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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « myod » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • عماد سلطانیان، الله یار عرب مومنی*

    سلول های ماهواره ای سلول های بنیادی خاص عضلات هستند که در ترمیم و بازسازی عضلات اسکلتی ضروری می باشند. مطالعه حاضر با هدف مقایسه تاثیر دو شیوه تمرینی مقاومتی دایره ای و عملکردی شدید بر عوامل فعال کننده سلول های ‏ماهواره ای (MyoD‎‏ و‏ Myf-5‎) در مردان جوان غیرورزشکار انجام شد.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی، با طرح پیش آزمون- پس آزمون با گروه کنترل، از بین مردان جوان غیرورزشکار شهر اصفهان در سال 1401، 45 نفر به صورت در دسترس انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به سه گروه تمرینات عملکردی شدید، تمرینات مقاومتی دایره ای و کنترل تقسیم شدند. پروتکل های تمرینی در 8 هفته (هر هفته سه جلسه 40 تا 50 دقیقه ای) انجام گرفت. خون گیری جهت ارزیابی بیان ژن های MyoD‎‏ و Myf-5‎‏ در دو مرحله (24 ساعت قبل از شروع تمرین و 48 ساعت ‏پس از آخرین جلسه تمرینی) انجام شد.‏ میزان بیان متغیرها به روش الایزا برآورد شد. داده ها توسط آزمون های کوواریانس و تعقیبی بنفرونی تحلیل شدند. 

    یافته ها

    هر دو روش تمرینی بر افزایشMyoD ‎‏ و Myf-5‎‏ تاثیر معنی داری داشتند (001/0=p)، ولی بهبود این متغیرها در گروه تمرین عملکردی شدید نسبت به گروه تمرین مقاومتی دایره ای بیشتر بود (041/0=p).

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج نشان دهنده تاثیر هر دو روش تمرینی بر افزایش بیانMyoD ‎‏ و ‏ Myf-5است. این افزایش در تمرینات عملکردی شدید بیشتر بود. توصیه می شود؛ ‏مربیان، ورزشکاران و سایر مسیولین درگیر در تمرینات ورزشی از این روش ها، به ویژه تمرینات عملکردی شدید برای پیشرفت اجرا های ورزشی، و بهبود عوامل فعال کننده سلول های ‏ماهواره ای استفاده نمایند.

    کلید واژگان: تمرینات عملکردی شدید, تمرینات مقاومتی دایره ای‎‏, سلول های ماهواره ای, MyoD, Myf5}
    E. Soltanian, A .Arabmomeni *

    Satellite cells are the primary stem cells in skeletal muscle responsible for postnatal muscle growth, hypertrophy, and regeneration. The present study compared the effect of two methods of circuit resistance training (CRT) and high-intensity functional training (HIFT) on the activating factors of satellite cells in non-athlete young men.

    Materials and Methods

    In this semi-experimental study, with a pre-test, post-test, and control group, 45 non-athlete young men in 2022 were selected and divided into three groups randomly: HIFT (n= 15), CRT (n= 15), and control (n= 15). Both training programs were performed for eight weeks, three sessions per week, and 40 to 50 minutes each for the experimental groups. Blood sampling for measurement of MyoD and Myf-5 gens expression was done in two phases: pre-test and post-test. The expression level of the variables was estimated by the ELISA method using a microplate reader. The data were analyzed using the Covariance and Benferroni post hoc tests.


    The results of the study showed that both training methods had significant effects on increasing MyoD and Myf5 in non-athlete men (p=0.001). However, their improvements were higher in the HIFT group than in the CRT group (p=0.041).


    These results show the effect of both training methods on increasing MyoD and Myf-5; however, high-intensity functional training was more effective in improving the mentioned variables. Therefore, coaches, athletes, and other officials involved in sports exercise are recommended to use these training methods, especially HIFT, in order to improve factors affecting satellite cells.

    Keywords: High-Intensity Functional Training, circuit resistance training, Satellite Cells, MyoD, Myf-5}
  • Somayeh Karimi Majd, Mandana Gholami *, Behzad Bazgir
    Satellite cells play an important role in muscle regeneration, which this process can be affected by differentgenes including PAX7 and MyoD. Exercise training known as an important strategy for mediating the satellite cell’sfunction. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study is to investigate the changes in PAX7 and MyoD proteinexpression in response to eccentric and concentric resistance exercise in healthy young men.
    Materials and Methods
    In this semi-experimental and cross-sectional study, 10 healthy men (age range 18-30 yearsold) participated. They were randomly divided into two equal groups (n=5) to perform one of two high-intensity eccentricor concentric knee extensions muscle contraction protocols. The contractions included a maximum of 12 sets of 10repetitions, with a 30 second rest time interval between sets. PAX7 and MyoD protein expression was assessed usingImmunohistochemistry analysis from the Vastus Lateralis muscle needle biopsy samples that have been taken 24hours before and 3 to 4 hours after the end of the exercise protocol.
    We observed that the PAX7 protein expression level increased significantly after eccentric (47.75%) andconcentric (39.21%) (P=0.01) intervention. While, the MyoD protein expression level reduced (38.14%) significantlyfollowing acute eccentric resistance exercise (P=0.01).
    It seems that eccentric or concentric muscular contraction modulates the expression of PAX7 and MyoDprotein expression in the skeletal muscle, with further effects observed in eccentric resistance exercise.
    Keywords: Eccentric contraction, concentric contraction, PAX7, MyoD, resistance exercise}
  • عماد سلطانیان، الله یار عرب مومنی*

    عوامل سلول ماهواره ای ظرفیت قابل توجهی برای بازسازی عضله اسکلتی فراهم می کنند؛ اما این که این سلول ها تا چه حد سازگاری ناشی از ورزش را تسهیل می کنند، روشن نیست؛ از این رو مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی تغییرات عوامل‏ فعال کننده سلول های ‏ماهواره ای (MyoD‎‏ و Myf-5‎‏) ناشی از تمرینات مقاومتی دایره ای و عملکردی شدید در مردان 18-28 سال غیرفعال انجام گرفت.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه نیمه تجربی، با طرح پیش آزمون-پس آزمون با گروه شاهد، از بین مردان 18-28 سال غیرفعال شهر اصفهان، 45 نفر به صورت در دسترس انتخاب و به طور تصادفی در سه گروه تمرینات عملکردی شدید (15)، تمرینات مقاومتی دایره ای (15) و شاهد (15) قرار گرفتند. هر دو برنامه تمرینی در 8 هفته و هر هفته 3 جلسه و هر جلسه 40 تا 50 دقیقه انجام گرفت. هم چنین خون گیری در دو مرحله پیش آزمون و پس آزمون انجام شد.‏ داده ها با استفاده از آزمون کوواریانس و آزمون تعقیبی بنفرونی با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS-24 در سطح معناداری 05/0 تحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    نتایج مطالعه نشان داد که به دنبال هر دو روش تمرینی مقادیرMyoD ‎‏ و Myf-5‎‏ ‏مردان غیرفعال افزایش معناداری یافت. (05/0≥p). این افزایش در گروه تمرین عملکردی شدید در مقایسه با گروه تمرینات مقاومتی دایره ای بالاتر بود (05/0≥p).

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج حاکی از تغییر افزایشی مقادیرMyoD ‎‏ و ‏ Myf-5ناشی از تمرینات ورزشی است؛ بنابراین این روش های تمرینی به ویژه تمرینات عملکردی با افزایش عوامل‏ فعال کننده سلول های ‏ماهواره ای می تواند بر هایپرتروفی و افزایش نیروی عضلانی موثر باشد

    کلید واژگان: تمرینات عملکردی شدید, تمرینات مقاومتی دایره ای‎, سلول های ماهواره ای, MyoD, Myf5}
    Emad Soltanian, Allahyar Arabmomeni*

    Satellite cell compartments endow skeletal muscles with remarkable regenerative capacity. However, it is not yet clear to what extent these cells facilitate exercise-induced adaptation. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating changes in activating factors of satellite cells (MyoD ‎‏and‏ Myf-5‎) induced by circular resistance training (CRT) and high-intensity functional training (HIFT) in inactive men aged 18-28.

    Materials and Methods

    In this semiexperimental study, with a pre-test, post-test, and a control group, 45 inactive men aged 18-28 were selected and randomly divided into three groups: HIFT (n= 15), CRT (n= 15), and control (n= 15). Both training programs were performed for 8 weeks, three sessions per week, and 40-50 min for each session for the experimental groups. Blood sampling measurements were performed in two phases: pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using the Covariance and Benferroni post hoc tests using SPSS 24 software at a significance level of 0.05.


    The results of the study showed that both training methods had significant effects on increasing MyoD, and Myf5 in inactive men (p≤0.05). However, the improvements in these variables were higher in the HIFT group compared to the CRT group (p≤0.05).


    These results indicate an increase in MyoD and Myf-5 values following the exercise. Therefore, these exercise methods, especially HIFT, can be effective in hypertrophy and increase muscle strength by increasing the activating factors of satellite cells.

    Keywords: High-Intensity Functional Training, Circuit Resistance Training, Satellite Cells, MyoD, Myf-5}
  • Mina Jafari, Sedigheh Hosseinpour Delavar*, Hassan Safikhani, Masoomeh Azizi

    Although exercise training and herbs consumption have protective effects on many diseases, the mechanism of action of exercise training with different intensities and citrus aurantium (CA) extract consumption on the autophagy-dependent MyoD activation pathway is not yet known. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) and high intensity interval training (HIIT) with CA consumption on the expression of LC3-II, Beclin-1 and MyoD as autophagy related markers in the muscle tissue of elderly rats. 


    In this experimental study, 42 elderly female rats were randomly assigned to (1) control (C) (2) MICT, (3) HIIT, (4) MICT + CA, (5) HIIT + CA, (6) CA and (7) sham (normal saline) groups. HIIT was performed at 85-110% VO2max intensity and 15-25 m / min speed and MICT at 65% VO2max intensity and 20-25 m / min speed; 300 mg / kg / day CA was received peritoneally. One-way analysis of variance with Tukey's post hoc test was used to analyze the findings. Findings were analyzed using Graph Pad Prism 8.3.0 software (p ≤ 0.05).


    MICT and HIIT increased LC3II, Bclin1 and MyoD gene expression (p ≤ 0.05); The effect of HIIT on MyoD increase was greater than MICT (p ≤ 0.05). CA increased the expression of LC3II and Bclin1 (p ≤ 0.05). MICT + CA and HIIT + CA increased the expression of LC3II, Bclin1 and MyoD in the muscle tissue of elderly rats (p ≤ 0.05). 


    It seems that exercise training and CA consumption with different mechanism of action activate autophagy in the soleus muscle tissue, however the simultaneous use of HIIT, MICT and CA also has favorable effects on the autophagy-dependent MyoD activation pathway.

    Keywords: Training, Citrus Aurantium, LC3II, Bclin1, MyoD, Skeletal Muscle}
  • محمد فتحی*، سمیه احمدآبادی
    زمینه و هدف

    افزایش بیان فاکتور myoD مشخصه فعال سازی و تکثیر سلول های ماهواره ای در پی محرک های القاء شده در عضلات اسکلتی است، اما به نظر می رسد پاسخ عضلات تند و کند و هم چنین آشکار شدن این نشانگر در اثر محرک های یکسان متفاوت است. بنابراین هدف از این مطالعه تعیین و ارزیابی اثر یک دوره تمرین استقامتی بر بیان ژن myoD در عضله اسکلتی تند و کند انقباض موش های صحرایی نر نژاد ویستار است.

    روش بررسی

    در این مطالعه تجربی که در سال 1399 انجام شد، 14 موش صحرایی (با میانگین وزنی 33±294 گرم) از انستیتوی پاستور تهیه و برای همه آنها شرایط طبیعی (دسترسی آزاد به آب و غذا، چرخه تاریکی و روشنایی، دما و رطوبت مناسب) مهیا شد و به صورت تصادفی به دوگروه کنترل (7 سر) و تجربی (7 سر) تقسیم شدند. گروه تجربی 14 هفته فعالیت استقامتی (6 جلسه در هفته، هر جلسه 1 ساعت تمرین استقامتی با سرعت 30 متر [a1] در دقیقه) را اجرا کرده، در پایان 48 ساعت پس از آخرین جلسه تمرینی، بی هوش و تشریح شدند.  از روشReal time RT-PCR  برای تعیین میزان بیان ژن myoD عضله بازکننده دراز انگشتان (EDL) و عضله نعلی استفاده و با استفاده از آزمون آماری تی [a2]  مستقل برای ارزیابی اطلاعات استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    تمرین استقامتی موجب افزایش معنی دار بیان ژن myoD در عضله بازکننده بلند انگشتان (022/0=p)شد. هم چنین این تغییر در عضله نعلی به طور معنی داری (001/0=p) دیده شد [a3] . [a4]

    نتیجه گیری

     با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش به نظر می رسد فعالیت استقامتی با ایجاد چالش های متابولیکی [a5] موجب افزایش بیان ژن myoD در عضله کند انقباض یعنی عضله نعلی و هم چنین عضلهEDL یعنی عضله تند انقباض می شود.

    کلید واژگان: فعالیت استقامتی, عضله نعلی, عضله بازکننده}
    M. Fathi*, S .Ahmadabadi
    Background & aim

    The increase of myoD gene expression is the characteristic of activation and proliferation of satellite cells due to induced stimulus in skeletal muscle. But it seems the fast and slow skeletal muscle response and the appearance of this marker due to stimulus are not similar. Accordingly, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of endurance training on myoD gene expression in fast and slow skeletal muscle in Wistar male rats.


    In the present study conducted in 2020, 14 rats (weight 234±24g) provided from Pasteur Institute and housed under natural conditions (temperature, light/dark (12-h) cycle, with ad Libitum access to food and water). The rats randomly divided to two groups experimental (n=7) and control (n=7); the experimental group performed an endurance training program (30 m/min, 50 min, 6 sessions per week for 14-weeks) on a motorized treadmill, and 48 hours after the end of the last session of endurance activity with the control group were anesthetized and sacrificed, then the soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were removed. Real-time RT-PCR was used to determine if expression levels of myoD gene. To conclude, the data were analyzed by independent t-test.


    endurance training induced a significant increase (p=0.022) in EDL myoD gene expression; correspondingly, this modification was observed in soleus muscles (p=0.001)


    it appeared that endurance training increased the myoD gene expression in soleus (slow-twitch muscle) and EDL (fast-twitch muscle).

    Keywords: Endurance activity, myoD, Extensor Digitorum Longus, Soleus Muscle}
  • سید حسن رسولی، پروین فرزانگی*، هاجر عباس زاده
    زمینه و هدف

    بررسی راهکارهای تقویت، رشد، بازسازی و مکانیسم های درگیر در نوسازی عضلات آسیب دیده و یا آتروفی شده در استیوآرتریت زانو می تواند به بهبود این بیماری کمک نماید. هدف مطالعه حاضر بررسی تاثیر یک دوره تمرین هوازی و هیالورونیک اسید بر بیان ژن های MYOD و MURF-1 در موش های مدل تجربی آرتروز بود.

    روش کار

    در این مطالعه تجربی، 35 سر موش صحرایی نر بالغ 8 هفته ای ویستار به  5 گروه تقسیم شدند که شامل گروه های: 1) کنترل-سالم، 2) کنترل-بیمار، 3) بیمار+ تمرین، 4) بیمار+هیالورونیک اسید، 5) بیمار+ تمرین+ هیالورونیک اسید بود. استیوآرتریت زانو با روش جراحی در موش ها انجام شد. در گروه هیالورونیک اسید، غلظت 30 میکروگرم، یک بار در هفته و به مدت سه هفته دریافت نمودند. موش ها در گروه تمرین روی تردمیل حیوانات هفته ای پنج بار با سرعت 16 تا 18 متر در دقیقه تمرین می کردند. 48 ساعت بعد از اتمام پروتکل، بافت های عضله دوقلو ایزوله شدند و بیان ژن های MYOD و  MURF-1 با روش Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) اندازه گیری شدند.

    یافته ها: 

    نتایج نشان داد، در مقایسه با گروه آرتروز، بیان ژن MURF-1  در گروه هیالورونیک اسید، تمرین هوازی و هیالورونیک اسید+تمرین هوازی کاهش معناداری داشت (001/0≥p). بیان ژن MYOD در مقایسه با گروه بیمار و هیالورونیک اسید، افزایش معناداری در گروه تمرین (04/0= p)، سالم، هیالورونیک اسید+تمرین مشاهده شد(001/0≥p). گروه هیالورونیک اسید+تمرین نسبت به گروه تمرین افزایش معناداری داشت (001/0≥p).

    نتیجه گیری:

     مطابق نتایج این مطالعه، هیالورونیک اسید و تمرین ورزشی با شدت متوسط می توانند در بیان  mRNA  فاکتورهایMURF-1، MYOD عضله دوقلو پای آسیب دیده مداخله نمایند. از این رو ممکن است با مهار آتروفی، نقش مهمی در بهبود عضله سازی در موش های مدل استیوآرتریت داشته باشند.

    کلید واژگان: تمرین هوازی, هیالورونیک اسید, استئوآرتریت, MYOD, MURF-1}
    Seyed Hassan Rasouli, Parvin Farzanegi*, Hajar Abbaszadeh
    Background & Aims

    Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease and its main pathological manifestation at the tissue level is local destruction of articular cartilage, which manifests itself in mobile joints by destruction of articular cartilage with new ossification at the surface and periphery of the affected joints (1). Research shows that several factors are involved in the formation of osteoarthritis. These include biochemical or systemic factors (such as genetics, aging, food intake, estrogen intake, bone density, and metabolic syndrome) and biomechanical factors such as muscle weakness, joint stiffness, and joint damage (2). Cell studies report that growth and regeneration of damaged muscle is done by satellite cells (5). Regarding the activation of satellite cells from the off state, studies show multiaxial processes in this field (7). Activation of The Myogenic Regulatory Factors (MRFs) and a group of chain transcription factors including MURF-1 and myoD lead to the participation of these factors in the stages of myogenic development (5). Most studies on osteoarthritis of the knee joint have focused on the tissue of the knee joint, and the effect of non-surgical methods including hyaluronic acid injection and even exercise in osteoporosis of the knee on satellite cell activity or activation of MRFs and factors of chain transcription loop including myoD, the skeletal muscle involved in the knee joint of patients have not been studied or are difficult to access. The present study sought to answer the question whether hyaluronic acid injection and exercise affect the expression of MURF-1 and myoD genes in the gastrocnemius muscle of experimental osteoarthritis rats.


    In this experimental study, 35 adult 8-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups, which included: 1) control-healthy, 2) control-patient, 3) patient + exercise, 4) patient + hyaluronic acid, 5) patient + exercise + hyaluronic acid. Knee osteoarthritis was surgically treated in rats. In the hyaluronic acid group, they received a concentration of 30 micrograms once a week for three weeks. Rats in the exercise group exercised on animal treadmills five times a week at a speed of 16 to 18 m/min. 48 hours after the end of the protocol, gastrocnemius muscle tissues were isolated and the expression of MYOD and MURF-1 genes were measured by Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR).


    According to the calculated F value (5.4) and its significance at the level of P = 0.001, there is a significant difference between different groups. Figure 1 shows the expression of MURF-1 gene, a significant decrease in the healthy, exercise, hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid + exercise groups, compared with the patient group (p = 0.001). Hyaluronic acid + exercise group had a significant decrease compared to hyaluronic acid and exercise groups (p = 0.001). The expression values of MYOD gene according to the calculated F-value (26.47) and its significance at P = 0.001 level indicate the existence of significant differences between different research groups. Accordingly, in comparison with the patient and hyaluronic acid group, a significant increase was observed in the exercise group (P = 0.04), healthy, hyaluronic acid + exercise (P = 0.001). The hyaluronic acid + exercise group had a significant increase compared to the exercise group (P = 0.001) (Figure 2).


    The results of this study show that hyaluronic acid injection in osteoarthritis rats is associated with decreased expression of MURF-1 in gastrocnemius muscles. However, hyaluronic acid has no effect on MYOD expression. This result suggests that hyaluronic acid, by inhibiting MURF-1 expression, has the potential to inhibit skeletal muscle atrophy and, on the other hand, has no role in altering MYOD expression and muscle building. Because MYOD is a key protein in regulating muscle differentiation, it is essential for the initiation of muscle hypertrophy signaling and the activation and proliferation of satellite cells (12). To date, the role of hyaluronic acid in the signaling pathway of muscle building in osteoarthritis has not been studied, but, it is worth noting that the injection of hyaluronic acid into the injured knee joint in the treatment of osteoarthritis, is a collective agreement that has been reported in studies (17,18). Hyaluronic acid is part of the natural composition of cartilage and plays an important role in the viscoelasticity and lubrication of synovial and articular fluid and is one of the physiological factors of cartilage growth (12). Mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid through the number of living chondrocytes, creating repair thickness on the surface of cartilage, prevention of nitric oxide production in synovial and meniscus fluid, inhibition of chondrocyte apoptosis, decreased expression of metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) and interleukin-1-beta (IL-1β) in synovial fluid (12). Studies have also reported that the effect of hyaluronic acid on osteoarthritis may be associated with its protective effect on cartilage by inhibiting the expression of PPAR- ϒ gene. In this regard, it is stated that animals treated with hyaluronic acid showed lower expression of PPAR- ϒ than the saline group (19). Therefore, by improving the mobility of the knee joint, the possibility of muscle activity and mediation of the interventions of the muscle building pathway is provided. In the present study, aerobic exercise at 18 m/min was associated with decreased MURF-1 expression and increased MYOD expression in the injured gastrocnemius muscle. Consistent with the results of the present study, eight weeks of endurance training prevented atrophy and reduced rodent muscle volume by inhibiting the expression of the MURF-1 gene (20). A similar result was shown in the study of Agha Ali Nejad et al. In this study, resistance exercise for four weeks in diabetic rats was prevented by inhibiting MURF-1 gene expression of skeletal muscle atrophy (22). Also, in the combined groups of hyaluronic acid and exercise, each of these therapies had a synergistic effect on the expression of MURF-1 gene. Biological factors such as age and inflammatory and metabolic status of the samples seem to affect the signal pathway and markers of atrophy and muscle building, in which there are still many ambiguities, the need for further extensive studies is felt.According to the results of this study, hyaluronic acid and moderate-intensity exercise can interfere with the expression of MURF-1, MYOD mRNA of the injured gastrocnemius muscle. Therefore, by inhibiting atrophy, they may play an important role in improving muscle building in osteoarthritis rats.

    Keywords: Aerobic training, Osteoarthritis, Hyaluronic acid, MYOD, MURF-1}
  • Ebrahim Banitalebi, Reza Gharakhanlou
    The purpose of present study was to investigate whether Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) levels and its receptors gene expressions are correlated with MyoD and myogenin following resistance training.
    Materials And Methods
    24 eight-week-old male Wistar rats (190-250 gr) were assigned randomly to a control (N = 12) or training (N = 12) group. Rats climbed a resistance training ladder with weights attached to their tails. The content of plasma S1P and relative mRNA expression were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Real-time PCR, respectively.
    Resistance training increased the content of S1P in plasma (P = 0.001) and changed the gene expression of S1P1, S1P2 and S1P3 receptors. There were significant correlations between plasma S1P and gene expression of S1P2,3 receptors with gene expression of MyoD. There are correlations between satellite cells activation markers (MyoD and myogenin) and plasma S1P content and its receptors before and after resistance training.
    It might be concluded that S1P as a growth mediator may play an important role in skeletal muscle adaptations.
    Keywords: MyoD, myogenin, S1P, S1P receptor, skeletal muscle}
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