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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « hyperinsulinemia » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Putra Santoso, Rita Maliza, Resti Rahayu, Yunita Astrina, Firman Syukri, Septalian Maharani
    Background and purpose

    Yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) is a potent medicinal plant exerting therapeutical effects against diseases. However, investigations on the health benefits of its fiber remain limited. This study aimed to investigate the potential of yam bean fiber (YBF) against a high-fat diet (HFD)-induced metabolic diseases, inflammation, and gut dysbiosis.

    Experimental approach

    Adult male mice were assigned to four groups (8 each), namely a normal diet-fed group (ND), HFD-fed group, and HFD supplemented with YBF groups (HFD + YBF) at a dose of 2.5% and 10%, respectively. Treatments were implemented for ten weeks. Thereafter, indicators of metabolic diseases, oxidative stress, inflammation, and gut microbiota composition were determined.

    Findings / Results

    A dosage of 10% YBF significantly inhibited excessive body weight gain (2.3 times lower than HFD group) and white adipose tissue (WAT) mass (2.2 times lower than HFD group) while sustaining brown adipose tissue mass. YBF prevented malondialdehyde elevation, catalase activity reduction, and expression of the interleukin-6 increment (2.7 times lower than the HFD group) within the WAT. Furthermore, YBF sustained normoglycaemia, glucose tolerance, and insulin sensitivity while precluding hyperinsulinemia. YBF modulated the gut microbiota community by increasing health-promoting microbiota including Lactobacillus reuteri, L. johnsonii, and inhibiting a pathogenic Mucispirillum sp. YBF prevented histopathology and inflammation of the colon.

    Conclusion and implications

     YBF at the dose of 10% is proved to be useful in the prevention of diet-induced metabolic diseases, microbiota dysbiosis, and inflammation. Hence, YBF is recommended as a potential natural-based remedy to diminish the detrimental effects of high-fat foods.

    Keywords: Hyperinsulinemia, Inflammation, Interleukin-6, Metabolic diseases, Mucispirillum sp., Whiteadipose tissue}
  • ابراهیم مختاری، فرشاد تیموری، حسین فرهاد نژاد، پروین میرمیران*، فریدون عزیزی

    این مطالعه با هدف شناسایی الگوی رژیم غذایی اختصاصی مرتبط با مقاومت به انسولین و هایپرانسولینمی در بزرگسالان تهرانی انجام گردید.

    مواد و روش ها

    این مطالعه به صورت مقطعی در 1063 مرد و زن با سن بالای 25 سال، شرکت کننده در فاز سوم مطالعه قند و لیپید تهران، انجام شد. الگوی رژیم غذایی به وسیله ی روش رگرسیون رتبه بندی کاهش یافته (RRR)، با استفاده از 34 آیتم غذایی به عنوان پیش بینی کننده، و نیز غلظت انسولین سرم و شاخص هومیوستاتیک مقاومت به انسولین (HOMA-IR) به عنوان متغیرهای پاسخ شناسایی شد. ارتباط الگوی رژیم غذایی با خطر هایپرانسولینمی و مقاومت به انسولین بررسی و نسبت شانس (OR) و فاصله اطمینان (CI) 95% گزارش شد.

    یافته ها

    میانگین± انحراف معیار سن و شاخص توده ی بدنی (BMI) شرکت کنندگان در مطالعه به ترتیب 12/2±43/0 سال و 4/8±27/4 کیلوگرم/متر مربع بود. الگوی شناسایی شده شامل؛ دریافت بیشتر گوشت فرآوری شده، ماهی، دوغ، آب لیمو، ترشی، و سبزیجات برگ دار، و نیز دریافت کمتر سبزیجات نشاسته ای، سیر و پیاز، میوه های خشک، مغزها، گوشت قرمز، لبنیات پرچرب و قهوه بود. پیروی بالاتر از این الگو در مدل نهایی تعدیل اثر مخدوش گرهای احتمالی، با افزایش شانس هایپرانسولینمی (0/005Ptrend=، 2/43-1/17CI= 95%، 1/69=OR)  و  IR (0/001>Ptrend=، 5/32-1/66CI= 95%، 2/97=OR)، همراه بود.

    نتیجه گیری

    در این مطالعه یک الگوی رژیم غذایی مرتبط با غلظت انسولین سرم و شاخص HOMA-IR، که به وسیله ی روش RRR شناسایی شده بود، با شانس بالاتر هایپرانسولینمی و مقاومت به انسولین همراه بود.

    کلید واژگان: الگوی غذایی, مقاومت به انسولین, هایپرانسولینمی, HOMA-IR, رگرسیون رتبه بندی کاهش یافته}
    Ebrahim Mokhtari, Farshad Teymoori, Hossein Farhadnejad, Parvin Mirmiran*, Fereidoun Azizi

    This study aimed to identify a specific dietary pattern related to insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in Tehranian adults.

    Materials and Methods

    This cross-sectional study was performed on 1063 men and women ≥25 years of age participating in the third phase of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. The dietary pattern was derived by reduced ranking regression (RRR), using 34 food items as predictors and serum insulin concentration and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) as response variables. The relationship between a dietary pattern and odds of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance (IR) was investigated, and the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were reported.


    The mean, standard deviation of age, and BMI of the participants was 43.0±12.2 years and 27.4±4.8 kg/m2. The derived patterns included higher consumption of processed meat, fish, drinkable yogurt, lemon juice, pickles, leafy vegetables, and lower consumption of starchy vegetables, garlic and onions, dried fruits, nuts, red meat, high-fat dairy, and coffee. After adjustment for potential confounding variables, a higher adherence to this pattern was associated with increased odds of hyperinsulinemia (OR=1.69, 95%CI=1.17-1.23, Ptrend=0.005) and IR (OR=2.97, 95%CI=1.66-5.32, Ptrend <0.001).


    In this study, an RRR-derived dietary pattern related to serum insulin and HOMA-IR was associated with a higher odds of hyperinsulinemia and IR.

    Keywords: Dietary pattern, Insulin resistance, Hyperinsulinemia, HOMA-IR, Reduced Rank Regression}
  • Farshad NaghshNilchi, Mahmoud Etebari*

    Most people with diabetes suffer from cardiovascular problems; however, increased oxidative stress caused by diabetes can increase the risk of DNA damage and cancer. Carvedilol is a third-generation beta-blocker that can both improve heart function and prevent oxidative stress.


    The present study aimed to assess carvedilol’s genoprotective effects against hyperinsulinemia-induced DNA strand break in rats.

    Materials and Methods

    To evaluate the extent of DNA damage caused by high insulin concentrations and the effect of carvedilol on these lesions, isolated lymphocytes of high-fat type 2 diabetic rats were evaluated using the comet method.


    Our results in this study using the comet method showed that hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia of high-fat diet have significant genotoxic parameters in rats (tail length 84.35 ± 0.23 vs. 0.90 ± 0.02, % DNA in tail 16.09 ± 0.09 vs. 7.63 ± 0.04, and tail moment 13.58 ± 0.09 vs. 0.07 ± 0.01) compared with the control group (P < 0.001). In rats receiving carvedilol, we observed the genoprotective effect in a dose-dependent manner, which is predicted due to the antioxidant activity of carvedilol and its metabolites.


    It does not have an adverse effect on the blood sugar profile of diabetics and reduction of cardiovascular complications of the disease; carvedilol can prevent genetic damage and cancer risk in hyperinsulinemia induced by the high-fat diet.

    Keywords: Carvedilol, comet assay, diabetes, genotoxicity, hyperinsulinemia}
  • Yong-Zhi Li, Ben Kang Shi, Jing Yu Li, Xing Wang Zhu, Jia Liu, Yi Li Liu*

    Using a rat model of hyperinsulinemia, the present study investigated the role of p-ERK1/2 in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

    Materials and Methods

    Forty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly selected and assigned to four groups: high fat diet (HFD)+BPH (n=10), HFD (n=10), BPH (n=10), and control (n=10) groups. Hyperinsulinemia was in-duced by HFD feeding, while BPH was induced using testosterone propionate. Plasma glucose, plasma insulin and bodyweight were examined weekly. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and western blot analysis were used to analyze the expression of ERK1/2 and p-ERK1/2 in rat prostates.


    Plasma glucose and plasma insulin levels were significantly greater in the HFD+BPH and HFD groups, when compared to the other two groups (P < 0.05). Prostate weights were significantly greater in the HFD+BPH, HFD and BPH groups, than in the control group (P < 0.05). IHC and western blot analysis revealed that p-ERK1/2 expression was greater in the HFD+BPH group than in the other three groups (P < 0.05).


    Androgens plus a hyperinsulinemic condition induced by HFD can result in prostatic cell hyperplasia, and this mechanism may be correlated to the upregulation of p-ERK1/2. Further investigations of this possibility are required.

    Keywords: p-ERK1, 2, Hyperinsulinemia, BPH, Androgen, ERK1}
  • Massoud Houshmand*, Mohammed Najeeb

    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is known as a major public health issue worldwide. Type 2 diabetes does not have a clear inheritance pattern, although many affected people have at least one close family member, such as a parent or sibling, who is affected with the disease. The KCNJ11 gene is a member of the potassium channel gene family. Polymorphisms in KCNJ11 (E23K, rs5219) result in neonatal diabetes and congenital hyperinsulinemia, which are associated with diabetes susceptibility where the K allele plays an important role in insulin secretion. This study evaluates the frequency of these polymorphisms in 85 Kurdish patients with type 2 diabetes. E23K polymorphism was genotyped by the PCRRFLP method. Heterozygous carriers for AG are more in non-diabetic patients (P = 0.034).

    Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Single nucleotide, polymorphism, Hyperinsulinemia, Biomarker}
  • فریده ظفری زنگنه *

    سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک با درجه ی شیوع 12-4 درصد، شایع ترین اختلال غدد داخلی (اندوکرین)- متابولیکی زنان در سن باروری می باشد. اختلال باروری در زنان مبتلا به تخمدان پلی کیستیک شامل هایپرانسولینمی، هایپرآندروژنیسم، عدم تخمک گذاری مزمن و ناباروری می باشد. هدف از انجام این مطالعه ی مروری، شناسایی و تایید نقش مهم استرس اکسیداتیو در ایجاد مقاومت به انسولین در سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک بود.

    روش ها

    برای انجام این مطالعه، تمام اطلاعات مربوط از طریق پایگاه های داده مانند PubMed و Google scholar جمع آوری شد. این اطلاعات، از بین 100 مقاله بین سال های 2020-1989 استخراج شده است. امروزه، ارزیابی وضعیت استرس اکسیداتیو در زنان مبتلا به تخمدان پلی کیستیک با استفاده از نشانگرهای گردش خون مانند مالون دی آلدیید (MDA)، سوپراکسید دیسموتاز (SOD) و گلوتاتیون پراکسیداز (GPX) انجام می شود.

    یافته ها

    مقاومت به انسولین می تواند با شرایط ایجاد اکسیداتیو استرس در زنان مبتلا به تخمدان پلی کیستیک همراه باشد. از این رو، به دست آوردن شاخص استرس اکسیداتیو را می توان ارزشمند و معرف بروز اختلات متابولیکی در این سندرم دانست.

    نتیجه گیری

    استرس اکسیداتیو، می تواند یک نقش کلیدی در روند ایجاد مقاومت به انسولین داشته باشد. از این رو، ارزیابی شاخص استرس اکسیداتیو، می تواند به شناسایی علل متابولیکی ناشناخته ی سندرم تخمدان پلی کسیتیک کمک نماید.

    کلید واژگان: استرس اکسیداتیو, هایپرانسولینمی, مقاومت به انسولین, سندرم تخمدان پلیکیستیک}
    Farideh Zafari Zangeneh*

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), with a prevalence of 4-12 percent, is the most common endocrine-metabolic disorder in reproductive age of women. Reproductive disorders in women with PCO include hyperinsulinemia, hyperandrogenism, chronic anovulation, and infertility. The purpose of this paper was to review and confirm the important role of oxidative stress in creating insulin resistance in this syndrome.


    All relevant information was collected through databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar, which was extracted from a total of 100 articles between 1989-2020. Today, the assessment of oxidative stress in women with PCO is performed using circulatory markers such as malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX).


    Insulin resistance can be associated with the conditions of oxidative stress in women with PCO. Therefore, obtaining oxidative stress index can be considered valuable, and represent the occurrence of metabolic disorders in this syndrome.


    Oxidative stress can play a key role in insulin resistance. Therefore, the oxidative stress index can help to understand unknown metabolic causes of this syndrome.

    Keywords: Oxidative stress, Hyperinsulinemia, Insulin resistance, Polycystic ovary syndrome}
  • Zinat Mohammadpour, Fatemehsadat Amiri, Ali Akbar Saboor-Yaraghi, Fariba Koohdani, Marjan Norouzzadeh, Loghman Sharifi, Monireh Sadat Seyyed Salehi, Amirpasha Ebrahimi, Maryam Mahmoudi *
    Resveratrol (RSV) provides several important biological functions in wide variety of cells. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying anti-inflammatory effect of RSV on HepG2 cells by assessing the gene expression of RelA and c-Jun- subunits of NF-κB and AP-1 transcription factors.

    HepG2 cells were settled in a serum- free medium with high concentrations of glucose (30 mM) and insulin (1 µM) overnight and were then incubated with RSV (5, 10, and 20 µM) for 24 and 48 hours. Real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to determine RelA and c-Jun expression.

    RSV diminished hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia stimulated expression of c-Jun dose- dependently after 24 and 48 hours (p
    The findings of the present study demonstrated that RSV may be considered as a preventative and therapeutic agent for antagonizing inflammation in Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
    Keywords: AP-1, c-Jun, Hyperglycemia, Hyperinsulinemia, Inflammation, Resveratrol, NF kappa B, MAPK}
  • مرضیه ظهرابی، الهام رحمانی، نیلوفر معتمد، صمد اکبرزاده*

    سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک (PCOS) متداول ترین بیماری اندوکرین می باشد و مرتبط با مقاومت به انسولین می باشد. CXCL5 سیتوکین جدیدی است که از بافت چربی سفید در شرایط چاقی ترشح می گردد و با مهار کردن مسیر سیگنالینگ انسولین باعث مهار فعالیت انسولین و پیشبرد مقاومت به انسولین می گردد.


    هدف این مطالعه ارزیابی سطح سرمی CXCL5 در زنان PCOS با BMI نرمال می باشد.

    موارد و روش ها

    این مطالعه یک مطالعه مورد- شاهدی است که 30 زن مبتلا به سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک (PCOS) با BMI نرمال به عنوان گروه بیمار و 30 زن سالم (عدم PCOS) با BMI نرمال به عنوان گروه کنترل انتخاب شدند. سطح سرمی انسولین و سیتوکین CXCL5 و دیگر فاکتور های هورمونی مرتبط به روش الیزا و پارامتر های بیوشیمیایی به کمک اتوآنالیزر اندازه گیری شدند.


    نتایج این مطالعه افزایش معناداری را در غلظت انسولین، HOMA-IR، LH، LH/FSH، FBS، تستوسترون و پرولاکتین در گروه PCOS در مقایسه با گروه کنترل نشان داد در حالی که غلظت های CXCL5 ،کلسترول،LDL-C ، HDL-C، DHEAS، کراتینین و HOMA-B در بین دو گروه تفاوتی نداشت.

    نتیجه گیری

    در این مطالعه تفاوت معناداری در غلظت سرمی CXCL5 در خانم های PCOS با BMI نرمال مشاهده نشد.

    کلید واژگان: سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک, مقاومت به انسولین, سیتوکین CXCL5, هیپرانسولینمیا, هیپراندروژنیسم}
    Marzieh Zohrabi, Elham Rahmani, Niloofar Motamed, Samad Akbarzadeh*

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disease and associated with insulin resistance. CXC Ligand 5 (CXCL5) is a new cytokine which is secreted from white adipose tissue during obesity and by blocking insulin signaling pathway inhibits the activity of insulin and promotes insulin resistance.


    The aim of this study was to assess serum level of CXCL5 in PCOS women with normal body mass index.

    Materials And Methods

    In this case-control study, 30 PCOS women with normal body mass index as the case group and 30 non-PCOS women as the controls were enrolled. Serum levels of CXCL5, insulin and other hormones factors related with PCOS were measured by ELISA method, also the biochemical parameters were measured by autoanalyzer.


    Significant increases in serum insulin concentration, homeostasis model assessments of insulin resistance, luteinizing hormone, luteinizing hormone/follicle-stimulating hormone, fasting blood sugar, testosterone, and prolactin were observed in the case group compared to the controls. were in the serum level of CXCL5, cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol,dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate, creatinine, and homeostasis model assessment of beta cell function between these two groups.


    In this study, no significant change was observed in serum concentrations of CXCL5 in PCOS women with normal BMI.

    Keywords: Polycystic ovary syndrome, Insulin resistance, CXCL5 cytokine, Hyperinsulinemia, Hyperandrogenism}
  • Robab Sheikhpour *
    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common type of cancer among men over 60 years old. The aggressiveness and mortality of PCa can be correlated with obesity. Adipose tissue-derived cytokines such as adiponectin may explain the correlation between PCa and obesity. Since the correlation between adiponectin and aggressive PCa is still not fully evaluated, we aimed to investigate the probable role of adiponectin in PCa. Adiponectin is considered as a link between obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. On the other hand, adiponectin is a key mediator of systemic insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. Moreover, low level of adiponectin is associated with inflammation and angiogenesis. These processes could promote tumor growth. Special effects of adiponectin are mediated via adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). AMPK activation inhibits growth of androgen-independent and androgen-sensitive PCa cell lines. Moreover, c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) and Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) signaling pathway are known as adiponectin’s mediators on the metabolic syndrome and cancer. Furthermore, adiponectin acts as a tumor suppressor gene via inhibition of Epithelial-to-mesenchymal Transition (EMT) of PCa cells, but it is down regulated through hypermethylation of promoter gene in PCa cells. Therefore, according to the results of these studies, decreased concentration of adiponectin was associated with increased risk of PCa. It seems that hypoadiponectinemia may act as a promising biomarker for detection and diagnosis of PCa.
    Keywords: Adiponectin, Prostate cancer, Obesity, Hyperinsulinemia, Early detection}
  • Sadaf Raana*, Aqeel Javeed
    Epidemiological evidence shows that cancer and diabetes are major causes of death in the world. Type2 diabetes increases the risk of cancer-specific mortality. This review relates dia­betic therapies, diabetes and cancer.
    All published papers in this field were searched, looking into such databases as Science Direct, ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Scopus.
    In cancer patients, metformin improves patient outcome and reduces cancer risk. Sulfonylureas may increase risk of cancer, but decreased risk of cancer is associated with thiazolidinediones in type2 diabetic subjects. Metformin lowers circulating insulin and it may be important for treatment of hyperinsulinemia-associated cancers, such as colon and breast cancer.
    However, laboratory investigations and large-scale population based studies are required for further investigation of association of cancer-preventive, anti-cancer and cancer-mortality of noninsulin antidiabetics.
    Keywords: Diabetes, Mortality, Metformin hyperinsulinemia, Malignant, Hyperinsulinemia, Thiazolidinediones}
  • Zeinab Ghorbani, Azita Hekmatdoost, Parvin Mirmiran *
    Context: Turmeric is obtained from the plant Curcuma longa L; its major constituent, curcumin, is a polyphenol with multiple effects which can modulate some signaling pathways..Evidence Acquisition: Insulin resistance is a major risk factor for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, atherosclerotic, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. In addition, Insulin resistance in peripheral tissue is one of the most important reasons of hyperglycemia which can cause global or systemic effects. The present study reviewed studies published in PubMed from 1998 to 2013, indicating the role of curcumin in attenuation of many pathophysiological processes involved in development and progression of hyperglycemia and insulin resistance..
    Curcumin can reduce blood glucose level by reducing the hepatic glucose production, suppression of hyperglycemia-induced inflammatory state, stimulation of glucose uptake by up-regulation of GLUT4, GLUT2 and GLUT3 genes expressions, activation of AMP kinase, promoting the PPAR ligand-binding activity, stimulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic tissues, improvement in pancreatic cell function, and reduction of insulin resistance..
    Curcumin has antihyperglycemic and insulin sensitizer effects. Thereby, more studies evaluating the effects of curcumin on hyperglycemic state and insulin resistance in related disorders such as diabetes are recommended..
    Keywords: Turmeric, Curcumin, Curcuminoids, Curcuma longa, Hyperglycemia, Blood Glucose, Insulin Resistance, Hyperinsulinemia}
  • میترا مهرآزما، شکرا& یوسفی
    هیپرانسولینی مسئول حدود 55% تمام موارد هیپوگلیسمی در کودکان زیر 1 سال است. در این مطالعه پانکراس 8 کودک که با هیپوگلیسمی دوران نوزادی ناشی از افزایش انسولین(HHI) در 10 سال گذشته، در بیمارستان حضرت علی اصغر(ع) تحت پانکراتکتومی قرار گرفته بودند، با استفاده از روش های هیستوشیمیایی و اندازه گیری های مورفومتریک بررسی شد. سن کودکان بین 3 تا 13 ماه بود و در تمام آن ها بیماری همراه با تشنج، تست گلوکاگون مثبت و نسبت سطح سرمی انسولین به گلوکاگون بالا بوده است هیچ یک از بیماران به درمان طبی(دیازوکساید، سوماتواستاتین یا هیدروکورتیزون) پاسخ نداده بودند. بر ش های تهیه شده از پانکراس بیماران و موارد شاهد با توجه به گسترش جزایر و بررسی های کمی اندازه جزایر و سطح کلی اشغال شده توسط بافت اندوکرین مورد بازبینی قرار گرفت. چهار بیمار هیپرپلازی منتشر سلول جزیره ای و سایر بیماران به ترتیب هیپرپلازی کانونی، دیسپلازی سلول جزیره ای، آدنوم سلول جزیره ای و پانکراس طبیعی داشتند. رنگ آمیزی ایمونوهیستوشیمی می تواند تغییرات اندک در ساختمان جزایر یا افزایش سلول های بتا را به خوبی نشان دهد. برش های انجمادی در طی جراحی نیز می توانند به تمایز آسیب شناسی این بیماری کمک کند.
    کلید واژگان: هیپرانسولینمی, هیپوگلیسمی, پانکراس, سلول جزیره ای, هیپرپلازی}
    M. Mehrazma*, Yoosefi
    Hyperinsulinism is responsible for about 55% of hypoglycemia in children less than 1 year old. In this study pancreas from 8 children with idiopathic hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy(HHI) who underwent pancreatectomy in Ali-Asghar Hospital from 10 years ago were examined, using histochemical method and morphometric measurements. The children ranged from 3 to 13 months, and were presented with seizure. They all had positive glucagon test and high serum ins/glu ratio and were unresponsive to medical therapy(Diazoxide, Somatostatin or Hidrocortisone). Sections were studied with particular reference to islet cell distribution in patients and controls. Quantitative assessments were made of islet size and total surface area of pancreas occupied by endocrine tissue. Four patients had diffuse islet cell hyperplasia and others showed multifocal islet cell hyperplasia, islet cell dysplasia, adenoma and normal pancreas, respectively. Immunostaining can show any recapitulation of islet structure or increase of B cells. Furthermore, frozen section study during surgery can help to distinguish different pathologies of HHI.
    Keywords: Hyperinsulinemia, Hypoglycemia, Pancreas, Islet cells, Hyperplasia}
  • سید محمد هاشم علوی *، ابراهیم تبرکی، سید رضی دادگر، محمدتقی معمارزاده، زهرا وزیری
    Seyed Mohammad Hashem Alavi*, Ebrahim Tabaroki, Seyed Razi Dadgar, Mohammad Taghi Memarzadeh, Zahra Vaziri

    Marked metabolic derangement have already been documented in normal pregnancy such as decrease of serum glucose and aminoacids, increase free fatty acids, triglyceride, ketons and insulin secretion, however in gestational diabetes the high gluc(Jse which is facilitated by placental transfer may cause hyperinsulinemia in fetus thus rendering them susceptible to macrosomia and subsequent perinatal difficulties.
    We prospectively followed 117 patients from first trimester period. These patients randomly divided into two groups: Group one (59 cases) was placed on specific diet and Second group (58 cases) received monitored diet plus insulin.
    Then we measured maternal weight gains, neonatal birth weights, meteme! fasting and postprandial blood sugar at specific intervals, Initial first trimester maternal weights, gained weights and birth weights were 67.03±3.60 kg and 15.76±3.58 kg and 4.26±0.29 kg for the first group and 65.82±5.25 and 12.68±4.78kg~nd 3.48±0.78 kg for the second group. In 60 normal pregnants these measurement was 56.79±5.41 kg and 12.43±3.20 kg and 3.35±0.36 kg Cesarean section indicated in 71.18 % and 26.2% and 21.66% in two management and control groups respectively (P

    Keywords: Gastational Diabetes, Insulin Therapy, Hyperinsulinemia, Diet Therapy}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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