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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « monotherapy » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Ramitha R Bhat, Harshaprasada Lashkari*, Stalin Ramprakash, Diana Pereira

    Regular packed cell transfusion in patients with thalassemia major leads to iron overload. Chelation therapy is one of the important aspects of thalassemia care as iron overload causes significant cardiac, hepatic, and endocrine dysfunction. We report a case of thalassemia major with severe iron overload causing cardiac and liver dysfunction who benefitted from triple drug chelation therapy. Triple iron chelation therapy in thalassemia major could be suggested in severe iron overload patients.

    Keywords: Thalassemia major, Iron overload, Chelation therapy, Monotherapy, Triple iron chelation therapy}
  • Atena Mahdavi, Amirmansour Alavi Naeini *, Mohammadreza Najaf, Mohammadreza Ghazvini, Mohammadreza Maracy
    Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) may lead to an increase in the plasma concentration of homocysteine. There is limited information, especially from Iran, regarding the risk in patients who are treated with levetiracetam as a new type of AED. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of levetiracetam on plasma homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folate levels in adult patients with epilepsy.
    We conducted a case‑control study and enrolled adult patients with epilepsy who had received monotherapy with levetiracetam for at least 6 months at some time prior to the study. homocysteine serum, vitamin B12, and folate were measured, and folate and vitamin B12 intake was determined by the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).
    Thirty‑three patients on levetiracetam and 35 control subjects aged between 18 and 60 years were enrolled. No statistically signifcant differences in the means of the serum markers of vitamin B12, FA, and homocysteine levels were found between the two groups. In the frst model, i.e., the crude model, no signifcant differences were observed in the serum concentrations of homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folate. In the second model, education was considered, and body mass index and folate intake was controlled with no signifcant difference being observed in the mean homocysteine serum level.
    Treatment with levetiracetam in patients with epilepsy has no effect on the serum levels concentrations of homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folate. This medication is suggested for patients who use AEDs on a long‑term basis and at high dosages.
    Keywords: Folic acid, levetiracetam, monotherapy, patients with epilepsy, vitamin B12}
  • پارسا یوسفی چایجان، مهدیه سادات غفاری، حسن طاهر احمدی، لیلا فرج زاده*، اعظم زمانیان
    زمینه و هدف
    متخصصین اطفال با تب و افزایش دمای بدن و اضطراب ناشی از آن در والدین مواجه هستند و راهکارهای متعددی را در مواجهه با تب به کار می گیرند. موضوعی که در سال های اخیر در درمان تب مورد توجه قرار گرفته است استفاده از دوزهای آلترناتیو استامینوفن - ایبوپروفن می باشد. علیرغم این که این روش به طور شایع استفاده می شود ولی مطالعات کافی در زمینه کارایی آن وجود ندارد.
    مواد و روش ها
    این مطالعه به صورت کارآزمایی بالینی دو سوکور تصادفی بود. تعداد 240 کودک در رده سنی 6 ماه تا 12 سال مبتلا به گاستروانتریت در این پژوهش شرکت کردند. کودکان در سه گروه تقسیم شدند. گروه اول استامینوفن دریافت نموده، گروه دوم ایبوپروفن و گروه سوم استامینوفن و ایبوپروفن را به صورت یکی در میان (آلترناتیو) دریافت نمود.
    یافته ها
    112 از تعداد 240 کودک، نفر(66/46 درصد) دختر و 128 نفر (33/53 درصد) پسر بودند. میانگین زمان کاهش تب در گروه اول 07/2، گروه دوم 82/1 و در گروه سوم 87/1 روز بود. میانگین دوز مورد استفاده داروها در گروه اول 9 دوز، گروه دوم 17/8 دوز و در گروه سوم 13/7 دوز بود. گروه اول کمترین تاثیر را نسبت به دو گروه دیگر داشت.
    نتیجه گیری
    رژیم درمانی آلترناتیو استامینوفن - ایبوپروفن در کاهش تب در کودکان رده سنی 6 ماه تا 12 سال موثرتر از تک درمانی هر دو آنها می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: تب, تک درمانی, رژیم درمانی آلترناتیو, استامینوفن, ایبوپروفن, گاستروانتریت}
    Yousefichaijan, Ghafari Mahdieh Alsadat, Hasan Taher Ahmad, Leila Farajzadeh *, Azam Zamamiyan
    Pediatricians frequently confront with elevated body temperature in children and subsequent anxious parents. They practice several approaches in management of fever. A recently addressed issue is administration of alternating doses of acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. This method is relatively common, despite lack of sufficient evidence in this field.
    Materials And Methods
    This study is a randomized clinical trial. A total of 240 children, aged 6 months to 12 years suffering from gastroenteritis was recruited in this research. Children were classified in 3 groups. First group received Acetaminophen, second group received Ibuprofen and third group were treated with acetaminophen – Ibuprofen every other day alternately.
    240 child were taken apart in this research. 112 ones were female (46.66%) and 128 were male (53.33%). The mean time of lowering fever in the first group was 2.07 days. This figure in the second and third groups were 1.82 and 1.87 respectively. Average doses in the first, second and third groups were (in order) 9, 8.17 and 7.13 doses. Medication in the first group minimum effectiveness rather than two other groups.
    The alternating regimen of Acetaminophen – Ibuprofen is more effective than monotherapy in reduction of fever in infants and children between 6 months to 12 years.
    Keywords: Fever, Monotherapy, Alternative regimen therapy, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen}
  • Dr. Mohammad Reza Khodaei Ardakani, Dr. Arash Mirabzadeh, Dr. Hashem Shemshadi, Dr. Zabihollah Ashtari, Maryam Ranjbar, Dr. Golnaz Feizzadeh, Dr. Mercedeh Samiei, Alireza Khodaei Ardakani
    Background and Objectives
    Psychotropic drugs use in the elderly with chronic schizophrenia is considered as an important issue in the field of psychiatry. The main goal of this study was to clarify the pattern of such drug use in these patients, in order to deem such therapy plan and focus on its cost attributing measures, for a more reasonable quality of care program. Methods &Materials: The study sample included 52 elderly resided at the Tehran`s Razi Mental Hospital who had chronic (more than six months) schizophrenia in the residual phase. Selected patients were taking at least two psychotropic drugs equivalent to 500 mg Chlorpromazine. We prepared the list of their drug use by obtaining their responses to our pre designed questionnaire charts. Data were collected and analyzed by SPSS version 17.
    In one case (1.92%), there was used for entries (Risperidone+Chlorpromazine+Fluphenazine Decanoate+Thiothixene). In 11 cases (21.2%) three entries and in 40 cases (76.8%), two entries of the psychotropic drugs were used. Chlorpromazine equivalent dose in each group ranged from the lowest dose (750 /mg) to the highest of (5600 /mg). The highest Chlorpromazine dose (5600) equivalent per milligram belonged to the four entries of(Risperidone+Chlorpromazine+Fluphenazine Decanoate and Thiothixene). The lowest Chlorpromazine dose (750/mg), was resulted in 3 entries of (Risperidone+Chlorpromazine and Fluphenazine Decanoate).
    At the end of the study, we found a high prevalence of using more than two psychotropic medications from the first atypical antipsychotic category. We also found, less frequent usage of the second and the third typical antipsychotic. We recommend more research to be applied for more feasible patterns of psychotropic prescriptions, with considerations of lowering the amount of medication use and deem their cost-benefits issues in elderly with chronic schizophrenia. Keywords: psychotropic drugs, chronic schizophrenia, elderly, monotherapy, polypharmacy
    Keywords: psychotropic drugs, chronic schizophrenia, elderly, monotherapy, polypharmacy}
  • Arash Mirabzadeh, Mohammad Reza Khodaei*, Golnaz Feizzadeh, Mercedeh Samiei, Maryam Ranjbar

    The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and its determinants of Antipsychotic Use in patients with psychiatric disorders. Materials and


    This study was on patients with psychiatric disorder that have discharged from the hospital. We have assessed all patients with psychiatric interview and evaluation of their psychiatric documentations.


    90.7% of all of patients had taken antipsychotic medications and antipsychotic polypharmacy was in 27.2% of these patients. The most prevalent component of antipsychotic polypharmacy was consisting of Chlorpromazine, Halopreidol and Chlorpromazine, Risperidone and then Chlorpromazine, Olanzapine respectively. There were significant relations between pattern of antipsychotic use and gender, occupation status, type of psychiatric ward, duration of hospitalization and cost of treatment but no relationship with age, educational status and duration of illness.


    This study suggests that prevalence of antipsychotic polypharmacy is high in in-patient psychiatric patients.

    Keywords: Antipsychotic, Monotherapy, Polypharmacy}
  • حسین دوستکامی* رئوف ملاجوادی، احد اعظمی
    زمینه و هدف
    پر فشاری خون بیماری شایع و با عوارض بالاست که متاسفانه وضعیت درمانی آن در کلیه جوامع از جمله جامعه ما از شرایط مطلوبی برخوردار نیست. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی رژیم درمانی داده شده و سطوح کنترل فشار خون در بیماران مراجعه کننده به علت پر فشاری خون به اورژانس و درمانگاه سرپایی بیمارستان بوعلی میباشد.
    روش کار
    این مطالعه برروی200 بیمار مراجعه کننده به اورژانس و درمانگاه سرپایی بیمارستان بوعلی بین سال های 83 1382 به علت فشارخون بالا انجام شد. در این مطالعه فشارخون، سن، جنس، وضعیت درمانی شامل مصرف یا عدم مصرف دارو، نوع و تعداد داروهای مصرفی بیماران بررسی و نتایج توسط آمار توصیفی تحلیل شد.
    یافته ها
    از200 بیمار مراجعه کننده 1% دارو مصرف نمی کردند، 59/5% یک دارو و 39/5% دو دارو یا بیشتر مصرف می کردند33/5% بیماران آتنولول و 11% بیماران تنها انالاپریل مصرف می کردند. بیشترین میزان مصرف ترکیب دارویی بتا بلوکر+ACEI (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor) و کمترین آن مربوط به ترکیبی از مدر و بلوک کننده کانال های کلسیمی بوده است. همه بیماران مصرف کننده مدر در حین مراجعه در مرحله پره هیپرتانسیون قرار داشتند در حالیکه اغلب بیماران تحت درمان با CCB(Calcium Chanel Blocker) با مرحله دو فشارخون مراجعه کردند در بیماران تحت درمان با ترکیب دارویی مدر و CCB شدت کمتری از مقادیر فشارخون (100% در مرحله پره هیپرتانسیون) در مقایسه با مصرف کنندگان ACEI و CCB یا ACEI و مدر وجود داشت (57% در مرحله دو).
    نتیجه گیری
    در این مطالعه درمان ترکیبی مدر و CCB بهترین نتیجه درمانی در کنترل فشار خون را داشت.
    کلید واژگان: پرفشاری خون, ACEI, CCB, مدر, کنترل فشار خون}
    Dostkamy H.*, Mollajavad R., Azami A
    Background and Objectives
    Hypertension is a disease with high prevalence and complications and unfortunately the freatment of which is not desirable in many communities including ours. The aim of this study is to assess the therapeutic diet giving and level control of HTN in patients with Hypertension who refered to Ardabil Boali Hospital emergency room and out patient Clinic room.
    This study was performed on 200 patients who refered to the emergency room and out patient Clinic in Ardabil Boali Hospital from 2003 to 2004 due to high blood pressure. In this study, blood pressure and other factors such as sex, age and the therapeutic modality including compliance to theyapy and kind and quality of drugs were determined, then the data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics.
    Of 200 patients only 1% did not take drug 59.5% of patients were on monotherapy and 39.5% took two or more drugs 33.5% were on Beta blocker (Atenolol) and 11% on ACE inhibitor (Enalapril). Among patients on combination therapy the highest prevalence was B.bloche and ACE.I 40%, and the least one prevalence was diuretic and CCB (2%). All patients on diuretic were pre hypertensive whereas the majority of patients on CCB had stageII hypertension. In patients on multi drug therapy all patients on diuretics + CCB were pre hypertensive but 57% of patients on ACEI + CCB or ACE.I + diuretic had stageII hypertension.
    In this study for combination therapy Diuretic and CCB had the best result in controlling hypertension.
    Keywords: Hypertention, Monotherapy, Combination therapy}
  • فرهاد زمانی، رامین شاکری، معصوه اسلام، حسن طاهری، مهدی محمدنژاد، رضا ملک زاده
    Farhad Zamani, Ramin Shakeri, Masoomeh Islam, Hassan Taheri, Mehdi Mohamadnejad, Reza Malekzadeh
    Major thalassemia is the most common form of anemia requiring blood transfusion in Iran. Since ribavirin provokes anemia in the treated patients, interferon monotherapy may be an appropriate treatment in major thalassemic patients. The aim of this study was to determine the safety and efficacy of interferon monotherapy in thalassemic patients with hepatitis C virus infection.
    Materials And Methods
    Forty major thalassemic patients (20 male), with hepatitis C infection (detectable HCV RNA«by qualitative PCR««amplification assay) and elevated liver enzymes were enrolled. Liver biopsy was done for all patients. Then the patients were treated with interferon (3 MU, three times per week) for six months. They were followed by HCV RNA at the end of treatment, and at 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 months later. Primary outcome measure was sustained virologic response defined by undetectable serum HCV RNA 6 months after end of treatment. Secondary endpoint was negative HCV RNA at the end of follow up (48 months posttreatment).
    Mean age of the patient at the beginning of the study was 17. 37±5 years. Three patients discontinued treatment because of interferon side effects. Twenty six (65% on intention to treat analysis) had undetectable HCV RNA 6 months after end of treatment but eleven of them became HCV RNA positive on follow up. Finally, 15 patients (37. 5%) had undetectable HCV RNA at the end of follow up.
    Interferon monotherapy is an effective treatment for major thalassemic patients with HCV infection. Definition of sustained virologic response for hepatitis C may require revision in high risk patients.
    Keywords: Interferon, Major thalassemia, Hepatitis, Monotherapy, Iran}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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