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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « hypericin » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Seyedeh Zahra Nobakht, Maryam Akaberi, Amirhooshang Mohammadpour, Ali Tafazoli Moghadam, Ahmad Emami *

    Hypericum perforatum (Hypericaceae), known as Saint John’s wort (SJW), has been used in different systems of traditional medicine such as Chinese traditional medicine, Greek traditional medicine, and Islamic traditional medicine. The plant and its active constituents such as hyperforin and hypericin have a wide range of medicinal uses, particularly as anti-depressant, wound-healing, and antibacterial agents. In recent decades, many clinical trials have been performed to investigate the safety and efficacy of this medicinal plant. However, to the best on our knowledge, there is no comprehensive review article in this regard. In the current study, we aim to have a comprehensive review of the clinical trials of SJW to evaluate its efficacy and safety as well as its application in traditional medicine. Clinical studies investigating the safety, interactions, and efficacy of SJW were identified and summarized, including contributions from 2000 until December 2021. According to the results, these clinical studies were divided into three main categories based on the type of disease: psychiatric, endocrine, and skin problems. Important details of the studies, including the type and duration of the study, the type and percentage of the effective compounds or the extract used, the number of patients, and the obtained results were also discussed. In addition, co-administration and drug interaction of SJW with other drugs were summarized. SJW is a valuable medicinal plant, especially for psychiatric disorders. However, precautions should be taken while administrating the plant.

    Keywords: Clinical Trials, Hyperforin, Hypericaceae, Hypericin, Hypericum perforatum, St. John’s wort}
  • صدیقه خانجانی جلودار، محمدرضا بیگدلی، اکبر حاجی زاده مقدم*
    زمینه و هدف

    استرس ناشی از جدایی مادر در روزهای اولیه تولد سبب القاء رفتارهای اوتیستیک می شود. هایپرسین دارای خواص زیستی متعدد از جمله خواص ضد افسردگی و ضدالتهابی می باشد. لذا هدف این مطالعه تعیین اثر هایپرسین بر رفتارهای اوتیسمی القاء شده در مدل حیوانی جدایی از مادر در موش صحرایی می باشد.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه تجربی، موش های صحرایی نژاد ویستار به دو گروه کنترل و جدایی از مادر تقسیم شدند. موش های صحرایی در گروه های جدایی از مادر روزانه به مدت یک ساعت در روزهای اول تا نهم پس از تولد از مادر جدا می شدند. گروه جدا شده از مادر به چهار زیرگروه اوتیسم، فلوکستین، هایپرسین (10 میلی گرم/کیلوگرم) و هایپرسین (50 میلی گرم/کیلوگرم) تقسیم شدند. تیمارها در روز 34- 21 پس از تولد به موش های صحرایی گاواژ شد. در انتهای روز 34 تمامی تست های رفتاری (تست گرومینگ، زمینه باز، تعامل اجتماعی و زمینه باز) از موش های صحرایی گرفته شد. برای تجزیه و تحلیل آماری و مقایسه بین گروه ها از آزمون تحلیل واریانس یک طرفه (ANOVA) و تست تعقیبی Tukey استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    در فرزندان موش صحرایی که از مادر جدا بوده اند، نقص در تعاملات اجتماعی (007/0=p)، رفتارهای تکراری (001/0=p) و اضطراب (001/0=p) نسبت به گروه کنترل افزایش یافته است. این درحالی ست که هایپرسین سبب کاهش شاخص رفتارهای تکراری (011/0=p)، اضطراب (001/0=p) و  نقص در تعاملات اجتماعی (031/0=p) در مدل جدایی از مادر می شود.

    نتیجه گیری

     نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که جدایی از مادر سبب بروز رفتارهای شبه اوتیسمی می شود و هایپرسین به دلیل خواص ضدافسردگی، توانایی بهبود رفتارهای شبه اوتیسمی را دارد.

    کلید واژگان: هایپرسین, جدایی از مادر, رفتارهای شبه اوتیسمی, موش صحرایی}
    S. Khanjani Jelodar, M. Bigdeli, A. Hajizadeh Moghaddam*
    Background and Objectives

    The stress caused by maternal separation in the early days after birth induces autistic behaviors. Hypericin has many biological properties, including antidepressant and anti-inflammation. Therefore, this study aimed at determining hypericin effect on autism behaviors that induced by maternal separation model.

    Materials and Methods

    In this experimental study, Wistar rats were divided into two control and maternal separation groups. The rats in the maternal separation group were subjected to individual separation from their mother for 1 h per day (postnatal day1-9). The maternal separation group was divided into 4 subgroups: Autism, fluoxetine, hypericin (10mg/kg), hypericin (50mg/kg). Treatment was gavaged in pups on postnatal day 21-34. In the end of day 34, neurobehavioral tests (grooming, social interaction and open field test) were carried out. Statistical analysis and between group comparison were performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukeychr('39')s test.


    In the pups subjected to individual isolations from their mother, social deficits (p=0.007), excessive repetitive behavior (p=0.001), and anxiety (p=0.001) were increased. Whereas, hypericin could reduce repetitive behaviors index (p=0.011), anxiety (p=0.001) and social interaction deficits (p=0.031) in the maternal isolation autism rat model.  


    These findings indicated that maternal separation may produce autistic-like behaviors, and hypericin through antidepressant effect may be a potential therapeutic agent against autistic-like behavior.

    Keywords: Hypericin, Maternal separation, Autistic-like behaviors, Rat}
  • M. Montazeri M., M. Azadbakht *, H. Najafi Zarrini, Gha Nematzadeh, A. Pakdin Parizi, A. Davoodi
    Biotechnologic methods are common for secondary metabolites production from the plants and other sources in pharmaceutical sciences. Hairy root cell lines as the biotechnologic method have been used for in vitro production of major plant metabolites.
    In this study, hairy roots of Hypericum Perforatum have been prepared using the seeds and bio transformed by bacteria. Finally, the hypericin have been producted by the hairy roots.
    First, the seeds have been incubated in the plant media to hairy roots produced. Then, the hairy roots have been dipped in Rhizobium rizogenes suspension for biotransformation of bacterial genes. Morphological and phytochemical features of hairy roots have been determined in order to select the H. perforatum genotypes with higher hypericin contents. The fresh and dry weight of ten lines clones were measured after 30 days. In addition to, methanolic extracts of final hairy roots have been prepared and hypericin has been isolated and assayed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.
    According to the observations, one of ten hairy root lines shows 75-fold higher hypericin content (339.27 ppm) compared to non-transformed H. perforatum (4.58 ppm) in the same of body weight of roots. The clone with the most content of hypericin had significant development of biomass of hairy roots and increase the hypericin production. Transformed clones were varied in morphology, growth, and metabolite productivity.
    The mentioned methods induce the production of hairy root secondary metabolites in high scale to improve the quality and the quantity of pharmaceutical compounds.
    Keywords: Hypericum perforatum, Rhizobium rhizogenes, Hairy root, HPLC, Hypericin}
  • Niusha Abbasi Gamasaee, Maryam Radmansouri, Saeedeh Ghiasvand, Fatemeh Shahriari, Hadi Zare Marzouni, Hoda Aryan, Ehsan Jangholi, Mohammad Amin Javidi *
    Breast cancer is the major cause of death from cancer among women around the world. Given the drug resistance in the treatment of this disease, it is very important to identify new therapies and anticancer drugs. Many studies demonstrated that hypericin could induce apoptosis in different cancer cell lines; however, the underlying mechanism is not well understood yet. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the anticancer effect of hypericin in two breast cancer cell lines, one with wild type P53 and the other with mutant P53.
    In this study, the MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-175-VII cell lines were treated with different concentrations of hypericin for 24 and 48 hours. The measurement of cell death was performed by MTT assay. The cell apoptosis rate was measured using annexin V/propidium iodide assay through flow cytometry. The level of expression in P21 and P53 genes was evaluated by real time PCR. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) analysis was performed for P21 (direct target for P53 protein) to confirm the results.
    The results showed that hypericin could have dose-dependent cytotoxic effects on the MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-175- VII cell lines, and its cytotoxicity is much higher in the latter cells. According to flow cytometry results, 86% of MDA-MB-175-VII cells underwent apoptosis with IC50 dose of hypericin for MDA-MB-231 cells after 24 hours. Moreover, after 24 hours of exposure to hypericin with MDA- MB-231 IC50 concentration, the expression of P53 and P21 genes upregulated in MDA-MB-175-VII much more than MDA-MB-231 when both cell lines were treated with 24 hours IC50 dose of MDA-MB-231. The ICC analysis on P21 confirmed that by treating both cell lines with MDA-MB-231 IC50 dose of hypericin for 24 hours, this protein is overexpressed much more in MDA-MB-175-VII cells.
    The results of this study demonstrated that hypericin’s apoptotic and cytotoxic effects on cancer cells may be mediated via P53 overexpression, cell cycle arrest and the subsequent apoptosis. Therefore, it is of great importance to consider that hypericin would have better impact on cells or tumors with wild type P53.
    Keywords: Anticancer drug, Hypericin, MDA-MB-175-VII, MDA-MB-231, P53 wild type}
  • Zahra Ramezani *, Mitra Zamani
    Hypericin was extracted from Hypericum perforatum L. using a different extraction procedure. Highest amounts of hypericins were extracted by ultrasonic methods using methanol: acetone 2:1 as an extracting solvent. Hypericin contents of the extract was purified by passing it through 2 series of 70 × 5 mm glass columns, each filled with 800 mg of 35 - 70 mesh silica gel, followed by elution with MeOH: acetone: CH2Cl2 (75:10:15). The extent of purification was determined by HPLC. The amount of purified hypericins, which was extracted from Hypericum perforatum, was 5.105 mg per gram dried plant leaves.
    Keywords: Hypericin, Pseudo, hypericin, HPLC, Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction, Hypericum perforatum L}
  • مریم اخباری *، محسن ابراهیمیان
    زمینه و هدف
    هیپریسین به عنوان ماده اصلی در گونه های مختلف گیاه هیپریکوم دارای خاصیت ضدمیکروبی، ضدویروسی، مهارکنندگی غیراختصاصی کیناز و مهارکنندگی آنزیم دوپامین بتا هیدروکسیلاز است. این مطالعه به منظور مقایسه میزان هیپریسین و اثر ضدمیکروبی، آنتی اکسیدانی و سمیت سلولی گیاه گل راعی (Hypericum perforatum L.) جمع آوری شده از مناطق مختلف جغرافیایی ایران شامل سه استان قم، گلستان و کردستان انجام شد.
    روش بررسی
    در این مطالعه توصیفی میزان محتوی هیپریسین عصاره متانولی از اندام های هوایی گیاه گل راعی با روش UV-Vis تعیین شد. فعالیت ضداکسیدانی عصاره ها از طریق اندازه گیری فعالیت مهار رادیکال آزاد DPPH و مهار پراکسیداسیون لیپید مشخص گردید. فعالیت سمیت سلولی از طریق آزمون تعیین میزان مرگ و میر میگوی آب شور مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. فعالیت ضدمیکروبی با بررسی قطر هاله عدم رشد در آزمون دیسک دیفیوژن و تعیین حداقل غلظت مهارکنندگی بررسی شد.
    یافته ها
    میزان هیپریسین موجود در نمونه های قم، گلستان و کردستان به ترتیب ppm 673، ppm 1223 و ppm 1568 تعیین شد. میزان فعالیت ضداکسیدانی و سمیت سلولی در نمونه های کردستان بیشتر از نمونه های قم و گلستان بود. در بررسی خواص ضدمیکروبی، از نظر تعداد میکروارگانیسم های حساس به عصاره، روند کلی قم کمتر از کردستان و نیز قم و کردستان کمتر از گلستان مشاهده شد. با این وجود در مورد دو سویه از جنس استافیلوکوکوس، عصاره گیاه کردستان با هاله ای برابر با 19 و 17 میلی متر به ترتیب برای استافیلوکوکوس اورئوس و استافیلوکوکوس اپیدرمیس و میزان حداقل غلظت مهارکنندگی برابر با 250μg/mL برای هر دو سویه نام برده فعالیت بیشتری از خود نشان داد.
    نتیجه گیری
    غنای هیپریسین در نمونه گیاهی گیاه منطقه سردسیر کردستان بیشتر بود. فعالیت ضدمیکروبی، ضداکسیدانی و سمیت سلولی در عصاره های مورد مطالعه قابل توجه بوده و روند تغییرات این فعالیت ها با روند تفاوت میزان هیپریسین در آنها هماهنگ است.
    کلید واژگان: گیاه گل راعی, هیپریسین, فعالیت آنتی اکسیدانی, فعالیت سمیت سلولی, فعالیت ضدمیکروبی}
    M. Akhbari*, M. Ebrahimian
    Background And Objective
    Hypericin is found in different species of Hypericum genus, as a main compound with antimicrobial, antiviral, nonspecific kinas inhibition and dopamin β-hydroxilase inhibitoring effects. This study was done to compare the hypericin content, antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Hypericum perforatum L. from three geographic regions of Iran.
    In this descriptive study, Hypericin content of aerial parts of H. perforatum L. was assessed using UV-Vis spectrometric method. Antioxidant activity was measured using DPPH and β-carotene bleaching assay. Cytotoxicity was evaluated via brine shrimp lethality assay. Antimicrobial activity was determined using inhibition zone diameter evaluation via disc diffusion method and measuring minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value.
    Hypericin content of aerial parts of H. perforatum L. from Qom, Golestan and Kurdestan provinces were 673, 1223 and 1568 ppm, respectively. Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities in samples from Kurdestan was more than samples from Qom and Golestan. Antimicrobial activity, as far as the number of sensitive microorganisms was evaluated. In this way the order of Golestan>Kurdestan>Qom was exhibited, however the extract of the plant from Kurdestan had the highest activity for two staphylococcus species with the inhibition zone diameter of 17 and 19 mm for S. aureus and S.epidermidis, respectively and MIC value of 250 µg/mL.
    Hypericin content was more from samples of Kurdistan province with cold climate. Antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of aerial parts of all samples were high. There is a relationship between hypericin content of aerial parts of H. perforatum L. and biological activities.
    Keywords: Hypericum perforatum L., Hypericin, Antioxidant activity, Cytotoxic activity, Antimicrobial activity}
  • Aptin Rahnavard*
    Staphylococcus aureus are important factors for infections that acquired of hospital and community. Infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus mainly of hospital origin, which in many countries is increasing. For this reason, many researchers have tried to find new compounds as a substitute for these antibiotics. Hypericin is the active substance H.perforatum and licone material from the group of flavonoids that have high antiviral and antibacterial properties. Due to high demand and the Limitation of pastures, H. perforatum cultivated under different fertilizer treatments, and showed that by increasing the amount of fertilizer, the amount of nitrogen and potash hypericin will rise in the fourth level of manures. The about antibacterial effect was conducted the sodden of plants in different dilution and disk diffusion method. Each test was repeated three times, the mean diameter of inhibition zone was measured on Mueller Hinton culture medium. Bacteria in various dilutions have significant effects that the greatest impact on pure dilution and the lowest occurred in a dilution of 0.125 mg.Activity percent effective decoctions of herbs against the MRSA, MSSA and total strains were measured and the most was in MRSA strains.
    Keywords: Hypericin, Cultivated, Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin, Resistant, Hypericum perforatum}
  • حسنعلی نقدی بادی*، سیدعلی ضیایی، محمدحسین میرجلیلی، مریم اهوازی، فرحناز خلیقی سیگارودی، بهنام حبیبی خانیانی، ابوالفضل فراهانی
    هوفاریقون با نام علمی Hypericum perforatum L. یک گیاه دارویی ارزشمند و دارای ترکیبات موثر بیولوژیکی مختلفی از جمله هیپریسین می باشد. هیپیریسین دارای اثرات اصلی نظیر ضدافسردگی، ضدویروسی و ضدباکتریایی است که سبب استفاده و تولید گسترده این گیاه شده است. با توجه به اینکه ژنتیک (توده) و محیط دو فاکتور مهمی هستند که روی عملکرد و میزان ترکیبات موثر گیاه هوفاریقون تاثیر دارند و همچنین در بانک ژن پژوهشکده گیاهان دارویی جهاددانشگاهی، بذور 5 توده مختلف موجود بود ضروری به نظر می رسید که در زمینه شناخت توده برتر و نقش ژنتیک و شرایط محیطی روی عملکرد کمی و میزان هیپریسین مطالعه ای انجام شود.
    این تحقیق طی سال های 1378 لغایت 1381 در مزرعه تحقیقاتی گروه پژوهشی کشت و توسعه پژوهشکده گیاهان دارویی واقع در کیلومتر 16 اتوبان کرج- قزوین به اجرا در آمد. این آزمایش به صورت تجزیه مرکب طرح اسپیلت پلات در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با 3 تکرار انجام شد و طی آن، عملکرد ماده تر و خشک، ارتفاع و قطر بوته و همچنین میزان هیپریسین اندام هوایی گیاه در مرحله گل دهی کامل اندازه گیری و ثبت گردید.
    نتایج نشان داد که ژنتیک (توده) بر عملکرد وزن تر (p<0.05) و همچنین بر ماده خشک، ارتفاع بوته و قطر بوته (p<0.01) از نظر آماری تاثیر معنی داری داشت ولی این تاثیر روی میزان هیپریسین معنی دار نبود. البته، میزان هیپریسین تحت تاثیر سال یا شرایط محیطی (p<0.01) قرار گرفت. بنابراین ژنتیک و شرایط محیطی به ترتیب نقش اصلی را در تولید اندام دارویی و کیفیت این گیاه (میزان هیپریسین) دارند و دو فاکتور کلیدی در تولید اقتصادی آن هستند.
    کلید واژگان: هوفاریقون, هیپریسین, توده, شرایط محیطی}
    Naghdi Badi H.*, Ziai Sa, Mirjalili Mh, Ahvazi M., Khalighi Sigaroodi F., Habibi Khaniani B., Farahani A
    St John’s wort, Hypericum Perforatum L. (Culsiaceae) is an important medicinal plant, which has different bioactive constituents and hypericin (a naphtodianthrone) is one of this compounds. Hypericin has many pharmacological effects such as antidepressant, antiviral and antibacterial, which cause to high production and consumption. It has known that region and genetic (accession) have significant effects on yield and content of active constituents of this plant. Because of existing 5 accessions in gene bank of medicinal plants Institute –ACECR, this study has been conducted in order to determination the best accession and evaluation role of genetic and environment on quantitative yield and hypericin content.This study has been done in research farms of medicinal plants Institute - ACECR along 1999- 2002. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with a split-plot arrangement. The parameters are measured in this study included: dry and wet herbage, content of hypericin, plant height and diameter in flowering stage.Combined analysis of variance indicated that genetic (accession) had significant effect on wet herbage (p<0.05), dry herbage, plant height & diameter (p<0.01) but had not significant effect on hypericin content. Environmental conditions (years) affected on hypericin content (p<0.01). Therefore accession and environment have main roles in production of medicinal parts and hypericin content in this plants, respectively. They could be considered as two key factors for an economically successful cultivation.
    Keywords: Hypericum Perforatum L., Hypericin, Accession, Environmental conditions}
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