Ramadan is safe in terms of electrolyte balance and blood pressure changes for patients on hemodialysis. It is also safe for those patients who want to fast during this month.
    Keywords: Ramadan fasting, hemodialysis, end, stage kidney disease, electrolyte imbalance, blood pressure}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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